static void Postfix(Player __instance) { bool keyReplantDown = CRConfig.useCustomReplantKey ? Input.GetKeyDown(CRConfig.customReplantKey) : (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Remove") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyRemove")); if (keyReplantDown) { if (__instance.CultivatorEquipped()) { GameObject[] parameters = new GameObject[] { null, null }; PlayerExt.FindHoverObject.Invoke(__instance, parameters); var maybePickable = parameters[0]?.GetComponent <Pickable>(); if (maybePickable != null) { if (maybePickable.Replantable()) { maybePickable.Replant(__instance); if (CRConfig.multipick) { foreach (var crop in maybePickable.FindPickableOfKindInRadius(CRConfig.range)) { crop.Replant(__instance); } } } } } } }
// Token: 0x060004F2 RID: 1266 RVA: 0x00028E98 File Offset: 0x00027098 private void Update() { Player localPlayer = Player.m_localPlayer; if (localPlayer && !InventoryGui.IsVisible() && !Menu.IsVisible() && !GameCamera.InFreeFly()) { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadLeft")) { this.m_selected = Mathf.Max(0, this.m_selected - 1); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadRight")) { this.m_selected = Mathf.Min(this.m_elements.Count - 1, this.m_selected + 1); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadUp")) { localPlayer.UseHotbarItem(this.m_selected + 1); } } if (this.m_selected > this.m_elements.Count - 1) { this.m_selected = Mathf.Max(0, this.m_elements.Count - 1); } this.UpdateIcons(localPlayer); }
static bool Prefix(Player __instance, bool takeInput, float dt, PieceTable ___m_buildPieces, GameObject ___m_placementGhost) { if (!AllowByKey() || !CheckKeyHeld(pullItemsKey.Value) || !__instance.InPlaceMode() || !takeInput || Hud.IsPieceSelectionVisible()) { return(true); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Attack") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyPlace")) { Piece selectedPiece = ___m_buildPieces.GetSelectedPiece(); if (selectedPiece != null) { if (selectedPiece.m_repairPiece) { return(true); } if (___m_placementGhost != null) { int placementStatus = (int)typeof(Player).GetField("m_placementStatus", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(__instance); if (placementStatus == 0) { Dbgl($"pulling resources to player inventory for piece {}"); PullResources(__instance, selectedPiece.m_resources, 0); } } } } return(false); }
static void Postfix(Player __instance) { bool keyReplantDown = (CRConfig.useCustomReplantKey || CRConfig.oldStyle) ? ZInput.GetButtonDown(CRConfig.replantButton.Name) : (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Remove") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyRemove")); if (keyReplantDown) { if (__instance.CultivatorEquipped()) { __instance.FindHoverObject(out GameObject hover, out Character _); var maybePickable = hover?.GetComponent <Pickable>(); if (maybePickable != null) { if (maybePickable.Replantable()) { maybePickable.Replant(__instance); if (CRConfig.multipick) { foreach (var crop in maybePickable.FindPickableOfKindInRadius(CRConfig.range)) { crop.Replant(__instance); } } } } } } }
// Called every frame private void Update() { // Since our Update function in our BepInEx mod class will load BEFORE Valheim loads, // we need to check that ZInput is ready to use first. if (ZInput.instance != null) { // Check if our button is pressed. This will only return true ONCE, right after our button is pressed. // If we hold the button down, it won't spam toggle our menu. if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JotunnModExample_Menu")) { showGUI = !showGUI; } } // Use the name of the ButtonConfig to identify the button pressed if (evilSwordSpecial != null && ZInput.instance != null && MessageHud.instance != null) { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown(evilSwordSpecial.Name) && MessageHud.instance.m_msgQeue.Count == 0) { MessageHud.instance.ShowMessage(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, "$evilsword_beevilmessage"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F7)) { Player.m_localPlayer?.RaiseSkill(testSkillType, 1f); } } }
void Update() { if (m_keyInit && ZInput.GetButtonDown("TogglePins")) { m_pinsVisible = !m_pinsVisible; } }
private static void UpdateInitialHotkeyBarInput() { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadLeft") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadRight")) { SelectHotkeyBar(0, false); } }
private static void DontShowMinimap_Patch(On.Minimap.orig_SetMapMode orig, Minimap self, int mode) { if (ConfigUtil.Get <bool>("Map", "showNoMinimap")) { if ((Chat.instance == null || !Chat.instance.HasFocus()) && !global::Console.IsVisible() && !InventoryGui.IsVisible() && !Minimap.InTextInput()) { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Map") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyMap") || (self.m_mode == Minimap.MapMode.Large && (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonB")))) { if (mode == (int)Minimap.MapMode.Large) { return; } if ((mode == (int)Minimap.MapMode.Small) && (self.m_mode == Minimap.MapMode.Large)) { mode = (int)Minimap.MapMode.None; } } else { if ((mode == (int)Minimap.MapMode.Small) && (self.m_mode == Minimap.MapMode.None)) { mode = (int)Minimap.MapMode.None; } } } } orig(self, mode); }
public void Update() { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Inventory") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonB") || (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonY") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("Use")) { Close(); } }
public static bool Prefix(InventoryGui __instance) { if (!__instance.m_inventoryGroup.IsActive()) { return(false); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyTabLeft")) { __instance.SetActiveGroup(__instance.m_activeGroup - 1); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyTabRight")) { __instance.SetActiveGroup(__instance.m_activeGroup + 1); } if (__instance.m_activeGroup == 0 && !__instance.IsContainerOpen()) { __instance.SetActiveGroup(1); } if (__instance.m_activeGroup == __instance.m_uiGroups.Length - 1) { __instance.UpdateRecipeGamepadInput(); } return(false); }
private void Update() { // Since our Update function in our BepInEx mod class will load BEFORE Valheim loads, // we need to check that ZInput is ready to use first. if (ZInput.instance != null) { // Check if our button is pressed. This will only return true ONCE, right after our button is pressed. if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("EscapeChallenge")) { if (Player.m_localPlayer && Player.m_localPlayer.m_intro) { Player.m_localPlayer.m_intro = false; var hitData = new HitData(); hitData.m_damage.m_damage = 99999f; Player.m_localPlayer.Damage(hitData); var client = WebSocketObject.GetComponent <WebSocketClient>(); var message = new Message { type = "forceQuit" }; client.Send(JsonMapper.ToJson(message)); } } } }
// Token: 0x060004EC RID: 1260 RVA: 0x00028D99 File Offset: 0x00026F99 private void LateUpdate() { this.m_sendButton.interactable = this.IsValid(); if (Feedback.IsVisible() && (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyMenu"))) { this.OnBack(); } }
public void Update() { //EpicLoot.Log("AugmentsAvailableDialog.Update"); if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Inventory") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonB") || (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonY") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("Use")) { OnClose(); } }
public void Update() { // Not all of these inputs work and I do not know why, only Escape works if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Inventory") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonB") || (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonY") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("Use")) { EffectChoiceButtons[0].onClick.Invoke(); } }
private void PlayerUpdatePostfix(Player self) { if (!_isModEnabled.Value || self != Player.m_localPlayer || !self.m_hovering || !ZInput.GetButtonDown(_deleteObjectButton.Name)) { return; } DeleteHoverObject(self); }
// Called every second private void Update() { // Since our Update function in our BepInEx mod class will load BEFORE Valheim loads, // we need to check that ZInput is ready to use first. if (ZInput.instance != null) { // Check if our button is pressed. This will only return true ONCE, right after our button is pressed. // If we hold the button down, it won't spam toggle our menu. if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("TestMod_Menu")) { showMenu = !showMenu; } } }
// Token: 0x06000656 RID: 1622 RVA: 0x00035A60 File Offset: 0x00033C60 private void UpdateGamepadInput() { if (this.m_texts.Count > 0) { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickDown")) { this.ShowText(Mathf.Min(this.m_texts.Count - 1, this.GetSelectedText() + 1)); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickUp")) { this.ShowText(Mathf.Max(0, this.GetSelectedText() - 1)); } } }
public static bool Update(ref Menu __instance) { if (Game.instance.IsShuttingDown()) { __instance.m_root.gameObject.SetActive(false); return(false); } if (__instance.m_root.gameObject.activeSelf) { AccessTools.Field(typeof(Menu), "m_hiddenFrames").SetValue(__instance, 0); if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyMenu")) && !(GameObject)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Menu), "m_settingsInstance").GetValue(__instance) && !Feedback.IsVisible()) { if (__instance.m_quitDialog.gameObject.activeSelf) { __instance.OnQuitNo(); return(false); } if (__instance.m_logoutDialog.gameObject.activeSelf) { __instance.OnLogoutNo(); return(false); } StartTime(); __instance.m_root.gameObject.SetActive(false); return(false); } } else { int m_hiddenFrames = (int)AccessTools.Field(typeof(Menu), "m_hiddenFrames").GetValue(__instance); m_hiddenFrames++; AccessTools.Field(typeof(Menu), "m_hiddenFrames").SetValue(__instance, m_hiddenFrames); bool flag = !InventoryGui.IsVisible() && !Minimap.IsOpen() && !global::Console.IsVisible() && !TextInput.IsVisible() && !ZNet.instance.InPasswordDialog() && !StoreGui.IsVisible() && !Hud.IsPieceSelectionVisible(); if (((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyMenu")) || (!Application.isFocused && focusPause.Value && ZNet.instance.IsServer())) && flag) { __instance.m_root.gameObject.SetActive(true); __instance.m_menuDialog.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (ZNet.instance.IsServer()) { StopTime(); __instance.m_root.Find("OLD_menu").gameObject.SetActive(true); __instance.m_root.Find("Menu").gameObject.SetActive(false); } Gogan.LogEvent("Screen", "Enter", "Menu", 0L); __instance.m_logoutDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); __instance.m_quitDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } return(false); }
// Token: 0x06000639 RID: 1593 RVA: 0x0003528C File Offset: 0x0003348C private void UpdateRecipeGamepadInput() { if (this.m_itemList.Count > 0) { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickDown")) { this.SelectItem(Mathf.Min(this.m_itemList.Count - 1, this.GetSelectedItemIndex() + 1), true); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickUp")) { this.SelectItem(Mathf.Max(0, this.GetSelectedItemIndex() - 1), true); } } }
public static void UpdateHotkeyBarInput(HotkeyBar hotkeyBar) { var player = Player.m_localPlayer; if (hotkeyBar.m_selected >= 0 && player != null && !InventoryGui.IsVisible() && !Menu.IsVisible() && !GameCamera.InFreeFly()) { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadLeft")) { if (hotkeyBar.m_selected == 0) { GotoHotkeyBar(SelectedHotkeyBarIndex - 1); } else { hotkeyBar.m_selected = Mathf.Max(0, hotkeyBar.m_selected - 1); } } else if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadRight")) { if (hotkeyBar.m_selected == hotkeyBar.m_elements.Count - 1) { GotoHotkeyBar(SelectedHotkeyBarIndex + 1); } else { hotkeyBar.m_selected = Mathf.Min(hotkeyBar.m_elements.Count - 1, hotkeyBar.m_selected + 1); } } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadUp")) { if ( == "QuickSlotsHotkeyBar") { var quickSlotInventory = player.GetQuickSlotInventory(); var item = quickSlotInventory.GetItemAt(hotkeyBar.m_selected, 0); player.UseItem(null, item, false); } else { player.UseHotbarItem(hotkeyBar.m_selected + 1); } } } if (hotkeyBar.m_selected > hotkeyBar.m_elements.Count - 1) { hotkeyBar.m_selected = Mathf.Max(0, hotkeyBar.m_elements.Count - 1); } }
static void Prefix(Minimap __instance) { if (isTPmode) { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Map") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyMap") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonB")) { LeaveTPMode(); SetMapMode(1); } else if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonA")) { DoTP(); } } }
public static bool Prefix(Player __instance) { var player = __instance; isAltHold = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt); if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Use") && isAltHold) { Log.LogInfo("Alternative Use"); var hoverObject = player.GetHoverObject(); if (hoverObject != null) { return(AlternativeInteract(player, hoverObject, false)); } } return(true); // if we got here then original method should be called }
// Token: 0x0600064B RID: 1611 RVA: 0x00035540 File Offset: 0x00033740 private void LateUpdate() { if (!this.IsVisible()) { return; } this.m_showTime += Time.deltaTime; if (this.m_showTime > 0.2f) { if (this.m_autoHide && Player.m_localPlayer && Vector3.Distance(Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position, this.m_openPlayerPos) > 3f) { this.Hide(); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Use") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyUse") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { this.Hide(); } } }
// Token: 0x0600052B RID: 1323 RVA: 0x0002B598 File Offset: 0x00029798 private void UpdateGamepad() { if (!this.m_uiGroup.IsActive()) { return; } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadLeft") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickLeft")) { this.m_selected.x = Mathf.Max(0, this.m_selected.x - 1); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadRight") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickRight")) { this.m_selected.x = Mathf.Min(this.m_width - 1, this.m_selected.x + 1); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadUp") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickUp")) { this.m_selected.y = Mathf.Max(0, this.m_selected.y - 1); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyDPadDown") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickDown")) { this.m_selected.y = Mathf.Min(this.m_width - 1, this.m_selected.y + 1); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonA")) { InventoryGrid.Modifier arg = InventoryGrid.Modifier.Select; if (ZInput.GetButton("JoyLTrigger")) { arg = InventoryGrid.Modifier.Split; } if (ZInput.GetButton("JoyRTrigger")) { arg = InventoryGrid.Modifier.Move; } ItemDrop.ItemData gamepadSelectedItem = this.GetGamepadSelectedItem(); this.m_onSelected(this, gamepadSelectedItem, this.m_selected, arg); } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyButtonX")) { ItemDrop.ItemData gamepadSelectedItem2 = this.GetGamepadSelectedItem(); this.m_onRightClick(this, gamepadSelectedItem2, this.m_selected); } }
public void Update() { // Since our Update function in our BepInEx mod class will load BEFORE Valheim loads, // we need to check that ZInput is ready to use first. if (ZInput.instance == null) { return; } if (!CheckInput()) { return; } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown(hideButton)) { hotkeyToggle = !hotkeyToggle; logger.LogInfo("Toggle TransparentSails is " + (hotkeyToggle ? "on" : "off")); } }
// Token: 0x06000582 RID: 1410 RVA: 0x0002F520 File Offset: 0x0002D720 private void Update() { if (Game.instance.IsShuttingDown()) { this.m_root.gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } if (this.m_root.gameObject.activeSelf) { this.m_hiddenFrames = 0; if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyMenu")) && !this.m_settingsInstance && !Feedback.IsVisible()) { if (this.m_quitDialog.gameObject.activeSelf) { this.OnQuitNo(); return; } if (this.m_logoutDialog.gameObject.activeSelf) { this.OnLogoutNo(); return; } this.m_root.gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } } else { this.m_hiddenFrames++; bool flag = !InventoryGui.IsVisible() && !Minimap.IsOpen() && !global::Console.IsVisible() && !TextInput.IsVisible() && !ZNet.instance.InPasswordDialog() && !StoreGui.IsVisible() && !Hud.IsPieceSelectionVisible(); if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyMenu")) && flag) { Gogan.LogEvent("Screen", "Enter", "Menu", 0L); this.m_root.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.m_menuDialog.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.m_logoutDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); this.m_quitDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
public void Update() { Player player = Player.m_localPlayer; if (ZInput.instance == null || player == null) { return; } if (!CheckInput()) { return; } // Check if our button is pressed. This will only return true ONCE, right after our button is pressed. // If we hold the button down, it won't spam toggle our menu. if (ZInput.GetButtonDown(PlanBuildButton)) { TogglePlanBuildMode(); } }
public static void Postfix(InventoryGui __instance) { var gamepadActive = ZInput.IsGamepadActive(); var activeIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < TabControllers.Count; i++) { var tabController = TabControllers[i]; if (tabController.GamepadHint == null) { continue; } tabController.GamepadHint.SetActive(gamepadActive && (i == 0 || i == TabControllers.Count - 1)); if (tabController.IsActive()) { activeIndex = i; } } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickLeft")) { activeIndex--; if (activeIndex < 0) { activeIndex = TabControllers.Count - 1; } OnTabPressed(TabControllers[activeIndex]); } else if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyLStickRight")) { activeIndex++; if (activeIndex >= TabControllers.Count) { activeIndex = 0; } OnTabPressed(TabControllers[activeIndex]); } }
// Called every frame private void Update() { // Since our Update function in our BepInEx mod class will load BEFORE Valheim loads, // we need to check that ZInput is ready to use first. if (ZInput.instance != null) { // Check if custom buttons are pressed. // Custom buttons need to be added to the InputManager before we can poll them. // GetButtonDown will only return true ONCE, right after our button is pressed. // If we hold the button down, it won't spam toggle our menu. if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("TestMod_Menu")) { showMenu = !showMenu; } if (ZInput.GetButtonDown("TestMod_GUIManagerTest")) { showButton = !showButton; } // Raise the test skill if (Player.m_localPlayer != null && ZInput.GetButtonDown("TestMod_RaiseSkill")) { Player.m_localPlayer.RaiseSkill(testSkill, 1f); } // Use the name of the ButtonConfig to identify the button pressed if (evilSwordSpecial != null && MessageHud.instance != null) { if (ZInput.GetButtonDown(evilSwordSpecial.Name) && MessageHud.instance.m_msgQeue.Count == 0) { MessageHud.instance.ShowMessage(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, "$evilsword_beevilmessage"); } } } }
private static void Postfix(ref Player __instance, ref Vector3 ___m_moveDir, ref Vector3 ___m_lookDir, ref GameObject ___m_placementGhost, Transform ___m_eye) { if ((Configuration.Current.Player.IsEnabled && Configuration.Current.Player.queueWeaponChanges) && (ZInput.GetButtonDown("Hide") || ZInput.GetButtonDown("JoyHide"))) { if (__instance.InAttack() && (__instance.GetRightItem() != null || __instance.GetLeftItem() != null)) { // The game ignores this keypress, so queue it and take care of it when able (Player_FixedUpdate_Patch). EquipPatchState.shouldHideItemsAfterAttack = true; } } if (!__instance.m_nview.IsValid() || !__instance.m_nview.IsOwner()) { return; } if (Configuration.Current.AdvancedEditingMode.IsEnabled) { AEM.PlayerInstance = __instance;; } if (Configuration.Current.AdvancedBuildingMode.IsEnabled) { ABM.Run(ref __instance); } if (Configuration.Current.Hotkeys.IsEnabled) { ApplyDodgeHotkeys(ref __instance, ref ___m_moveDir, ref ___m_lookDir); } if (Configuration.Current.GameClock.IsEnabled) { String hours_str = ""; String minutes_str = ""; String amPM_str = ""; Hud hud = Hud.instance; Text timeText; if (timeObj == null) { MessageHud msgHud = MessageHud.instance; timeObj = new GameObject(); timeObj.transform.SetParent(hud.m_statusEffectListRoot.transform.parent); timeObj.AddComponent <RectTransform>(); timeText = timeObj.AddComponent <Text>(); float rRatio = Mathf.Clamp01((float)Configuration.Current.GameClock.textRedChannel / 255f); float gRatio = Mathf.Clamp01((float)Configuration.Current.GameClock.textGreenChannel / 255f); float bRatio = Mathf.Clamp01((float)Configuration.Current.GameClock.textBlueChannel / 255f); float aRatio = Mathf.Clamp01((float)Configuration.Current.GameClock.textTransparencyChannel / 255f); timeText.color = new Color(rRatio, gRatio, bRatio, aRatio); timeText.font = msgHud.m_messageCenterText.font; timeText.fontSize = Configuration.Current.GameClock.textFontSize; timeText.enabled = true; timeText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; timeText.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow; } else { timeText = timeObj.GetComponent <Text>(); } EnvMan env = EnvMan.instance; if (savedEnvSeconds != env.m_totalSeconds) { float minuteFrac = Mathf.Lerp(0, 24, env.GetDayFraction()); float hr24 = Mathf.Floor(minuteFrac); minuteFrac = minuteFrac - hr24; float minutes = Mathf.Lerp(0, 60, minuteFrac); int hours_int = Mathf.FloorToInt(hr24); int minutes_int = Mathf.FloorToInt(minutes); if (Configuration.Current.GameClock.useAMPM) { amPM_str = (hours_int < 12) ? " AM" : " PM"; if (hours_int > 12) { hours_int -= 12; } } if (hours_int < 10) { hours_str = "0" + hours_int; } if (minutes_int < 10) { minutes_str = "0" + minutes_int; } if (hours_int >= 10) { hours_str = hours_int.ToString(); } if (minutes_int >= 10) { minutes_str = minutes_int.ToString(); } timeText.text = hours_str + ":" + minutes_str + amPM_str; var staminaBarRec = hud.m_staminaBar2Root.transform as RectTransform; var statusEffictBarRec = hud.m_statusEffectListRoot.transform as RectTransform; timeObj.GetComponent <RectTransform>().position = new Vector2(staminaBarRec.position.x, statusEffictBarRec.position.y); timeObj.SetActive(true); savedEnvSeconds = env.m_totalSeconds; } } }