/// <summary>
        /// Initialize the Driver to setup several of the static variables and allows you to call browser later.
        /// </summary>
        public DriverFactory()
            Console.Write("    -> Info: Adding 'core' and 'test' assembly reference... ");
            Settings.AddAssembly("core", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
            Settings.AddAssembly("test", Assembly.GetCallingAssembly());

            var useGrid = Regex.IsMatch(Environment.MachineName, "(inttest|svc|appweb)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            //To run against DevSelenium, comment out the above useGrid line and uncomment both lines below
            //UseDevSeleniumHub = true;
            //var useGrid = true;

            Settings.isLocal = !useGrid;
            Settings.runEnv  = Settings.GetCurrentEnvironment();
            Console.WriteLine("    -> Info: Settings.runEnv = {0}", Settings.runEnv);

            //Default browser download directory
            if (Directory.Exists(downloadPath))
            Console.WriteLine("    -> Info: Creating default download folder\n   " + downloadPath);