Пример #1
        public override void Removed()

            Target = null;
            Batch  = null;
Пример #2
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            if (!Visible)
            //draw the pedestal
            var tintCol = (AltColor) ? new Color(217, 245, 255) : Color.White;

            var halfW = Tile.Width / 2;
            var halfH = Tile.Height / 2;
            var halfV = new Vector2(-halfW, -halfH);
            var scale = new Vector2(Tile.Width / TileFill.Width);

            DrawLocalTexture(batch, TileFill, null, new Vector2(1, 1) + halfV, scale, Color.Black);


            var fillCol = new Color(new Color(164, 188, 210).ToVector4() * tintCol.ToVector4());
            var shad    = fillCol * 0.88f;

            shad.A = 255;
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, TileFill, null, halfV, scale, fillCol);
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, TileFill, new Rectangle(TileFill.Width / 2, 0, TileFill.Width / 2, TileFill.Height), new Vector2(0, -halfH), scale, shad);

            var pxWhite = TextureGenerator.GetPxWhite(batch.GraphicsDevice);

            DrawLocalTexture(batch, pxWhite, null, new Vector2(-halfW, -Height), new Vector2(halfW, Height + 0.5f), fillCol);
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, pxWhite, null, new Vector2(0, -Height), new Vector2(halfW, Height + 0.5f), shad);

            DrawLocalTexture(batch, Tile, null, new Vector2(0, -Height) + halfV, Vector2.One, tintCol);

            //bottom and top
            var intensity = Math.Min(1f, Height / 10f);

            DrawLocalTexture(batch, TileBtm, null, new Vector2(0, 6) + halfV, scale, tintCol * intensity);
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, TileTop, null, new Vector2(0, 16 - Height) + halfV, scale, tintCol * intensity);

            if (Hovered)
                var hoverCol = (Clicked)?(Color.Black * 0.2f):(Color.White * 0.3f);
                DrawLocalTexture(batch, TileFill, new Rectangle(0, 0, TileFill.Width, halfH), new Vector2(-halfW, -(halfH + Height)), scale, hoverCol);
                DrawLocalTexture(batch, TileFill, new Rectangle(0, halfH, TileFill.Width, halfH), new Vector2(-halfW, 0), scale, hoverCol);

                DrawLocalTexture(batch, pxWhite, null, new Vector2(-halfW, -Height), new Vector2(halfW * 2, Height + 0.5f), hoverCol);

            if (ThumbLock != null && ThumbLock.Loaded && ThumbLock.LotTexture != null)
                var tex = ThumbLock.LotTexture;
                DrawLocalTexture(batch, tex, null, new Vector2(-halfW, -(halfW + Height)), new Vector2((halfW * 2f) / tex.Width));

Пример #3
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     //DrawLocalTexture(batch, World.State.Light.LightMap, new Rectangle(0,0, World.State.Light.LightMap.Width/3, World.State.Light.LightMap.Height/2), new Vector2());
     if (RMBScroll)
         DrawLocalTexture(batch, RMBCursor, new Vector2(RMBScrollX - RMBCursor.Width / 2, RMBScrollY - RMBCursor.Height / 2));
Пример #4
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     if (!Visible)
     //DrawLocalTexture(batch, Cross, new Vector2(UIScreen.Current.ScreenWidth - 98, UIScreen.Current.ScreenHeight - 98)/2);
Пример #5
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)

            if (Caption != null && CaptionStyle != null)
                DrawLocalString(batch, Caption, Vector2.Zero, CaptionStyle, GetBounds(), TextAlignment.Top | TextAlignment.Center, CaptionMargin);
Пример #6
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            batch.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            batch.GraphicsDevice.BlendState        = BlendState.NonPremultiplied;
            Camera.ProjectionOrigin = new Vector2(batch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, batch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height) / 2;

            batch.DrawString(GameFacade.MainFont.GetNearest(8).Font, (Comp3D?.Sum(x => x.Mesh?.Geoms?.FirstOrDefault()?.Sum(y => y.Value.PrimCount) ?? 0) ?? 0) + " tris", new Vector2(10, 10), Color.Red);
Пример #7
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     if (m_CurrentItem == m_PieTree)
         var invScale = new Vector2(1 / TrueScale, 1 / TrueScale);
         DrawLocalTexture(batch, HeadScene.Target, null, new Vector2(-100, -100), invScale);
     } //if we're top level, draw head!
 public override void PreDraw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     Camera.Position = new Vector3(10f, 4f, 0);
     Camera.Target   = new Vector3(4f, Pet?0f:0.8f, 0);
     GameFacade.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise;
     GameFacade.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RasterizerState.CullNone;
Пример #9
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     if (DrawBounds)
         DrawLocalTexture(batch, ScrollEdgeL, new Vector2(0, Size.Y / 2 - 64));
         DrawLocalTexture(batch, ScrollEdgeR, new Vector2(Size.X - 15, Size.Y / 2 - 64));
Пример #10
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            var realFrame  = (FrameNum >= Frames.Length) ? (Frames.Length - 2 - (FrameNum - Frames.Length)) : FrameNum;
            var fm2        = (TotalFrames != 0) ? ((FrameNum + 1) % TotalFrames) : 0;
            var realFrame2 = (fm2 >= Frames.Length) ? (Frames.Length - 2 - (fm2 - Frames.Length)) : fm2;

            DrawLocalTexture(batch, Frames[Math.Max(0, realFrame)], Vector2.Zero);
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, Frames[Math.Max(0, realFrame2)], null, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, Color.White * (1 - ((float)SubFrame / FrameTime)));
Пример #11
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch spriteBatch)
     if (Visible)
         DrawLocalTexture(spriteBatch, TextureGenerator.GetPxWhite(spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice), null, new Vector2(), new Vector2(m_Width, m_Height), new Color(Color.Black, 0.5f));
     //spriteBatch.Draw(TextureGenerator.GetPxWhite(spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice), new Vector2(0, 0), null, new Color(Color.Black, 0.3f), 0, new Vector2(0,0),
     //new Vector2(m_Width, m_Height), SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Пример #12
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     //DebugTexture = Common.Utils.TextureGenerator.GetTerrainNoise(batch.GraphicsDevice);
     if (DebugTexture != null)
         DrawLocalTexture(batch, DebugTexture, new Vector2(20, 20));
Пример #13
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch SBatch)
            if (!Visible)

            if (m_CalcAutoSize)

            /** Draw the button as a 3 slice **/
            var frame = m_CurrentFrame;

            if (Selected)
                frame = 1;
            if (m_Disabled)
                frame = 3;
            frame = Math.Min(m_ImageStates - 1, frame);
            int offset  = frame * m_Width;
            int vOffset = m_ButtonFrame * m_Height;

            if (Width != 0)
                //TODO: Work out these numbers once & cache them. Invalidate when texture or width changes

                /** left **/
                base.DrawLocalTexture(SBatch, m_Texture, new Rectangle(offset, vOffset, m_WidthDiv3, m_Height), Vector2.Zero);

                /** center **/
                base.DrawLocalTexture(SBatch, m_Texture, new Rectangle(offset + m_WidthDiv3, vOffset, m_WidthDiv3, m_Height), new Vector2(m_WidthDiv3, 0), new Vector2((Width - (m_WidthDiv3 * 2)) / m_WidthDiv3, 1.0f));

                /** right **/
                base.DrawLocalTexture(SBatch, m_Texture, new Rectangle(offset + (m_Width - m_WidthDiv3), vOffset, m_WidthDiv3, m_Height), new Vector2(Width - m_WidthDiv3, 0));
                base.DrawLocalTexture(SBatch, m_Texture, new Rectangle(offset, vOffset, m_Width, m_Height), Vector2.Zero);

             * Label
            if (m_Caption != null && m_CaptionStyle != null)
                var box = GetBounds();
                //Little hack to get slightly better centering on text on buttons
                box.Height -= 2;
                this.DrawLocalString(SBatch, m_Caption, Vector2.Zero, m_CaptionStyle, box, TextAlignment.Center | TextAlignment.Middle, Rectangle.Empty, m_State);
Пример #14
        public UILayer(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game G, SpriteFont SprFontBig, SpriteFont SprFontSmall)
            m_G            = G;
            m_SprFontBig   = SprFontBig;
            m_SprFontSmall = SprFontSmall;

            GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(GraphicsDevice,

            m_WorldMatrix      = Matrix.Identity;
            m_ViewMatrix       = Matrix.CreateLookAt(Vector3.Right * 5, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Forward);
            m_ProjectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.Pi / 4.0f,
                                                                     (float)GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth /
                                                                     1.0f, 100.0f);

            TextStyle.DefaultTitle = new TextStyle {
                Font              = GameFacade.MainFont,
                Size              = 10,
                Color             = new Color(255, 249, 157),
                SelectedColor     = new Color(0x00, 0x38, 0x7B),
                SelectionBoxColor = new Color(255, 249, 157)

            TextStyle.DefaultButton = new TextStyle
                Font              = GameFacade.MainFont,
                Size              = 10,
                Color             = new Color(255, 249, 157),
                SelectedColor     = new Color(0x00, 0x38, 0x7B),
                SelectionBoxColor = new Color(255, 249, 157)

            TextStyle.DefaultLabel = new TextStyle
                Font              = GameFacade.MainFont,
                Size              = 10,
                Color             = new Color(255, 249, 157),
                SelectedColor     = new Color(0x00, 0x38, 0x7B),
                SelectionBoxColor = new Color(255, 249, 157)

            Tween = new UITween();

            inputManager    = new InputManager();
            mainUI          = new UIContainer();
            dialogContainer = new UIContainer();

            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new UISpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice, 3);

            GameFacade.OnContentLoaderReady += new BasicEventHandler(GameFacade_OnContentLoaderReady);
            m_G.GraphicsDevice.DeviceReset  += new EventHandler(GraphicsDevice_DeviceReset);
Пример #15
        public static void DrawArrow(UISpriteBatch batch, Terrain terrain, Vector2 from, int location)
            if (!terrain.Visible)
            var x = location >> 16;
            var y = location & 0xFFFF;

            if (x > 511 || y > 511)

            var f1 = terrain.Get2DFromTile(x, y);
            var f2 = terrain.Get2DFromTile(x + 1, y + 1);

            if (f1.X == float.MaxValue || f2.X == float.MaxValue)
            var to = (terrain.Get2DFromTile(x, y) + terrain.Get2DFromTile(x + 1, y + 1)) / 2;

            var vector = to - from;
            var norm   = vector;


            var fill = TextureGenerator.GetPxWhite(batch.GraphicsDevice);

            var normr = new Vector2(-norm.Y, norm.X);

            var shadOffset = new Vector2(0, 4f);
            var col        = Color.Black * 0.5f;

            from += shadOffset;
            to   += shadOffset;

            for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                if (j == 1)
                    col   = new Color(200, 225, 255);
                    from -= shadOffset;
                    to   -= shadOffset;
                DrawLine(fill, from, to, batch, 5, col);

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    DrawLine(fill, to - (norm * (15 - i)) - normr * (8 - i), to + norm * (3 - i), batch, i + 1, col);
                    DrawLine(fill, to - (norm * (15 - i)) + normr * (8 - i), to + norm * (3 - i), batch, i + 1, col);
                    DrawLine(fill, to - (norm * (15 - i)) + normr * (8 - i), to - (norm * (15 - i)) - normr * (8 - i), batch, i + 1, col);
Пример #16
        //public override void Update(TSOClient.Code.UI.Model.UpdateState state)
        //    base.Update(state);

        //    /** Hit test **/
        //    color = Color.White;
        //    if (HitTestArea(state, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)))
        //    {

        //    }

        //    //color

        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            var whiteRectangle = new Texture2D(batch.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);

            whiteRectangle.SetData(new[] { color });

            var pos = LocalRect(0, 0, 50, 50);

            batch.Draw(whiteRectangle, pos, Color.White);
Пример #17
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            if (!Visible)
            var scale = Math.Max(GameFacade.Screens.CurrentUIScreen.ScreenWidth / 1136f, GameFacade.Screens.CurrentUIScreen.ScreenHeight / 640f);

            DrawLocalTexture(batch, Bg, null, new Vector2(Bg.Width, Bg.Height) / -2 * scale, new Vector2(scale));
Пример #18
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)

            if (m_TextDirty)
            TextRenderer.DrawText(MessageText.DrawingCommands, this, batch);
Пример #19
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            var whitePx = TextureGenerator.GetPxWhite(batch.GraphicsDevice);

            if (TextBox.Visible)
                DrawLocalTexture(batch, whitePx, null, TextBox.Position, TextBox.Size, new Color(0x00, 0x33, 0x66) * 0.75f);
Пример #20
        //public override void Update(TSOClient.Code.UI.Model.UpdateState state)
        //    base.Update(state);

        //    /** Hit test **/
        //    color = Color.White;
        //    if (HitTestArea(state, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)))
        //    {

        //    }

        //    //color

        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            var whiteRectangle = new Texture2D(batch.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);

            whiteRectangle.SetData(new[] { color });

            var pos = LocalRect(_Mouse.Region.X, _Mouse.Region.Y, _Mouse.Region.Width, _Mouse.Region.Height);

            batch.Draw(whiteRectangle, pos, Color.White);
Пример #21
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            for (var i = 0; i < VisibleRows; i++)
                int j = i + VerticalScrollPosition;
                if (j >= m_Items.Count)
                var row     = m_Items[j];
                var rowY    = i * RowHeight;
                var columnX = 0;

                var selected = j == m_SelectedRow;
                var hover    = j == m_HoverRow;
                if (selected)
                    /** Draw selection background **/
                    DrawLocalTexture(batch, m_SelectionTexture, null, new Vector2(0, rowY), new Vector2(m_Width, RowHeight));

                var ts = TextStyle;
                if (row.CustomStyle != null)
                    ts = row.CustomStyle;
                var style = ts.Normal;
                if (selected)
                    style = ts.Selected;
                else if (hover)
                    style = ts.Highlighted;
                else if (row.Disabled)
                    style = ts.Disabled;

                for (var x = 0; x < row.Columns.Length; x++)
                    var columnValue  = row.Columns[x];
                    var columnSpec   = m_Columns[x];
                    var columnBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, columnSpec.Width, RowHeight);

                    if (columnValue is string)
                        DrawLocalString(batch, (string)columnValue, new Vector2(columnX, rowY), style, columnBounds, columnSpec.Alignment);

                    columnX += columnSpec.Width;
Пример #22
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            if (!Visible)
            Vector2 dir = new Vector2();
            var     res = EditorResource.Get();

            if (MouseDrag || Destination != null)
                //draw Line bg
                dir = new Vector2(ArrowVec.X, ArrowVec.Y);
                DrawLine(res.WhiteTex, dir * 10, ArrowVec - dir * 5, batch, 6, Color.White);

            //draw Node
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, res.NodeOutline, new Vector2(res.NodeOutline.Width / -2, res.NodeOutline.Height / -2));
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, res.Node, null, new Vector2(res.Node.Width / -2, res.Node.Height / -2), new Vector2(1f, 1f), NodeColors[Type]);

            if (MouseDrag || Destination != null)
                //draw Arrow
                var arrowDir = (float)Math.Atan2(-dir.X, dir.Y);
                var arrowPos = LocalPoint(ArrowVec);
                batch.Draw(res.ArrowHeadOutline, arrowPos, null, Color.White, arrowDir, new Vector2(9, 19), _Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
                batch.Draw(res.ArrowHead, arrowPos, null, NodeColors[Type], arrowDir, new Vector2(9, 19), _Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

                //draw Line
                DrawLine(res.WhiteTex, dir * 10, ArrowVec - dir * 5, batch, 4, NodeColors[Type]);

            Texture2D icon;

            switch (Type)
            case NodeType.False:
                icon = res.FalseNode;

            case NodeType.True:
                icon = res.TrueNode;

                icon = res.DoneNode;
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, icon, IconPos[Direction] - new Vector2(icon.Width / 2, icon.Height / 2));
            var shadRect = SmallShad[Direction];

            DrawLocalTexture(batch, res.WhiteTex, null, new Vector2(shadRect.X, shadRect.Y), new Vector2(shadRect.Width, shadRect.Height), Color.Black * 0.15f);
Пример #23
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            DrawLocalTexture(batch, ItemBg, null, new Vector2(20, 40), Vector2.One, new Color(104, 164, 184, 255));

            if (Item != null)
                DrawLocalTexture(batch, Item, new Rectangle(0, 0, Item.Width / 2, Item.Height), new Vector2(45 + 42 / -2, 65 + 42 / -2), new Vector2(42f / Item.Height, 42f / Item.Height));

Пример #24
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            if (!Visible || Thumb == null)
            var ThumbImg = Thumb.LotTexture;

            if (ThumbImg != null && BgImg != null && HoverImg != null)
                var     terrain = ((CoreGameScreen)GameFacade.Screens.CurrentUIScreen).CityRenderer;
                var     Size = new Vector2(80, 50);
                Vector2 startVec = new Vector2(40, 25) + Position, end = UITerrainHighlight.GetEndpointFromLotId(terrain, startVec, (int)LotId);
                Vector2 start = end;

                // position line around border
                float threshold = 5f;
                if (start.X > Position.X + Size.X)
                    start.X = Position.X + Size.X - threshold;
                else if (start.X < Position.X)
                    start.X = Position.X + threshold;
                if (start.Y > Position.Y + Size.Y)
                    start.Y = Position.Y + Size.Y - threshold;
                else if (start.Y < Position.Y)
                    start.Y = Position.Y + threshold;
                if (Math.Abs(start.X - end.X) < 30)
                    start.X = Size.X / 2 + Position.X;
                if (Math.Abs(start.Y - end.Y) < 30)
                    start.Y = Size.Y / 2 + Position.Y;

                UITerrainHighlight.DrawArrow(batch, terrain,
                                             start * FSOEnvironment.DPIScaleFactor, (int)LotId, Target.Value.Lot_IsOnline ? default : new Color(80, 80, 80));
                DrawLocalTexture(batch, (m_isOver && !m_isDown) ? HoverImg : BgImg, new Vector2());

                var scale = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.25f);
                DrawLocalTexture(batch, ThumbImg, null, new Vector2(40, 25) - new Vector2(32, 32), scale);
                var px = TextureGenerator.GetPxWhite(batch.GraphicsDevice);
                DrawLocalTexture(batch, px, null, new Vector2(0, 50), new Vector2(80, 16 * NameLabel.NumLines + 7), Color.Black * 0.6f);

Пример #25
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     if (!Visible)
     DrawLocalTexture(batch, Bg, new Rectangle(0, 0, 12, 24), Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, UIStyle.Current.Bg);
     DrawLocalTexture(batch, Bg, new Rectangle(12, 0, 12, 24), new Vector2(12, 0), new Vector2(8.666667f, 1), UIStyle.Current.Bg);
     DrawLocalTexture(batch, Bg, new Rectangle(24, 0, 12, 24), new Vector2(116, 0), Vector2.One, UIStyle.Current.Bg);
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     var yOff = new Vector2(Offsets.XOff, Offsets.BaseYOff) / (HouseScale * 2f);
     var yOff2 = yOff;
     yOff2.Y -= Offsets.AddYOff / (HouseScale);
     DrawLocalTexture(batch, HouseTex, null, new Vector2(-HouseTex.Width, -HouseTex.Height) / (HouseScale * 2) + yOff, new Vector2(1f / HouseScale, 1f / HouseScale));
     if (AlphaTime > 0)
         DrawLocalTexture(batch, HouseOpenTex, null, new Vector2(-HouseTex.Width, -HouseTex.Height) / (HouseScale * 2) + yOff2, new Vector2(1f / HouseScale, 1f / HouseScale), Color.White * AlphaTime);
Пример #27
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     if (!UISpriteBatch.Invalidated)
         if (!_3DScene.IsInvalidated)
Пример #28
        public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
            m_TextStyle.Color = UIStyle.Current.DialogText * InterpolatedAnimation;

            if (m_TextDirty)

            TextRenderer.DrawText(m_MessageText.DrawingCommands, this, batch);
Пример #29
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch)
     if (!Visible)
     if (CurrentLot.Value != null)
         UITerrainHighlight.DrawArrow(batch, ((CoreGameScreen)GameFacade.Screens.CurrentUIScreen).CityRenderer, Position + (_Open? Size : BackgroundContractedImage.Size.ToVector2()) / 2, (int)CurrentLot.Value.Id);
Пример #30
 public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch SBatch)
     DrawLocalTexture(SBatch, Texture, null, new Vector2(Texture.Width, Texture.Height) / -2, Vector2.One, new Color(104, 164, 184, 255));
     if (Icon != null)
         DrawLocalTexture(SBatch, Icon, new Vector2(Icon.Width, Icon.Height) / -2);
     if (Outlined)
         DrawLocalTexture(SBatch, Outline, null, new Vector2(Outline.Width, Outline.Height) / -2, Vector2.One, UIStyle.Current.ActiveSelection);