/// <summary>
        /// Apply changes sent by a client to the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverBlob">Blob sent in the incoming request</param>
        /// <param name="entities">Changes from the client</param>
        /// <returns>Response containing the new knowledge and conflict/error information.</returns>
        public ApplyChangesResponse ApplyChanges(byte[] serverBlob, List<IOfflineEntity> entities)
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(serverBlob, "serverBlob");
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entities, "entities");
            if (0 == serverBlob.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("serverBlob is empty");

            var syncBlob = new SyncBlob();

            SyncBlob incomingBlob = SyncBlob.DeSerialize(serverBlob);

            // Set the scope name in the response blob.
            syncBlob.ClientScopeName = incomingBlob.ClientScopeName;
            // If the requested scope does not exists, then throw an error since we 
            // don't initialize scopes on upload requests.
            if (!CheckIfScopeExists())
                throw SyncServiceException.CreateResourceNotFound("Scope does not exist");

            byte[] clientKnowledgeBlob = incomingBlob.ClientKnowledge;

            // Initialize a SqlSyncProvider object.
            _sqlSyncProvider = CreateSqlSyncProviderInstance(_clientScopeName, _serverConnectionString, _configuration.SyncObjectSchema);

            var response = new ApplyChangesResponse();

            // Deserialize the knowledge or create new empty knowledge.
            SyncKnowledge clientKnowledge = GetSyncKnowledgeFromBlob(clientKnowledgeBlob);

            // If there are no entities to upload, then return the client knowledge as is.
            if (entities.Count == 0)
                response.Conflicts = new List<SyncConflict>();
                response.Errors = new List<SyncError>();
                syncBlob.ClientKnowledge = clientKnowledge.Serialize();

                response.ServerBlob = syncBlob.Serialize();

                return response;

            // Client never has any forgotten knowledge. So create a new one.
            var forgottenKnowledge = new ForgottenKnowledge(_sqlSyncProvider.IdFormats, clientKnowledge);

            // Convert the entities to dataset using the custom converter.
            DataSet changesDS = _converter.ConvertEntitiesToDataSet(entities);

            var stats = new SyncSessionStatistics();
            var sessionContext = new SyncSessionContext(_sqlSyncProvider.IdFormats, new SyncCallbacks());

            _sqlSyncProvider.BeginSession(SyncProviderPosition.Remote, sessionContext);

            ulong tickCount = 0;
            SyncKnowledge updatedClientKnowldege;

                uint batchSize;
                SyncKnowledge serverKnowledge;

                // This gives us the server knowledge.
                _sqlSyncProvider.GetSyncBatchParameters(out batchSize, out serverKnowledge);

                var changeBatch = new ChangeBatch(_sqlSyncProvider.IdFormats, clientKnowledge, forgottenKnowledge);

                //Note: There is a possiblity of (-ve) item exceptions , between two uploads from the 
                // same client (for example: in case of RI failures). This would result in an incorrect value if the function
                // FindMinTickCountForReplica is used to get the last tickcount. So, we need to ignore the -ve item exceptions 
                // when finding the tickcount for the client replica from the server knowledge.

                /* Logic:
                 * SyncKnowledge.GetKnowledgeForItemId could be used for itemid Zero and then we can find the mintickcount for client replica id.
                 * This does not however seem to work, so we use the KnowledgeInspector and enumerate over each ClockVector
                 * and find the client clockvector and get its tickcount.
                 * Assumption: The above approach assumes that we don't have any positive exceptions in the knowledge.
                    // Check if the client replica key exists.
                    uint clientReplicaKey = serverKnowledge.ReplicaKeyMap.LookupReplicaKey(_clientSyncId);

                    var ki = new KnowledgeInspector(1, serverKnowledge);
                    var clockVector = (ClockVector)ki.ScopeClockVector;
                    int noOfReplicaKeys = clockVector.Count;

                    for (int i = noOfReplicaKeys - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (clockVector[i].ReplicaKey == clientReplicaKey)
                            tickCount = clockVector[i].TickCount;
                catch (ReplicaNotFoundException exception)
                    SyncTracer.Info("ReplicaNotFoundException. NEW CLIENT. Exception details: {0}",
                    // If the knowedge does not contain the client replica (first apply), initialize tickcount to zero.
                    tickCount = 0;

                // Increment the tickcount

                // update the made with knowledge to include the new tickcount.
                updatedClientKnowldege = new SyncKnowledge(_sqlSyncProvider.IdFormats, _clientSyncId, tickCount);

                // The incoming data does not have metadata for each item, so we need to create it at this point.
                AddSyncColumnsToDataSet(changesDS, tickCount);

                // Make DbSyncContext
                var dbSyncContext = new DbSyncContext
                    IsDataBatched = false,
                    IsLastBatch = true,
                    DataSet = changesDS,
                    MadeWithKnowledge = updatedClientKnowldege,
                    MadeWithForgottenKnowledge = forgottenKnowledge,
                    ScopeProgress = new DbSyncScopeProgress()

                _conflicts = new List<SyncConflict>();
                _syncErrors = new List<SyncError>();

                // Subscribe to the ApplyChangeFailed event to handle conflicts.
                _sqlSyncProvider.ApplyChangeFailed += SqlSyncProviderApplyChangeFailed;

                // Subscribe to the ChangesApplied event to read the server tickcount incase there are any conflicts.
                _sqlSyncProvider.ChangesApplied += SqlSyncProviderChangesApplied;

                //NOTE: The ConflictResolutionPolicy pass into the method is IGNORED.
                // Conflicts can be logged by subscribing to the failed events
                                                   dbSyncContext, new SyncCallbacks(), stats);

                if (0 != _conflicts.Count)
                    _sqlSyncProvider.GetSyncBatchParameters(out batchSize, out serverKnowledge);

                    // The way the current P2P provider works, versions are bumped up when conflicts are resolved on the server.
                    // This would result in us sending the changes to the client on the next download request. We want
                    // to not enumerate that change again on the next request from the same client. 
                    // The solution is to get the server knowledge after all changes are applied and then
                    // project the knowledge of each conflictign item and add it as a positive exception to the updated client knowledge.

                    AddConflictItemsKnowledgeToClientKnowledge(updatedClientKnowldege, serverKnowledge);

            // Don't send any updates to the server knowledge since the client has not got any updates yet.
            // This updated knowledge will only include an update to the client tickcount.
            // The client would obtain the server knowledge when it does a get changes.
            // If we include the serverknowlege, the client would never get any items that are
            // between the current server knowledge and the client known server knowledge.

            syncBlob.ClientKnowledge = updatedClientKnowldege.Serialize();
            response.ServerBlob = syncBlob.Serialize();

            response.Conflicts = _conflicts;
            response.Errors = _syncErrors;

            return response;
Пример #2
        public SyncKnowledge ProjectOnKnowledge(SyncKnowledge sourceKnowledge)
            SyncKnowledge cumulativeKnowledge = null;

            foreach (BatchRange curRange in _ranges)
                if (!curRange.RangeIsUsable)
                    // break on last range if it is not usable
                    Debug.Assert(curRange == Last);
                SyncKnowledge knowledgeForUnion =
                    sourceKnowledge.GetKnowledgeForRange(curRange.Start, curRange.End);

                if (cumulativeKnowledge == null)
                    cumulativeKnowledge = knowledgeForUnion;
Пример #3
        internal static void SetLocalTickCountRanges(SyncKnowledge knowledge, ulong newTick)
            SyncKnowledge knowledge1 = knowledge.Clone();

        /// <summary>
        /// The way the current P2P provider works, versions are bumped up when conflicts are resolved on the server.
        /// This would result in us sending the changes to the client on the next download request. We want
        /// to not enumerate that change again. So one solution is to get the server knowledge after all changes are applied and then
        /// project the knowledge of each conflict and add it as a positive exception to the updated client knowledge.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updatedClientKnowledge">Knowledge that is going to be sent to the client in the response</param>
        /// <param name="serverKnowledge">Server knowledge after applying changes</param>
        private void AddConflictItemsKnowledgeToClientKnowledge(SyncKnowledge updatedClientKnowledge, SyncKnowledge serverKnowledge)
            foreach (var conflict in _conflicts)
                SyncId entitySyncId;

                _conflictToSyncEntityIdMapping.TryGetValue(conflict, out entitySyncId);

                if (null == entitySyncId)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("SyncId is missing for a conflicting entity.");

                // Create a new SyncKnowledge which only includes the server replica and set the local tickcount to
                // the value of @@DBTS that was read before committing the Apply transaction.
                var localKnowledge = new SyncKnowledge(serverKnowledge.GetSyncIdFormatGroup(),

                // Add the knowledge of the conflicting item to the client knowledge. This will be 
                // sent back to the client. In the next download request, the conflicting item will
                // not be enumerated since it is already contained in the knowledge.
                // After enumeration the knowledge is compacted and the single item positive exception
                // is removed.
                // Note: If there are a lot of conflicts, the knowledge sent back to the client will be 
                // large for that one instance. However the size will is not very significant compared to the amount
                // of data that is sent back in the response in the winning and the losing entities. 
                // The large knowledge in this case will be compacted on a subsequent download from the same client.

                // Project the knowledge of the single row from the created knowledge and combine it with
                // the updated client knowledge. This will add a positive exception since the server tickcount in the 
                // knowledge that is created (localKnowledge) is newer than that in the updatedClientKnowledge.