Пример #1
        public async Task SettingUndeleteAllowed_ProvidesAbilityToUndeleteSecret()
            // Setup basics.
            (string policyPath, KV2Secret origSecret) = await SetupIndividualTestAsync();

            // Setup Policy
            (VaultPolicyContainer polContainer, VaultPolicyPathItem vppi) = await SetupPolicy(policyPath);

            // Setup the Test Engines, One has a good token and one has a control token.
            (KV2SecretEngine engOK, KV2SecretEngine engFail) = await SetupTokenEngines(polContainer.Name);

            // Test Setup.  Lets save several versions of the secret.
            KV2Secret secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(origSecret);

            secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2);

            secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2);

            // Delete the latest version.
            int versionNum = secret2.Version;

            Assert.True(await _rootEng.DeleteSecretVersion(secret2, secret2.Version), "A10:  Expected deletion of specific secret version to succeed..");

            // Read it back with the root engine.
            KV2Secret delSecret = await _rootEng.ReadSecret(secret2);

            Assert.IsNull(delSecret, "A20:  Deletion of secret does not appear to have worked.");

            // Failure Test
            // Lets try to undelete the secret.
            VaultForbiddenException eDL1 = Assert.ThrowsAsync <VaultForbiddenException>(async() => await engOK.UndeleteSecretVersion(secret2, secret2.Version), "DL10:  Expected VaultForbidden Error to be thrown.");

            // Provide Access
            vppi.Denied = true;
            vppi.ExtKV2_UndeleteSecret = true;
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysPoliciesACLUpdate(polContainer), "A30:  Updating the policy object failed.");

            // Success Test.
            Assert.True(await engOK.UndeleteSecretVersion(secret2, secret2.Version), "A40:  Expected Undelete to succeed.");

            // Validate - We use the root accessor, since our base token does not have Read Access.
            KV2Secret secret3 = null;

            secret3 = await _rootEng.ReadSecret(secret2);

            Assert.IsNotNull(secret3, "A50:  Expected the Secret to be found and successfully read.  We did not find a secret object.  Something is wrong with permissions.");
            Assert.AreEqual(secret2.Attributes.Count, secret3.Attributes.Count, "A60:  Undeleted version of secret is not same as deleted version.");
Пример #2
        public async Task DeletionOfSpecificVersions_Success()
            // Setup basics.
            (string policyPath, KV2Secret origSecret) = await SetupIndividualTestAsync();

            // Setup Policy
            (VaultPolicyContainer polContainer, VaultPolicyPathItem vppi) = await SetupPolicy(policyPath);

            // Setup the Test Engines, One has a good token and one has a control token.
            (KV2SecretEngine engOK, KV2SecretEngine engFail) = await SetupTokenEngines(polContainer.Name);

            // Setup
            // Lets save several versions of the secret.
            KV2Secret secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(origSecret);

            KV2Secret secret3 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2);

            KV2Secret secret4 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret3);

            KV2Secret secret5 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret4);

            KV2Secret secret6 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret5);

            // Failure Test
            VaultForbiddenException eEC1 = Assert.ThrowsAsync <VaultForbiddenException>(async() => await engOK.DeleteSecretVersion(secret4, secret4.Version), "A10:  Expected VaultForbidden Error to be thrown.");

            Assert.AreEqual(EnumVaultExceptionCodes.PermissionDenied, eEC1.SpecificErrorCode, "A20:  Expected PermissionDenied to be set on SpecificErrorCode Field.");

            // Provide Access
            vppi.Denied      = true;
            vppi.ReadAllowed = true;
            vppi.ExtKV2_DeleteAnyKeyVersion = true;
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysPoliciesACLUpdate(polContainer), "A30:  Updating the policy object failed.");

            // Success Test
            Assert.True(await engOK.DeleteSecretVersion(secret4, secret4.Version), "A40:  Expected deletion of specific secret version to succeed..");

            // Validate
            KV2Secret secGone = await engOK.ReadSecret(secret4, secret4.Version);

            Assert.IsNull(secGone, "A50:  Expected to not find the given secret.  But found it.  This means it did not get deleted.");
Пример #3
        public async Task SettingDeleteAllowed_ProvidesAbilityToDeleteSecret()
            // Setup basics.
            (string policyPath, KV2Secret origSecret) = await SetupIndividualTestAsync();

            // Setup Policy
            (VaultPolicyContainer polContainer, VaultPolicyPathItem vppi) = await SetupPolicy(policyPath);

            // Setup the Test Engines, One has a good token and one has a control token.
            (KV2SecretEngine engOK, KV2SecretEngine engFail) = await SetupTokenEngines(polContainer.Name);

            // Test Setup.  Lets save several versions of the secret.
            KV2Secret secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(origSecret);

            secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2);

            secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2);

            // Failure Test
            VaultForbiddenException eDA1 = Assert.ThrowsAsync <VaultForbiddenException>(async() => await engOK.DeleteSecretVersion(secret2), "A300:  Expected VaultForbidden Error to be thrown.");

            Assert.AreEqual(EnumVaultExceptionCodes.PermissionDenied, eDA1.SpecificErrorCode, "A10:  Expected PermissionDenied to be set on SpecificErrorCode Field.");

            // Change policy
            vppi.Denied        = true;
            vppi.DeleteAllowed = true;
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysPoliciesACLUpdate(polContainer), "A20:  Updating the policy object failed.");

            // Success Test
            Assert.True(await engOK.DeleteSecretVersion(secret2), "A30:  Expected deletion of specific secret version to succeed..");

            // Validate Test.
            KV2Secret delSecret = await _rootEng.ReadSecret(secret2);

            Assert.IsNull(delSecret, "A40:  Deletion of secret does not appear to have worked.");
Пример #4
        public async Task SettingUpdatellowed_ProvidesAbilityToUpdateSecret()
            // Setup basics.
            (string policyPath, KV2Secret origSecret) = await SetupIndividualTestAsync();

            // Setup Policy
            (VaultPolicyContainer polContainer, VaultPolicyPathItem vppi) = await SetupPolicy(policyPath);

            // Setup the Test Engines, One has a good token and one has a control token.
            (KV2SecretEngine engOK, KV2SecretEngine engFail) = await SetupTokenEngines(polContainer.Name);

            // Actual Test
            // Provide access to Read for the OK Token.
            vppi.Denied        = true;
            vppi.UpdateAllowed = true;
            string attC   = "attC";
            string valueC = "valueC";

            int versionNumber = origSecret.Version;

            origSecret.Attributes.Add(attC, valueC);
            VaultForbiddenException e1 = Assert.ThrowsAsync <VaultForbiddenException>(async() => await engOK.SaveSecret(origSecret, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyOnExistingVersionMatch, versionNumber), "A200:  Expected VaultForbidden Error to be thrown.");

            Assert.AreEqual(EnumVaultExceptionCodes.PermissionDenied, e1.SpecificErrorCode, "A202:  Expected PermissionDenied to be set on SpecificErrorCode Field.");

            // CB - Try with the Fail Token - should fail.
            VaultForbiddenException eCB1 = Assert.ThrowsAsync <VaultForbiddenException>(async() => await engFail.SaveSecret(origSecret, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyOnExistingVersionMatch, versionNumber), "A204:  Expected VaultForbidden Error to be thrown.");

            Assert.AreEqual(EnumVaultExceptionCodes.PermissionDenied, eCB1.SpecificErrorCode, "A206:  Expected PermissionDenied to be set on SpecificErrorCode Field.");

            // CC - Update the policy to allow.
            vppi.UpdateAllowed = true;
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysPoliciesACLUpdate(polContainer), "A208:  Updating the policy object failed.");

            // CD - Retry the save.
            Assert.True(await engOK.SaveSecret(origSecret, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.OnlyOnExistingVersionMatch, versionNumber),
                        "A209:  Updating of the secret was not successful.  This should have succeeded.");
Пример #5
        public async Task SettingDestroyAllowed_ProvidesAbilityToDestroySecret()
            // Setup basics.
            (string policyPath, KV2Secret origSecret) = await SetupIndividualTestAsync();

            // Setup Policy
            (VaultPolicyContainer polContainer, VaultPolicyPathItem vppi) = await SetupPolicy(policyPath);

            // Setup the Test Engines, One has a good token and one has a control token.
            (KV2SecretEngine engOK, KV2SecretEngine engFail) = await SetupTokenEngines(polContainer.Name);

            // Test Setup.  Lets save several versions of the secret.
            KV2Secret secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(origSecret);

            secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2);

            secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2);

            // Failure Test
            VaultForbiddenException eDT1 = Assert.ThrowsAsync <VaultForbiddenException>(async() => await engOK.DestroySecretVersion(secret2, secret2.Version), "A10:  Expected VaultForbidden Error to be thrown.");

            Assert.AreEqual(EnumVaultExceptionCodes.PermissionDenied, eDT1.SpecificErrorCode, "A20:  Expected Permission Denied to be set on SpecificErrorCode Field.");

            // Provide Access
            vppi.Denied = true;
            vppi.ExtKV2_DestroySecret = true;
            Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysPoliciesACLUpdate(polContainer), "A30:  Updating the policy object failed.");

            // Success Test
            Assert.True(await engOK.DestroySecretVersion(secret2, secret2.Version), "A40:  Destroy Secret Specific Version Failed.");

            // Validate - We use the root engine token accessor since our token does not have access.
            KV2Secret desSecret = await _rootEng.ReadSecret(secret2);

            Assert.IsNull(desSecret, "A50:  Expected the Secret to not be found.");