public AttackRollResult(UnitGroup unitGroup, int attack, int baseDamage, int bonusDamage, bool isCritical) { this.UnitGroup = unitGroup; this.Attack = attack; this.BaseDamage = baseDamage; this.BonusDamage = bonusDamage; this.IsCritical = isCritical; }
public void MoveGroup(Vector3 pos) { activeEngage = false; targetGroup = null; UnitGroupPosition = pos; for (int i = 0; i < unitList.Count; i++) { unitList[i].MoveUnit(UnitGroupPosition + unitOffset[i]); } }
private void RemoveUnit(ResUnit removedUnit) { allUnits.Remove(removedUnit); grid.RemoveUnit(removedUnit); UnitGroup removedUnitGroup =;; removedUnit.tile.RemoveUnit(); Destroy(removedUnit.gameObject); }
public static void SetPursueCommand(List <UnitGroup> pursuers, UnitGroup target) { foreach (var pursuer in pursuers) { if (pursuer != null && pursuer != target) { pursuer.command = new PursueCommand(pursuer, target); } } }
public static void SetAttackCommand(List <UnitGroup> attackingGroups, UnitGroup target) { foreach (var attackingGroup in attackingGroups) { if (attackingGroup != null && attackingGroup != target) { attackingGroup.command = new AttackCommand(attackingGroup, target); } } }
// Public Unit Group Functions public void AttackGroup(UnitGroup target) { activeEngage = true; targetGroup = target; UnitGroupPosition = target.UnitGroupPosition; for (int i = 0; i < unitList.Count; i++) { unitList[i].MoveUnit(target.ClosestUnit(unitList[i].gameObject.transform.position)); } }
//function that is called for a tower that is going to attack, but is waiting on an AI to send units to it public IEnumerator StartOverloadAttack(TowerBehavior destination, float percent, float time) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(time)); UnitGroup currentGroup = UnitController.CreateUnitGroupForFaction(myTower.Faction, (int)(myTower.StationedUnits * percent)); currentGroup.PrepareUnits(myTower); myCoroutine = this.WaittoAttack(currentGroup, destination, 1f); AIController.CallCoroutine(myCoroutine); }
private void MouseActivity() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { buildSelectionZone(); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { RightMouseClick(); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { if (colliderSelectionZone != null && !colliderSelectionZone.Value.Contains(Input.mousePosition)) { colliderSelectionZone = null; } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { if (colliderSelectionZone != null) { colliderSelectionZone = null; LeftMouseClick(); } else { Vector3 center = Camera.main.ScreenToViewportPoint(; Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapBox(center, new Vector3(selectionZone.Zone.size.x, 1, selectionZone.Zone.y)); if (colliders.Length == 1) { LeftMouseClick(); } else if (colliders.Length > 1) { GameObject group = Instantiate(prototype); group.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; UnitGroup uGroup = group.GetComponent <UnitGroup>(); Debug.Log(uGroup.Group); foreach (Collider c in colliders) { if (c.gameObject.GetComponent <Unit>() != null) { uGroup.Group.Add(c.gameObject.GetComponent <SteeringBehavior>()); Debug.Log(; } } player.SelectedObject = uGroup; uGroup.GetComponent <Unit>().SetSelection(true, player.hud.GetPlayingArea()); } } selectionZone.enabled = false; } }
// Replaced MoveUnits /// <summary> /// Sets a unit group's unit's to move toward a destination tower from an origin tower. /// </summary> /// <param name="group">Unit group to move.</param> /// <param name="origin">Tower were group should move from.</param> /// <param name="destination">Tower were group will move toward.</param> public static void MoveGroupFromTo(UnitGroup group, TowerBehavior origin, TowerBehavior destination) { origin.stationedGroup.SubtractUnits(group.UnitCount); group.MoveUnits(destination); var info = new MovedUnitsInfo(origin, destination, group.UnitCount); if (UnitsMoved != null) { UnitsMoved(info); } }
/// <summary>Creates display for found group</summary> private void CreateGroupDisplay() { UnitGroup group = UnitGroupHandler.GetGroup(groupCount); groupsToDisplay.Add(group); UnitGroupInfo info = Instantiate(prefabUnitGroupInfo, transform).GetComponent <UnitGroupInfo>(); infoComponents.Add(info); info.AssignGroupToDisplay(group); }
public ActionResult <int> GetFirstUnitGroupIdByUserId(int userId) { ApartmentsDbContext con = new ApartmentsDbContext(); UnitGroup unitGroup = con.UnitGroups.FirstOrDefault(unitGroup => unitGroup.UserId == userId); if (unitGroup == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(unitGroup.Id); }
public void Dismiss() { if (group != null) { group.RemoveUnit(this); group = null; inGroupTargetPosition =; followInGroupTarget = false; SoundManager.instance.removeMusicLayer(); } }
public override int takeAction(UnitGroup enemies, UnitGroup allies) { Skill toUse = new Slash(); Unit target = toUse.act(allies, enemies, 0); if (target != null) { return(target.takeDamage(mainWeapon.attackPower)); } return(0); }
internal void UpdateLayout(UnitGroup unit) { foreach (var group in mindGroupList) { if (group.UnitExists(unit)) { group.UpdateLayout(); return; } } }
public int SolveParallelCompatibilityConflicts() { foreach (var pl in new List <TaskPlan2>(actorGroupAsUG.GetThisGroupPlans())) { if (pl.GetCurrentTaskInPlan() != this) { UnitGroup ug = pl.GetCurrentTaskInPlan().GetActorGroup() as UnitGroup; } } return(0); }
public static void AddUnitsToGroup(UnitGroup group, int numUnits) { var units = current.groupUnitsMap[group.ID]; group.AddUnits(numUnits); for (int i = 0; i < numUnits; i++) { var unit = CreateUnitForFaction(group.Faction); unit.SetGroup(group); units.Add(unit); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!_texture) { _texture = videoRenderer.getWebCamTexture(); // Debug.Log(_texture.width); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { RaycastHit hit; MeshCollider collie = videoRenderer.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <MeshCollider>(); if (!collie.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, Input.mousePosition.z)), out hit, 2000f)) { return; } Renderer rend = hit.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>(); MeshCollider meshCollider = hit.collider as MeshCollider; if (rend == null || meshCollider == null) { return; } Vector2 pixelUV = hit.textureCoord; pixelUV.x *= 1280f; pixelUV.y *= 720f; Color32 color = (Color32)_texture.GetPixel((int)pixelUV.x, (int)pixelUV.y); ctp.colorTargets.Add(new Vexpot.ColorTarget(color, tolerance)); ctp.StopColorTracker(); ctp.UpdateColorTargets(); ctp.StartColorTracker(); _factory.CreateUnit(color); _constructor.ColorSelected(color); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { UnitGroup ug = null; if (_gManager.GetGridUnit(_gManager.GetGridPos(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, 0))) != null) { ug = _gManager.GetGridUnit(_gManager.GetGridPos(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, 0))); } if (ug != null) { _constructor.SetActiveUnit(ug.gameObject, true); _logController.updateStats(; } } }
private static void AssertCreateFails(UnitGroup group, UnitDto dto) { try { Unit.Create(dto, group); Assert.Fail(); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(e, typeof(AssertFailedException)); } }
public UnitGroup split() { if (units.Count == 1) { return(null); } // k-means clustering RandomSet <Unit> unitset = new RandomSet <Unit>(units); List <Unit>[] kgroups = new List <Unit> [2]; Vector2[] kmeans = new Vector2[2]; for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { kgroups[k] = new List <Unit>(); } for (int repetition = 0; repetition < 10; ++repetition) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { if (kgroups[k].Count == 0) { kmeans[k] = unitset.getRandom().transform.position; } else { kmeans[k] = avgPos(kgroups[k]); } kgroups[k].Clear(); } foreach (Unit u in units) { int closest = 0; float mindd = float.MaxValue; for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { float dd = (kmeans[k] - (Vector2)u.transform.position).sqrMagnitude; if (dd < mindd) { mindd = dd; closest = k; } } kgroups[closest].Add(u); } } // TODO: prefer equally sized groups UnitGroup newGroup = Scene.get().createUnitGroup(kgroups[1]); Vector2 groupOffset = (kmeans[1] - kmeans[0]).normalized; newGroup.setDest(dest + groupOffset / 2, false); setDest(dest - groupOffset / 2, false); return(newGroup); }
public UnitGroup CreateNewGroup(string tag) { if (groups == null) { groups = new List <UnitGroup>(); } var group = new UnitGroup(tag); group.index = groups.Count; groups.Add(group); return(group); }
void Start() { foreach (GameObject rectangle in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Rectangles")) { //if ( == "FocusRectangle") //FocusSprite = rectangle.GetComponent<FocusRectangleObject>(); if ( == "SelectionRectangle") { SelectionSprite = rectangle.GetComponent <SelectorScript>(); } else if ( == "GroupRectangle") { GroupSprite = rectangle.GetComponent <GroupRectangleScript>(); } } MouseEvents.Setup(gameObject); SelectedGroup = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <UnitGroup>(); SelectedGroup.startGroup(); //scrolling = (GetComponent<Scrolling>()) ? GetComponent<Scrolling>() : null; //if ( == null) //{ camera = Camera.main; //} Scale = new Vector2((camera.pixelRect.width / gameObject.guiTexture.texture.width), (camera.pixelRect.height / gameObject.guiTexture.texture.height)); //gameObject.guiTexture.pixelInset = new Rect(0, -camera.pixelHeight, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight); //if (gameObject.GetComponent<GUIText>() == null) gameObject.AddComponent<GUIText>(); gameObject.guiText.pixelOffset = new Vector2(-Camera.main.pixelWidth / 2 + 25 * Scale.x, Camera.main.pixelHeight / 2 - 80 * Scale.y); MapViewArea = new Rect(20 * Scale.x, 20 * Scale.y, 1675 * Scale.x, 1047 * Scale.y); MainGuiArea = new Rect(1716 * Scale.x, 20 * Scale.y, 184 * Scale.x, 1047 * Scale.y); gameObject.guiText.fontSize = (int)(40f * Scale.x + 0.5f); //guiTexture.pixelInset = MapViewArea; //guiTexture.guiTexture.border.left = (int)(20f * Scale.x); //guiTexture.guiTexture.border.right = (int)(225f * Scale.x); // = (int)(20f * Scale.y); //guiTexture.guiTexture.border.bottom = (int)(13f * Scale.y); //QamAcsess = Camera.main.GetComponent<camScript>(); MouseEvents.LEFTCLICK += MouseEvents_LEFTCLICK; MouseEvents.RIGHTCLICK += MouseEvents_RIGHTCLICK; MouseEvents.LEFTRELEASE += MouseEvents_LEFTRELEASE; UpdateManager.GUIUPDATE += UpdateManager_GUIUPDATE; }
public void ThatConstrucionWithEmptyNameThrowsException() { try { UnitGroup.Create(new UnitGroupDto()); Assert.Fail(); } catch (System.Exception e) { Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(e, typeof(AssertFailedException)); } }
public UnitGroup(UnitGroup U) { ID = U.ID; unitsAmount = U.unitsAmount; HPperUnit = U.HPperUnit; Weaknesses = U.Weaknesses; Inmunnity = U.Inmunnity; attackPower = U.attackPower; initiative = U.initiative; damageType = U.damageType; faction = U.faction; }
private static Unit CreateUnit() { var group = UnitGroup.Create(new UnitGroupDto { Name = UnitTestFixtures.GetTestUnitMilligram().UnitGroupName, AllowConversion = UnitTestFixtures.GetTestUnitMilligram().AllowConversion }); var unit = Unit.Create(UnitTestFixtures.GetTestUnitMilligram(), group); return(unit); }
void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other) { if (candidateGroup == null) { return; } if (other.gameObject.tag == "Army") { candidateGroup = null; } }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (candidateGroup != null) { return; } if (other.gameObject.tag == "Army") { candidateGroup = other.gameObject.GetComponent <UnitGroup> (); } }
private static void AssertCreateFails(UnitGroup group, UnitDto dto) { try { Unit.Create(dto, group); Assert.Fail(); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(e, typeof (AssertFailedException)); } }
/// <summary>creates formation input info for each stored formation setting</summary> private void CreateFormationInput() { int startingKey = (int)KeyCode.Alpha1; UnitGroup group = UnitGroupHandler.GetGroup(groupGrab); foreach (FormationSetting setting in group.Formation.StoredSettings) { KeyCode key = (KeyCode)startingKey; Instantiate(prefabFormationInput, layoutTransform).GetComponent <FormationInputInfo>().Setup(setting.Name, key); startingKey++; } }
public virtual void OnUnitTick(Unit unit, float dt) { if (unit.Suspended || unit.IsDoingOr(Unit.kDoingObstinate)) { // 如果正在固执做事或正在施法 return; } if (unit.IsDoingOr(Unit.kDoingCasting) && !unit.IsDoingOr(Unit.kDoingMoving)) { // 原地施法 return; } UnitNode d = unit.Node; ActiveSkill atk = unit.AttackSkill; if (atk == null) { return; } // 追击目标仍在仇恨区内就继续追击 if (unit.CastActiveSkill == atk && unit.CastTarget.TargetType == CommandTarget.Type.kUnitTarget) { Unit tt = unit.CastTarget.TargetUnit; if (tt != null) { UnitNode ttd = tt.Node; if (ttd != null && unit.IsDoingAnd(Unit.kDoingCasting | Unit.kDoingMoving) && Vector2.Distance(d.position, ttd.position) < unit.HostilityRange) { // 正在追击施法,距离在仇恨范围内 return; } } } Unit t = UnitGroup.getNearestUnitInRange(unit.World, d.position, unit.HostilityRange, UnitGroup.MatchFunctionLivingEnemy, unit.force); if (t == null || t.isDead) { // 搜不到仇恨区内的目标,有没有必要设置为doNothing? return; } if (unit.CastActiveSkill != atk || unit.CastTarget.TargetUnit != t) { //Debug.LogFormat("{0} want to attack {1}.", unit.Name, t.Name); unit.CommandCastSpell(new CommandTarget(t), atk, false); } }
public async Task <User> CreateUserAsync(RegisterDTO registerData) { var buildingTypes = db.BuildingTypes; var upgradeTypes = db.UpgradeTypes; var upgrades = new List <Upgrade>(); var buildings = new List <Building>(); foreach (var buildingType in buildingTypes) { buildings.Add(new Building { Type = buildingType, Count = 0 }); } foreach (var upgradeType in upgradeTypes) { upgrades.Add(new Upgrade { Type = upgradeType, State = UpgradeState.Unresearched }); } var buildingGroup = new BuildingGroup { Buildings = buildings }; var attackingArmy = new UnitGroup(); var defendingArmy = new UnitGroup(); var user = new User { UserName = registerData.UserName, GameId = 1 }; var country = new Country { Name = registerData.CountryName, BuildingGroup = buildingGroup, AttackingArmy = attackingArmy, DefendingArmy = defendingArmy, Upgrades = upgrades, User = user, Pearl = 100000, Coral = 100000, Stone = 5000 }; user.Country = country; await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(user); }
public void CreateUnitsUnitGroup() { Unit[] units = new Unit[10]; for (int i = 0; i < units.Length; i++) { units[i] = new Unit("Test Unit", i, i.ToString()); } UnitGroup unitGroup = new UnitGroup(units); Assert.AreEqual(units.Length, unitGroup.Units.Count); Assert.IsTrue(unitGroup.Units.SequenceEqual(units)); }
public bool getUnitByID(UnitGroup unitGroup, int inputID, Unit expectedOutputUnit) { Unit startingUnit = new Unit(inputID); unitGroup = new UnitGroup(new List <Unit>() { startingUnit }); Unit returnedUnit = unitGroup.getUnit(inputID); return(expectedOutputUnit.ID == returnedUnit.ID); }
public static List<Unit> GetUnitListByGroup(UnitGroup group) { List<Unit> list = new List<Unit>(); foreach (Unit item in GetUnitList()) { if (item.GetGroup() == group) list.Add(item); } return list; }
private void LoadSaveLua(){ System.Text.Encoding encodeType = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; string loadedFileSave = ""; string MapPath = EnvPaths.GetMapsPath(); loadedFileSave = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(ScenarioData.SaveLua.Replace("/maps/", MapPath), encodeType); string loadedFileFunctions = LuaHelper.GetStructureText ("lua_variable_functions.lua"); //loadedFileFunctions = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(StructurePath + "lua_variable_functions.lua", encodeType); string loadedFileEndFunctions = LuaHelper.GetStructureText ("lua_variable_end_functions.lua"); //loadedFileEndFunctions = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(StructurePath + "lua_variable_end_functions.lua", encodeType); loadedFileSave = loadedFileFunctions + loadedFileSave + loadedFileEndFunctions; save = new Lua(); save.LoadCLRPackage(); try { save.DoString(loadedFileSave); } catch(NLua.Exceptions.LuaException e) { Debug.LogError(ParsingStructureData.FormatException(e), gameObject); HelperGui.MapLoaded = false; return; } // LoadArea ScenarioData.Area = new Rect(); if(save.GetTable("Scenario.Areas.AREA_1") != null && save.GetTable("Scenario.Areas.AREA_1").ToString() != "null"){ ScenarioData.DefaultArea = true; ScenarioData.Area.x = float.Parse(save.GetTable("Scenario.Areas.AREA_1.rectangle")[1].ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); ScenarioData.Area.y = float.Parse(save.GetTable("Scenario.Areas.AREA_1.rectangle")[2].ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); ScenarioData.Area.width = float.Parse(save.GetTable("Scenario.Areas.AREA_1.rectangle")[3].ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); ScenarioData.Area.height = float.Parse(save.GetTable("Scenario.Areas.AREA_1.rectangle")[4].ToString(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); UpdateArea(); } else{ ScenarioData.DefaultArea = false; HeightmapControler.TerrainMaterial.SetInt("_Area", ScenarioData.DefaultArea?1:0); MapElements.SetActive(false); HeightmapControler.TerrainMaterial.SetFloat("_AreaX", 0); HeightmapControler.TerrainMaterial.SetFloat("_AreaY", 0); HeightmapControler.TerrainMaterial.SetFloat("_AreaWidht", ScenarioData.Size.x / 10f); HeightmapControler.TerrainMaterial.SetFloat("_AreaHeight", ScenarioData.Size.y / 10f); } MapCenterPoint =; MapCenterPoint.x = (ScenarioData.Size.x / 20); MapCenterPoint.z = -1 * (ScenarioData.Size.y / 20); // LoadMarkers #region Load Markers //int MarkersCount = save.GetTable("Scenario.MasterChain._MASTERCHAIN_.Markers").Values.Count; Mexes = new List<Mex>(); Hydros = new List<Hydro>(); ARMY_ = new List<Army>(); SiMarkers = new List<Marker>(); //LuaTable MasterChain = save.GetTable("Scenario.MasterChain._MASTERCHAIN_.Markers") as LuaTable; //string[] KeysArray = new string[MarkersCount]; //MasterChain.Keys.CopyTo(KeysArray, 0); LuaHelper.LHTable MarkersTable = new LuaHelper.LHTable(save.GetTable("Scenario.MasterChain._MASTERCHAIN_.Markers")); for(int m = 0; m < MarkersTable.Count; m++){ //LuaTable MarkerTab = MasterChain[KeysArray[m]] as LuaTable; LuaHelper.LHTable MarkerTable = new LuaHelper.LHTable(MarkersTable, MarkersTable.Keys[m]); Vector3 MarkerPosParsed =; MarkerTable.GetVector3Value("position", out MarkerPosParsed); Vector3 MarkerRotParsed =; MarkerTable.GetVector3Value("orientation", out MarkerRotParsed); string TypeOfMarker = MarkerTable.GetStringValue("type"); if(TypeOfMarker == "Mass"){ Mex newMex = new Mex(); = MarkersTable.Keys[m]; newMex.position = HeightmapControler.MapPosInWorld(MarkerPosParsed); newMex.orientation = MarkerRotParsed; LuaHelper.ReadSpawnWithArmy(out newMex.SpawnWithArmy, MarkerTable); Mexes.Add(newMex); } else if(TypeOfMarker == "Hydrocarbon"){ Hydro NewHydro = new Hydro(); = MarkersTable.Keys[m]; NewHydro.size = MarkerTable.GetFloatValue("size"); NewHydro.amount = MarkerTable.GetFloatValue("amount"); NewHydro.resource = MarkerTable.GetBoolValue("resource"); NewHydro.prop = MarkerTable.GetStringValue("prop"); NewHydro.color = MarkerTable.GetColorValue("color"); NewHydro.position = HeightmapControler.MapPosInWorld(MarkerPosParsed); NewHydro.orientation = MarkerRotParsed; LuaHelper.ReadSpawnWithArmy(out NewHydro.SpawnWithArmy, MarkerTable); Hydros.Add(NewHydro); } else if(MarkersTable.Keys[m].Contains("ARMY_")){ Army NewArmy = new Army(); = MarkersTable.Keys[m]; NewArmy.Id = int.Parse(MarkersTable.Keys[m].Replace("ARMY_", "")); NewArmy.position = HeightmapControler.MapPosInWorld(MarkerPosParsed); NewArmy.orientation = MarkerRotParsed; ARMY_.Add(NewArmy); } else{ Marker NewMarker = new Marker(); = MarkersTable.Keys[m]; NewMarker.position = HeightmapControler.MapPosInWorld(MarkerPosParsed); NewMarker.orientation = MarkerRotParsed; NewMarker.type = TypeOfMarker; NewMarker.prop = MarkerTable.GetStringValue("prop"); // HINT NewMarker.hintValue = MarkerTable.GetStringValue("hint"); NewMarker.hint = MarkerTable.GetBoolValue("hint"); // GRAPH NewMarker.graph = MarkerTable.GetStringValue("graph"); // adjacentTo NewMarker.adjacentTo = MarkerTable.GetStringValue("adjacentTo"); // Color if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MarkerTable.GetStringValue("color"))) { //Color MyColor = Color.white; //ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString (MarkerTable.GetStringValue("color"), out MyColor); NewMarker.Kolor = MarkerTable.GetColorValue("color"); } else NewMarker.Kolor = Color.white; LuaHelper.ReadSpawnWithArmy(out NewMarker.SpawnWithArmy, MarkerTable); SiMarkers.Add(NewMarker); } } SortArmys(); MexTotalCount = Mexes.Count; HydrosTotalCount = Hydros.Count; SiTotalCount = SiMarkers.Count; #endregion #region Load Army Save SaveArmys = new List<SaveArmy> (); LuaHelper.LHTable ArmiesTable = new LuaHelper.LHTable(save.GetTable("Scenario.Armies")); for(int m = 0; m < ArmiesTable.Count; m++){ LuaHelper.LHTable ArmyTable = new LuaHelper.LHTable(ArmiesTable, ArmiesTable.Keys[m]); SaveArmy NewArmy = new SaveArmy(); NewArmy.Name = ArmiesTable.Keys[m]; AddSaveArmyMarker(NewArmy.Name); NewArmy.personality = ArmyTable.GetStringValue("personality"); NewArmy.plans = ArmyTable.GetStringValue("plans"); NewArmy.color = ArmyTable.GetIntValue("color"); NewArmy.faction = ArmyTable.GetIntValue("faction"); LuaHelper.LHTable EconomyTable = new LuaHelper.LHTable(ArmyTable, "Economy"); NewArmy.EconomyMass = EconomyTable.GetIntValue("mass"); NewArmy.EconomyEnergy = EconomyTable.GetIntValue("energy"); NewArmy.Alliances = ArmyTable.GetStringArrayValue("Alliances"); // Get units NewArmy.UnitsOrders = ""; NewArmy.UnitsPlatoon = ""; NewArmy.Units = new List<UnitGroup>(); LuaHelper.LHTable ArmyUnitsTable; ArmyTable.GetLuaArmyGroup("Units", out NewArmy.UnitsOrders, out NewArmy.UnitsPlatoon, out ArmyUnitsTable); for(int i = 0; i < ArmyUnitsTable.Count; i++){ UnitGroup NewUnitGroup = new UnitGroup(); NewUnitGroup.Name = ArmyUnitsTable.Keys[i]; LuaHelper.LHTable UnitsGroupTable; ArmyUnitsTable.GetLuaArmyGroup(ArmyUnitsTable.Keys[i], out NewUnitGroup.orders, out NewUnitGroup.platoon, out UnitsGroupTable); for(int u = 0; u < UnitsGroupTable.Count; u++){ Unit NewUnit = new Unit(); LuaHelper.LHTable UnitTable = new LuaHelper.LHTable(UnitsGroupTable, UnitsGroupTable.Keys[u]); NewUnit.Name = UnitsGroupTable.Keys[u]; NewUnit.type = UnitTable.GetStringValue("type"); NewUnit.orders = UnitTable.GetStringValue("orders"); NewUnit.platoon = UnitTable.GetStringValue("platoon"); UnitTable.GetVector3Value("Position", out NewUnit.Position); UnitTable.GetVector3Value("Orientation", out NewUnit.Orientation); NewUnitGroup.Units.Add(NewUnit); } NewArmy.Units.Add(NewUnitGroup); } SaveArmys.Add(NewArmy); } #endregion }
void Start () { group = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<UnitGroup>(); group.ResetGroup(); gameObject.collider.enabled = false; }
public void RemoveEmptyGroup(UnitGroup group) { if (group.GetTotalQty() == 0) { if (attackers.Contains(group)) { attackers.Remove(group); } if (defenders.Contains(group)) { defenders.Remove(group); } } }
// TODO: handle the situation when one side is eliminated completely (end the combat) public bool ResolveAttack(UnitGroup targetGroup, int index, AttackRollResult attack) { Unit target; if (index > 0) { target = targetGroup.GetUnit(index); if (target == null) { Debug.Log("Invalid attack resolution target!"); return false; } if (target.Quantity <= 0) { Debug.Log("Zero Quantity!"); return false; } } else { target = targetGroup.GetRandomUnit(); } if (attackers.Contains(targetGroup) && attackers.Contains(attack.UnitGroup)) { Debug.Log("Invalid attack resolution target!"); return false; } if (defenders.Contains(targetGroup) && defenders.Contains(attack.UnitGroup)) { Debug.Log("Invalid attack resolution target!"); return false; } int defenseRoll = Dice.RollDie(10) + Dice.RollDie(10) + target.UnitType.Defense; if ((useCriticals && attack.IsCritical) || (attack.Attack > defenseRoll)) { Debug.Log(attack.Attack.ToString() + " attack vs " + defenseRoll + " defense: hit!"); int damage = attack.FullDamage; if (!attack.UnitGroup.UnitType.Attack.IsAP) { damage -= target.UnitType.Armor; } Debug.Log(attack.FullDamage.ToString() + " damage vs " + target.UnitType.Armor + " armor, result = " + damage); if (damage > 0) { target.Quantity -= 1; int newHP = target.CurrentHealth - damage; Debug.Log("HP: " + target.CurrentHealth + " - " + damage + " = " + newHP); if (newHP > 0) { Unit reinforced = targetGroup.GetUnitWithHealth(newHP); if (reinforced == null) { Debug.Log("Attempted to reinforce a null unit"); return false; } reinforced.Quantity += 1; } } } else { Debug.Log(attack.Attack.ToString() + " attack vs " + defenseRoll + " defense: miss."); } if (attackerRollResults.Contains(attack)) { attackerRollResults.Remove(attack); } else { defenderRollResults.Remove(attack); } /* if (attackerRollResults.Count == 0 && defenderRollResults.Count == 0) { if (CurrentPhase == attackPhase.CHARGE) { CurrentPhase = attackPhase.MELEE; } else { CurrentPhase = attackPhase.CHARGE; } } */ return true; }
private AttackRollResult GenerateAttackRollResult(UnitGroup attacker) { bool isCritical = false; int dieRoll = Dice.RollDie(10) + Dice.RollDie(10); int bonusDamage = 0; if (useCriticals && dieRoll >= 18) { isCritical = true; bonusDamage = attacker.UnitType.Attack.RollDamage(); } AttackRollResult result = new AttackRollResult(attacker, dieRoll + attacker.UnitType.Attack.Skill, attacker.UnitType.Attack.RollDamage(), bonusDamage, isCritical); return result; }
/// <summary> /// Register the base value always as 1 using the group, and names. /// </summary> /// <param name="group">e.g. the group of the units. e.g. length, volume, weight</param> /// <param name="abbreviation">abbreviation for the unit e.g "ft" for feet.</param> /// <param name="unitsName">The name of the units e.g if group = lenght, unitsName = feet</param> /// <param name="alias">Alias for the subgroup</param> public void RegisterGroup(string group, string abbreviation, string unitsName, string alias) { _groups[group] = new UnitGroup() { Name = group, BaseName = unitsName, BaseName2 = alias }; _subGroupsToGroupMap[unitsName] = group; RegisterUnit(group, abbreviation, unitsName, 1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias)) RegisterUnit(group, abbreviation, alias, 1); }
void Start() { foreach (GameObject rectangle in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Rectangles")) { //if ( == "FocusRectangle") //FocusSprite = rectangle.GetComponent<FocusRectangleObject>(); if ( == "SelectionRectangle") SelectionSprite = rectangle.GetComponent<SelectorScript>(); else if ( == "GroupRectangle") GroupSprite = rectangle.GetComponent<GroupRectangleScript>(); } MouseEvents.Setup(gameObject); SelectedGroup = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<UnitGroup>(); SelectedGroup.startGroup(); //scrolling = (GetComponent<Scrolling>()) ? GetComponent<Scrolling>() : null; //if ( == null) //{ camera = Camera.main; //} Scale = new Vector2((camera.pixelRect.width / gameObject.guiTexture.texture.width), (camera.pixelRect.height / gameObject.guiTexture.texture.height)); //gameObject.guiTexture.pixelInset = new Rect(0, -camera.pixelHeight, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight); //if (gameObject.GetComponent<GUIText>() == null) gameObject.AddComponent<GUIText>(); gameObject.guiText.pixelOffset = new Vector2(-Camera.main.pixelWidth / 2 + 25 * Scale.x, Camera.main.pixelHeight/2 - 80 * Scale.y); MapViewArea = new Rect(20 * Scale.x, 20 * Scale.y, 1675 * Scale.x, 1047 * Scale.y); MainGuiArea = new Rect(1716 * Scale.x, 20 * Scale.y, 184 * Scale.x, 1047 * Scale.y); gameObject.guiText.fontSize = (int)(40f * Scale.x + 0.5f); //guiTexture.pixelInset = MapViewArea; //guiTexture.guiTexture.border.left = (int)(20f * Scale.x); //guiTexture.guiTexture.border.right = (int)(225f * Scale.x); // = (int)(20f * Scale.y); //guiTexture.guiTexture.border.bottom = (int)(13f * Scale.y); //QamAcsess = Camera.main.GetComponent<camScript>(); MouseEvents.LEFTCLICK += MouseEvents_LEFTCLICK; MouseEvents.RIGHTCLICK += MouseEvents_RIGHTCLICK; MouseEvents.LEFTRELEASE += MouseEvents_LEFTRELEASE; UpdateManager.GUIUPDATE += UpdateManager_GUIUPDATE; }
// Selection finished -> Now Select the Units inside the Area private void SnapSelectionRectangle() { // Get group of selected elements SelectedGroup = SelectionSprite.GetComponent<SelectorScript>().SnapSelection(); // if group has 1 unit -> do single focus if (SelectedGroup.Count == 1) { GameObject unit = SelectedGroup[0]; SelectedGroup.ResetGroup(); unit.AddComponent<Focus>(); //unit.GetComponent<UnitScript>().ShowLifebar(); } else { // Activate Lifebar at all selected units for (int i = 0; i < SelectedGroup.Count; i++) SelectedGroup[i].GetComponent<UnitScript>().ShowLifebar(); } // Hide selection rectangle SelectionRectangle = new Rect(SelectionRectangle.x, SelectionRectangle.y, 0f, 0f); }
public CaTypeUnitGroup() { m_ug = null; }
public override string FromSaveString(string strArgs, bool fLast) { Regex re = new Regex(@"^(?<index>(-)?\d+)(?<end>.*)$"); Match m = re.Match(strArgs); int index = int.Parse(m.Groups["index"].Value); LevelDoc lvld = (LevelDoc)DocManager.GetActiveDocument(typeof(LevelDoc)); if (index >= 0 && index < lvld.UnitGroupManager.Items.Count) { m_ug = (UnitGroup)lvld.UnitGroupManager.Items[index]; m_fInit = true; } return m.Groups["end"].Value; }
public override bool EditProperties() { StringCollection strc = GetUnitGroupNames(); string strName = m_ug != null ? m_ug.Name : ""; int n = PickListForm.DoModal("Unit Group", strName, strc); if (n == -1) return false; LevelDoc lvld = (LevelDoc)DocManager.GetActiveDocument(typeof(LevelDoc)); m_ug = (UnitGroup)lvld.UnitGroupManager.Items[n]; m_fInit = true; return true; }