public void Init(frmCUEPlayer parent) { MdiParent = parent; Show(); _mixer = parent.Mixer; buffer = new AudioPipe(_mixer.PCM, _mixer.PCM.SampleRate * 10); // 10 secs _mixer.AudioRead += new EventHandler<CUETools.DSP.Mixer.AudioReadEventArgs>(Mixer_AudioRead); parent.updateMetadata += new EventHandler<UpdateMetadataEvent>(parent_updateMetadata); flushThread = new Thread(FlushThread); flushThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; flushThread.IsBackground = true; flushThread.Name = "Icecast"; flushThread.Start(); }
internal IAudioSource GetAudioSource(int sourceIndex, bool pipe) { SourceInfo sourceInfo = _sources[sourceIndex]; IAudioSource audioSource; if (sourceInfo.Path == null) { audioSource = new SilenceGenerator(sourceInfo.Offset + sourceInfo.Length); } else { if (_isCD) { _ripper.Position = 0; //audioSource = _ripper; if (pipe) audioSource = new AudioPipe(_ripper, 0x100000, false, ThreadPriority.Highest); else audioSource = _ripper; } else if (_isArchive) audioSource = AudioReadWrite.GetAudioSource(sourceInfo.Path, OpenArchive(sourceInfo.Path, false), _config); else audioSource = AudioReadWrite.GetAudioSource(sourceInfo.Path, null, _config); } if (sourceInfo.Offset != 0) { try { audioSource.Position = sourceInfo.Offset; } catch(Exception ex) { audioSource.Close(); throw ex; } } //if (!(audioSource is AudioPipe) && !(audioSource is UserDefinedReader) && _config.separateDecodingThread) if (!(audioSource is AudioPipe) && pipe) audioSource = new AudioPipe(audioSource, 0x10000); return audioSource; }
static int Main(string[] args) { TextWriter stdout = Console.Out; Console.SetOut(Console.Error); var settings = new FLACCLWriterSettings(); TimeSpan lastPrint = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); bool debug = false, quiet = false; string stereo_method = null; string window_function = null; string input_file = null; string output_file = null; string device_type = null; int min_partition_order = -1, max_partition_order = -1, min_lpc_order = -1, max_lpc_order = -1, min_fixed_order = -1, max_fixed_order = -1, min_precision = -1, max_precision = -1, orders_per_window = -1, orders_per_channel = -1, blocksize = -1; int input_len = 4096, input_val = 0, input_bps = 16, input_ch = 2, input_rate = 44100; int level = -1, padding = -1, vbr_mode = -1; bool do_seektable = true; bool estimate_window = false; bool buffered = false; bool ok = true; int intarg; for (int arg = 0; arg < args.Length; arg++) { if (args[arg].Length == 0) ok = false; else if (args[arg] == "--debug") debug = true; else if ((args[arg] == "-q" || args[arg] == "--quiet")) quiet = true; else if (args[arg] == "--verify") settings.DoVerify = true; else if (args[arg] == "--no-seektable") do_seektable = false; else if (args[arg] == "--slow-gpu") settings.GPUOnly = false; else if (args[arg] == "--fast-gpu") settings.DoRice = true; else if (args[arg] == "--no-md5") settings.DoMD5 = false; else if (args[arg] == "--buffered") buffered = true; else if (args[arg] == "--cpu-threads") { int val = settings.CPUThreads; ok = (++arg < args.Length) && int.TryParse(args[arg], out val); settings.CPUThreads = val; } else if (args[arg] == "--group-size" && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) settings.GroupSize = intarg; else if (args[arg] == "--task-size" && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) settings.TaskSize = intarg; else if (args[arg] == "--define" && arg + 2 < args.Length) settings.Defines += "#define " + args[++arg] + " " + args[++arg] + "\n"; else if (args[arg] == "--opencl-platform" && ++arg < args.Length) settings.Platform = args[arg]; else if (args[arg] == "--mapped-memory") settings.MappedMemory = true; else if (args[arg] == "--opencl-type" && ++arg < args.Length) device_type = args[arg]; else if (args[arg] == "--input-length" && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) input_len = intarg; else if (args[arg] == "--input-value" && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) input_val = intarg; else if (args[arg] == "--input-bps" && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) input_bps = intarg; else if (args[arg] == "--input-channels" && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) input_ch = intarg; else if ((args[arg] == "-o" || args[arg] == "--output") && ++arg < args.Length) output_file = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-s" || args[arg] == "--stereo") && ++arg < args.Length) stereo_method = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-w" || args[arg] == "--window") && ++arg < args.Length) window_function = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-r" || args[arg] == "--partition-order") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_partition_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_partition_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_partition_order); } else if ((args[arg] == "-l" || args[arg] == "--lpc-order") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_lpc_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_lpc_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_lpc_order); } else if (args[arg] == "--fixed-order" && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_fixed_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_fixed_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_fixed_order); } else if ((args[arg] == "-c" || args[arg] == "--max-precision") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_precision) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_precision)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_precision); } else if ((args[arg] == "-v" || args[arg] == "--vbr")) ok = (++arg < args.Length) && int.TryParse(args[arg], out vbr_mode); else if (args[arg] == "--orders-per-window" && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) orders_per_window = intarg; else if (args[arg] == "--orders-per-channel" && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) orders_per_channel = intarg; else if (args[arg] == "--estimate-window") estimate_window = true; else if ((args[arg] == "-b" || args[arg] == "--blocksize") && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) blocksize = intarg; else if ((args[arg] == "-p" || args[arg] == "--padding") && ++arg < args.Length && int.TryParse(args[arg], out intarg)) padding = intarg; else if (args[arg] != "-" && args[arg][0] == '-' && int.TryParse(args[arg].Substring(1), out level)) ok = level >= 0 && level <= 11; else if ((args[arg][0] != '-' || args[arg] == "-") && input_file == null) input_file = args[arg]; else ok = false; if (!ok) break; } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, Copyright (C) 2010 Grigory Chudov.", FLACCLWriter.vendor_string); Console.WriteLine("This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to"); Console.WriteLine("the extent permitted by law. <> for details."); } if (!ok || input_file == null) { Usage(); return 1; } if (((input_file == "-" || Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".flac") && output_file == null)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Output file not specified."); Console.WriteLine(); Usage(); return 2; } IAudioSource audioSource; try { if (input_file == "-") audioSource = new WAVReader("", Console.OpenStandardInput()); else if (input_file == "nul") audioSource = new SilenceGenerator(new AudioPCMConfig(input_bps, input_ch, input_rate), input_len, input_val); else if (File.Exists(input_file) && Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".wav") audioSource = new WAVReader(input_file, null); else if (File.Exists(input_file) && Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".flac") audioSource = new FlakeReader(input_file, null); else { Usage(); return 2; } } catch (Exception ex) { Usage(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}.", ex.Message); return 3; } if (buffered) audioSource = new AudioPipe(audioSource, FLACCLWriter.MAX_BLOCKSIZE); if (output_file == null) output_file = Path.ChangeExtension(input_file, "flac"); FLACCLWriter encoder = new FLACCLWriter((output_file == "-" || output_file == "nul") ? "" : output_file, output_file == "-" ? Console.OpenStandardOutput() : output_file == "nul" ? new NullStream() : null, audioSource.PCM); encoder.FinalSampleCount = audioSource.Length; IAudioDest audioDest = encoder; AudioBuffer buff = new AudioBuffer(audioSource, FLACCLWriter.MAX_BLOCKSIZE); try { if (device_type != null) settings.DeviceType = (OpenCLDeviceType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(OpenCLDeviceType), device_type, true)); encoder.Settings = settings; if (level >= 0) encoder.CompressionLevel = level; if (stereo_method != null) encoder.StereoMethod = Flake.LookupStereoMethod(stereo_method); if (window_function != null) encoder.WindowFunction = Flake.LookupWindowFunction(window_function); if (min_partition_order >= 0) encoder.MinPartitionOrder = min_partition_order; if (max_partition_order >= 0) encoder.MaxPartitionOrder = max_partition_order; if (min_lpc_order >= 0) encoder.MinLPCOrder = min_lpc_order; if (max_lpc_order >= 0) encoder.MaxLPCOrder = max_lpc_order; if (min_fixed_order >= 0) encoder.MinFixedOrder = min_fixed_order; if (max_fixed_order >= 0) encoder.MaxFixedOrder = max_fixed_order; if (max_precision >= 0) encoder.MaxPrecisionSearch = max_precision; if (min_precision >= 0) encoder.MinPrecisionSearch = min_precision; if (blocksize >= 0) encoder.BlockSize = blocksize; if (padding >= 0) encoder.Padding = padding; if (vbr_mode >= 0) encoder.VBRMode = vbr_mode; if (orders_per_window >= 0) encoder.OrdersPerWindow = orders_per_window; if (orders_per_channel >= 0) encoder.OrdersPerChannel = orders_per_channel; if (estimate_window) encoder.EstimateWindow = estimate_window; encoder.DoSeekTable = do_seektable; } catch (Exception ex) { Usage(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}.", ex.Message); return 3; } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine("Filename : {0}", input_file); Console.WriteLine("File Info : {0}kHz; {1} channel; {2} bit; {3}", audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, audioSource.PCM.ChannelCount, audioSource.PCM.BitsPerSample, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(audioSource.Length * 1.0 / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate)); } DateTime start = DateTime.Now; try { audioDest.Write(buff); start = DateTime.Now; while (audioSource.Read(buff, -1) != 0) { audioDest.Write(buff); TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if (!quiet) { if ((elapsed - lastPrint).TotalMilliseconds > 60) { Console.Error.Write("\rProgress : {0:00}%; {1:0.00}x; {2}/{3}", 100.0 * audioSource.Position / audioSource.Length, audioSource.Position / elapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, elapsed, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / audioSource.Position * audioSource.Length) ); lastPrint = elapsed; } } } audioDest.Close(); } catch (OpenCLNet.OpenCLBuildException ex) { Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Error : {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.BuildLogs[0]); if (debug) using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("debug.txt", true)) sw.WriteLine("{0}\n{1}\n{2}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, ex.BuildLogs[0]); audioDest.Delete(); audioSource.Close(); return 4; } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Error : {0}", ex.Message); if (debug) using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("debug.txt", true)) sw.WriteLine("{0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); audioDest.Delete(); audioSource.Close(); return 4; } #endif TimeSpan totalElapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if (!quiet) { Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Results : {0:0.00}x; {2} bytes in {1} seconds;", audioSource.Position / totalElapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, totalElapsed, encoder.TotalSize ); } audioSource.Close(); if (debug) { Console.SetOut(stdout); Console.Out.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4} ({5})\t{6}/{7}+{12}{13}\t{8}..{9}\t{10}\t{11}", encoder.TotalSize, encoder.UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds > 0 ? encoder.UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds : totalElapsed.TotalSeconds, (encoder.StereoMethod.ToString() + (encoder.OrdersPerChannel == 32 ? "" : "(" + encoder.OrdersPerChannel.ToString() + ")")).PadRight(15), encoder.WindowFunction.ToString().PadRight(15), encoder.MaxPartitionOrder, settings.GPUOnly ? "GPU" : "CPU", encoder.OrdersPerWindow, encoder.MaxLPCOrder, encoder.MinPrecisionSearch, encoder.MaxPrecisionSearch, encoder.BlockSize, encoder.VBRMode, encoder.MaxFixedOrder - encoder.MinFixedOrder + 1, encoder.DoConstant ? "c" : "" ); } return 0; }
static int Main(string[] args) { TextWriter stdout = Console.Out; Console.SetOut(Console.Error); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan lastPrint = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); bool debug = false, quiet = false; string stereo_method = null; string window_function = null; string input_file = null; string output_file = null; int min_partition_order = -1, max_partition_order = -1, min_lpc_order = -1, max_lpc_order = -1, min_fixed_order = -1, max_fixed_order = -1, min_precision = -1, max_precision = -1, orders_per_window = -1, blocksize = -1; int level = -1, padding = -1, vbr_mode = -1; bool do_md5 = true, do_seektable = true, do_verify = false, gpu_only = true, use_lattice = false; bool buffered = false; int cpu_threads = 0; bool ok = true; for (int arg = 0; arg < args.Length; arg++) { if (args[arg].Length == 0) ok = false; else if (args[arg] == "--debug") debug = true; else if ((args[arg] == "-q" || args[arg] == "--quiet")) quiet = true; else if (args[arg] == "--verify") do_verify = true; else if (args[arg] == "--no-seektable") do_seektable = false; else if (args[arg] == "--slow-gpu") gpu_only = false; else if (args[arg] == "--use-lattice") use_lattice = true; else if (args[arg] == "--no-md5") do_md5 = false; else if (args[arg] == "--buffered") buffered = true; else if (args[arg] == "--cpu-threads") ok = (++arg < args.Length) && int.TryParse(args[arg], out cpu_threads); else if ((args[arg] == "-o" || args[arg] == "--output") && ++arg < args.Length) output_file = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-s" || args[arg] == "--stereo") && ++arg < args.Length) stereo_method = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-w" || args[arg] == "--window") && ++arg < args.Length) window_function = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-r" || args[arg] == "--partition-order") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_partition_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_partition_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_partition_order); } else if ((args[arg] == "-l" || args[arg] == "--lpc-order") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_lpc_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_lpc_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_lpc_order); } else if (args[arg] == "--fixed-order" && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_fixed_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_fixed_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_fixed_order); } else if ((args[arg] == "-c" || args[arg] == "--max-precision") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_precision) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_precision)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_precision); } else if ((args[arg] == "-v" || args[arg] == "--vbr")) ok = (++arg < args.Length) && int.TryParse(args[arg], out vbr_mode); else if (args[arg] == "--orders-per-window") ok = (++arg < args.Length) && int.TryParse(args[arg], out orders_per_window); else if ((args[arg] == "-b" || args[arg] == "--blocksize") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out blocksize); else if ((args[arg] == "-p" || args[arg] == "--padding") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out padding); else if (args[arg] != "-" && args[arg][0] == '-' && int.TryParse(args[arg].Substring(1), out level)) ok = level >= 0 && level <= 11; else if ((args[arg][0] != '-' || args[arg] == "-") && input_file == null) input_file = args[arg]; else ok = false; if (!ok) break; } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, Copyright (C) 2009 Grigory Chudov.", FlaCudaWriter.vendor_string); Console.WriteLine("This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to"); Console.WriteLine("the extent permitted by law. <> for details."); } if (!ok || input_file == null) { Usage(); return 1; } if (((input_file == "-" || Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".flac") && output_file == null)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Output file not specified."); Console.WriteLine(); Usage(); return 2; } IAudioSource audioSource; if (input_file == "-") audioSource = new WAVReader("", Console.OpenStandardInput()); else if (File.Exists(input_file) && Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".wav") audioSource = new WAVReader(input_file, null); else if (File.Exists(input_file) && Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".flac") audioSource = new FlakeReader(input_file, null); else { Usage(); return 2; } if (buffered) audioSource = new AudioPipe(audioSource, FlaCudaWriter.MAX_BLOCKSIZE); if (output_file == null) output_file = Path.ChangeExtension(input_file, "flac"); FlaCudaWriter encoder = new FlaCudaWriter((output_file == "-" || output_file == "nul") ? "" : output_file, output_file == "-" ? Console.OpenStandardOutput() : output_file == "nul" ? new NullStream() : null, audioSource.PCM); encoder.FinalSampleCount = audioSource.Length; IAudioDest audioDest = encoder; AudioBuffer buff = new AudioBuffer(audioSource, FlaCudaWriter.MAX_BLOCKSIZE); try { (encoder.Settings as FlaCudaWriterSettings).GPUOnly = gpu_only; (encoder.Settings as FlaCudaWriterSettings).CPUThreads = cpu_threads; (encoder.Settings as FlaCudaWriterSettings).DoVerify = do_verify; (encoder.Settings as FlaCudaWriterSettings).DoMD5 = do_md5; if (level >= 0) encoder.CompressionLevel = level; if (stereo_method != null) encoder.StereoMethod = Flake.LookupStereoMethod(stereo_method); if (window_function != null) encoder.WindowFunction = Flake.LookupWindowFunction(window_function); if (min_partition_order >= 0) encoder.MinPartitionOrder = min_partition_order; if (max_partition_order >= 0) encoder.MaxPartitionOrder = max_partition_order; if (min_lpc_order >= 0) encoder.MinLPCOrder = min_lpc_order; if (max_lpc_order >= 0) encoder.MaxLPCOrder = max_lpc_order; if (min_fixed_order >= 0) encoder.MinFixedOrder = min_fixed_order; if (max_fixed_order >= 0) encoder.MaxFixedOrder = max_fixed_order; if (max_precision >= 0) encoder.MaxPrecisionSearch = max_precision; if (min_precision >= 0) encoder.MinPrecisionSearch = min_precision; if (blocksize >= 0) encoder.BlockSize = blocksize; if (padding >= 0) encoder.Padding = padding; if (vbr_mode >= 0) encoder.VBRMode = vbr_mode; if (orders_per_window >= 0) encoder.OrdersPerWindow = orders_per_window; encoder.UseLattice = use_lattice; encoder.DoSeekTable = do_seektable; } catch (Exception ex) { Usage(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}.", ex.Message); return 3; } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine("Filename : {0}", input_file); Console.WriteLine("File Info : {0}kHz; {1} channel; {2} bit; {3}", audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, audioSource.PCM.ChannelCount, audioSource.PCM.BitsPerSample, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(audioSource.Length * 1.0 / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate)); } #if !DEBUG try #endif { while (audioSource.Read(buff, -1) != 0) { audioDest.Write(buff); TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if (!quiet) { if ((elapsed - lastPrint).TotalMilliseconds > 60) { Console.Error.Write("\rProgress : {0:00}%; {1:0.00}x; {2}/{3}", 100.0 * audioSource.Position / audioSource.Length, audioSource.Position / elapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, elapsed, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / audioSource.Position * audioSource.Length) ); lastPrint = elapsed; } } } audioDest.Close(); } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Error : {0}", ex.Message); audioDest.Delete(); audioSource.Close(); return 4; } #endif TimeSpan totalElapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if (!quiet) { Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Results : {0:0.00}x; {2} bytes in {1} seconds;", audioSource.Position / totalElapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, totalElapsed, encoder.TotalSize ); } audioSource.Close(); if (debug) { Console.SetOut(stdout); Console.Out.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}..{5}\t{6}..{7}\t{8}..{9}\t{10}\t{11}", encoder.TotalSize, encoder.UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds > 0 ? encoder.UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds : totalElapsed.TotalSeconds, encoder.StereoMethod.ToString().PadRight(15), encoder.WindowFunction.ToString().PadRight(15), encoder.MinPartitionOrder, encoder.MaxPartitionOrder, encoder.MinLPCOrder, encoder.MaxLPCOrder, encoder.MinPrecisionSearch, encoder.MaxPrecisionSearch, encoder.BlockSize, encoder.VBRMode ); } return 0; }
static int Main(string[] args) { TextWriter stdout = Console.Out; Console.SetOut(Console.Error); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan lastPrint = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); bool debug = false, quiet = false; string stereo_method = null; string window_method = null; string order_method = null; string window_function = null; string input_file = null; string output_file = null; int min_lpc_order = -1, max_lpc_order = -1, blocksize = -1, estimation_depth = -1, min_modifier = -1, max_modifier = -1; int level = -1, padding = -1; int initial_history = -1, history_mult = -1; int adaptive_passes = -1; bool do_seektable = true, do_verify = false; bool buffered = false; for (int arg = 0; arg < args.Length; arg++) { bool ok = true; if (args[arg].Length == 0) ok = false; else if (args[arg] == "--debug") debug = true; else if ((args[arg] == "-q" || args[arg] == "--quiet")) quiet = true; else if (args[arg] == "--verify") do_verify = true; else if (args[arg] == "--no-seektable") do_seektable = false; else if (args[arg] == "--buffered") buffered = true; else if ((args[arg] == "-o" || args[arg] == "--output") && ++arg < args.Length) output_file = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-s" || args[arg] == "--stereo") && ++arg < args.Length) stereo_method = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-m" || args[arg] == "--order-method") && ++arg < args.Length) order_method = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-w" || args[arg] == "--window") && ++arg < args.Length) window_function = args[arg]; else if (args[arg] == "--window-method" && ++arg < args.Length) window_method = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-l" || args[arg] == "--lpc-order") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_lpc_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_lpc_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_lpc_order); } else if ((args[arg] == "--history-modifier") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_modifier) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_modifier)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_modifier); } else if ((args[arg] == "--initial-history") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out initial_history); else if ((args[arg] == "--adaptive-passes") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out adaptive_passes); else if ((args[arg] == "--history-mult") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out history_mult); else if ((args[arg] == "-e" || args[arg] == "--estimation-depth") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out estimation_depth); else if ((args[arg] == "-b" || args[arg] == "--blocksize") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out blocksize); else if ((args[arg] == "-p" || args[arg] == "--padding") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out padding); else if (args[arg] != "-" && args[arg][0] == '-' && int.TryParse(args[arg].Substring(1), out level)) ok = level >= 0 && level <= 11; else if ((args[arg][0] != '-' || args[arg] == "-") && input_file == null) input_file = args[arg]; else ok = false; if (!ok) { Usage(); return 1; } } if (input_file == null || ((input_file == "-" || Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".m4a") && output_file == null)) { Usage(); return 2; } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine("CUETools.ALACEnc, Copyright (C) 2009 Grigory Chudov."); Console.WriteLine("Based on ffdshow ALAC audio encoder"); Console.WriteLine("Copyright (c) 2008 Jaikrishnan Menon, <*****@*****.**>"); Console.WriteLine("This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to"); Console.WriteLine("the extent permitted by law. <> for details."); } //byte [] b = new byte[0x10000]; //int len = 0; //Stream si = Console.OpenStandardInput(); //Stream so = new FileStream(output_file, FileMode.Create); //do //{ // len = si.Read(b, 0, 0x10000); // so.Write(b, 0, len); //} while (len > 0); //return 0; IAudioSource audioSource; if (input_file == "-") audioSource = new WAVReader("", Console.OpenStandardInput()); else if (File.Exists(input_file) && Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".wav") audioSource = new WAVReader(input_file, null); else if (File.Exists(input_file) && Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".m4a") audioSource = new ALACReader(input_file, null); else { Usage(); return 2; } if (buffered) audioSource = new AudioPipe(audioSource, 0x10000); if (output_file == null) output_file = Path.ChangeExtension(input_file, "m4a"); ALACWriter alac = new ALACWriter((output_file == "-" || output_file == "nul") ? "" : output_file, output_file == "-" ? Console.OpenStandardOutput() : output_file == "nul" ? new NullStream() : null, audioSource.PCM); alac.FinalSampleCount = audioSource.Length; IAudioDest audioDest = alac; AudioBuffer buff = new AudioBuffer(audioSource, 0x10000); try { if (level >= 0) alac.CompressionLevel = level; if (stereo_method != null) alac.StereoMethod = Alac.LookupStereoMethod(stereo_method); if (order_method != null) alac.OrderMethod = Alac.LookupOrderMethod(order_method); if (window_function != null) alac.WindowFunction = Alac.LookupWindowFunction(window_function); if (window_method != null) alac.WindowMethod = Alac.LookupWindowMethod(window_method); if (max_lpc_order >= 0) alac.MaxLPCOrder = max_lpc_order; if (min_lpc_order >= 0) alac.MinLPCOrder = min_lpc_order; if (max_modifier >= 0) alac.MaxHistoryModifier = max_modifier; if (min_modifier >= 0) alac.MinHistoryModifier = min_modifier; if (history_mult >= 0) alac.HistoryMult = history_mult; if (initial_history >= 0) alac.InitialHistory = initial_history; if (blocksize >= 0) alac.BlockSize = blocksize; if (estimation_depth >= 0) alac.EstimationDepth = estimation_depth; if (padding >= 0) alac.Padding = padding; if (adaptive_passes >= 0) alac.AdaptivePasses = adaptive_passes; alac.DoSeekTable = do_seektable; (alac.Settings as ALACWriterSettings).DoVerify = do_verify; } catch (Exception ex) { Usage(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}.", ex.Message); return 3; } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine("Filename : {0}", input_file); Console.WriteLine("File Info : {0}kHz; {1} channel; {2} bit; {3}", audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, audioSource.PCM.ChannelCount, audioSource.PCM.BitsPerSample, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(audioSource.Length * 1.0 / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate)); } #if !DEBUG try #endif { while (audioSource.Read(buff, -1) != 0) { audioDest.Write(buff); TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if (!quiet) { if ((elapsed - lastPrint).TotalMilliseconds > 60) { Console.Error.Write("\rProgress : {0:00}%; {1:0.00}x; {2}/{3}", 100.0 * audioSource.Position / audioSource.Length, audioSource.Position / elapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, elapsed, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / audioSource.Position * audioSource.Length) ); lastPrint = elapsed; } } } audioDest.Close(); } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Error : {0}", ex.Message); audioDest.Delete(); audioSource.Close(); return 4; } #endif if (!quiet) { TimeSpan totalElapsed = DateTime.Now - start; Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Results : {0:0.00}x; {1}", audioSource.Position / totalElapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, totalElapsed ); } audioSource.Close(); if (debug) { Console.SetOut(stdout); Console.Out.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}..{6}\t{7}..{8}\t{9}", alac.TotalSize, alac.UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds, alac.StereoMethod.ToString().PadRight(15), (alac.OrderMethod.ToString() + (alac.OrderMethod == OrderMethod.Estimate ? "(" + alac.EstimationDepth.ToString() + ")" : "")).PadRight(15), alac.WindowFunction.ToString() + "(" + alac.AdaptivePasses.ToString() + ")", alac.MinLPCOrder, alac.MaxLPCOrder, alac.MinHistoryModifier, alac.MaxHistoryModifier, alac.BlockSize ); } //File.SetAttributes(output_file, FileAttributes.ReadOnly); return 0; }
static int Main(string[] args) { TextWriter stdout = Console.Out; Console.SetOut(Console.Error); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan lastPrint = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); bool debug = false, quiet = false; string prediction_type = null; string stereo_method = null; string window_method = null; string order_method = null; string window_function = null; string input_file = null; string output_file = null; int min_partition_order = -1, max_partition_order = -1, min_lpc_order = -1, max_lpc_order = -1, min_fixed_order = -1, max_fixed_order = -1, min_precision = -1, max_precision = -1, blocksize = -1, estimation_depth = -1; int level = -1, padding = -1, vbr_mode = -1; bool do_md5 = true, do_seektable = true, do_verify = false; bool buffered = false; for (int arg = 0; arg < args.Length; arg++) { bool ok = true; if (args[arg].Length == 0) ok = false; else if (args[arg] == "--debug") debug = true; else if ((args[arg] == "-q" || args[arg] == "--quiet")) quiet = true; else if (args[arg] == "--verify") do_verify = true; else if (args[arg] == "--no-seektable") do_seektable = false; else if (args[arg] == "--no-md5") do_md5 = false; else if (args[arg] == "--buffered") buffered = true; else if ((args[arg] == "-o" || args[arg] == "--output") && ++arg < args.Length) output_file = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-t" || args[arg] == "--prediction-type") && ++arg < args.Length) prediction_type = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-s" || args[arg] == "--stereo") && ++arg < args.Length) stereo_method = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-m" || args[arg] == "--order-method") && ++arg < args.Length) order_method = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-w" || args[arg] == "--window") && ++arg < args.Length) window_function = args[arg]; else if (args[arg] == "--window-method" && ++arg < args.Length) window_method = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-r" || args[arg] == "--partition-order") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_partition_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_partition_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_partition_order); } else if ((args[arg] == "-l" || args[arg] == "--lpc-order") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_lpc_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_lpc_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_lpc_order); } else if ((args[arg] == "-f" || args[arg] == "--fixed-order") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_fixed_order) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_fixed_order)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_fixed_order); } else if ((args[arg] == "-e" || args[arg] == "--estimation-depth") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out estimation_depth); else if ((args[arg] == "-c" || args[arg] == "--max-precision") && ++arg < args.Length) { ok = (args[arg].Split(',').Length == 2 && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[0], out min_precision) && int.TryParse(args[arg].Split(',')[1], out max_precision)) || int.TryParse(args[arg], out max_precision); } else if ((args[arg] == "-v" || args[arg] == "--vbr")) ok = (++arg < args.Length) && int.TryParse(args[arg], out vbr_mode); else if ((args[arg] == "-b" || args[arg] == "--blocksize") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out blocksize); else if ((args[arg] == "-p" || args[arg] == "--padding") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out padding); else if (args[arg] != "-" && args[arg][0] == '-' && int.TryParse(args[arg].Substring(1), out level)) ok = level >= 0 && level <= 11; else if ((args[arg][0] != '-' || args[arg] == "-") && input_file == null) input_file = args[arg]; else ok = false; if (!ok) { Usage(); return 1; } } if (input_file == null || ((input_file == "-" || Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".flac") && output_file == null)) { Usage(); return 2; } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine("CUETools.Flake, Copyright (C) 2009 Grigory Chudov."); Console.WriteLine("Based on Flake encoder by Justin Ruggles, <>."); Console.WriteLine("This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to"); Console.WriteLine("the extent permitted by law. <> for details."); } IAudioSource audioSource; if (input_file == "-") audioSource = new WAVReader("", Console.OpenStandardInput()); else if (File.Exists(input_file) && Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".wav") audioSource = new WAVReader(input_file, null); else if (File.Exists(input_file) && Path.GetExtension(input_file) == ".flac") audioSource = new FlakeReader(input_file, null); else { Usage(); return 3; } if (buffered) audioSource = new AudioPipe(audioSource, 0x10000); if (output_file == null) output_file = Path.ChangeExtension(input_file, "flac"); FlakeWriter flake = new FlakeWriter((output_file == "-" || output_file == "nul") ? "" : output_file, output_file == "-" ? Console.OpenStandardOutput() : output_file == "nul" ? new NullStream() : null, audioSource.PCM); flake.FinalSampleCount = audioSource.Length; IAudioDest audioDest = flake; AudioBuffer buff = new AudioBuffer(audioSource, 0x10000); try { if (level >= 0) flake.CompressionLevel = level; if (prediction_type != null) flake.PredictionType = Flake.LookupPredictionType(prediction_type); if (stereo_method != null) flake.StereoMethod = Flake.LookupStereoMethod(stereo_method); if (window_method != null) flake.WindowMethod = Flake.LookupWindowMethod(window_method); if (order_method != null) flake.OrderMethod = Flake.LookupOrderMethod(order_method); if (window_function != null) flake.WindowFunction = Flake.LookupWindowFunction(window_function); if (min_partition_order >= 0) flake.MinPartitionOrder = min_partition_order; if (max_partition_order >= 0) flake.MaxPartitionOrder = max_partition_order; if (min_lpc_order >= 0) flake.MinLPCOrder = min_lpc_order; if (max_lpc_order >= 0) flake.MaxLPCOrder = max_lpc_order; if (min_fixed_order >= 0) flake.MinFixedOrder = min_fixed_order; if (max_fixed_order >= 0) flake.MaxFixedOrder = max_fixed_order; if (max_precision >= 0) flake.MaxPrecisionSearch = max_precision; if (min_precision >= 0) flake.MinPrecisionSearch = min_precision; if (blocksize >= 0) flake.BlockSize = blocksize; if (estimation_depth >= 0) flake.EstimationDepth = estimation_depth; if (padding >= 0) flake.Padding = padding; if (vbr_mode >= 0) flake.VBRMode = vbr_mode; flake.DoSeekTable = do_seektable; (flake.Settings as FlakeWriterSettings).DoVerify = do_verify; (flake.Settings as FlakeWriterSettings).DoMD5 = do_md5; } catch (Exception ex) { Usage(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}.", ex.Message); return 4; } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine("Filename : {0}", input_file); Console.WriteLine("File Info : {0}kHz; {1} channel; {2} bit; {3}", audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, audioSource.PCM.ChannelCount, audioSource.PCM.BitsPerSample, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(audioSource.Length * 1.0 / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate)); } #if !DEBUG try #endif { while (audioSource.Read(buff, -1) != 0) { audioDest.Write(buff); TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if (!quiet) { if ((elapsed - lastPrint).TotalMilliseconds > 60) { Console.Error.Write("\rProgress : {0:00}%; {1:0.00}x; {2}/{3}", 100.0 * audioSource.Position / audioSource.Length, audioSource.Position / elapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, elapsed, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / audioSource.Position * audioSource.Length) ); lastPrint = elapsed; } } } audioDest.Close(); } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Error : {0}", ex.Message); audioDest.Delete(); audioSource.Close(); return 5; } #endif TimeSpan totalElapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if (!quiet) { Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Results : {0:0.00}x; {2} bytes in {1} seconds;", audioSource.Position / totalElapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, totalElapsed, flake.TotalSize ); } audioSource.Close(); if (debug) { Console.SetOut(stdout); Console.Out.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}..{7}\t{8}..{9}\t{10}..{11}\t{12}..{13}\t{14}\t{15}", flake.TotalSize, flake.UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds > 0 ? flake.UserProcessorTime.TotalSeconds : totalElapsed.TotalSeconds, flake.PredictionType.ToString().PadRight(15), flake.StereoMethod.ToString().PadRight(15), (flake.OrderMethod.ToString() + "(" + flake.EstimationDepth.ToString() + ")").PadRight(15), flake.WindowFunction, flake.MinPartitionOrder, flake.MaxPartitionOrder, flake.MinLPCOrder, flake.MaxLPCOrder, flake.MinFixedOrder, flake.MaxFixedOrder, flake.MinPrecisionSearch, flake.MaxPrecisionSearch, flake.BlockSize, flake.VBRMode ); } return 0; }