public void delObj(Object ob, string id) { if (isWrong(ob)) { XDebug.LogError("delObj空对象"); return; } if (_objDestroy != null) { _objDestroy(ob, id); } List <object> pool = null; if (_pool.ContainsKey(id)) { pool = _pool[id]; } else { pool = new List <object>(); _pool[id] = pool; } if (pool.Count <= _maxSize) { pool.Add(ob); } else if (_realDestroy != null) { _realDestroy(ob, id); } }
// 文件拷贝 public static bool copyDirectory(string sourceDirName, string destDirName, bool copySubDirs) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirName); if (!dir.Exists) { XDebug.LogError("源目录不存在拷贝失败" + sourceDirName); return(false); } DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories(); if (!Directory.Exists(destDirName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirName); } FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo file in files) { string temppath = Path.Combine(destDirName, file.Name); file.CopyTo(temppath, false); } if (copySubDirs) { foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dirs) { string temppath = Path.Combine(destDirName, subdir.Name); copyDirectory(subdir.FullName, temppath, copySubDirs); } } return(true); }
public bool ReadFile(Stream stream) { lineno = 0; columnno = -1; BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); { long fileSize = reader.ReadInt64(); int lineCount = reader.ReadInt32(); OnClear(lineCount); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i) { ReadLine(reader); ++lineno; if (columnno > 0) { break; } } long pos = reader.BaseStream.Position; if (pos != fileSize) { XDebug.LogError("read table error: " + this.GetType().Name, " size:" + fileSize, " pos:" + pos, " stream: " + stream.Length); } } reader.Close(); return(columnno == -1); }
private static void SaveMeshAsset(Mesh mesh, Texture2D tex, int profession, string path) { int uvOffsetX = GetUVOffset(profession,, s_CombineConfig); if (uvOffsetX >= 0) { ReCalculateUV(mesh, uvOffsetX); } else { XDebug.LogError("Find UV Error:",; } CleanMesh(mesh); string meshPath = path + + ".asset"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh, meshPath); if (tex != null) { string srcTexPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(tex); string destTexPath = "Assets/Resources/Equipments/" + + ".tga"; AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(srcTexPath, destTexPath); } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); }
public void Init(byte[] bytes) { MemoryStream depStream = new MemoryStream(bytes); if (depStream.Length > 4) { BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(depStream); if (br.ReadChar() == 'A' && br.ReadChar() == 'B' && br.ReadChar() == 'D') { if (br.ReadChar() == 'T') { depInfoReader = new AssetBundleDataReader(); } else { depInfoReader = new AssetBundleDataBinaryReader(); } depStream.Position = 0; depInfoReader.Read(depStream); } else { XDebug.LogError("not find dep"); } } depStream.Close(); }
public static Stream ReadText(string location, bool error = true) { TextAsset data = Load <TextAsset>(location, AssetType.Text); if (data == null) { if (error) { XDebug.LogError("Load resource: ", location, " error!"); } return(null); } try { _share_stream.SetLength(0); _share_stream.Write(data.bytes, 0, data.bytes.Length); _share_stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(_share_stream); } catch (System.Exception e) { XDebug.Log(e.Message, location); return(_share_stream); } finally { Resources.UnloadAsset(data); } }
public override void Initialize() { single = this; base.Initialize(); if (initialized) { return; } initialized = true; // populate the lookup dictionary for (int i = 0; i < hitGroupTags.Count; i++) { if (rewindLayerTagToId.ContainsKey(hitGroupTags[i])) { XDebug.LogError(!XDebug.logErrors ? null : ("The tag '" + hitGroupTags[i] + "' is used more than once in NSTRewindSettings. Repeats will be discarded, which will likely break some parts of rewind until they are removed.")); } else { rewindLayerTagToId.Add(hitGroupTags[i], i); } } XDebug.Log(!XDebug.logInfo ? null : ("Initialized HitGroupMasterSettings - Total Layer Tags Count: " + hitGroupTags.Count)); }
private static void ErrorReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs eventArgs) { if (eventArgs.Data != null) { XDebug.LogError(eventArgs.Data); } }
static void OnInitCallback(byte t, IntPtr ptr) { string command = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr); switch (t) { case ASCII.L: XDebug.CLog(command); break; case ASCII.W: XDebug.CWarn(command); break; case ASCII.E: XDebug.CError(command); break; case ASCII.G: GameObject go = XResources.Load <GameObject>(command, AssetType.Prefab); = command; break; case ASCII.U: XDebug.CLog("unload: " + command); break; default: XDebug.LogError(t + " is not parse symbol: " + command); break; } }
bool read_dict(Dictionary <string, object> dict) { oldver = readString(dict, "oldver"); if (oldver == "") { XDebug.LogError("配置文件oldver错误"); return(false); } newver = readString(dict, "newver"); if (newver == "") { XDebug.LogError("配置文件newver错误"); return(false); } alreadyDownloadDict.Clear(); Dictionary <string, object> infoDict = dict["downloadDict"] as Dictionary <string, object>; foreach (var info in infoDict) { Dictionary <string, object> asInfoDict = info.Value as Dictionary <string, object>; XBundleInfo assetInfo = new XBundleInfo(); assetInfo.read_dict(asInfoDict); alreadyDownloadDict[info.Key] = assetInfo; } return(true); }
private static bool _Check(GameObject go, string path) { GameObject prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(go) as GameObject; List <Renderer> renderLst = new List <Renderer>(); prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(renderLst); int renderCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < renderLst.Count; ++i) { Renderer render = renderLst[i]; if (render != null) { if (render.receiveShadows || render.shadowCastingMode == UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On) { XDebug.LogError(string.Format("Error Shadow cast:{0} render:{1}",,; } if (render.sharedMaterials.Length > 1) { str += string.Format("Too many materials:{0} render:{1} count:{2}\r\n",,, render.sharedMaterials.Length); } if (!(render is ParticleSystemRenderer)) { renderCount++; } } } if (renderCount > 1) { str += string.Format("Too many renders:{0} count:{1}\r\n",, renderCount); } GameObject.DestroyImmediate(prefab); return(true); }
static void OnEntityCallback(uint entityid, byte command, uint arg) { switch (command) { case ASCII.E: NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Add <NativeEntity>(entityid, arg); break; case ASCII.R: NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Add <NativeRole>(entityid, arg); break; case ASCII.P: NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Player = NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Add <NativePlayer>(entityid, arg); break; case ASCII.M: NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Add <NativeMonster>(entityid, arg); break; case ASCII.N: NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Add <NativeNPC>(entityid, arg); break; case ASCII.U: NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Remv(entityid); break; default: XDebug.LogError("not regist command ", command); break; } }
static void OnEntitySync(uint entityid, byte command, ref VectorArr vec) { NativeEntity entity = NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Get(entityid); switch (command) { case ASCII.p: Vector3 pos = vec.ToVector(); pos.y = NativeScene.singleton.TerrainY(pos); entity.transfrom.position = pos; break; case ASCII.s: entity.transfrom.localScale = vec.ToVector(); break; case ASCII.r: entity.transfrom.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(vec.ToVector()); break; case ASCII.f: entity.transfrom.forward = vec.ToVector(); break; default: XDebug.LogError("not regist command ", command); break; } }
bool read_dict(Dictionary <string, object> dict) { ver = readString(dict, "ver"); if (ver == "") { XDebug.LogError("远程版本文件ver字段错误"); return(false); } ab = readString(dict, "ab"); if (ab == "") { XDebug.LogError("远程版本文件ab字段错误"); return(false); } remoteLogUrl = readString(dict, "remoteLogUrl"); if (remoteLogUrl == "") { XDebug.LogError("远程版本文件ab字段错误"); return(false); } isRemoteLog = readBool(dict, "isRemoteLog"); return(true); }
static void OnComponentCallback(uint entityid, byte command, string arg) { NativeEntity entity = NativeEntityMgr.singleton.Get(entityid); switch (command) { case ASCII.C: { NativeEquipComponent ne = entity.GetComponent <NativeEquipComponent>(); ne.ChangeHairColor(; } break; case ASCII.W: { NativeEquipComponent ne = entity.GetComponent <NativeEquipComponent>(); ne.AttachWeapon(arg); } break; default: XDebug.LogError("not regist command ", command); break; } }
public bool Unload(IUIDlg dlg) { if (Exist(dlg)) { if (dlg.pushStack) { var v = m_stack.Peek(); if ( == { DestroyDlg(dlg); m_stack.Pop(); } else { XDebug.LogError("dlg is not in stack ", dlg.fileName); } } else { for (int i = 0, max = m_list.Count; i < max; i++) { if (m_list[i].id == { DestroyDlg(dlg); m_list.RemoveAt(i); break; } } } return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Finds UI Elements. If none found will create them and return false to indicate that placeholders are being used. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool FindUIElement() { // First see if this is on a canvas, if so note it if (!canvas) { canvas = GetComponent <Canvas>(); } // Is this a placeholder canvas we just created for another bar? if (canvas && == PLACEHOLDER_CANVAS_NAME) { // This means another HealthUI created a placeholder, so we will use that canvas. } // If we have a canvas then search for the text/images else if (canvas) { if ( != PLACEHOLDER_CANVAS_NAME) { if (!UIText) { UIText = (searchChildren) ? canvas.GetComponentInChildren <Text>() : canvas.GetComponent <Text>(); } if (!UIImage) { UIImage = (searchChildren) ? canvas.GetComponentInChildren <Image>() : canvas.GetComponent <Image>(); } } } // No canvas, so this may be the UI Element itself this is attached to else { if (!UIText) { UIText = (searchChildren) ? GetComponentInChildren <Text>() : GetComponent <Text>(); } if (!UIImage) { UIImage = (searchChildren) ? GetComponentInChildren <Image>() : GetComponent <Image>(); } } // If nothing was found after all of that - we need to make a canvas and UI elements. if (!UIText && !UIImage) { XDebug.LogWarning(!XDebug.logWarnings ? null : ("NSTSampleHealthUI on gameobject '" + name + "' cannot find any UI Canvas, Text or Image. Will create some placeholders until you supply them."), nst); XDebug.LogError(!XDebug.logErrors ? null : ("NSTSampleHealthUI on gameobject '" + name + "' cannot find a NetworkSyncTransform, UI Text, or UI Image component. Be sure the object we are attaching to conains one of those."), !nst); // Put some bars of this things head if it is an NST - Otherwise they won't make much sense on other objects. if (nst) { CreatePlaceholderVitalBar(monitoredVitalId); } return(false); } return(true); }
public string GetBundleNameByAssetName(string assetName) { if (m_dictAssetNameToBundleName.ContainsKey(assetName)) { return(m_dictAssetNameToBundleName[assetName]); } XDebug.LogError(XABConst.Tag, $"无法找到该资源对应的包名 {assetName}"); return(string.Empty); }
public void Register(Component receiver, int signal, Action <Component> callback) { if (callback == null) { XDebug.LogError(receiver, "Missing callback."); return; } Register(receiver, signal, (sender, data) => callback(sender)); }
public void AddRootTargets(FileInfo file) { AssetTarget target = AssetBundleUtil.Load(file); if (target == null) { XDebug.LogError(file); } target.exportType = AssetBundleExportType.Root; }
public static int LookupId(string name) { Initialize(); if (s_NamesToIds.ContainsKey(name)) { return(s_NamesToIds[name]); } XDebug.LogError("Couldn't find signal named '" + name + "'."); return(None); }
public bool IsTalkScript(string funcName) { if (!_LevelScripts.ContainsKey(funcName)) { XDebug.LogError("invalid script func"); return(false); } LevelCmdDesc top = _LevelScripts[funcName][0]; return(top.cmd == LevelCmd.Level_Cmd_TalkL || top.cmd == LevelCmd.Level_Cmd_TalkR); }
public override bool isWrong(object ob) { GameObject go = ob as GameObject; if (go == null) { XDebug.LogError("isWrone" + ob.ToString()); return(true); } return(false); }
static void pack_all(BuildTarget buildTarget) { XPack pack = new XPack(); pack.setInfo(buildTarget); try { System.IO.Directory.Delete(pack.targetDir, true); } catch (System.Exception e) { XDebug.LogError(e.Message); } XDebug.Log("开始打包"); foreach (var item in instance._packItems) { if (item.type == XPackItem.XPackType.File) { string path = item.path; pack.pack(path); } else if (item.type == XPackItem.XPackType.DirFiles) { pack.packdirfiles(item.path, item.searchPattern, item.searchOption); } else if (item.type == XPackItem.XPackType.Dir) { pack.packdir(item.path, item.searchPattern, item.searchOption); } } pack.packluadir("lua/", luaJit); AssetBundleManifest manifest = pack.packAll(); XPackInfo info = new XPackInfo(); info.parseManifest(manifest, pack.targetDir); info._version = version; info._firstVersion = version; info.saveFile(pack.targetDir + "Assets/version.json"); XVer ver = new XVer { ver = version, ab = pack.getWebDir(webPublishUrl), remoteLogUrl = remoteLogURL, isRemoteLog = isRemoteLog }; ver.saveFile(pack.targetDir + "Assets/ver.json"); XDebug.Log("打包结束"); }
public static AIRuntimeStatus LogUpdate(XEntity entity, string str, bool b) { if (b) { XDebug.LogError(str); } else { XDebug.Log(str); } return(AIRuntimeStatus.Success); }
public bool load(string str) { try { Dictionary <string, object> mapConf = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(str) as Dictionary <string, object>; return(read_dict(mapConf)); } catch (Exception e) { XDebug.LogError("装载数据错误" + e.Message); return(false); } }
// 直接打包 public bool pack(string res) { AssetImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(res); if (importer == null) { XDebug.LogError("打包错误,地址不存在" + res); return(false); } importer.assetBundleName = res + ".ab"; return(true); }
//lua interface public bool DetachDocument(string name) { uint id = XCommon.singleton.XHash(name); if (documents != null) { return(documents.ContainsKey(id)); } else { XDebug.LogError("not initial for documents with ", name); return(false); } }
private void ProcessResult(RequestState requestState, UnityWebRequest request, Action <string> OnSuccess, Action <string> OnFailure) { if (requestState == RequestState.FAILURE) { XDebug.LogError(request.error, XDebug.Mask.MyWebRequest); OnFailure(request.error); } else if (requestState == RequestState.SUCCESS) { XDebug.Log("API Response", XDebug.Mask.MyWebRequest, XDebug.Color.Blue); XDebug.Log(request.downloadHandler.text, XDebug.Mask.MyWebRequest, XDebug.Color.Blue); OnSuccess(request.downloadHandler.text); } }
public override void OnNstPostAwake() { base.OnNstPostAwake(); // Remove if this is not on the root if (transform != transform.root) { XDebug.LogError(!XDebug.logErrors ? null : ("Removing '" + typeof(T) + "' from child '" + name + "' of gameobject " + + ". This component should only exist on the root of a networked object with a NetworkSyncTranform component.")); Destroy(this); } }