// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { instance = this; manoIzqInPosition = false; manoDerInPosition = false; piernaIzqInPosition = false; piernaDerInPosition = false; crearSitio(); counter = 0; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { instance = this; GlobalControl.Instance.musica.Play(); GlobalControl.Instance.musica.loop = true; manoIzqInPosition = false; manoDerInPosition = false; piernaIzqInPosition = false; piernaDerInPosition = false; tengoQueContar = false; crearSitio(); counter = 0; tiempo = 0.0f; manoIzCube.transform.position = pos1manoIzqJUEGO; manoDerCube.transform.position = pos1manoDerJUEGO; piernaDerCube.transform.position = pos1piernaDerJUEGO; piernaIzCube.transform.position = pos1piernaIzqJUEGO; CajaVisual.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = mat1; }