public TileScene(TileSet tileSet, Point[,] mapIndices, int depth = 0) { this.tileSet = tileSet; this.mapIndices = mapIndices; this.depth = depth; sprites = null; }
public Theater(TileSet tileset) { var allocated = false; Func<Sheet> allocate = () => { if (allocated) throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter."); allocated = true; return new Sheet(new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize), true); }; sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed, allocate); templates = new Dictionary<ushort, Sprite[]>(); var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.modData.SpriteLoaders, tileset.Extensions); foreach (var t in tileset.Templates) { var allFrames = frameCache[t.Value.Image]; var frames = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames.Select(f => allFrames[f]).ToArray() : allFrames; templates.Add(t.Value.Id, frames.Select(f => sheetBuilder.Add(f)).ToArray()); } // 1x1px transparent tile missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1)); Sheet.ReleaseBuffer(); }
protected override string GetSpriteSrc(ModData modData, TileSet tileSet, string sequence, string animation, string sprite, Dictionary<string, MiniYaml> d) { var loader = (TilesetSpecificSpriteSequenceLoader)Loader; var spriteName = sprite ?? sequence; if (LoadField<bool>(d, "UseTilesetCode", false)) { string code; if (loader.TilesetCodes.TryGetValue(ResolveTilesetId(tileSet, d), out code)) spriteName = spriteName.Substring(0, 1) + code + spriteName.Substring(2, spriteName.Length - 2); } if (LoadField<bool>(d, "AddExtension", true)) { var useTilesetExtension = LoadField<bool>(d, "UseTilesetExtension", false); string tilesetExtension; if (useTilesetExtension && loader.TilesetExtensions.TryGetValue(ResolveTilesetId(tileSet, d), out tilesetExtension)) return spriteName + tilesetExtension; return spriteName + loader.DefaultSpriteExtension; } return spriteName; }
public Layer(TileSet tileset, string data, int currentLayerID, int width, int height) { this._tileset = tileset; this._data = data.Split (','); this._currentLayerID = currentLayerID; this._width = width; this._height = height; }
protected TerrainTemplatePreviewWidget(TerrainTemplatePreviewWidget other) : base(other) { worldRenderer = other.worldRenderer; tileset = other.worldRenderer.World.Map.Rules.TileSet; Template = other.Template; GetScale = other.GetScale; }
public static Bitmap TerrainBitmap(TileSet tileset, Map map, bool actualSize = false) { var isDiamond = map.TileShape == TileShape.Diamond; var b = map.Bounds; // Fudge the heightmap offset by adding as much extra as we need / can. // This tries to correct for our incorrect assumption that MPos == PPos var heightOffset = Math.Min(map.MaximumTerrainHeight, map.MapSize.Y - b.Bottom); var width = b.Width; var height = b.Height + heightOffset; var bitmapWidth = width; if (isDiamond) bitmapWidth = 2 * bitmapWidth - 1; if (!actualSize) bitmapWidth = height = Exts.NextPowerOf2(Math.Max(bitmapWidth, height)); var terrain = new Bitmap(bitmapWidth, height); var bitmapData = terrain.LockBits(terrain.Bounds(), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var mapTiles = map.MapTiles.Value; unsafe { var colors = (int*)bitmapData.Scan0; var stride = bitmapData.Stride / 4; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var uv = new MPos(x + b.Left, y + b.Top); var type = tileset.GetTileInfo(mapTiles[uv]); var leftColor = type != null ? type.LeftColor : Color.Black; if (isDiamond) { // Odd rows are shifted right by 1px var dx = uv.V & 1; var rightColor = type != null ? type.RightColor : Color.Black; if (x + dx > 0) colors[y * stride + 2 * x + dx - 1] = leftColor.ToArgb(); if (2 * x + dx < stride) colors[y * stride + 2 * x + dx] = rightColor.ToArgb(); } else colors[y * stride + x] = leftColor.ToArgb(); } } } terrain.UnlockBits(bitmapData); return terrain; }
public TileSetRenderer(TileSet tileset, Size tileSize) { this.TileSet = tileset; this.TileSize = Math.Min(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height); templates = new Dictionary<ushort, List<byte[]>>(); var sourceCache = new Dictionary<string, ISpriteSource>(); foreach (var t in TileSet.Templates) templates.Add(t.Key, LoadTemplate(t.Value.Image, tileset.Extensions, sourceCache, t.Value.Frames)); }
public Theater(TileSet tileset) { this.tileset = tileset; var allocated = false; var type = tileset.EnableDepth ? SheetType.DualIndexed : SheetType.Indexed; Func<Sheet> allocate = () => { if (allocated) throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter."); allocated = true; return new Sheet(type, new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize)); }; sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(type, allocate); random = new MersenneTwister(); var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders); foreach (var t in tileset.Templates) { var variants = new List<Sprite[]>(); foreach (var i in t.Value.Images) { var allFrames = frameCache[i]; var frameCount = tileset.EnableDepth ? allFrames.Length / 2 : allFrames.Length; var indices = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames : Enumerable.Range(0, frameCount); variants.Add(indices.Select(j => { var f = allFrames[j]; var s = sheetBuilder.Allocate(f.Size, f.Offset); Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, 0, f.Data); if (tileset.EnableDepth) Util.FastCopyIntoChannel(s, 1, allFrames[j + frameCount].Data); return s; }).ToArray()); } var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s); // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets) allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, float2.Zero, s.Channel, s.BlendMode)); templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length)); } // 1x1px transparent tile missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1)); Sheet.ReleaseBuffer(); }
// Add the static resources defined in the map; if the map lives // in a world use AddCustomTerrain instead static Bitmap AddStaticResources(TileSet tileset, Map map, Ruleset resourceRules, Bitmap terrainBitmap) { var terrain = new Bitmap(terrainBitmap); var isRectangularIsometric = map.Grid.Type == MapGridType.RectangularIsometric; var b = map.Bounds; // Fudge the heightmap offset by adding as much extra as we need / can // This tries to correct for our incorrect assumption that MPos == PPos var heightOffset = Math.Min(map.Grid.MaximumTerrainHeight, map.MapSize.Y - b.Bottom); var width = b.Width; var height = b.Height + heightOffset; var resources = resourceRules.Actors["world"].TraitInfos<ResourceTypeInfo>() .ToDictionary(r => r.ResourceType, r => r.TerrainType); var bitmapData = terrain.LockBits(terrain.Bounds(), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); unsafe { var colors = (int*)bitmapData.Scan0; var stride = bitmapData.Stride / 4; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var uv = new MPos(x + b.Left, y + b.Top); if (map.MapResources.Value[uv].Type == 0) continue; string res; if (!resources.TryGetValue(map.MapResources.Value[uv].Type, out res)) continue; var color = tileset[tileset.GetTerrainIndex(res)].Color.ToArgb(); if (isRectangularIsometric) { // Odd rows are shifted right by 1px var dx = uv.V & 1; if (x + dx > 0) colors[y * stride + 2 * x + dx - 1] = color; if (2 * x + dx < stride) colors[y * stride + 2 * x + dx] = color; } else colors[y * stride + x] = color; } } } terrain.UnlockBits(bitmapData); return terrain; }
public static Bitmap RenderGrid(TileSet tileSet, Palette palette, TileGrid tileGrid, bool transparent) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(tileGrid.Width * tileGrid.TileWidth, tileGrid.Height * tileGrid.TileHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); BitmapData canvas = bitmap.LockBits(); RenderGrid(canvas, 0, 0, tileSet, palette, tileGrid, transparent); bitmap.UnlockBits(canvas); return bitmap; }
public void Bind(Map m, TileSet ts, TileSetRenderer tsr, IPalette p, IPalette pp) { Map = m; TileSet = ts; TileSetRenderer = tsr; Palette = p; PlayerPalette = pp; playerPalettes = null; Chunks.Clear(); currentTool = null; }
public void init(string mapName, int mapWidth, int mapHeight, int chunkSize, int tileSize, TileSet tileSet, IEnumerable<Tile> tileList, Sprite background) { this.mapName = mapName; this.mapWidth = mapWidth; this.mapHeight = mapHeight; this.chunkSize = chunkSize; this.tileSize = tileSize; this.tileSet = tileSet; this.tiles = tileList.ToArray(); this.backgroundImage = background; }
public TileLayer(string _layerName, string _layerData, int _layerWidth, int _layerHeight, TileSet _myTileSet, int _currentLayer, GameObject _root) { layerName = _layerName.Trim(); layerData = _layerData.Split(','); layerWidth = _layerWidth; layerHeight = _layerHeight; layerTileSet = _myTileSet; currentLayer = _currentLayer; myTextureLocation = _myTileSet.ImageSource.TrimStart('.'); rootObject = _root; }
public void Refresh() { TileSet tileset = Linker.Tilesets[0]; if (Architect.MapLoaded && selectedTileset != tileset) { clearTilesetButtons(); selectedTileset = tileset; showTileset(); selectTile(0); } }
public Creature(TileSet animationTile) { animations = new Dictionary<Direction, Animation>(4); facing = Direction.Down; animations.Add(Direction.Up, new Animation(animationTile, 500, 2,6,10)); animations.Add(Direction.Down, new Animation(animationTile, 500, 0, 4, 8)); animations.Add(Direction.Left, new Animation(animationTile, 500, 1, 5, 9)); animations.Add(Direction.Right, new Animation(animationTile, 500, 3, 7, 11)); Abilities = new Collection<Ability>(); }
public void CreatePlatform(int width, Vector3 position, TileSet tileSet) { this.width = width; transform.position = position; this.tileSet = tileSet; actualWidth = width*tileSet.tileWidth; boxCollider.size = new Vector2(actualWidth,tileSet.tileHeight); boxCollider.sharedMaterial = tileSet.physicsMaterial; SetSprites(); if(tileSet.HasPlatformDecorations) Decorate(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="node">XmlNode handle</param> public DecorationSetForm(XmlNode node) { InitializeComponent(); LastMousePosition = Control.MousePosition; BgTileSet = new TileSet(); DecorationSet = new DecorationSet(); DecorationSet.Load(node); ChangeDecorationId(0); }
public TileSetRenderer(TileSet tileset, Size tileSize) { this.TileSet = tileset; this.TileSize = Math.Min(tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height); templates = new Dictionary<ushort, byte[][]>(); var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.modData.SpriteLoaders, tileset.Extensions); foreach (var t in tileset.Templates) { var allFrames = frameCache[t.Value.Image]; var frames = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames.Select(f => allFrames[f]).ToArray() : allFrames; templates.Add(t.Value.Id, frames.Select(f => ExtractSquareTile(f)).ToArray()); } }
string ResolveTilesetId(TileSet tileSet, Dictionary<string, MiniYaml> d) { var tsId = tileSet.Id; MiniYaml yaml; if (d.TryGetValue("TilesetOverrides", out yaml)) { var tsNode = yaml.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Key == tsId); if (tsNode != null) tsId = tsNode.Value.Value; } return tsId; }
public void Bind(Map m, TileSet ts, TileSetRenderer tsr, IPalette p, IPalette pp) { Map = m; if (m != null) Actors = m.ActorDefinitions.ToDictionary(n => n.Key, n => new ActorReference(n.Value.Value, n.Value.ToDictionary())); TileSet = ts; TileSetRenderer = tsr; Palette = p; PlayerPalette = pp; playerPalettes = null; Chunks.Clear(); currentTool = null; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes an new instance of TileEditControl with a given TileSet /// </summary> /// <param name="target">Tileset given via parameter</param> public CtrlTileEditControl(TileSet target) { this.RunStartUpMethods(); // open directly with given Tileset // reset all the controls this.UncheckButtons(); // fill tilegrid with tileset this.GridView.Fill(this.TargetTile); // check type-button and set info text this.CheckTypeButton(this.TargetTile.GetID); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of SourceGridView /// This is the source tileset. Changes here won´t be saved /// </summary> public CtrlSourceGridView(TileSet sourceTile) { #region Initialize Member #endregion #region Initialize GridView this.AutoSizeColumnsMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells; this.AutoSizeRowsMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCells; this.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; this.CellBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.Raised; this.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Both; #endregion }
public static void RenderGrid(BitmapData canvas, int x, int y, TileSet tileSet, Palette palette, TileGrid tileGrid, bool transparent) { for (int ty = 0; ty < tileGrid.Height; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < tileGrid.Width; tx++) { TileProperties properties = tileGrid[tx, ty]; RenderTile(canvas, x + (tx * tileGrid.TileWidth), y + (ty * tileGrid.TileHeight), tileSet[properties.TileIndex], palette, properties.PaletteIndex, properties.FlipX, properties.FlipY, transparent); } } }
public World( Game game ) : base(game) { input = new InputManager ( game ); content = new ContentManager ( game.Services ); content.RootDirectory = "Content"; tiles = new TileSet ( 5, 5 ); for ( int i = 0; i < tiles.sizeX; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < tiles.sizeY; j++ ) { tiles[ i, j ] = new Tile ( Tile.Type.grass, i, j ); } } hero = new Hero ( tiles[ 0, 0 ], "hero" ); }
public TileRepository(string filename) { isSolid[0] = false; LoadingScreenForm loadingScreen = new LoadingScreenForm(); loadingScreen.setSubject("tileset"); loadingScreen.setMax(100); loadingScreen.Show(); loadingScreen.Refresh(); if (!File.Exists(filename)) throw new ArgumentException("Tile file not found"); String basePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); tileset = new TileSet(); tileset.Parse(filename); // append a TileGroup (misc) with all tiles that are not yet in a TileGroup TileGroup miscTiles = new TileGroup(); foreach (Tile tile in tileset.Tiles) { if (tile == null) continue; bool found = false; foreach (TileGroup tileGroup in tileset.TileGroups) { if (tileGroup.Tiles.Contains(tile.ID)) found = true; } if (found) continue; miscTiles.Name = "(misc)"; miscTiles.Tiles.Add(tile.ID); } tileset.TileGroups.Add(miscTiles); loadingScreen.setMax(tileset.Tiles.Count); int progress = 0; foreach (Tile tile in tileset.Tiles) { progress++; if (tile == null) continue; addTile(tile, basePath); loadingScreen.setProgress(progress); } loadingScreen.Close(); }
public Theater(TileSet tileset) { this.tileset = tileset; var allocated = false; Func<Sheet> allocate = () => { if (allocated) throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter."); allocated = true; return new Sheet(new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize)); }; sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed, allocate); random = new MersenneTwister(); var frameCache = new FrameCache(Game.ModData.SpriteLoaders); foreach (var t in tileset.Templates) { var variants = new List<Sprite[]>(); foreach (var i in t.Value.Images) { var allFrames = frameCache[i]; var frames = t.Value.Frames != null ? t.Value.Frames.Select(f => allFrames[f]).ToArray() : allFrames; variants.Add(frames.Select(f => sheetBuilder.Add(f)).ToArray()); } var allSprites = variants.SelectMany(s => s); // Ignore the offsets baked into R8 sprites if (tileset.IgnoreTileSpriteOffsets) allSprites = allSprites.Select(s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, float2.Zero, s.Channel, s.BlendMode)); templates.Add(t.Value.Id, new TheaterTemplate(allSprites.ToArray(), variants.First().Count(), t.Value.Images.Length)); } // 1x1px transparent tile missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1)); Sheet.ReleaseBuffer(); }
public static void On_Map_Created(Map self, TileSet set) { if (DataChanged) return; //var f = typeof(Map).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Single(field => field.FieldType == typeof(MaterialProperty[])); //var items = GnomanEmpire.Instance.Fortress.StockManager.ItemsByItemID(ItemID.RawHide); //var mats = (MaterialProperty[])f.GetValue(GnomanEmpire.Instance.Map); //mats.ToArray(); //items.ToString(); //var state = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DepthStencilState(); //state.DepthBufferFunction = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.CompareFunction.Less; //state.DepthBufferWriteEnable = var bla = new List<MapCell>(); DataChanged = true; }
public Theater(TileSet tileset) { var allocated = false; Func<Sheet> allocate = () => { if (allocated) throw new SheetOverflowException("Terrain sheet overflow. Try increasing the tileset SheetSize parameter."); allocated = true; return new Sheet(new Size(tileset.SheetSize, tileset.SheetSize)); }; var sourceCache = new Dictionary<string, ISpriteSource>(); templates = new Dictionary<ushort, Sprite[]>(); sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed, allocate); foreach (var t in tileset.Templates) templates.Add(t.Value.Id, LoadTemplate(t.Value.Image, tileset.Extensions, sourceCache, t.Value.Frames)); // 1x1px transparent tile missingTile = sheetBuilder.Add(new byte[1], new Size(1, 1)); }
public void Run(ModData modData, string[] args) { // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set. Game.ModData = modData; var failed = false; modData.SpriteSequenceLoader.OnMissingSpriteError = s => { Console.WriteLine("\t" + s); failed = true; }; foreach (var t in modData.Manifest.TileSets) { var ts = new TileSet(modData.DefaultFileSystem, t); Console.WriteLine("Tileset: " + ts.Name); var sc = new SpriteCache(modData.DefaultFileSystem, modData.SpriteLoaders, new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed)); var nodes = MiniYaml.Merge(modData.Manifest.Sequences.Select(s => MiniYaml.FromStream(modData.DefaultFileSystem.Open(s)))); foreach (var n in nodes) modData.SpriteSequenceLoader.ParseSequences(modData, ts, sc, n); } if (failed) Environment.Exit(1); }
public void Run(ModData modData, string[] args) { // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set. Game.ModData = modData; GlobalFileSystem.LoadFromManifest(Game.ModData.Manifest); Game.ModData.SpriteSequenceLoader.OnMissingSpriteError = s => Console.WriteLine("\t" + s); foreach (var t in Game.ModData.Manifest.TileSets) { var ts = new TileSet(Game.ModData, t); Console.WriteLine("Tileset: " + ts.Name); var sc = new SpriteCache(modData.SpriteLoaders, new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed)); var sequenceFiles = modData.Manifest.Sequences; var nodes = sequenceFiles .Select(s => MiniYaml.FromFile(s)) .Aggregate(MiniYaml.MergeLiberal); foreach (var n in nodes) Game.ModData.SpriteSequenceLoader.ParseSequences(Game.ModData, ts, sc, n); } }
public GrantConditionOnTerrain(ActorInitializer init, GrantConditionOnTerrainInfo info) { = info; tileSet = init.World.Map.Rules.TileSet; }
private void LevelList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { _ignoreChanges = true; if (LevelList.SelectedItem is LevelInfo) { PSwitchSection.IsEnabled = IceballSection.IsEnabled = FireballSection.IsEnabled = true; TileDefinitions.Visibility = LevelTileSection.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; MapTileDefinitions.Visibility = MapTileSection.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; LevelInfo levelInfo = (LevelInfo)LevelList.SelectedItem; _currentLevel = _levelService.LoadLevel(levelInfo); _currentWorld = null; Tile[] staticTiles = _graphicsService.GetTileSection(_currentLevel.StaticTileTableIndex); Tile[] animatedTiles = _graphicsService.GetTileSection(_currentLevel.AnimationTileTableIndex); Palette palette = _palettesService.GetPalette(_currentLevel.PaletteId); _graphicsAccessor.SetBottomTable(animatedTiles); _graphicsAccessor.SetTopTable(staticTiles); _localTileSet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TileSet>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_tileService.GetTileSet(_currentLevel.TileSetIndex))); _ignoreChanges = false; _graphicsSetRenderer.Update(palette); BlockSelector.Update(tileSet: _localTileSet, palette: palette, withProjectileInteractions: false); UpdateGraphics(); UpdateTileBlock(); LoadInteractions(); } else if (LevelList.SelectedItem is WorldInfo) { PSwitchSection.IsEnabled = IceballSection.IsEnabled = FireballSection.IsEnabled = false; TileDefinitions.Visibility = LevelTileSection.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MapTileDefinitions.Visibility = MapTileSection.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (MapInteractionList.SelectedIndex == -1) { MapInteractionList.SelectedIndex = 0; } WorldInfo worldInfo = (WorldInfo)LevelList.SelectedItem; _currentWorld = _worldService.LoadWorld(worldInfo); _currentLevel = null; Tile[] staticTiles = _graphicsService.GetTileSection(_currentWorld.TileTableIndex); Tile[] animatedTiles = _graphicsService.GetTileSection(_currentWorld.AnimationTileTableIndex); Palette palette = _palettesService.GetPalette(_currentWorld.PaletteId); _graphicsAccessor.SetBottomTable(staticTiles); _graphicsAccessor.SetTopTable(animatedTiles); _localTileSet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TileSet>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_tileService.GetTileSet(0))); _graphicsSetRenderer.Update(palette); _ignoreChanges = false; _graphicsSetRenderer.Update(palette); BlockSelector.Update(tileSet: _localTileSet, palette: palette, withProjectileInteractions: false); UpdateGraphics(); UpdateTileBlock(); } }
public int CalculateTilesetMovementClass(TileSet tileset) { // collect our ability to cross *all* terraintypes, in a bitvector return(TilesetTerrainInfo[tileset].Select(ti => ti.Cost < short.MaxValue).ToBits()); }
public SequenceCache(ModData modData, TileSet tileSet) { this.modData = modData; spriteLoader = Exts.Lazy(() => new SpriteLoader(tileSet.Extensions, new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed))); }
public void SetActiveTileSet(TileSet newTileSet) { _tileSet = newTileSet; }
// Add the static resources defined in the map; if the map lives // in a world use AddCustomTerrain instead static Bitmap AddStaticResources(TileSet tileset, Map map, Ruleset resourceRules, Bitmap terrainBitmap) { var terrain = new Bitmap(terrainBitmap); var isRectangularIsometric = map.Grid.Type == MapGridType.RectangularIsometric; var b = map.Bounds; // Fudge the heightmap offset by adding as much extra as we need / can // This tries to correct for our incorrect assumption that MPos == PPos var heightOffset = Math.Min(map.Grid.MaximumTerrainHeight, map.MapSize.Y - b.Bottom); var width = b.Width; var height = b.Height + heightOffset; var resources = resourceRules.Actors["world"].TraitInfos <ResourceTypeInfo>() .ToDictionary(r => r.ResourceType, r => r.TerrainType); var bitmapData = terrain.LockBits(terrain.Bounds(), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); unsafe { var colors = (int *)bitmapData.Scan0; var stride = bitmapData.Stride / 4; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var uv = new MPos(x + b.Left, y + b.Top); if (map.MapResources.Value[uv].Type == 0) { continue; } string res; if (!resources.TryGetValue(map.MapResources.Value[uv].Type, out res)) { continue; } var color = tileset[tileset.GetTerrainIndex(res)].Color.ToArgb(); if (isRectangularIsometric) { // Odd rows are shifted right by 1px var dx = uv.V & 1; if (x + dx > 0) { colors[y * stride + 2 * x + dx - 1] = color; } if (2 * x + dx < stride) { colors[y * stride + 2 * x + dx] = color; } } else { colors[y * stride + x] = color; } } } } terrain.UnlockBits(bitmapData); return(terrain); }
public DefaultSpriteSequence(ModData modData, TileSet tileSet, SpriteCache cache, ISpriteSequenceLoader loader, string sequence, string animation, MiniYaml info) { Name = animation; Loader = loader; var d = info.ToDictionary(); try { Start = LoadField <int>(d, "Start", 0); ShadowStart = LoadField <int>(d, "ShadowStart", -1); ShadowZOffset = LoadField <WRange>(d, "ShadowZOffset", DefaultShadowSpriteZOffset).Range; ZOffset = LoadField <WRange>(d, "ZOffset", WRange.Zero).Range; Tick = LoadField <int>(d, "Tick", 40); transpose = LoadField <bool>(d, "Transpose", false); Frames = LoadField <int[]>(d, "Frames", null); Facings = LoadField <int>(d, "Facings", 1); if (Facings < 0) { reverseFacings = true; Facings = -Facings; } var offset = LoadField <float2>(d, "Offset", float2.Zero); var blendMode = LoadField <BlendMode>(d, "BlendMode", BlendMode.Alpha); // Apply offset to each sprite in the sequence // Different sequences may apply different offsets to the same frame var src = GetSpriteSrc(modData, tileSet, sequence, animation, info.Value, d); sprites = cache[src].Select( s => new Sprite(s.Sheet, s.Bounds, s.Offset + offset, s.Channel, blendMode)).ToArray(); MiniYaml length; if (d.TryGetValue("Length", out length) && length.Value == "*") { Length = sprites.Length - Start; } else { Length = LoadField <int>(d, "Length", 1); } // Plays the animation forwards, and then in reverse if (LoadField <bool>(d, "Reverses", false)) { var frames = Frames ?? Exts.MakeArray(Length, i => Start + i); Frames = frames.Concat(frames.Skip(1).Take(frames.Length - 2).Reverse()).ToArray(); Length = 2 * Length - 2; } Stride = LoadField <int>(d, "Stride", Length); if (Length > Stride) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "{0}: Sequence {1}.{2}: Length must be <= stride" .F(info.Nodes[0].Location, sequence, animation)); } if (Start < 0 || Start + Facings * Stride > sprites.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "{6}: Sequence {0}.{1} uses frames [{2}..{3}] of SHP `{4}`, but only 0..{5} actually exist" .F(sequence, animation, Start, Start + Facings * Stride - 1, src, sprites.Length - 1, info.Nodes[0].Location)); } if (ShadowStart + Facings * Stride > sprites.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "{6}: Sequence {0}.{1}'s shadow frames use frames [{2}..{3}] of SHP `{4}`, but only [0..{5}] actually exist" .F(sequence, animation, ShadowStart, ShadowStart + Facings * Stride - 1, src, sprites.Length - 1, info.Nodes[0].Location)); } } catch (FormatException f) { throw new FormatException("Failed to parse sequences for {0}.{1} at {2}:\n{3}".F(sequence, animation, info.Nodes[0].Location, f)); } }
protected virtual string GetSpriteSrc(ModData modData, TileSet tileSet, string sequence, string animation, string sprite, Dictionary <string, MiniYaml> d) { return(sprite ?? sequence); }
public TerrainTemplatePreviewWidget(WorldRenderer worldRenderer, World world) { this.worldRenderer = worldRenderer; tileset = world.Map.Rules.TileSet; }
public RasterSource(string id, TileSet tileSet, int tileSize = DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE) { Id = id; TileSet = tileSet; TileSize = tileSize; }
public DefaultSpriteSequence(ModData modData, TileSet tileSet, SpriteCache cache, ISpriteSequenceLoader loader, string sequence, string animation, MiniYaml info) { this.sequence = sequence; Name = animation; Loader = loader; var d = info.ToDictionary(); try { Start = LoadField(d, "Start", 0); ShadowStart = LoadField(d, "ShadowStart", -1); ShadowZOffset = LoadField(d, "ShadowZOffset", DefaultShadowSpriteZOffset).Length; ZOffset = LoadField(d, "ZOffset", WDist.Zero).Length; ZRamp = LoadField(d, "ZRamp", 0); Tick = LoadField(d, "Tick", 40); transpose = LoadField(d, "Transpose", false); Frames = LoadField <int[]>(d, "Frames", null); useClassicFacingFudge = LoadField(d, "UseClassicFacingFudge", false); var flipX = LoadField(d, "FlipX", false); var flipY = LoadField(d, "FlipY", false); Facings = LoadField(d, "Facings", 1); if (Facings < 0) { reverseFacings = true; Facings = -Facings; } if (useClassicFacingFudge && Facings != 32) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "{0}: Sequence {1}.{2}: UseClassicFacingFudge is only valid for 32 facings" .F(info.Nodes[0].Location, sequence, animation)); } var offset = LoadField(d, "Offset", float3.Zero); var blendMode = LoadField(d, "BlendMode", BlendMode.Alpha); Func <int, IEnumerable <int> > getUsedFrames = frameCount => { MiniYaml length; if (d.TryGetValue("Length", out length) && length.Value == "*") { Length = frameCount - Start; } else { Length = LoadField(d, "Length", 1); } // Plays the animation forwards, and then in reverse if (LoadField(d, "Reverses", false)) { var frames = Frames ?? Exts.MakeArray(Length, i => Start + i); Frames = frames.Concat(frames.Skip(1).Take(frames.Length - 2).Reverse()).ToArray(); Length = 2 * Length - 2; } Stride = LoadField(d, "Stride", Length); if (Length > Stride) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "{0}: Sequence {1}.{2}: Length must be <= stride" .F(info.Nodes[0].Location, sequence, animation)); } if (Frames != null && Length > Frames.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "{0}: Sequence {1}.{2}: Length must be <= Frames.Length" .F(info.Nodes[0].Location, sequence, animation)); } if (Start < 0 || Start + Facings * Stride > frameCount) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "{5}: Sequence {0}.{1} uses frames [{2}..{3}], but only 0..{4} actually exist" .F(sequence, animation, Start, Start + Facings * Stride - 1, frameCount - 1, info.Nodes[0].Location)); } if (ShadowStart + Facings * Stride > frameCount) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "{5}: Sequence {0}.{1}'s shadow frames use frames [{2}..{3}], but only [0..{4}] actually exist" .F(sequence, animation, ShadowStart, ShadowStart + Facings * Stride - 1, frameCount - 1, info.Nodes[0].Location)); } var usedFrames = new List <int>(); for (var facing = 0; facing < Facings; facing++) { for (var frame = 0; frame < Length; frame++) { var i = transpose ? (frame % Length) * Facings + facing : (facing * Stride) + (frame % Length); usedFrames.Add(Frames != null ? Frames[i] : Start + i); } } if (ShadowStart >= 0) { return(usedFrames.Concat(usedFrames.Select(i => i + ShadowStart - Start))); } return(usedFrames); }; MiniYaml combine; if (d.TryGetValue("Combine", out combine)) { var combined = Enumerable.Empty <Sprite>(); foreach (var sub in combine.Nodes) { var sd = sub.Value.ToDictionary(); // Allow per-sprite offset, flipping, start, and length var subStart = LoadField(sd, "Start", 0); var subOffset = LoadField(sd, "Offset", float3.Zero); var subFlipX = LoadField(sd, "FlipX", false); var subFlipY = LoadField(sd, "FlipY", false); var subLength = 0; Func <int, IEnumerable <int> > subGetUsedFrames = subFrameCount => { MiniYaml subLengthYaml; if (sd.TryGetValue("Length", out subLengthYaml) && subLengthYaml.Value == "*") { subLength = subFrameCount - subStart; } else { subLength = LoadField(sd, "Length", 1); } return(Enumerable.Range(subStart, subLength)); }; var subSrc = GetSpriteSrc(modData, tileSet, sequence, animation, sub.Key, sd); var subSprites = cache[subSrc, subGetUsedFrames].Select( s => s != null ? new Sprite(s.Sheet, FlipRectangle(s.Bounds, subFlipX, subFlipY), ZRamp, new float3(subFlipX ? -s.Offset.X : s.Offset.X, subFlipY ? -s.Offset.Y : s.Offset.Y, s.Offset.Z) + subOffset + offset, s.Channel, blendMode) : null); combined = combined.Concat(subSprites.Skip(subStart).Take(subLength)); } sprites = combined.ToArray(); getUsedFrames(sprites.Length); } else { // Apply offset to each sprite in the sequence // Different sequences may apply different offsets to the same frame var src = GetSpriteSrc(modData, tileSet, sequence, animation, info.Value, d); sprites = cache[src, getUsedFrames].Select( s => s != null ? new Sprite(s.Sheet, FlipRectangle(s.Bounds, flipX, flipY), ZRamp, new float3(flipX ? -s.Offset.X : s.Offset.X, flipY ? -s.Offset.Y : s.Offset.Y, s.Offset.Z) + offset, s.Channel, blendMode) : null).ToArray(); } var depthSprite = LoadField <string>(d, "DepthSprite", null); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(depthSprite)) { var depthSpriteFrame = LoadField(d, "DepthSpriteFrame", 0); var depthOffset = LoadField(d, "DepthSpriteOffset", float2.Zero); Func <int, IEnumerable <int> > getDepthFrame = _ => new int[] { depthSpriteFrame }; var ds = cache[depthSprite, getDepthFrame][depthSpriteFrame]; sprites = sprites.Select(s => { if (s == null) { return(null); } var cw = (ds.Bounds.Left + ds.Bounds.Right) / 2 + (int)(s.Offset.X + depthOffset.X); var ch = (ds.Bounds.Top + ds.Bounds.Bottom) / 2 + (int)(s.Offset.Y + depthOffset.Y); var w = s.Bounds.Width / 2; var h = s.Bounds.Height / 2; var r = Rectangle.FromLTRB(cw - w, ch - h, cw + w, ch + h); return(new SpriteWithSecondaryData(s, ds.Sheet, r, ds.Channel)); }).ToArray(); } var boundSprites = SpriteBounds(sprites, Frames, Start, Facings, Length, Stride, transpose); if (ShadowStart > 0) { boundSprites = boundSprites.Concat(SpriteBounds(sprites, Frames, ShadowStart, Facings, Length, Stride, transpose)); } if (boundSprites.Any()) { Bounds = boundSprites.First(); foreach (var b in boundSprites.Skip(1)) { Bounds = Rectangle.Union(Bounds, b); } } } catch (FormatException f) { throw new FormatException("Failed to parse sequences for {0}.{1} at {2}:\n{3}".F(sequence, animation, info.Nodes[0].Location, f)); } }
private void DistributeTilesForSelfKongToPong(Game game) { List <Tile> tiles = game.Board.Tiles; ActivePlayer p1, p2, p3, p4; if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player1.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player1; p2 = game.Player2; p3 = game.Player3; p4 = game.Player4; } else if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player2.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player2; p2 = game.Player3; p3 = game.Player4; p4 = game.Player1; } else if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player3.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player3; p2 = game.Player4; p3 = game.Player1; p4 = game.Player2; } else { p1 = game.Player4; p2 = game.Player1; p3 = game.Player2; p4 = game.Player3; } for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) { if (i == 2 || i == 3 || i == 4 || i == 5) { continue; } tiles[i].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p1.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } List <Tile> tempTile1 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile1.Add(tiles[4]); tempTile1.Add(tiles[38]); tempTile1.Add(tiles[72]); TileSet newbie1 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile1, TileSetType = TileSetType.Pong, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie1); tiles[4].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[4].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[4]); tiles[38].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[38].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[38]); tiles[72].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[72].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[72]); tiles[0].Status = TileStatus.JustPicked; tiles[106].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[106].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p1.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[106]); for (var i = 14; i < 27; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p2.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p2.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } for (var i = 27; i < 41; i++) { if (i == 38) { continue; } tiles[i].Owner = p3.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p3.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } for (var i = 53; i < 66; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p4.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p4.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } }
public static void On_Map_Created(Map self, TileSet set, System.IO.BinaryReader reader) { On_Map_Created(self, set); }
private void DistributeTilesForWinWaitingForEyeWithPureHand(Game game) { List <Tile> tiles = game.Board.Tiles; ActivePlayer p1, p2, p3, p4; if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player1.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player1; p2 = game.Player2; p3 = game.Player3; p4 = game.Player4; } else if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player2.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player2; p2 = game.Player3; p3 = game.Player4; p4 = game.Player1; } else if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player3.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player3; p2 = game.Player4; p3 = game.Player1; p4 = game.Player2; } else { p1 = game.Player4; p2 = game.Player1; p3 = game.Player2; p4 = game.Player3; } for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } List <Tile> tempTile1 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile1.Add(tiles[0]); tempTile1.Add(tiles[1]); tempTile1.Add(tiles[2]); TileSet newbie1 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile1, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie1); List <Tile> tempTile2 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile2.Add(tiles[3]); tempTile2.Add(tiles[4]); tempTile2.Add(tiles[5]); TileSet newbie2 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile2, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie2); List <Tile> tempTile3 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile3.Add(tiles[6]); tempTile3.Add(tiles[7]); tempTile3.Add(tiles[8]); TileSet newbie3 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile3, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie3); for (var i = 34; i < 37; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } List <Tile> tempTile4 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile4.Add(tiles[34]); tempTile4.Add(tiles[35]); tempTile4.Add(tiles[36]); TileSet newbie4 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile4, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie4); tiles[70].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[70].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p1.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[70]); tiles[121].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[121].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p1.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[121]); tiles[136].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[136].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[136]); tiles[140].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[140].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[140]); for (var i = 14; i < 27; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p2.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p2.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } for (var i = 27; i < 40; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p3.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p3.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } for (var i = 53; i < 65; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p4.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p4.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } tiles[80].Owner = p4.ConnectionId; tiles[80].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p4.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[80]); }
public static Bitmap TerrainBitmap(TileSet tileset, Map map, bool actualSize = false) { var isRectangularIsometric = map.Grid.Type == MapGridType.RectangularIsometric; var b = map.Bounds; // Fudge the heightmap offset by adding as much extra as we need / can. // This tries to correct for our incorrect assumption that MPos == PPos var heightOffset = Math.Min(map.Grid.MaximumTerrainHeight, map.MapSize.Y - b.Bottom); var width = b.Width; var height = b.Height + heightOffset; var bitmapWidth = width; if (isRectangularIsometric) { bitmapWidth = 2 * bitmapWidth - 1; } if (!actualSize) { bitmapWidth = height = Exts.NextPowerOf2(Math.Max(bitmapWidth, height)); } var terrain = new Bitmap(bitmapWidth, height); var bitmapData = terrain.LockBits(terrain.Bounds(), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var mapTiles = map.MapTiles.Value; unsafe { var colors = (int *)bitmapData.Scan0; var stride = bitmapData.Stride / 4; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var uv = new MPos(x + b.Left, y + b.Top); var type = tileset.GetTileInfo(mapTiles[uv]); var leftColor = type != null ? type.LeftColor : Color.Black; if (isRectangularIsometric) { // Odd rows are shifted right by 1px var dx = uv.V & 1; var rightColor = type != null ? type.RightColor : Color.Black; if (x + dx > 0) { colors[y * stride + 2 * x + dx - 1] = leftColor.ToArgb(); } if (2 * x + dx < stride) { colors[y * stride + 2 * x + dx] = rightColor.ToArgb(); } } else { colors[y * stride + x] = leftColor.ToArgb(); } } } } terrain.UnlockBits(bitmapData); return(terrain); }
public virtual ISpriteSequence CreateSequence(ModData modData, TileSet tileSet, SpriteCache cache, string sequence, string animation, MiniYaml info) { return(new DefaultSpriteSequence(modData, tileSet, cache, this, sequence, animation, info)); }
void FetchTileSet() { tiles = Resources.Load <TileSet>("MainTiles"); }
public IReadOnlyDictionary <string, ISpriteSequence> ParseSequences(ModData modData, TileSet tileSet, SpriteCache cache, MiniYamlNode node) { var sequences = new Dictionary <string, ISpriteSequence>(); var nodes = node.Value.ToDictionary(); MiniYaml defaults; if (nodes.TryGetValue("Defaults", out defaults)) { nodes.Remove("Defaults"); nodes = nodes.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => MiniYaml.MergeStrict(kv.Value, defaults)); foreach (var n in nodes) { n.Value.Value = n.Value.Value ?? defaults.Value; } } foreach (var kvp in nodes) { using (new Support.PerfTimer("new Sequence(\"{0}\")".F(node.Key), 20)) { try { sequences.Add(kvp.Key, CreateSequence(modData, tileSet, cache, node.Key, kvp.Key, kvp.Value)); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // Eat the FileNotFound exceptions from missing sprites OnMissingSpriteError(ex.Message); } } } return(new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, ISpriteSequence>(sequences)); }
private static void RebuildMesh(TileLayer layer, IntRect cells, Vector2f position, TileSet tileSet) { numTiles = CountTiles(layer, cells); meshCache.Clear(); RebuildMeshVertices(layer, cells, position, new Vector2i(tileSet.tileWidth, tileSet.tileHeight), new Vector2i(,; RebuildMeshTriangles(); RebuildMeshUV(layer, cells, tileSet); meshCache.ApplyMeshData(); }
internal void SetTerrainTileSet(TileSet tileSet) { terrainMap.TileSet = tileSet; }
public TileSetReader(TileSet tileSet) { _rawTileSet = tileSet; _pickAnyUnits = new ImageSource[tileSet.PickAnyTileUnits.Count]; }
private void RecreateTexturedBackground(TileSet levelTileset, ref TileMapLayer layer) { int w = layer.LayoutWidth; int h = layer.Layout.Length / w; Texture targetTexture; if (cachedTexturedBackground.IsAvailable) { targetTexture = cachedTexturedBackground.Res; } else { targetTexture = new Texture(w * 32, h * 32, TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo, TextureMagFilter.Linear, TextureMinFilter.Linear, TextureWrapMode.Repeat, TextureWrapMode.Repeat); } using (DrawDevice device = new DrawDevice()) { device.VisibilityMask = VisibilityFlag.AllFlags; device.Projection = ProjectionMode.Screen; RenderTarget target = new RenderTarget(AAQuality.Off, false, targetTexture); device.Target = target; device.TargetSize = new Vector2(w * 32, h * 32); device.ViewportRect = new Rect(device.TargetSize); device.PrepareForDrawcalls(); // ToDo Material material = levelTileset.GetDefaultTile(0).Material.Res; Texture texture = material.MainTexture.Res; // Reserve the required space for vertex data in our locally cached buffer int neededVertices = 4 * w * h; if (cachedVertices == null || cachedVertices.Length < neededVertices) { cachedVertices = new VertexC1P3T2[neededVertices]; } int vertexIndex = 0; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { LayerTile tile = layer.Layout[x + y * layer.LayoutWidth]; if (tile.IsAnimated) { continue; } Point2 offset = tile.MaterialOffset; bool isFlippedX = tile.IsFlippedX; bool isFlippedY = tile.IsFlippedY; Rect uvRect = new Rect( offset.X * texture.UVRatio.X / texture.ContentWidth, offset.Y * texture.UVRatio.Y / texture.ContentHeight, levelTileset.TileSize * texture.UVRatio.X / texture.ContentWidth, levelTileset.TileSize * texture.UVRatio.Y / texture.ContentHeight ); if (isFlippedX) { uvRect.X += uvRect.W; uvRect.W *= -1; } if (isFlippedY) { uvRect.Y += uvRect.H; uvRect.H *= -1; } Vector3 renderPos = new Vector3(x * 32, y * 32, 0); renderPos.X = MathF.Round(renderPos.X); renderPos.Y = MathF.Round(renderPos.Y); if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.X) / 2) * 2) { renderPos.X += 0.5f; } if (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) != (MathF.RoundToInt(device.TargetSize.Y) / 2) * 2) { renderPos.Y += 0.5f; } Vector2 tileXStep = new Vector2(32, 0); Vector2 tileYStep = new Vector2(0, 32); cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 0].Pos.X = renderPos.X; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 0].Pos.Y = renderPos.Y; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 0].Pos.Z = renderPos.Z; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 0].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 0].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 0].Color = ColorRgba.White; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 1].Pos.X = renderPos.X + tileYStep.X; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 1].Pos.Y = renderPos.Y + tileYStep.Y; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 1].Pos.Z = renderPos.Z; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 1].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 1].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y + uvRect.H; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 1].Color = ColorRgba.White; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 2].Pos.X = renderPos.X + tileXStep.X + tileYStep.X; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 2].Pos.Y = renderPos.Y + tileXStep.Y + tileYStep.Y; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 2].Pos.Z = renderPos.Z; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 2].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X + uvRect.W; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 2].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y + uvRect.H; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 2].Color = ColorRgba.White; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 3].Pos.X = renderPos.X + tileXStep.X; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 3].Pos.Y = renderPos.Y + tileXStep.Y; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 3].Pos.Z = renderPos.Z; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 3].TexCoord.X = uvRect.X + uvRect.W; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 3].TexCoord.Y = uvRect.Y; cachedVertices[vertexIndex + 3].Color = ColorRgba.White; vertexIndex += 4; } } device.AddVertices(material, VertexMode.Quads, cachedVertices, 0, vertexIndex); device.Render(); target.Dispose(); } cachedTexturedBackground = targetTexture; }
public uint GetMovementClass(TileSet tileset) { return((uint)TilesetMovementClass[tileset]); }
private void PrerenderTexturedBackground() { try { IImageCodec codec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng); // Try to use "The Secret Files" background string levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "secretf", "01_easter1"); if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath)) { // Try to use "Base Game" background levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "prince", "03_carrot1"); if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath)) { // Try to use "Holiday Hare '98" background levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "xmas98", "03_xmas3"); if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath)) { // Try to use "Christmas Chronicles" background levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "xmas99", "03_xmas3"); if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath)) { // Try to use "Shareware Demo" background; levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "share", "02_share2"); if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath)) { // No usable background found throw new FileNotFoundException(); } } } } } // Load metadata JsonParser json = new JsonParser(); LevelHandler.LevelConfigJson config; using (Stream s = FileOp.Open(PathOp.Combine(levelPath, ".res"), FileAccessMode.Read)) { config = json.Parse <LevelHandler.LevelConfigJson>(s); } LevelHandler.LevelConfigJson.LayerSection layer; if (config.Layers.TryGetValue("Sky", out layer)) { if (layer.BackgroundColor != null && layer.BackgroundColor.Count >= 3) { horizonColor = new Vector4(layer.BackgroundColor[0] / 255f, layer.BackgroundColor[1] / 255f, layer.BackgroundColor[2] / 255f, 1f); } switch ((BackgroundStyle)layer.BackgroundStyle) { case BackgroundStyle.Sky: default: texturedBackgroundShader = ContentResolver.Current.RequestShader("TexturedBackground"); break; case BackgroundStyle.Circle: texturedBackgroundShader = ContentResolver.Current.RequestShader("TexturedBackgroundCircle"); break; } } // Render background layer to texture string tilesetPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Tilesets", config.Description.DefaultTileset); ColorRgba[] tileMapPalette = TileSet.LoadPalette(PathOp.Combine(tilesetPath, ".palette")); ContentResolver.Current.ApplyBasePalette(tileMapPalette); TileSet levelTileset = new TileSet(config.Description.DefaultTileset); if (!levelTileset.IsValid) { throw new InvalidDataException(); } using (Stream s = FileOp.Open(PathOp.Combine(levelPath, "Sky.layer"), FileAccessMode.Read)) { using (DeflateStream deflate = new DeflateStream(s, CompressionMode.Decompress)) using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(deflate)) { int width = r.ReadInt32(); int height = r.ReadInt32(); TileMapLayer newLayer = new TileMapLayer(); newLayer.Layout = new LayerTile[width * height]; for (int i = 0; i < newLayer.Layout.Length; i++) { ushort tileType = r.ReadUInt16(); byte flags = r.ReadByte(); if (flags == 0) { newLayer.Layout[i] = levelTileset.GetDefaultTile(tileType); continue; } bool isFlippedX = (flags & 0x01) > 0; bool isFlippedY = (flags & 0x02) > 0; bool isAnimated = (flags & 0x04) > 0; bool legacyTranslucent = (flags & 0x80) > 0; // Invalid tile numbers (higher than tileset tile amount) are silently changed to empty tiles if (tileType >= levelTileset.TileCount && !isAnimated) { tileType = 0; } LayerTile tile; // Copy the default tile and do stuff with it tile = levelTileset.GetDefaultTile(tileType); tile.IsFlippedX = isFlippedX; tile.IsFlippedY = isFlippedY; tile.IsAnimated = isAnimated; if (legacyTranslucent) { tile.MaterialAlpha = /*127*/ 140; } newLayer.Layout[i] = tile; } newLayer.LayoutWidth = width; RecreateTexturedBackground(levelTileset, ref newLayer); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot prerender textured background: " + ex); cachedTexturedBackground = new Texture(new Pixmap(new PixelData(2, 2, ColorRgba.Black))); } }
private bool SelectBrushInternal(Brush brush, PaletteType palette) { paletteType_CB.SelectedIndex = getPaletteType_CBIndex(palette); foreach (var item in tileSet_CB.Items) { TileSet tileset = (TileSet)item; TilesetCategory category = null; switch (palette) { case PaletteType.TERRAIN: category = tileset.getCategory(TilesetCategoryType.TILESET_TERRAIN); break; case PaletteType.DOODAD: category = tileset.getCategory(TilesetCategoryType.TILESET_DOODAD); break; case PaletteType.RAW: category = tileset.getCategory(TilesetCategoryType.TILESET_RAW); break; case PaletteType.ITEM: category = tileset.getCategory(TilesetCategoryType.TILESET_ITEM); break; case PaletteType.CREATURE: category = tileset.getCategory(TilesetCategoryType.TILESET_CREATURE); break; } foreach (Brush ibrush in category.brushlist) { if (ibrush.Equals(brush)) { tileSet_CB.SelectedItem = item; if (panelEditor.Controls.Contains(brushListItems)) { foreach (Control control in brushListItems.Controls) { if (control.Tag.Equals(brush)) { Panel panel = (Panel)control; brushClick(panel, null); return(true); } } } else if (panelEditor.Controls.Contains(ItemListView)) { foreach (ListViewItem lvitem in ItemListView.Items) { if (lvitem.Tag.Equals(brush)) { lvitem.Selected = true; lvitem.Focused = true; ItemListView.Select(); ItemListView.EnsureVisible(lvitem.Index); return(true); } } } } } } return(false); }
void IUtilityCommand.Run(Utility utility, string[] args) { // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set. var modData = Game.ModData = utility.ModData; var imageField = typeof(TerrainTemplateInfo).GetField("Image"); var pickAnyField = typeof(TerrainTemplateInfo).GetField("PickAny"); var tileInfoField = typeof(TerrainTemplateInfo).GetField("tileInfo", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); var terrainTypeField = typeof(TerrainTileInfo).GetField("TerrainType"); var terrainLeftColorField = typeof(TerrainTileInfo).GetField("LeftColor"); var terrainRightColorField = typeof(TerrainTileInfo).GetField("RightColor"); var empty = new Size(0, 0); var single = new int2(1, 1); var exts = new[] { "" }.Concat(args[1].Split(',')); foreach (var t in modData.Manifest.TileSets) { var ts = new TileSet(modData.DefaultFileSystem, t); var frameCache = new FrameCache(modData.DefaultFileSystem, modData.SpriteLoaders); Console.WriteLine("Tileset: " + ts.Name); foreach (var template in ts.Templates.Values) { // Find the sprite associated with this template foreach (var ext in exts) { Stream s; if (modData.DefaultFileSystem.TryOpen(template.Images[0] + ext, out s)) { s.Dispose(); } else { continue; } // Rewrite the template image (normally readonly) using reflection imageField.SetValue(template, template.Images[0] + ext); // Fetch the private tileInfo array so that we can write new entries var tileInfo = (TerrainTileInfo[])tileInfoField.GetValue(template); // Open the file and search for any implicit frames var allFrames = frameCache[template.Images[0]]; var frames = template.Frames != null?template.Frames.Select(f => allFrames[f]).ToArray() : allFrames; // Resize array for new entries if (frames.Length > template.TilesCount) { var ti = new TerrainTileInfo[frames.Length]; Array.Copy(tileInfo, ti, template.TilesCount); tileInfoField.SetValue(template, ti); tileInfo = ti; } for (var i = 0; i < template.TilesCount; i++) { if (template[i] == null && frames[i] != null && frames[i].Size != empty) { tileInfo[i] = new TerrainTileInfo(); var ti = ts.GetTerrainIndex("Clear"); terrainTypeField.SetValue(tileInfo[i], ti); terrainLeftColorField.SetValue(tileInfo[i], ts[ti].Color); terrainRightColorField.SetValue(tileInfo[i], ts[ti].Color); Console.WriteLine("Fixing entry for {0}:{1}", template.Images[0], i); } } if (template.TilesCount > 1 && template.Size == single) { pickAnyField.SetValue(template, true); } } } ts.Save(t); } }
public static Bitmap RenderMapPreview(TileSet tileset, Map map, bool actualSize) { return(RenderMapPreview(tileset, map, map.Rules, actualSize)); }
public static Bitmap RenderMapPreview(TileSet tileset, Map map, Ruleset resourceRules, bool actualSize) { using (var terrain = TerrainBitmap(tileset, map, actualSize)) return(AddStaticResources(tileset, map, resourceRules, terrain)); }
private void DistributeTilesForWinWaitingForEye(Game game) { List <Tile> tiles = game.Board.Tiles; Player p1, p2, p3, p4; p1 = game.Player1; p2 = game.Player2; p3 = game.Player3; p4 = game.Player4; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; } List <Tile> tempTile1 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile1.Add(tiles[0]); tempTile1.Add(tiles[1]); tempTile1.Add(tiles[2]); TileSet newbie1 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile1, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie1); List <Tile> tempTile2 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile2.Add(tiles[3]); tempTile2.Add(tiles[4]); tempTile2.Add(tiles[5]); TileSet newbie2 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile2, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie2); List <Tile> tempTile3 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile3.Add(tiles[6]); tempTile3.Add(tiles[7]); tempTile3.Add(tiles[8]); TileSet newbie3 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile3, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie3); List <Tile> tempTile4 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile4.Add(tiles[9]); tempTile4.Add(tiles[10]); tempTile4.Add(tiles[11]); TileSet newbie4 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile4, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Round }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie4); tiles[12].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[12].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; tiles[66].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[66].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; tiles[136].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[136].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; tiles[140].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[140].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; for (var i = 14; i < 27; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p2.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; } for (var i = 27; i < 40; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p3.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; } for (var i = 53; i < 65; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p4.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; } tiles[80].Owner = p4.ConnectionId; tiles[80].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; }
private void DistributeTilesForWinWaitingForEyeWithMixPureHandWithDragon(Game game) { List <Tile> tiles = game.Board.Tiles; ActivePlayer p1, p2, p3, p4; if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player1.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player1; p2 = game.Player2; p3 = game.Player3; p4 = game.Player4; } else if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player2.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player2; p2 = game.Player3; p3 = game.Player4; p4 = game.Player1; } else if (game.DiceRoller == game.Player3.ConnectionId) { p1 = game.Player3; p2 = game.Player4; p3 = game.Player1; p4 = game.Player2; } else { p1 = game.Player4; p2 = game.Player1; p3 = game.Player2; p4 = game.Player3; } for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } List <Tile> tempTile1 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile1.Add(tiles[0]); tempTile1.Add(tiles[1]); tempTile1.Add(tiles[2]); TileSet newbie1 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile1, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie1); List <Tile> tempTile2 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile2.Add(tiles[3]); tempTile2.Add(tiles[4]); tempTile2.Add(tiles[5]); TileSet newbie2 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile2, TileSetType = TileSetType.Chow, TileType = TileType.Money }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie2); tiles[27].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[27].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[27]); tiles[61].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[61].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[61]); tiles[95].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[95].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[95]); List <Tile> tempTile3 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile3.Add(tiles[27]); tempTile3.Add(tiles[61]); tempTile3.Add(tiles[95]); TileSet newbie3 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile3, TileSetType = TileSetType.Pong, TileType = TileType.Dragon }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie3); tiles[28].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[28].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[28]); tiles[62].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[62].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[62]); tiles[96].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[96].Status = TileStatus.UserGraveyard; p1.GraveYardTiles.Add(tiles[96]); List <Tile> tempTile4 = new List <Tile>(); tempTile4.Add(tiles[28]); tempTile4.Add(tiles[62]); tempTile4.Add(tiles[96]); TileSet newbie4 = new TileSet() { isRevealed = true, Tiles = tempTile4, TileSetType = TileSetType.Pong, TileType = TileType.Dragon }; p1.TileSets.Add(newbie4); tiles[121].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[121].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p1.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[121]); tiles[66].Owner = p1.ConnectionId; tiles[66].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p1.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[66]); for (var i = 14; i < 27; i++) { tiles[i].Owner = p2.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p2.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } for (var i = 27; i < 42; i++) { if (i == 27 || i == 28) { continue; } tiles[i].Owner = p3.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p3.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } for (var i = 53; i < 68; i++) { if (i == 61 || i == 62 || i == 66) { continue; } tiles[i].Owner = p4.ConnectionId; tiles[i].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p4.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[i]); } tiles[80].Owner = p4.ConnectionId; tiles[80].Status = TileStatus.UserActive; p4.ActiveTiles.Add(tiles[80]); }