private static void MappedReadTest(bool r1UnMapped, bool r1MateUnMapped, bool r2UnMapped, bool r2MateUnMapped)
            var dupIdentifier = new Mock <IDuplicateIdentifier>();
            var filter        = new StitcherPairFilter(false, false, dupIdentifier.Object, new ReadStatusCounter(), filterPairUnmapped: true);
            var unmappedRead  = CreateAlignment("case1", true, 0, "3M", r1UnMapped, r1MateUnMapped);
            var mappedRead    = CreateAlignment("case1", true, 0, "3M", r2UnMapped, r2MateUnMapped);
            var pair          = filter.TryPair(mappedRead);

            pair = filter.TryPair(unmappedRead);
            Assert.Equal(0, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());
Пример #2
        public IDataSource <ReadPair> CreateReadPairSource(IBamReader bamReader, ReadStatusCounter statusCounter)
            //var pairSourceLevelFilterProperPairs = _stitcherOptions.FilterForProperPairs;
            var pairSourceLevelFilterProperPairs = false; // This gets taken care of at the Gemini level now.
            var filter = new StitcherPairFilter(_stitcherOptions.FilterDuplicates,
                                                pairSourceLevelFilterProperPairs, new AlignmentFlagDuplicateIdentifier(), statusCounter,
                                                minMapQuality: 0, treatImproperAsIncomplete: false);

            var readLength = 150;

            return(new PairFilterReadPairSource(bamReader, statusCounter, _skipAndRemoveDuplicates,
                                                filter, refId: _refId,
                                                expectedFragmentLength: readLength, filterForProperPairs: pairSourceLevelFilterProperPairs));
Пример #3
        public void TryPair()
            var dupIdentifier = new Mock <IDuplicateIdentifier>();

            var filter = new StitcherPairFilter(false, false, dupIdentifier.Object, new ReadStatusCounter());

            // First alignment the filter sees: not paired yet, hold on to it
            var firstInPair = CreateAlignment("abc");
            var pair        = filter.TryPair(firstInPair);

            // Found the original alignment's pair -> return the pair
            var secondInPair = CreateAlignment("abc");

            pair = filter.TryPair(secondInPair);
            // There should be nothing unpaired
            Assert.Equal(0, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());

            // Add another one and don't give it a pair (i.e. a singleton), there should be a single unpaired
            pair = filter.TryPair(CreateAlignment("singleton"));
            Assert.Equal(1, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());

            // Improper pairs should be treated as incomplete (like a singleton)
            Assert.Equal(0, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());
            var improperPairRead1 = CreateAlignment("improper", false);
            var improperPairRead2 = CreateAlignment("improper", false);

            pair = filter.TryPair(improperPairRead1);
            pair = filter.TryPair(improperPairRead2);
            // Should be able to get both of these reads back with unpaired
            Assert.Equal(2, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());

            // Non-overlapping pairs should be treated as incomplete (like a singleton)
            Assert.Equal(0, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());
            var nonOverlappingRead1 = CreateAlignment("noOverlap", true, 1, "3M2I");
            var nonOverlappingRead2 = CreateAlignment("noOverlap", true, 4, "2I4M");

            pair = filter.TryPair(nonOverlappingRead1);
            pair = filter.TryPair(nonOverlappingRead2);
            // Should be able to get both of these reads back with unpaired
            Assert.Equal(2, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());
        private static void LowMapQualityTest(uint r1MapQ, uint r2MapQ, bool filterPair, int expectedFragmentCount, uint MinMapQuality, bool shouldStitch)
            var dupIdentifier = new Mock <IDuplicateIdentifier>();
            var filter        = new StitcherPairFilter(false, false, dupIdentifier.Object, new ReadStatusCounter(), filterPairLowMapQ: filterPair, minMapQuality: MinMapQuality);
            var r1            = CreateAlignment("LowMap", true, 0, "3M", false, mapQ: r1MapQ);
            var r2            = CreateAlignment("LowMap", true, 0, "3M", false, mapQ: r2MapQ);
            var pair          = filter.TryPair(r1);

            pair = filter.TryPair(r2);
            if (shouldStitch)
            Assert.Equal(expectedFragmentCount, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());
Пример #5
        public void GetNextEntryUntilNull_NonMocked()
            var readEarly = TestHelpers.CreateBamAlignment(new string('A', 100), 3, 500, 30, false, name: "FarApart", isFirstMate: true);

            readEarly.FragmentLength = 600;
            var readLate = TestHelpers.CreateBamAlignment(new string('A', 100), 500, 3, 30, false, name: "FarApart", isFirstMate: true);

            readLate.FragmentLength = -600;

            var bamAlignments = new List <BamAlignment>()
                readEarly, readLate
            var refIdLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "chr1", 1 }
            var bamReader = new MockBamReader(bamAlignments, refIdLookup);

            var filter = new StitcherPairFilter(false,
                                                false, new AlignmentFlagDuplicateIdentifier(), new ReadStatusCounter(),
                                                minMapQuality: 0, treatImproperAsIncomplete: false);

            var source = new PairFilterReadPairSource(bamReader, new ReadStatusCounter(), false,
                                                      filter, refId: 1, expectedFragmentLength: 150);

            // Return far apart reads individually so we don't bog down memory with things that don't act as pairs (stitch, cover same indels) anyway.
            var nextEntry = source.GetNextEntryUntilNull();

            Assert.Equal(2, nextEntry.MinPosition);
            Assert.Equal(1, nextEntry.NumPrimaryReads);
            Assert.Equal(PairStatus.LongFragment, nextEntry.PairStatus);

            nextEntry = source.GetNextEntryUntilNull();
            Assert.Equal(499, nextEntry.MinPosition);
            Assert.Equal(1, nextEntry.NumPrimaryReads);
            Assert.Equal(PairStatus.LongFragment, nextEntry.PairStatus);
        public void TryPair()
            var dupIdentifier = new Mock <IDuplicateIdentifier>();

            var filter = new StitcherPairFilter(false, false, dupIdentifier.Object, new ReadStatusCounter());

            // First alignment the filter sees: not paired yet, hold on to it
            var firstInPair = CreateAlignment("abc");
            var tagUtils    = new TagUtils();

            tagUtils.AddStringTag("SA", "chr1,100,+,3M,50,1");
            firstInPair.TagData = tagUtils.ToBytes();
            var pair = filter.TryPair(firstInPair);

            // Found the original alignment's pair -> return the pair, even though it has a supplementary which has not yet been encountered
            var secondInPair = CreateAlignment("abc");

            pair = filter.TryPair(secondInPair);
            // There should be nothing unpaired
            Assert.Equal(0, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());

            // Add another one and don't give it a pair (i.e. a singleton), there should be a single unpaired
            pair = filter.TryPair(CreateAlignment("singleton"));
            Assert.Equal(1, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());

            // Improper pairs should be treated as incomplete (like a singleton)
            Assert.Equal(0, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());
            var improperPairRead1 = CreateAlignment("improper", false);
            var improperPairRead2 = CreateAlignment("improper", false);

            pair = filter.TryPair(improperPairRead1);
            pair = filter.TryPair(improperPairRead2);
            // Should be able to get both of these reads back with unpaired
            Assert.Equal(2, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());

            /// LowMapQ filter tests both the filterPairLowMapQ and the minmapquality setting
            /// If filterPairLowMapQ == true, and one or both reads below mapQ both read pairs should be filtered and have 0 FlushableUnpairedReads
            /// If filterPairLowMapQ == false, and one read below mapQ, only one read should be filtered and have 1 FlushableUnpairedReads

            // HappyCase, both reads mapQ = 30, filterPair on, Stitched so 0 flushable reads, minMapQ = 20
            LowMapQualityTest(30, 30, true, 0, 20, true);
            // r1MapQ = 10, r2MapQ = 30, filterPair on, expected to throw out both reads, minMapQ = 20)
            LowMapQualityTest(10, 30, true, 0, 20, false);
            // r1MapQ = 30, r2MapQ = 10, filterPair on, expected to throw out both reads, minMapQ = 20)
            LowMapQualityTest(10, 30, true, 0, 20, false);
            // r1MapQ = 30, r2MapQ = 10, filterPair off, expected to throw out 1 read, minMapQ = 20)
            LowMapQualityTest(10, 30, false, 1, 20, false);
            // r1MapQ = 10, r2MapQ = 30, filterPair off, expected to throw out 1 read, minMapQ = 20)
            LowMapQualityTest(10, 30, false, 1, 20, false);
            // r1MapQ = 3, r2MapQ = 20, filterPair on, expected to throw out both reads, minMapQ = 5)
            LowMapQualityTest(3, 20, true, 0, 5, false);
            // r1MapQ = 10, r2MapQ = 10, filterPair on, expected to throw out both reads, minMapQ = 20)
            LowMapQualityTest(10, 10, true, 0, 20, false);
            // r1MapQ = 10, r2MapQ = 10, filterPair off, expected to throw out both reads, minMapQ = 20)
            LowMapQualityTest(10, 10, false, 0, 20, false);
            // r1MapQ = 19, r2MapQ = 20, filterPair on, expected to throw out both reads, minMapQ = 20)
            LowMapQualityTest(19, 20, true, 0, 20, false);
            // r1MapQ = 19, r2MapQ = 20, filterPair off, expected to throw out 1 reads, minMapQ = 20)
            LowMapQualityTest(19, 20, false, 1, 20, false);

            // Non-overlapping pairs should be treated as incomplete (like a singleton)
            Assert.Equal(0, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());
            var nonOverlappingRead1 = CreateAlignment("noOverlap", true, 1, "3M2I");
            var nonOverlappingRead2 = CreateAlignment("noOverlap", true, 4, "2I4M");

            pair = filter.TryPair(nonOverlappingRead1);
            pair = filter.TryPair(nonOverlappingRead2);
            // Should be able to get both of these reads back with unpaired
            Assert.Equal(2, filter.GetFlushableUnpairedReads().Count());