public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { if (!tag.ContainsKey("EmitterMode")) { return; } try { this.SetDefinition(new EmitterDefinition( isGoreMode: tag.GetBool("EmitterMode"), type: tag.GetInt("EmitterType"), scale: tag.GetFloat("EmitterScale"), delay: tag.GetInt("EmitterDelay"), speedX: tag.GetFloat("EmitterSpeedX"), speedY: tag.GetFloat("EmitterSpeedY"), color: new Color( tag.GetByte("EmitterColorR"), tag.GetByte("EmitterColorG"), tag.GetByte("EmitterColorB") ), transparency: tag.GetByte("EmitterAlpha"), scatter: tag.GetFloat("EmitterScatter"), hasGravity: tag.GetBool("EmitterHasGrav"), hasLight: tag.GetBool("EmitterHasLight"), isActivated: tag.GetBool("EmitterIsActivated") )); } catch { } }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { hasEndlessAmmo = tag.GetBool(nameof(hasEndlessAmmo)); useEndlessAmmoFirst = tag.GetBool(nameof(useEndlessAmmoFirst)); UnlockedAmmo = tag.Get <List <Item> >(nameof(UnlockedAmmo)); SelectedAmmo = tag.Get <List <bool> >(nameof(SelectedAmmo)); }
//////////////// public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { if (!tag.ContainsKey("hud_element_count")) { return; } // var mymod = ModContent.GetInstance <HUDElementsLibMod>(); HUDManager hudMngr = mymod.HUDManager; // int count = tag.GetInt("hud_element_count"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string name = tag.GetString($"hud_element_{i}"); float x = tag.GetFloat($"hud_element_x_{i}"); float y = tag.GetFloat($"hud_element_y_{i}"); bool hasCollisionData = tag.ContainsKey($"hud_element_cc_{i}") ? (bool)tag.GetBool($"hud_element_cc_{i}") : false; bool?isIgnoringCollisions = hasCollisionData ? (bool?)tag.GetBool($"hud_element_c_{i}") : (bool?)null; hudMngr.LoadHUDElementInfo(name, x, y, isIgnoringCollisions); } }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { eclipsePassed = tag.GetBool("eclipsePassed"); pumpkinMoonPassed = tag.GetBool("pumpkinMoonPassed"); snowMoonPassed = tag.GetBool("snowMoonPassed"); downedPhantom = tag.GetBool("downedPhantom"); downedAbomination = tag.GetBool("downedAbomination"); if (tag.ContainsKey("numPuriumGens")) { elementalUnleash = tag.GetBool("elementalUnleash"); numPuriumGens = tag.GetInt("numPuriumGens"); } else { numPuriumGens = tag.GetInt("elementalUnleash"); elementalUnleash = numPuriumGens > 0; } downedPuritySpirit = tag.GetBool("downedPuritySpirit"); downedChaosSpirit = tag.GetBool("downedChaosSpirit"); terraDeaths = tag.GetInt("terraDeaths"); terraCheckpoint1 = tag.GetInt("terraCheckpoint1"); terraCheckpoint2 = tag.GetInt("terraCheckpoint2"); terraCheckpoint3 = tag.GetInt("terraCheckpoint3"); terraCheckpointS = tag.GetInt("terraCheckpointS"); downedTerraSpirit = tag.GetBool("downedTerraSpirit"); blushieCheckpoint = tag.GetFloat("blushieCheckpoint"); downedBlushie = tag.GetBool("downedBlushie"); FixCheckpoints(); }
public override void Load(Item item, TagCompound tag) { try { UpgradeInfo info = item.GetGlobalItem <UpgradeInfo>(mod); String baseName = tag.GetString("baseName"); int baseArmor = tag.GetInt("baseArmor"); int baseDamage = tag.GetInt("baseDamage"); int baseCrit = tag.GetInt("baseCrit"); bool upgraded = tag.GetBool("upgraded"); bool elemented = tag.GetBool("elemented"); bool broken = tag.GetBool("broken"); String elementType = tag.GetString("elementType"); int elementDamage = tag.GetInt("elementDamage"); int level = tag.GetInt("level"); int modifier = tag.GetInt("modifier"); String socket1 = tag.GetString("socket1"); String socket2 = tag.GetString("socket2"); String socket3 = tag.GetString("socket3"); String modName = tag.GetString("modName"); if (ModLoader.GetMod(modName) != null) { info.SetProperties(baseName, baseArmor, baseDamage, baseCrit, upgraded, elemented, broken, elementType, elementDamage, level, modifier, socket1, socket2, socket3, item); } else { info.ResetProperties(); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorLogger.Log(e.ToString()); } }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { AddTime = tag.GetIntArray("AddTime"); tTime = tag.GetInt("tTime"); Body = tag.GetBool("Body"); if (Body) { BodyType = tag.GetString("BodyType"); Health = tag.GetIntArray("Health"); Mana = tag.GetIntArray("Mana"); Health2 = tag.GetIntArray("Health2"); Mana = tag.GetIntArray("Mana"); Eyes = tag.Get <Color>("Eyes"); Skin = tag.Get <Color>("Skin"); HairC = tag.Get <Color>("HairC"); Hair = tag.GetInt("Hair"); Shirt = tag.Get <Color>("Shirt"); UnderShirt = tag.Get <Color>("UnderShirt"); Pants = tag.Get <Color>("Pants"); Shoes = tag.Get <Color>("Shoes"); Gender = tag.GetBool("Gender"); } Fetuses = tag.GetInt("Fetuses"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { LoadSlain(tag); tag.GetBool("DownedVortex"); tag.GetBool("DownedNebula"); tag.GetBool("DownedStardust"); tag.GetBool("DownedSolar"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { BetterZoom.zoom = tag.GetFloat("zoom"); BetterZoom.uiScale = tag.GetFloat("uiscale"); BetterZoom.flipBackground = tag.GetBool("flipbackground"); BetterZoom.hotbarScale = tag.GetFloat("hotbarscale"); BetterZoom.zoomBackground = tag.GetBool("zoombackground"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { CurrentQuest = tag.GetInt("Current"); CompletedToday = tag.GetBool("Today"); CompletedTotal = tag.GetInt("Total"); PirateQuest = tag.GetBool("PirateQuest"); QuestKills = tag.GetInt("QuestKills"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { score = tag.GetInt("score"); exampleLifeFruits = tag.GetInt("exampleLifeFruits"); // nonStopParty was added after the initial ExampleMod release. Read for information about how to handle version updates in your mod without messing up current users of your mod. nonStopParty = tag.GetBool("nonStopParty"); examplePersonGiftReceived = tag.GetBool(nameof(examplePersonGiftReceived)); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { AutoTrashItems = tag.Get <List <Item> >("AutoTrashItems"); AutoTrashEnabled = tag.GetBool("AutoTrashEnabled"); NoValue = tag.GetBool(nameof(NoValue)); AutoTrash.instance.autoTrashListUI?.UpdateNeeded(); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { base.Load(tag); choseJob = tag.GetBool("choseJob"); job = tag.GetInt("job"); armorJob = tag.GetInt("armorJob"); defeatedWoF = tag.GetBool("defeatedWoF"); rogueBonus = tag.GetBool("rogueBonus"); }
public override void CustomLoadQuest(string QuestKey, TagCompound Reader, int ModVersion) { int Version = Reader.GetInt(QuestKey + "_Version"); LunaTalkedAboutTutorial = Reader.GetBool(QuestKey + "_TalkedAboutTuto"); CallingStep = Reader.GetByte(QuestKey + "_CallTutoStep"); OrderTutorialStep = Reader.GetByte(QuestKey + "_OrderTutoStep"); TalkedAboutTentants = Reader.GetBool(QuestKey + "_TenantTutoStep"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { DownedMarx1 = false; DownedMarx2 = false; DownedMarx3 = false; DownedMarx1 = tag.GetBool("DownedMarx1"); DownedMarx2 = tag.GetBool("DownedMarx2"); DownedMarx3 = tag.GetBool("DownedMarx3"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { voidTier2Unlocked = tag.GetBool("tier2"); voidTier3Unlocked = tag.GetBool("tier3"); voidTier4Unlocked = tag.GetBool("tier4"); voidAffinity = tag.GetInt("affinity"); UIManager.OpenVoidUI(); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { warDemon = tag.GetBool("warDemon"); mageDemon = tag.GetBool("mageDemon"); shootDemon = tag.GetBool("shootDemon"); summonDemon = tag.GetBool("summonDemon"); demonPower = tag.GetInt("demonPower"); demonPower = tag.GetInt("currentPower"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { tvEquip = tag.GetBool("Ks"); tvEquip = tag.GetBool("Virus"); wofEquip = tag.GetBool("Wof"); heartEmblem = tag.GetInt("HEmblem"); goldenStars = tag.GetInt("GStars"); lunarStars = tag.GetInt("LStars"); lunarBlessing = tag.GetBool("LBlessing"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { itemList = tag.GetIntArray(nameof(itemList)); itemStackList = tag.GetIntArray(nameof(itemStackList)); ChestType = tag.GetAsShort(nameof(ChestType)); ChestName = tag.GetString(nameof(ChestName)); inventorySpot = tag.GetAsInt(nameof(inventorySpot)); firstTick = tag.GetBool(nameof(firstTick)); GotChest = tag.GetBool(nameof(GotChest)); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { //Perm kingSlimeEffect = tag.GetBool("kingSlimeEffect"); eoCEffect = tag.GetBool("eoCEffect"); //Life / mana lifeFractals = tag.GetInt("lifeFractals"); manaFractals = tag.GetInt("manaFractals"); }
public override void LoadData(TagCompound tag) { partyUpgrades = tag.GetIntArray("partyUpgrades"); playerCreated = tag.GetBool("playerCreated"); playerDied = tag.GetBool("playerDied"); if (tag.ContainsKey("playerSpawn")) { originalSpawnPoint = tag.Get <Vector2>("playerSpawn"); } KingdomTerrahearts.instance.ShowDialogUI(); }
public override void CustomLoadQuest(string QuestKey, TagCompound Reader, int ModVersion) { byte Version = Reader.GetByte(QuestKey + "_Version"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { SolidificationRequestGiven[i] = Reader.GetBool(QuestKey + "_SolReq_" + i); SolidificationUnlocked[i] = Reader.GetBool(QuestKey + "_SolUnlock_" + 1); } SpokeToLeopoldAboutTheEmotionalPigs = Reader.GetBool(QuestKey + "_LeopoldKnows"); UnlockedBland = Reader.GetBool(QuestKey + "_BlandUnlocked"); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { if (tag.ContainsKey("Starjinx Active?")) { StarjinxActive = tag.GetBool("Starjinx Active?"); } if (tag.ContainsKey("Starjinx Defeated?")) { StarjinxDefeated = tag.GetBool("Starjinx Defeated?"); } SpawnedStarjinx = false; }
public override void CustomLoadQuest(string QuestKey, TagCompound Reader, int ModVersion) { int Version = Reader.GetInt("Version"); if (Version > 0) { BlueDialogueStep = Reader.GetByte("BlueDialogueStep"); BlueWasPresent = Reader.GetBool("BlueWasPresent"); SpokeToBluePosQuest = Reader.GetBool("SpokeToBluePosQuest"); SpottedZacksOnce = Reader.GetByte("SpottedZacksonce"); } }
public static BagPickup Load(TagCompound tag) { var bP = new BagPickup(0, false) { contained = tag.Get <List <Item> >(nameof(contained)), limit = tag.GetInt(nameof(limit)), doPickup = tag.GetBool(nameof(doPickup)), starterBagOpened = tag.GetBool(nameof(starterBagOpened)) }; return(bP); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { vitricTopLeft = tag.Get <Vector2>(nameof(vitricTopLeft)); AnyBossDowned = tag.GetBool(nameof(AnyBossDowned)); GlassBossDowned = tag.GetBool(nameof(GlassBossDowned)); SealOpen = tag.GetBool(nameof(SealOpen)); ForceStarfall = tag.GetBool(nameof(ForceStarfall)); NPCUpgrades = tag.GetIntArray(nameof(NPCUpgrades)); PureTiles = (List <Vector2>)tag.GetList <Vector2>(nameof(PureTiles)); PureSpawnPoint = tag.Get <Vector2>(nameof(PureSpawnPoint)); for (int k = 0; k <= PureTiles.Count - 1; k++) { for (int i = (int)PureTiles[k].X - 16; i <= (int)PureTiles[k].X + 16; i++) { for (int j = (int)PureTiles[k].Y - 16; j <= (int)PureTiles[k].Y + 16; j++) { Tile target = Main.tile[i, j]; if (target != null) { if (target.type == (ushort)mod.TileType("StonePure")) { target.type = TileID.Stone; } if (target.type == (ushort)mod.TileType("OreIvory")) { target.type = (ushort)mod.TileType("OreEbony"); } if (target.type == (ushort)mod.TileType("VoidDoorOff")) { target.type = (ushort)mod.TileType("VoidDoorOn"); } } } } } foreach (NPC npc in Main.npc) { if (npc.townNPC) { = 250 + NPCUpgrades[0] * 50; } } PureTiles.Clear(); PureTiles = new List <Vector2> { }; }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { resetDefaultColors = false; if ((tag.ContainsKey("Race") && RaceLoader.TryGetRace(tag.GetString("Race"), out var loadedRace)) || (tag.ContainsKey("PlayerRace") && RaceLoader.TryGetRaceFromLegacyId(tag.GetInt("PlayerRace"), out loadedRace))) { race = loadedRace; } RaceStats = tag.GetBool("RaceStats"); GotStatToggler = tag.GetBool("GotStatToggler"); GotRaceItems = tag.GetBool("GotRaceItems"); IsNewCharacter1 = tag.GetBool("IsNewCharacter1"); IsNewCharacter2 = tag.GetBool("IsNewCharacter2"); race.Load(player); }
/// <summary> /// Load the mod settings. /// </summary> public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { SetWings(false, ItemIO.Load(tag.GetCompound(WingsTag))); SetWings(true, ItemIO.Load(tag.GetCompound(VanityWingsTag))); SetDye(ItemIO.Load(tag.GetCompound(WingDyeTag))); EquipSlot.ItemVisible = tag.GetBool(HiddenTag); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { IList <int> skillKeys = tag.GetList <int>("hamonSkillKeys"); IList <bool> skillValues = tag.GetList <bool>("hamonSkillValues"); IList <int> requirementKeys = tag.GetList <int>("hamonRequirementKeys"); IList <int> requirementValues = tag.GetList <int>("hamonRequirementValues"); IList <int> levelKeys = tag.GetList <int>("hamonLevelKeys"); IList <int> levelValues = tag.GetList <int>("hamonLevelValues"); skillPointsAvailable = tag.GetInt("hamonSkillPoints"); learnedAnyAbility = tag.GetBool("learnedAnyAbility"); /*for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++) * { * if (learnedHamonSkills.ContainsKey(keys[i])) * { * learnedHamonSkills[keys[i]] = values[i]; * } * }*/ //if (learnedHamonSkills.Count != 0) learnedHamonSkills = skillKeys.Zip(skillValues, (key, value) => new { Key = key, Value = value }).ToDictionary(newKey => newKey.Key, newValue => newValue.Value); //if (hamonAmountRequirements.Count != 0) hamonAmountRequirements = requirementKeys.Zip(requirementValues, (key, value) => new { Key = key, Value = value }).ToDictionary(newKey => newKey.Key, newValue => newValue.Value); //if (hamonSkillLevels.Count != 0) hamonSkillLevels = levelKeys.Zip(levelValues, (key, value) => new { Key = key, Value = value }).ToDictionary(newKey => newKey.Key, newValue => newValue.Value); }
public override void Load(Item item, TagCompound tag) { TagCompound statBonusTC = tag.GetCompound("StatBonuses"); this.wasQualified = tag.GetBool("WasQualified"); this.statBonus.Clear(); if (this.wasQualified) { this.quality = (ItemQuality)Enum.Parse(ItemQuality.Common.GetType(), tag.GetString("Quality")); foreach (var x in statBonusTC) { // Fix for potential error due to removing Intellect from stats if (x.Key != "Intellect") { this.statBonus.Add(x.Key, (int)x.Value); } } if (this.quality == ItemQuality.Unique) { = true; } } }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { engaged = tag.GetBool("engaged"); size = tag.GetInt("size"); rotationVelocity = tag.GetFloat("direction"); rotationOffset = tag.GetFloat("rotationOffset"); }
public static void Load(Item item, TagCompound tag) { if (tag.Count == 0) { item.netDefaults(0); return; } string modName = tag.GetString("mod"); if (modName == "Terraria") { item.netDefaults(tag.GetInt("id")); if (tag.HasTag("legacyData")) LoadLegacyModData(item, tag.GetByteArray("legacyData"), tag.GetBool("hasGlobalSaving")); } else { int type = ModLoader.GetMod(modName)?.ItemType(tag.GetString("name")) ?? 0; if (type > 0) { item.netDefaults(type); if (tag.HasTag("legacyData")) LoadLegacyModData(item, tag.GetByteArray("legacyData"), tag.GetBool("hasGlobalSaving")); else item.modItem.Load(tag.GetCompound("data")); } else { item.netDefaults(ModLoader.GetMod("ModLoader").ItemType("MysteryItem")); ((MysteryItem)item.modItem).Setup(tag); } } item.Prefix(tag.GetByte("prefix")); item.stack = tag.GetTag<int?>("stack") ?? 1; item.favorited = tag.GetBool("fav"); if (!(item.modItem is MysteryItem)) LoadGlobals(item, tag.GetList<TagCompound>("globalData")); }