Пример #1
        public void DotProduct_SameVector_ReturnsMSquared()
            Vector2 test = new Vector2(2.0, 0.0);

            double result = test.Dot(test);

            Assert.AreEqual(4.0, result, Epsilon);
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if a point is inside a cone.
		/// </summary>
		public static bool IsPointInsideCone(Vector2 origin, Vector2 direction, Vector2 point, double radianAngle, int maxDistance)
			Vector2 distanceVector = new Vector2(point.X - origin.X, point.Y - origin.Y);

			double length = distanceVector.Normalize(); //Returns not the normalized distance vector, but the length of the vector.  A shortcut.

			if (length > maxDistance)
				return false;

			return (direction.Dot(distanceVector) >= Math.Cos(radianAngle));
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = BodyA;
            Body b2 = BodyB;

            Vector2 v1 = b1.LinearVelocityInternal;
            float   w1 = b1.AngularVelocityInternal;
            Vector2 v2 = b2.LinearVelocityInternal;
            float   w2 = b2.AngularVelocityInternal;

            // Solve linear motor constraint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.Equal)
                float Cdot       = Vector2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (_motorSpeed - Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.dt * _maxMotorForce;
                _motorImpulse = MathUtils.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P  = impulse * _axis;
                float   L1 = impulse * _a1;
                float   L2 = impulse * _a2;

                v1 -= InvMassA * P;
                w1 -= InvIA * L1;

                v2 += InvMassB * P;
                w2 += InvIB * L2;

            Vector2 Cdot1 = new Vector2(Vector2.Dot(_perp, v2 - v1) + _s2 * w2 - _s1 * w1, w2 - w1);

            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.Inactive)
                // Solve prismatic and limit constraint in block form.
                float   Cdot2 = Vector2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                Vector3 Cdot  = new Vector3(Cdot1.X, Cdot1.Y, Cdot2);

                Vector3 f1 = _impulse;
                Vector3 df = _K.Solve33(-Cdot);
                _impulse += df;

                if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLower)
                    _impulse.Z = Math.Max(_impulse.Z, 0.0f);
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpper)
                    _impulse.Z = Math.Min(_impulse.Z, 0.0f);

                // f2(1:2) = invK(1:2,1:2) * (-Cdot(1:2) - K(1:2,3) * (f2(3) - f1(3))) + f1(1:2)
                Vector2 b   = -Cdot1 - (_impulse.Z - f1.Z) * new Vector2(_K.Col3.X, _K.Col3.Y);
                Vector2 f2r = _K.Solve22(b) + new Vector2(f1.X, f1.Y);
                _impulse.X = f2r.X;
                _impulse.Y = f2r.Y;

                df = _impulse - f1;

                Vector2 P  = df.X * _perp + df.Z * _axis;
                float   L1 = df.X * _s1 + df.Y + df.Z * _a1;
                float   L2 = df.X * _s2 + df.Y + df.Z * _a2;

                v1 -= InvMassA * P;
                w1 -= InvIA * L1;

                v2 += InvMassB * P;
                w2 += InvIB * L2;
                // Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic constraint in block form.
                Vector2 df = _K.Solve22(-Cdot1);
                _impulse.X += df.X;
                _impulse.Y += df.Y;

                Vector2 P  = df.X * _perp;
                float   L1 = df.X * _s1 + df.Y;
                float   L2 = df.X * _s2 + df.Y;

                v1 -= InvMassA * P;
                w1 -= InvIA * L1;

                v2 += InvMassB * P;
                w2 += InvIB * L2;

            b1.LinearVelocityInternal  = v1;
            b1.AngularVelocityInternal = w1;
            b2.LinearVelocityInternal  = v2;
            b2.AngularVelocityInternal = w2;
Пример #4
 public static float Project(Vector2 vector, Vector2 axis) => Vector2.Dot(vector, axis / axis.Length());
Пример #5
        public void Solve(TimeStep step, Vector2 gravity, bool allowSleep)
            // Integrate velocities and apply damping.
            for (int i = 0; i < _bodyCount; ++i)
                Body b = _bodies[i];

                if (b.IsStatic())

                // Integrate velocities.
                b._linearVelocity  += step.Dt * (gravity + b._invMass * b._force);
                b._angularVelocity += step.Dt * b._invI * b._torque;

                // Reset forces.
                b._force  = Vector2.Zero;
                b._torque = 0.0f;

                // Apply damping.
                // ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
                // Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
                // Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
                // v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
                // Taylor expansion:
                // v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
                b._linearVelocity  *= Box2DX.Common.Math.Clamp(1.0f - step.Dt * b._linearDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                b._angularVelocity *= Box2DX.Common.Math.Clamp(1.0f - step.Dt * b._angularDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            ContactSolver contactSolver = new ContactSolver(step, _contacts, _contactCount);

            // Initialize velocity constraints.

            for (int i = 0; i < _jointCount; ++i)

            // Solve velocity constraints.
            for (int i = 0; i < step.VelocityIterations; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < _jointCount; ++j)

            // Post-solve (store impulses for warm starting).

            // Integrate positions.
            for (int i = 0; i < _bodyCount; ++i)
                Body b = _bodies[i];

                if (b.IsStatic())

                // Check for large velocities.
                Vector2 translation = step.Dt * b._linearVelocity;
                if (Vector2.Dot(translation, translation) > Settings.MaxTranslationSquared)
                    b._linearVelocity = (Settings.MaxTranslation * step.Inv_Dt) * translation.Normalized();

                float rotation = step.Dt * b._angularVelocity;
                if (rotation * rotation > Settings.MaxRotationSquared)
                    if (rotation < 0.0)
                        b._angularVelocity = -step.Inv_Dt * Settings.MaxRotation;
                        b._angularVelocity = step.Inv_Dt * Settings.MaxRotation;

                // Store positions for continuous collision.
                b._sweep.C0 = b._sweep.C;
                b._sweep.A0 = b._sweep.A;

                // Integrate
                b._sweep.C += step.Dt * b._linearVelocity;
                b._sweep.A += step.Dt * b._angularVelocity;

                // Compute new Transform

                // Note: shapes are synchronized later.

            // Iterate over constraints.
            for (int i = 0; i < step.PositionIterations; ++i)
                bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(Settings.ContactBaumgarte);

                bool jointsOkay = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < _jointCount; ++j)
                    bool jointOkay = _joints[j].SolvePositionConstraints(Settings.ContactBaumgarte);
                    jointsOkay = jointsOkay && jointOkay;

                if (contactsOkay && jointsOkay)
                    // Exit early if the position errors are small.


            if (allowSleep)
                float minSleepTime = Settings.FLT_MAX;

                float linTolSqr = Settings.LinearSleepTolerance * Settings.LinearSleepTolerance;
                float angTolSqr = Settings.AngularSleepTolerance * Settings.AngularSleepTolerance;

                for (int i = 0; i < _bodyCount; ++i)
                    Body b = _bodies[i];
                    if (b._invMass == 0.0f)

                    if ((b._flags & Body.BodyFlags.AllowSleep) == 0)
                        b._sleepTime = 0.0f;
                        minSleepTime = 0.0f;

                    if ((b._flags & Body.BodyFlags.AllowSleep) == 0 ||
                        Common.Math.Abs(b._angularVelocity) > Settings.AngularSleepTolerance ||
                        Common.Math.Abs(b._linearVelocity.X) > Settings.LinearSleepTolerance ||
                        Common.Math.Abs(b._linearVelocity.Y) > Settings.LinearSleepTolerance)
                        b._angularVelocity *b._angularVelocity > angTolSqr ||
                        Vector2.Dot(b._linearVelocity, b._linearVelocity) > linTolSqr)
                        b._sleepTime = 0.0f;
                        minSleepTime = 0.0f;
                        b._sleepTime += step.Dt;
                        minSleepTime  = Common.Math.Min(minSleepTime, b._sleepTime);
Пример #6
    public override void SetMovementInput(Vector2 movementInput)
        if (movementInput.magnitude < walkingJoystickMaxTilt)//} && rigidbody.velocity.magnitude <= maxWalkingVelocity + 1){
            isRunning = false;
            isRunning = true;


        movement.Set(movementInput.x, 0, movementInput.y);
        movement   = Camera.main.transform.TransformDirection(movement);
        movement.y = 0f;

        movementInputFromCameraPOV.Set(movement.x, movement.z);
        currentVelocityNormalized.Set(rigidbody.velocity.x, rigidbody.velocity.z);
        //Debug.Log("last: " + currentVelocityNormalized + " , current: " + movementInputFromCameraPOV);

        if (Vector2.Dot(currentVelocityNormalized, movementInputFromCameraPOV) > turnAroundMaxDotProduct)//si la velocidad y el nuevo input (en referencia a la cámara) están a 120 grados o más -> turn around
            if (movementInput != Vector2.zero)
                float step = 11f * Time.deltaTime;
                player.transform.forward = Vector3.RotateTowards(player.transform.forward, movement, step, 0.0f);
                rigidbody.AddForce(player.transform.forward * powerState.groundAcceleration);//Girar hasta estar en la misma dirección que movement y add force siempre para adelante
                if (player.lastMovementInput != Vector2.zero)
                    rigidbody.velocity *= powerState.groundReleaseDeceleration;
            if (isRunning)
                if (Mathf.Abs(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude) > powerState.maxGroundSpeed)
                    //rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(rigidbody.velocity, powerState.maxGroundSpeed);
                    rigidbody.velocity = player.transform.forward * powerState.maxGroundSpeed;
                if (Mathf.Abs(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude) > maxWalkingVelocity)
                    //rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(rigidbody.velocity, maxWalkingVelocity);
                    rigidbody.velocity = player.transform.forward * maxWalkingVelocity;
            //Debug.Log("Turn around, velocity = " + rigidbody.velocity.magnitude);
Пример #7
        public bool DoFracture(ref Particle other, ref Particle me)
            bool somethingBroke = false;

            double len = (other.goal - goal).Length();
            double rest = (other.x0 - x0).Length();
            double off = Math.Abs((len / rest) - 1.0);
            if (off > LsmBody.fractureLengthTolerance)
                somethingBroke = true;
                Testbed.PostMessage("Length fracture: Rest = " + rest + ", actual = " + len);

            if (!somethingBroke)
                Vector2 a = new Vector2(other.R[0, 0], other.R[1, 0]);
                Vector2 b = new Vector2(R[0, 0], R[1, 0]);
                double angleDifference = Math.Acos(a.Dot(b));
                if (angleDifference > LsmBody.fractureAngleTolerance)
                    somethingBroke = true;
                    Testbed.PostMessage("Angle fracture: angle difference = " + angleDifference);

            if (somethingBroke)
                Particle saved = other;
                me = null;
                other = null;

                // Check if the chunks are still connected
                Queue<Particle> edge = new Queue<Particle>();
                List<Particle> found = new List<Particle>();
                bool connected = false;
                while (edge.Count > 0)
                    Particle p = edge.Dequeue();
                    if (!found.Contains(p))
                        if (p == saved)
                            // Connected
                            connected = true;
                        if (p.xPos != null)
                        if (p.xNeg != null)
                        if (p.yPos != null)
                        if (p.yNeg != null)
                if (connected == false)
                    // The chunks broke - there are now two separate chunks (maximally connected subgraphs)

                    Chunk newChunk = new Chunk();

                    while (edge.Count > 0)
                        Particle p = edge.Dequeue();
                        if (!found.Contains(p))
                            p.chunk = newChunk;
                            if (p.xPos != null)
                            if (p.xNeg != null)
                            if (p.yPos != null)
                            if (p.yNeg != null)


                    Testbed.PostMessage("Chunk broken: the original chunk now has " + chunk.particles.Count + " particles, the new chunk has " + newChunk.particles.Count + " particles.");
                    Testbed.PostMessage("Number of chunks / particles: " + body.chunks.Count + " / " + body.particles.Count);

            return somethingBroke;
Пример #8
 public static Vector2 Projection(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2)
     return new Vector2(v2 * ((float)(v1.Dot(v2) / Math.Pow(v2.Length, 2))));
Пример #9
        private Quaternion GetRotationFromCircularMovement()
            // TODO: use cameraComponent.WorldToScreenPosition instead once implemented
            // determine the anchor entity's screen position
            var anchorEntityWorldPosition = AnchorEntity.Transform.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector;
            var cameraComponent = Game.EditorServices.Get<IEditorGameCameraService>().Component;
            Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref anchorEntityWorldPosition, ref cameraComponent.ViewProjectionMatrix, out var clipSpace);
            Vector3.TransformCoordinate(ref anchorEntityWorldPosition, ref cameraComponent.ViewMatrix, out var viewSpace);
            var anchorEntityScreenPosition = new Vector2
                X = (clipSpace.X + 1f) / 2f,
                Y = (clipSpace.Y + 1f) / 2f - 1f,

            // determine the vectors going from the anchor entity's position to the start and current mouse positions
            var anchorEntityToMouse = new Vector2(Input.MousePosition.X, -Input.MousePosition.Y) - anchorEntityScreenPosition;
            var anchorEntityToStartMouse = new Vector2(StartMousePosition.X, -StartMousePosition.Y) - anchorEntityScreenPosition;

            anchorEntityToMouse.X *= cameraComponent.AspectRatio;
            anchorEntityToStartMouse.X *= cameraComponent.AspectRatio;

            // determine the rotation angle
            var rotationAngle = MathF.Atan2(anchorEntityToMouse.X * anchorEntityToStartMouse.Y - anchorEntityToMouse.Y * anchorEntityToStartMouse.X, Vector2.Dot(anchorEntityToStartMouse, anchorEntityToMouse));

            // snap the rotation angle if necessary
            if (UseSnap)
                var snapValue = MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(SnapValue);
                rotationAngle = MathUtil.Snap(rotationAngle, snapValue);

            // determine the rotation axis
            var rotationAxisWorldUp = rotationAxes[(int)TransformationAxes / 2].Transform.WorldMatrix.Up;
            var cameraToAnchorEntity = AnchorEntity.Transform.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector - Game.EditorServices.Get<IEditorGameCameraService>().Position;
            var rotationAxis = new Vector3(0) { [(int)TransformationAxes / 2] = MathF.Sign(Vector3.Dot(cameraToAnchorEntity, rotationAxisWorldUp)) };

            return Quaternion.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, rotationAngle);
Пример #10
 public double Qform(Vector2 u, Vector2 v)
     return u.Dot(this.Mult(v));
        private static float GetWaveSpectrum( WaveAnimationParameters parameters, Vector2 windDir, Vector2 k )
            float lenK = k.Length;
            if ( lenK < 0.000001f )
                return 0;

            Vector2 nK = k / lenK;
            float a = parameters.WaveModifier;
            float l = parameters.WindSpeed * parameters.WindSpeed / 10;
            float lenK2 = lenK * lenK;
            float f = ( float )Math.Exp( -1 / ( lenK2 * l * l ) ) / ( lenK2 * lenK2 );
            float wDotK = windDir.Dot( nK );

            return f * wDotK * wDotK * a;
Пример #12
 public static Vector2 Projection(Vector2 pBaseVector, Vector2 pProjectedVector)
     return (pProjectedVector.Dot(pBaseVector) / pBaseVector.Dot(pBaseVector)) * pBaseVector;
Пример #13
 public void dot() {
     var a = new Vector2(5, 2);
     var b = new Vector2(3, -3);
     Assert.Equal(9, a.Dot(b));
     Assert.Equal(9, b.Dot(a));
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds this plane from a line segment
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">Line start</param>
 /// <param name="end">Line end</param>
 public Plane2( Point2 start, Point2 end )
     m_Normal = ( end - start ).MakePerpNormal( );
     m_Distance = -m_Normal.Dot( start );
Пример #15
 public static float Dot(Vector2 vector1, Vector2 vector2)
     return vector1.Dot(vector2);
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the shortest distance from the specified polygon to the specified point,
        /// and the axis from polygon to pos.
        /// Returns null if pt is contained in the polygon (not strictly).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The distance form poly to pt.</returns>
        /// <param name="poly">The polygon</param>
        /// <param name="pos">Origin of the polygon</param>
        /// <param name="rot">Rotation of the polygon</param>
        /// <param name="pt">Point to check.</param>
        public static Tuple <Vector2, float> MinDistance(Polygon2 poly, Vector2 pos, Rotation2 rot, Vector2 pt)
             * Definitions
             * For each line in the polygon, find the normal of the line in the direction of outside the polygon.
             * Call the side of the original line that contains none of the polygon "above the line". The other side is "below the line".
             * If the point falls above the line:
             *   Imagine two additional lines that are normal to the line and fall on the start and end, respectively.
             *   For each of those two lines, call the side of the line that contains the original line "below the line". The other side is "above the line"
             *   If the point is above the line containing the start:
             *     The shortest vector is from the start to the point
             *   If the point is above the line containing the end:
             *     The shortest vector is from the end to the point
             *   Otherwise
             *     The shortest vector is from the line to the point
             * If this is not true for ANY of the lines, the polygon does not contain the point.

            var last = Math2.Rotate(poly.Vertices[poly.Vertices.Length - 1], poly.Center, rot) + pos;

            for (var i = 0; i < poly.Vertices.Length; i++)
                var     curr = Math2.Rotate(poly.Vertices[i], poly.Center, rot) + pos;
                var     axis = curr - last;
                Vector2 norm;
                if (poly.Clockwise)
                    norm = new Vector2(-axis.Y, axis.X);
                    norm = new Vector2(axis.Y, -axis.X);
                norm = Vector2.Normalize(norm);
                axis = Vector2.Normalize(axis);

                var lineProjOnNorm = Vector2.Dot(norm, last);
                var ptProjOnNorm   = Vector2.Dot(norm, pt);

                if (ptProjOnNorm > lineProjOnNorm)
                    var ptProjOnAxis = Vector2.Dot(axis, pt);
                    var stProjOnAxis = Vector2.Dot(axis, last);

                    if (ptProjOnAxis < stProjOnAxis)
                        var res = pt - last;
                        return(Tuple.Create(Vector2.Normalize(res), res.Length()));

                    var enProjOnAxis = Vector2.Dot(axis, curr);

                    if (ptProjOnAxis > enProjOnAxis)
                        var res = pt - curr;
                        return(Tuple.Create(Vector2.Normalize(res), res.Length()));

                    var distOnNorm = ptProjOnNorm - lineProjOnNorm;
                    return(Tuple.Create(norm, distOnNorm));

                last = curr;

Пример #17
    internal void CalcTurnin()
        //GameObject goCirc;

        //CapsuleCollider Circ;
        //goCirc = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
        //goCirc.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().enabled = false;
        //Circ = goCirc.AddComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
        //goCirc.name = "CircColl" + BendId;
        //Circ.height = 100;
        Radius = SqrtRad * SqrtRad;
        Vector3        Centre         = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3        C              = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3        AP             = VectGeom.Convert2d(ApexPos);
        Vector3        TP             = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3        EP             = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        int            e              = 0;
        float          ExitFrac       = 1;//1 is a wide turn, 0 is tight
        float          SmallestRadErr = 1000;
        PossBendCircle bbc            = new PossBendCircle();
        Vector3        ApexPos2d      = VectGeom.Convert2d(ApexPos);
        float          NxtBndDist     = Rd.XSecs.Diff(ApexXSec, NextBend.ApexXSec);

        //Try a range of turnin segs
        //For each Turnin seg, draw a line perpendicular to the fwd direction
        //and find the turninPt (TP)
        //Find the midpoint (MP) of the line from apex to turninPoint and draw a line perpendicular to this (MPerp)
        //Where MPerp crosses TPerp is the centre of the circle, C
        /// <image url="$(SolutionDir)\CommonImages\CalcTurninAlgorithm.png" scale="1.2"/>
        if (Type == BendType.Right)
            if (NextBend.Type == BendType.Left && NxtBndDist < 200)
                ExitFrac = NxtBndDist / 200;
            for (XSec tx = Rd.XSecs[StartSegIdx - 70]; tx.IsBefore(Rd.XSecs[StartSegIdx]); tx = Rd.XSecs.Next(tx))    //removed circlebug
                Vector2 TPerp = VectGeom.Convert2d(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, tx.Forward));
                TP = VectGeom.Convert2d(tx.KerbL + (tx.KerbR - tx.KerbL).normalized * TurninGap);
                Vector2 MP    = (ApexPos2d + TP) / 2;
                Vector2 MPerp = new Vector2((ApexPos2d - TP).y, -(ApexPos2d - TP).x);
                if (VectGeom.LineLineIntersection(out C, TP, TPerp, MP, MPerp)) //these vars are all Vector3(x,0,y)
                    float          biggestCos = 0;
                    float          R          = Vector2.Distance(TP, C);
                    PossBendCircle pbc        = new PossBendCircle();
                    float          RadErr     = 1000;
                    for (e = EndXSec.Idx + 70; e > EndXSec.Idx; e--) //bugbugbug circlebug
                        Vector2 WideExitPt     = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL + (Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR - Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL).normalized * 2);
                        Vector2 TightExitPoint = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR + (Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL - Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR).normalized * 2);
                        EP = Vector2.Lerp(TightExitPoint, WideExitPt, ExitFrac);
                        Vector3 EPerp = VectGeom.Convert2d(-Rd.XSecs[e].Right).normalized;
                        float   cos   = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Dot((EP - C).normalized, EPerp));
                        if (cos > biggestCos)
                            RadErr = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(EP, C) - R);
                            pbc    = new PossBendCircle {
                                C = C, RSq = 0, RadErr = RadErr, EP = EP, EX = Rd.XSecs[e], TP = TP, TX = tx
                            biggestCos = cos;
                    if (RadErr < SmallestRadErr)
                        bbc = new PossBendCircle {
                            C = pbc.C, RSq = 0, RadErr = pbc.RadErr, EP = pbc.EP, EX = pbc.EX, TP = pbc.TP, TX = pbc.TX
                        SmallestRadErr = pbc.RadErr;
            Centre       = new Vector3(bbc.C.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.C.y);
            Radius       = Vector2.Distance(bbc.TP, bbc.C);
            TurninXSec   = bbc.TX;
            TurninSegIdx = TurninXSec.Idx;
            TurninPos    = new Vector3(bbc.TP.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.TP.y);
            ExitXSec     = bbc.EX;
            ExitPos      = new Vector3(bbc.EP.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.EP.y);
            goto FoundCentre;
            //Not found Centre
            Debug.Log("No Centre for Bend" + BendId);
            ExitXSec = Rd.XSecs[e];
        if (Type == BendType.Left)
            if (NextBend.Type == BendType.Right && NxtBndDist < 200)
                ExitFrac = NxtBndDist / 200;
            for (int t = StartSegIdx - 70; t < StartSegIdx; t++)    //bugbugbug circlebug
                Vector2 TPerp = VectGeom.Convert2d(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, Rd.XSecs[t].Forward));
                TP = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[t].KerbR + (Rd.XSecs[t].KerbL - Rd.XSecs[t].KerbR).normalized * TurninGap);
                Vector2 MP    = (ApexPos2d + TP) / 2;
                Vector2 MPerp = new Vector2((ApexPos2d - TP).y, -(ApexPos2d - TP).x);
                if (VectGeom.LineLineIntersection(out C, TP, TPerp, MP, MPerp)) //these vars are all Vector3(x,0,y)
                    float          biggestCos = 0;
                    float          R          = Vector2.Distance(TP, C);
                    PossBendCircle pbc        = new PossBendCircle();
                    float          RadErr     = 1000;
                    for (e = EndXSec.Idx + 70; e > EndXSec.Idx; e--) //bugbugbug circlebug
                        Vector2 WideExitPt     = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR + (Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL - Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR).normalized * 2);
                        Vector2 TightExitPoint = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL + (Rd.XSecs[e].KerbR - Rd.XSecs[e].KerbL).normalized * 2);
                        EP = Vector2.Lerp(TightExitPoint, WideExitPt, ExitFrac);
                        Vector3 EPerp = VectGeom.Convert2d(Rd.XSecs[e].Right).normalized;
                        float   cos   = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Dot((EP - C).normalized, EPerp));
                        if (cos > biggestCos)
                            RadErr = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(EP, C) - R);
                            pbc    = new PossBendCircle {
                                C = C, RSq = 0, RadErr = RadErr, EP = EP, EX = Rd.XSecs[e], TP = TP, TX = Rd.XSecs[t]
                            biggestCos = cos;
                    if (RadErr < SmallestRadErr)
                        bbc = new PossBendCircle {
                            C = pbc.C, RSq = 0, RadErr = pbc.RadErr, EP = pbc.EP, EX = pbc.EX, TP = pbc.TP, TX = pbc.TX
                        SmallestRadErr = pbc.RadErr;
            Centre       = new Vector3(bbc.C.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.C.y);
            Radius       = Vector2.Distance(bbc.TP, bbc.C);
            TurninXSec   = bbc.TX;
            TurninSegIdx = TurninXSec.Idx;
            TurninPos    = new Vector3(bbc.TP.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.TP.y);
            ExitXSec     = bbc.EX;
            ExitPos      = new Vector3(bbc.EP.x, ApexPos.y, bbc.EP.y);
            goto FoundCentre;
            //Not found Centre
            Debug.Log("No Centre for Bend" + BendId);
            ExitXSec = Rd.XSecs[e];
        //goCirc.transform.position = Centre;
        //Circ.radius = Radius;
        Angle = VectGeom.SignedAngle(TurninXSec.Forward, ExitXSec.Forward);
        float RacelineSegCount = Rd.XSecs.Diff(TurninXSec, ExitXSec);;

        RacelineAnglePerSeg = Angle / RacelineSegCount;
        RacelineSegLength   = Angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad * Radius / RacelineSegCount;
        //Circ.enabled = false; //cos the gameobject doesnt get destroyed till end of frame

        if (TurninXSec == null)
            TurninXSec = Rd.XSecs[ApexSegIdx - 50]; TurninSegIdx = TurninXSec.Idx;
            ExitXSec   = Rd.XSecs[ApexSegIdx + (ApexSegIdx - TurninSegIdx)];
            if (Type == BendType.Right)
                TurninPos = TurninXSec.KerbL + (TurninXSec.KerbR - TurninXSec.KerbL).normalized * 4f;
                TurninPos = TurninXSec.KerbR + (TurninXSec.KerbL - TurninXSec.KerbR).normalized * 4f;
            Radius = 100;
        //Circ.enabled = false; //cos the gameobject doesnt get destroyed till end of frame
Пример #18
        public void OrthoNormalise(Vector2 u, Vector2 v)
            // If the input vectors are v0 and v1, then the Gram-Schmidt
            // orthonormalization produces vectors u0 and u1 as follows,
            //   u0 = v0/|v0|
            //   u1 = (v1-(u0*v1)u0)/|v1-(u0*v1)u0|
            // where |A| indicates length of vector A and A*B indicates dot
            // product of vectors A and B.

            // compute u0

            // compute u1
            double dot0 = u.Dot(v);
            v = v - u * dot0;
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Projects the point q onto a line defined by the points lineA and lineB.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="q">The point q.</param>
        /// <param name="lineA">The point lineA which defines a line with lineB.</param>
        /// <param name="lineB">The point lineB which defines a line with lineA.</param>
        public static Vector2 Project(Vector2 q, Vector2 lineA, Vector2 lineB)
            Vector2 ab = lineB - lineA;

            return(lineA + Vector2.Dot(q - lineA, ab) / Vector2.Dot(ab, ab) * ab);
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the ANN with information from the sweepers enviroment
    /// First we take sensor readings and feed these into the sweepers brain.
    ///	The inputs are:
    ///	A vector to the closest mine (x, y)
    ///	The sweepers 'look at' vector (x, y)
    ///	We receive two outputs from the brain.. lTrack & rTrack.
    ///	So given a force for each track we calculate the resultant rotation
    ///	and acceleration and apply to current velocity vector.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mines"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool UpdateANN2(List <Vector2> mines)
        this.acceleration = Vector2.zero;
        this.velocity     = Vector2.zero;

        //this will store all the inputs for the NN
        List <double> inputs = new List <double>();
        //this.Rotation = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, AIConstants.TWO_PI);

         *  First of all, the function calculates a vector to the closest mine and then normalizes
         *  it. (Remember, when a vector is normalized its length becomes 1.) The
         *  minesweeper’s look-at vector doesn’t need to be normalized in this way because its
         *  length is always 1. Because both vectors have been effectively scaled to within the
         *  same limits, the inputs can be considered to be standardized.
        //get vector to closest mine
        Vector2 vectorClosestMine = GetClosestMine(mines);

        //normalise it

        float dot  = Vector2.Dot(this.LookAt, vectorClosestMine);
        int   sign = -1;

        if (this.LookAt.y * vectorClosestMine.x > this.LookAt.x * vectorClosestMine.y)
            sign = 1;
            sign = -1;

         *  The look-at vector and the vector to the closest mine are then input into the neural
         *  network. The NeuralNet Update function updates the minesweeper’s network with
         *  this information and returns a List of doubles as the output.

        //add in vector to closest mine

        //add in sweepers look at vector
        //if (HasHitObstacle)
        //    int y = 0;
        //    Debug.Log("#####################################################");
        //    Debug.Log(dot);
        //    Debug.Log("item count: " + this.sweeperCollisionSensorData.Count);
        //    foreach (double d in this.sweeperCollisionSensorData)
        //        Debug.Log("sw: " + d);

        inputs.Add(dot * sign);

        //update the brain and get feedback
        List <double> output = this.Brain.Update(inputs);

        //make sure there were no errors in calculating the
        if (output.Count < NeuralNetworkParams.NumOutputs)

        //assign the outputs to the sweepers left & right tracks
        this.LeftTrack  = output[0];
        this.RightTrack = output[1];

         *  After checking to make sure there are no errors when updating the neural network,
         *  the program assigns the outputs to LeftTrack and RightTrack. These values represent the
         *  forces being exerted on the left track and right track of the minesweeper.

        //calculate steering forces
        double RotForce = this.LeftTrack - this.RightTrack;

        //clamp rotation
        Mathf.Clamp((float)RotForce, -(float)NeuralNetworkParams.MaxTurnRate, (float)NeuralNetworkParams.MaxTurnRate);

         *  The vehicle’s rotational force is calculated by subtracting the force exerted by the
         *  right track from the force exerted by the left track. This is then clamped to make
         *  sure it doesn’t exceed the maximum turn rate specified in the ini file. The vehicle’s
         *  speed is simply the sum of the left track and right track. Now that we know the
         *  minesweeper’s rotational force and speed, its position and rotation can be updated
         *  accordingly.

        //update the minesweepers rotation
        this.Rotation += RotForce;

        this.Speed  = (this.LeftTrack + this.RightTrack);
        this.Speed *= NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed;
        //this.Speed *= 0.5f;
        //update Look At

        this.LookAt.x      = Mathf.Cos((float)this.Rotation);
        this.LookAt.y      = -Mathf.Sin((float)this.Rotation);
        this.acceleration += (this.LookAt * (float)this.Speed);
        this.velocity     += this.acceleration;

        //var rot = this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
        //rot.z += (float)Rotation;
        //transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
        //if (this.velocity.x > NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed)
        //    this.velocity.x = (float)NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed;

        //if (this.velocity.x < -NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed)
        //    this.velocity.x = -(float)NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed;

        //if (this.velocity.y > (float)NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed)
        //    this.velocity.y = (float)NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed;

        //if (this.velocity.y < -(float)NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed)
        //    this.velocity.y = -(float)NeuralNetworkParams.MaxSpeed;

        var previousPosition = this.transform.position;

        this.transform.position += (Vector3)this.velocity;
        var   movementThisStep = this.transform.position - previousPosition;
        var   movementLastStep = previousPosition - this.sweeperLastPosition;
        var   previousPositionContinuedDirection = (previousPosition + movementLastStep) - previousPosition;
        var   forward = transform.forward;
        float angle   = Vector3.Angle(movementThisStep, previousPositionContinuedDirection);

        //this.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, angle);

        // Rotate the object towards the movement direction. NOTICE: the -90 degree turn is to point the sprite to the right direction
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, (Mathf.Atan2(movementThisStep.y, movementThisStep.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg) + -90));

        //this.transform.LookAt(this.transform.position + movementThisStep, Vector3.left);
        //var rot = this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
        ////var rot2 = Quaternion.LookRotation(movementThisStep.normalized);
        ////rot2 *= rot;
        //var fw = this.transform.forward;
        //rot.z += angle;
        //transform.rotation = Quaternion.
        var movementThisStepSensorLength = movementThisStep * 7;

        //float movementSqrMagnitude = movementThisStepSensorLength.sqrMagnitude;
        //float movementMagnitude = Mathf.Sqrt(movementSqrMagnitude);
        //RaycastHit2D hitInfo = Physics2D.Raycast(previousPosition, movementThisStepSensorLength, movementMagnitude, layerMask.value);

        //if (hitInfo.collider)
        //    var collisionRay = hitInfo.point - new Vector2(previousPosition.x, previousPosition.y);
        //    var ratio = collisionRay.sqrMagnitude / movementSqrMagnitude;
        //    if (ratio <= this.CollisionDistance)
        //    {
        //        this.sweeperCollisionSensorData.Add(ratio);
        //        this.HasHitObstacle = true;
        //    } else
        //    {
        //        this.sweeperCollisionSensorData.Add(-1);
        //        this.HasHitObstacle = false;
        //    }


        this.DetectObstacles(previousPosition, movementThisStepSensorLength);
        this.ProcessMemoryMapWithSensors(previousPosition, movementThisStepSensorLength);

        if (this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color == Color.red || this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color == Color.yellow || this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color == Color.magenta)
            Debug.DrawRay(previousPosition, movementThisStep, this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color, 1.7f);

            // Draw rays from current new position forward, this can be used for collision detection

            // Points forward
            Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, movementThisStepSensorLength, Color.green);

            var sensorIn45DegreeForwardAngle      = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 45) * movementThisStepSensorLength;
            var sensorInMinus45DegreeForwardAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -45) * movementThisStepSensorLength;
            // Point 45 degrees forward
            Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, sensorIn45DegreeForwardAngle, Color.cyan);
            Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, sensorInMinus45DegreeForwardAngle, Color.cyan);

            var sensorIn90DegreeForwardAngle      = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 90) * movementThisStepSensorLength;
            var sensorInMinus90DegreeForwardAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -90) * movementThisStepSensorLength;
            // Points to the side of the object
            Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, sensorIn90DegreeForwardAngle, Color.yellow);
            Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, sensorInMinus90DegreeForwardAngle, Color.yellow);

            // Points backwards
            Debug.DrawRay(this.transform.position, movementThisStepSensorLength * -1, Color.red);


        //update position

        //this.transform.LookAt(this.LookAt, Vector3.zero);
        //this.rig2d.velocity += (this.LookAt * (float)this.Speed);
        //this.rig2d.velocity = (this.LookAt * (float)this.Speed);
        //this.rig2d.AddForce((this.LookAt * (float)this.Speed));
        //this.transform.position += new Vector3(this.LookAt.x , this.LookAt.y );
        //this.transform.position += new Vector3(this.LookAt.x * (float)this.Speed, this.LookAt.y * (float)this.Speed);
        //this.rig2d.AddForce(transform.up * (float)this.Speed);

        //wrap around window limits
        if (this.transform.position.x > maxScreenTopRight.x)
            this.transform.position = new Vector3(minScreenBottomLeft.x, this.transform.position.y, 0);
        if (this.transform.position.x < minScreenBottomLeft.x)
            this.transform.position = new Vector3(maxScreenTopRight.x, this.transform.position.y, 0);
        if (this.transform.position.y > maxScreenTopRight.y)
            this.transform.position = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, minScreenBottomLeft.y, 0);
        if (this.transform.position.y < minScreenBottomLeft.y)
            this.transform.position = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, maxScreenTopRight.y, 0);
        this.sweeperLastPosition = previousPosition;

        this.MemoryMap.Update(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y);
Пример #21
        private CollisionSubframeBuffer GenerateContact_Reflection(
            Particle particle, Particle origin, Particle neighbor, Particle.CCDDebugInfo ccd, double ccdCollisionTime, double timeCoefficientPrediction,
            CollisionSubframeBuffer subframeToAdd
            double alpha = ccd.coordinateOfPointOnEdge;
            Vector2 velocityEdgeCollisionPoint = origin.v + (neighbor.v - origin.v) * alpha;
            Vector2 velocityPointRelativeEdge = particle.v - velocityEdgeCollisionPoint;

            // compute velocity reflection relativly moving edge
            Vector2 reflectSurface = ccd.edge.end - ccd.edge.start;
            Vector2 reflectNormal = new Vector2(-reflectSurface.Y, reflectSurface.X);
            if (reflectNormal.Dot(velocityPointRelativeEdge) < 0) reflectNormal = -reflectNormal;

            Vector2 newVelocity =
                velocityPointRelativeEdge - (1.0 + coefficientElasticity) * reflectNormal * (reflectNormal.Dot(velocityPointRelativeEdge) / reflectNormal.LengthSq());
            if (ccdCollisionTime <= 0.0) Testbed.PostMessage(System.Drawing.Color.Red, "timeCoefficient = 0"); // Zero-Distance not allowed // DEBUG
            double newTimeCoefficient = timeCoefficientPrediction * ccdCollisionTime;
            newTimeCoefficient -= epsilon / newVelocity.Length(); // try to prevent Zero-Distances // HACK // TODO: check Length() > epsilon
            if (newTimeCoefficient < 0.0) newTimeCoefficient = 0.0; // don't move particle toward edge - just reflect velocity
            newVelocity += velocityEdgeCollisionPoint; // newVelocity should be in global coordinates

            subframeToAdd.vParticle = newVelocity;
            subframeToAdd.timeCoefficient = newTimeCoefficient;
            return subframeToAdd;
Пример #22
    /// <summary>
    /// 计算射线 和圆的两个相交点
    /// 得到较近的那个点
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gPos"></param>
    /// <param name="firstCol"></param>
    /// <param name="gridDir"></param>
    /// <param name="startPos"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool FixRaycastPos(Vector2 gPos, Vector2 firstCol, Vector2 gridDir, Vector2 startPos, out Vector2 fixPos)
        var totalRadius = playerRadius + outGridRadius;

        var C     = firstCol;
        var P     = startPos;
        var D     = gPos - startPos;
        var R     = totalRadius;
        var Delta = P - C;

        var DD    = Vector2.Dot(D, Delta);
        var DSqr  = Vector2.Dot(D, D);
        var CigMa = DD * DD - DSqr * (Vector2.Dot(Delta, Delta) - R * R);

        fixPos = Vector2.zero;
        if (CigMa < 0)
            fixPos = gPos;

        var sqrt = Mathf.Sqrt(CigMa);
        var t1   = (-DD + sqrt) / DSqr;
        var t2   = (-DD - sqrt) / DSqr;

        var t1Ok = false;
        var t2Ok = false;

        //t->[0, 1]
        if (t1 > 0 && t1 < 1)
            t1Ok = true;
        if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 1)
            t2Ok = true;
        if (t1Ok && t2Ok)
            var t = Mathf.Min(t1, t2);
            fixPos = P + (t - TEPSILON) * D;

        if (t1Ok)
            var t = t1;
            fixPos = P + (t - TEPSILON) * D;

        if (t2Ok)
            var t = t2;
            fixPos = P + (t - TEPSILON) * D;

        fixPos = P;
Пример #23
        private static void DispatchPolygonToPolygon(Manifold Manifold)
            PolygonShape a = (PolygonShape)Manifold.BodyA.Shape;
            PolygonShape b = (PolygonShape)Manifold.BodyB.Shape;

            Manifold.Points = null;

            // Check for a separating axis with A's face planes
            uint   faceA;
            Number penetrationA;

            FindAxisLeastPenetration(Manifold.BodyA, Manifold.BodyB, out faceA, out penetrationA);
            if (penetrationA >= 0)

            // Check for a separating axis with B's face planes
            uint   faceB;
            Number penetrationB;

            FindAxisLeastPenetration(Manifold.BodyB, Manifold.BodyA, out faceB, out penetrationB);
            if (penetrationB >= 0)

            uint referenceIndex;
            bool flip;             // Always point from a to b

            Body refBody;
            Body incBody;

            PolygonShape refPoly;
            PolygonShape incPoly;

            // Determine which shape contains reference face
            if (Math.BiasGreaterThan(penetrationA, penetrationB))
                refBody = Manifold.BodyA;
                refPoly = a;

                incBody = Manifold.BodyB;
                incPoly = b;

                referenceIndex = faceA;
                flip           = false;
                refBody = Manifold.BodyB;
                refPoly = b;

                incBody = Manifold.BodyA;
                incPoly = a;

                referenceIndex = faceB;
                flip           = true;

            Matrix2 refBodyOrientation = refBody.Orientation;

            // World space incident face
            Vector2[] incidentFace = new Vector2[2];
            FindIncidentFace(incidentFace, refBody, refPoly, incBody, incPoly, referenceIndex);

            //        y
            //        ^  ->n       ^
            //      +---c ------posPlane--
            //  x < | i |\
            //      +---+ c-----negPlane--
            //             \       v
            //              r
            //  r : reference face
            //  i : incident poly
            //  c : clipped point
            //  n : incident normal

            // Setup reference face vertices
            Vector2 v1 = refPoly.Vertices[referenceIndex];

            referenceIndex = referenceIndex + 1 == refPoly.Vertices.Length ? 0 : referenceIndex + 1;
            Vector2 v2 = refPoly.Vertices[referenceIndex];

            // Transform vertices to world space
            v1 = refBodyOrientation * v1 + refBody.Position;
            v2 = refBodyOrientation * v2 + refBody.Position;

            // Calculate reference face side normal in world space
            Vector2 sidePlaneNormal = (v2 - v1);


            // Orthogonalize
            Vector2 refFaceNormal = new Vector2(sidePlaneNormal.Y, -sidePlaneNormal.X);

            // ax + by = c
            // c is distance from origin
            Number refC    = refFaceNormal.Dot(v1);
            Number negSide = -sidePlaneNormal.Dot(v1);
            Number posSide = sidePlaneNormal.Dot(v2);

            // Clip incident face to reference face side planes
            if (Clip(-sidePlaneNormal, negSide, incidentFace) < 2)
                return;                 // Due to floating point error, possible to not have required points
            if (Clip(sidePlaneNormal, posSide, incidentFace) < 2)
                return;                 // Due to floating point error, possible to not have required points
            // Flip
            Manifold.Normal = refFaceNormal * (flip ? -1 : 1);

            // Keep points behind reference face
            uint   cp         = 0;   // clipped points behind reference face
            Number separation = refFaceNormal.Dot(incidentFace[0]) - refC;

            if (separation <= 0)
                ArrayUtilities.Add(ref Manifold.Points, incidentFace[0]);
                Manifold.Penetration = -separation;
                Manifold.Penetration = 0;

            separation = refFaceNormal.Dot(incidentFace[1]) - refC;
            if (separation <= 0)
                ArrayUtilities.Add(ref Manifold.Points, incidentFace[1]);

                Manifold.Penetration += -separation;

                // Average penetration
                Manifold.Penetration /= (int)cp;
Пример #24
 public static Vector2 Reflect(Vector2 vector, Vector2 normal)
     return(vector - 2 * Vector2.Dot(vector, normal) * normal);
Пример #25
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = _bodyA;
            Body b2 = _bodyB;

            XForm xf1, xf2;

            b1.GetXForm(out xf1);
            b2.GetXForm(out xf2);

            Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, _localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter());
            Vector2 r2 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf2.R, _localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter());

            if (_state == LimitState.AtUpper)
                Vector2 v1 = b1._linearVelocity + MathUtils.Cross(b1._angularVelocity, r1);
                Vector2 v2 = b2._linearVelocity + MathUtils.Cross(b2._angularVelocity, r2);

                float Cdot       = -Vector2.Dot(_u1, v1) - _ratio * Vector2.Dot(_u2, v2);
                float impulse    = _pulleyMass * (-Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _impulse;
                _impulse = Math.Max(0.0f, _impulse + impulse);
                impulse  = _impulse - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P1 = -impulse * _u1;
                Vector2 P2 = -_ratio * impulse * _u2;
                b1._linearVelocity  += b1._invMass * P1;
                b1._angularVelocity += b1._invI * MathUtils.Cross(r1, P1);
                b2._linearVelocity  += b2._invMass * P2;
                b2._angularVelocity += b2._invI * MathUtils.Cross(r2, P2);

            if (_limitState1 == LimitState.AtUpper)
                Vector2 v1 = b1._linearVelocity + MathUtils.Cross(b1._angularVelocity, r1);

                float Cdot       = -Vector2.Dot(_u1, v1);
                float impulse    = -_limitMass1 * Cdot;
                float oldImpulse = _limitImpulse1;
                _limitImpulse1 = Math.Max(0.0f, _limitImpulse1 + impulse);
                impulse        = _limitImpulse1 - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P1 = -impulse * _u1;
                b1._linearVelocity  += b1._invMass * P1;
                b1._angularVelocity += b1._invI * MathUtils.Cross(r1, P1);

            if (_limitState2 == LimitState.AtUpper)
                Vector2 v2 = b2._linearVelocity + MathUtils.Cross(b2._angularVelocity, r2);

                float Cdot       = -Vector2.Dot(_u2, v2);
                float impulse    = -_limitMass2 * Cdot;
                float oldImpulse = _limitImpulse2;
                _limitImpulse2 = Math.Max(0.0f, _limitImpulse2 + impulse);
                impulse        = _limitImpulse2 - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P2 = -impulse * _u2;
                b2._linearVelocity  += b2._invMass * P2;
                b2._angularVelocity += b2._invI * MathUtils.Cross(r2, P2);
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Activate the explosion at the specified position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">The position where the explosion happens </param>
        /// <param name="radius">The explosion radius </param>
        /// <param name="maxForce">The explosion force at the explosion point (then is inversely proportional to the square of the distance)</param>
        /// <returns>A list of bodies and the amount of force that was applied to them.</returns>
        public Dictionary <Fixture, Vector2> activate(Vector2 pos, float radius, float maxForce)
            AABB aabb;

            aabb.lowerBound = pos + new Vector2(-radius, -radius);
            aabb.upperBound = pos + new Vector2(radius, radius);
            Fixture[] shapes = new Fixture[maxShapes];

            // More than 5 shapes in an explosion could be possible, but still strange.
            Fixture[] containedShapes = new Fixture[5];
            bool      exit            = false;

            int shapeCount          = 0;
            int containedShapeCount = 0;

            // Query the world for overlapping shapes.
                fixture =>
                if (fixture.testPoint(ref pos))
                    if (ignoreWhenInsideShape)
                        exit = true;

                    containedShapes[containedShapeCount++] = fixture;
                    shapes[shapeCount++] = fixture;

                // Continue the query.
            }, ref aabb);

            if (exit)
                return(new Dictionary <Fixture, Vector2>());

            Dictionary <Fixture, Vector2> exploded = new Dictionary <Fixture, Vector2>(shapeCount + containedShapeCount);

            // Per shape max/min angles for now.
            float[] vals     = new float[shapeCount * 2];
            int     valIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < shapeCount; ++i)
                PolygonShape ps;
                CircleShape  cs = shapes[i].shape as CircleShape;
                if (cs != null)
                    // We create a "diamond" approximation of the circle
                    Vertices v   = new Vertices();
                    Vector2  vec = Vector2.Zero + new Vector2(cs.radius, 0);
                    vec = Vector2.Zero + new Vector2(0, cs.radius);
                    vec = Vector2.Zero + new Vector2(-cs.radius, cs.radius);
                    vec = Vector2.Zero + new Vector2(0, -cs.radius);
                    ps = new PolygonShape(v, 0);
                    ps = shapes[i].shape as PolygonShape;

                if ((shapes[i].body.bodyType == BodyType.Dynamic) && ps != null)
                    Vector2 toCentroid      = shapes[i].body.getWorldPoint(ps.massData.centroid) - pos;
                    float   angleToCentroid = (float)Math.Atan2(toCentroid.Y, toCentroid.X);
                    float   min             = float.MaxValue;
                    float   max             = float.MinValue;
                    float   minAbsolute     = 0.0f;
                    float   maxAbsolute     = 0.0f;

                    for (int j = 0; j < ps.vertices.Count; ++j)
                        Vector2 toVertex = (shapes[i].body.getWorldPoint(ps.vertices[j]) - pos);
                        float   newAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(toVertex.Y, toVertex.X);
                        float   diff     = (newAngle - angleToCentroid);

                        diff = (diff - MathHelper.Pi) % (2 * MathHelper.Pi);
                        // the minus pi is important. It means cutoff for going other direction is at 180 deg where it needs to be

                        if (diff < 0.0f)
                            diff += 2 * MathHelper.Pi;                             // correction for not handling negs
                        diff -= MathHelper.Pi;

                        if (Math.Abs(diff) > MathHelper.Pi)
                            continue;                             // Something's wrong, point not in shape but exists angle diff > 180
                        if (diff > max)
                            max         = diff;
                            maxAbsolute = newAngle;
                        if (diff < min)
                            min         = diff;
                            minAbsolute = newAngle;

                    vals[valIndex] = minAbsolute;
                    vals[valIndex] = maxAbsolute;

            Array.Sort(vals, 0, valIndex, _rdc);
            bool rayMissed = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < valIndex; ++i)
                Fixture fixture = null;
                float   midpt;

                int iplus = (i == valIndex - 1 ? 0 : i + 1);
                if (vals[i] == vals[iplus])

                if (i == valIndex - 1)
                    // the single edgecase
                    midpt = (vals[0] + MathHelper.Pi * 2 + vals[i]);
                    midpt = (vals[i + 1] + vals[i]);

                midpt = midpt / 2;

                Vector2 p1 = pos;
                Vector2 p2 = radius * new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(midpt), (float)Math.Sin(midpt)) + pos;

                // RaycastOne
                bool hitClosest = false;
                world.rayCast((f, p, n, fr) =>
                    Body body = f.body;

                    if (!isActiveOn(body))

                    hitClosest = true;
                    fixture    = f;
                }, p1, p2);

                //draws radius points
                if ((hitClosest) && (fixture.body.bodyType == BodyType.Dynamic))
                    if ((_data.Any()) && (_data.Last().Body == fixture.body) && (!rayMissed))
                        int       laPos = _data.Count - 1;
                        ShapeData la    = _data[laPos];
                        la.Max       = vals[iplus];
                        _data[laPos] = la;
                        // make new
                        ShapeData d;
                        d.Body = fixture.body;
                        d.Min  = vals[i];
                        d.Max  = vals[iplus];

                    if ((_data.Count > 1) &&
                        (i == valIndex - 1) &&
                        (_data.Last().Body == _data.First().Body) &&
                        (_data.Last().Max == _data.First().Min))
                        ShapeData fi = _data[0];
                        fi.Min = _data.Last().Min;
                        _data.RemoveAt(_data.Count - 1);
                        _data[0] = fi;
                        while (_data.First().Min >= _data.First().Max)
                            fi.Min  -= MathHelper.Pi * 2;
                            _data[0] = fi;

                    int       lastPos = _data.Count - 1;
                    ShapeData last    = _data[lastPos];
                    while ((_data.Count > 0) &&
                           (_data.Last().Min >= _data.Last().Max))                               // just making sure min<max
                        last.Min       = _data.Last().Min - 2 * MathHelper.Pi;
                        _data[lastPos] = last;
                    rayMissed = false;
                    rayMissed = true;                     // raycast did not find a shape

            for (int i = 0; i < _data.Count; ++i)
                if (!isActiveOn(_data[i].Body))

                float arclen = _data[i].Max - _data[i].Min;

                float first        = MathHelper.Min(maxEdgeOffset, edgeRatio * arclen);
                int   insertedRays = (int)Math.Ceiling(((arclen - 2.0f * first) - (minRays - 1) * maxAngle) / maxAngle);

                if (insertedRays < 0)
                    insertedRays = 0;

                float offset = (arclen - first * 2.0f) / ((float)minRays + insertedRays - 1);

                //Note: This loop can go into infinite as it operates on floats.
                //Added FloatEquals with a large epsilon.
                for (float j = _data[i].Min + first;
                     j < _data[i].Max || MathUtils.floatEquals(j, _data[i].Max, 0.0001f);
                     j += offset)
                    Vector2 p1        = pos;
                    Vector2 p2        = pos + radius * new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(j), (float)Math.Sin(j));
                    Vector2 hitpoint  = Vector2.Zero;
                    float   minlambda = float.MaxValue;

                    List <Fixture> fl = _data[i].Body.fixtureList;
                    for (int x = 0; x < fl.Count; x++)
                        Fixture      f = fl[x];
                        RayCastInput ri;
                        ri.Point1      = p1;
                        ri.Point2      = p2;
                        ri.MaxFraction = 50f;

                        RayCastOutput ro;
                        if (f.rayCast(out ro, ref ri, 0))
                            if (minlambda > ro.Fraction)
                                minlambda = ro.Fraction;
                                hitpoint  = ro.Fraction * p2 + (1 - ro.Fraction) * p1;

                        // the force that is to be applied for this particular ray.
                        // offset is angular coverage. lambda*length of segment is distance.
                        float impulse = (arclen / (minRays + insertedRays)) * maxForce * 180.0f / MathHelper.Pi * (1.0f - Math.Min(1.0f, minlambda));

                        // We Apply the impulse!!!
                        Vector2 vectImp = Vector2.Dot(impulse * new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(j), (float)Math.Sin(j)), -ro.Normal) * new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(j), (float)Math.Sin(j));
                        _data[i].Body.applyLinearImpulse(ref vectImp, ref hitpoint);

                        // We gather the fixtures for returning them
                        if (exploded.ContainsKey(f))
                            exploded[f] += vectImp;
                            exploded.Add(f, vectImp);

                        if (minlambda > 1.0f)
                            hitpoint = p2;

            // We check contained shapes
            for (int i = 0; i < containedShapeCount; ++i)
                Fixture fix = containedShapes[i];

                if (!isActiveOn(fix.body))

                float   impulse = minRays * maxForce * 180.0f / MathHelper.Pi;
                Vector2 hitPoint;

                CircleShape circShape = fix.shape as CircleShape;
                if (circShape != null)
                    hitPoint = fix.body.getWorldPoint(circShape.position);
                    PolygonShape shape = fix.shape as PolygonShape;
                    hitPoint = fix.body.getWorldPoint(shape.massData.centroid);

                Vector2 vectImp = impulse * (hitPoint - pos);

                fix.body.applyLinearImpulse(ref vectImp, ref hitPoint);

                if (!exploded.ContainsKey(fix))
                    exploded.Add(fix, vectImp);

Пример #27
        // Possible regions:
        // - points[2]
        // - edge points[0]-points[2]
        // - edge points[1]-points[2]
        // - inside the triangle
        internal void Solve3()
            Vector2 w1 = V[0].W;
            Vector2 w2 = V[1].W;
            Vector2 w3 = V[2].W;

            // Edge12
            // [1      1     ][a1] = [1]
            // [w1.e12 w2.e12][a2] = [0]
            // a3 = 0
            Vector2 e12   = w2 - w1;
            float   w1e12 = Vector2.Dot(w1, e12);
            float   w2e12 = Vector2.Dot(w2, e12);
            float   d12_1 = w2e12;
            float   d12_2 = -w1e12;

            // Edge13
            // [1      1     ][a1] = [1]
            // [w1.e13 w3.e13][a3] = [0]
            // a2 = 0
            Vector2 e13   = w3 - w1;
            float   w1e13 = Vector2.Dot(w1, e13);
            float   w3e13 = Vector2.Dot(w3, e13);
            float   d13_1 = w3e13;
            float   d13_2 = -w1e13;

            // Edge23
            // [1      1     ][a2] = [1]
            // [w2.e23 w3.e23][a3] = [0]
            // a1 = 0
            Vector2 e23   = w3 - w2;
            float   w2e23 = Vector2.Dot(w2, e23);
            float   w3e23 = Vector2.Dot(w3, e23);
            float   d23_1 = w3e23;
            float   d23_2 = -w2e23;

            // Triangle123
            float n123 = MathUtils.Cross(e12, e13);

            float d123_1 = n123 * MathUtils.Cross(w2, w3);
            float d123_2 = n123 * MathUtils.Cross(w3, w1);
            float d123_3 = n123 * MathUtils.Cross(w1, w2);

            // w1 playerRegion
            if (d12_2 <= 0.0f && d13_2 <= 0.0f)
                SimplexVertex v0_1 = V[0];
                v0_1.A = 1.0f;
                V[0]   = v0_1;
                Count  = 1;

            // e12
            if (d12_1 > 0.0f && d12_2 > 0.0f && d123_3 <= 0.0f)
                float         inv_d12 = 1.0f / (d12_1 + d12_2);
                SimplexVertex v0_2    = V[0];
                SimplexVertex v1_2    = V[1];
                v0_2.A = d12_1 * inv_d12;
                v1_2.A = d12_2 * inv_d12;
                V[0]   = v0_2;
                V[1]   = v1_2;
                Count  = 2;

            // e13
            if (d13_1 > 0.0f && d13_2 > 0.0f && d123_2 <= 0.0f)
                float         inv_d13 = 1.0f / (d13_1 + d13_2);
                SimplexVertex v0_3    = V[0];
                SimplexVertex v2_3    = V[2];
                v0_3.A = d13_1 * inv_d13;
                v2_3.A = d13_2 * inv_d13;
                V[0]   = v0_3;
                V[2]   = v2_3;
                Count  = 2;
                V[1]   = V[2];

            // w2 playerRegion
            if (d12_1 <= 0.0f && d23_2 <= 0.0f)
                SimplexVertex v1_4 = V[1];
                v1_4.A = 1.0f;
                V[1]   = v1_4;
                Count  = 1;
                V[0]   = V[1];

            // w3 playerRegion
            if (d13_1 <= 0.0f && d23_1 <= 0.0f)
                SimplexVertex v2_5 = V[2];
                v2_5.A = 1.0f;
                V[2]   = v2_5;
                Count  = 1;
                V[0]   = V[2];

            // e23
            if (d23_1 > 0.0f && d23_2 > 0.0f && d123_1 <= 0.0f)
                float         inv_d23 = 1.0f / (d23_1 + d23_2);
                SimplexVertex v1_6    = V[1];
                SimplexVertex v2_6    = V[2];
                v1_6.A = d23_1 * inv_d23;
                v2_6.A = d23_2 * inv_d23;
                V[1]   = v1_6;
                V[2]   = v2_6;
                Count  = 2;
                V[0]   = V[2];

            // Must be in triangle123
            float         inv_d123 = 1.0f / (d123_1 + d123_2 + d123_3);
            SimplexVertex v0_7     = V[0];
            SimplexVertex v1_7     = V[1];
            SimplexVertex v2_7     = V[2];

            v0_7.A = d123_1 * inv_d123;
            v1_7.A = d123_2 * inv_d123;
            v2_7.A = d123_3 * inv_d123;
            V[0]   = v0_7;
            V[1]   = v1_7;
            V[2]   = v2_7;
            Count  = 3;
Пример #28
    //float noise(Vector2 n)
    //    var d = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f);
    //    var b = Vector2.Floor(n);
    //    var f = Vector2.s(vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0), fract(n));
    //    return mix(mix(rand(b), rand(b + d.yx), f.x), mix(rand(b + d.xy), rand(b + d.yy), f.x), f.y);

    //float noise(float x, float y)

    //// 注目する点を囲む格子の頂点の値
    //    float v00 = value((int)x, (int)y);
    //    float v10 = value((int)x + 1, (int)y);
    //    float v01 = value((int)x, (int)y + 1);
    //    float v11 = value((int)x + 1, (int)y + 1);

    //    float tx = x - (int)x; // 入力から整数部を引いて少数部を取り出す
    //    float ty = y - (int)y;

    //    tx = Interpolate(tx); // 滑らかになるように曲線に変換
    //    ty = Interpolate(ty);

    //    float v0010 = Mix(v00, v10, tx);
    //    float v0111 = Mix(v01, v11, tx);
    //    return Mix(v0010, v0111, ty);

    float Random(Vector2 st)
        return(Frac(Mathf.Sin(Vector2.Dot(st, new Vector2(12.9898f, 78.233f))) * 43758.5453123f));
        internal override void InitVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = BodyA;
            Body b2 = BodyB;

            LocalCenterA = b1.LocalCenter;
            LocalCenterB = b2.LocalCenter;

            Transform xf1, xf2;

            b1.GetTransform(out xf1);
            b2.GetTransform(out xf2);

            // Compute the effective masses.
            Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, LocalAnchorA - LocalCenterA);
            Vector2 r2 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf2.R, LocalAnchorB - LocalCenterB);
            Vector2 d  = b2.Sweep.C + r2 - b1.Sweep.C - r1;

            InvMassA = b1.InvMass;
            InvIA    = b1.InvI;
            InvMassB = b2.InvMass;
            InvIB    = b2.InvI;

            // Compute motor Jacobian and effective mass.
                _axis = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, _localXAxis1);
                _a1   = MathUtils.Cross(d + r1, _axis);
                _a2   = MathUtils.Cross(r2, _axis);

                _motorMass = InvMassA + InvMassB + InvIA * _a1 * _a1 + InvIB * _a2 * _a2;

                if (_motorMass > Settings.Epsilon)
                    _motorMass = 1.0f / _motorMass;

            // Prismatic constraint.
                _perp = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, _localYAxis1);

                _s1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + r1, _perp);
                _s2 = MathUtils.Cross(r2, _perp);

                float m1 = InvMassA, m2 = InvMassB;
                float i1 = InvIA, i2 = InvIB;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;
                float k12 = i1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2;
                float k13 = i1 * _s1 * _a1 + i2 * _s2 * _a2;
                float k22 = i1 + i2;
                float k23 = i1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2;
                float k33 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _a1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2 * _a2;

                _K.Col1 = new Vector3(k11, k12, k13);
                _K.Col2 = new Vector3(k12, k22, k23);
                _K.Col3 = new Vector3(k13, k23, k33);

            // Compute motor and limit terms.
            if (_enableLimit)
                float jointTranslation = Vector2.Dot(_axis, d);
                if (Math.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.LinearSlop)
                    _limitState = LimitState.Equal;
                else if (jointTranslation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    if (_limitState != LimitState.AtLower)
                        _limitState = LimitState.AtLower;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                else if (jointTranslation >= _upperTranslation)
                    if (_limitState != LimitState.AtUpper)
                        _limitState = LimitState.AtUpper;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                    _limitState = LimitState.Inactive;
                    _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                _limitState = LimitState.Inactive;

            if (_enableMotor == false)
                _motorImpulse = 0.0f;

            if (Settings.EnableWarmstarting)
                // Account for variable time step.
                _impulse      *= step.dtRatio;
                _motorImpulse *= step.dtRatio;

                Vector2 P  = _impulse.X * _perp + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Z) * _axis;
                float   L1 = _impulse.X * _s1 + _impulse.Y + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Z) * _a1;
                float   L2 = _impulse.X * _s2 + _impulse.Y + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Z) * _a2;

                b1.LinearVelocityInternal  -= InvMassA * P;
                b1.AngularVelocityInternal -= InvIA * L1;

                b2.LinearVelocityInternal  += InvMassB * P;
                b2.AngularVelocityInternal += InvIB * L2;
                _impulse      = Vector3.Zero;
                _motorImpulse = 0.0f;
 public static float Angle(Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
     Normalize(ref from);
     Normalize(ref to);
     return(Mathf.Acos(Mathf.Clamp(Vector2.Dot(from, to), -1f, 1f)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints()
            Body b1 = BodyA;
            Body b2 = BodyB;

            Vector2 c1 = b1.Sweep.C;
            float   a1 = b1.Sweep.A;

            Vector2 c2 = b2.Sweep.C;
            float   a2 = b2.Sweep.A;

            // Solve linear limit constraint.
            float linearError = 0.0f;
            bool  active      = false;
            float C2          = 0.0f;

            Mat22 R1 = new Mat22(a1);
            Mat22 R2 = new Mat22(a2);

            Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref R1, LocalAnchorA - LocalCenterA);
            Vector2 r2 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref R2, LocalAnchorB - LocalCenterB);
            Vector2 d  = c2 + r2 - c1 - r1;

            if (_enableLimit)
                _axis = MathUtils.Multiply(ref R1, _localXAxis1);

                _a1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + r1, _axis);
                _a2 = MathUtils.Cross(r2, _axis);

                float translation = Vector2.Dot(_axis, d);
                if (Math.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.LinearSlop)
                    // Prevent large angular corrections
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Math.Abs(translation);
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2 = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _lowerTranslation + Settings.LinearSlop,
                                         -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
                    linearError = _lowerTranslation - translation;
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation >= _upperTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2 = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _upperTranslation - Settings.LinearSlop, 0.0f,
                    linearError = translation - _upperTranslation;
                    active      = true;

            _perp = MathUtils.Multiply(ref R1, _localYAxis1);

            _s1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + r1, _perp);
            _s2 = MathUtils.Cross(r2, _perp);

            Vector3 impulse;
            Vector2 C1 = new Vector2(Vector2.Dot(_perp, d), a2 - a1 - ReferenceAngle);

            linearError = Math.Max(linearError, Math.Abs(C1.X));
            float angularError = Math.Abs(C1.Y);

            if (active)
                float m1 = InvMassA, m2 = InvMassB;
                float i1 = InvIA, i2 = InvIB;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;
                float k12 = i1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2;
                float k13 = i1 * _s1 * _a1 + i2 * _s2 * _a2;
                float k22 = i1 + i2;
                float k23 = i1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2;
                float k33 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _a1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2 * _a2;

                _K.Col1 = new Vector3(k11, k12, k13);
                _K.Col2 = new Vector3(k12, k22, k23);
                _K.Col3 = new Vector3(k13, k23, k33);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3(-C1.X, -C1.Y, -C2);
                impulse = _K.Solve33(C); // negated above
                float m1 = InvMassA, m2 = InvMassB;
                float i1 = InvIA, i2 = InvIB;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;
                float k12 = i1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2;
                float k22 = i1 + i2;

                _K.Col1 = new Vector3(k11, k12, 0.0f);
                _K.Col2 = new Vector3(k12, k22, 0.0f);

                Vector2 impulse1 = _K.Solve22(-C1);
                impulse.X = impulse1.X;
                impulse.Y = impulse1.Y;
                impulse.Z = 0.0f;

            Vector2 P  = impulse.X * _perp + impulse.Z * _axis;
            float   L1 = impulse.X * _s1 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * _a1;
            float   L2 = impulse.X * _s2 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * _a2;

            c1 -= InvMassA * P;
            a1 -= InvIA * L1;
            c2 += InvMassB * P;
            a2 += InvIB * L2;

            // TODO_ERIN remove need for this.
            b1.Sweep.C = c1;
            b1.Sweep.A = a1;
            b2.Sweep.C = c2;
            b2.Sweep.A = a2;

            return(linearError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop);
Пример #32
        internal override void InitVelocityConstraints(TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = _body1;
            Body b2 = _body2;

            // You cannot create a prismatic joint between bodies that
            // both have fixed rotation.
            Box2DXDebug.Assert(b1._invI > 0.0f || b2._invI > 0.0f);

            _localCenter1 = b1.GetLocalCenter();
            _localCenter2 = b2.GetLocalCenter();

            Transform xf1 = b1.GetTransform();
            Transform xf2 = b2.GetTransform();

            // Compute the effective masses.
            Vector2 r1 = xf1.TransformDirection(_localAnchor1 - _localCenter1);
            Vector2 r2 = xf2.TransformDirection(_localAnchor2 - _localCenter2);
            Vector2 d  = b2._sweep.C + r2 - b1._sweep.C - r1;

            _invMass1 = b1._invMass;
            _invI1    = b1._invI;
            _invMass2 = b2._invMass;
            _invI2    = b2._invI;

            // Compute motor Jacobian and effective mass.
                _axis = xf1.TransformDirection(_localXAxis1);
                _a1   = (d + r1).Cross(_axis);
                _a2   = r2.Cross(_axis);

                _motorMass = _invMass1 + _invMass2 + _invI1 * _a1 * _a1 + _invI2 * _a2 * _a2;
                Box2DXDebug.Assert(_motorMass > Settings.FLT_EPSILON);
                _motorMass = 1.0f / _motorMass;

            // Prismatic constraint.
                _perp = xf1.TransformDirection(_localYAxis1);

                _s1 = (d + r1).Cross(_perp);
                _s2 = r2.Cross(_perp);

                float m1 = _invMass1, m2 = _invMass2;
                float i1 = _invI1, i2 = _invI2;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;
                float k12 = i1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2;
                float k13 = i1 * _s1 * _a1 + i2 * _s2 * _a2;
                float k22 = i1 + i2;
                float k23 = i1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2;
                float k33 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _a1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2 * _a2;

                _K.Col1 = new Vector3(k11, k12, k13);
                _K.Col2 = new Vector3(k12, k22, k23);
                _K.Col3 = new Vector3(k13, k23, k33);

            // Compute motor and limit terms.
            if (_enableLimit)
                float jointTranslation = Vector2.Dot(_axis, d);
                if (Box2DX.Common.Math.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.LinearSlop)
                    _limitState = LimitState.EqualLimits;
                else if (jointTranslation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    if (_limitState != LimitState.AtLowerLimit)
                        _limitState = LimitState.AtLowerLimit;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                else if (jointTranslation >= _upperTranslation)
                    if (_limitState != LimitState.AtUpperLimit)
                        _limitState = LimitState.AtUpperLimit;
                        _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                    _limitState = LimitState.InactiveLimit;
                    _impulse.Z  = 0.0f;
                _limitState = LimitState.InactiveLimit;

            if (_enableMotor == false)
                _motorImpulse = 0.0f;

            if (step.WarmStarting)
                // Account for variable time step.
                _impulse      *= step.DtRatio;
                _motorImpulse *= step.DtRatio;

                Vector2 P  = _impulse.X * _perp + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Z) * _axis;
                float   L1 = _impulse.X * _s1 + _impulse.Y + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Z) * _a1;
                float   L2 = _impulse.X * _s2 + _impulse.Y + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Z) * _a2;

                b1._linearVelocity  -= _invMass1 * P;
                b1._angularVelocity -= _invI1 * L1;

                b2._linearVelocity  += _invMass2 * P;
                b2._angularVelocity += _invI2 * L2;
                _impulse      = Vector3.Zero;
                _motorImpulse = 0.0f;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        // First we just translate based on our velocity
        transform.position += (Vector3)velocity * Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        // Set the rotation
        float angle = Mathf.Atan2(velocity.y, velocity.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.forward), .05f);

        // Add our acceleration
        velocity += acceleration * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
        if (velocity.magnitude > maxVelocity)
            velocity = velocity.normalized * maxVelocity;

        // Now we calculate the force towards the center of the flock
        Vector2 cohesion;
        Vector2 direction = manager.Center(group) - (Vector2)transform.position;
        float   proximity = direction.magnitude;

        cohesion = direction.normalized * cohesionForce;

        // Next we calculate the repulsion force (if any)
        Vector2 repulsion = Vector2.zero;

        foreach (GameObject other in others)
            // The force is away from the other, and increases when closer to this
            direction = (Vector2)transform.position - (Vector2)other.transform.position;
            if (direction.magnitude < separationRange)
                proximity  = (separationRange - direction.magnitude) / separationRange;
                proximity  = Mathf.Clamp01(proximity);
                proximity  = proximity * proximity;
                repulsion += direction.normalized * proximity * separationForce;

        // Now we do some Object Avoidance stuff
        // First, check if we are doing cone checking
        Vector2 coneAvoidance = Vector2.zero;

        if (coneCheck)
            float closest = coneRange;
            foreach (GameObject obstacle in obstacles)
                direction = (Vector2)transform.position - (Vector2)obstacle.transform.position;
                // check if the obstacle is in the cone
                if (direction.magnitude < coneRange && direction.magnitude < closest && Vector2.Angle(velocity.normalized, direction.normalized * -1) < coneAngle)
                    coneAvoidance = direction.normalized * Mathf.Pow(((coneRange - direction.magnitude) / coneRange), 2);
                    closest       = direction.magnitude;

        // Now we do some collision prediction
        Vector2 collisionAvoidance = Vector2.zero;

        if (collisionPrediction)
            // Only use the one that we will collide with the soonest
            float shortestTime = 1;

            // Check all obstacles inside our triggered area
            foreach (GameObject obstacle in obstacles)
                Vector2 relativePos = obstacle.transform.position - transform.position;
                Vector2 relativeVel = obstacle.transform.GetComponentInParent <FlockingAvoidance>().velocity - velocity;
                float   t           = -1 * ((Vector2.Dot(relativePos, relativeVel)) / Mathf.Pow(relativeVel.magnitude, 2));
                float   minSep      = relativePos.magnitude - (relativeVel.magnitude * t);
                if (t > 0 && t < shortestTime && minSep < .2f)
                    Vector2 targetPos = (Vector2)transform.position + velocity * t;
                    transform.GetChild(2).position = (Vector3)targetPos;
                    shortestTime = t;
                    if (minSep <= 0 || relativePos.magnitude < .2f)
                        collisionAvoidance = relativePos.normalized * -1;
                        direction = (Vector2)transform.position - targetPos;

                        collisionAvoidance = direction.normalized;

        if (collisionAvoidance == Vector2.zero)

        // If both avoidances are checked, we should average the two (otherwise they dont move
        Vector2 avoidance = collisionAvoidance + coneAvoidance;

        if (coneCheck && collisionPrediction)
            avoidance /= 2f;
        avoidance *= avoidanceForce;

        //Finally we get the direction we should be heading
        Vector2 align = manager.Direction(group) * alignForce;

        // Sum up and clamp the accelerations
        acceleration = cohesion + repulsion + align + avoidance;
        if (acceleration.magnitude > maxAcceleration)
            acceleration = acceleration.normalized * maxAcceleration;
        velocity += acceleration * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
Пример #34
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(float baumgarte)
            Body b1 = _body1;
            Body b2 = _body2;

            Vector2 c1 = b1._sweep.C;
            float   a1 = b1._sweep.A;

            Vector2 c2 = b2._sweep.C;
            float   a2 = b2._sweep.A;

            // Solve linear limit constraint.
            float linearError = 0.0f, angularError = 0.0f;
            bool  active = false;
            float C2     = 0.0f;

            Mat22 R1 = new Mat22(a1), R2 = new Mat22(a2);

            Vector2 r1 = Box2DX.Common.Math.Mul(R1, _localAnchor1 - _localCenter1);
            Vector2 r2 = Box2DX.Common.Math.Mul(R2, _localAnchor2 - _localCenter2);
            Vector2 d  = c2 + r2 - c1 - r1;

            if (_enableLimit)
                _axis = Box2DX.Common.Math.Mul(R1, _localXAxis1);

                _a1 = (d + r1).Cross(_axis);
                _a2 = r2.Cross(_axis);

                float translation = Vector2.Dot(_axis, d);
                if (Box2DX.Common.Math.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.LinearSlop)
                    // Prevent large angular corrections
                    C2          = Box2DX.Common.Math.Clamp(translation, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Box2DX.Common.Math.Abs(translation);
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2          = Box2DX.Common.Math.Clamp(translation - _lowerTranslation + Settings.LinearSlop, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
                    linearError = _lowerTranslation - translation;
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation >= _upperTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2          = Box2DX.Common.Math.Clamp(translation - _upperTranslation - Settings.LinearSlop, 0.0f, Settings.MaxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = translation - _upperTranslation;
                    active      = true;

            _perp = Box2DX.Common.Math.Mul(R1, _localYAxis1);

            _s1 = (d + r1).Cross(_perp);
            _s2 = r2.Cross(_perp);

            Vector3 impulse;
            Vector2 C1 = new Vector2();

            C1.X = Vector2.Dot(_perp, d);
            C1.Y = a2 - a1 - _refAngle;

            linearError  = Box2DX.Common.Math.Max(linearError, Box2DX.Common.Math.Abs(C1.X));
            angularError = Box2DX.Common.Math.Abs(C1.Y);

            if (active)
                float m1 = _invMass1, m2 = _invMass2;
                float i1 = _invI1, i2 = _invI2;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;
                float k12 = i1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2;
                float k13 = i1 * _s1 * _a1 + i2 * _s2 * _a2;
                float k22 = i1 + i2;
                float k23 = i1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2;
                float k33 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _a1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2 * _a2;

                _K.Col1 = new Vector3(k11, k12, k13);
                _K.Col2 = new Vector3(k12, k22, k23);
                _K.Col3 = new Vector3(k13, k23, k33);

                Vector3 C = new Vector3();
                C.X = C1.X;
                C.Y = C1.Y;
                C.Z = C2;

                impulse = _K.Solve33(-C);
                float m1 = _invMass1, m2 = _invMass2;
                float i1 = _invI1, i2 = _invI2;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;
                float k12 = i1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2;
                float k22 = i1 + i2;

                _K.Col1 = new Vector3(k11, k12, 0.0f);
                _K.Col2 = new Vector3(k12, k22, 0.0f);

                Vector2 impulse1 = _K.Solve22(-C1);
                impulse.X = impulse1.X;
                impulse.Y = impulse1.Y;
                impulse.Z = 0.0f;

            Vector2 P  = impulse.X * _perp + impulse.Z * _axis;
            float   L1 = impulse.X * _s1 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * _a1;
            float   L2 = impulse.X * _s2 + impulse.Y + impulse.Z * _a2;

            c1 -= _invMass1 * P;
            a1 -= _invI1 * L1;
            c2 += _invMass2 * P;
            a2 += _invI2 * L2;

            // TODO_ERIN remove need for this.
            b1._sweep.C = c1;
            b1._sweep.A = a1;
            b2._sweep.C = c2;
            b2._sweep.A = a2;

            return(linearError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop);
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the input for this ship, from the gamepad assigned to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elapsedTime">The amount of elapsed time, in seconds.</param>
        /// <para
        public virtual void ProcessInput(float elapsedTime, bool overlayPresent)
            currentGamePadState = GamePad.GetState(playerIndex);
            if (overlayPresent == false)
                if (playing == false)
                    // trying to join - update the a-button timer
                    if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        aButtonTimer += elapsedTime;
                        aButtonTimer = 0f;

                    // if the timer has exceeded the expected value, join the game
                    if (aButtonTimer > aButtonHeldToPlay)
                    // check if we're trying to leave
                    if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        bButtonTimer += elapsedTime;
                        bButtonTimer = 0f;
                    // if the timer has exceeded the expected value, leave the game
                    if (bButtonTimer > bButtonHeldToLeave)
                    else if (dead == false)
                        // the ship is alive, so process movement and firing
                        // calculate the current forward vector
                        Vector2 forward = new Vector2((float)Math.Sin(Rotation),
                        Vector2 right = new Vector2(-forward.Y, forward.X);
                        // calculate the current left stick value
                        Vector2 leftStick = currentGamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left;
                        leftStick.Y *= -1f;
                        if (leftStick.LengthSquared() > 0f)
                            Vector2 wantedForward = Vector2.Normalize(leftStick);
                            float angleDiff = (float)Math.Acos(
                                Vector2.Dot(wantedForward, forward));
                            float facing = (Vector2.Dot(wantedForward, right) > 0f) ?
                                1f : -1f;
                            if (angleDiff > 0f)
                                Rotation += Math.Min(angleDiff, facing * elapsedTime *
                            // add velocity
                            Velocity += leftStick * (elapsedTime * speed);
                            if (Velocity.Length() > velocityLengthMaximum)
                                Velocity = Vector2.Normalize(Velocity) *

                        // check for firing with the right stick
                        Vector2 rightStick = currentGamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right;
                        rightStick.Y *= -1f;
                        if (rightStick.LengthSquared() > fireThresholdSquared)
                        // check for laying mines
                        if ((currentGamePadState.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed) &&
                            (lastGamePadState.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Released))
                            // fire behind the ship

            // update the gamepad state
            lastGamePadState = currentGamePadState;
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            if (!FargowiltasSoulsDLC.Instance.CalamityLoaded)

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.calamityToggles.GodSlayerEffects))
                calamity.Call("SetSetBonus", player, "godslayer", true);
                calamity.Call("SetSetBonus", player, "godslayer_melee", true);
                calamity.Call("SetSetBonus", player, "godslayer_ranged", true);
                calamity.Call("SetSetBonus", player, "godslayer_magic", true);
                calamity.Call("SetSetBonus", player, "godslayer_rogue", true);

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.calamityToggles.MechwormMinion))
                calamity.Call("SetSetBonus", player, "godslayer_summon", true);
                if (player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer)
                    if (player.FindBuffIndex(calamity.BuffType("Mechworm")) == -1)
                        player.AddBuff(calamity.BuffType("Mechworm"), 3600, true);
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormHead")] < 1)
                        int whoAmI = player.whoAmI;
                        int num    = calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormHead");
                        int num2   = calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormBody");
                        int num3   = calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormBody2");
                        int num4   = calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormTail");
                        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                            if (Main.projectile[i].active && Main.projectile[i].owner == whoAmI && (Main.projectile[i].type == num || Main.projectile[i].type == num4 || Main.projectile[i].type == num2 || Main.projectile[i].type == num3))
                        int num5 = player.maxMinions;
                        if (num5 > 10)
                            num5 = 10;
                        int     num6   = (int)(35f * (player.minionDamage * 5f / 3f + player.minionDamage * 0.46f * (num5 - 1)));
                        Vector2 value  = player.RotatedRelativePoint(player.MountedCenter, true);
                        Vector2 value2 = Utils.RotatedBy(Vector2.UnitX, player.fullRotation, default(Vector2));
                        Vector2 value3 = Main.MouseWorld - value;
                        float   num7   = Main.mouseX + Main.screenPosition.X - value.X;
                        float   num8   = Main.mouseY + Main.screenPosition.Y - value.Y;
                        if (player.gravDir == -1f)
                            num8 = Main.screenPosition.Y + Main.screenHeight - Main.mouseY - value.Y;
                        float num9 = (float)Math.Sqrt((num7 * num7 + num8 * num8));
                        if ((float.IsNaN(num7) && float.IsNaN(num8)) || (num7 == 0f && num8 == 0f))
                            num7 = player.direction;
                            num8 = 0f;
                            num9 = 10f;
                            num9 = 10f / num9;
                        num7 *= num9;
                        num8 *= num9;
                        int num10 = -1;
                        int num11 = -1;
                        for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
                            if (Main.projectile[j].active && Main.projectile[j].owner == whoAmI)
                                if (num10 == -1 && Main.projectile[j].type == num)
                                    num10 = j;
                                else if (num11 == -1 && Main.projectile[j].type == num4)
                                    num11 = j;
                                if (num10 != -1 && num11 != -1)
                        if (num10 == -1 && num11 == -1)
                            float num12 = Vector2.Dot(value2, value3);
                            if (num12 > 0f)
                            num7    = 0f;
                            num8    = 0f;
                            value.X = Main.mouseX + Main.screenPosition.X;
                            value.Y = Main.mouseY + Main.screenPosition.Y;
                            int num13 = Projectile.NewProjectile(value.X, value.Y, num7, num8, calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormHead"), num6, 1f, whoAmI, 0f, 0f);
                            int num14 = num13;
                            num13 = Projectile.NewProjectile(value.X, value.Y, num7, num8, calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormBody"), num6, 1f, whoAmI, num14, 0f);
                            num14 = num13;
                            num13 = Projectile.NewProjectile(value.X, value.Y, num7, num8, calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormBody2"), num6, 1f, whoAmI, num14, 0f);
                            Main.projectile[num14].localAI[1] = num13;
                            Main.projectile[num14].netUpdate  = true;
                            num14 = num13;
                            num13 = Projectile.NewProjectile(value.X, value.Y, num7, num8, calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormTail"), num6, 1f, whoAmI, num14, 0f);
                            Main.projectile[num14].localAI[1] = num13;
                            Main.projectile[num14].netUpdate  = true;
                        else if (num10 != -1 && num11 != -1)
                            int num15 = Projectile.NewProjectile(value.X, value.Y, num7, num8, calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormBody"), num6, 1f, whoAmI, Main.projectile[num11].ai[0], 0f);
                            int num16 = Projectile.NewProjectile(value.X, value.Y, num7, num8, calamity.ProjectileType("MechwormBody2"), num6, 1f, whoAmI, num15, 0f);
                            Main.projectile[num15].localAI[1]  = num16;
                            Main.projectile[num15].ai[1]       = 1f;
                            Main.projectile[num15].minionSlots = 0f;
                            Main.projectile[num15].netUpdate   = true;
                            Main.projectile[num16].localAI[1]  = num11;
                            Main.projectile[num16].netUpdate   = true;
                            Main.projectile[num16].minionSlots = 0f;
                            Main.projectile[num16].ai[1]       = 1f;
                            Main.projectile[num11].ai[0]       = num16;
                            Main.projectile[num11].netUpdate   = true;
                            Main.projectile[num11].ai[1]       = 1f;

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.calamityToggles.NebulousCore))
                calamity.GetItem("NebulousCore").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);

            //draedons heart
            calamity.GetItem("DraedonsHeart").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);

            FargoDLCPlayer fargoPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoDLCPlayer>();

            fargoPlayer.GodSlayerEnchant = true;
            fargoPlayer.AddPet(SoulConfig.Instance.calamityToggles.ChibiiPet, hideVisual, calamity.BuffType("ChibiiBuff"), calamity.ProjectileType("ChibiiDoggo"));
Пример #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if a is perpendicular to b.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if a is perpendicular to b, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
 /// <param name="a">The vector a.</param>
 /// <param name="b">The vector b.</param>
 public static bool IsPerp(Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
     return(Equalsf(0.0f, Vector2.Dot(a, b)));
Пример #38
    Vector4 QuadMoveTo(Vector3 WantPos, Vector3 Cur)
        //Vertical Distance Prop Calculations
        OS  = DesiredHieght - Qtr.position.y - (Qrb.velocity.y / 2.0f);
        AH += Time.deltaTime * OS * 0.5f;

        Vector3 NoHB = new Vector3(Qtr.position.x, WantPos.y, Qtr.position.z);
        float   DH   = DesiredHieght;

        float throttle = (OS + AH) / Mathf.Max(0.1f, DesiredHieght);

        //Node Type Handling
        if (Vector3.Distance(WantPos, NoHB) < 0.2f && Qrb.velocity.magnitude < 0.5f && ttype == PointType.Waypoint)
            ReachedTarget = true;
            MH            = 0;
            return(new Vector4(throttle, 0, 0, 0));
        else if (ttype == PointType.Pickup)
            if (DesiredHieght > 0.25f && Qrb.velocity.y > -0.3f)
                DesiredHieght -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            else if (DesiredHieght <= 0.25f && Qrb.velocity.y > -0.1f && !GetComponentInChildren <UAVMagnet>().hasTrap)
                DesiredHieght = 0.2f;
            else if (GetComponentInChildren <UAVMagnet>().hasTrap)
                DesiredHieght = 5;
                ReachedTarget = true;
                return(new Vector4(throttle, 0, 0, 0));
        else if (Vector3.Distance(WantPos, NoHB) < .25f && Mathf.Abs(Qrb.velocity.y) < 0.8f && !ReachedTarget)
            if (ttype == PointType.Dropoff)
                if (DesiredHieght > 0.4f && Qrb.velocity.y > -0.3f)
                    DesiredHieght -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                    return(new Vector4(throttle, 0, 0, 0));
                else if (DesiredHieght <= 0.4f && Qrb.velocity.y > -0.3f && Qtr.position.y <= 0.5f)
                    DesiredHieght = 5;
                    GetComponentInChildren <UAVMagnet>().Release();
                    return(new Vector4(throttle, 0, 0, 0));
            else if (ttype == PointType.Takeoff)
                DesiredHieght = 5;
            else if (ttype == PointType.Land)
                if (DesiredHieght > 0.1 && Qrb.velocity.y > -0.3f)
                    DesiredHieght -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                    return(new Vector4(throttle, 0, 0, 0));
                else if (DesiredHieght <= 0.1f)
                    DesiredHieght = 0;
                    return(new Vector4(throttle, 0, 0, 0));
            ReachedTarget = true;
            return(new Vector4(throttle, 0, 0, 0));

        if (DesiredHieght == 0)

        //Horizontal Distance Calculations
        List <float> Dists = new List <float>();

        Dists.Add(Vector3.Distance(P1.transform.position, WantPos));
        Dists.Add(Vector3.Distance(P2.transform.position, WantPos));
        Dists.Add(Vector3.Distance(P3.transform.position, WantPos));
        Dists.Add(Vector3.Distance(P4.transform.position, WantPos));
        int   low     = 0;
        float lowDist = Dists[0];

        Vector2 NV  = new Vector2(Qrb.velocity.x, Qrb.velocity.z).normalized;
        Vector2 TD  = new Vector2(WantPos.x - Qtr.position.x, WantPos.z - Qtr.position.z).normalized;
        float   dir = Vector2.Dot(NV, TD);
        float   off = dir * (new Vector2(Qrb.velocity.x, Qrb.velocity.z).magnitude);

        off *= 2f;
        float dv    = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(Qtr.position.x, Qtr.position.z), new Vector2(WantPos.x, WantPos.z)) - off;
        float rDist = Vector2.Distance(Qtr.position, WantPos);

        dv  = Mathf.Clamp(dv, -1f, 1f);
        MH += Time.deltaTime;

        if (ReachedTarget || ttype != PointType.Waypoint)
            MH = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < Dists.Count; i++)
            if (Dists[i] < lowDist)
                low     = i;
                lowDist = Dists[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < Dists.Count; i++)
            Dists[i] -= Mathf.Clamp(8 * dv * (1 - (Dists[i] / rDist)), -0.2f, 10f);
            Dists[i] -= lowDist;

        float dist = Vector3.Distance(WantPos, NoHB);
        float mult = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Sqrt(dist / 10.0f), 5.0f, 100.0f);

        mult /= 2;

         * if(high == 0) P1.SpinProp(MotorPower/mult);
         * if(high == 1) P2.SpinProp(MotorPower/mult);
         * if(high == 2) P3.SpinProp(MotorPower/mult);
         * if(high == 3) P4.SpinProp(MotorPower/mult);
        P1.SpinProp((MotorPower / ((mult) / Dists[0])));
        P2.SpinProp((MotorPower / ((mult) / Dists[1])));
        P3.SpinProp((MotorPower / ((mult) / Dists[2])));
        P4.SpinProp((MotorPower / ((mult) / Dists[3])));
        return(new Vector4(throttle, 0, 0, 0));
Пример #39
    /// <summary>
    /// When we enter something...
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collision"></param>
    private void OnImpact(RaycastHit2D hit)
        Collider2D other = hit.collider;

        //Check for collideable surface
        if (((1 << other.gameObject.layer) & collisionMask) != 0)
            //Check for one way platforms
            if (!(other.CompareTag(PlatformerController.TAG_ONEWAYPLATFORM) && Vector2.Dot(velocity, Vector2.up) > .5f))
                bool isEnemy = false;
                //Check for hittable
                IHittable hittable = other.gameObject.GetComponent <IHittable>();
                //If we hit something and it is not player affiliated
                if (hittable != null && hittable.GetTeam() != Team.Player)
                    //Determine if it is an enemy
                    isEnemy = hittable.GetTeam() == Team.Enemy;

                    //If it is not a block
                    if (!(slimeType == SlimeType.Purple && other.CompareTag("Block")))
                        hittable.OnHit(1, 2 * (other.transform.position - transform.position));

                //Do something, depending on what type of slime we are
                switch (slimeType)
                case SlimeType.Green:
                    //Only do it on vertical faces
                    if (!isEnemy && Vector3.Dot(hit.normal, Vector3.up) > .9f)
                        //Make drop prefab
                        Instantiate(dropPrefab, hit.point - (Vector2.up * .25f), Quaternion.identity);

                case SlimeType.Purple:
                    if (!isEnemy)
                        //Round position
                        Vector3 pos = transform.position;
                        pos.x = Mathf.Round(pos.x / 2) * 2;
                        pos.y = Mathf.Round(pos.y / 2) * 2;
                        Instantiate(blockPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity);

                case SlimeType.Gold:
                    //Make explosion prefab
                    Instantiate(explosionPrefab, hit.point, Quaternion.identity);
                    //Increase particle size
                    splashParticles.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 1.5f;

                //Play particle effect


                //Destroy self
Пример #40
        //Cutting a shape into two is based on the work of Daid and his prototype BoxCutter: http://www.box2d.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1473

        /// <summary>
        /// Split a fixture into 2 vertice collections using the given entry and exit-point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fixture">The Fixture to split</param>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">The entry point - The start point</param>
        /// <param name="exitPoint">The exit point - The end point</param>
        /// <param name="first">The first collection of vertexes</param>
        /// <param name="second">The second collection of vertexes</param>
        public static void SplitShape(Fixture fixture, Vector2 entryPoint, Vector2 exitPoint, out Vertices first, out Vertices second)
            Vector2 localEntryPoint = fixture.Body.GetLocalPoint(ref entryPoint);
            Vector2 localExitPoint  = fixture.Body.GetLocalPoint(ref exitPoint);

            PolygonShape shape = fixture.Shape as PolygonShape;

            //We can only cut polygons at the moment
            if (shape == null)
                first  = new Vertices();
                second = new Vertices();

            //Offset the entry and exit points if they are too close to the vertices
            foreach (Vector2 vertex in shape.Vertices)
                if (vertex.Equals(localEntryPoint))
                    localEntryPoint -= new Vector2(0, Settings.Epsilon);

                if (vertex.Equals(localExitPoint))
                    localExitPoint += new Vector2(0, Settings.Epsilon);

            Vertices vertices = new Vertices(shape.Vertices);

            Vertices[] newPolygon = new Vertices[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < newPolygon.Length; i++)
                newPolygon[i] = new Vertices(vertices.Count);

            int[] cutAdded = { -1, -1 };
            int   last     = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                int n;
                //Find out if this vertex is on the old or new shape.
                if (Vector2.Dot(MathUtils.Cross(localExitPoint - localEntryPoint, 1), vertices[i] - localEntryPoint) > Settings.Epsilon)
                    n = 0;
                    n = 1;

                if (last != n)
                    //If we switch from one shape to the other add the cut vertices.
                    if (last == 0)
                        Debug.Assert(cutAdded[0] == -1);
                        cutAdded[0] = newPolygon[last].Count;
                    if (last == 1)
                        Debug.Assert(cutAdded[last] == -1);
                        cutAdded[last] = newPolygon[last].Count;

                last = n;

            //Add the cut in case it has not been added yet.
            if (cutAdded[0] == -1)
                cutAdded[0] = newPolygon[0].Count;
            if (cutAdded[1] == -1)
                cutAdded[1] = newPolygon[1].Count;

            for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++)
                Vector2 offset;
                if (cutAdded[n] > 0)
                    offset = (newPolygon[n][cutAdded[n] - 1] - newPolygon[n][cutAdded[n]]);
                    offset = (newPolygon[n][newPolygon[n].Count - 1] - newPolygon[n][0]);

                if (!offset.IsValid())
                    offset = Vector2.One;

                newPolygon[n][cutAdded[n]] += Settings.Epsilon * offset;

                if (cutAdded[n] < newPolygon[n].Count - 2)
                    offset = (newPolygon[n][cutAdded[n] + 2] - newPolygon[n][cutAdded[n] + 1]);
                    offset = (newPolygon[n][0] - newPolygon[n][newPolygon[n].Count - 1]);

                if (!offset.IsValid())
                    offset = Vector2.One;

                newPolygon[n][cutAdded[n] + 1] += Settings.Epsilon * offset;

            first  = newPolygon[0];
            second = newPolygon[1];
Пример #41
        private void CheckFrozenEdge(
            Vector2 origin, Vector2 neighbor,
            Vector2 pos, Vector2 posNext, Vector2 velocity, ref List<CollisionSubframeBuffer> collisionBuffer,
            CollisionSubframeBuffer subframeToAdd
            Vector2 intersection = new Vector2();
            if (CollideSweptSegments(new LineSegment(origin, neighbor), new LineSegment(pos, posNext), ref intersection))
                double particleOffset = (intersection - pos).Length();
                if (particleOffset > epsilon) // to prevent slipping of start point to just reflected edge // TODO: check if this condition is really usefull. may be (timeOffset > 0.0) is a sufficient condition
                    // reflect velocity relative edge
                    Vector2 reflectSurface = neighbor - origin;
                    Vector2 reflectNormal = new Vector2(-reflectSurface.Y, reflectSurface.X);
                    if (reflectNormal.Dot(velocity) < 0) reflectNormal = -reflectNormal;
                    Vector2 newVelocity = velocity - (1.0 + coefficientElasticity) * reflectNormal * (reflectNormal.Dot(velocity) / reflectNormal.LengthSq());

                    subframeToAdd.vParticle = newVelocity;
                    subframeToAdd.vEdgeStart = new Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
                    subframeToAdd.vEdgeEnd = new Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
                    subframeToAdd.timeCoefficient = particleOffset / velocity.Length();
Пример #42
    void CalculatePassengerMovement(Vector3 velocity)
        Dictionary <Transform, IPlatformMoveBlocker> movedPassengers = new Dictionary <Transform, IPlatformMoveBlocker> ();

        passengerMovement = new List <PassengerMovement> ();

        System.Func <Vector2, RaycastHit2D, PassengerMovement> GetMovement = (dir, hit) => {
            IPlatformMoveBlocker blocker = movedPassengers[hit.transform];

            // add 90 to convert from Vector2.down being default direction to Vector2.right
            Vector2 gravityAngle = Utils.AngleToVector(blocker.GravityAngle - 90);

            Vector2 normalizedVelocity = velocity.normalized;
            var     rotatedVelocity    = velocity.Rotate(-blocker.GravityAngle);
            float   dot = Vector2.Dot(gravityAngle, normalizedVelocity);
            bool    movingWithDirection = rotatedVelocity.y > 0;

            // we need to check the direction cast in comparison to gravity to determine
            // players position relative to the platform (i.e. player on top)
            float positionDot = Vector2.Dot(gravityAngle, dir);
            bool  onTop       = positionDot < -0.9f;

            float velocityDot = Vector2.Dot(normalizedVelocity, dir);

            if (dot > 0.5f)
                // gravity and platform moving in same direction
                if (onTop)
                    // passenger is on top of the platform and should be moved with it
                    float pushX = velocity.x;
                    float pushY = velocity.y;
                    return(new PassengerMovement(hit.transform, new Vector3(pushX, pushY), true, false, false));
                    // passenger is below the platform and will be pushed
                    float pushX = 0f;
                    float pushY = rotatedVelocity.y - (hit.distance - skinWidth) * Mathf.Sign(rotatedVelocity.y);
                    return(new PassengerMovement(hit.transform, new Vector3(pushX, pushY), false, true, true));
            else if (dot < -0.5f)
                // gravity and platform moving in opposite directions
                float pushX = movingWithDirection ? rotatedVelocity.x : 0;
                float pushY = rotatedVelocity.y - (hit.distance - skinWidth) * Mathf.Sign(rotatedVelocity.y);
                return(new PassengerMovement(hit.transform, new Vector3(pushX, pushY), onTop, true, false));
            else if (positionDot < 0.9f)
                // platform is moving side-to-side relative to gravity
                // only disallow movement is player is below platform
                float pushX = rotatedVelocity.x - (hit.distance - skinWidth) * Mathf.Sign(rotatedVelocity.x);
                float pushY = 0f;
                return(new PassengerMovement(hit.transform, new Vector3(pushX, pushY), onTop, false, false));

        System.Action <Vector2, Vector2, float> CastForPoint = (pt, dir, dist) => {
            //Debug.DrawRay(pt, dir*dist, new Color(dir.y*0.5f+0.5f, dir.x*0.5f+0.5f, 0), 0.1f);
            RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(pt, dir, dist, passengerMask);
            if (hit)
                if (!movedPassengers.ContainsKey(hit.transform))
                    movedPassengers.Add(hit.transform, hit.transform.GetComponent <IPlatformMoveBlocker>());
                    PassengerMovement m = GetMovement(dir, hit);
                    if (m != null)
                    PassengerMovement m = GetMovement(dir, hit);
                    int index           = passengerMovement.FindIndex(pm => pm.transform == hit.transform);
                    if (m != null && index >= 0 && m.velocity.sqrMagnitude > passengerMovement[index].velocity.sqrMagnitude)
                        passengerMovement[index] = m;

        var pts = GeneratePoints();

        float   topDistance             = skinWidth * 2f;
        float   bottomDistance          = skinWidth * 2f;
        Vector2 rotatedPlatformVelocity = velocity.Rotate(-transform.eulerAngles.z);

        if (rotatedPlatformVelocity.y > 0)
            topDistance = Mathf.Max(topDistance, Mathf.Abs(rotatedPlatformVelocity.y) + skinWidth);
            bottomDistance = Mathf.Max(bottomDistance, Mathf.Abs(rotatedPlatformVelocity.y) + skinWidth);

        Vector2 up    = Vector2.up.Rotate(transform.eulerAngles.z);
        Vector2 right = Vector2.right.Rotate(transform.eulerAngles.z);

        foreach (var pt in pts.Top)
            CastForPoint(pt, up, topDistance);
        foreach (var pt in pts.Bottom)
            CastForPoint(pt, -up, bottomDistance);

        float leftDistance  = skinWidth * 2f;
        float rightDistance = skinWidth * 2f;

        if (rotatedPlatformVelocity.x > 0)
            rightDistance = Mathf.Max(rightDistance, Mathf.Abs(rotatedPlatformVelocity.x) + skinWidth);
            leftDistance = Mathf.Max(leftDistance, Mathf.Abs(rotatedPlatformVelocity.x) + skinWidth);

        foreach (var pt in pts.Right)
            CastForPoint(pt, right, rightDistance);
        foreach (var pt in pts.Left)
            CastForPoint(pt, -right, leftDistance);
Пример #43
 public static double Dot(Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
     return a.Dot(b);
Пример #44
        private static void SolveManifold(Manifold Manifold)
            // Early out and positional correct if both objects have infinite mass
            if (Manifold.BodyA.Mass + Manifold.BodyB.Mass == 0)
                Manifold.BodyA.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;
                Manifold.BodyB.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;


            for (uint i = 0; i < Manifold.Points.Length; ++i)
                // Calculate radii from COM to contact
                Vector2 rA = Manifold.Points[i] - Manifold.BodyA.Position;
                Vector2 rB = Manifold.Points[i] - Manifold.BodyB.Position;

                // Relative velocity
                Vector2 rv = Manifold.BodyB.Velocity + (rB * Manifold.BodyB.AngularVelocity) - Manifold.BodyA.Velocity - (rA * Manifold.BodyA.AngularVelocity);

                // Relative velocity along the normal
                Number contactVel = rv.Dot(Manifold.Normal);

                // Do not resolve if velocities are separating
                if (contactVel > 0)

                Number invMassA = (Manifold.BodyA.Mass == 0 ? (Number)0 : 1 / Manifold.BodyA.Mass);
                Number invMassB = (Manifold.BodyB.Mass == 0 ? (Number)0 : 1 / Manifold.BodyB.Mass);

                Number invInertiaA = (Manifold.BodyA.Inertia == 0 ? (Number)0 : 1 / Manifold.BodyA.Inertia);
                Number invInertiaB = (Manifold.BodyB.Inertia == 0 ? (Number)0 : 1 / Manifold.BodyB.Inertia);

                Number rACrossNormal = rA.Cross(Manifold.Normal);
                Number rBCrossNormal = rB.Cross(Manifold.Normal);

                Number invMassSum = (rACrossNormal * rACrossNormal) * invInertiaA + (rBCrossNormal * rBCrossNormal) * invInertiaB + invMassA + invMassB;
                invMassSum = Math.Max(1, invMassSum);

                // Calculate impulse scalar
                Number j = -(1.0F + Manifold.MixedRestitution) * contactVel;
                j /= invMassSum;
                j /= Manifold.Points.Length;

                // Apply impulse
                Vector2 impulse = Manifold.Normal * j;
                ApplyImpulse(Manifold.BodyA, -impulse, rA);
                ApplyImpulse(Manifold.BodyB, impulse, rB);

                // Friction impulse
                rv = Manifold.BodyB.Velocity + (rB * Manifold.BodyB.AngularVelocity) - Manifold.BodyA.Velocity - (rA * Manifold.BodyA.AngularVelocity);

                Vector2 t = rv - (Manifold.Normal * rv.Dot(Manifold.Normal));

                // j tangent magnitude
                Number jt = -rv.Dot(t);
                jt /= invMassSum;
                jt /= (Number)Manifold.Points.Length;

                // Don't apply tiny friction impulses
                if (jt == 0)

                // Coulumb's law
                Vector2 tangentImpulse;
                if (Math.Abs(jt) < j * Manifold.MixedStaticFriction)
                    tangentImpulse = t * jt;
                    tangentImpulse = t * -j * Manifold.MixedDynamicFriction;

                // Apply friction impulse
                ApplyImpulse(Manifold.BodyA, -tangentImpulse, rA);
                ApplyImpulse(Manifold.BodyB, tangentImpulse, rB);