public ShaderCommand(TreeDict dict) { ReferenceName = Trees.At(dict, "_ref"); if (ReferenceName == null) { ReferenceName = "Error"; } ID = Trees.At(dict, "_id"); if (ID == null) { ID = ReferenceName; } dynamic tmp = Trees.At(dict, "_clearAfterDone"); if (tmp != null && tmp.GetType() == typeof(bool)) { ClearAfterLastPropIsDone = tmp; } //Logger.log.Debug("ShaderCommand: _id: " + ID + " _ref:" + Reference); object ret = Trees.At(dict, "_props"); List <object> props; if (ret != null) { props = ret as List <object>; } else { props = new List <object>(); } Properties = new ShaderPropertiesCommand(props, this); ShaderProperty longest = null; Properties.getProps().ForEach(sp => { if (sp.Duration > (longest?.Duration ?? 0)) { longest = sp; } }); if (longest != null) { longest.IsLast = true; } }
public ShaderPropertiesCommand(List <object> list, ShaderCommand parent) { _propList = new List <ShaderProperty>(); foreach (TreeDict d in list) { string property = "" + Trees.At(d, "_prop"); float duration; dynamic value = Trees.At(d, "_value"); dynamic tmp = Trees.At(d, "_duration"); try { duration = (float)tmp; } catch (Exception) { duration = -1; } Functions easing = Functions.easeLinear; string easingString = Trees.At(d, "_easing"); if (easingString != null) { easing = (Functions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Functions), easingString); } //Logger.log.Debug("ShaderPropertiesCommand: p:" + property + " d: " + duration + " e: " + easing + " v:" + value); _propList.Add(new ShaderProperty(property, duration, value, easing, parent)); } }
private void ShaderEventCallback(CustomEventData customEventData) { if ( == null) { return; } try { TreeDict eventData; switch (customEventData.type) { case EventTypeShader: //Logger.log?.Debug("Shader event received!"); eventData = new Dictionary <string, object>( as TreeDict); object res = Trees.At(eventData, "_shaders"); List <object> shaders; if (res != null) { shaders = res as List <object>; } else { shaders = new List <object>(); } List <ShaderCommand> scList = new List <ShaderCommand>(); foreach (TreeDict shader in shaders) { scList.Add(new ShaderCommand(shader)); } foreach (ShaderCommand sc in scList) { ShaderEffectData sfx = _shaderManager.GetShaderEffectByReferenceName(sc.ReferenceName); if (sfx != null) { sc.ShaderEffectData = sfx; Material mat = _shaderManager.GetMaterial(sc.ID, sfx); if (mat == null) { mat = _shaderManager.AddMaterial(sc.ID, sfx); } sc.Material = mat; StartEventCoroutine(sc, customEventData.time); } else { Logger.log.Error($"Unknown Shader reference used: '{sc.ReferenceName}'!"); } } break; case EventTypeShaderClear: string clearId; string refName; eventData = new Dictionary <string, object>( as TreeDict); clearId = Trees.At(eventData, "_clearID"); if (clearId == null) { clearId = Trees.At(eventData, "_clearId"); } refName = Trees.At(eventData, "_ref"); Logger.log.Debug($"ShaderClear at : {customEventData.time / 60 * _beatmapObjectSpawnController.currentBpm}"); Logger.log.Debug($"_clearId : {clearId}"); Logger.log.Debug($"_ref : {refName}"); if (clearId != null) { if (clearId.Equals("*")) { List <Material> removedMats = _shaderManager.ClearAllMaterials(); if (removedMats.Count > 0) { Logger.log.Debug($"Clearing all {removedMats.Count} Materials!"); StopAllCoroutinesModifyingMaterials(removedMats); } break; } ShaderEffectData sfx = _shaderManager.GetShaderEffectByReferenceName(refName); Logger.log.Debug($"sfx reference Name : {sfx?.ReferenceName}"); if (sfx != null) { if (!_shaderManager.RemoveMaterial(clearId, sfx)) { Logger.log.Notice($"Tried to remove a Shader with an ID that doesn't exist: '{clearId}' at time (in beats) {customEventData.time / 60 * _beatmapObjectSpawnController.currentBpm}!"); } } else { Logger.log.Debug($"trying to remove all with clearId"); List <Material> removedMats = _shaderManager.RemoveAllMaterialsStartingWithId(clearId); if (removedMats.Count == 0) { Logger.log.Notice($"Tried to remove all Shaders starting with an ID that doesn't exist: '{clearId}' at time (in beats) {customEventData.time / 60 * _beatmapObjectSpawnController.currentBpm}!"); } else { Logger.log.Debug($"Clearing {removedMats.Count} Materials with starting ID {clearId}!"); StopAllCoroutinesModifyingMaterials(removedMats); } } } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.log.Error($"{nameof(ShaderEventManager)} encountered an exception at time (in beats) {customEventData.time / 60 * _beatmapObjectSpawnController.currentBpm}: {ex.Message}"); Logger.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } }