public void Test() { var bounds = RecastBuilder.GetBoundsFromGameObject(gameObject); //bounds.Expand(2.0f); bounds = RecastBuilder.AlignBounds(bounds); bounds.Expand(new Vector3(0, 1.6f, 0)); voxel = RecastBuilder.Creat(bounds, Size); RecastBuilder.AddGameObject(voxel, gameObject); Vector3 min = voxel.Bounds.min; heightfield = RecastBuilder.VoxelToHeightfield(voxel); var bitMask = RecastBuilder.VoxelizationWalkableFilter(voxel); if (ValidPoint) { var pos = Vector3Int.CeilToInt((ValidPoint.position - min) / voxel.CellSize); Vector2Int pt = new Vector2Int(pos.x, pos.z); Vector2Int size = new Vector2Int(voxel.Size.x, voxel.Size.z); var validMask = RecastBuilder.CalcClosePoint(bitMask, size, pt); gridData = new RecastGridData { OriginPoint = new Vector3(min.x, min.z), Width = voxel.Size.x, Length = voxel.Size.z, Mask = new SerializBitArray(validMask) }; } else { gridData = RecastBuilder.VoxelizationToGrid(voxel); } }
private void Hit() { if (_target != null) { var moveTarget = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, _target.transform.position, _speed * Time.deltaTime); var thisTransform = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(transform.position); var moveTrgetInt = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(moveTarget); if (moveTrgetInt.x == thisTransform.x && moveTrgetInt.z == thisTransform.z) { _ai.SetDamage(_damage); Destroy(gameObject); } else { transform.position = new Vector3(moveTarget.x, transform.position.y, moveTarget.z); } } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void InitServerState() { if (flyingDirection == { Debug.LogWarning($"{} move direction unclear"); serverState.Direction = Vector2.up; } else { serverState.Direction = Vector2Int.RoundToInt(flyingDirection); } initialPosition = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0)); var child = transform.GetChild(0); var childPosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(new Vector3(child.transform.position.x, child.transform.position.y, 0)); pivot = initialPosition - childPosition; Debug.Log($"Calculated pivot {pivot} for {}"); serverState.Speed = 1f; serverState.Position = initialPosition; serverState.Orientation = Orientation.Up; serverTargetState = serverState; clientState = serverState; clientTargetState = serverState; }
public Voxelization(Bounds b, float size) { CellSize = size; Bounds = b; Size = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(b.size / size); Voxel = new ThreeDimensionMask(Size.x, Size.y, Size.z); }
//[NativeSetThreadIndex] //int threadIndex; public void FillNoisySphere(World world, uint id, Vector3 o, float r, FastNoiseLite noise, float noiseScale, uint idVariant, float variantRate) { var rand = new System.Random(); Vector3Int min = Vector3Int.FloorToInt(o) - * Mathf.CeilToInt(r + noiseScale); Vector3Int max = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(o) + * Mathf.CeilToInt(r + noiseScale); for (int x = min.x; x <= max.x; x++) { for (int y = min.y; y <= max.y; y++) { for (int z = min.z; z <= max.z; z++) { if ((new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f) - o).magnitude <= (r + 0.35f + noise.GetNoise(x * noiseFreq + 3.75f, y * noiseFreq - 18.63f, z * noiseFreq + 1.55f) * noiseScale)) { if (rand.NextDouble() < variantRate) { world.SetBlock(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), Block.From32bitColor(idVariant)); } else { world.SetBlock(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), Block.From32bitColor(id)); } } } } } }
private Vector3Int GetCellCoordsForMouse() { Vector3 mousepos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); Vector3 cellPosition = grid.WorldToCell(mousepos); return(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(cellPosition)); }
public Vector3Int GetTilePositionForWorldPoint(Vector2 wp) { Vector3 mousepos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(wp); Vector3 cellPosition = grid.WorldToCell(mousepos); return(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(cellPosition)); }
public void MoveEnemy(GameObject enemy) { var script = enemy.GetComponent <EnemyScript>(); var movementInput = script.MovementPattern; if (levelGrid.HasTile(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(enemy.transform.position + movementInput))) { script.Destination = levelGrid.WorldToCell(enemy.transform.position + movementInput); } else { if (levelGrid.HasTile(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(enemy.transform.position) + new Vector3Int(Mathf.CeilToInt(movementInput.x), 0, 0))) { enemy.transform.position = new Vector3(enemy.transform.position.x + CellSize, enemy.transform.position.y * -1, 0f); script.Destination = enemy.transform.position; return; } if (levelGrid.HasTile(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(enemy.transform.position) + new Vector3Int(0, Mathf.CeilToInt(movementInput.y), 0))) { enemy.transform.position = new Vector3(enemy.transform.position.x * -1, enemy.transform.position.y + CellSize, 0f); script.Destination = enemy.transform.position; } } }
public static SDFRawData SceneToSDF(GameObject go, Vector3 validPos, int layerMask = -1) { float cellSize = 0.25f; float sdfScale = 0.25f; var bounds = GetBoundsFromGameObject(go); bounds = AlignBounds(bounds); var voxel = Creat(bounds, cellSize); AddGameObject(voxel, go, layerMask); var heightfield = VoxelToHeightfield(voxel); var grid = HeightfieldToPlaneGrid(heightfield, 0, 2); Vector2Int size = new Vector2Int(voxel.Size.x, voxel.Size.z); var pos = Vector3Int.CeilToInt((validPos - voxel.Bounds.min) / voxel.CellSize); grid.Mask = CalcClosePoint(grid.Mask, size, new Vector2Int(pos.x, pos.z)); grid = FilterEdge(grid); //生成sdf信息 sbyte[] data = new sbyte[grid.Width * grid.Length]; SDFGenerate.Gen(grid.Mask, grid.Width, grid.Length, cellSize, sdfScale, data); SDFRawData sdf = new SDFRawData(); TSVector2 orign = new TSVector2(grid.OriginPoint.x, grid.OriginPoint.y); sdf.Init(grid.Width, grid.Length, cellSize, sdfScale, orign, data); return(sdf); }
// Creates bricks at the coarsest level for all areas that are overlapped by the pass in volume private void Rasterize(Volume volume, List <Brick> outBricks) { Profiler.BeginSample("Rasterize"); // Calculate bounding box for volume in refvol space var AABB = volume.CalculateAABB(); // Calculate smallest brick size capable of covering shortest AABB dimension float minVolumeSize = Mathf.Min(AABB.size.x, Mathf.Min(AABB.size.y, AABB.size.z)); int brickSubDivLevel = Mathf.Min(Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Log(minVolumeSize, 3)), m_MaxSubdivision); int brickTotalSize = (int)Mathf.Pow(3, brickSubDivLevel); // Extend AABB to have origin that lies on a grid point AABB.Encapsulate(new Vector3( brickTotalSize * Mathf.Floor(AABB.min.x / brickTotalSize), brickTotalSize * Mathf.Floor(AABB.min.y / brickTotalSize), brickTotalSize * Mathf.Floor(AABB.min.z / brickTotalSize))); // Calculate origin of bricks and how many are needed to cover volume Vector3Int origin = Vector3Int.FloorToInt(AABB.min); Vector3 logicalBrickRes = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(AABB.size / brickTotalSize); // Cover the volume with bricks for (int x = 0; x < logicalBrickRes.x; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < logicalBrickRes.y; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < logicalBrickRes.z; z++) { Vector3Int pos = origin + new Vector3Int(x, y, z) * brickTotalSize; outBricks.Add(new Brick(pos, brickSubDivLevel)); } } } Profiler.EndSample(); }
public static void FillNoisySphere(World world, uint id, Vector3 o, float r, FastNoiseLite noise, float noiseScale, uint idVariant, float variantRate) { #if PROFILE UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("TestTree.FillNoisySphere"); #endif var rand = new System.Random(); Vector3Int min = Vector3Int.FloorToInt(o) - * Mathf.CeilToInt(r + noiseScale); Vector3Int max = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(o) + * Mathf.CeilToInt(r + noiseScale); for (int x = min.x; x <= max.x; x++) { for (int y = min.y; y <= max.y; y++) { for (int z = min.z; z <= max.z; z++) { if ((new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f) - o).magnitude <= (r + 0.35f + noise.GetNoise(x, y, z) * noiseScale)) { if (rand.NextDouble() < variantRate) { world.SetBlock(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), Block.From32bitColor(idVariant)); } else { world.SetBlock(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), Block.From32bitColor(id)); } } } } } #if PROFILE UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); #endif }
private void Awake() { initialOffset = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(gameObject.transform.position); reactionManager = GetComponent <ReactionManager>(); metaDataLayer = GetComponent <MetaDataLayer>(); MatrixMove = GetComponentInParent <MatrixMove>(); tileChangeManager = GetComponentInParent <TileChangeManager>(); OnEarthquake.AddListener((worldPos, magnitude) => { var cellPos = metaTileMap.WorldToCell(worldPos); var bounds = new BoundsInt(cellPos - new Vector3Int(magnitude, magnitude, 0), new Vector3Int(magnitude * 2, magnitude * 2, 1)); foreach (var pos in bounds.allPositionsWithin) { foreach (var player in Get <PlayerScript>(pos, true)) { if (player.IsGhost) { continue; } player.registerTile.ServerSlip(true); } //maybe shake items somehow, too } }); }
public void Initial() { HackPowerDisplayer = GameObject.Find("HackPowerDisplayer"); choosingXLine = Instantiate(choosingXLine); choosingXLine.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform; choosingXLine.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); choosingYLine = Instantiate(choosingYLine); choosingYLine.transform.parent = this.transform; choosingYLine.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); unlockedHorizontals = new UnlockedHorizontal[ySize]; unlockedVerticals = new UnlockedVertical[xSize]; //Array[0]は交差点につき未割当。 GameObject Lines = new GameObject(); Lines.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform; = "Lines"; Referenceosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(this.gameObject.transform.position); for (int i = 1; i < ySize; i++) { unlockedHorizontals[i] = new UnlockedHorizontal(); unlockedHorizontals[i].HLF = Instantiate(HorizontalLineFacility, new Vector3Int(Referenceosition.x, Referenceosition.y + i, 0), Quaternion.identity); unlockedHorizontals[i].HLF.gameObject.transform.parent = Lines.transform; } for (int j = 1; j < xSize; j++) { unlockedVerticals[j] = new UnlockedVertical(); unlockedVerticals[j].VLF = Instantiate(VerticalLineFacility, new Vector3Int(Referenceosition.x + j, Referenceosition.y, 0), Quaternion.identity); unlockedVerticals[j].VLF.transform.parent = Lines.transform; } }
public void seeDirectionMoving(int d) { switch (d) { case 1: goToCell = new Vector3Int(currentCell.x - Vector3Int.CeilToInt(myGrid.cellSize).x, currentCell.y, currentCell.z); //Izquierda Player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = PlayerSprites[2]; UIGround.GetComponent <DirectionControl>().RotatorDirectionsUIGround(1); break; case 2: goToCell = new Vector3Int(currentCell.x, currentCell.y - Vector3Int.CeilToInt(myGrid.cellSize).y, currentCell.z); //Abajo Player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = PlayerSprites[0]; UIGround.GetComponent <DirectionControl>().RotatorDirectionsUIGround(2); break; case 3: goToCell = new Vector3Int(currentCell.x + Vector3Int.CeilToInt(myGrid.cellSize).x, currentCell.y, currentCell.z); // Derecha Player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = PlayerSprites[3]; UIGround.GetComponent <DirectionControl>().RotatorDirectionsUIGround(3); break; case 0: goToCell = new Vector3Int(currentCell.x, currentCell.y + Vector3Int.CeilToInt(myGrid.cellSize).y, currentCell.z); // Arriba Player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = PlayerSprites[1]; UIGround.GetComponent <DirectionControl>().RotatorDirectionsUIGround(0); break; default: break; } }
private void UnloadChunk(Chunk c) { chunks.Remove(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(c.position)); unloadedChunks.Add(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(c.position), c); c.gameObject.SetActive(false); c.enabled = false; //Destroy(c.gameObject); }
private static void GetMinMax(Bounds bounds, TerrainData terrain, out Vector3Int min, out Vector3Int max) { min = Vector3Int.FloorToInt(bounds.min); max = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(bounds.max); min.x = Mathf.Max(min.x, 0); min.z = Mathf.Max(min.z, 0); max.x = Mathf.Min(max.x, terrain.heightmapWidth - 1); max.z = Mathf.Min(max.z, terrain.heightmapHeight - 1); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { transform.Translate(Time.deltaTime * speed, 0, 0); if (!CookieController.singleton.traversableMap.HasTile(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(gameObject.transform.position))) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void Update() { if (true) { LogicTile temp = GameBoard.Instance.GetTileByPos(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(transform.position)); GameBoard.Instance.FindMovePath(temp, charAttr.Move); foreach (LogicTile Lt in GameBoard.Instance.MoveTiles) { } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Vector3 screenToWorld = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit2D rayHit = Physics2D.Raycast(screenToWorld,; //if (map.GetSprite(mousePosition) != null) if (rayHit) { mousePosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(new Vector3(rayHit.point.x, rayHit.point.y, 0)); Debug.Log(mousePosition.ToString() + map.GetSprite(mousePosition).name + map.GetTile(mousePosition).name); } }
private void InitServerState() { if (flyingDirection == { Logger.LogWarning($"{} move direction unclear", Category.Matrix); serverState.Direction = Orientation.Up; } else { serverState.Direction = Orientation.From(Vector2Int.RoundToInt(flyingDirection)); } Vector3Int initialPositionInt = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0)); initialPosition = initialPositionInt; InitialPos = initialPosition.RoundToInt(); //initialOrientation = Orientation.From( serverState.Direction ); serverState.initialOrientation = serverState.Direction; var child = transform.GetChild(0); MatrixInfo = MatrixManager.Get(child.gameObject); var childPosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(new Vector3(child.transform.position.x, child.transform.position.y, 0)); pivot = initialPosition - childPosition; Pivot = pivot.RoundToInt(); Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0}: pivot={1} initialPos={2}, initialOrientation={3}", Category.Matrix,, pivot, initialPositionInt, serverState.initialOrientation); serverState.Speed = 1f; serverState.Position = initialPosition; serverState.orientation = serverState.initialOrientation; serverTargetState = serverState; clientState = serverState; clientTargetState = serverState; if (SensorPositions == null) { CollisionSensor[] sensors = GetComponentsInChildren <CollisionSensor>(); if (sensors.Length == 0) { SensorPositions = new Vector3Int[0]; return; } SensorPositions = sensors.Select(sensor => Vector3Int.RoundToInt(sensor.transform.localPosition)).ToArray(); Logger.Log($"Initialized sensors at {string.Join(",", SensorPositions)}," + $" direction is {State.Direction}", Category.Matrix); } }
public void AdvanceStage() { if (IsDieing) { return; } var directionToPlayer = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(_target.transform.position - transform.position); directionToPlayer.Clamp(new Vector3Int(-1, -1, -1),; Move(new Vector2Int(directionToPlayer.x, directionToPlayer.y)); }
public Color GetGripColorAt(Vector3 position) { Sprite tileSprite = gripTilemap.GetSprite(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(position - new Vector3(1, 1, 0))); Texture2D tileTex = TextureFromSprite(tileSprite); = "tileTex"; float xcoord = position.x - (int)position.x; float ycoord = position.y - (int)position.y; Color pointColor = tileTex.GetPixel((int)(32 - xcoord * -32), (int)(32 - ycoord * -32)); Debug.DrawRay(position, Vector3.forward, pointColor); Destroy(tileTex); return(pointColor); }
private void ComputeBoundsFromLayers() { _mapBounds = new BoundsInt(); foreach (Tilemap layer in _tilemapLayers) { layer.CompressBounds(); _mapBounds.min = Vector3Int.Min(layer.cellBounds.min, _mapBounds.min); _mapBounds.max = Vector3Int.Max(layer.cellBounds.max, _mapBounds.max); } _mapBounds.min += Vector3Int.FloorToInt(transform.position); _mapBounds.max += Vector3Int.CeilToInt(transform.position); }
private void AddWallPositionToList(Vector3 wallPosition, List <Vector3Int> wallList, List <Vector3Int> doorList) { Vector3Int point = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(wallPosition); if (wallList.Contains(point)) { doorList.Add(point); wallList.Remove(point); } else { wallList.Add(point); } }
public static bool AddBlock(RaycastHit hit, Block block) { Chunk chunk = hit.collider.GetComponent <Chunk>(); if (chunk == null) { return(false); } Vector3Int pos = GetBlockPos(hit); pos += Vector3Int.CeilToInt(hit.normal); chunk.World.SetBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, block); return(true); }
private void Awake() { metaTileMap = GetComponent <MetaTileMap>(); if (metaTileMap == null) { Logger.LogError($"MetaTileMap was null on {}"); } networkedMatrix = transform.parent.GetComponent <NetworkedMatrix>(); initialOffset = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(gameObject.transform.position); reactionManager = GetComponent <ReactionManager>(); metaDataLayer = GetComponent <MetaDataLayer>(); MatrixMove = GetComponentInParent <MatrixMove>(); tileChangeManager = GetComponentInParent <TileChangeManager>(); underFloorLayer = GetComponentInChildren <UnderFloorLayer>(); tilemapsDamage = GetComponentsInChildren <TilemapDamage>().ToList(); if (MatrixManager.Instance.InitializingMatrixes.ContainsKey(gameObject.scene) == false) { MatrixManager.Instance.InitializingMatrixes.Add(gameObject.scene, new List <Matrix>()); } MatrixManager.Instance.InitializingMatrixes[gameObject.scene].Add(this); OnEarthquake.AddListener((worldPos, magnitude) => { var cellPos = metaTileMap.WorldToCell(worldPos); var bounds = new BoundsInt(cellPos - new Vector3Int(magnitude, magnitude, 0), new Vector3Int(magnitude * 2, magnitude * 2, 1)); foreach (var pos in bounds.allPositionsWithin) { foreach (var player in Get <PlayerScript>(pos, true)) { if (player.IsGhost) { continue; } player.registerTile.ServerSlip(true); } //maybe shake items somehow, too } }); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Vector3 vec = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); pathfinding.grid.GetXY(vec, out int x, out int y); List <PathNode> path = pathfinding.FindPath(Vector3Int.CeilToInt(player.position).x, Vector3Int.CeilToInt(player.position).y, x, y); if (path != null) { for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++) { Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(path[i].X, path[i].Y), new Vector3(path[i + 1].X, path[i + 1].Y),, 5000f); } } } }
void Look() { transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * RotateSpeed); Eye.Rotate(Vector3.left * Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * RotateSpeed); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(Eye.position, Eye.forward, out hit, 10f)) { if (!(lookingObject == hit.collider.gameObject)) { ClearLookingObject(); lookingObject = hit.collider.gameObject; var mesh = lookingObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (mesh != null) { var block = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); block.SetColor("_Color", new Color(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1)); mesh.SetPropertyBlock(block); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Punch")) { Chunk.SetBlock("unicraft:air", LookingBlock.Location); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Interact")) { BlockBase bl; if ((bl = BlockRegister.Instance[LookingBlock.BlockId]) is IInteractable) { (bl as IInteractable).OnInteract(LookingBlock.Location, this); } else { var candidate = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(LookingBlock.Location + hit.normal); Chunk.SetBlock(UniCraft.BlockIdInHand, candidate); } } } else { ClearLookingObject(); } }
private void Update() { float axisHorizontal = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); float axisVertical = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); if (axisVertical == 1) { inputDirection = Vector2.up; } else if (axisVertical == -1) { inputDirection = Vector2.down; } else if (axisHorizontal == 1) { inputDirection = Vector2.right; } else if (axisHorizontal == -1) { inputDirection = Vector2.left; } Vector3Int inputNextCell = gridPosition + Vector3Int.CeilToInt((Vector3)inputDirection); bool canTurn = maze.CanMove(inputNextCell); if (canTurn) { direction = inputDirection; } Vector3Int nextCell = gridPosition + Vector3Int.CeilToInt((Vector3)direction); bool canMove = maze.CanMove(nextCell); if (canMove) { Move(); } gridPosition = maze.grid.WorldToCell(transform.position); bool centering = Centering(canMove); moving = canMove || centering; anim.SetBool("moving", moving); DectectCollisions(); }
// check player fire cell for injured or die ai ship void CheckFireCell(RaycastHit hit) { if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Ship")) { aSource.PlayOneShot(audioManager.ship); GameObject shipInjured = Instantiate(hitShip); shipInjured.transform.position = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(hit.collider.transform.position); shipInjured.transform.SetParent(otherPlayerFeildData.transform); shipInjured.transform.localPosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(shipInjured.transform.localPosition); hit.collider.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().enabled = true; var ship = otherPlayerFeildData.Ships.Find(x => x.go == hit.collider.transform.parent.gameObject); ship.status = PlayerField.shipStatus.Injured; // check ship status if (CheckShipDie(hit.collider.transform.parent)) { aSource.PlayOneShot(audioManager.ship); hit.collider.transform.parent.position -= new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0); // set die in playerfield ship.status = PlayerField.shipStatus.Die; Debug.Log("ship " + + " " + ship.status); otherPlayerFeildData.CheckGameStatus(); } } if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Field")) { // check fire in place var checkCell = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(hit.point); if (!CheckFire(checkCell)) { aSource.PlayOneShot(audioManager.empty); GameObject fire = Instantiate(cross); fire.transform.localPosition = checkCell + new Vector3(0, -1f, 0); fire.transform.SetParent(otherPlayerFeildData.transform); fire.transform.localPosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(fire.transform.localPosition); } playerCanShot = false; } }