Пример #1
        private unsafe void CreateInstance()
            _vk = Vk.GetApi();

            if (EnableValidationLayers && !CheckValidationLayerSupport())
                throw new NotSupportedException("Validation layers requested but not available!");

            var appInfo = new ApplicationInfo
                SType              = StructureType.ApplicationInfo,
                PApplicationName   = (byte *)Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("Hello Triangle"),
                ApplicationVersion = Vk.MakeVersion(1, 0),
                PEngineName        = (byte *)Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("No Engine"),
                EngineVersion      = Vk.MakeVersion(1, 0),
                ApiVersion         = Vk.Version11

            var    extensions    = (byte **)_window.VkSurface.GetRequiredExtensions(out var extCount);
            byte **newExtensions = stackalloc byte *[(int)(extCount + _instanceExtensions.Length)];

            for (int i = 0; i < extCount; i++)
                newExtensions[i] = extensions[i];

            for (var i = 0; i < _instanceExtensions.Length; i++)
                newExtensions[extCount + i] = (byte *)SilkMarshal.MarshalStringToPtr(_instanceExtensions[i]);

            extCount += (uint)_instanceExtensions.Length;

            var createInfo = new InstanceCreateInfo
                SType                   = StructureType.InstanceCreateInfo,
                PApplicationInfo        = &appInfo,
                EnabledExtensionCount   = extCount,
                PpEnabledExtensionNames = newExtensions

            // debug info is here to make sure it doesnt get destroyed before vk.CreateInstance
            var debugCreateInfo = new DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT();

            if (EnableValidationLayers)
                createInfo.EnabledLayerCount   = (uint)_validationLayers.Length;
                createInfo.PpEnabledLayerNames = (byte **)SilkMarshal.MarshalStringArrayToPtr(_validationLayers);
                createInfo.PNext = &debugCreateInfo;
                createInfo.EnabledLayerCount = 0;
                createInfo.PNext             = null;

            fixed(Instance *instance = &_instance)
                Result result = _vk.CreateInstance(&createInfo, null, instance);

                if (result != Result.Success)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to create instance!");

            _vk.CurrentInstance = _instance;

            if (!_vk.TryGetInstanceExtension(_instance, out _vkSurface))
                throw new NotSupportedException("KHR_surface extensions not found");