}         // colorOrganFrequencyBand

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the channel outputs for each of the output periods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sequence"></param>
        /// <param name="m_mapOfChannels"></param>
        /// <param name="m_minBinVariableRange">min level needed to turn on a channel</param>
        /// <param name="m_maxBinVariableRange">Level at which channel will be on 100%</param>
        internal void SetChans(Vixen.EventSequence Sequence, Dictionary <string, ColorOrganChannel> mapOfChannels, float minBinVariableRange, float maxBinVariableRange)
                // is this frequency a member of this color organ band
                if (false == Member)
                    // nope
                }                 // end this frequency is not a member of this color organ band

                // get the data samples
                float[] samples     = m_frequencyBand.Samples;
                byte    periodValue = 0;
                float   binRange    = maxBinVariableRange - minBinVariableRange;
                float   outRange    = Sequence.MaximumLevel - Sequence.MinimumLevel;

                for (uint currentEventPeriod = 0; currentEventPeriod < Sequence.TotalEventPeriods; currentEventPeriod++)
                    // is this level up to the minimum value needed to turn on?
                    if (minBinVariableRange > samples[currentEventPeriod])
                        // nope. Channel is off
                        periodValue = 0;
                    // is the level above the full on point?
                    else if (maxBinVariableRange < samples[currentEventPeriod])
                        // yup. Just turn it on
                        periodValue = Sequence.MaximumLevel;
                        // the output is somewhere between full on and off
                        float delta      = (samples[currentEventPeriod] - minBinVariableRange);
                        float multiplier = (delta / binRange);
                        float value      = Sequence.MinimumLevel + (multiplier * outRange);
                        periodValue = Convert.ToByte(value);

                    // give it to each channel bound to this color organ band
                    foreach (var channel in mapOfChannels)
                        channel.Value.SetChan(Sequence, currentEventPeriod, periodValue);
                    } // process each channel
                }     // end for each period
            } while (false);
        }             // SetChans
        }             // SetChans

        /// <summary>
        /// Clear the channel data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Sequence"></param>
        /// <param name="m_mapOfChannels"></param>
        internal void ClearChans(Vixen.EventSequence Sequence, Dictionary <string, ColorOrganChannel> m_mapOfChannels)
                // is this frequency a member of this color organ band
                if (false == Member)
                    // nope
                }                 // end this frequency is not a member of this color organ band
                for (uint currentEventPeriod = 0; currentEventPeriod < Sequence.TotalEventPeriods; currentEventPeriod++)
                    // give it to each channel bound to this color organ band
                    foreach (var channel in m_mapOfChannels)
                        channel.Value.ClearChan(Sequence, currentEventPeriod);
                    } // process each channel
                }     // end for each period
            } while (false);
        }             // ClearChans