private void Update() { // See if within each site there is a new VM to move to position // or if a VM is shutting down for (int i = 0; i < instanceList1.Count; i++) { StartVM(instanceList1[i]); i = ShutdownVM(cluster1, instanceList1, i); } for (int i = 0; i < instanceList2.Count; i++) { StartVM(instanceList2[i]); i = ShutdownVM(cluster2, instanceList2, i); } // See if trucks have something to move if (!movingTruck1) { for (int i = 0; i < truckInstanceList1.Count; i++) { GameObject spotlight = truck1.transform.Find("Spotlight").gameObject; truckInstanceList1[i].instance.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(truckInstanceList1[i].instance.transform.position, spotlight.transform.position, Time.deltaTime * speed); } } if (truckInstanceList1.Count > 0 && CompareVectors(truckInstanceList1[0].instance.transform.position, truck1.transform.Find("Spotlight").gameObject.transform.position)) { countdown -= Time.deltaTime; SmoothFollow sf = Camera.main.GetComponent <SmoothFollow>(); if (!movingTruck1) { NavMeshAgent agent; agent = truck1.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); agent.SetDestination(cluster2.transform.position); sf.SetDistance(70); sf.SetTarget(truck1.transform); } movingTruck1 = true; if (countdown <= 0) { if (truck1.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().remainingDistance <= 0) { countdown = 2F; sf.SetTarget(null); if (messageList.Count == 0) { mainController.DisplayIsUpdating(false); } movingTruck1 = false; truck1.GoToSource(); for (int i = 0; i < truckInstanceList1.Count; i++) { truckInstanceList1[i].instance.transform.SetParent(sphere2.transform, true); instanceList2.Add(truckInstanceList1[i]); Renderer renderer = sphere2.GetComponent <Renderer>(); float radius = renderer.bounds.extents.magnitude; Vector3 pos = sphere2.transform.position + UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * radius / 2; truckInstanceList1[i].instance.transform.position = pos; truckInstanceList1.Remove(truckInstanceList1[i]); i--; } } } } if (!movingTruck2) { for (int i = 0; i < truckInstanceList2.Count; i++) { GameObject spotlight = truck2.transform.Find("Spotlight").gameObject; truckInstanceList2[i].instance.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(truckInstanceList2[i].instance.transform.position, spotlight.transform.position, Time.deltaTime * speed); } } if (truckInstanceList2.Count > 0 && CompareVectors(truckInstanceList2[0].instance.transform.position, truck2.transform.Find("Spotlight").gameObject.transform.position)) { countdown -= Time.deltaTime; SmoothFollow sf = Camera.main.GetComponent <SmoothFollow>(); if (!movingTruck2) { NavMeshAgent agent; agent = truck2.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); agent.SetDestination(cluster1.transform.position); sf.SetDistance(70); sf.SetTarget(truck2.transform); } movingTruck2 = true; if (countdown <= 0) { if (truck2.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().remainingDistance <= 0) { countdown = 2F; sf.SetTarget(null); movingTruck2 = false; if (messageList.Count == 0) { mainController.DisplayIsUpdating(false); } for (int i = 0; i < truckInstanceList2.Count; i++) { truckInstanceList2[i].instance.transform.SetParent(sphere1.transform, true); instanceList1.Add(truckInstanceList2[i]); Renderer renderer = sphere1.GetComponent <Renderer>(); float radius = renderer.bounds.extents.magnitude; Vector3 pos = sphere1.transform.position + UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * radius / 2; truckInstanceList2[i].instance.transform.position = pos; truckInstanceList2.Remove(truckInstanceList2[i]); i--; } truck2.GoToSource(); } } } // Check if new commands arrived if (mainController && lastUpdate != mainController.lastUpdate) { commands.Clear(); foreach (string c in mainController.commands) { commands.Add(c); } lastUpdate = mainController.lastUpdate; } // Deal with received commands foreach (string elem in commands) { string[] data = elem.Split(';'); if (data.Length > 1) { string command = data[0]; if (command == "CLOUD_1.0") { string VMname = data[1]; string VMhost = data[2]; string cluster = data[3]; string site = data[4]; string status = data[5]; string description = data[6]; // tell the main controller that we're busy updating all the commands mainController.DisplayIsUpdating(true); InstanceVMData instanceData = new InstanceVMData(); instanceData.VMname = VMname; = site; instanceData.status = status; instanceData.cluster = cluster; instanceData.description = description; //Debug.LogFormat("Command {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8}", command, name, x, z, width, height, rotation, status, description); bool found = false; // See if the VM is currently moving to cluster 2 foreach (InstanceVMData instance in truckInstanceList1) { if (instance.VMname == VMname) { UpdateVM(instance, status); found = true; break; } } // See if the VM is currently moving to cluster 1 foreach (InstanceVMData instance in truckInstanceList2) { if (instance.VMname == VMname) { UpdateVM(instance, status); found = true; break; } } // See if the VM is currently in cluster 1 if (!found) { for (int i = 0; i < instanceList1.Count; i++) { if (instanceList1[i].VMname == VMname) { // See if the VM is to be moved to cluster 2 if (site == "2") { string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("H:mm:ss"); MessageData m = new MessageData(); m.message = now + " " + VMname + ": moving to site " + nameSite2; m.status = "1"; // white messageList.Add(m); instanceList1[i].instance.transform.SetParent(truck1.transform, true); truckInstanceList1.Add(instanceList1[i]); countdown = 2F; instanceList1.Remove(instanceList1[i]); } else { // See if the VM status or description has changed if (instanceList1[i].status != status || instanceList1[i].description != description) { UpdateVM(instanceList1[i], status); instanceList1[i].status = status; instanceList1[i].description = description; if (description != "") { string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("H:mm:ss"); MessageData m = new MessageData(); m.message = now + " " + VMname + ": " + description; m.status = status; messageList.Add(m); } } } found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { // See if the VM is in cluster 2 for (int i = 0; i < instanceList2.Count; i++) { if (instanceList2[i].VMname == VMname) { // See if the VM needs to be moved to Cluster 1 if (site == "1") { string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("H:mm:ss"); MessageData m = new MessageData(); m.message = now + " " + VMname + ": moving to site " + nameSite1; m.status = "1"; // white messageList.Add(m); instanceList2[i].instance.transform.SetParent(truck2.transform, true); truckInstanceList2.Add(instanceList2[i]); countdown = 2F; instanceList2.Remove(instanceList2[i]); } else { // See if the VM status or description has changed if (instanceList2[i].status != status || instanceList2[i].description != description) { UpdateVM(instanceList2[i], status); instanceList2[i].status = status; instanceList2[i].description = description; if (description != "") { string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("H:mm:ss"); MessageData m = new MessageData(); m.message = now + " " + VMname + ": " + description; m.status = status; messageList.Add(m); } } } found = true; break; } } } // Still not found? Then it's a brand new VM if (!found) { GameObject sphere, targetCluster; string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("H:mm:ss"); if (site == "1") { sphere = sphere1; targetCluster = cluster1; } else { sphere = sphere2; targetCluster = cluster2; } Renderer renderer = sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>(); float radius = renderer.bounds.extents.magnitude; if (status == "5") { instanceData.movingToPos = true; instanceData.targetPos = sphere.transform.position + UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * radius / 2; instanceData.targetSphere = sphere; instanceData.instance = (GameObject)Instantiate(VMprefab, targetCluster.transform.position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); MessageData m = new MessageData(); m.message = now + " " + VMname + ": is starting"; m.status = status; messageList.Add(m); } else if (status == "6") { instanceData.movingToPos = false; // Do nothing this VM is shutting down } else { Vector3 pos = sphere.transform.position + UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * radius / 2; instanceData.instance = (GameObject)Instantiate(VMprefab, pos, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); instanceData.instance.transform.SetParent(sphere.transform, true); } if (status != "6") { if (site == "1") { instanceList1.Add(instanceData); } else { instanceList2.Add(instanceData); } } UpdateVM(instanceData, status); } } if (command == "CLOUDINFO_1.0") { string name = data[1]; string role = data[2]; string location = data[3]; string site = data[4]; string status = data[5]; string description = data[6]; GameObject cluster; if (site == "1") { nameSite1 = name; cluster = cluster1; } else { nameSite2 = name; cluster = cluster2; } GameObject canvas = cluster.transform.Find("Canvas").gameObject; GameObject nameObject = canvas.transform.Find("Name").gameObject; Text nameText = nameObject.GetComponent <Text>(); nameText.text = name; GameObject roleObject = canvas.transform.Find("Role").gameObject; Text roleText = roleObject.GetComponent <Text>(); roleText.text = role; GameObject locationObject = canvas.transform.Find("Location").gameObject; Text locationText = locationObject.GetComponent <Text>(); locationText.text = location; } } } if (commands.Count > 0) { commands.Clear(); } }