public void InsideElement1(string testFileName, int line, int column)
            // TODO: Change this test to use XmlLocator.

            Position testPosition = new Position(line, column);

            string            testXml     = LoadTestFile("TestFiles", testFileName + ".xml");
            TextPositions     positions   = new TextPositions(testXml);
            XmlDocumentSyntax xmlDocument = Parser.ParseText(testXml);

            int        absolutePosition = positions.GetAbsolutePosition(testPosition) - 1; // To find out if we can insert an element, make sure we find the node at the position ONE BEFORE the insertion point!
            SyntaxNode foundNode        = xmlDocument.FindNode(absolutePosition,
                                                               descendIntoChildren: node => true

            Assert.IsAssignableFrom <SyntaxList>(foundNode);
            SyntaxList list = (SyntaxList)foundNode;

            Range listSpan = list.Span.ToNative(positions);

                "List's span must contain the test position."
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the URL of the file that contains the definition of the item at the current position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">Current file</param>
        /// <param name="sourceText">Text in the current file</param>
        /// <param name="position">Position of item that is to be resolved</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Definition> ResolveDefinition(string filePath, string sourceText, int position)
            List <Definition> definitions = new List <Definition>();

            if (_project != null)
                XmlDocumentSyntax root       = Parser.ParseText(sourceText);
                SyntaxNode        syntaxNode = root.FindNode(position);

                // Resolves Definition for properties e.g. $(foo)
                if (syntaxNode.Kind == SyntaxKind.XmlTextLiteralToken && Utilities.IsProperty(sourceText.Substring(syntaxNode.Span.Start, syntaxNode.FullWidth), position - syntaxNode.Span.Start, out string propertyName))
                    foreach (ProjectProperty property in _project.Properties)
                        if (property.Name == propertyName)
                            ProjectProperty currentProperty = property;

                            while (currentProperty.Predecessor != null)
                                if (currentProperty.Xml?.Location != null)
                                    ElementLocation location = currentProperty.Xml.Location;
                                    definitions.Add(new Definition(location.File, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_project.Xml.Location.File), currentProperty.Name + " Definitions", currentProperty.EvaluatedValue, location.Line, location.Column));

                                currentProperty = currentProperty.Predecessor;

                            if (currentProperty.Xml?.Location != null)
                                ElementLocation lastLocation = currentProperty.Xml.Location;
                                definitions.Add(new Definition(lastLocation.File, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_project.Xml.Location.File), currentProperty.Name + " Definitions", currentProperty.EvaluatedValue, lastLocation.Line, lastLocation.Column));


                // Resolves Definition for regular imports
                else if (syntaxNode.ParentElement != null && syntaxNode.ParentElement.Name.Equals(SyntaxNames.Import))
                    while (syntaxNode.Parent.ParentElement == syntaxNode.ParentElement)
                        syntaxNode = syntaxNode.Parent;

                    int nodeStart = syntaxNode.Parent.Span.Start;
                    int col       = nodeStart - Utilities.GetStartOfLine(sourceText, nodeStart) + 1;
                    int line      = Utilities.GetLine(sourceText, nodeStart) + 1;

                    foreach (ResolvedImport import in _project.Imports)
                        ElementLocation location = import.ImportingElement.Location;

                        if (location.File == filePath && col == location.Column && line == location.Line)
                            definitions.Add(new Definition(import.ImportedProject.FullPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_project.Xml.Location.File), "Imported Files", Path.GetFileName(import.ImportedProject.FullPath)));

                // Resolves Definition for the project's sdk
                else if (syntaxNode.ParentElement != null && syntaxNode.ParentElement.Name.Equals(SyntaxNames.Project))
                    bool foundSdk = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (sourceText.Substring(syntaxNode.Start, 3).Equals(SyntaxNames.Sdk))
                            foundSdk = true;

                        syntaxNode = syntaxNode.Parent;

                    if (foundSdk)
                        foreach (ResolvedImport import in _project.Imports)
                            ElementLocation location = import.ImportingElement.Location;

                            if (location.File == filePath && 0 == location.Column && 0 == location.Line)
                                definitions.Add(new Definition(import.ImportedProject.FullPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_project.Xml.Location.File), "Sdk Imports", Path.GetFileName(import.ImportedProject.FullPath)));
