public override void Complete() { Success = true; base.Complete(); try { var mod = new TmodFile(ModHeader.path); using (mod.Open()) { } if (!ModHeader.Matches(mod)) { throw new Exception(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModHashMismatch")); } if (ModHeader.signed && !mod.ValidModBrowserSignature) { throw new Exception(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModNotSigned")); } ModLoader.EnableMod(; } catch (Exception e) { Cancel(); ShowError(e); } }
internal static void PublishModCommandLine(string modName, string passphrase, string steamid64) { try { InstallVerifier.IsGoG = true; ModLoader.SteamID64 = steamid64; ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase = passphrase; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ModLoader.SteamID64)) { throw new Exception("-passphrase and -steamid64 are required for publishing via command line"); } LocalMod localMod; var modPath = Path.Combine(ModLoader.ModPath, modName + ".tmod"); var modFile = new TmodFile(modPath); using (modFile.Open()) // savehere, -tmlsavedirectory, normal (test linux too) localMod = new LocalMod(modFile); PublishModInner(modFile,, true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong with command line mod publishing."); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Environment.Exit(1); } Environment.Exit(0); }
static void Downgrade(string file) { TmodFile tmodFile = new TmodFile(file); using (tmodFile.Open()) { tmodFile.Downgrade(); tmodFile.Save(file.Replace(".tmod", "_down.tmod")); } }
static void Upgrade(string file) { TmodFile tmf = new TmodFile(file); using (tmf.Open()) { tmf.Upgrade(); tmf.Save(file.Replace(".tmod", "_up.tmod")); } }
public void Patch() { string o = Path.GetFileName(file).Replace(".dll", ".tmod"); if (!File.Exists(o)) { throw new Exception("未找到相应tmod文件"); } TmodFile tmf = new TmodFile(o); using (tmf.Open()) { tmf.ReplacePrimaryAssembly(File.ReadAllBytes(file), false); } tmf.Save(o.Substring(0, o.Length - 5) + "_Patched.tmod"); }
public void Dump() { string o = Path.GetFileName(file).Replace(".tmod", ".dll"); if (File.Exists(o)) { File.Copy(o, o + ".bak"); } TmodFile tmf = new TmodFile(file); byte[] data; using (tmf.Open()) { data = tmf.GetPrimaryAssembly(false); } if (data == null) throw new Exception("未找到dll"); File.WriteAllBytes(o, data); }
static TExecutor GetExecutor(ProgramArgs args) { if (!File.Exists(args.FilePath)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("未找到mod文件。"); return(null); } TmodFile file = new TmodFile(args.FilePath); using (file.Open()) { } if (args.IsDump) { return(new Dumper(args, file)); } return(new Patcher(args, file)); }
public static string GetEacPath() { string GetEacPathInternal() { var propFile = Instance.GetFileStream("Info"); var buildProp = Tr().GetType("Terraria.ModLoader.Core.BuildProperties") .Method("ReadFromStream", propFile); var eacPath = buildProp.Field("eacPath") as string; return(eacPath); } if (TmodFile.IsOpen) { return(GetEacPathInternal()); } using (TmodFile.Open()) { return(GetEacPathInternal()); } }
private static void PublishModInner(TmodFile modFile, BuildProperties bp, bool commandLine = false) { var files = new List <UploadFile>(); files.Add(new UploadFile { Name = "file", Filename = Path.GetFileName(modFile.path), // ContentType = "text/plain", Content = File.ReadAllBytes(modFile.path) }); if (modFile.HasFile("icon.png")) // Test this on server { using (modFile.Open()) files.Add(new UploadFile { Name = "iconfile", Filename = "icon.png", Content = modFile.GetBytes("icon.png") }); } //if (bp.beta) // throw new WebException(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.BetaModCantPublishError")); if (bp.buildVersion != modFile.TModLoaderVersion) { throw new WebException(Language.GetTextValue("OutdatedModCantPublishError.BetaModCantPublishError")); } var values = new NameValueCollection { { "displayname", bp.displayName }, { "displaynameclean", string.Join("", ChatManager.ParseMessage(bp.displayName, Color.White).Where(x => x.GetType() == typeof(TextSnippet)).Select(x => x.Text)) }, { "name", modFile.Name }, { "version", "v" + bp.version }, { "author", }, { "homepage", bp.homepage }, { "description", bp.description }, { "steamid64", ModLoader.SteamID64 }, { "modloaderversion", "tModLoader v" + modFile.TModLoaderVersion }, { "passphrase", ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase }, { "modreferences", String.Join(", ", bp.modReferences.Select(x => x.mod)) }, { "modside", bp.side.ToFriendlyString() }, }; if (values["steamid64"].Length != 17) { throw new WebException($"The steamid64 '{values["steamid64"]}' is invalid, verify that you are logged into Steam and don't have a pirated copy of Terraria."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(values["author"])) { throw new WebException($"You need to specify an author in build.txt"); } ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; string url = ""; using (PatientWebClient client = new PatientWebClient()) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, policyErrors) => true; Interface.progress.Show(displayText: $"Uploading: {modFile.Name}", gotoMenu: Interface.modSourcesID, cancel: client.CancelAsync); var boundary = "---------------------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); client.Headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary; //boundary = "--" + boundary; byte[] data = UploadFile.GetUploadFilesRequestData(files, values, boundary); if (commandLine) { var result = client.UploadData(new Uri(url), data); // could use async version for progress output maybe string response = HandlePublishResponse(modFile, result); Console.WriteLine(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MBServerResponse", response)); if (result.Length <= 256 || result[result.Length - 256 - 1] != '~') { throw new Exception("Publish failed due to invalid response from server"); } } else { client.UploadDataCompleted += (s, e) => PublishUploadDataComplete(s, e, modFile); client.UploadProgressChanged += (s, e) => Interface.progress.Progress = (float)e.BytesSent / e.TotalBytesToSend; client.UploadDataAsync(new Uri(url), data); } } }
// Receive a mod when connecting to server internal static void ReceiveMod(BinaryReader reader) { if (downloadingMod == null) { return; } try { if (downloadingFile == null) { Interface.progress.Show(displayText: reader.ReadString(), cancel: CancelDownload); ModLoader.GetMod(; downloadingLength = reader.ReadInt64(); downloadingFile = new FileStream(downloadingMod.path, FileMode.Create); return; } var bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)Math.Min(downloadingLength - downloadingFile.Position, CHUNK_SIZE)); downloadingFile.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); Interface.progress.Progress = downloadingFile.Position / (float)downloadingLength; if (downloadingFile.Position == downloadingLength) { downloadingFile.Close(); var mod = new TmodFile(downloadingMod.path); using (mod.Open()) { } if (!downloadingMod.Matches(mod)) { throw new Exception(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModHashMismatch")); } if (downloadingMod.signed && !mod.ValidModBrowserSignature) { throw new Exception(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModNotSigned")); } ModLoader.EnableMod(; if (downloadQueue.Count > 0) { DownloadNextMod(); } else { OnModsDownloaded(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { try { downloadingFile?.Close(); File.Delete(downloadingMod.path); } catch (Exception exc2) { Logging.tML.Error("Unknown error during mod sync", exc2); } var msg = Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MPErrorModDownloadError",; Logging.tML.Error(msg, e); Interface.errorMessage.Show(msg + e, 0); Netplay.disconnect = true; downloadingMod = null; } }