public static void HandleDebugEchoFlags(Session session, params string[] parameters) { try { if (parameters?.Length == 2) { var debugOutput = ""; switch (parameters[0].ToLower()) { case "descriptionflags": ObjectDescriptionFlag objectDescFlag = new ObjectDescriptionFlag(); objectDescFlag = (ObjectDescriptionFlag)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{objectDescFlag.GetType().Name} = {objectDescFlag.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)objectDescFlag + ")"; break; case "weenieflags": WeenieHeaderFlag weenieHdr = new WeenieHeaderFlag(); weenieHdr = (WeenieHeaderFlag)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{weenieHdr.GetType().Name} = {weenieHdr.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)weenieHdr + ")"; break; case "weenieflags2": WeenieHeaderFlag2 weenieHdr2 = new WeenieHeaderFlag2(); weenieHdr2 = (WeenieHeaderFlag2)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{weenieHdr2.GetType().Name} = {weenieHdr2.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)weenieHdr2 + ")"; break; case "positionflag": UpdatePositionFlag posFlag = new UpdatePositionFlag(); posFlag = (UpdatePositionFlag)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{posFlag.GetType().Name} = {posFlag.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)posFlag + ")"; break; case "type": ItemType objectType = new ItemType(); objectType = (ItemType)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{objectType.GetType().Name} = {objectType.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)objectType + ")"; break; case "containertype": ContainerType contType = new ContainerType(); contType = (ContainerType)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{contType.GetType().Name} = {contType.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)contType + ")"; break; case "usable": Usable usableType = new Usable(); usableType = (Usable)Convert.ToInt64(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{usableType.GetType().Name} = {usableType.ToString()}" + " (" + (Int64)usableType + ")"; break; case "radarbehavior": RadarBehavior radarBeh = new RadarBehavior(); radarBeh = (RadarBehavior)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{radarBeh.GetType().Name} = {radarBeh.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)radarBeh + ")"; break; case "physicsdescriptionflags": PhysicsDescriptionFlag physicsDescFlag = new PhysicsDescriptionFlag(); physicsDescFlag = (PhysicsDescriptionFlag)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{physicsDescFlag.GetType().Name} = {physicsDescFlag.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)physicsDescFlag + ")"; break; case "physicsstate": PhysicsState physState = new PhysicsState(); physState = (PhysicsState)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{physState.GetType().Name} = {physState.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)physState + ")"; break; case "validlocations": EquipMask locFlags = new EquipMask(); locFlags = (EquipMask)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{locFlags.GetType().Name} = {locFlags.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)locFlags + ")"; break; case "currentwieldedlocation": EquipMask locFlags2 = new EquipMask(); locFlags2 = (EquipMask)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{locFlags2.GetType().Name} = {locFlags2.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)locFlags2 + ")"; break; case "priority": CoverageMask covMask = new CoverageMask(); covMask = (CoverageMask)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{covMask.GetType().Name} = {covMask.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)covMask + ")"; break; case "radarcolor": RadarColor radarBlipColor = new RadarColor(); radarBlipColor = (RadarColor)Convert.ToUInt32(parameters[1]); debugOutput = $"{radarBlipColor.GetType().Name} = {radarBlipColor.ToString()}" + " (" + (uint)radarBlipColor + ")"; break; default: debugOutput = "No valid type to test"; break; } if (session == null) { Console.WriteLine(debugOutput.Replace(", ", " | ")); } else { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(debugOutput, ChatMessageType.System)); } } } catch (Exception) { string debugOutput = "Exception Error, check input and try again"; if (session == null) { Console.WriteLine(debugOutput.Replace(", ", " | ")); } else { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(debugOutput, ChatMessageType.System)); } } }