Пример #1
    IEnumerator GenerateTerrain()
        float t = Time.time;

        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        SimplexNoiseGenerator sng = new SimplexNoiseGenerator(seed);
        BinaryImage           bi  = new BinaryImage(tex.width, tex.height, false);

        for (int x = 0; x < tex.width; x++)
            float height = sng.coherentNoise(x / terrainStretch + (transform.position.x * terrainStretch), 0, 0, 1, 200, 1.75f, 2f, 0.9f);
            height += sng.coherentNoise(x / terrainStretch + (transform.position.x * terrainStretch), 0, 0, 2, 25, 0.05f, 2f, 0.9f);
            height += sng.coherentNoise(x / terrainStretch + (transform.position.x * terrainStretch), 0, 0, 1, 25, 0.1f, 2f, 0.9f);
            for (int y = 0; y < tex.height; y++)
                if (y < height * tex.height + 500)
                    bi.Set(x, y, true);
        binaryImage = bi;
        binaryImage = tidyBinaryImage(binaryImage);
        Debug.Log((Time.time - t) * 1000f);
    //Get a float point noise value given a chunk location and an x/z location within that chunk. Uses Simplex Noise from SimplexNoiseGenerator
    //Determines y-height of basic terrain heightmap at that x/z location
    float pointNoiseVal(int chunkX, int chunkZ, int x, int z)
        float freq = .1f;

        return(noiseGenerator.coherentNoise((x + chunkX) * freq, 0, (z + chunkZ) * freq, 3) * 80);
        //Below is old Perlin noise method. keep for posterity.
        //return (Mathf.PerlinNoise((x + chunkX) * .05f, (z + chunkZ) * .05f)) * 9 + (Mathf.PerlinNoise((x + chunkX) * .1f, (z + chunkZ) * .1f));
Пример #3
    public Texture3D GenerateNoise()
        SimplexNoiseGenerator noise = new SimplexNoiseGenerator();

        Color[]   colorArray = new Color[_textureSize * _textureSize * _textureSize];
        Texture3D texture    = new Texture3D(_textureSize, _textureSize, _textureSize, _format, false);

        for (int x = 0; x < _textureSize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < _textureSize; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < _textureSize; z++)
                    float value = noise.coherentNoise(x, y, z, _octaves, _multiplier, _amplitude, _lacunarity, _persistence);
                    Color c     = new Color(value, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                    colorArray[x + (y * _textureSize) + (z * _textureSize * _textureSize)] = c;
