Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Builds a route based on the given start point.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="allRoutes">All routes for a certain traffic participant</param>
    /// <param name="start">Starting point to calculate a route from</param>
    /// <returns>A route using the given starting point</returns>
    public static List <Wp> RouteBuilder(List <List <Wp> > allRoutes, Wp start)
        List <List <Wp> > possibleRoutes = allRoutes.Where(l => l.First() == start).ToList();

        List <Wp> route;

        // Sommige routes delen een begin punt
        if (possibleRoutes.Count > 1)
            int i = Random.Range(0, possibleRoutes.Count);
            route = possibleRoutes[i];
            route = possibleRoutes[0];

        Wp last = route.Last();

        // If the last part of the route is not the end point, find a route that starts at the end point, and glue them together.
        if (last != Wp.END)
            List <Wp> extension = RouteBuilder(allRoutes, last);

Пример #2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            timer        += Time.deltaTime;
            fanfareTimer += Time.deltaTime;
            busTimer     += Time.deltaTime;

            if (timer >= SpawnInterval)


                // spawn a fanfare once in a while
                int dice = Random.Range(1, 10);

                if (!fanfareIsActive && dice == 5)
                    fanfareStart = pedestrianSpawnPoints[Random.Range(0, pedestrianSpawnPoints.Count)];
                    //Debug.Log("spawning fanfare at " + fanfareStart);
                    fanfareRoute    = Waypoint_controller.RouteBuilder(Waypoint_controller.pedestrianRoutes, fanfareStart);
                    fanfareIsActive = true;
                else if (fanfareTimer < FanfareSpawnInterval || !fanfareIsActive)

                timer = 0;

            if (busTimer >= BusSpawnInterval)
                //Debug.Log("Spawning bus");
                busTimer = 0f;

            if (timer > 0 && fanfareTimer >= FanfareSpawnInterval && fanfareIsActive)
                if (fanfareIndex < 5)
                    fanfareTimer = 0;
                    //Debug.Log("spawned a " + fanfare[fanfareIndex]);
                    fanfareIsActive = false;
                    fanfareIndex    = 0;
                    //Debug.Log("fanfare complete");
Пример #3
        public void LoadIntellisenseResults(List <Diagnostic> hc)
            lock (s_obs)
                if (ef == null)

                ScriptControl.ScriptControl scr = null;

                VSSolution vs = null;

                string filename = "";

                if (ef != null)
                    if (ef.scr != null)
                        scr = ef.scr;

                ToolStripComboBox b = toolStripComboBox1;

                int i = b.SelectedIndex;

                vs = ef.GetVSSolution();

                VSProject vp = null;
                //if (vs != null)
                //    vp = vs.MainVSProject;


                //LI = new ArrayList();

                //if (vp != null)
                //    if (i == 2)
                //    {
                //        foreach (IntErrors e in DD)
                //        {
                //            if (vp != null)
                //                if (e.vp != vp)
                //                    continue;

                //            int rowId = dg.Rows.Add();
                //            DataGridViewRow row = dg.Rows[rowId];

                //            row.Cells[0].Value = "";
                //            row.Cells[1].Value = ve_resource.Breakall_6323;
                //            row.Cells[2].Value = "e.Code";
                //            row.Cells[3].Value = e.e.Message;
                //            row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.vp.FileName);
                //            row.Cells[5].Value = Path.GetFileName(e.file);
                //            row.Cells[6].Value = e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString();
                //            row.Cells[7].Value = "project";

                //            string message = e.e.Message;

                //            //if (message.StartsWith("UnknownIdentifier") == true)
                //            //    MessageBox.Show("Unknown identifier");

                //            //v.Checked = true;

                //            row.Tag = e;

                //            //lv.Items.Add(v);
                //        }
                //        dg.ResumeLayout();
                //        return;
                //    }

                //if (i == 3 || i == 0)
                    if (hc != null)

                    //filename = d.FileName;

                    foreach (/*IntErrors e in DD*/ Diagnostic hs in hc)
                        //if (filename != "")
                        //    if (e.file != filename)
                        //        continue;

                        Diagnostic dc = hs;// hc[hs];

                        filename = dc.Location.SourceTree.FilePath;

                        AvalonDocument d = scr.FileOpened(filename, false);

                        int hash = dc.GetMessage().GetHashCode();

                        if (hcd.ContainsKey(hash))

                        int    line = 0;
                        string file = "";
                        if (dc.Location != Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Location.None)
                            if (dc.Location.SourceTree != null)
                                file = dc.Location.SourceTree.FilePath;// syntaxTree.FilePath;
                                FileLinePositionSpan c = dc.Location.GetLineSpan();
                                line = c.StartLinePosition.Line;

                        int             rowId = dg.Rows.Add();
                        DataGridViewRow row   = dg.Rows[rowId];
                        row.InheritedStyle.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control);
                        //dg.Rows.Insert(0, row);
                        row.Cells[0].Value = dc.Descriptor.Category;
                        if (dc.Severity.ToString() == "Error")
                            row.Cells[1].Value = new Bitmap(ve_resource.Breakall_6323, 15, 15);
                        else if (dc.Severity.ToString() == "Warning")
                            row.Cells[1].Value = new Bitmap(ve_resource.StatusWarning_16x, 15, 15);
                            row.Cells[1].Value = new Bitmap(ve_resource.StatusHelp_256x, 15, 15);

                        row.Cells[2].Value = dc.Descriptor.Id;
                        row.Cells[3].Value = dc.GetMessage();

                        if (dc.Location != Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Location.None)
                            if (vp != null)
                                row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vp.FileName);
                            else if (dc.Location != Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Location.None)
                                if (dc.Location.SourceTree != null)
                                    row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dc.Location.SourceTree.FilePath);
                        row.Cells[5].Value = Path.GetFileName(file);
                        if (line > 0)
                            row.Cells[6].Value = d.GetLineExtended(line) + 1;
                        row.Cells[7].Value = "project";

                        //row.Cells[0].Value = "";
                        //row.Cells[1].Value = ve_resource.Errors;
                        //row.Cells[2].Value = "e.Code";
                        //row.Cells[3].Value = e.e.Message;
                        //row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.vp.FileName);
                        //row.Cells[5].Value = Path.GetFileName(e.file);
                        //row.Cells[6].Value = e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString();
                        //row.Cells[7].Value = "project";

                        //ListViewItem v = new ListViewItem();
                        //v.Text = "";

                        //v.Checked = true;

                        row.Tag = dc;

                        dg.Rows.Insert(0, row);

                        hcd.Add(hash, row);




                //ArrayList F = ef.scr.GetOpenFiles();

                 * foreach (IntErrors e in DD)
                 * {
                 *  //ListViewItem v = new ListViewItem();
                 *  //v.Text = "";
                 *  //v.SubItems.Add("");
                 *  //v.SubItems.Add("e.Code");
                 *  //v.SubItems.Add(e.e.Message);
                 *  //v.SubItems.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.c.FileName));
                 *  //v.SubItems.Add(Path.GetFileName(e.c.FileName));
                 *  //v.SubItems.Add(e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString());
                 *  //v.SubItems.Add("project");
                 *  //v.Checked = true;
                 *  int rowId = dg.Rows.Add();
                 *  DataGridViewRow row = dg.Rows[rowId];
                 *  row.InheritedStyle.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control);
                 *  row.Cells[0].Value = "";
                 *  row.Cells[1].Value = ve_resource.Errors;
                 *  row.Cells[2].Value = "e.Code";
                 *  row.Cells[3].Value = e.e.Message;
                 *  row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.vp.FileName);
                 *  row.Cells[5].Value = Path.GetFileName(e.file);
                 *  row.Cells[6].Value = e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString();
                 *  row.Cells[7].Value = "project";
                 *  //string message = e.e.Message;
                 *  //if (message.StartsWith("UnknownIdentifier") == true)
                 *  //{
                 *  //    // MessageBox.Show("Unknown identifier");
                 *  //    string[] cc = e.e.Message.Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                 *  //    Document d = ef.scr.FileOpened(e.c.FileName);
                 *  //    //foreach (Row r in d.Editor.Document)
                 *  //    //    foreach (Word w in r)
                 *  //    //        w.HasError = false;
                 *  //    if (d != null)
                 *  //    {
                 *  //        // MessageBox.Show("File has been found");
                 *  //        if (e.e.Region.BeginLine < 0)
                 *  //            continue;
                 *  //        d.SuspendLayout();
                 *  //        Row r = d.Editor.Document[e.e.Region.BeginLine];
                 *  //        foreach (Word w in r)
                 *  //        {
                 *  //            string[] bb = w.Text.Split(";".ToCharArray());
                 *  //            foreach (string dd in bb)
                 *  //                if (dd == cc[1])
                 *  //                {
                 *  //                    // MessageBox.Show("Identifier found");
                 *  //                    w.HasError = true;
                 *  //                    //d.Refresh();
                 *  //                }
                 *  //        }
                 *  //        d.ResumeLayout();
                 *  //    }
                 *  //}
                 *  row.Tag = e;
                 * }
                 * ef.scr.LoadErrors(DD);
                 * dg.ResumeLayout();
Пример #4
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            // if there are no more waypoint targets to visit destroy the game object
            if (target == null)

            float distanceToWaypoint = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position);

            // if the queue of waypoints is empty destroy the game object
            if (Waypoints.Count == 0 && distanceToWaypoint < 0.2f)
                target = null;

            waitForTrafficLight = false;

            // only check for potential red light within a small range of that traffic light stop point
            if (distanceToWaypoint < 0.2f)
                Wp wayPoint = Utilities.Parse <Wp>(target.name);

                // check if an agent is waiting for a traffic light specificly for this type
                if (this.TypeSpecificWaitPoints.ContainsKey(wayPoint))
                    string     trafficLight = this.TypeSpecificWaitPoints[wayPoint];
                    LightColor c            = Utilities.GetTrafficLightColor(trafficLight);
                    // If light is orange and within less than 0.1f of the way point, make the target stop.
                    // if object approaches target that is linked to a red / orange traffic light
                    if (c == LightColor.Red || c == LightColor.Orange && distanceToWaypoint < 0.1f)
                        waitForTrafficLight = true;
                        // Don't queue the A series, these have a different trigger point.
                        if (trafficLight[0] != 'A')

                // also check if an agent is waiting for a train crossing
                if (Dictionaries.TrainWaitpoints.ContainsKey(wayPoint))
                    string     trafficLight = Dictionaries.TrainWaitpoints[wayPoint];
                    LightColor c            = Utilities.GetTrafficLightColor(trafficLight);
                    // If light is orange and within less than 0.1f of the way point, make the target stop.
                    if (c == LightColor.Red || c == LightColor.Orange && distanceToWaypoint < 0.1f)
                        waitForTrafficLight = true;

            // prevend unintended waits by measuring the time how long an agent is idle
            // if the agent is idle for too long without a legitimate reason, let the agent explode to prevend a deadlock
            if (IsInIdleAnimation)
                explodeTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                if (explodeTimer > 3)
                // check every second if the agent is waiting behind a traffic light (legitimate wait, no need to destroy)
                else if (explodeTimer > 1)
                    Wp wayPoint = Utilities.Parse <Wp>(target.name);
                    if (this.TypeSpecificWaitPoints.ContainsKey(wayPoint) || Dictionaries.TrainWaitpoints.ContainsKey(wayPoint))
                        //Debug.Log("explosion cancelled because legitimate wait");
                        explodeTimer = 0;
                        IsColliding  = false;
                        goto Spoker;
            //cancel explosion as the agent can move again within the 3 seconds
            else if (explodeTimer > 0 && !IsInIdleAnimation)
                explodeTimer = 0;

            if (waitForTrafficLight || IsColliding)
                if (!IsInIdleAnimation)
                    IsInIdleAnimation = true;

            // move logic

            if (IsInIdleAnimation)
                IsInIdleAnimation = false;


            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target.transform.position, MovingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            if (distanceToWaypoint < 0.2f && Waypoints.Count > 0)
                target = Waypoints.Dequeue();