public void CloseMenu() { if (dontSoundOnStartUp == false && buyPanelActive == true) { audioOut.PlayOneShot(acClickOff, 0.8f); } else { dontSoundOnStartUp = false; } fpPanel.CloseFinalPanel(); //win panel can be called like this WinPanel script = winPanel.GetComponent <WinPanel>(); if (script == null) { Debug.Log("OpenWinPanel in Menubutton couldnt get reference to the win panel script."); } else { script.SetMovePanelOut(); } // move the canvas out backGroundFade.SetActive(false); //winPanel.SetActive(false); bPanel.SetMovePanelOut(); buyPanelActive = false; closeMenuOneShot = true; DisableMenuButton(false); gScript.PauseGame(false); }
public void RoundOverMenu() //calling from this function does the same as Open Menu, but disables the menu button until the player clicks new game button { //next make the button alpha channel faded // this doesnt appear to work Image img = GetComponent <Image>(); Color foo = img.color; foo.a = 128f; img.color = foo; //win panel can be called like this winPanel.SetActive(true); WinPanel script = winPanel.GetComponent <WinPanel>(); if (script == null) { Debug.Log("OpenWinPanel in Menubutton couldnt get reference to the win panel script."); } else { script.SetMovePanelOut(); } DisableMenuButton(false); roundOver = true; OpenMenu(); }
private void Awake() { //actPanelObject is the Child Game Object underneat the FinalPlayPanel actPanelObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("uiFinalActualPanel"); if (actPanelObject == null) { Debug.Log("Final Play Panel script couldnt get reference to the Final Actual Panel Game Object"); } else { actPanelObject.SetActive(true); } actPanel = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <WinPanel>(); if (actPanel == null) { Debug.Log("Final Play Panel script couldnt get reference to the Win Panel script for the Actual Panel"); } else { actPanel.SetMovePanelOut(); } playButton = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <PlayButton>(); if (playButton == null) { Debug.Log("FinalPlay Panel Script could not get reference to Play Button script"); } menuB = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MenuButton").GetComponent <MenuButton>(); if (menuB == null) { Debug.Log("FinalPLay Panel Script could not get reference to the Menu Button script."); } charSelectFinal = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("uiCharSelectedFinal").GetComponent <Image>(); if (charSelectFinal == null) { Debug.Log("Final Play script couldnt get reference to the ui element for Character Selected"); } charNameFinal = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("uiCurrentNameFinal").GetComponent <Text>(); if (charNameFinal == null) { Debug.Log("Final Play button script could not get a reference to the Buy Panel Character Name Text component."); } }
public void NextTut() { audioOut.PlayOneShot(acClickOn, 0.8f); progress++; if (progress == 8) { progress = 0; tutPanel.SetMovePanelOut(); gScript.SetTutorialDone(); //reset the tutorial for the next time it is played tutImage.sprite = tutImages[0]; tuts.text = tutorials[0]; bbText.text = buttonQuotes[0]; } else { tutImage.sprite = tutImages[progress]; tuts.text = tutorials[progress]; bbText.text = buttonQuotes[progress]; } }
public void CloseFinalPanel() { actPanel.SetMovePanelOut(); }