private bool RLogic(Obj_AI_Hero target, HitChance hitChance, int min, bool q, bool e, UltimateModeType mode = UltimateModeType.Combo) { try { if (Q.IsCharging || target == null) { return(false); } var pred = R.GetPrediction(target); if (pred.Hitchance >= hitChance) { var hits = GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where(x => x.Distance(target) <= _rSpreadRadius).ToList(); if (UltimateManager.Check(mode, min, hits, hero => CalcComboDamage(hero, q, e, true))) { R.Cast(pred.CastPosition); return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
private bool RLogic(Obj_AI_Hero target, int min, bool q, bool e, bool simulated = false, string mode = "combo") { try { if (!R.Instance.Name.Equals("ViktorChaosStorm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(false); } var pred = CPrediction.Circle(R, target, HitChance.High, false); if (pred.TotalHits > 0 && UltimateManager.Check(mode, min, pred.Hits, hero => CalcComboDamage(hero, q, e, true))) { if (!simulated) { R.Cast(pred.CastPosition); var aaTarget = TargetSelector.GetTargets(Player.AttackRange + Player.BoundingRadius * 3f) .FirstOrDefault(Orbwalking.InAutoAttackRange); if (aaTarget != null) { Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.AttackUnit, aaTarget); } } return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
private bool RLogic(UltimateModeType mode, HitChance hitChance, Obj_AI_Hero target) { try { if (Q.IsCharging || target == null || !_ultimate.IsActive(mode)) { return(false); } var pred = R.GetPrediction(target); if (pred.Hitchance >= hitChance) { var hits = GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where(x => x.Distance(target) <= _rSpreadRadius).ToList(); if (_ultimate.Check(mode, hits)) { R.Cast(pred.CastPosition); return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
private bool RLogic(HitChance hitChance, int min, bool q, bool w, bool e, UltimateModeType mode = UltimateModeType.Combo) { try { foreach (var target in Targets.Where(t => R.CanCast(t))) { var pred = R.GetPrediction(target, true); if (pred.Hitchance >= hitChance) { var hits = GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where(enemy => R.WillHit(enemy, pred.CastPosition)).ToList(); if (UltimateManager.Check(mode, min, hits, hero => CalcComboDamage(hero, q, w, e, true))) { R.Cast(pred.CastPosition); return(true); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
private bool RLogic(Obj_AI_Hero target, int min, bool q, UltimateModeType mode = UltimateModeType.Combo) { try { var hits = GetRHits(target); if (UltimateManager.Check(mode, min, hits.Item2, hero => CalcComboDamage(hero, q, true))) { R.Cast(hits.Item3); return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
private bool RLogic(Obj_AI_Hero target, int min, bool q, bool e, UltimateModeType mode = UltimateModeType.Combo) { try { var pred = CPrediction.Circle(R, target, HitChance.High, false); if (pred.TotalHits > 0 && UltimateManager.Check(mode, min, pred.Hits, hero => CalcComboDamage(hero, q, e, true))) { R.Cast(pred.CastPosition); return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
private bool RLogic(UltimateModeType mode, Obj_AI_Hero target) { try { if (_ultimate.IsActive(mode)) { var pred = CPrediction.Circle(R, target, HitChance.High, false); if (pred.TotalHits > 0 && _ultimate.Check(mode, pred.Hits)) { R.Cast(pred.CastPosition); return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
private bool RLogic(UltimateModeType mode, Obj_AI_Hero target) { try { if (_ultimate.IsActive(mode)) { var hits = GetRHits(target); if (_ultimate.Check(mode, hits.Item2)) { R.Cast(hits.Item3); return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to cast the ultimate on a group of targets /// </summary> /// <param name="mode"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool CastUltimate(UltimateModeType mode, Obj_AI_Hero target) { try { if (!_ultimateManager.IsActive(mode)) { return(false); } var hits = GetUltimateExplosionHits(target); if (_ultimateManager.Check(mode, hits.Item2)) { R.Cast(hits.Item3); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(false); }
protected override void OnPostUpdate() { if (_ultimate.IsActive(UltimateModeType.Flash) && R.IsReady() && SummonerManager.Flash.IsReady()) { if (_ultimate.ShouldMove(UltimateModeType.Flash)) { Orbwalking.MoveTo(Game.CursorPos, Orbwalker.HoldAreaRadius); } var targets = Targets.Where( t => t.Distance(Player) < (R.Range + R.Width + SummonerManager.Flash.Range) * 1.5f && !t.IsDashing() && (t.IsFacing(Player) ? (t.Distance(Player)) : (R.GetPrediction(t).UnitPosition.Distance(Player.Position))) > R.Range); var backwards = Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".ultimate.backwards").GetValue <bool>(); foreach (var target in targets) { var flashPos = Player.Position.Extend(target.Position, SummonerManager.Flash.Range); var maxHits = GetMaxRHits(HitChance.High, flashPos); if (maxHits.Item1.Count > 0) { var castPos = backwards ? Player.Position.Extend(maxHits.Item2, -(Player.Position.Distance(maxHits.Item2) * 2)) : Player.Position.Extend(maxHits.Item2, Player.Position.Distance(maxHits.Item2)); if (_ultimate.Check(UltimateModeType.Flash, maxHits.Item1)) { if (R.Cast(castPos)) { Utility.DelayAction.Add( 300 + (Game.Ping / 2), () => SummonerManager.Flash.Cast(flashPos)); } } else if (_ultimate.ShouldSingle(UltimateModeType.Flash)) { if ( maxHits.Item1.Where(hit => _ultimate.CheckSingle(UltimateModeType.Flash, hit)) .Any(hit => R.Cast(castPos))) { Utility.DelayAction.Add( 300 + (Game.Ping / 2), () => SummonerManager.Flash.Cast(flashPos)); } } } } } if (_ultimate.IsActive(UltimateModeType.Assisted) && R.IsReady()) { if (_ultimate.ShouldMove(UltimateModeType.Assisted)) { Orbwalking.MoveTo(Game.CursorPos, Orbwalker.HoldAreaRadius); } if (!RLogic(UltimateModeType.Assisted, R.GetHitChance("combo"))) { RLogicSingle(UltimateModeType.Assisted, R.GetHitChance("combo"), false); } } if (_ultimate.IsActive(UltimateModeType.Auto) && R.IsReady()) { if (!RLogic(UltimateModeType.Auto, R.GetHitChance("combo"))) { RLogicSingle(UltimateModeType.Auto, R.GetHitChance("combo")); } } if (HeroListManager.Enabled("w-immobile") && W.IsReady()) { var target = Targets.FirstOrDefault( t => HeroListManager.Check("w-immobile", t) && BestTargetOnlyManager.Check("w-immobile", W, t) && Utils.IsImmobile(t)); if (target != null) { Casting.SkillShot(target, W, HitChance.High); } } }
private void OnCorePostUpdate(EventArgs args) { try { if (UltimateManager.Flash() && R.IsReady() && SummonerManager.Flash.IsReady()) { if (Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".ultimate.flash.move-cursor").GetValue <bool>()) { Orbwalking.MoveTo(Game.CursorPos, Orbwalker.HoldAreaRadius); } var targets = Targets.Where( t => t.Distance(Player) < R.Range + SummonerManager.Flash.Range && !t.IsDashing() && (t.IsFacing(Player) ? (t.Distance(Player)) : (Prediction.GetPrediction(t, R.Delay + 0.3f) .UnitPosition.Distance(Player.Position))) > R.Range * 1.025f); foreach (var target in targets) { var min = Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".ultimate.flash.min").GetValue <Slider>().Value; var flashPos = Player.Position.Extend(target.Position, SummonerManager.Flash.Range); var pred = Prediction.GetPrediction( new PredictionInput { Aoe = true, Collision = false, CollisionObjects = new[] { CollisionableObjects.YasuoWall }, From = flashPos, RangeCheckFrom = flashPos, Delay = R.Delay + 0.3f, Range = R.Range, Speed = R.Speed, Radius = R.Width, Type = R.Type, Unit = target }); if (pred.Hitchance >= R.GetHitChance("combo")) { R.UpdateSourcePosition(flashPos, flashPos); var hits = GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where(enemy => R.WillHit(enemy, pred.CastPosition)).ToList(); if (UltimateManager.Check( "combo", min, hits, hero => CalcComboDamage( hero, Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.q").GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.w").GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.e").GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady(), true))) { if ( R.Cast( Player.Position.Extend( pred.CastPosition, -(Player.Position.Distance(pred.CastPosition) * 2)), true)) { Utility.DelayAction.Add(300, () => SummonerManager.Flash.Cast(flashPos)); } } else if (Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".ultimate.flash.duel").GetValue <bool>()) { if (UltimateManager.Check( "combo", 1, hits, hero => CalcComboDamage( hero, Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.q").GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.w").GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.e").GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady(), true))) { var cDmg = CalcComboDamage( target, Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.q").GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.w").GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.e").GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady(), true); if (cDmg - 20 >= target.Health) { if ( R.Cast( Player.Position.Extend( pred.CastPosition, -(Player.Position.Distance(pred.CastPosition) * 2)), true)) { Utility.DelayAction.Add(300, () => SummonerManager.Flash.Cast(flashPos)); } } } } R.UpdateSourcePosition(); } } } if (UltimateManager.Assisted() && R.IsReady()) { if (Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".ultimate.assisted.move-cursor").GetValue <bool>()) { Orbwalking.MoveTo(Game.CursorPos, Orbwalker.HoldAreaRadius); } if ( !RLogic( R.GetHitChance("combo"), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".ultimate.assisted.min").GetValue <Slider>().Value, Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.q").GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.w").GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.e").GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady())) { if (Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".ultimate.assisted.duel").GetValue <bool>()) { RLogicDuel( R.GetHitChance("combo"), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.q").GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.w").GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.e").GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady(), false); } } } if (UltimateManager.Auto() && R.IsReady()) { if ( !RLogic( R.GetHitChance("combo"), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + "").GetValue <Slider>().Value, Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.q").GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.w").GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.e").GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady(), "auto")) { if (Menu.Item(Menu.Name + "").GetValue <bool>()) { RLogicDuel( R.GetHitChance("combo"), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.q").GetValue <bool>() && Q.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.w").GetValue <bool>() && W.IsReady(), Menu.Item(Menu.Name + ".combo.e").GetValue <bool>() && E.IsReady()); } } } if (HeroListManager.Enabled("w-stunned") && W.IsReady()) { var target = Targets.FirstOrDefault( t => HeroListManager.Check("w-stunned", t) && Utils.IsStunned(t)); if (target != null) { Casting.SkillShot(target, W, W.GetHitChance("harass")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } }