Пример #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        isDrivable = true;

        RRWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5, 25, 25);

        GetComponent <Rigidbody>().centerOfMass = new Vector3(-1f, -1.6f, 0);
        if (photonView.IsMine || !FindObjectOfType <SceneInfo>().multiplayer)
            FindObjectOfType <CameraControl>().SetNewCar(this.gameObject);
Пример #2
    void  Start()
        rigidBody   = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
        audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource> ();

        // I usually alter the center of mass to make the car more stable. I'ts less likely to flip this way.
        rigidBody.centerOfMass = new Vector3(GetComponent <Rigidbody>().centerOfMass.x, -1.5f, rigidBody.centerOfMass.z);
        // Call the function to determine the array of waypoints. This sets up the array of points by finding
        // transform components inside of a source container.

        // Needed for better RPM readings for heavy vehciles
        FrontLeftWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5f, 10, 10);

Пример #3
        public void Init(VehicleEngine e)
            engine = e;
            rigid  = engine.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            wheel.wheelDampingRate   = 0.25f;
            wheel.suspensionDistance = 0.2f;
            JointSpring js = new JointSpring();

            js.spring                   = 3f * rigid.mass;
            js.damper                   = 2f * rigid.mass;
            js.targetPosition           = 0.3f;
            wheel.suspensionSpring      = js;
            wheel.center                = new Vector3(0f, (1f - wheel.suspensionSpring.targetPosition) * wheel.suspensionDistance, 0f);
            wheel.forceAppPointDistance = 0.7f;
            wheel.steerAngle            = 0;
            wheel.brakeTorque           = 0;
            wheel.motorTorque           = 0;
            wheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(1f, 20, 20);
Пример #4
    void Start()
        nearestNode = 0;
        pid         = GetComponent <AiPid>();


        GetComponent <Respawn>().onRespawn += aiSettings.SetRandomValues;
        GetComponent <Respawn>().onRespawn += pid.ResetValues;
        GetComponent <Respawn>().onRespawn += () => { StartCoroutine(RestartHelper()); };

        backWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(1, 12, 15);
        frontWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(1, 12, 15);

        rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        frontWheel.brakeTorque = 0;
        backWheel.brakeTorque  = 0;
Пример #5
    public void Init()
        DifferentialDrive initInfo = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <DifferentialDrive>();

        wheel                       = gameObject.AddComponent <WheelCollider>();
        wheel.mass                  = initInfo.Mass;
        wheel.radius                = initInfo.Radius;
        wheel.wheelDampingRate      = initInfo.WheelDampintRate;
        wheel.suspensionDistance    = initInfo.SuspensionDistance;
        wheel.forceAppPointDistance = initInfo.ForceAppPointDistance;

        JointSpring newJointSpring = new JointSpring();

        newJointSpring.spring         = initInfo.SuspensionSpring;
        newJointSpring.damper         = initInfo.SuspensionDamper;
        newJointSpring.targetPosition = initInfo.SuspensionTargetPosition;
        wheel.suspensionSpring        = newJointSpring;

        WheelFrictionCurve fricForward = new WheelFrictionCurve();

        fricForward.extremumSlip   = initInfo.FricForwardExtremumSlip;
        fricForward.extremumValue  = initInfo.FricForwardExtremumValue;
        fricForward.asymptoteSlip  = initInfo.FricForwardAsymptoteSlip;
        fricForward.asymptoteValue = initInfo.FricForwardAsymptoteValue;
        fricForward.stiffness      = initInfo.FricForwardStiffness;
        wheel.forwardFriction      = fricForward;

        WheelFrictionCurve fricSide = new WheelFrictionCurve();

        fricSide.extremumSlip   = initInfo.FricSideExtremumSlip;
        fricSide.extremumValue  = initInfo.FricSideExtremumValue;
        fricSide.asymptoteSlip  = initInfo.FricSideAsymptoteSlip;
        fricSide.asymptoteValue = initInfo.FricSideAsymptoteValue;
        fricSide.stiffness      = initInfo.FricForwardStiffness;
        wheel.sidewaysFriction  = fricSide;

        maxMotorTorque = initInfo.MaxTorque;
        Debug.Log("MaxRpm: " + initInfo.MaxRPM);
        wheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(initInfo.MaxRPM, 2, 2);
 void Start()
     rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
     if (rb.mass < 1000.0f)
         rb.mass = 1000.0f;
     rb.interpolation          = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
     rb.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic;
     if (centerOfMass != null)
         rb.centerOfMass = transform.InverseTransformPoint(centerOfMass.position);
         rb.centerOfMass = Vector3.zero;
     if (rightFrontWheelCollider != null && leftFrontWheelCollider != null && rightRearWheelCollider != null && leftRearWheelCollider != null)
         WheelCollider ColisoresDasRodas = GetComponentInChildren <WheelCollider>();
         ColisoresDasRodas.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(1000.0f, 20, 20);
Пример #7
    void AddWheel(Transform wheel)
        GameObject go = new GameObject("Collider for " + wheel.name);

        WheelCollider wheelCollider = go.AddComponent <WheelCollider>();

        wheelCollider.mass = 30f;
        wheelCollider.suspensionDistance    = 0.3f;
        wheelCollider.forceAppPointDistance = 0.2f;
        wheelCollider.suspensionSpring      = new JointSpring {
            spring = 35000f, damper = 8000, targetPosition = 0.5f
        wheelCollider.forwardFriction = new WheelFrictionCurve {
            extremumSlip = 0.4f, extremumValue = 1f, asymptoteSlip = 0.8f, asymptoteValue = 0.5f, stiffness = 1.2f
        wheelCollider.sidewaysFriction = new WheelFrictionCurve {
            extremumSlip = 0.2f, extremumValue = 1f, asymptoteSlip = 1.5f, asymptoteValue = 1f, stiffness = 2.2f
        go.transform.position = wheel.position;
        wheelCollider.center  = new Vector3(0f, go.transform.localPosition.y / 2, 0f);
        wheelCollider.radius  = wheel.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.extents.z;
        wheelCollider.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5.0f, 30, 10);
        wheelCollider.wheelDampingRate = wheelDampingRate;

        var data = new WheelData()
            transform = wheel,
            collider  = wheelCollider,
            origPos   = wheelColliderHolder.transform.InverseTransformPoint(wheel.position),
            steering  = wheel.name.Contains("Front")

Пример #8
    void Start()
        wheel = GetComponent <WheelCollider>();
        wheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(Const.Wheel.criticalSpeed, Const.Wheel.stepsBelow, Const.Wheel.stepsAbove);
        wheel.mass   = Const.Wheel.mass;
        wheel.radius = Const.Wheel.radius;

        wheel.wheelDampingRate      = Const.Wheel.wheelDampingRate;
        wheel.suspensionDistance    = Const.Wheel.suspensionDistance;
        wheel.forceAppPointDistance = Const.Wheel.forceAppPointDistance;

        WheelFrictionCurve fF = new WheelFrictionCurve();

        fF.extremumSlip       = Const.Wheel.extremumSlip_fF;
        fF.extremumValue      = Const.Wheel.extremumValue_fF;
        fF.asymptoteSlip      = Const.Wheel.asymptoteSlip_fF;
        fF.asymptoteValue     = Const.Wheel.asymptoteValue_fF;
        fF.stiffness          = Const.Wheel.stiffness_fF;
        wheel.forwardFriction = fF;

        WheelFrictionCurve sF = new WheelFrictionCurve();

        sF.extremumSlip        = Const.Wheel.extremumSlip_sF;
        sF.extremumValue       = Const.Wheel.extremumValue_sF;
        sF.asymptoteSlip       = Const.Wheel.asymptoteSlip_sF;
        sF.asymptoteValue      = Const.Wheel.asymptoteValue_sF;
        sF.stiffness           = Const.Wheel.stiffness_sF;
        wheel.sidewaysFriction = sF;

        JointSpring sS = new JointSpring();

        sS.damper              = Const.Wheel.damper;
        sS.spring              = Const.Wheel.spring;
        sS.targetPosition      = Const.Wheel.targetPosition;
        wheel.suspensionSpring = sS;
Пример #9
 public void ConfigureWheelSubsteps(float speedThreshold, int stepsBelowThreshold, int stepsAboveThreshold)
     wheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(speedThreshold, stepsBelowThreshold, stepsAboveThreshold);
Пример #10
    private void CreatePhysicsColliders()
        Bounds boundsPhy = new Bounds(transform.position, Vector3.zero);

        foreach (Renderer renderer in allRenderers)
            if (renderer.name.Contains("Main") || renderer.name.Contains("Cab")) // TODO better way, tags?
                boundsPhy = renderer.bounds;

            if (renderer.name.Contains("Trailer") || renderer.name.Contains("Underside"))
        complexBoxCollider        = gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
        complexBoxCollider.size   = simpleBoxCollider.size;                                                                        //new Vector3(boundsPhy.size.x, boundsPhy.size.y * 0.5f, boundsPhy.size.z); // TODO fit better
        complexBoxCollider.center = new Vector3(simpleBoxCollider.center.x, bounds.size.y / 2 + 0.5f, simpleBoxCollider.center.z); //boundsPhy.center;

        // wheel colliders
        if (NPCManager.Instance == null || NPCManager.Instance.wheelColliderPrefab == null)

        wheelColliderHolder = Instantiate(NPCManager.Instance.wheelColliderPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, transform.GetChild(0));
        foreach (Transform child in wheelColliderHolder.transform)
            if (child.name.Contains("FR"))
                origPosWheelFR         = wheelFR.localPosition;
                child.localPosition    = wheelFR.localPosition;
                wheelColliderFR        = child.GetComponent <WheelCollider>();
                wheelColliderFR.center = new Vector3(0f, child.localPosition.y / 2, 0f);
                wheelColliderFR.radius = wheelFR.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.z;
                wheelColliderFR.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5.0f, 30, 10);
                wheelColliderFR.wheelDampingRate = wheelDampingRate;
            else if (child.name.Contains("FL"))
                origPosWheelFL         = wheelFL.localPosition;
                child.localPosition    = wheelFL.localPosition;
                wheelColliderFL        = child.GetComponent <WheelCollider>();
                wheelColliderFL.center = new Vector3(0f, child.localPosition.y / 2, 0f);
                wheelColliderFL.radius = wheelFL.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.z;
                wheelColliderFL.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5.0f, 30, 10);
                wheelColliderFL.wheelDampingRate = wheelDampingRate;
            else if (child.name.Contains("RL"))
                origPosWheelRL         = wheelRL.localPosition;
                child.localPosition    = wheelRL.localPosition;
                wheelColliderRL        = child.GetComponent <WheelCollider>();
                wheelColliderRL.center = new Vector3(0f, child.localPosition.y / 2, 0f);
                wheelColliderRL.radius = wheelRL.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.z;
                wheelColliderRL.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5.0f, 30, 10);
                wheelColliderRL.wheelDampingRate = wheelDampingRate;
            else if (child.name.Contains("RR"))
                origPosWheelRR         = wheelRR.localPosition;
                child.localPosition    = wheelRR.localPosition;
                wheelColliderRR        = child.GetComponent <WheelCollider>();
                wheelColliderRR.center = new Vector3(0f, child.localPosition.y / 2, 0f);
                wheelColliderRR.radius = wheelRR.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.z;
                wheelColliderRR.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5.0f, 30, 10);
                wheelColliderRR.wheelDampingRate = wheelDampingRate;
Пример #11
    // Init the car script, finding and making all the necessery game objects.
    public void Init()
        // sets Camera to enable toggle between TPP and FPP.
        tppCam = GameObject.Find("TPP Cam");

        // Sets the steeringwheel index.
        for (int i = 0; i < Input.GetJoystickNames().Length; i++)
            if (Input.GetJoystickNames()[i] == "G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel")
                steeringWheelIndex = i;
        // Remove logitechsteringSDK if the Logitechsteringwheel is not connected.
        if (LogitechGSDK.LogiIsConnected(steeringWheelIndex))
            GameObject.Find("FPP Cam").GetComponent <LogitechSteeringWheel>().enabled = false;

        // Sets Gamestate.
        gameState = GameObject.Find("GameState").GetComponent <GameStateScript>();
        if (gameState.cameraType == 0)

        // Sets inputScript.
        inputScript         = GetComponent <InputManager>();
        inputScript.enabled = true;                                 // activates the input, used to make the menu not error out.

        // Sets rigidbody
        rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        rigidbody.centerOfMass = new Vector3(0, 0.139f, 0.1f);      // Hard coding to change the center of mass to make the car more stable.

        // Binds cosmetic objects (used to rotate the wheel and pedals)
        steeringWheel  = GameObject.FindWithTag("SteeringWheel");
        acceleratorPad = GameObject.FindWithTag("AccelleratorPad");
        breakPad       = GameObject.FindWithTag("BreakPad");
        clutchPad      = GameObject.FindWithTag("ClutchPad");

        // Get all the Wheel Colliders for the car
        wheels = GetComponentsInChildren <WheelCollider>();
        for (int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
            WheelCollider thisWheel = wheels[i];
            // Changes the frequency of updates.
            thisWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(500, 450, 500);

            // Adds the wheel prefab to the car.
            if (wheelShape != null)
                var ws = Instantiate(wheelShape);
                ws.transform.parent = thisWheel.transform;

        // Divide wheels into front and rear wheels

        // Number of front wheels. Used to decide sizes of arrays
        int numOfFrontWheels = 0;

        // Loop to determine number of front wheels
        foreach (WheelCollider wheel in wheels)
            if (wheel.transform.localPosition.z > 0)

        frontWheels = new WheelCollider[numOfFrontWheels];
        rearWheels  = new WheelCollider[wheels.Length - numOfFrontWheels];

        // Indexes used to allow multiple tires at each axis (for example two rear right tires and two rear left tires)
        int currentRearLeftIndex   = 0;
        int currentRearRightIndex  = 1;
        int currentFrontLeftIndex  = 0;
        int currentFrontRightIndex = 1;

        // Insert front and rear wheels into their respective arrays where left wheels are even numbers and right wheels are odd numbers.
        foreach (WheelCollider wheel in wheels)
            // Checks if position of wheel is infront of local midpoint.
            if (wheel.transform.localPosition.z < 0)
                // Checks if positon of wheel is to the left of local midline.
                if (wheel.transform.localPosition.x < 0)
                    // Rear left tire
                    rearWheels[currentRearLeftIndex] = wheel;
                    currentRearLeftIndex            += 2;
                    // Rear right tire
                    rearWheels[currentRearRightIndex] = wheel;
                    currentRearRightIndex            += 2;
                // Checks if positon of wheel is to the right of local midline.
                if (wheel.transform.localPosition.x < 0)
                    // Front left tire
                    frontWheels[currentFrontLeftIndex] = wheel;
                    currentFrontLeftIndex += 2;
                    // Front right tire
                    frontWheels[currentFrontRightIndex] = wheel;
                    currentFrontRightIndex += 2;
Пример #12
 private void Start()
     fWheelCollider.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5, 12, 15);
Пример #13
    void Start()
        if (!isBusrider)
            ContentManager cm = FindObjectOfType <ContentManager>();
            //initialize car data object.
            specs = new CarData();
            //LOAD CAR SPECS
            TextAsset ass = cm.Cars[0].LoadAsset("specs.json") as TextAsset;
            specs = specs.ImportData(ass.text);

            // Set game camera target
            CourseController ctrl = FindObjectOfType <CourseController>();
            ctrl.Camera.GetComponent <CarCamera>().car = this.gameObject.transform;

            // load the default HUD if no car HUD
            if (!HUDPrefab)
                HUDPrefab = ctrl.DefaultHUD;
            HUD = Instantiate(HUDPrefab, ctrl.HUDCanvas.transform).GetComponent <HUD>();

            //if no turbo then make sure boost is 1
            if (!aspirated)
                turboSpool = 1;

            engineRPM = 800;
            GetComponent <Rigidbody>().centerOfMass = CenterOfGravity;
            gear = 1;

            wheelFR.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5, 12, 15);
            wheelFL.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5, 12, 15);
            wheelRL.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5, 12, 15);
            wheelRR.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5, 12, 15);

            DataController dataController = FindObjectOfType <DataController>();
            dirtiness  = dataController.GetDirtiness();
            isBusrider = dataController.IsBusrider;

            tirewearlist = new float[4];
            //call the FFB start routine
        if (isBusrider)
            CourseController ctrl = FindObjectOfType <CourseController>();
            HUDPrefab = ctrl.BusriderHUD;
            HUD       = Instantiate(HUDPrefab, ctrl.HUDCanvas.transform).GetComponent <HUD>();

            ctrl.Camera.GetComponent <CarCameraBusrider>().car = this.gameObject.transform;
            ctrl.Camera.GetComponent <CarCamera>().enabled     = false;

            AIBehaviour AI = gameObject.AddComponent <AIBehaviour>();
            AI.car = this;
            AI.courseController = ctrl;

            CustomInput.IsAI = true;
Пример #14
//	public GameObject tire;

    void Awake()
        wc = GetComponent <WheelCollider>();
        wc.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5f, 12, 15);
Пример #15
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     wc.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(criticalSpeed, stepsBelow, stepsAbove);
Пример #16
    void Update()
        accelTimer += Time.deltaTime;

        if (accelTimer > 3.0f)
            if (abilityToDrive)
                //Alters the angle of the car
                float angle = maxAngle * XCI.GetAxis(XboxAxis.LeftStickX, controller);

                for (int wheelNum = 0; wheelNum < 4; ++wheelNum)
                    //Get the wheel colliders
                    WheelCollider wheel          = wheels[wheelNum];
                    bool          frontWheel     = (wheelNum < 2);  //if wheelnum is 0 or 1, it's a front wheel
                    bool          frontLeftWheel = (wheelNum == 0); //Left front wheel
                    bool          backLeftWheel  = (wheelNum == 2); //Left back wheel

                    //Changes speed based on criticals
                    wheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(criticalSpeed, stepsBelow, stepsAbove);

                    //If the player is not boosting
                    if (player.IsBoosting == false)
                        //Maintain the RPM
                        if (wheel.rpm < idealRPM)
                            speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed / 10f, speed, wheel.rpm / idealRPM);
                            speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, 0, (wheel.rpm - idealRPM) / (maxRPM - idealRPM));

                    //Checking if they are boosting, increase torque
                    if (player.IsBoosting == true)
                        //Boost speed
                        speed = boostSpeed;
                        //Regular speed
                        speed = torque;

                    //Sharp turn
                    if (XCI.GetAxis(XboxAxis.RightTrigger, controller) == 1)
                        //Move the back wheels
                        if (!frontWheel)
                            wheel.steerAngle = -angle * sharpTurn;
                            wheel.steerAngle = 0.0f;
                        //Move the front wheels
                        if (!frontWheel)
                            wheel.steerAngle = 0.0f;
                            wheel.steerAngle = angle;

                    //If we are holding down the A button, move forward
                    if (XCI.GetButton(XboxButton.A, controller))
                        //Set variables
                        wheel.brakeTorque        = 0.0f;
                        carRigidbody.drag        = 1.0f;
                        carRigidbody.isKinematic = false;
                        aHasBeenPressed          = true;

                        //Back wheels
                        if (!frontWheel && driveType != DriveType.FrontWheelDrive)
                            wheel.motorTorque = speed;

                        //Front wheels
                        if (frontWheel && driveType != DriveType.RearWheelDrive)
                            wheel.motorTorque = speed;
                    else if (XCI.GetButton(XboxButton.B, controller))
                        if (aHasBeenPressed == true)
                            brakeTimer += Time.deltaTime;

                            if (brakeTimer < 1.5f)
                                if (wheel.isGrounded == true)
                                    //Stop the car moving and resetting values
                                    wheel.motorTorque        = 0.0f;
                                    wheel.brakeTorque        = Mathf.Infinity;
                                    carRigidbody.drag        = dragAmount;
                                    carRigidbody.isKinematic = false;
                                //Use the reverse function
                                aHasBeenPressed = false;
                            //Set variables
                            wheel.brakeTorque        = 0.0f;
                            carRigidbody.drag        = 1.0f;
                            carRigidbody.isKinematic = false;

                            //Back wheels
                            if (!frontWheel && driveType != DriveType.FrontWheelDrive)
                                wheel.motorTorque = -speed;

                            //Front wheels
                            if (frontWheel && driveType != DriveType.RearWheelDrive)
                                wheel.motorTorque = -speed;
                        if (wheel.isGrounded == true)
                            //Stop the car moving and resetting values
                            wheel.motorTorque        = 0.0f;
                            wheel.brakeTorque        = Mathf.Infinity;
                            carRigidbody.drag        = dragAmount;
                            carRigidbody.isKinematic = false;
                            aHasBeenPressed          = false;

                    //Create vector and quanternion
                    Quaternion q;
                    Vector3    p;

                    wheel.GetWorldPose(out p, out q);
                    // Assume that the only child of the wheelcollider is the wheel shape.
                    Transform shapeTransform = wheel.transform.GetChild(0);

                    //Alter the transform
                    shapeTransform.position = p;
                    shapeTransform.rotation = q;
Пример #17
 void Start()
     leftWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5, 12, 15);
     rightWheel.ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(5, 12, 15);