Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Actualizar parámetros del plano en base a los valores configurados
        /// </summary>
        public void updateValues()
            var vertices = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[6];

            //Crear un Quad con dos triángulos sobre XZ con normal default (0, 1, 0)
            var min = new TGCVector3(-Size.X / 2, 0, -Size.Y / 2);
            var max = new TGCVector3(Size.X / 2, 0, Size.Y / 2);
            var c   = Color.ToArgb();

            vertices[0] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min, c);
            vertices[1] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, 0, max.Z, c);
            vertices[2] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max, c);

            vertices[3] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min, c);
            vertices[4] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max, c);
            vertices[5] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, 0, min.Z, c);

            //Obtener matriz de rotacion respecto de la normal del plano
            var angle        = FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(ORIGINAL_DIR, Normal));
            var axisRotation = TGCVector3.Cross(ORIGINAL_DIR, Normal);

            var t = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(axisRotation, angle) * TGCMatrix.Translation(Center);

            //Transformar todos los puntos
            for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i].Position = TGCVector3.TransformCoordinate(TGCVector3.FromVector3(vertices[i].Position), t);

            //Cargar vertexBuffer
            vertexBuffer.SetData(vertices, 0, LockFlags.None);
        public void RecalcularForward()
            TGCVector3 targerLinterna = new TGCVector3(target.X - meshPersonaje.Position.X, 0, target.Z - meshPersonaje.Position.Z);

            xAxis = new TGCVector3(targerLinterna.X, 0, targerLinterna.Z);

            yAxis = new TGCVector3(0, 1, 0);

            //zAxis = new TGCVector3(0, up, 0);

            TGCMatrix deltaRM =
                TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(xAxis, anguloAbsolutoEnX) * TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(yAxis, 1 * anguloAbsolutoEnY);

            TGCVector4 result;

            result = TGCVector3.Transform(xAxis, deltaRM);
            xAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

            result = TGCVector3.Transform(yAxis, deltaRM);
            yAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

            result = TGCVector3.Transform(zAxis, deltaRM);
            zAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

            forward = puntoDemira(anguloAbsolutoEnX, anguloAbsolutoEnY) - meshPersonaje.Position;
            forward = targerLinterna;
            //forward = TGCVector3.Cross(forward, up);
Пример #3
        public static void updateObbFromSegment(TgcBoundingOrientedBox obb, TGCVector3 a, TGCVector3 b, float thickness)
            var lineDiff   = b - a;
            var lineLength = lineDiff.Length();
            var lineVec    = TGCVector3.Normalize(lineDiff);

            //Obtener angulo y vector de rotacion
            var upVec        = TGCVector3.Up;
            var angle        = FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(upVec, lineVec));
            var axisRotation = TGCVector3.Cross(upVec, lineVec);


            //Obtener matriz de rotacion para este eje y angulo
            var rotM = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(axisRotation, angle);

            //Actualizar orientacion de OBB en base a matriz de rotacion
            obb.Orientation[0] = new TGCVector3(rotM.M11, rotM.M12, rotM.M13);
            obb.Orientation[1] = new TGCVector3(rotM.M21, rotM.M22, rotM.M23);
            obb.Orientation[2] = new TGCVector3(rotM.M31, rotM.M32, rotM.M33);

            //Actualizar extent de OBB segun el thickness del segmento
            obb.Extents = new TGCVector3(thickness, lineLength / 2, thickness);

            //Actualizar centro del OBB segun centro del segmento
            obb.Center = a + TGCVector3.Scale(lineDiff, 0.5f);

            //Regenerar OBB
Пример #4
 private void updateMesh()
     mesh.Transform =
         TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(TGCVector3.Cross(lookAt, lookin),
                                -(float)Math.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(lookAt, lookin)))
         * TGCMatrix.Scaling(TGCVector3.One * 30)
         * TGCMatrix.Translation(pos);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Actualiza la posicion de los vertices que componen las tapas y los vertices de las lineas laterales.
        /// </summary>
        private void updateDraw()
            if (vertices == null)
                vertices = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT];

            var color = this.color.ToArgb();

            //matriz que vamos a usar para girar el vector de dibujado
            var angle          = FastMath.TWO_PI / (END_CAPS_RESOLUTION / 4); // /4 ya que agregamos los bordes a la resolucion.
            var upVector       = TGCVector3.Up;
            var rotationMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(upVector, angle);

            //vector de dibujado
            var n = new TGCVector3(1, 0, 0);

            //array donde guardamos los puntos dibujados
            var draw = new TGCVector3[vertices.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 4; i += 4)
                //vertice inicial de la tapa superior
                draw[i] = upVector + n;
                //vertice inicial de la tapa inferior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 4 + i] = -upVector + n;
                //vertice inicial del borde de la tapa superior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 2 + i] = upVector + n;
                //vertice inicial del borde de la tapa inferior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 2 + i + 1] = -upVector + n;

                //rotamos el vector de dibujado

                //vertice final de la tapa superior
                draw[i + 1] = upVector + n;
                //vertice final de la tapa inferior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 4 + i + 1] = -upVector + n;
                //vertice final del borde de la tapa superior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 2 + i + 2] = upVector + n;
                //vertice final del borde de la tapa inferior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 2 + i + 3] = -upVector + n;

            //rotamos y trasladamos los puntos, y los volcamos al vector de vertices
            var transformation = Transform;

            for (var i = 0; i < END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT; i++)
                vertices[i] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(TGCVector3.TransformCoordinate(draw[i], transformation),
        /// <summary>
        ///     Actualiza la posicion de los vertices que componen las tapas
        ///     y los vertices de las lineas laterales. FIXME este update puede ser una transformacion solamente.
        /// </summary>
        private void updateDraw()
            if (vertices == null)
                vertices = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT];

            var color      = this.color.ToArgb();
            var zeroVector = center;

            //matriz que vamos a usar para girar el vector de dibujado
            var angle          = FastMath.TWO_PI / (END_CAPS_RESOLUTION / 4); // /4 ya que agregamos los bordes a la resolucion.
            var upVector       = HalfHeight;
            var rotationMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(TGCVector3.Up, angle);

            //vector de dibujado
            var n = new TGCVector3(Radius, 0, 0);

            //array donde guardamos los puntos dibujados
            var draw = new TGCVector3[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT];

            for (var i = 0; i < END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 4; i += 4)
                //vertice inicial de la tapa superior
                draw[i] = zeroVector + upVector + n;
                //vertice inicial de la tapa inferior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 4 + i] = zeroVector - upVector + n;
                //vertice inicial del borde de la tapa superior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 2 + i] = zeroVector + upVector + n;
                //vertice inicial del borde de la tapa inferior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 2 + i + 1] = zeroVector - upVector + n;

                //rotamos el vector de dibujado

                //vertice final de la tapa superior
                draw[i + 1] = zeroVector + upVector + n;
                //vertice final de la tapa inferior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 4 + i + 1] = zeroVector - upVector + n;
                //vertice final del borde de la tapa superior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 2 + i + 2] = zeroVector + upVector + n;
                //vertice final del borde de la tapa inferior
                draw[END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT / 2 + i + 3] = zeroVector - upVector + n;

            for (var i = 0; i < END_CAPS_VERTEX_COUNT; i++)
                vertices[i] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(draw[i], color);
Пример #7
        private void updateDraw()
            //vectores utilizados para el dibujado
            var upVector = TGCVector3.Up;
            var n        = new TGCVector3(1, 0, 0);

            var capsResolution = END_CAPS_RESOLUTION;

            //matriz de rotacion del vector de dibujado
            var   angleStep      = FastMath.TWO_PI / capsResolution;
            var   rotationMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(-upVector, angleStep);
            float angle          = 0;

            //transformacion que se le aplicara a cada vertice
            var transformation  = Transform;
            var bcInverseRadius = 1 / BoundingCylinder.Radius;

            //arrays donde guardamos los puntos dibujados
            var topCapDraw    = new TGCVector3[capsResolution];
            var bottomCapDraw = new TGCVector3[capsResolution];

            //variables temporales utilizadas para el texture mapping
            float u;

            for (var i = 0; i < capsResolution; i++)
                //establecemos los vertices de las tapas
                topCapDraw[i]    = upVector + n * TopRadius * bcInverseRadius;
                bottomCapDraw[i] = -upVector + n * BottomRadius * bcInverseRadius;

                u = angle / FastMath.TWO_PI;

                //triangulos de la cara lateral (strip)
                sideTrianglesVertices[2 * i]     = new CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(topCapDraw[i], color, u, 0);
                sideTrianglesVertices[2 * i + 1] = new CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(bottomCapDraw[i], color, u, 1);

                //rotamos el vector de dibujado
                angle += angleStep;

            //cerramos la cara lateral
            sideTrianglesVertices[2 * capsResolution] = new CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(topCapDraw[0], color, 1,
            sideTrianglesVertices[2 * capsResolution + 1] = new CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured(bottomCapDraw[0],
                                                                                                     color, 1, 1);
Пример #8
        private void rotateFirstPerson(float headingDegrees, float pitchDegrees)
            accumPitchDegrees += pitchDegrees;

            if (accumPitchDegrees > 90.0f)
                pitchDegrees      = 90.0f - (accumPitchDegrees - pitchDegrees);
                accumPitchDegrees = 90.0f;

            if (accumPitchDegrees < -90.0f)
                pitchDegrees      = -90.0f - (accumPitchDegrees - pitchDegrees);
                accumPitchDegrees = -90.0f;

            var heading = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(headingDegrees);
            var pitch   = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(pitchDegrees);

            TGCMatrix rotMtx;
            Vector4   result;

            // Rotate camera's existing x and z axes about the world y axis.
            if (heading != 0.0f)
                rotMtx = TGCMatrix.RotationY(heading);

                result = TGCVector3.Transform(xAxis, rotMtx);
                xAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

                result = TGCVector3.Transform(zAxis, rotMtx);
                zAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

            // Rotate camera's existing y and z axes about its existing x axis.
            if (pitch != 0.0f)
                rotMtx = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(xAxis, pitch);

                result = TGCVector3.Transform(yAxis, rotMtx);
                yAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

                result = TGCVector3.Transform(zAxis, rotMtx);
                zAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);
Пример #9
        private void PerformDeathMove(float elapsedTime)
            CharacterOnSight  = false;
            DeathTimeCounter -= elapsedTime;
            var RotationStep = FastMath.PI * 0.4f * elapsedTime;

            if (FastUtils.GreaterThan(AcumulatedZRotation, Constants.MaxZRotation))

            AcumulatedZRotation += RotationStep;
            TotalRotation       *= TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(director, RotationStep);
            Mesh.Transform       = TotalRotation * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(Body.CenterOfMassPosition));
            Body.WorldTransform  = Mesh.Transform.ToBulletMatrix();
            Body.LinearVelocity  = Constants.DirectorY.ToBulletVector3() * 200;
Пример #10
        private void PerformStalkerMove(float elapsedTime, float speed, float rotationAngle, TGCVector3 rotationAxis)
            CharacterOnSight = true;
            var actualDirector = -1 * director;

            EventTimeCounter -= elapsedTime;
            var RotationStep = FastMath.PI * 0.3f * elapsedTime;

            if (rotationAngle <= RotationStep)

            actualDirector.TransformCoordinate(TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, RotationStep));
            var newRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, RotationStep);

            TotalRotation *= newRotation;

            Mesh.Transform      = TotalRotation * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(Body.CenterOfMassPosition));
            Body.WorldTransform = Mesh.Transform.ToBulletMatrix();

            director            = -1 * actualDirector;
            Body.LinearVelocity = director.ToBulletVector3() * -speed;
Пример #11
        public override void Render()

            //Si hacen clic con el mouse, ver si hay colision con el suelo
            if (Input.buttonPressed(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                //Actualizar Ray de colisión en base a posición del mouse

                //Detectar colisión Ray-AABB
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(pickingRay.Ray, suelo.BoundingBox, out newPosition))
                    //Fijar nueva posición destino
                    applyMovement = true;

                    collisionPointMesh.Position = newPosition;
                    directionArrow.PEnd         = new TGCVector3(newPosition.X, 30f, newPosition.Z);

                    //Rotar modelo en base a la nueva dirección a la que apunta
                    var direction    = TGCVector3.Normalize(newPosition - mesh.Position);
                    var angle        = FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(originalMeshRot, direction));
                    var axisRotation = TGCVector3.Cross(originalMeshRot, direction);
                    meshRotationMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(axisRotation, angle);

            var speed = speedModifier.Value;

            //Interporlar movimiento, si hay que mover
            if (applyMovement)
                //Ver si queda algo de distancia para mover
                var posDiff       = newPosition - mesh.Position;
                var posDiffLength = posDiff.LengthSq();
                if (posDiffLength > float.Epsilon)
                    //Movemos el mesh interpolando por la velocidad
                    var currentVelocity = speed * ElapsedTime;

                    //Ajustar cuando llegamos al final del recorrido
                    var newPos = mesh.Position + posDiff;
                    if (posDiff.LengthSq() > posDiffLength)
                        newPos = newPosition;

                    //Actualizar flecha de movimiento
                    directionArrow.PStart = new TGCVector3(mesh.Position.X, 30f, mesh.Position.Z);

                    //Actualizar posicion del mesh
                    mesh.Position = newPos;

                    //Como desactivamos la transformacion automatica, tenemos que armar nosotros la matriz de transformacion
                    mesh.Transform = meshRotationMatrix * TGCMatrix.Translation(mesh.Position);

                    //Actualizar camara
                    camaraInterna.Target = mesh.Position;
                //Se acabo el movimiento
                    applyMovement = false;

            //Mostrar caja con lugar en el que se hizo click, solo si hay movimiento
            if (applyMovement)


Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Actualizar parámetros de la flecha en base a los valores configurados
        /// </summary>
        public void updateValues()
            var vertices = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[54];

            //Crear caja en vertical en Y con longitud igual al módulo de la recta.
            var lineVec    = TGCVector3.Subtract(PEnd, PStart);
            var lineLength = lineVec.Length();
            var min        = new TGCVector3(-Thickness, 0, -Thickness);
            var max        = new TGCVector3(Thickness, lineLength, Thickness);

            //Vertices del cuerpo de la flecha
            var bc = bodyColor.ToArgb();

            // Front face
            vertices[0] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[1] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[2] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[3] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[4] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[5] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);

            // Back face (remember this is facing *away* from the camera, so vertices should be clockwise order)
            vertices[6]  = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[7]  = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[8]  = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[9]  = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[10] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[11] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);

            // Top face
            vertices[12] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[13] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[14] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[15] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[16] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[17] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, bc);

            // Bottom face (remember this is facing *away* from the camera, so vertices should be clockwise order)
            vertices[18] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[19] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[20] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[21] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[22] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[23] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, bc);

            // Left face
            vertices[24] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[25] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[26] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[27] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[28] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[29] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);

            // Right face (remember this is facing *away* from the camera, so vertices should be clockwise order)
            vertices[30] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[31] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[32] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[33] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, bc);
            vertices[34] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, bc);
            vertices[35] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, bc);

            //Vertices del cuerpo de la flecha
            var hc   = headColor.ToArgb();
            var hMin = new TGCVector3(-HeadSize.X, lineLength, -HeadSize.X);
            var hMax = new TGCVector3(HeadSize.X, lineLength + HeadSize.Y, HeadSize.X);

            //Bottom face
            vertices[36] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMin.X, hMin.Y, hMax.Z, hc);
            vertices[37] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMin.X, hMin.Y, hMin.Z, hc);
            vertices[38] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMax.X, hMin.Y, hMin.Z, hc);
            vertices[39] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMin.X, hMin.Y, hMax.Z, hc);
            vertices[40] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMax.X, hMin.Y, hMin.Z, hc);
            vertices[41] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMax.X, hMin.Y, hMax.Z, hc);

            //Left face
            vertices[42] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMin.X, hMin.Y, hMin.Z, hc);
            vertices[43] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(0, hMax.Y, 0, hc);
            vertices[44] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMin.X, hMin.Y, hMax.Z, hc);

            //Right face
            vertices[45] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMax.X, hMin.Y, hMin.Z, hc);
            vertices[46] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(0, hMax.Y, 0, hc);
            vertices[47] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMax.X, hMin.Y, hMax.Z, hc);

            //Back face
            vertices[48] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMin.X, hMin.Y, hMin.Z, hc);
            vertices[49] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(0, hMax.Y, 0, hc);
            vertices[50] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMax.X, hMin.Y, hMin.Z, hc);

            //Front face
            vertices[51] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMin.X, hMin.Y, hMax.Z, hc);
            vertices[52] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(0, hMax.Y, 0, hc);
            vertices[53] = new CustomVertex.PositionColored(hMax.X, hMin.Y, hMax.Z, hc);

            //Obtener matriz de rotacion respecto del vector de la linea
            var angle        = FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(ORIGINAL_DIR, lineVec));
            var axisRotation = TGCVector3.Cross(ORIGINAL_DIR, lineVec);

            var t = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(axisRotation, angle) * TGCMatrix.Translation(PStart);

            //Transformar todos los puntos
            for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i].Position = TGCVector3.TransformCoordinate(TGCVector3.FromVector3(vertices[i].Position), t);

            //Cargar vertexBuffer
            vertexBuffer.SetData(vertices, 0, LockFlags.None);
Пример #13
        private void PerformNormalMove(float elapsedTime, float speed, TGCVector3 headPosition)
            time -= elapsedTime;
            ChangeDirectionTimeCounter -= elapsedTime;

            float XRotation = 0f, YRotation = 0f;
            var   meshPosition = GetMeshPosition();

            Terrain.world.InterpoledHeight(headPosition.X, headPosition.Z, out float floorHeight);
            var distanceToFloor = FastUtils.Distance(meshPosition.Y, floorHeight);

            var XRotationStep = FastMath.PI * 0.1f * elapsedTime;
            var YRotationStep = FastMath.PI * 0.03f * elapsedTime;

            if (FastUtils.LessThan(distanceToFloor, Constants.FishHeight.X - 40) && FastUtils.LessThan(acumulatedXRotation, Constants.MaxAxisRotation))
                XRotation = XRotationStep;
            else if (FastUtils.IsNumberBetweenInterval(distanceToFloor, Constants.FishHeight) && FastUtils.GreaterThan(acumulatedXRotation, 0.0012f))
                XRotation = -XRotationStep;

            if (FastUtils.GreaterThan(distanceToFloor, Constants.FishHeight.Y + 40) && FastUtils.GreaterThan(acumulatedXRotation, -Constants.MaxAxisRotation))
                XRotation = -XRotationStep;
            else if (FastUtils.IsNumberBetweenInterval(distanceToFloor, Constants.FishHeight) && FastUtils.LessThan(acumulatedXRotation, -0.0012f))
                XRotation = XRotationStep;

            if (ChangeDirectionTimeCounter <= 0)
                if (FastUtils.LessThan(FastMath.Abs(acumulatedYRotation), Constants.MaxYRotation))
                    YRotation = YRotationStep * RotationYSign();
                    ChangeDirectionTimeCounter = Constants.CHANGE_DIRECTION_TIME;
                acumulatedYRotation = 0;

            acumulatedXRotation += XRotation;
            acumulatedYRotation += YRotation;

            TGCMatrix rotation = TGCMatrix.Identity;

            if (XRotation != 0 || FastUtils.GreaterThan(FastMath.Abs(acumulatedXRotation), 0.0012f))
                var rotationAxis = TGCVector3.Cross(TGCVector3.Up, director);
                director.TransformCoordinate(TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, XRotation));
                rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, XRotation);
                speed   /= 1.5f;
            else if (YRotation != 0)
                rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationY(YRotation);

            TotalRotation *= rotation;
            TGCMatrix traslation = TGCMatrix.Translation(meshPosition + director * -speed * elapsedTime);

            Mesh.Mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(Constants.Scale) * TotalRotation * traslation;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Rota en los deltas indicados.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotX"></param>
        /// <param name="rotY"></param>
        private void look(float rotX, float rotY)
            // Controlar los limites de rotacion sobre X (pitch)

            absoluteRotationX += rotX;

            if (absoluteRotationX > maxTopAngle)
                rotX = maxTopAngle - (absoluteRotationX - rotX);
                absoluteRotationX = maxTopAngle;
            else if (absoluteRotationX < maxBottomAngle)
                rotX = maxBottomAngle - (absoluteRotationX - rotX);
                absoluteRotationX = maxBottomAngle;

            // rotar la camara

            // \todo optimize ?
            TGCMatrix deltaRM =
                TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(xAxis, rotX) *
                TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(up, rotY);

            TGCVector4 result;

            result = TGCVector3.Transform(xAxis, deltaRM);
            xAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

            result = TGCVector3.Transform(yAxis, deltaRM);
            yAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

            result = TGCVector3.Transform(zAxis, deltaRM);
            zAxis  = new TGCVector3(result.X, result.Y, result.Z);

            // Recalcular las dependencias

            forward = TGCVector3.Cross(xAxis, up);

            if (Math.Abs(forward.X) > Math.Abs(forward.Y) + Math.Abs(forward.Z))
                if (forward.X > 0)
                    key_right   = 'S';
                    key_back    = 'A';
                    key_forward = 'D';
                    key_left    = 'W';
                    key_right   = 'W';
                    key_back    = 'D';
                    key_forward = 'A';
                    key_left    = 'S';

                //miro para adelante en x
            else if (Math.Abs(forward.Y) > Math.Abs(forward.X) + Math.Abs(forward.Z))
                //miro para adelante en Y
                //Miro para adelante en z
                if (forward.Z > 0)
                    key_right   = 'A';
                    key_back    = 'W';
                    key_forward = 'S';
                    key_left    = 'D';
                    key_right   = 'D';
                    key_back    = 'S';
                    key_forward = 'W';
                    key_left    = 'A';

            target = eye + zAxis;

            rotationChanged = true;
Пример #15
        private void PerformNormalMove(float elapsedTime, float speed, TGCVector3 headPosition)
            CharacterOnSight = false;
            var XRotation = 0f;
            var YRotation = 0f;

            ChangeDirectionTimeCounter -= elapsedTime;
            Terrain.world.InterpoledHeight(headPosition.X, headPosition.Z, out float floorHeight);
            var distanceToFloor = Body.CenterOfMassPosition.Y - floorHeight;
            var XRotationStep   = FastMath.PI * 0.1f * elapsedTime;
            var YRotationStep   = FastMath.PI * 0.4f * elapsedTime;

            var        distanceToWater    = Constants.WATER_HEIGHT - floorHeight - 200;
            TGCVector2 sharkRangePosition =
                new TGCVector2(Constants.SHARK_HEIGHT.X, FastMath.Min(distanceToWater, Constants.SHARK_HEIGHT.Y));

            if (distanceToFloor < sharkRangePosition.X - 150 && AcumulatedXRotation < Constants.MaxAxisRotation)
                XRotation = XRotationStep;
            else if (FastUtils.IsNumberBetweenInterval(distanceToFloor, sharkRangePosition) && AcumulatedXRotation > 0.0012)
                XRotation = -XRotationStep;
            else if (distanceToFloor > sharkRangePosition.Y + 150 && AcumulatedXRotation > -Constants.MaxAxisRotation)
                XRotation = -XRotationStep;
            else if (FastUtils.IsNumberBetweenInterval(distanceToFloor, sharkRangePosition) && AcumulatedXRotation < -0.0012)
                XRotation = XRotationStep;

            if (ChangeDirectionTimeCounter <= 0)
                if (FastMath.Abs(AcumulatedYRotation) < Constants.MaxYRotation)
                    YRotation = YRotationStep * RotationYSign();
                    ChangeDirectionTimeCounter = Constants.CHANGE_DIRECTION_TIME;
                AcumulatedYRotation = 0;

            AcumulatedXRotation += XRotation;
            AcumulatedYRotation += YRotation;

            Body.ActivationState = ActivationState.ActiveTag;
            TGCMatrix rotation = TGCMatrix.Identity;

            if (XRotation != 0 || FastMath.Abs(AcumulatedXRotation) > 0.0012)
                var rotationAxis = TGCVector3.Cross(TGCVector3.Up, director);
                director.TransformCoordinate(TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, XRotation));
                rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, XRotation);
                speed   /= 1.5f;
            else if (YRotation != 0)
                rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationY(YRotation);
            TotalRotation      *= rotation;
            Mesh.Transform      = TotalRotation * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(Body.CenterOfMassPosition));
            Body.WorldTransform = Mesh.Transform.ToBulletMatrix();
            Body.LinearVelocity = director.ToBulletVector3() * -speed;
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        ///     Add new BoxLine mesh
        /// </summary>
        public void addBoxLine(TGCVector3 pStart, TGCVector3 pEnd, float thickness, Color color)
            const int vertexCount = 36;

            var initIdx = idx;

            var c = color.ToArgb();

            //Crear caja en vertical en Y con longitud igual al módulo de la recta.
            var lineVec    = TGCVector3.Subtract(pEnd, pStart);
            var lineLength = lineVec.Length();
            var min        = new TGCVector3(-thickness, 0, -thickness);
            var max        = new TGCVector3(thickness, lineLength, thickness);

            //Vértices de la caja con forma de linea
            // Front face
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, c)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, c)

            // Back face (remember this is facing *away* from the camera, so vertices should be clockwise order)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, c)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, c)

            // Top face
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, c)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, c)

            // Bottom face (remember this is facing *away* from the camera, so vertices should be clockwise order)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, c)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, c)

            // Left face
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, c)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, c)

            // Right face (remember this is facing *away* from the camera, so vertices should be clockwise order)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, c)
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, c),
                new CustomVertex.PositionColored(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, c)

            //Obtener matriz de rotacion respecto del vector de la linea
            var angle        = FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(BOX_LINE_ORIGINAL_DIR, lineVec));
            var axisRotation = TGCVector3.Cross(BOX_LINE_ORIGINAL_DIR, lineVec);

            var t = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(axisRotation, angle) * TGCMatrix.Translation(pStart);

            //Transformar todos los puntos
            for (var i = initIdx; i < initIdx + vertexCount; i++)
                vertices[i].Position = TGCVector3.TransformCoordinate(TGCVector3.FromVector3(vertices[i].Position), t);