public static void Create(string serverTitle, string password, int maxPlayerCount) { UnityEngine.Network.InitializeSecurity(); try { G.Sys.NetworkingManager_.password_ = password; G.Sys.NetworkingManager_.serverTitle_ = serverTitle; G.Sys.NetworkingManager_.maxPlayerCount_ = maxPlayerCount; G.Sys.GameData_.SetString("ServerTitleDefault", serverTitle); G.Sys.GameData_.SetInt("MaxPlayersDefault", maxPlayerCount); var ncError = UnityEngine.Network.InitializeServer(maxPlayerCount - 1, 32323, true); if (ncError == NetworkConnectionError.NoError) { StaticEvent <ServerCreatedEventArgs> .Broadcast(new ServerCreatedEventArgs(serverTitle, password, maxPlayerCount)); return; } Log.Error("Failed to start server"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.Message); } }
public override void TriggerEvent() { if (dynamicCameraHorizontal) { StaticEvent.LoadLevel(new LevelRequirement(newPlayerPosition, newCameraPosition, level, dynamicCameraHorizontal, cameraLeftThreshold, cameraRightThreshold, cameraSize)); } else { StaticEvent.LoadLevel(new LevelRequirement(newPlayerPosition, newCameraPosition, level, cameraSize)); } if (levelMusic.Any()) { ResetSceneMusic(); } if (tasteAudio != null) { if (!removeTasteAudio) { AddTasteAudio(); } else { RemoveTasteAudio(); } } }
public async Task Login(object parameter) { await RunCommand(() => this.LoginIsRunning, async() => { LoginButtonContent = "Login..."; OnPropertyChanged("LoginButtonContent"); var email = this.Email; var pass = (parameter as IHavePassword).SecurePassword.Unsecure(); DataManagers.account.account = email; DataManagers.account.AccountReady = false; DataManagers.account.password = pass; var Client = DataBaseManager.Instance.DataBaseClient; Client.Connect(Config.ConnectionStringEDP, 1433, "f"); var Data = Client.GetServerDataByAccount(email).FirstOrDefault(); if (Data.Password == pass) { DataManagers.account.Complex = Data; DataManagers.account.UserID =; DataManagers.account.UserName = Data.Name; StaticEvent.OnLoginEvent(); } if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\EDP\LocalData")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\EDP\LocalData"); } File.WriteAllText(@"C:\EDP\LocalData\LocalContainer.json", email + "|" + pass); }); }
private void OnStaticEvent() { if (StaticEvent != null) { StaticEvent.BeginInvoke(null, null, null, null); } }
public static StaticEvent <T> .Delegate removeParticularSubscriber <T>(MonoBehaviour component) { SubscriberList list = (SubscriberList)component .GetType() .GetField( "subscriberList_", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static ) .GetValue(component); StaticEvent <T> .Delegate func = null; var index = 0; foreach (var subscriber in list) { if (subscriber is StaticEvent <T> .Subscriber) { func = (StaticEvent <T> .Delegate)subscriber .GetType() .GetField( "func_", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static ) .GetValue(subscriber); subscriber.Unsubscribe(); break; } index++; } if (func != null) { list.RemoveAt(index); } return(func); }
public void StartDialogue(GameObject dialogueTarget) { conversationEnsues = true; conversationCount = 0; StaticEvent.StartDialogue(gameObject, true); manager.StartDialogue(objectiveDialogue[0], false); }
private void EnableCheats(bool byToggle) { var localCar = PlayerDataLocal.localCar_; localCar.invincible_ = true; localCar.minInstaRespawnTriggerTime_ = 0; localCar.minInstaRespawnTime_ = 0; var boost = localCar.GetComponent <BoostGadget>(); boost.accelerationMul_ = 3; boost.heatUpRate_ = 0; if (byToggle) { JetsGadget.thrusterBoostFullPowerLimit_ = 3; JetsGadget.thrusterBoostDepletedLimit_ = 3; } foreach (var gadget in localCar.GetComponents <Gadget>()) { gadget.SetAbilityEnabled(true, false); } if (byToggle) { // send the funny chat message const string MESSAGE = "I just turned cheats on. My leaderboard stuff wont be submitted. Make fun of me :)"; StaticEvent <ChatSubmitMessage.Data> .Broadcast(new ChatSubmitMessage.Data(MESSAGE)); } }
public void SubwayCarFlashStart() { var subwayCarFlashLR = LevelRequirements.PresetLevelRequirements["SubwayCarFlash"]; subwayCarFlashLR.defaultCameraPosition = SubwayFlashPos.transform.position; SetCamera(subwayCarFlashLR); SetFader("fadeFastOpen"); StaticEvent.CameraShake(3, 0.15f); }
public void MysteryManSceneStart() { var mysteryManLR = LevelRequirements.PresetLevelRequirements["MysteryManIntro"]; mysteryManLR.defaultCameraPosition = MysteryManCamPos.transform.position; SetCamera(mysteryManLR); SetFader("fadeSlowBlinkOpen"); StaticEvent.CameraShake(10, 0.01f); MysteryMan.transform.position = MysteryManPos.transform.position; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { glitches = new List <Action>(); effectLength = 5f; glitches.Add(TeleportPlayer); glitches.Add(ShrinkPlayer); glitches.Add(ReverseControls); staticEvent = FindObjectOfType <StaticEvent>(); originalSize = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); }
internal static IEnumerator PatchCoroutine(HalloweenAudioLogic __instance) { for (; ;) { float randomShortTime = Random.Range(0.1f, 1.5f); float randomLongTime = Random.Range(5f, 10f); if (__instance.vhs_) { __instance.vhs_.enabled = false; } if (__instance.glitch_) { __instance.glitch_.enabled = false; } AudioManager.PostEvent("Enable_Bypass_Darkness_Insane"); if (__instance.pMan_ && __instance.pMan_.CurrentProfile_ && __instance.pMan_.CurrentProfile_.CarName_ == "Spectrum") { __instance.FlickerObjects(true, randomLongTime); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(randomLongTime)); if (__instance.vhs_) { __instance.vhs_.enabled = true; } if (__instance.glitch_) { __instance.glitch_.enabled = true; } AudioManager.PostEvent("Disable_Bypass_Darkness_Insane"); StaticEvent <VirusSpiritShake.Data> .Broadcast(new VirusSpiritShake.Data(0.075f)); if (__instance.pMan_ && __instance.pMan_.CurrentProfile_ && __instance.pMan_.CurrentProfile_.CarName_ == "Spectrum") { __instance.FlickerObjects(false, randomShortTime); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(randomShortTime)); } }
public void PatchPostLoad(bool subscribe) { var audioManager = G.Sys.AudioManager_; RemoveParticularSubscriber <Events.Level.PostLoad.Data>(audioManager); var list = G.Sys.AudioManager_.subscriberList_; var item = new StaticEvent <Events.Level.PostLoad.Data> .Subscriber(new StaticEvent <Events.Level.PostLoad.Data> .Delegate(data => G.Sys.AudioManager_.OnEventPostLoad(data))); list.Add(item); if (subscribe) { (item as IEventSubscriber)?.Subscribe(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { bsod = crash = windows = intialStart = firstGlitch = false; intialTimer = nextGlitchTimer = 0f; timeToFirstGlitch = intialDelay + Random.Range(-intialRandomOffset, intialRandomOffset); timeToNextGlitch = 50f; gc = FindObjectOfType <GameController>(); bsodEvent = FindObjectOfType <EventBSOD>(); windowsEvent = FindObjectOfType <WindowsEvent>(); crashEvent = FindObjectOfType <ProgCrashEvent>(); staticEvent = FindObjectOfType <StaticEvent>(); //for testing only intialStart = true; }
public void AddPersonal(NetworkPlayer p, string message) { if (p.IsLocal()) { StaticEvent <AddMessage.Data> .Broadcast(new AddMessage.Data(message)); } var personalBuffer = GetPersonalBuffer(p); string[] array = message.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string text in array) { if (text.Length > 0) { personalBuffer.Add(text); } } }
private void LoginWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { StaticEvent.LoginEvent += StaticEvent_LoginEvent; if (File.Exists(@"C:\EDP\LocalData\LocalContainer.json")) { var email = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\EDP\LocalData\LocalContainer.json").Split('|')[0]; var pass = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\EDP\LocalData\LocalContainer.json").Split('|')[1]; var Client = DataBaseManager.Instance.DataBaseClient; Client.Connect(Config.ConnectionStringEDP, 1433, "f"); var Data = Client.GetServerDataByAccount(email).FirstOrDefault(); if (Data.Password == pass) { DataManagers.account.Complex = Data; DataManagers.account.UserID =; DataManagers.account.UserName = Data.Name; StaticEvent.OnLoginEvent(); } } }
public static StaticEvent <T> .Delegate removeParticularSubscriber <T>(MonoBehaviour component) { SubscriberList list = (SubscriberList)PrivateUtilities.getPrivateField(component, "subscriberList_"); StaticEvent <T> .Delegate func = null; var index = 0; foreach (var subscriber in list) { if (subscriber is StaticEvent <T> .Subscriber) { func = (StaticEvent <T> .Delegate)PrivateUtilities.getPrivateField(subscriber, "func_"); subscriber.Unsubscribe(); break; } index++; } if (func != null) { list.RemoveAt(index); } return(func); }
public EventBase GetEvent(int code, int frameCode) { EventBase eventBase; switch ((Events)code) { case Events.Test: eventBase = new TestEvent(); break; case Events.ObjectCreate: eventBase = new ObjectCreateEvent(frameCode); break; case Events.EnemyCreate: eventBase = new EnemyCreateEvent(frameCode); break; case Events.Dialog: eventBase = new DialogEvent(); break; case Events.Static: eventBase = new StaticEvent(); break; case Events.WaitExtinc: eventBase = new WaitExtinc(); break; default: eventBase = null; break; } return(eventBase); }
public static bool Prefix(AdventureMode __instance) { string path = Utils.Common.LevelFile; __instance.UpdateRaceModeDistanceToFinish(); if (__instance.hasEnded_ || __instance.GetDisplayTime(0) > 0.0 || __instance.campaignPlusEnabled_) { return(false); } __instance.hasEnded_ = true; bool flag_a = Utils.Campaign.IsCustomCampaignLevel(path) && Utils.Campaign.GetLevelCountdown(path) > 0; flag_a |= !Utils.Campaign.IsCustomCampaignLevel(path); if (!__instance.countdownDisabled_ && flag_a) { int currentPlaylistIndex = __instance.gameMan_.GetCurrentPlaylistIndex(); PlayerDataLocal firstLocalPlayer = PlayerDataLocal.FirstLocalPlayer_; bool flag_b = !Utils.Campaign.IsCustomCampaignLevel(path) && (currentPlaylistIndex == 0 || currentPlaylistIndex == __instance.gameMan_.LevelPlaylist_.Count_ - 1); if (flag_b || __instance.HasFinished(firstLocalPlayer) || firstLocalPlayer is null || (firstLocalPlayer.Car_ is null || __instance.finishTriggerObj_ is null)) { return(false); } __instance.finishTriggerObj_.transform.position = firstLocalPlayer.Car_.transform.position; __instance.finishTriggerObj_.SetActive(true); } else { StaticEvent <ZEvent.Data> .Broadcast(new ZEvent.Data("AdventureModeClockHitZero", true)); } return(false); }
public void TestStaticEventInvoke() { StaticEvent += EventHandler; StaticEvent.Invoke(); }
public void AddEvent(StaticEvent addEvent) { currentEvents.Add(addEvent); }
public static void InvokeStaticEvent() { StaticEvent?.Invoke(); }
public override void TriggerEvent() { isActivated = true; StaticEvent.StartDialogue(dialogueTarget); }
public static void RaiseStaticEvent(EventArgs eventArgs) { StaticEvent?.Invoke(null, eventArgs); }
public static void RaiseStaticEvent() { StaticEvent.SafeInvoke(null, () => new ViewModelClosedEventArgs(new TestViewModel(), true)); }
private void Start() { StaticEvent.LoadLevel(gameStateData[currentGameState]); }
public void InvokeOnButton() { StaticEvent.Invoke(); StandartEvent = StandartEvents.ForStandartEvent.StandartEvent; StandartEvent.Invoke(); }
public void AnalyzeData(Music music) { music.GetFFTSuperPosition(AudioResources.audioBufferArrayInS_); var num3 = Mathf.Log10(512); for (var i = 0; i < 512; i++) { AudioResources.audioBufferArrayInSSmooth_[i] = AudioResources.audioBufferArrayInSSmooth_[i] * 0.4f + AudioResources.audioBufferArrayInS_[i] * 0.6f; if (AudioResources.audioBufferArrayInS_[i] > AudioResources.audioBufferArrayInSPeak_[i]) { AudioResources.audioBufferArrayInSPeak_[i] = AudioResources.audioBufferArrayInS_[i]; } int num4 = (int)(Mathf.Log10(i + 1) * 512 / num3); int num5 = (int)(Mathf.Log10(i + 2) * 512 / num3); float num6 = num5 - num4; for (int j = num4; j < num5; j++) { float num7 = Mathf.Lerp(AudioResources.AudioBufferArray_[i] / AudioResources.AudioBufferPeakArray_[i], AudioResources.AudioBufferArray_[i + 1] / AudioResources.AudioBufferPeakArray_[i + 1], (j - num4) / num6); float num8 = Mathf.Log10(num7 + 1f) * 512 / num3; G.Sys.AudioManager_.ProcessedData_[j] = num8; } } float num9 = 0f; AudioResources.qSamples = 512; for (int i = 0; i < (int)(AudioResources.qSamples * 0.33f); i++) { AudioResources.dbValueL += G.Sys.AudioManager_.ProcessedData_[i]; num9 += 1f; } AudioResources.dbValueL = Mathf.Clamp01(AudioResources.dbValueL / (num9 * 25f)); num9 = 0f; for (int i = (int)(AudioResources.qSamples * 0.33f); i < (int)(AudioResources.qSamples * 0.66f); i++) { AudioResources.dbValueM += G.Sys.AudioManager_.ProcessedData_[i]; num9 += 1f; } AudioResources.dbValueM = Mathf.Clamp01(AudioResources.dbValueM / (num9 * 25f)); num9 = 0f; for (int i = (int)(AudioResources.qSamples * 0.66f); i < AudioResources.qSamples; i++) { AudioResources.dbValueH += G.Sys.AudioManager_.ProcessedData_[i]; num9 += 1f; } AudioResources.dbValueH = Mathf.Clamp01(AudioResources.dbValueH / (num9 * 25f)); if (AudioResources.dbValueL < 0f) { AudioResources.dbValueL = 0f; } if (AudioResources.dbValueM < 0f) { AudioResources.dbValueM = 0f; } if (AudioResources.dbValueH < 0f) { AudioResources.dbValueH = 0f; } G.Sys.AudioManager_.smoothH = AudioResources.dbValueH * 2; G.Sys.AudioManager_.smoothM = AudioResources.dbValueM * 2; G.Sys.AudioManager_.smoothL = AudioResources.dbValueL * 2; if (G.Sys.OptionsManager_.General_.BoomBoxMode_) { float num10 = G.Sys.OptionsManager_.General_.BoomBoxIntensity_; float num11 = G.Sys.OptionsManager_.General_.BoomBoxShakeIntensity_; float num12 = AudioResources.dbValueL; float num13 = num10 * num12 * 4f; float num14 = num11 * num12 * 4f; if (num13 > 1.5f) { AudioResources.bloomVal_ = num13; } if (num14 > 1.5f) { StaticEvent <VirusSpiritShake.Data> .Broadcast(new VirusSpiritShake.Data(num14 / 35f)); } if (GameManager.IsInMainMenuScene_) { foreach (PlayerDataBase current in PlayerDataBase.Players_) { current.GlowColor_ = current.OriginalGlowColor_ * num13; } } } if (AudioResources.bloomVal_ > 0.5f) { AudioResources.bloomVal_ = Mathf.Clamp(AudioResources.bloomVal_ - Time.deltaTime * 2f, 0.5f, 2f); foreach (Camera current2 in OptimizationManager.Cameras_) { Bloom component = current2.GetComponent <Bloom>(); if (component) { component.bloomIntensity = AudioResources.bloomVal_; } } } }
public static void SendAction(string actionMessage) { StaticEvent <PlayerActionMessage.Data> .Broadcast(new PlayerActionMessage.Data(" " + actionMessage)); }
public static void StaticFireEvent(short arg) { StaticEvent?.Invoke(typeof(StaticTestClass), new TestEventArgs <short> { Arg = arg }); }
public static void SendMessage(string message) { StaticEvent <ChatSubmitMessage.Data> .Broadcast(new ChatSubmitMessage.Data(message)); }