Пример #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     restingTimer = restingTime;
     timer        = transitionTimer;
     agent        = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     wander       = GetComponent <WanderBehaviour>();
     seek         = GetComponent <SeekBehaviour>();
     flee         = GetComponent <Flee>();
Пример #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        agent  = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
        wonder = GetComponent <WanderBehaviour>();

        currentHunger = maxHunger;
        currentEnergy = maxEnergy;
        currentLife   = maxLife;
        timer         = eventChangeTimer;
Пример #3
        public Goblin(string name, Vector2D pos, World w, MovingEntity Target) : base(name, pos, w)
            // State.
            hunting    = new Hunting(this);
            retreating = new Retreating(this);
            guarding   = new Guarding(this);
            wandering  = new Wandering(this);
            regroup    = new Regroup(this);
            obey       = new Obeying(this);
            equip      = new Equip(this);
            setState(guarding); // Starting state.

            FollowingOrder = false;

            Key = _lastKey + 1;
            debugText       = new List <string>();
            this.Target     = Target;
            Mass            = 50;
            MaxSpeed        = 5;
            MaxForce        = 25;
            DamagePerAttack = 10;
            AttackRange     = 10;
            AttackSpeed     = 15; // Lower is faster.

            GroupValue     = 10;
            NeighborsRange = 100;

            SeparationValue = 8;
            CohesionValue   = 1;
            AlignmentValue  = 16;

            FollowValue = 20;

            _SB     = new ArrivalBehaviour(me: this, target: Target, slowingRadius: SlowingRadius);
            _FleeB  = new FleeBehaviour(me: this, target: Target, panicDistance: PanicDistance);
            _FlockB = new FlockBehaviour(me: this, groupValue: GroupValue, cohesionValue: CohesionValue, alignmentValue: AlignmentValue, separationValue: SeparationValue);
            _LFB    = new LeaderFollowingBehaviour(me: this, leader: Leader, slowingRadius: SlowingRadius, leaderBehindDist: 30, groupValue: GroupValue, followValue: FollowValue, separationValue: SeparationValue);
            _OA     = new ObstacleAvoidance(this);
            _WA     = new WallAvoidance(this);
            _WB     = new WanderBehaviour(this, 100, 200);

            Velocity        = new Vector2D(0, 0);
            SlowingRadius   = 100;
            PanicDistance   = 200;  // Distance at which goblin starts fleeing.
            PassiveDistance = 1000; // Distance at which goblin goes to guard.
            BraveryDistance = 100;
            WanderRadius    = 10;
            WanderDistance  = 1;
            Scale           = 4;
            VColor          = Color.Black;

            AddDebugText("Current state: " + currentState, 0);
            AddDebugText("Previous state: " + previousState, 1);
Пример #4
        public FlockingBehaviour(MovingEntity entity, World world, float radius, float alignmentWeight = 6, float cohesionWeight = 16, float separationWeight = 16) : base(entity)
            this.world            = world;
            this.alignmentRadius  = radius;
            this.cohesionRadius   = radius;
            this.separationRadius = radius;

            this.alignmentWeight  = alignmentWeight;
            this.cohesionWeight   = cohesionWeight;
            this.separationWeight = separationWeight;

            this.innerWander = new WanderBehaviour(entity, radius);
Пример #5
        public override void setupScene()
            Random rand = new Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            Tank   t;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                MeinGun g = new MeinGun();
                g.transform.position += new Vector2(2, 5);
                t = new Tank(new Vector2(rand.Next(0, 800), rand.Next(0, 600)), uManager.CManager.Load <Texture2D>("Tank//OrangeTank"), 100, g);
                WanderBehaviour w = new WanderBehaviour(i * 10);
                w.Parent = t;
                t.addBehaviour("wanderBehaviour", w);
Пример #6
        public FindFoodState(EntityStateMachine ownerFiniteStateMachine) : base(ownerFiniteStateMachine)
            SeekBehaviour seekBehaviour = new SeekBehaviour(OwnerEntity.SeekTarget, OwnerEntity);

            wanderBehaviour = new WanderBehaviour(OwnerEntity);
            steeringBehaviours.Add(new DistancingBehaviour(OwnerEntity));
            steeringBehaviours.Add(new ObstacleAvoidance(OwnerEntity));
            Name = "FindFood";

            // If the entity doesn't have a target for some reason, try to find one
            if (OwnerEntity.SeekTarget == null)
                // try to find new target
                // If it's still Null, no targets exist
Пример #7
        public Hobgoblin(string name, Vector2D pos, World w, MovingEntity Target) : base(name, pos, w)
            // State.
            hunting    = new Hunting(this);
            retreating = new Retreating(this);
            guarding   = new Guarding(this);
            wandering  = new Wandering(this);
            command    = new Command(this);
            equip      = new Equip(this);
            setState(guarding); // Starting state.
            Key = _lastKey + 1;
            debugText = new List <string>();

            Mass     = 100;
            MaxSpeed = 5;
            MaxForce = 40;

            DamagePerAttack = 25;
            AttackRange     = 20;
            AttackSpeed     = 30;  // Lower is faster.
            CurrentCommand  = 3;   // Default command.
            CommandRadius   = 125; // Size of area where goblins will respond to commanding.

            SlowingRadius   = 100;
            PanicDistance   = 200; // Distance at which hobgoblin starts fleeing.
            PassiveDistance = 250; // Distance at which hobgoblin goes to guard.

            _SB    = new ArrivalBehaviour(me: this, target: Target, slowingRadius: SlowingRadius);
            _FleeB = new FleeBehaviour(me: this, target: Target, panicDistance: PanicDistance);
            _OA    = new ObstacleAvoidance(this);
            _WA    = new WallAvoidance(this);
            _WB    = new WanderBehaviour(this, 100, 200);

            Velocity      = new Vector2D(0, 0);
            SlowingRadius = 100;
            Scale         = 10;
            VColor        = Color.Black;

            AddDebugText("Current state: " + currentState, 0);
            AddDebugText("Previous state: " + previousState, 1);
Пример #8
    private BaseState GetBehaviour(AIBehaviour behaviour)
        BaseState retVal = null;

        switch (behaviour)
        case AIBehaviour.Patrolling:
            retVal = new PatrolBehaviour(this);

        case AIBehaviour.Wander:
            retVal = new WanderBehaviour(this);

        case AIBehaviour.Skirmish:
            retVal = new SkirmishBehaviour(this);

        case AIBehaviour.ChargeTarget:
            retVal = new BerserkerBehaviour(this);

        case AIBehaviour.Cover:
            retVal = new TacticalBehaviour(this);

        case AIBehaviour.MoveToTransform:
            retVal = new MoveToTransformBehaviour(this);

        case AIBehaviour.Chase:
            retVal = new ChaseState(this);

            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(behaviour), behaviour, null);


Пример #9
    void Start()
        // PickableUpObject
        PickedUp = false;
        disposed = false;

        wander   = GetComponent <WanderBehaviour>();
        seek     = GetComponent <SeekBehaviour>();
        avoid    = GetComponent <AvoidBehaviour>();
        steering = GetComponent <DelegatedSteering>();

        behaviour = new RobotBehaviour(this);
        board     = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <BlackBoard>()[0];

        CurrentBattery = FullBattery;

        CurrentTrash   = null;
        PickedUpObject = null;

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for wander behaviour.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="behaviour">
 /// Details for this behaviour.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="parentBehaviour">
 /// Reference to component to decorate.
 /// </param>
 public WanderBehaviourDecorator(AbstractBehaviourComponent parentBehaviour, MovementBehaviour behaviour)
     : base(parentBehaviour, behaviour)
     this.behaviour = behaviour as WanderBehaviour;
Пример #11
 public TankPatrol(Tank tank)
     wanderBehaviour = new WanderBehaviour(210, 250, 50);
     TimeElapsed     = GlobalVars.BehaviourDelay;
     steeringForce   = new Vector(2, 2);
Пример #12
    private IBehaviour CreateBunnyAI()
        Selector mainSelector = new Selector("Main Selector")

        //mainSelector.children.AddRange(new IBehaviour[] { idleDesire, eatFoodDesire, avoidDangerDesire, attackHatedDecider });

        // Idle subtree.
        Selector idleSelector = new Selector("Idle Selector");

        // Idle -> Wander tree
        TreeInternalNode wanderSequencer  = new Sequencer("Wander Behaviour");
        IBehaviour       findWanderTarget = new WanderBehaviour("Find Wander Target");
        IBehaviour       moveToPosition   = new WalkToBehaviour("Walk to target");

        Repeater wanderRepeater = new Repeater();

        wanderRepeater.child = wanderSequencer;

        AnonUtilityWrapper wanderDesire = new AnonUtilityWrapper();

        wanderDesire.child           = wanderSequencer;
        wanderDesire.utilityFunction = (x) => { return(0.5f); };

        // Idle -> Breed Tree.
        IBehaviour findMateBehaviour   = new PickSameSpecies("Find a mate");
        IBehaviour walkToMateBehaviour = new WalkToTarget("Walk to the mate");
        IBehaviour breedBehaviour      = new Breed("");
        Sequencer  breedSequencer      = new Sequencer("Breeding");

        breedSequencer.children.AddRange(new IBehaviour[] { findMateBehaviour, walkToMateBehaviour, breedBehaviour });

        AnonUtilityWrapper breedDesire = new AnonUtilityWrapper();

        breedDesire.child           = breedSequencer;
        breedDesire.utilityFunction = (x) =>

        idleSelector.children.AddRange(new IBehaviour[] { wanderDesire, breedDesire });

        AnonUtilityWrapper idleDesire = new AnonUtilityWrapper();

        idleDesire.child           = idleSelector;
        idleDesire.utilityFunction = (x) => { return(0.5f); };

        // Find and eat food subtree.
        TreeInternalNode findFoodSubtree = new Sequencer("Find Food Subtree");
        IBehaviour       findFood        = new FindFood("Find Food");
        IBehaviour       walkToFood      = new WalkToTarget("Walk To Food");
        IBehaviour       eat             = new Eat("Eat Food");

        findFoodSubtree.children.AddRange(new IBehaviour[] { findFood, walkToFood, eat });
        AnonUtilityWrapper eatFoodDesire = new AnonUtilityWrapper("Desire for food.");

        eatFoodDesire.child           = findFoodSubtree;
        eatFoodDesire.utilityFunction = (x) =>
            if (x == null || x.target == null)
            if (x.target.eating)
                return((x.target.hunger - 15f) / 15f);

        // Flee Danger Subtree
        Repeater  avoidTreeRepeater = new Repeater();
        Sequencer avoidDangerTree   = new Sequencer("Running Away Subtree");

        avoidTreeRepeater.child = avoidDangerTree;
        IBehaviour avoidDanger = new AvoidDanger("Work out where to run");
        IBehaviour walkAway    = new WalkToBehaviour("Do the running away");

        avoidDangerTree.children.AddRange(new IBehaviour[] { avoidDanger, walkAway });
        AnonUtilityWrapper avoidDangerDesire = new AnonUtilityWrapper("Current danger estimate");

        avoidDangerDesire.utilityFunction = (x) =>
            if (x.target.predator)
            if (x.target.hunter == null)
                float distance = (x.target.hunter.transform.position - x.target.transform.position).magnitude;
                if (distance < 8f)
                    return((8f - distance) / 3f);

        // Attack Hated behaviours.
        FindHatedTarget findTarget           = new FindHatedTarget("");
        WalkToTarget    moveToTarget         = new WalkToTarget("Approach victim");
        Attack          attackTarget         = new Attack();
        Sequencer       attackHatedSequencer = new Sequencer("Attack Hated Creatures");

        attackHatedSequencer.children.AddRange(new IBehaviour[] { findTarget, moveToTarget, attackTarget });

        AnonUtilityWrapper attackHatedDecider = new AnonUtilityWrapper("Impact of nearby hated units");

        attackHatedDecider.utilityFunction = (x) => { return(findTarget.GetUtility()); };

        mainSelector.children.AddRange(new IBehaviour[] { idleDesire, eatFoodDesire, avoidDangerDesire, attackHatedDecider });

        Repeater repeatAll = new Repeater();

Пример #13
	void Start () {
		if(!EditorApplication.isPlaying) {
		} else {

			var go = this.gameObject;
			ApexComponentMaster master;
			Rigidbody rb;
			//Add the required components
		/*	go.AddIfMissing<Rigidbody>(go, false, out rb);
			bool toggleAll = go.AddIfMissing<ApexComponentMaster>(false, out master);
			go.AddIfMissing<SteerableUnitComponent>(go, false);
			go.AddIfMissing<DefaultHeightNavigator>(go, false);
			go.AddIfMissing<PathOptionsComponent>(go, false);
			go.AddIfMissing<SteerToAlignWithVelocity>(go, false);
			go.AddIfMissing<SteerForPathComponent>(go, 5);
			go.AddIfMissing<PathVisualizer>(go, false);
			Rigidbody r;
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<Rigidbody>(out r);

			ApexComponentMaster apexM; 
			HumanoidSpeedComponent hsc;
			PathOptionsComponent poc;
			UnitComponent uni;
			SteerToAlignWithVelocity steer;
			SteerForPathComponent sfp;
			WanderBehaviour wand;
			DefaultHeightNavigator dfn;
			SteerableUnitComponent suc;
			SpeedComponent sc;
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<ApexComponentMaster>(out apexM);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<HumanoidSpeedComponent>(out hsc);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<UnitComponent>(out uni);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<SteerForPathComponent>(out sfp);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<SteerableUnitComponent>(out suc);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<DefaultHeightNavigator>(out dfn);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<PathOptionsComponent>(out poc);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<SteerToAlignWithVelocity>(out steer);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<SpeedComponent>(out sc);
			apexMain = this.GetComponent<IMovingObject> ();
			if(apexMain==null) {
				apexMain = gameObject.AddComponent<SteerableUnitComponent>();
			unit = this.GetUnitFacade (true);
			this.gameObject.AddIfMissing<WanderBehaviour>(out wand);
			anim = this.GetComponentInChildren<Animator> ();
			steerable = (SteerableUnitComponent) apexMain;
			suc.enabled = true;
			sc.enabled = true;
			uni.enabled = true;
			poc.enabled = true;
			dfn.enabled = true;
			sfp.enabled = true;
			steer.enabled = true;
			apexM.enabled = true;

			BattleMonster m = this.GetComponentInChildren<BattleMonster> ();
			if (m != null) {
				Destroy (m);
		player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player");
		wander = GetComponent<WanderBehaviour> ();
 public void WanderOff()
     _wander  = null;
     _dWander = 0;
 public void WanderOn(double intensity)
     _wander  = new WanderBehaviour(_movingEntity);
     _dWander = intensity;