public void Login(Authenticator authenticator) { authenticator.Completed += AuthenticatorCompleted; rootViewController = UIKit.UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController; rootViewController.PresentViewController(authenticator.GetUI(), true, null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the UI for this authenticator. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The UI that needs to be presented. /// </returns> protected override AuthenticateUIType GetPlatformUI() { AuthenticateUIType ui = null; if (this.IsUsingNativeUI == true) { Uri uri = GetInitialUrlAsync().Result; IDictionary <string, string> query_parts = Utilities.WebEx.FormDecode(uri.Query); Uri redirect_uri = new Uri(query_parts["redirect_uri"]); string scheme = redirect_uri.Scheme; if (scheme.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("WARNING"); sb.AppendLine($"Scheme = {scheme}"); sb.AppendLine($"Native UI used with http[s] schema!"); sb.AppendLine($"Redirect URL will be loaded in Native UI!"); sb.AppendLine($"OAuth Data parsing might fail!"); ShowErrorForNativeUI(sb.ToString()); } ui = GetPlatformUINative(); } else { ui = GetPlatformUIEmbeddedBrowser(); } return(ui); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the platform UI (Android - WebView). /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The platform Native UI (embeded/integrated Browser Control/Widget/View (WebView)). /// Android.Support.CustomTabs.CustomTabsIntent /// </returns> /// <see cref=""/> protected AuthenticateUIType GetPlatformUIEmbeddedBrowser() { // Embedded Browser - Deprecated UIKit.UINavigationController nc = null; nc = new UIKit.UINavigationController(new WebAuthenticatorController(this)); AuthenticateUIType ui = nc; return(ui); }
public void MailDebugLog(UIKit.UIViewController viewController) { if (Release) { PlotRelease.MailDebugLog(viewController); } else { PlotDebug.MailDebugLog(viewController); } }
protected override void SetTitleAndTabBarItem(UIKit.UIViewController viewController, string title, string iconName) { // you can override this method to set title or iconName if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { title = "Tab 2"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconName)) { iconName = "ic_tabbar_menu"; } base.SetTitleAndTabBarItem(viewController, title, iconName); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the UI for this authenticator. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The UI that needs to be presented. /// </returns> protected override AuthenticateUIType GetPlatformUI() { AuthenticateUIType ui = null; if (this.IsUsingNativeUI == true) { ui = GetPlatformUINative(); } else { ui = GetPlatformUIEmbeddedBrowser(); } return(ui); }
static void Hack() { var l = new UIKit.UILabel(); l.Text = l.Text + ""; var tf = new UIKit.UITextField(); tf.Text = tf.Text + ""; tf.EditingDidEnd += delegate { }; tf.ValueChanged += delegate { }; var vc = new UIKit.UIViewController(); vc.Title = vc.Title + ""; vc.Editing = !vc.Editing; }
public void OAuth2Authenticator(string clientId, string clientSecret, string scope, Uri authorizeUrl, Uri redirectUrl, Uri accessTokenUrl, GetUsernameAsyncFunc getUsernameAsync = null) { Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator auth2 = new BaseOAuth2Authenticator(clientId, clientSecret, scope, authorizeUrl, redirectUrl, accessTokenUrl, null); // TODO: getUsernameAsync argument not implemented auth2.AllowCancel = AllowCancel; auth2.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => { Completed(auth2, new AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs(new Account(eventArgs.Account, eventArgs.Account.Properties, eventArgs.Account.Username))); }; #if __ANDROID__ Android.Content.Intent intent = auth2.GetUI(Auth.context); Auth.context.StartActivity(intent); #elif __IOS__ UIKit.UIViewController vc = auth2.GetUI(); Auth.dialog.PresentViewController(vc, true, null); #elif SILVERLIGHT Uri uri = auth2.GetUI(); NavigationService.Navigate(uri); #endif }
public virtual void OpenUrl(Uri url) { if (url == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url)); } #if Android var mgr = new Android.Support.CustomTabs.CustomTabsActivityManager((Android.App.Activity)_context); mgr.CustomTabsServiceConnected += delegate { mgr.LaunchUrl(url.ToString()); }; mgr.BindService(); return; #elif iOS Foundation.NSUrl destination = Foundation.NSUrl.FromString(url.AbsoluteUri); using (SafariServices.SFSafariViewController sfViewController = new SafariServices.SFSafariViewController(destination)) { UIKit.UIWindow window = UIKit.UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow; UIKit.UIViewController controller = window.RootViewController; controller.PresentViewController(sfViewController, true, null); return; } #else if (_deviceService.RuntimePlatform == RuntimePlatform.Android || _deviceService.RuntimePlatform == RuntimePlatform.iOS) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Register {nameof(DefaultBrowserService)} using platform specific {nameof(IPlatformInitializer)}"); } _deviceService.OpenUri(url); #endif }
public void OAuth2Authenticator(string clientId, string scope, Uri authorizeUrl, Uri redirectUrl, string replacementFormatUrl) { Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator auth2 = new BaseOAuth2Authenticator(clientId, scope, authorizeUrl, redirectUrl, replacementFormatUrl); auth2.AllowCancel = AllowCancel; auth2.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => { Completed(auth2, new AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs(new Account(eventArgs.Account, eventArgs.Account.Properties, eventArgs.Account.Username))); }; auth2.Error += (sender, eventArgs) => { Error(sender, new AuthenticatorErrorEventArgs(eventArgs.Message, eventArgs.Exception)); }; #if __ANDROID__ Android.Content.Intent intent = auth2.GetUI(Auth.context); Auth.context.StartActivity(intent); #elif __IOS__ UIKit.UIViewController vc = auth2.GetUI(); Auth.dialog.PresentViewController(vc, true, null); #elif SILVERLIGHT Uri uri = auth2.GetUI(); NavigationService.Navigate(uri); #endif }
public void OAuth1Authenticator(string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, Uri requestTokenUrl, Uri authorizeUrl, Uri accessTokenUrl, Uri callbackUrl, GetUsernameAsyncFunc getUsernameAsync) { Xamarin.Auth.OAuth1Authenticator auth1 = new Xamarin.Auth.OAuth1Authenticator(consumerKey, consumerSecret, requestTokenUrl, authorizeUrl, accessTokenUrl, callbackUrl, null); // TODO: getUsernameAsync argument not implemented auth1.AllowCancel = AllowCancel; auth1.Completed += (sender, eventArgs) => { Completed(auth1, new AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs(new Account(eventArgs.Account, eventArgs.Account.Properties, eventArgs.Account.Username))); }; auth1.Error += (sender, eventArgs) => { Error(sender, new AuthenticatorErrorEventArgs(eventArgs.Message, eventArgs.Exception)); }; #if __ANDROID__ Android.Content.Intent intent = auth1.GetUI(Auth.context); Auth.context.StartActivity(intent); #elif __IOS__ UIKit.UIViewController vc = auth1.GetUI(); Auth.dialog.PresentViewController(vc, true, null); #elif SILVERLIGHT Uri uri = auth1.GetUI(); NavigationService.Navigate(uri); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RoutedViewHost"/> class. /// </summary> public RoutedViewHost() { ViewContractObservable = Observable.Return <string>(null); _titleUpdater = new SerialDisposable(); this.WhenActivated( d => { d(this .WhenAnyValue(x => x.Router) .Where(x => x != null && x.NavigationStack.Count > 0 && ViewControllers.Length == 0) .Subscribe(x => { _routerInstigated = true; NSViewController view = null; foreach (var viewModel in x.NavigationStack) { view = ResolveView(Router.GetCurrentViewModel(), null); PushViewController(view, false); } _titleUpdater.Disposable = Router.GetCurrentViewModel() .WhenAnyValue(y => y.UrlPathSegment) .Subscribe(y => view.NavigationItem.Title = y); _routerInstigated = false; })); var navigationStackChanged = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Router) .Where(x => x != null) .Select(x => x.NavigationStack.ObserveCollectionChanges()) .Switch(); d(navigationStackChanged .Where(x => x.EventArgs.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) .Select(_ => new { View = ResolveView(Router.GetCurrentViewModel(), /*contract*/ null), Animate = Router.NavigationStack.Count > 1 }) .Subscribe(x => { if (_routerInstigated) { return; } _titleUpdater.Disposable = Router.GetCurrentViewModel() .WhenAnyValue(y => y.UrlPathSegment) .Subscribe(y => x.View.NavigationItem.Title = y); _routerInstigated = true; // super important that animate is false if it's the first view being pushed, otherwise iOS gets hella confused // and calls PushViewController twice PushViewController(x.View, x.Animate); _routerInstigated = false; })); d(navigationStackChanged .Where(x => x.EventArgs.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset) .Subscribe(_ => { _routerInstigated = true; PopToRootViewController(true); _routerInstigated = false; })); d(this .WhenAnyObservable(x => x.Router.NavigateBack) .Subscribe(x => { _routerInstigated = true; PopViewController(true); _routerInstigated = false; })); }); }
public async Task <AuthenticateResult> AuthenticateAsync(UIKit.UIViewController view)
public static void MailDebugLog(UIKit.UIViewController viewController) { PlotImplementation instance = (PlotImplementation)GetInstance(); instance.MailDebugLog(viewController); }