public AnytimeDStar(Heuristic <SS, DS> H, Transformer <SS, DS> Transformer, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv) { this.Transformer = Transformer; this.H = H; = sv; }
public RasterPointList(int capacity, Axis axis, StateVisualizer visualizer) { cap = capacity; scale = axis.Scale; list = new RollingPointPairList(500); owner = visualizer; }
public LSSLRTAStar(Heuristic <SS, DS> Heuristic, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, Transformer <SS, DS> Transformer) { this.Heuristic = Heuristic; this.Transformer = Transformer; = sv; }
public TBAStar2(Heuristic <SS, DS> H, Transformer <SS, DS> Transformer, float r, int c, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv) { this.r = r; this.c = c; Alg = new LPAStar <SS, DS>(H, Transformer, sv, ReconstructPathStartingPoint.UTop); }
public LPAStar(Heuristic <SS, DS> H, Transformer <SS, DS> Transformer, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, ReconstructPathStartingPoint rpsp) { this.Transformer = Transformer; this.H = H; = sv; this.rpsp = rpsp; }
/// <summary> /// Finishes the required parsing /// </summary> public override void FinishParse( ) { // This must be done here otherwise opengl double start error... if ( vis == null ) { vis = new OpenGLStateVisualizer( ); } if ( !Directory.Exists( this.file ) ) { SetFilename( this.file ); } }
public LRTAStar(Heuristic <SS, DS> Heuristic, bool Static, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, Metric Weight, bool RTAStar) { this.Heuristic = Heuristic; this.Static = Static; = sv; this.Weight = Weight; this.RTAStar = RTAStar; }
protected virtual void OnEnable() { instance = (StateVisualizer)target; interactiveElement = serializedObject.FindProperty("interactiveElement"); animator = serializedObject.FindProperty("animator"); stateContainers = serializedObject.FindProperty("stateContainers"); RemoveButtonLabel = new GUIContent(InspectorUIUtility.Minus, "Remove"); AddButtonLabel = new GUIContent(InspectorUIUtility.Plus, "Add"); }
public RealTimeAnytimeDStar(Heuristic <SS, DS> H, Transformer <SS, DS> Transformer, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, ChooseMethodStep sm, double Ratio) { this.Transformer = Transformer; this.H = H; this.aS = new RealTimeAnytimeDStar <SS, DS> .AnytimeDStarState( ); = sv; = sm; this.Ratio = Ratio; }
public RealTimeTBAStar(Heuristic <SS, DS> H, Transformer <SS, DS> Transformer, float r, int c, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, ReconstructPathStartingPoint rpsp, ShortcutDetection sd) { this.r = r; this.c = c; = sv; Alg = new LPAStar <SS, DS>(H, Transformer, sv, rpsp); this.H = H; this.Transformer = Transformer; = sd; }
public StateTransitionArrows(StateVisualizer owner) { Guard.NotNull(owner, nameof(owner)); this.owner = owner; TransitionTable = CreateTransitionArrowTable(); foreach (ArrowShape shape in TransitionTable.Values) { owner.shapes.Add(shape); } }
/// <summary> /// Finishes the required parsing /// </summary> public override void FinishParse( ) { // This must be done here otherwise opengl double start error... if (vis == null) { vis = new OpenGLStateVisualizer( ); } if (!Directory.Exists(this.file)) { SetFilename(this.file); } }
public GenericAlgorithmFactory <SS, DS> SetRealTimeData(Heuristic <SS, DS> h, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> vis, Transformer <SS, DS> sut, Metric Weight, double Ratio) { this.h = h; this.vis = vis; this.sut = sut; this.Weight = Weight; this.RealTimeDataSet = true; this.Ratio = Ratio; return(this); }
public RealTimeDStarLite(Heuristic <SS, DS> H, Transformer <SS, DS> Transformer, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, ChooseMethodLandMarkGoal lgm, ChooseMethodFilterSucc fsm, ChooseMethodStep sm, Metric Weight, double Ratio) { this.Transformer = Transformer; this.H = H; = sv; this.lgm = lgm; this.fsm = fsm; = sm; this.Weight = Weight; this.Ratio = Ratio; }
private static void AStar(ref ExtendedDictionary <DS, Metric> G, ExtendedDictionary <DS, Metric> H, DS Sstart, DS Sgoal, ExtendedDictionary <DS, DS> tree, ref PriorityQueue <Metric, DS> OPEN, ref HashSet <DS> CLOSED, int lookahead, Operator <SS, DS>[] Ops, SS ss, Func <DS, DS, Metric> h0, ref uint Expansions, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv) { G = new ExtendedDictionary <DS, Metric>(k => Metric.Infinity); G.Set(Sstart, Metric.Zero); OPEN = new PriorityQueue <Metric, DS>( ); CLOSED = new HashSet <DS>( ); OPEN.Enqueue(H.Lookup(Sstart), Sstart); int expansions = 0; while (!OPEN.IsEmpty( ) && G.Lookup(Sgoal) > OPEN.TopKey( ) && expansions < lookahead) { #if OpenGl if (sv != null) { HashSet <DS> hs = new HashSet <DS>( ); OPEN.AddToHashSet(hs); sv.VisualizeAlg(ss, ss.InitialDynamicState, new OpenGLStateVisualizer.OpenGlVisulizationData( ) { List = hs as HashSet <GenericGridWorldDynamicState>, HAdjusted = H, }); } #endif expansions++; DS s = OPEN.Dequeue( ); CLOSED.Add(s); Expansions++; foreach (DS sp in s.Expand(Ops, ss, false)) { Metric cost = G.Lookup(s) + c(s, sp, h0); if (G.Lookup(sp) > cost) { G.Set(sp, cost); tree.Set(sp, s); if (OPEN.Contains(sp)) { OPEN.Remove(sp); } OPEN.Enqueue(G.Lookup(sp) + H.Lookup(sp), sp); } } } }
/// <summary> /// A constructor to setup all the applicable fields. /// </summary> /// <param name="IO"></param> /// <param name="WorldLoader"></param> /// <param name="Algorithm"></param> /// <param name="Weight"></param> public AlgorithmRunner( System.IO.TextReader IO, GridWorldLoader<GenericGridWorldStaticState, GenericGridWorldDynamicState> WorldLoader, String Algorithm, Metric Weight, bool Batch, StateVisualizer<GenericGridWorldStaticState, GenericGridWorldDynamicState> vis, int Seed) { gen = new Random( Seed ); this.vis = vis; this.Goal = new DestinationsReachedGoal( ); this.Algorithm = new GenericAlgorithmFactory<GenericGridWorldStaticState, GenericGridWorldDynamicState>( ).SetRealTimeData( new SingleUnitOctileDistanceHeuristic( ), vis, new SingleUnitTransformer( ), Weight, 0.1 ).GetAlgorithm( Algorithm, null, 0 ); GenericGridWorldDynamicState InitialDynamicState; WorldLoader.Load( IO, out StaticState, out InitialDynamicState ); IO.Close( ); this.Actions = GridWorldOperator.Ops; }
/// <summary> /// A constructor to setup all the applicable fields. /// </summary> /// <param name="IO"></param> /// <param name="WorldLoader"></param> /// <param name="Algorithm"></param> /// <param name="Weight"></param> public AlgorithmRunner(System.IO.TextReader IO, GridWorldLoader <GenericGridWorldStaticState, GenericGridWorldDynamicState> WorldLoader, String Algorithm, Metric Weight, bool Batch, StateVisualizer <GenericGridWorldStaticState, GenericGridWorldDynamicState> vis, int Seed) { gen = new Random(Seed); this.vis = vis; this.Goal = new DestinationsReachedGoal( ); this.Algorithm = new GenericAlgorithmFactory <GenericGridWorldStaticState, GenericGridWorldDynamicState>( ).SetRealTimeData( new SingleUnitOctileDistanceHeuristic( ), vis, new SingleUnitTransformer( ), Weight, 0.1).GetAlgorithm( Algorithm, null, 0); GenericGridWorldDynamicState InitialDynamicState; WorldLoader.Load(IO, out StaticState, out InitialDynamicState); IO.Close( ); this.Actions = GridWorldOperator.Ops; }
public static Path <SS, DS> AStarLookAheadNotSliced(DS Start, SS ss, int ComputationLimit, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, ref uint Expansions, ref uint Generations, bool Static, Operator <SS, DS>[] Actions, Dictionary <string, Metric> HAdjusted, Heuristic <SS, DS> Heuristic, Goal <SS, DS> Goal, Metric Weight, bool RTAStar) { if (ComputationLimit <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Computation Limit Invalid"); } DS Cur = null; Start.ResetPath( ); int IterationExpansions = 0; PriorityQueue <Metric, DS> OpenList = new PriorityQueue <Metric, DS>( ); HashSet <DS> ClosedList = new HashSet <DS>( ); OpenList.Enqueue(h(Start, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss), Start); while (true) { if (OpenList.IsEmpty( )) { Cur = null; break; } #if OpenGl if (sv != null) { sv.VisualizeAlg(ss, ss.InitialDynamicState, new OpenGLStateVisualizer.OpenGlVisulizationData( ) { OL = OpenList as PriorityQueue <Metric, GenericGridWorldDynamicState>, HAdjusted = HAdjusted, }); } #endif Cur = OpenList.Dequeue( ); ClosedList.Add(Cur); if (Goal.IsSatisfiedBy(ss, Cur)) { break; } else { if (++IterationExpansions > ComputationLimit) { break; } Expansions++; foreach (DS e in Cur.Expand(Actions, ss, Static)) { if (!ClosedList.Contains(e) && !OpenList.Contains(e)) { OpenList.Enqueue(Weight * h(e, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) + gComputer.G(ss, e, Goal), e); } Generations++; } } } Metric Best = null; Operator <SS, DS> BestOp = null; Metric SecondBest = null; if (Cur != null) { Best = Weight * h(Cur, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) + gComputer.G(ss, Cur, Goal); BestOp = Cur.Path( ).Actions.First.Value; if (!OpenList.IsEmpty( )) { Cur = OpenList.Dequeue( ); SecondBest = Weight * h(Cur, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) + gComputer.G(ss, Cur, Goal); } } if (RTAStar && SecondBest != null) { if (h(Start, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) < SecondBest) { h(Start, SecondBest, HAdjusted); } } else if ((RTAStar && SecondBest == null) || Best == null) { h(Start, new Metric(double.PositiveInfinity), HAdjusted); } else if (Best != null) { if (h(Start, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) < Best) { h(Start, Best, HAdjusted); } } if (BestOp == null) { return(null); } else { return(Operator <SS, DS> .MakePath(BestOp)); } }
public static Path <SS, DS> BreadthFirstLookAhead(DS Start, SS ss, int ComputationLimit, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, ref uint Expansions, ref uint Generations, bool Static, Operator <SS, DS>[] Actions, Dictionary <string, Metric> HAdjusted, Heuristic <SS, DS> Heuristic, Goal <SS, DS> Goal, Metric Weight, bool RTAStar, Random Gen) { Start.ResetPath( ); if (ComputationLimit <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Computation Limit Invalid"); } DS[] Neighbors = Start.Expand(Actions, ss, Static).ToArray( ); Expansions++; Metric Best = null; Operator <SS, DS> BestOp = null; Metric SecondBest = null; foreach (DS Neighbor in Neighbors) { Metric GNeigh = Neighbor.Path( ).Cost; Operator <SS, DS> OpNeigh = Neighbor.Path( ).Actions.First.Value; Metric HNeigh = null; if (HAdjusted == null || !HAdjusted.TryGetValue(Neighbor.ToString( ), out HNeigh)) { Neighbor.ResetPath( ); Metric Alpha = new Metric(double.PositiveInfinity); Stack <DS> ToVisit = new Stack <DS>( ); Stack <int> Depths = new Stack <int>( ); HashSet <DS> ClosedList = new HashSet <DS>( ); ToVisit.Push(Neighbor); Depths.Push(0); ClosedList.Add(Start); while (ToVisit.Count > 0) { #if OpenGl if (sv != null) { sv.VisualizeAlg(ss, ss.InitialDynamicState, new OpenGLStateVisualizer.OpenGlVisulizationData( ) { List = new HashSet <DS>(ToVisit) as HashSet <GenericGridWorldDynamicState>, HAdjusted = HAdjusted, }); } #endif DS Top = ToVisit.Pop( ); int Depth = Depths.Pop( ); ClosedList.Add(Top); Metric TVal = gComputer.G(ss, Top, Goal) + Weight * h(Top, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss); if (TVal >= Alpha) { continue; } if (HNeigh == null || HNeigh > TVal) { HNeigh = TVal; } if (ComputationLimit == Depth) { Alpha = Metric.Min(Alpha, TVal); } else { Expansions++; foreach (DS n in Top.Expand(Actions, ss, Static)) { Generations++; if (!ClosedList.Contains(n) && !ToVisit.Contains(n)) { ToVisit.Push(n); Depths.Push(Depth + 1); } } } } } if (HNeigh != null) { Metric FNeigh = GNeigh + HNeigh; if (Best == null || Best > FNeigh) { BestOp = OpNeigh; Best = FNeigh; } else if (SecondBest == null || SecondBest > FNeigh) { SecondBest = FNeigh; } } } if (RTAStar && SecondBest != null) { if (h(Start, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) < SecondBest) { h(Start, SecondBest, HAdjusted); } } else if ((RTAStar && SecondBest == null) || Best == null) { h(Start, new Metric(double.PositiveInfinity), HAdjusted); } else if (Best != null) { if (h(Start, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) < Best) { h(Start, Best, HAdjusted); } } if (BestOp == null) { return(null); } else { return(Operator <SS, DS> .MakePath(BestOp)); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="GComputer">The G function computer object</param> /// <param name="DepthBound">The dpeth</param> /// <param name="UseClosedList">Whether a closed list or duplicate /// detection should be used for cycle detection.</param> public UniformedCostSearch(bool UseClosedList, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv) : base(null, true, sv) { throw new System.Exception("Not Implemented UCS"); }
public static Path <SS, DS> AStarLookAhead(DS Start, SS ss, int ComputationLimit, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, ref uint Expansions, ref uint Generations, bool Static, Operator <SS, DS>[] Actions, Dictionary <string, Metric> HAdjusted, Heuristic <SS, DS> Heuristic, Goal <SS, DS> Goal, Metric Weight, bool RTAStar) { if (ComputationLimit <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Computation Limit Invalid"); } DS[] Neighbors = Start.Expand(Actions, ss, Static).ToArray( ); int IterationExpansions = 1; Expansions++; Dictionary <DS, Metric> GNeighs = new Dictionary <DS, Metric>( ); Dictionary <DS, Metric> HNeighs = new Dictionary <DS, Metric>( ); Dictionary <DS, Operator <SS, DS> > OpNeighs = new Dictionary <DS, Operator <SS, DS> >( ); LinkedList <DS> LookAheadNeighbors = new LinkedList <DS>( ); foreach (DS Neighbor in Neighbors) { GNeighs.Add(Neighbor, Neighbor.Path( ).Cost); OpNeighs.Add(Neighbor, Neighbor.Path( ).Actions.First.Value); Neighbor.ResetPath( ); Metric HNeigh = null; if (HAdjusted != null && HAdjusted.TryGetValue(Neighbor.ToString( ), out HNeigh)) { HNeighs.Add(Neighbor, HNeigh); } else { LookAheadNeighbors.AddFirst(Neighbor); } } Dictionary <DS, PriorityQueue <Metric, DS> > OpenLists = new Dictionary <DS, PriorityQueue <Metric, DS> >( ); #if OpenGl HashSet <DS> OpenStates = new HashSet <DS>( ); #endif HashSet <DS> ClosedList = new HashSet <DS>( ); ClosedList.Add(Start); foreach (DS Neighbor in LookAheadNeighbors) { var ol = new PriorityQueue <Metric, DS>( ); ol.Enqueue(h(Neighbor, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss), Neighbor); OpenLists.Add(Neighbor, ol); #if OpenGl OpenStates.Add(Neighbor); #endif } while (true) { LinkedList <DS> OpenNeighbors = new LinkedList <DS>(LookAheadNeighbors); foreach (DS Neighbor in LookAheadNeighbors) { PriorityQueue <Metric, DS> OpenList; OpenLists.TryGetValue(Neighbor, out OpenList); #if OpenGl if (sv != null) { sv.VisualizeAlg(ss, ss.InitialDynamicState, new OpenGLStateVisualizer.OpenGlVisulizationData( ) { List = OpenStates as HashSet <GenericGridWorldDynamicState>, HAdjusted = HAdjusted, }); } #endif if (OpenList.IsEmpty( )) { HNeighs.Add(Neighbor, new Metric(double.PositiveInfinity)); OpenNeighbors.Remove(Neighbor); continue; } DS Cur = OpenList.Dequeue( ); #if OpenGl OpenStates.Remove(Cur); #endif ClosedList.Add(Cur); if (Goal.IsSatisfiedBy(ss, Cur)) { HNeighs.Add(Neighbor, Cur.Path( ).Cost); OpenNeighbors.Remove(Neighbor); continue; } else { if (++IterationExpansions > ComputationLimit) { HNeighs.Add(Neighbor, Cur.Path( ).Cost + Weight * h(Cur, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss)); OpenNeighbors.Remove(Neighbor); break; } Expansions++; foreach (DS e in Cur.Expand(Actions, ss, Static)) { if (!ClosedList.Contains(e) && !OpenList.Contains(e)) { OpenList.Enqueue(Weight * h(e, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) + gComputer.G(ss, e, Goal), e); #if OpenGl OpenStates.Add(e); #endif } Generations++; } } } LookAheadNeighbors = OpenNeighbors; if (IterationExpansions > ComputationLimit || LookAheadNeighbors.Count == 0) { break; } } foreach (DS Neighbor in LookAheadNeighbors) { PriorityQueue <Metric, DS> OpenList; OpenLists.TryGetValue(Neighbor, out OpenList); if (OpenList.IsEmpty( )) { HNeighs.Add(Neighbor, new Metric(double.PositiveInfinity)); } else { DS Cur = OpenList.Dequeue( ); HNeighs.Add(Neighbor, Cur.Path( ).Cost + Weight * h(Cur, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss)); } } Metric Best = null; Operator <SS, DS> BestOp = null; Metric SecondBest = null; foreach (DS Neighbor in Neighbors) { Metric HNeigh = null; Metric GNeigh = null; Operator <SS, DS> OpNeigh = null; HNeighs.TryGetValue(Neighbor, out HNeigh); GNeighs.TryGetValue(Neighbor, out GNeigh); OpNeighs.TryGetValue(Neighbor, out OpNeigh); if (HNeigh != null) { Metric FNeigh = GNeigh + HNeigh; if (Best == null || Best > FNeigh) { BestOp = OpNeigh; Best = FNeigh; } else if (SecondBest == null || SecondBest > FNeigh) { SecondBest = FNeigh; } } } if (RTAStar && SecondBest != null) { if (h(Start, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) < SecondBest) { h(Start, SecondBest, HAdjusted); } } else if ((RTAStar && SecondBest == null) || Best == null) { h(Start, new Metric(double.PositiveInfinity), HAdjusted); } else if (Best != null) { if (h(Start, HAdjusted, Heuristic, Goal, Actions, ss) < Best) { h(Start, Best, HAdjusted); } } if (BestOp == null) { return(null); } else { return(Operator <SS, DS> .MakePath(BestOp)); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="GComputer">The G function computer object</param> /// <param name="Heuristic">The Heuristic function object</param> /// <param name="DepthBound">The dpeth</param> /// <param name="UseClosedList">Whether a closed list or duplicate /// detection should be used for cycle detection.</param> public WeightedAStar(Heuristic <SS, DS> Heuristic, bool UseClosedList, Metric Weight, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv) : base(Heuristic, UseClosedList, sv) { throw new System.Exception("Not Implemented Weight"); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="BestExpresion">The best expression for sorting elements /// in the open list.</param> /// <param name="Limit">The limit bound. Default to 0 if no bound /// wanted.</param> /// <param name="UseClosedList">Whether or not a closed list vs upward /// travesal loop detection will be used to detect cycles.</param> public BestFirstSearch(Heuristic <SS, DS> Heuristic, bool UseClosedList, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv) { this.UseClosedList = UseClosedList; = sv; this.Heuristic = Heuristic; }
public static Path <SS, DS> LSSLRTAStarLookahead(int ComputationLimit, SS ss, DS Sstart, DS Sgoal, Operator <SS, DS>[] Ops, Func <DS, DS, Metric> h0, ref Path <SS, DS> Incumbant, ref uint Expansions, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv, ExtendedDictionary <DS, DS> tree, ExtendedDictionary <DS, Metric> H) { if (!PathGood(Incumbant, ss)) { ExtendedDictionary <DS, Metric> G = null; PriorityQueue <Metric, DS> OPEN = null; HashSet <DS> CLOSED = null; AStar(ref G, H, Sstart, Sgoal, tree, ref OPEN, ref CLOSED, ComputationLimit, Ops, ss, h0, ref Expansions, sv); if (OPEN.IsEmpty( )) { return(null); } DS SPgoal = OPEN.Top( ); Dijkstra(ref G, H, Sstart, Sgoal, ref tree, ref OPEN, ref CLOSED, Ops, ss, h0); Incumbant = ExtractPath(Sstart, SPgoal, tree, Ops, ss); } if (Incumbant == null || Incumbant.ActionCount == 0) { return(null); } else { var IHead = Incumbant.PopHead( ); if (IHead.Actions.First.Value.IsValidOn(ss.InitialDynamicState, ss, false)) { return(IHead); } else { Incumbant = null; return(null); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="GComputer">The G function computer object</param> /// <param name="Heuristic">The Heuristic function object</param> /// <param name="DepthBound">The dpeth</param> /// <param name="UseClosedList">Whether a closed list or duplicate /// detection should be used for cycle detection.</param> public AStar(Heuristic <SS, DS> Heuristic, bool UseClosedList, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv) : base(Heuristic, UseClosedList, sv) { }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="DepthBound">The dpeth</param> /// <param name="UseClosedList">Whether a closed list or duplicate /// detection should be used for cycle detection.</param> public DepthFirstSearch(Metric DepthBound, bool UseClosedList, StateVisualizer <SS, DS> sv) : base(null, UseClosedList, sv) { throw new System.Exception("Not Implemented DFS"); }