private static string GetModAssemblyFileName(TmodFile modFile, bool?xna = null) { string variant = modFile.HasFile($"{}.All.dll") ? "All" : (xna ?? PlatformUtilities.IsXNA) ? "XNA" : "FNA"; string fileName = $"{}.{variant}.dll"; if (!modFile.HasFile(fileName)) // legacy compatibility { fileName = modFile.HasFile("All.dll") ? "All.dll" : (xna ?? FrameworkVersion.Framework == Framework.NetFramework) ? "Windows.dll" : "Mono.dll"; } return(fileName); }
public override bool UseItem(Player player) { Main.NewText("WUT csproj : " + mod.FileExists("WUT.csproj")); Main.NewText("WUT sln : " + mod.FileExists("WUT.sln")); TmodFile f = mod.File; Main.NewText("PsychoWUTKnife : " + f.HasFile("WUT.csproj.user")); //string door = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mod.GetFileBytes("structure/door.txt")); //print(door); Mod psycho = ModLoader.GetMod("Psycho"); if (psycho != null) { return(base.UseItem(player)); } return(false); }
internal static bool CreateModReferenceDlls(BuildProperties properties) { TmodFile[] refFiles = new TmodFile[properties.modReferences.Length]; for (int k = 0; k < properties.modReferences.Length; k++) { string modReference = properties.modReferences[k]; string filePath = ModLoader.ModPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + modReference + ".tmod"; TmodFile refFile = new TmodFile(filePath); refFile = new TmodFile(filePath); refFile.Read(); if (!refFile.ValidMod()) { ErrorLogger.LogModReferenceError(refFile.Name); return(false); } refFiles[k] = refFile; } for (int k = 0; k < refFiles.Length; k++) { TmodFile refFile = refFiles[k]; string modReference = properties.modReferences[k]; byte[] data1; byte[] data2; if (refFile.HasFile("All")) { data1 = refFile.GetFile("All"); data2 = refFile.GetFile("All"); } else { data1 = refFile.GetFile("Windows"); data2 = refFile.GetFile("Other"); } string refFileName = ModLoader.ModSourcePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + modReference; File.WriteAllBytes(refFileName + "1.dll", data1); File.WriteAllBytes(refFileName + "2.dll", data2); } return(true); }
private static void PublishModInner(TmodFile modFile, BuildProperties bp, bool commandLine = false) { var files = new List <UploadFile>(); files.Add(new UploadFile { Name = "file", Filename = Path.GetFileName(modFile.path), // ContentType = "text/plain", Content = File.ReadAllBytes(modFile.path) }); if (modFile.HasFile("icon.png")) // Test this on server { using (modFile.Open()) files.Add(new UploadFile { Name = "iconfile", Filename = "icon.png", Content = modFile.GetBytes("icon.png") }); } //if (bp.beta) // throw new WebException(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.BetaModCantPublishError")); if (bp.buildVersion != modFile.TModLoaderVersion) { throw new WebException(Language.GetTextValue("OutdatedModCantPublishError.BetaModCantPublishError")); } var values = new NameValueCollection { { "displayname", bp.displayName }, { "displaynameclean", string.Join("", ChatManager.ParseMessage(bp.displayName, Color.White).Where(x => x.GetType() == typeof(TextSnippet)).Select(x => x.Text)) }, { "name", modFile.Name }, { "version", "v" + bp.version }, { "author", }, { "homepage", bp.homepage }, { "description", bp.description }, { "steamid64", ModLoader.SteamID64 }, { "modloaderversion", "tModLoader v" + modFile.TModLoaderVersion }, { "passphrase", ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase }, { "modreferences", String.Join(", ", bp.modReferences.Select(x => x.mod)) }, { "modside", bp.side.ToFriendlyString() }, }; if (values["steamid64"].Length != 17) { throw new WebException($"The steamid64 '{values["steamid64"]}' is invalid, verify that you are logged into Steam and don't have a pirated copy of Terraria."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(values["author"])) { throw new WebException($"You need to specify an author in build.txt"); } ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; string url = ""; using (PatientWebClient client = new PatientWebClient()) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, policyErrors) => true; Interface.progress.Show(displayText: $"Uploading: {modFile.Name}", gotoMenu: Interface.modSourcesID, cancel: client.CancelAsync); var boundary = "---------------------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); client.Headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary; //boundary = "--" + boundary; byte[] data = UploadFile.GetUploadFilesRequestData(files, values, boundary); if (commandLine) { var result = client.UploadData(new Uri(url), data); // could use async version for progress output maybe string response = HandlePublishResponse(modFile, result); Console.WriteLine(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.MBServerResponse", response)); if (result.Length <= 256 || result[result.Length - 256 - 1] != '~') { throw new Exception("Publish failed due to invalid response from server"); } } else { client.UploadDataCompleted += (s, e) => PublishUploadDataComplete(s, e, modFile); client.UploadProgressChanged += (s, e) => Interface.progress.Progress = (float)e.BytesSent / e.TotalBytesToSend; client.UploadDataAsync(new Uri(url), data); } } }
public UIModItem(TmodFile mod) { this.mod = mod; this.BorderColor = new Color(89, 116, 213) * 0.7f; this.dividerTexture = TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/Divider"); this.innerPanelTexture = TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/InnerPanelBackground"); this.Height.Set(90f, 0f); this.Width.Set(0f, 1f); base.SetPadding(6f); //base.OnClick += this.ToggleEnabled; properties = BuildProperties.ReadModFile(mod); string text = properties.displayName.Length > 0 ? properties.displayName :; text += " v" + mod.version; if (mod.tModLoaderVersion < new Version(0, 10)) { text += " [c/FF0000:(Old mod, enable at own risk)]"; } int modIconAdjust = 0; if (mod.HasFile("icon.png")) { var modIconTexture = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, new MemoryStream(mod.GetFile("icon.png"))); if (modIconTexture.Width == 80 && modIconTexture.Height == 80) { modIcon = new UIImage(modIconTexture); modIcon.Left.Set(0f, 0f); modIcon.Top.Set(0f, 0f); Append(modIcon); modIconAdjust += 85; } } this.modName = new UIText(text, 1f, false); this.modName.Left.Set(modIconAdjust + 10f, 0f); this.modName.Top.Set(5f, 0f); base.Append(this.modName); this.enabled = ModLoader.IsEnabled(mod); UITextPanel <string> button = new UITextPanel <string>(Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsMoreInfo"), 1f, false); button.Width.Set(100f, 0f); button.Height.Set(30f, 0f); button.Left.Set(430f, 0f); button.Top.Set(40f, 0f); button.PaddingTop -= 2f; button.PaddingBottom -= 2f; button.OnMouseOver += UICommon.FadedMouseOver; button.OnMouseOut += UICommon.FadedMouseOut; button.OnClick += this.Moreinfo; base.Append(button); button2 = new UITextPanel <string>(this.enabled ? Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsDisable") : Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsEnable"), 1f, false); button2.Width.Set(100f, 0f); button2.Height.Set(30f, 0f); button2.Left.Set(button.Left.Pixels - button2.Width.Pixels - 5f, 0f); button2.Top.Set(40f, 0f); button2.PaddingTop -= 2f; button2.PaddingBottom -= 2f; button2.OnMouseOver += UICommon.FadedMouseOver; button2.OnMouseOut += UICommon.FadedMouseOut; button2.OnClick += this.ToggleEnabled; base.Append(button2); if (properties.modReferences.Length > 0 && !enabled) { string refs = String.Join(", ", properties.modReferences.Select(x => x.mod)); Texture2D icon = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Terraria.ModLoader.UI.ButtonExclamation.png")); UIHoverImage modReferenceIcon = new UIHoverImage(icon, "This mod depends on: " + refs + "\n (click to enable)"); modReferenceIcon.Left.Set(button2.Left.Pixels - 24f, 0f); modReferenceIcon.Top.Set(47f, 0f); modReferenceIcon.OnClick += (a, b) => { var referencedMods = properties.modReferences.Select(x => x.mod); var foundMods = ModLoader.FindMods(); var referencedtModFiles = foundMods.Where(x => referencedMods.Contains(; foreach (var referencedMod in referencedtModFiles) { ModLoader.EnableMod(referencedMod); } Main.menuMode = Interface.modsMenuID; var missingMods = referencedMods.Where(modstring => foundMods.All(modfile => != modstring)); if (missingMods.Count() > 0) { Interface.infoMessage.SetMessage("The following mods were not found: " + String.Join(",", missingMods)); Interface.infoMessage.SetGotoMenu(Interface.modsMenuID); Main.menuMode = Interface.infoMessageID; } }; base.Append(modReferenceIcon); } if (mod.ValidModBrowserSignature) { keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.itemTexture[ID.ItemID.GoldenKey], Language.GetTextValue("tModLoader.ModsOriginatedFromModBrowser")); keyImage.Left.Set(-20, 1f); base.Append(keyImage); } if (ModLoader.ModLoaded( { Mod loadedMod = ModLoader.GetMod(; int[] values = { loadedMod.items.Count, loadedMod.npcs.Count, loadedMod.tiles.Count, loadedMod.walls.Count, loadedMod.buffs.Count, loadedMod.mountDatas.Count }; string[] strings = { " items", " NPCs", " tiles", " walls", " buffs", " mounts" }; int xOffset = -40; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (values[i] > 0) { Texture2D iconTexture = Main.instance.infoIconTexture[i]; keyImage = new UIHoverImage(iconTexture, values[i] + strings[i]); keyImage.Left.Set(xOffset, 1f); base.Append(keyImage); xOffset -= 18; } } } }
public UIModData(UITheme theme, int?idx, Mod mod, bool will_draw_own_hover_elements = true) { var self = this; TmodFile modfile = mod.File; this.Mod = mod; this.WillDrawOwnHoverElements = will_draw_own_hover_elements; this.Author = null; this.HomepageUrl = null; this.HasIconLoaded = false; this.LatestAvailableVersion = default(Version); if (HamstarHelpersMod.Instance.Config.IsCheckingModVersions) { BuildPropertiesEditor props = modfile != null? BuildPropertiesEditor.GetBuildPropertiesForModFile(modfile) : (BuildPropertiesEditor)null; if (props != null) { this.Author = (string)props.GetField("author"); this.HomepageUrl = (string)props.GetField("homepage"); } } // Container this.SetPadding(4f); this.Width.Set(0f, 1f); this.Height.Set(64, 0f); float title_offset = 72f; // Mod index if (idx != null) { var mod_idx_elem = new UIText((int)idx + ""); mod_idx_elem.Left.Set(title_offset, 0f); this.Append((UIElement)mod_idx_elem); title_offset += 16f; } // Mod title string mod_title = this.Mod.DisplayName + " " + this.Mod.Version.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HomepageUrl)) { this.TitleElem = new UIWebUrl(theme, mod_title, this.HomepageUrl, false); } else { this.TitleElem = new UIText(mod_title); } this.TitleElem.Left.Set(88f, 0f); this.Append((UIElement)this.TitleElem); // Mod author if (this.Author != null) { this.AuthorElem = new UIText("By: " + this.Author, 0.7f); this.AuthorElem.Top.Set(20f, 0f); this.AuthorElem.Left.Set(title_offset, 0f); this.Append((UIElement)this.AuthorElem); } // Mod icon if (modfile != null && modfile.HasFile("icon.png")) { var stream = new MemoryStream(modfile.GetFile("icon.png")); var icon_tex = Texture2D.FromStream(, stream); if (icon_tex.Width == 80 && icon_tex.Height == 80) { this.IconElem = new UIImage(icon_tex); this.IconElem.Top.Set(-4f, 0f); this.IconElem.Left.Set(-4f, 0f); this.IconElem.MarginTop = -8f; this.IconElem.MarginLeft = -4f; this.IconElem.ImageScale = 0.7f; this.Append(this.IconElem); } } // Mod config button if (ModMetaDataManager.HasConfig(mod)) { var config_button = new UITextPanelButton(theme, "Open Config File"); config_button.Width.Set(160f, 0f); config_button.HAlign = 1f; config_button.VAlign = 1f; this.Append(config_button); this.ConfigButton = config_button; this.ConfigButton.OnClick += delegate(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement from_elem) { string path = ModMetaDataManager.GetConfigRelativePath(mod); string fullpath = Main.SavePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + path; try { Process.Start(fullpath); } catch (Exception e) { try { string dir = new FileInfo(fullpath).Directory.FullName; Process.Start(dir); } catch (Exception) { } Main.NewText("Couldn't open config file " + path + ": " + e.Message, Color.Red); } }; } }
private static void LoadMod(TmodFile modFile, BuildProperties properties) { AddAssemblyResolver(); string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(modFile.Name); Interface.loadMods.SetProgressReading(fileName, 0, 2); Assembly modCode; string rootDirectory; if (modFile.HasFile("All")) { modCode = Assembly.Load(modFile.GetFile("All")); } else { modCode = Assembly.Load(modFile.GetFile(windows ? "Windows" : "Other")); } Interface.loadMods.SetProgressReading(fileName, 1, 2); using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(modFile.GetFile("Resources"))) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream)) { memoryStream.Seek(reader.ReadInt32(), SeekOrigin.Current); rootDirectory = reader.ReadString(); for (string path = reader.ReadString(); path != "end"; path = reader.ReadString()) { byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadInt32()); files[path] = data; string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); switch (extension) { case ".png": string texturePath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, null); using (MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream(data)) { textures[texturePath] = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, buffer); } break; case ".wav": string soundPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, null); using (MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream(data)) { sounds[soundPath] = SoundEffect.FromStream(buffer); } break; case ".mp3": string mp3Path = Path.ChangeExtension(path, null); ushort wFormatTag = 1; ushort nChannels; uint nSamplesPerSec; uint nAvgBytesPerSec; ushort nBlockAlign; ushort wBitsPerSample = 16; MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); using (MemoryStream yourMp3FileStream = new MemoryStream(data)) using (var input = new MP3Sharp.MP3Stream(yourMp3FileStream)) using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(output, Encoding.UTF8)) { var headerSize = 44; output.Position = headerSize; input.CopyTo(output); UInt32 wavDataLength = (UInt32)output.Length - 44; output.Position = 0; nChannels = (ushort)input.ChannelCount; nSamplesPerSec = (uint)input.Frequency; nBlockAlign = (ushort)(nChannels * (wBitsPerSample / 8)); nAvgBytesPerSec = (uint)(nSamplesPerSec * nChannels * (wBitsPerSample / 8)); //write the header writer.Write("RIFF".ToCharArray()); //4 writer.Write((UInt32)(wavDataLength + 36)); // 4 writer.Write("WAVE".ToCharArray()); //4 writer.Write("fmt ".ToCharArray()); //4 writer.Write(16); //4 writer.Write(wFormatTag); // writer.Write((ushort)nChannels); writer.Write(nSamplesPerSec); writer.Write(nAvgBytesPerSec); writer.Write(nBlockAlign); writer.Write(wBitsPerSample); writer.Write("data".ToCharArray()); writer.Write((UInt32)(wavDataLength)); output.Position = 0; sounds[mp3Path] = SoundEffect.FromStream(output); } break; } } } } Type[] classes = modCode.GetTypes(); foreach (Type type in classes) { if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Mod))) { Mod mod = (Mod)Activator.CreateInstance(type); mod.file = modFile.Name; mod.code = modCode; mod.Init(); if (mods.ContainsKey(mod.Name)) { throw new DuplicateNameException("Two mods share the internal name " + mod.Name); } if (rootDirectory != mod.Name) { throw new MissingResourceException("Mod name " + mod.Name + " does not match source directory name " + rootDirectory); } mods[mod.Name] = mod; loadOrder.Push(mod.Name); } } }
//Assets public bool HasAsset(string assetName) => file.HasFile(assetName); //This one currently doesn't do any extension guessing
private void Publish(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement) { if (ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase == "") { Main.menuMode = Interface.enterPassphraseMenuID; Interface.enterPassphraseMenu.SetGotoMenu(Interface.modSourcesID); return; } Main.PlaySound(10, -1, -1, 1); try { TmodFile[] modFiles = ModLoader.FindMods(); bool ok = false; TmodFile theTModFile = null; foreach (TmodFile tModFile in modFiles) { if (Path.GetFileName(tModFile.path).Equals(@Path.GetFileName(mod) + @".tmod")) { ok = true; theTModFile = tModFile; } } if (!ok) { throw new Exception(); } System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; string filename = @ModLoader.ModPath + @Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @Path.GetFileName(mod) + @".tmod"; string url = ""; byte[] result; using (var iconStream = theTModFile.HasFile("icon.png") ? new MemoryStream(theTModFile.GetFile("icon.png")) : null) using (var stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)) { var files = new List <UploadFile>(); files.Add(new IO.UploadFile { Name = "file", Filename = Path.GetFileName(filename), // ContentType = "text/plain", Stream = stream } ); if (iconStream != null) { files.Add(new IO.UploadFile { Name = "iconfile", Filename = "icon.png", Stream = iconStream } ); } BuildProperties bp = BuildProperties.ReadModFile(theTModFile); var values = new NameValueCollection { { "displayname", bp.displayName }, { "name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) }, { "version", "v" + bp.version }, { "author", }, { "homepage", bp.homepage }, { "description", bp.description }, { "steamid64", ModLoader.SteamID64 }, { "modloaderversion", "tModLoader v" + theTModFile.tModLoaderVersion }, { "passphrase", ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase }, { "modreferences", String.Join(", ", bp.modReferences.Select(x => x.mod)) }, { "modside", bp.side.ToFriendlyString() }, }; result = IO.UploadFile.UploadFiles(url, files, values); } int responseLength = result.Length; if (result.Length > 256 && result[result.Length - 256 - 1] == '~') { Array.Copy(result, result.Length - 256, theTModFile.signature, 0, 256); theTModFile.Save(); responseLength -= 257; } string s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result, 0, responseLength); ErrorLogger.LogModPublish(s); } catch (WebException e) { ErrorLogger.LogModBrowserException(e); } }
private void Publish(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement) { if (ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase == "") { Main.menuMode = Interface.enterPassphraseMenuID; Interface.enterPassphraseMenu.SetGotoMenu(Interface.modSourcesID); return; } Main.PlaySound(10, -1, -1, 1); try { TmodFile[] modFiles = ModLoader.FindMods(); bool ok = false; TmodFile theTModFile = null; foreach (TmodFile tModFile in modFiles) { if (Path.GetFileName(tModFile.path).Equals(@Path.GetFileName(mod) + @".tmod")) { ok = true; theTModFile = tModFile; } } if (!ok) { throw new Exception(); } System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; string filename = @ModLoader.ModPath + @Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @Path.GetFileName(mod) + @".tmod"; string url = ""; using (var iconStream = theTModFile.HasFile("icon.png") ? new MemoryStream(theTModFile.GetFile("icon.png")) : null) using (var stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)) { var files = new List <UploadFile>(); files.Add(new IO.UploadFile { Name = "file", Filename = Path.GetFileName(filename), // ContentType = "text/plain", Stream = stream } ); if (iconStream != null) { files.Add(new IO.UploadFile { Name = "iconfile", Filename = "icon.png", Stream = iconStream } ); } BuildProperties bp = BuildProperties.ReadModFile(theTModFile); var values = new NameValueCollection { { "displayname", bp.displayName }, { "name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) }, { "version", "v" + bp.version }, { "author", }, { "homepage", bp.homepage }, { "description", bp.description }, { "steamid64", ModLoader.SteamID64 }, { "modloaderversion", "tModLoader v" + theTModFile.tModLoaderVersion }, { "passphrase", ModLoader.modBrowserPassphrase }, { "modreferences", String.Join(", ", bp.modReferences.Select(x => x.mod)) }, { "modside", bp.side.ToFriendlyString() }, }; using (PatientWebClient client = new PatientWebClient()) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((sender, certificate, chain, policyErrors) => { return(true); }); Interface.uploadMod.SetDownloading(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)); Interface.uploadMod.SetCancel(() => { Main.menuMode = Interface.modSourcesID; client.CancelAsync(); }); client.UploadProgressChanged += (s, e) => Interface.uploadMod.SetProgress(e); client.UploadDataCompleted += (s, e) => PublishUploadDataComplete(s, e, theTModFile); var boundary = "---------------------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); client.Headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary; boundary = "--" + boundary; byte[] data = IO.UploadFile.GetUploadFilesRequestData(files, values); client.UploadDataAsync(new Uri(url), data); } Main.menuMode = Interface.uploadModID; } } catch (WebException e) { ErrorLogger.LogModBrowserException(e); } }
private void InitializeMe(UITheme theme, int?idx, Mod mod, bool willDrawOwnHoverElements = true) { var self = this; TmodFile modfile = mod.File; this.Mod = mod; this.WillDrawOwnHoverElements = willDrawOwnHoverElements; this.Author = null; this.HomepageUrl = null; this.HasIconLoaded = false; this.LatestAvailableVersion = default(Version); if (ModHelpersMod.Instance.Config.IsCheckingModVersions) { Services.Tml.BuildPropertiesEditor props = modfile != null? Services.Tml.BuildPropertiesEditor.GetBuildPropertiesForModFile(modfile) : (Services.Tml.BuildPropertiesEditor)null; if (props != null) { this.Author = (string)props.GetField("author"); this.HomepageUrl = (string)props.GetField("homepage"); } } // Container this.SetPadding(4f); this.Width.Set(0f, 1f); this.Height.Set(64, 0f); float titleOffset = 72f; // Mod index if (idx != null) { var modIdxElem = new UIText((int)idx + ""); modIdxElem.Left.Set(titleOffset, 0f); this.Append((UIElement)modIdxElem); titleOffset += 16f; } // Mod title string modTitle = this.Mod.DisplayName + " " + this.Mod.Version.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HomepageUrl)) { this.TitleElem = new UIWebUrl(theme, modTitle, this.HomepageUrl, false); } else { this.TitleElem = new UIText(modTitle); } this.TitleElem.Left.Set(88f, 0f); this.Append((UIElement)this.TitleElem); // Mod author if (this.Author != null) { this.AuthorElem = new UIText("By: " + this.Author, 0.7f); this.AuthorElem.Top.Set(20f, 0f); this.AuthorElem.Left.Set(titleOffset, 0f); this.Append((UIElement)this.AuthorElem); } // Mod icon if (modfile != null && modfile.HasFile("icon.png")) { if (!Main.dedServ) //...? { try { var stream = new MemoryStream(modfile.GetFile("icon.png")); var iconTex = Texture2D.FromStream(, stream); if (iconTex.Width == 80 && iconTex.Height == 80) { this.IconElem = new UIImage(iconTex); this.IconElem.Top.Set(-4f, 0f); this.IconElem.Left.Set(-4f, 0f); this.IconElem.MarginTop = -8f; this.IconElem.MarginLeft = -4f; this.IconElem.ImageScale = 0.7f; this.Append(this.IconElem); } } catch (Exception e) { LogHelpers.Warn(e.ToString()); } } } // Mod config button if (ModFeaturesHelpers.HasConfig(mod)) { if (Main.netMode == 0) { if (ModFeaturesHelpers.HasConfigDefaultsReset(mod)) { this.ConfigResetButton = new UITextPanelButton(theme, "Reset Config File"); this.ConfigResetButton.Width.Set(160f, 0f); this.ConfigResetButton.Left.Set(-320f, 1f); this.ConfigResetButton.Top.Set(28, 0f); this.Append(this.ConfigResetButton); this.ConfigResetButton.OnClick += delegate(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement fromElem) { string msg = mod.DisplayName + " config file reset to defaults."; ModFeaturesHelpers.ResetDefaultsConfig(mod); Main.NewText(msg, Color.Lime); LogHelpers.Log(msg); }; } this.ConfigOpenButton = new UITextPanelButton(theme, "Open Config File"); this.ConfigOpenButton.Width.Set(160f, 0f); this.ConfigOpenButton.Top.Set(28, 0f); this.ConfigOpenButton.HAlign = 1f; this.Append(this.ConfigOpenButton); this.ConfigOpenButton.OnClick += delegate(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement fromElem) { string path = ModFeaturesHelpers.GetConfigRelativePath(mod); string fullpath = Main.SavePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + path; try { Process.Start(fullpath); } catch (Exception e) { try { string dir = new FileInfo(fullpath).Directory.FullName; Process.Start(dir); } catch (Exception) { } Main.NewText("Couldn't open config file " + path + ": " + e.Message, Color.Red); } }; } } }
public UIModItem(TmodFile mod) { this.mod = mod; this.BorderColor = new Color(89, 116, 213) * 0.7f; this.dividerTexture = TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/Divider"); this.innerPanelTexture = TextureManager.Load("Images/UI/InnerPanelBackground"); this.Height.Set(90f, 0f); this.Width.Set(0f, 1f); base.SetPadding(6f); //base.OnClick += this.ToggleEnabled; properties = BuildProperties.ReadModFile(mod); string text = properties.displayName.Length > 0 ? properties.displayName :; text += " v" + mod.version; if (mod.tModLoaderVersion < new Version(0, 10)) { text += " [c/FF0000:(Old mod, enable at own risk)]"; } int modIconAdjust = 0; if (mod.HasFile("icon.png")) { var modIconTexture = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, new MemoryStream(mod.GetFile("icon.png"))); if (modIconTexture.Width == 80 && modIconTexture.Height == 80) { modIcon = new UIImage(modIconTexture); modIcon.Left.Set(0f, 0f); modIcon.Top.Set(0f, 0f); Append(modIcon); modIconAdjust += 85; } } this.modName = new UIText(text, 1f, false); this.modName.Left.Set(modIconAdjust + 10f, 0f); this.modName.Top.Set(5f, 0f); base.Append(this.modName); this.enabled = ModLoader.IsEnabled(mod); UITextPanel <string> button = new UITextPanel <string>("More info", 1f, false); button.Width.Set(100f, 0f); button.Height.Set(30f, 0f); button.Left.Set(430f, 0f); button.Top.Set(40f, 0f); button.PaddingTop -= 2f; button.PaddingBottom -= 2f; button.OnMouseOver += UICommon.FadedMouseOver; button.OnMouseOut += UICommon.FadedMouseOut; button.OnClick += this.Moreinfo; base.Append(button); button2 = new UITextPanel <string>(this.enabled ? "Disable" : "Enable", 1f, false); button2.Width.Set(100f, 0f); button2.Height.Set(30f, 0f); button2.Left.Set(button.Left.Pixels - button2.Width.Pixels - 5f, 0f); button2.Top.Set(40f, 0f); button2.PaddingTop -= 2f; button2.PaddingBottom -= 2f; button2.OnMouseOver += UICommon.FadedMouseOver; button2.OnMouseOut += UICommon.FadedMouseOut; button2.OnClick += this.ToggleEnabled; base.Append(button2); if (properties.modReferences.Length > 0 && !enabled) { string refs = String.Join(", ", properties.modReferences.Select(x => x.mod)); UIHoverImage modReferenceIcon = new UIHoverImage(Main.quicksIconTexture, "This mod depends on: " + refs); modReferenceIcon.Left.Set(button2.Left.Pixels - 10f, 0f); modReferenceIcon.Top.Set(50f, 0f); base.Append(modReferenceIcon); } if (mod.ValidModBrowserSignature) { keyImage = new UIHoverImage(Main.itemTexture[ID.ItemID.GoldenKey], "This mod originated from the Mod Browser"); keyImage.Left.Set(-20, 1f); base.Append(keyImage); } if (ModLoader.ModLoaded( { Mod loadedMod = ModLoader.GetMod(; int[] values = { loadedMod.items.Count, loadedMod.npcs.Count, loadedMod.tiles.Count, loadedMod.walls.Count, loadedMod.buffs.Count, loadedMod.mountDatas.Count }; string[] strings = { " items", " NPCs", " tiles", " walls", " buffs", " mounts" }; int xOffset = -40; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { if (values[i] > 0) { Texture2D iconTexture = Main.instance.infoIconTexture[i]; keyImage = new UIHoverImage(iconTexture, values[i] + strings[i]); keyImage.Left.Set(xOffset, 1f); base.Append(keyImage); xOffset -= 18; } } } }