Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Places tiles down at rooms that are children of roomParent, walls that are children of wallParent, and stairs at the
    /// position of stairsTrans. Also randomly places dinosaur bones in the rooms.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="roomParent">The parent of all the rooms (position and size)</param>
    /// <param name="wallParent">The parent of all the walls (position)</param>
    /// <param name="stairsTrans">Transform of the stairs (position)</param>
    /// <returns>Returns the newly created Tilemap</returns>
    public Tilemap SpawnTileMap(Transform roomParent, Transform wallParent, Transform stairsTrans)
        // Initialize the list of potential positions to spawn the one-tiled decor
        List <Vector2Int> oneTiledDecor = new List <Vector2Int>();
        // Initialize the list of potential position to spawn the two-tiled decor
        List <Vector2Int> twoTiledDecor = new List <Vector2Int>();

        // Create the tilemap
        GameObject tileMapObj = Instantiate(_tileMapPrefab, new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity);

        tileMapObj.name = "Grid";
        _tileMapRef     = tileMapObj.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Tilemap>();
        if (_tileMapRef == null)
            Debug.Log("There is no Tilemap attached to the child of " + tileMapObj.name);

        // Clear any tiles on the map

        // Add floor tiles to the rooms
        // Iterate over each room
        foreach (Transform curRoom in roomParent)
            Vector2Int topLeft = new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(curRoom.position.x - (curRoom.localScale.x - 1) / 2f),
                                                Mathf.RoundToInt(curRoom.position.y + (curRoom.localScale.y - 1) / 2f));
            int amRows = Mathf.RoundToInt(curRoom.localScale.y);
            int amCols = Mathf.RoundToInt(curRoom.localScale.x);
            // Iterate over the rows of the room
            for (int curRow = 0; curRow < amRows; ++curRow)
                // Iterate over the columns of the room
                for (int curCol = 0; curCol < amCols; ++curCol)
                    // Choose a random floor tile
                    int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.SingleFloorTilesLength());
                    // Calculate the current location
                    Vector2Int curLocation = topLeft + new Vector2Int(curCol, -curRow);

                    // Give a chance for this tile to be convered in single-tiled decor
                    // Only if there are any single-tiled decorations
                    if (_tileSet.SingleTiledDecorationTilesLength() > 0 &&
                        Random.Range(0, _singleTileDecorationChance) == 0)
                    // Give a chance for this tile to be covered in a two-tiled decor
                    // Only if there are any double-tiled decorations
                    else if (_tileSet.TwoTiledDecorationTilesLength() > 0 &&
                             Random.Range(0, _twoTileDecorationChance) == 0)

                    // Add a single room tile at the current location
                    AddTile(curLocation, _tileSet.GetSingleFloorTile(randomIndex));

        // Add walls
        // Iterate over the walls
        foreach (Transform curWall in wallParent)
            // The type of wall the current wall is
            // If (-1, 0) - wall is left; (0, -1) - wall is close
            // (1, 0) - wall is right; (0, 1) - wall is far
            // (-1, -1) - wall is closeLeftOuterCorner; (1, -1) - wall is closeRightOuterCorner
            // (-1, 1) - wall is farLeftOuterCorner; (1, 1) - wall is farRightOuterCorner
            Vector2Int curWallTypeVect   = Vector2Int.zero;
            Vector2Int innerWallTypeVect = Vector2Int.zero;
            // Determine what time of tile this is by looking at its neighbors
            BoundsInt aroundBounds = new BoundsInt(-1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 1);
            foreach (Vector3Int curPos in aroundBounds.allPositionsWithin)
                // If its the position of the current tile
                if (curPos.x == 0 && curPos.y == 0)
                // Get the tile on the tile map at that locaiton
                Vector3Int curWallPos = new Vector3Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(curWall.position.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(curWall.position.y), 0);
                Sprite     curTileSpr = _tileMapRef.GetSprite(curPos + curWallPos);
                // Test if the sprite exists, if it doesn't we can determine somethings about this wall
                if (curTileSpr == null)
                    // These should be called max once per iteration, since a wall will never have both left and right empty
                    // or both close and far tiles empty
                    if (curPos.x != 0 && curPos.y == 0)
                        curWallTypeVect.x = curPos.x;
                    else if (curPos.y != 0 && curPos.x == 0)
                        curWallTypeVect.y = curPos.y;
                    // If, its neither, then it may be an inner wall, so save the current position
                        innerWallTypeVect.x = curPos.x;
                        innerWallTypeVect.y = curPos.y;

            // If the wall is a left wall
            if (curWallTypeVect.x == -1 && curWallTypeVect.y == 0)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.LeftWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetLeftWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a right wall
            else if (curWallTypeVect.x == 1 && curWallTypeVect.y == 0)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.RightWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetRightWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a close wall
            else if (curWallTypeVect.x == 0 && curWallTypeVect.y == -1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.CloseWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetCloseWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a far wall
            else if (curWallTypeVect.x == 0 && curWallTypeVect.y == 1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.FarWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetFarWallTile(randomIndex));

            // Outer corners
            // If the wall is a close left outer corner
            else if (curWallTypeVect.x == -1 && curWallTypeVect.y == -1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.CloseLeftOuterCornerWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetCloseLeftOuterCornerWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a close right outer corner
            else if (curWallTypeVect.x == 1 && curWallTypeVect.y == -1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.CloseRightOuterCornerWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetCloseRightOuterCornerWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a far left outer corner
            else if (curWallTypeVect.x == -1 && curWallTypeVect.y == 1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.FarLeftOuterCornerWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetFarLeftOuterCornerWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a far right outer corner
            else if (curWallTypeVect.x == 1 && curWallTypeVect.y == 1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.FarRightOuterCornerWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetFarRightOuterCornerWallTile(randomIndex));

            // Inner corners
            // If the wall is a close left inner corner
            else if (innerWallTypeVect.x == -1 && innerWallTypeVect.y == -1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.CloseLeftInnerCornerWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetCloseLeftInnerCornerWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a close right inner corner
            else if (innerWallTypeVect.x == 1 && innerWallTypeVect.y == -1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.CloseRightInnerCornerWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetCloseRightInnerCornerWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a far left inner corner
            else if (innerWallTypeVect.x == -1 && innerWallTypeVect.y == 1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.FarLeftInnerCornerWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetFarLeftInnerCornerWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a far right inner corner
            else if (innerWallTypeVect.x == 1 && innerWallTypeVect.y == 1)
                // Choose a random tile
                int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.FarRightInnerCornerWallTilesLength());
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetFarRightInnerCornerWallTile(randomIndex));

            // If the wall is a completely different kind of tile
                Debug.Log("Strange wall encountered CurWallTypeVect: " + curWallTypeVect + ". InnerWallTypeVect: " + innerWallTypeVect);
                AddTile(curWall.position, _tileSet.GetSingleFloorTile(0));

        // Add the stairs to the tilemap
        // Choose a random tile
        int randomStairIndex = Random.Range(0, _tileSet.StairTilesLength());

        AddTile(stairsTrans.position, _tileSet.GetStairTile(randomStairIndex));

        // Iterate over the tiles we said we would spawn single-tiled decor at and try to spawn some
        foreach (Vector2Int tilePos in oneTiledDecor)
        // Iterate over the tiles we said we would spawn two-tiled decor at and try to spawn some
        foreach (Vector2Int tilePos in twoTiledDecor)

        // Give the tilemap