public override void StartClient(IPAddress ipAddress, int port) { udpConnection = new UdpClientConnection(ipAddress, port, this); IsServer = false; Port = port; IPAddress = ipAddress; }
private static IEnumerator Coroutine(UdpConnection connection) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); var client = AmongUsClient.Instance; if (client != null && client.connection != null && client.connection.Equals(connection) && client.connection.State == ConnectionState.Connecting) { var reactorPlugin = PluginSingleton <ReactorPlugin> .Instance; if (reactorPlugin.AllowVanillaServers.Value) { if (reactorPlugin.CustomRpcManager.List.Any()) { Logger <ReactorPlugin> .Warning("Config option AllowVanillaServers was set to true, but there are custom rpcs registered!"); } else { connection.State = ConnectionState.Connected; yield break; } } client.LastDisconnectReason = DisconnectReasons.Custom; client.LastCustomDisconnect = "Server didn't respond to modded handshake"; client.HandleDisconnect(client.LastDisconnectReason, client.LastCustomDisconnect); } }
protected override Task <IObservable <LocalisationData> > InitializeCore() { return(Task.Run( () => { IObservable <byte[]> packets; switch (this.ConnectionType) { case ConnectionType.Serial: packets = ToNcomPacket(SerialConnection.CreateByteListener(this.SerialPortName, this.SerialBaudRate, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One)); break; case ConnectionType.Udp: packets = UdpConnection.CreateListener(this.RemoteAddress, this.UdpListenerPort).Select(udpResult => udpResult.Buffer); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Connection type '{0}' is not supported.", this.ConnectionType)); } return ( from geoData in ToGeoData(packets) select new LocalisationData { RawData = geoData, GpsStatus = (IsInitializing(geoData) ? GpsStatus.Initializing : geoData.PositionData.Longitude == 0 && geoData.PositionData.Latitude == 0 ? GpsStatus.SignalLost : GpsStatus.Reliable) }).Publish().RefCount(); })); }
void Start() { QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; Application.targetFrameRate = 100; // the ChartGraph info is obtained via the inspector if (chart == null) { return; } // calling StartBatch allows changing the graph data without redrawing the graph for every change chart.DataSource.StartBatch(); chart.DataSource.ClearCategory("Player 1"); chart.DataSource.ClearCategory("Player 2"); chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("Player 1", 0, 0); chart.DataSource.AddPointToCategory("Player 2", x, Receive_level_Tank_1); // finally we call EndBatch , this will cause the GraphChart to redraw itself chart.DataSource.EndBatch(); startPosition = Meter_Gauge.transform.position; connection = new UdpConnection(); connection.StartConnection(sendIp, sendPort, receivePort); }
public ActiveSearch() { UpdateBase = new FmdcEventHandler(ActiveSearch_UpdateBase); HubSetting settings = new HubSetting(); settings.Address = ""; settings.Port = 411; settings.DisplayName = "FlowLib"; settings.Protocol = "Auto"; hubConnection = new Hub(settings, this); hubConnection.ProtocolChange += new FmdcEventHandler(hubConnection_ProtocolChange); hubConnection.Connect(); Share share = new Share("Test"); share.Port = 1000; // Telling that we are listening on port 1000 for incomming search results (Any means from everyone) UdpConnection udp = new UdpConnection(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, share.Port)); udp.Protocol = new FlowLib.Protocols.UdpNmdcProtocol(); udp.Protocol.MessageReceived += new FmdcEventHandler(Protocol_MessageReceived); // Enable Active searching hubConnection.Me.Mode = FlowLib.Enums.ConnectionTypes.Direct; hubConnection.Share = share; }
public ConnectionViewModel(ILogger logger) { DisplayName = "Connection"; Connections = new List <IConnection>(); _serial = new SerialConnection(); if (_serial.AvailablePorts.Any(x => x.Equals(Settings.Default.SerialPort, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) { _serial.Portname = Settings.Default.SerialPort; } _serial.Baudrate = Settings.Default.Baudrate; Connections.Add(_serial); _udp = new UdpConnection(logger); _udp.TerminalIp = Settings.Default.TerminalIp; _udp.Port = Settings.Default.NetworkPort; Connections.Add(_udp); if (Settings.Default.UseSerialPort) { IsSerialConnection = true; } else { IsNetworkConnection = true; } }
protected async Task Receive(Action <byte[]> callbackForReceiveData = null) { var udpResult = await UdpConnection.ReceiveAsync(); byte[] receivedData = udpResult.Buffer; callbackForReceiveData(receivedData); }
public PlayerConnection( ILogger logger, UdpConnection connection, INetworkPacketController packetHandler) : base(logger, connection, packetHandler) { }
public static void Prefix(UdpConnection __instance, byte sendOption, ref Il2CppSystem.Action ackCallback) { if (sendOption != 8 || AmongUsClient.Instance == null || AmongUsClient.Instance.connection == null || !AmongUsClient.Instance.connection.Equals(__instance)) { return; } if (!PluginSingleton <ReactorPlugin> .Instance.ModdedHandshake.Value) { return; } ackCallback = (System.Action)(() => { if (__instance.State != ConnectionState.Connected) { PluginSingleton <ReactorPlugin> .Instance.Log.LogDebug("Hello was acked, waiting for modded handshake response"); Coroutines.Start(Coroutine()); __instance.add_Disconnected((Action <Il2CppSystem.Object, DisconnectedEventArgs>)((a, b) => { Coroutines.Stop(Coroutine()); })); } }); }
public void ClientDisposeDisconnectTest() { IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 4296); bool serverConnected = false; bool serverDisconnected = false; bool clientDisconnected = false; using (ThreadLimitedUdpConnectionListener listener = this.CreateListener(2, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4296), new TestLogger())) using (UdpConnection connection = this.CreateConnection(ep, new TestLogger())) { listener.NewConnection += (evt) => { serverConnected = true; evt.Connection.Disconnected += (o, et) => serverDisconnected = true; }; connection.Disconnected += (o, et) => clientDisconnected = true; listener.Start(); connection.Connect(); Thread.Sleep(100); // Gotta wait for the server to set up the events. connection.Dispose(); Thread.Sleep(100); Assert.IsTrue(serverConnected); Assert.IsTrue(serverDisconnected); Assert.IsFalse(clientDisconnected); } }
static void EventLoop(UdpSocket socket) { UdpConnection c = null; while (true) { UdpEvent ev = default(UdpEvent); if (socket.Poll(ref ev)) { UdpLog.User(ev.EventType.ToString()); switch (ev.EventType) { case UdpEventType.ConnectRequest: socket.Accept(ev.EndPoint); break; case UdpEventType.Connected: c = ev.Connection; break; } } if (c != null) { c.Send(10u); } Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public void ClientDisconnectTest() { using (ThreadLimitedUdpConnectionListener listener = this.CreateListener(2, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4296), new TestLogger())) using (UdpConnection connection = this.CreateConnection(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 4296), new TestLogger())) { ManualResetEvent mutex = new ManualResetEvent(false); ManualResetEvent mutex2 = new ManualResetEvent(false); listener.NewConnection += delegate(NewConnectionEventArgs args) { args.Connection.Disconnected += delegate(object sender2, DisconnectedEventArgs args2) { mutex2.Set(); }; mutex.Set(); }; listener.Start(); connection.Connect(); mutex.WaitOne(1000); Assert.AreEqual(ConnectionState.Connected, connection.State); connection.Disconnect("Testing"); mutex2.WaitOne(1000); Assert.AreEqual(ConnectionState.NotConnected, connection.State); } }
public void ServerExtraDataDisconnectTest() { using (ThreadLimitedUdpConnectionListener listener = this.CreateListener(2, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4296), new TestLogger())) using (UdpConnection connection = this.CreateConnection(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 4296), new TestLogger())) { string received = null; ManualResetEvent mutex = new ManualResetEvent(false); connection.Disconnected += delegate(object sender, DisconnectedEventArgs args) { // We don't own the message, we have to read the string now received = args.Message.ReadString(); mutex.Set(); }; listener.NewConnection += delegate(NewConnectionEventArgs args) { MessageWriter writer = MessageWriter.Get(SendOption.None); writer.Write("Goodbye"); args.Connection.Disconnect("Testing", writer); }; listener.Start(); connection.Connect(); mutex.WaitOne(5000); Assert.IsNotNull(received); Assert.AreEqual("Goodbye", received); } }
public void UdpUnreliableMessageSendTest() { byte[] TestData = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; using (ThreadLimitedUdpConnectionListener listener = this.CreateListener(2, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4296), new TestLogger())) using (UdpConnection connection = this.CreateConnection(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 4296), new TestLogger())) { MessageReader output = null; listener.NewConnection += delegate(NewConnectionEventArgs e) { e.Connection.DataReceived += delegate(DataReceivedEventArgs evt) { output = evt.Message.Duplicate(); }; }; listener.Start(); connection.Connect(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var msg = MessageWriter.Get(SendOption.None); msg.Write(TestData); connection.Send(msg); msg.Recycle(); } Thread.Sleep(10); for (int i = 0; i < TestData.Length; ++i) { Assert.AreEqual(TestData[i], output.ReadByte()); } } }
protected override RavenNetworkConnection CreateConnection( ILogger logger, UdpConnection connection, INetworkPacketController packetController) { return(new PlayerConnection(logger, connection, packetController)); }
public static void Prefix(UdpConnection __instance, byte sendOption, ref Il2CppSystem.Action ackCallback) { if (sendOption != 8 || AmongUsClient.Instance == null || AmongUsClient.Instance.connection == null || !AmongUsClient.Instance.connection.Equals(__instance)) { return; } ackCallback = (Action)(() => { if (__instance.State == ConnectionState.Connected) { return; } Logger <ReactorPlugin> .Debug("Hello was acked, waiting for modded handshake response"); var coroutine = Coroutines.Start(Coroutine(__instance)); __instance.Disconnected = Il2CppSystem.Delegate.Combine( (Il2CppSystem.EventHandler <DisconnectedEventArgs>)(Action <Il2CppSystem.Object, DisconnectedEventArgs>) ((_, _) => { Coroutines.Stop(coroutine); }), __instance.Disconnected ).Cast <Il2CppSystem.EventHandler <DisconnectedEventArgs> >(); }); }
public override void Disconnect() { LoggerManager.Instance.Debug("Logic call Disconnect"); object obj = statusLock; Monitor.Enter(obj); try { connectionStatus = ConnectionStatus.ClosedByLogic; } finally { Monitor.Exit(obj); } if (connection != null) { connection.Disconnect(null); connection = null; } if (socket != null) { socket.Close(); } }
public void KeepAliveServerTest() { ManualResetEvent mutex = new ManualResetEvent(false); using (UdpConnectionListener listener = new UdpConnectionListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4296))) using (UdpConnection connection = new UdpClientConnection(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 4296))) { UdpConnection client = null; listener.NewConnection += delegate(NewConnectionEventArgs args) { client = (UdpConnection)args.Connection; client.KeepAliveInterval = 100; Thread.Sleep(1050); //Enough time for ~10 keep alive packets mutex.Set(); }; listener.Start(); connection.Connect(); mutex.WaitOne(); Assert.AreEqual(ConnectionState.Connected, client.State); Assert.IsTrue( client.Statistics.TotalBytesSent >= 27 && client.Statistics.TotalBytesSent <= 50, "Sent: " + client.Statistics.TotalBytesSent ); } }
void ProcessUdpDisConnection(UdpConnection udpCon) { string address = udpCon.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString(); int port = udpCon.RemoteEndPoint.Port; //host <--> server connection if (hostUser.IsProxyServer(address, port) == true) { Debug.LogError("ProcessUdpDisConnection#ProxyServer ipv4:" + udpCon.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()); hostUser.PeerConnect = null; //通知外部事件更改. NetWorkStateInfo info = new NetWorkStateInfo(); info.state = EClientNetWorkState.DisConnected; owner.CallUdpProxyServerState(info); return; } /* * foreach (KeyValuePair<UInt32, P2PUser> peerUser in peerList) * { * if (peerUser.Value.PeerConnect == null) * { *"P2PClientNetWork", "ProcessUdpDisConnection#ignore uin:" + peerUser.Key); * continue; * } * * if ( peerUser.Value.IsUserPoint(address, port) == true ) * { *"P2PClientNetWork", "ProcessUdpDisConnection#Find user:"******" ipv4:" + udpCon.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()); * peerUser.Value.PeerConnect = null; * return; * } * }*/ }
public void KeepAliveServerTest() { ManualResetEvent mutex = new ManualResetEvent(false); UdpConnection listenerConnectionToClient = null; using (UdpConnectionListener listener = new UdpConnectionListener(new NetworkEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4296))) using (UdpConnection connection = new UdpClientConnection(new NetworkEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 4296))) { listener.NewConnection += delegate(object sender, NewConnectionEventArgs args) { listenerConnectionToClient = (UdpConnection)args.Connection; listenerConnectionToClient.KeepAliveInterval = 100; Thread.Sleep(1050); //Enough time for ~10 keep alive packets mutex.Set(); }; listener.Start(); connection.Connect(); mutex.WaitOne(); Assert.IsNotNull(listenerConnectionToClient); Assert.IsTrue( listenerConnectionToClient.Statistics.TotalBytesSent >= 30 && listenerConnectionToClient.Statistics.TotalBytesSent <= 50, "Sent: " + listenerConnectionToClient.Statistics.TotalBytesSent ); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _udp = new UdpConnection(); _udp.ReceiveEvent += OnReceive; Connect(); Send(); }
public void StartServer(int port) { isServer = true; this.port = port; connection = new UdpConnection(port, this); enabled = true; }
protected override TransportMessage NewTransport(string uri, Resources resources) { UdpListener udpListener = resources.Get(UDP_LISTENER) as UdpListener; IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = resources.Get(SOCKET_ADDRESS) as IPEndPoint; URL url = new URL(uri); TransportPacket transportPacket = null; if (udpListener != null) { transportPacket = new UdpConnection(ipEndPoint, udpListener); } else { transportPacket = new UdpConnection(url); } TransportMessage transportMessage = new Messagizer(transportPacket, url, resources); transportMessage = AddFilters(transportMessage, url, resources); ValueFactory vf = (ValueFactory)resources.Get(TransportConsts.VALUE_FACTORY); vf.LockDynamicTypes(); return(transportMessage); }
public void UdpReliableClientToServerTest() { using (ThreadLimitedUdpConnectionListener listener = this.CreateListener(2, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4296), new TestLogger())) using (UdpConnection connection = this.CreateConnection(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 4296), new TestLogger())) { TestHelper.RunClientToServerTest(listener, connection, 10, SendOption.Reliable); } }
internal ConnectionOpenedEventArgs(UdpConnection connection) { if (connection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connection)); } this.Connection = connection; }
public RavenNetworkConnection Get(MessageReader handshakeData, UdpConnection connection) { var gameConnection = CreateConnection(logger, connection, packetHandlers); gameConnection.Disconnected += Connection_Disconnected; lock (mutex) connections.Add(gameConnection); return(gameConnection); }
private void test_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { udp = new UdpConnection(); udp.OnReceive += Udp_OnReceive; //udp.Start(); //udp.Send(new byte[] { 1,2,3}); }
// Use this for initialization private PacketProcessor() { string serverIp = ""; int sendPort = 11000; int receivePort = 11000; _connection = new UdpConnection(); _connection.StartConnection(serverIp, sendPort, receivePort); }
void Start() { udp = new UdpConnection(); udp.Connect("", 7777); udp.ReceiveEvent += OnReceive; udp.DisConnect(); }
void Start() { string sendIp = ""; int sendPort = 11000; int receivePort = 8881; connection = new UdpConnection(); connection.StartConnection(sendIp, sendPort, receivePort); }
protected override bool TryGetConnection (int connectionId, out UdpConnection oconnection) { oconnection = null; if (this.connection.ConnectionId == 0 || connectionId == this.connection.ConnectionId) { oconnection = this.connection; return true; } return false; }
protected override bool TryGetConnection(int connectionId, out UdpConnection connection) { connection = null; UdpServerConnection server; bool found = this.connections.TryGetValue (connectionId, out server); if (found) { connection = server; return true; } return false; }
protected abstract bool TryGetConnection (int connectionId, out UdpConnection connection);
static void connectionStats(UdpConnection c) { UdpConnectionStats s = c.Stats; Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} / {2} / {3} / {4}", c.RemoteEndPoint, s.PacketsSent, s.PacketsReceived, s.CommandSent, s.CommandsReceived); }