Пример #1
        /// Runs one iteration of the search.
        private void ProcessNext()
            // Should only call this while there's still work to do.
            if (_open.Count == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException();

            var start    = _open.Dequeue();
            var distance = _distances[start.x, start.y];

            // Update the neighbor's distances.
            foreach (var dir in Direction.All)
                var here = start + dir;

                var bounds = new Rect(0, 0, _distances.GetUpperBound(0), _distances.GetUpperBound(1));
                if (!bounds.Contains(here))

                // Ignore tiles we've already reached.
                if (_distances[here.x, here.y] != _unknown)

                // Can't reach impassable tiles.
                var tile     = _stage[here + _offset];
                var canEnter = tile.IsPassable || (tile.IsTraversable && _canOpenDoors);

                // Can't walk through other actors.
                if (!_ignoreActors && _stage.ActorAt(here + _offset) != null)
                    canEnter = false;

                if (!canEnter)
                    _distances[here.x, here.y] = _unreachable;

                _distances[here.x, here.y] = distance + 1;
Пример #2
        public static PathNode _findPath(Stage stage, VectorBase start, VectorBase end, int maxLength, bool canOpenDoors)
            //var AStarState = stage.Appearances;
            var logicCount = 0;

            //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("Processing _findPath"));

            // TODO: More optimal data structure.
            var startPath = new PathNode(null, Direction.None, start, 0, heuristic(start, end));
            var open      = new List <PathNode> {
            var closed = new List <VectorBase>();

            while (open.Count > 0)

                // Debugger the state to disc..
                //if (logicCount % 1 == 0)
                //    stage.Debugger(AStarState, "AStar Calculations");

                if (logicCount >= 50)

                // Pull out the best potential candidate.
                var lastIndex = open.Count - 1;
                var current   = open[lastIndex];

                //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format(" * current = [" + current.pos.x + "," + current.pos.y + "] at " + current.cost));

                if ((current.pos.x == end.x && current.pos.y == end.y) || (current.cost > Option.AStarFloorCost * maxLength))
                    // Found the path.


                foreach (var dir in Direction.All)
                    //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("   * testing = [" + dir.x + "," + dir.y + "]"));

                    var neighbor = current.pos + dir;

                    //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("     * neighbor = [" + neighbor.x + "," + neighbor.y + "]"));

                    // Skip impassable tiles.
                    if (!stage[neighbor].IsTraversable)
                        //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("     * traversable - N"));

                    //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("     * traversable - Y "));

                    // Given how far the current tile is, how far is each neighbor?
                    var stepCost = Option.AStarFloorCost;
                    if (stage[neighbor].Type.OpensTo != null)
                        if (canOpenDoors)
                            // One to open the door and one to enter the tile.
                            stepCost = Option.AStarFloorCost * 2;
                            // Even though the monster can't open doors, we don't consider it
                            // totally impassable because there's a chance the door will be
                            // opened by someone else.
                            stepCost = Option.AStarDoorCost;
                    else if (stage.ActorAt(neighbor) != null)
                        stepCost = Option.AStarOccupiedCost;

                    var cost = current.cost + stepCost;
                    //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("     * cost = [" + cost + "]"));

                    // See if we just found a better path to a tile we're already
                    // considering. If so, remove the old one and replace it (below) with
                    // this new better path.
                    var inOpen = false;

                    for (var i = 0; i < open.Count; i++)
                        var alreadyOpen = open[i];
                        if (alreadyOpen.pos.x == neighbor.x && alreadyOpen.pos.y == neighbor.y)
                            if (alreadyOpen.cost > cost)
                                inOpen = true;

                    //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("     * inOpen = [" + inOpen + "]"));

                    var inClosed = closed.Any(v => v.x == neighbor.x && v.y == neighbor.y);

                    //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("     * inClosed = [" + inClosed + "]"));

                    // If we have a new path, add it.
                    if (!inOpen && !inClosed)
                        var guess = cost + heuristic(neighbor, end);
                        var path  = new PathNode(current, dir, neighbor, cost, guess);

                        //GameBoard.Debugger.Instance.LogToDisk(string.Format("   * new Path = [" + path.pos.x + "," + path.pos.y + "] at " + path.cost));
                        //AStarState[path.pos.x + 1, path.pos.y + 1].Glyph = path.cost.ToString("00");

                        // Insert it in sorted order (such that the best node is at the *end*
                        // of the list for easy removal).
                        var inserted = false;
                        for (var i = open.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            if (open[i].guess > guess)
                                open.Insert(i + 1, path);
                                inserted = true;

                        // If we didn't find a node to put it after, put it at the front.
                        if (!inserted)
                            open.Insert(0, path);

            // No path.