public MoveClickEventArgs(MotorMove mv, Axe a, Sens s, Couronne c) { MotorMove = mv; Axe = a; Sens = s; Couronne = c; }
private void Increment(ref int count, Sens s) { count += (int)s; switch (count) { case 3: count = -1; break; case 4: count = 0; break; case -2: count = 2; break; case -3: count = 1; break; case -4: count = 0; break; } }
IEnumerator Cooldown() { doOnce = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(cooldown)); sens = Sens.Aller; doOnce = true; }
IEnumerator Retour() { doOnce = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeDown)); sens = Sens.Retour; doOnce = true; }
public override string ToString() { string texte = ""; texte = $"jour:{Jour.ToShortDateString()},"; texte += $"sens:{Sens.ToString()},"; texte += $"départ de {IdDépart} a {Départ.ToString()},"; texte += $"arrivé a {IdArrivée} a {Arrivée.ToString()},"; return(texte); }
private void Jeu_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { Sens touche = Direction(e); MessageEtat($"Touche {touche}"); if (touche != Sens.Autre && Bouge(touche)) { _mouvements += 1; Affiche(); } }
public override string ToString() { string texte = ""; texte = $"jour:{Jour.ToShortDateString()},"; texte += $"sens:{Sens.ToString()},"; texte += $"départ:{Départ.ToString()},"; texte += $"arrivé:{Arrivée.ToString()},"; texte += $"effectif:{Effectif.ToString()}"; return(texte); }
public void Add(Axe a, Couronne c, Sens s) { Add(new Move(a, c, s)); var motorMove = new MotorMove(a, c, s); if (MotorMoves.Count > 0 && MotorMoves.Last().Axe == a) { MotorMoves.Last().Add(c, s); } else { MotorMoves.Add(motorMove); } }
public void Add(Couronne c, Sens s) { switch (c) { case Couronne.Max: Increment(ref MaxMovesCount, s); break; case Couronne.MidMax: Increment(ref MidMaxMovesCount, s); break; case Couronne.MidMin: Increment(ref MidMinMovesCount, s); break; } }
public static void SetEnginesSpeed(Engines engine, Sens sens, byte viteza) { EnginesSetting es = new EnginesSetting(); if (engine == Engines.LeftEngines) { es.LeftEnginesForce = viteza / 255.0; es.LeftEnginesSense = sens == Sens.SensFata ? 1 : -1; es.SetLeft = true; } else { es.RightEnginesForce = viteza / 255.0; es.RightEnginesSense = sens == Sens.SensFata ? 1 : -1; es.SetRight = true; } SetEngines(es); }
public void makestep(Sens sens) { // double dirX = rotation.X / (rayonview + position.X); // double dirZ = rotation.Z / (rayonview + position.Z); double dirX = Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(angle)); double dirZ = Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(angle)); if (sens == Sens.Haut) { position.X = position.X + (float)(dirX * vit); position.Z = position.Z + (float)(dirZ * vit); } else { position.X = position.X - Convert.ToInt32(dirX * vit); position.Z = position.Z - Convert.ToInt32(dirZ * vit); } actuLookat(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if Profile instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of Profile to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(Profile other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Sens == other.Sens || Sens != null && Sens.Equals(other.Sens) ) && ( Dia == other.Dia || Dia != null && Dia.Equals(other.Dia) ) && ( Carbratio == other.Carbratio || Carbratio != null && Carbratio.Equals(other.Carbratio) ) && ( CarbsHr == other.CarbsHr || CarbsHr != null && CarbsHr.Equals(other.CarbsHr) ) && ( Id == other.Id || Id != null && Id.Equals(other.Id) )); }
public Move(Axe a, Couronne c, Sens s) { _axe = a; _couronne = c; _sens = s; _vector = Vector3.Zero; switch (a) { case Axe.X: _vector.X = (int)c; break; case Axe.Y: _vector.Y = (int)c; break; case Axe.Z: _vector.Z = (int)c; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { // credit: unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hash = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (Sens != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Sens.GetHashCode(); } if (Dia != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Dia.GetHashCode(); } if (Carbratio != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Carbratio.GetHashCode(); } if (CarbsHr != null) { hash = hash * 59 + CarbsHr.GetHashCode(); } if (Id != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Id.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); } }
public override Pose Calculate() { Col.Calculate(); Sens.Calculate(); Damp.Calculate(); Lock.Calculate(); PitchMax.Calculate(); PitchMin.Calculate(); DistLimit.Calculate(); Prev.Calculate(); if (controller != null && controller.executor != null) { float yaw = GetFloat("Yaw"); float pitch = GetFloat("Pitch"); float yawWanted = GetFloat("YawWanted"); float pitchWanted = GetFloat("PitchWanted"); Vector3 defaultPos = CameraController.GetGlobalVar("Default Anchor").value_v; Transform anchor = CameraController.GetTransform("Anchor"); Transform character = CameraController.GetTransform("Character"); float sens = Sens.value.value_f; bool rotButton = InputModule.Axis("Mouse Right Button").value_b; float mouseX = InputModule.Axis("Mouse X").value_f; float mouseY = InputModule.Axis("Mouse Y").value_f; float JoystickX = SystemSettingData.Instance.UseController ? InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice.RightStickX * 25f * Time.deltaTime : 0f; float JoystickY = SystemSettingData.Instance.UseController ? InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice.RightStickY * 12f * Time.deltaTime : 0f; float mouseW = InputModule.Axis("Mouse ScrollWheel").value_f; bool inverseX = GetBool("Inverse X"); bool inverseY = GetBool("Inverse Y"); float pitchMax = PitchMax.value.value_f; float pitchMin = PitchMin.value.value_f; float damp = Mathf.Clamp(Damp.value.value_f, 0.005f, 1f); float distLimit = DistLimit.value.value_f; float dt = Mathf.Clamp(Time.deltaTime, 0.001f, 0.1f); // Calc target Vector3 target =; if (character != null) { target = character.position; } else if (anchor != null) { target = anchor.position; } else { target = defaultPos; } // rotate / zoom float dx = 0, dy = 0; float dw = mouseW * 8; if (Prev.value.lockCursor || rotButton) { dx = Mathf.Clamp(mouseX * sens * (inverseX ? -1f : 1f), -200, 200); dy = Mathf.Clamp(mouseY * sens * (inverseY ? -1f : 1f), -200, 200); } //float mdx = 0, mdy = 0; float jdx = 0, jdy = 0; //mdx = dx; //mdy = dy; jdx = JoystickX * sens * (inverseX ? -1f : 1f); jdy = JoystickY * sens * (inverseY ? -1f : 1f); dx += jdx; dy += jdy; yawWanted += dx; pitchWanted += dy; yawWanted = Mathf.Repeat(yawWanted, 360f); pitchWanted = Mathf.Clamp(pitchWanted, pitchMin, pitchMax); yaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(yaw, yawWanted, damp); pitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(pitch, pitchWanted, damp); Pose pose = Prev.value; pose.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-pitch, yaw, 0f); pose.lockCursor = false; Vector3 forward = pose.rotation * Vector3.forward; Vector3 right = pose.rotation * Vector3.right; //Vector3 up = pose.rotation * Vector3.up; if (PeInput.Get(PeInput.LogicFunction.MoveForward)) { pose.position = pose.position + forward * dt * 15f; } if (PeInput.Get(PeInput.LogicFunction.MoveBackward)) { pose.position = pose.position - forward * dt * 15f; } if (PeInput.Get(PeInput.LogicFunction.MoveLeft)) { pose.position = pose.position - right * dt * 15f; } if (PeInput.Get(PeInput.LogicFunction.MoveRight)) { pose.position = pose.position + right * dt * 15f; } if (dw != 0) { pose.position = pose.position + forward * dw; } Vector3 ofs = pose.position - target; ofs = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(ofs, distLimit); pose.position = target + ofs; controller.executor.SetFloat("Yaw", yaw); controller.executor.SetFloat("Pitch", pitch); controller.executor.SetFloat("YawWanted", yawWanted); controller.executor.SetFloat("PitchWanted", pitchWanted); return(pose); } return(Pose.Default); }
void Start() { sens = Sens.Aller; rotatingArm = transform.GetChild(1); StartCoroutine(FirstHitDelay()); }
public override Pose Calculate() { // Calculate Inputs Col.Calculate(); Sens.Calculate(); Damp.Calculate(); FS.Calculate(); Lock.Calculate(); DistMax.Calculate(); DistMin.Calculate(); PitchMax.Calculate(); PitchMin.Calculate(); RollCoef.Calculate(); FovCoef.Calculate(); BlurCoef.Calculate(); OffsetUp.Calculate(); Offset.Calculate(); OffsetDown.Calculate(); Prev.Calculate(); if (controller != null && controller.executor != null) { // Fetch vars float yaw = GetFloat("Yaw"); float pitch = GetFloat("Pitch"); float roll = GetFloat("Roll"); float dist = GetFloat("Dist"); float yawWanted = GetFloat("YawWanted"); float pitchWanted = GetFloat("PitchWanted"); float distWanted = GetFloat("DistWanted"); float distLevel = GetFloat("DistLevel"); //float distVelocity = GetFloat("DistVelocity"); Vector3 defaultPos = CameraController.GetGlobalVar("Default Anchor").value_v; Transform anchor = CameraController.GetTransform("Anchor"); Transform character = CameraController.GetTransform("Character"); Vector3 velocity = controller.executor.GetVar("Driving Velocity").value_v; Vector3 rigidbody_vel = controller.executor.GetVar("Rigidbody Velocity").value_v; float followSpeed = FS.value.value_f; float sens = Sens.value.value_f; bool lockCursor = Lock.value.value_b; float damp = Mathf.Clamp(Damp.value.value_f, 0.005f, 1f); float dt = Mathf.Clamp(Time.deltaTime, 0.001f, 0.1f); bool rotButton = InputModule.Axis("Mouse Right Button").value_b&& !GetBool("Mouse Op GUI"); float mouseX = InputModule.Axis("Mouse X").value_f; float mouseY = InputModule.Axis("Mouse Y").value_f; float JoystickX = SystemSettingData.Instance.UseController ? InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice.RightStickX * 25f * Time.deltaTime : 0f; float JoystickY = SystemSettingData.Instance.UseController ? InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice.RightStickY * 12f * Time.deltaTime : 0f; float mouseW = GetBool("Mouse On Scroll") ? 0f : InputModule.Axis("Mouse ScrollWheel").value_f; bool inverseX = GetBool("Inverse X"); bool inverseY = GetBool("Inverse Y"); //float ACR = GetFloat("Activity Space Size"); bool clampd = GetBool("Geometry Clampd"); float distMax = DistMax.value.value_f; float distMin = DistMin.value.value_f; float pitchMax = PitchMax.value.value_f; float pitchMin = PitchMin.value.value_f; float rollCoef = RollCoef.value.value_f; float fovCoef = FovCoef.value.value_f; float blurCoef = BlurCoef.value.value_f; // Calc target Vector3 target =; Vector3 target_up = Vector3.up; if (character != null) { target = character.position - character.up; target_up = character.up; } else if (anchor != null) { target = anchor.position; } else { target = defaultPos; } // rotate / zoom float dx = 0, dy = 0; float dw = -mouseW * 8; if (Prev.value.lockCursor || rotButton) { dx = Mathf.Clamp(mouseX * sens * (inverseX ? -1f : 1f), -200, 200) * Time.timeScale; dy = Mathf.Clamp(mouseY * sens * (inverseY ? -1f : 1f), -200, 200) * Time.timeScale; } float mdx = 0, mdy = 0; float jdx = 0, jdy = 0; mdx = dx; mdy = dy; jdx = JoystickX * sens * (inverseX ? -1f : 1f) * Time.timeScale; jdy = JoystickY * sens * (inverseY ? -1f : 1f) * Time.timeScale; dx += jdx; dy += jdy; dx = Mathf.Clamp(dx, -6 * sens, 6 * sens); dy = Mathf.Clamp(dy, -3 * sens, 3 * sens); yawWanted += dx; pitchWanted += dy; distLevel += dw; distLevel = Mathf.Clamp(distLevel, distMin, distMax); // lock dist if (dw != 0) { recalcDistTime = 3f; lockDistAfterClampTime = 0f; } if (recalcDistTime > 0) { recalcDistTime -= Time.deltaTime; } if (lockDistAfterClampTime > 0) { lockDistAfterClampTime -= Time.deltaTime; } if (clampd) { lockDistAfterClampTime = 2f; controller.executor.SetBool("Geometry Clampd", false); } distWanted = distLevel; // record noControlTime if (!Prev.value.lockCursor && rotButton) { noControlTime = 0; } else if (Mathf.Abs(jdx) + Mathf.Abs(jdy) > 0.2f || Mathf.Abs(mdx) + Mathf.Abs(mdy) > 8f) { noControlTime = 0; } else { noControlTime += dt; } controller.executor.SetFloat("No Rotate Time", noControlTime); // Follow if (noControlTime > 2.0f) { velUsed = Vector3.Lerp(velUsed, velocity, 0.1f); } else { velUsed = Vector3.Lerp(velUsed,, 0.5f); } if (float.IsNaN(velUsed.x) || float.IsNaN(velUsed.y) || float.IsNaN(velUsed.z)) { velUsed =; } float vel_length = Mathf.Clamp01((velUsed.magnitude - 2) * 0.1f); float yaw_length = Mathf.Clamp01((new Vector2(velUsed.x, velUsed.z).magnitude - 2) * 0.1f); Debug.DrawLine(target, target + velUsed, Color.cyan); if (vel_length > 0.01f) { Quaternion q = Quaternion.LookRotation(velUsed); Vector3 euler = q.eulerAngles; float fyaw = euler.y; float fpitch = -euler.x - 10; fyaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(yawWanted, fyaw, yaw_length); fpitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(pitchWanted, fpitch, vel_length * 0.02f); yawWanted = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(yawWanted, fyaw, ref vyaw, 20.0f / followSpeed); pitchWanted = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(pitchWanted, fpitch, ref vpitch, 40.0f / followSpeed); // float ayaw = Mathf.DeltaAngle(yawWanted, fyaw) * followSpeed * yaw_length; // float apitch = Mathf.DeltaAngle(pitchWanted, fpitch) * followSpeed * vel_length; // // ayaw -= (vyaw*vyaw) * Mathf.Sign(vyaw) * 1f; // apitch -= (vpitch*vpitch) * Mathf.Sign(vpitch) * 1f; // // ayaw = Mathf.Clamp(ayaw, -2000, 2000); // apitch = Mathf.Clamp(apitch, -2000, 2000); // // vyaw = vyaw + ayaw * dt; // vpitch = vpitch + apitch * dt; // // vyaw = Mathf.Clamp(vyaw, -60, 60); // vpitch = Mathf.Clamp(vpitch, -60, 60); // // yawWanted += vyaw * dt; // pitchWanted += vpitch * dt; } yawWanted = Mathf.Repeat(yawWanted, 360f); pitchWanted = Mathf.Clamp(pitchWanted, pitchMin, pitchMax); distWanted = Mathf.Clamp(distWanted, distMin, distMax); yaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(yaw, yawWanted, damp); pitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(pitch, pitchWanted, damp); float vdist = controller.executor.GetVar("DistVelocity").value_f; if (lockDistAfterClampTime <= 0) { dist = Mathf.SmoothDamp(dist, distWanted, ref vdist, 0.5f); } dist = Mathf.Clamp(dist, distMin, distMax); controller.executor.SetVar("DistVelocity", vdist); Pose pose = Prev.value; pose.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-pitch, yaw, 0); Vector3 forward = pose.rotation * Vector3.forward; Vector3 right = pose.rotation * Vector3.right; //Vector3 up = pose.rotation * Vector3.up; Vector3 lofs =; if (pitch < 0) { lofs = Vector3.Slerp(Offset.value.value_v, OffsetDown.value.value_v, pitch / pitchMin); } else { lofs = Vector3.Slerp(Offset.value.value_v, OffsetUp.value.value_v, pitch / pitchMax); } float _dist = dist; if (distMin == distMax) { _dist = distMin; } pose.position = target - _dist * forward + lofs * _dist; pose.lockCursor = lockCursor; // Roll if (Mathf.Abs(rollCoef) > 0.001f) { Vector3 horz_forward = forward; Vector3 horz_right = right; horz_forward.y = 0; horz_forward.Normalize(); horz_right.y = 0; float udotf = Vector3.Dot(target_up, horz_forward); Vector3 proj_up = target_up - udotf * horz_forward; float angle = Vector3.Angle(proj_up, Vector3.up); float falloff = 1f - Mathf.Pow((angle - 90f) / 90f, 2); if (angle < 90) { angle = Mathf.Lerp(0, 90, falloff); } else { angle = Mathf.Lerp(180, 90, falloff); } angle *= rollCoef; angle *= -Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(proj_up, horz_right)); roll = Mathf.Lerp(roll, angle, 0.15f); } else { roll = Mathf.Lerp(roll, 0, 0.15f); } pose.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-pitch, yaw, roll); // Fov & blur float inc = Mathf.InverseLerp(10, 35, rigidbody_vel.magnitude); fovIncr = Mathf.Lerp(fovIncr, inc * fovCoef, 0.2f); pose.fov = Mathf.Clamp(pose.fov + fovIncr, 10f, 90f); blur = Mathf.Lerp(blur, inc * blurCoef, 0.2f); pose.motionBlur = Mathf.Clamp(blur, 0, 0.8f); // Set vars controller.executor.SetFloat("Yaw", yaw); controller.executor.SetFloat("Pitch", pitch); controller.executor.SetFloat("Roll", roll); controller.executor.SetFloat("Dist", dist); controller.executor.SetFloat("YawWanted", yawWanted); controller.executor.SetFloat("PitchWanted", pitchWanted); controller.executor.SetFloat("DistWanted", distWanted); controller.executor.SetFloat("DistLevel", distLevel); return(pose); } return(Pose.Default); }
public void Rotate(Ship asset, Sens sens) { asset.Rotate(asset, new Rotation(sens)); }
public void makeviewbanging(Sens sens) { if (sens == Sens.Rotbas) { hview -= sensibilite * amplificateur; lookat = lookat + new Vector3(0, -sensibilite*amplificateur, 0); } else { hview += sensibilite * amplificateur; lookat = lookat + new Vector3(0, sensibilite * amplificateur, 0); } }
public void makeviewrot(Sens sens) { float vec = (float)sensibilite; if (sens == Sens.Gauche) { vec = (-vec); } if (angle <= 0 && vec < 0) { angle = 360; } else if (angle == 360 && vec > 0) { angle = 0; } else { angle += vec; } //rotation.X = (float)((position.X + rayonview) * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(angle))); //rotation.Z = (float)((position.Z + rayonview) * Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(angle))); rotation.X = (float)((position.X) + rayonview * Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(angle))); rotation.Z = (float)((position.Z) + rayonview * Math.Sin(MathHelper.ToRadians(angle))); rotation.Y = position.Y + hview; lookat = rotation; // Console.WriteLine(angle); // Console.WriteLine(lookat.X + "/" + lookat.Z); #region comment /* if ((rotation.X/1000) < 1 & (rotation.X/1000) > 0 & (rotation.Z/1000) <= 1 & (rotation.Z/1000) > 0) { rotation.X = rotation.X +100 * vec; rotation.Z = rotation.Z - 100 * vec; return; } if ((rotation.X/1000) <= 1 & (rotation.X/1000) > 0 & (rotation.Z/1000) >= -1 & (rotation.Z/1000) <= 0) { rotation.X = rotation.X - 100 * vec; rotation.Z = rotation.Z - 100 * vec; return; } if ((rotation.X/1000) <= 0 & (rotation.X/1000) >= -1 & (rotation.Z/1000) >= -1 & (rotation.Z/1000) <= 0) { rotation.X = rotation.X - 100 * vec; rotation.Z = rotation.Z + 100 * vec; return; } if ((rotation.X/1000) <= 0 & (rotation.X/1000) >= -1 & (rotation.Z/1000) >= 0 & (rotation.Z/1000) <= 1) { rotation.X = rotation.X + 100 * vec; rotation.Z = rotation.Z + 100 * vec; return; } lookat = position + rotation; Console.WriteLine(rotation.X + "/" + rotation.Y + "/" + rotation.Z); } */ #endregion }
public Rotation(Sens sens, float speed) { this.Sens = sens; this.Speed = speed; this.Angle = 0; }
public Rotation(Sens sens) { this.Sens = sens; this.Angle = 0; }
public Rotation(Sens sens, float speed, float angle) { this.Sens = sens; this.Speed = speed; this.Angle = angle; }
public MotorMove(Axe a, Couronne c, Sens s) { this.Axe = a; Add(c, s); }
private bool Bouge(Sens s) { bool caseDeplacee = false; switch (s) { case Sens.Droite: // pour chaque ligne for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j += 1) { // pour chaque colonne for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i -= 1) { if ((_case[i + 1, j] == 0) && (_case[i, j] != 0)) { _case[i + 1, j] = _case[i, j]; _case[i, j] = 0; caseDeplacee = true; Logs.Info($"déplacement à {s} : {_case[i, j]} de {i},{j}"); } } } break; case Sens.Gauche: // pour chaque ligne for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j += 1) { // pour chaque colonne for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i += 1) { if ((_case[i - 1, j] == 0) && (_case[i, j] != 0)) { _case[i - 1, j] = _case[i, j]; _case[i, j] = 0; caseDeplacee = true; Logs.Info($"déplacement à {s} : {_case[i, j]} de {i},{j}"); } } } break; case Sens.Bas: // pour chaque ligne for (int j = 2; j >= 0; j -= 1) { // pour chaque colonne for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i += 1) { if ((_case[i, j + 1] == 0) && (_case[i, j] != 0)) { _case[i, j + 1] = _case[i, j]; _case[i, j] = 0; caseDeplacee = true; Logs.Info($"déplacement à {s} : {_case[i, j]} de {i},{j}"); } } } break; case Sens.Haut: // pour chaque ligne for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j += 1) { // pour chaque colonne for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i += 1) { if ((_case[i, j - 1] == 0) && (_case[i, j] != 0)) { _case[i, j - 1] = _case[i, j]; _case[i, j] = 0; caseDeplacee = true; Logs.Info($"déplacement à {s} : {_case[i, j]} de {i},{j}"); } } } break; } return(caseDeplacee); }
public override Pose Calculate() { Col.Calculate(); Sens.Calculate(); Damp.Calculate(); FS.Calculate(); AnimFactor.Calculate(); Lock.Calculate(); DistMax.Calculate(); DistMin.Calculate(); PitchMax.Calculate(); PitchMin.Calculate(); RollCoef.Calculate(); Offset.Calculate(); Prev.Calculate(); if (controller != null && controller.executor != null) { float yaw = GetFloat("Yaw"); float pitch = GetFloat("Pitch"); float roll = GetFloat("Roll"); float dist = GetFloat("Dist"); float yawWanted = GetFloat("YawWanted"); float pitchWanted = GetFloat("PitchWanted"); float distWanted = GetFloat("DistWanted"); float distLevel = GetFloat("DistLevel"); //float distVelocity = GetFloat("DistVelocity"); Vector3 defaultPos = CameraController.GetGlobalVar("Default Anchor").value_v; Transform anchor = CameraController.GetTransform("Anchor"); Transform character = CameraController.GetTransform("Character"); Transform neck_m = CameraController.GetTransform("Bone Neck M"); Transform neck_r = CameraController.GetTransform("Bone Neck R"); bool isRagdoll = GetBool("Is Ragdoll"); Vector3 velocity = controller.executor.GetVar("Character Velocity").value_v; float followSpeed = FS.value.value_f; float sens = Sens.value.value_f; bool lockCursor = Lock.value.value_b; bool rotButton = InputModule.Axis("Mouse Right Button").value_b&& !GetBool("Mouse Op GUI"); float mouseX = InputModule.Axis("Mouse X").value_f; float mouseY = InputModule.Axis("Mouse Y").value_f; float JoystickX = SystemSettingData.Instance.UseController ? InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice.RightStickX * 25f * Time.deltaTime : 0f; float JoystickY = SystemSettingData.Instance.UseController ? InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice.RightStickY * 12f * Time.deltaTime : 0f; float mouseW = GetBool("Mouse On Scroll") ? 0f : InputModule.Axis("Mouse ScrollWheel").value_f; bool inverseX = GetBool("Inverse X"); bool inverseY = GetBool("Inverse Y"); float ACR = GetFloat("Activity Space Size"); bool clampd = GetBool("Geometry Clampd"); float distMax = DistMax.value.value_f; float distMin = DistMin.value.value_f; float pitchMax = PitchMax.value.value_f; float pitchMin = PitchMin.value.value_f; float rollCoef = RollCoef.value.value_f; float damp = Mathf.Clamp(Damp.value.value_f, 0.005f, 1f); float dt = Mathf.Clamp(Time.deltaTime, 0.001f, 0.1f); // Calc target Vector3 target =; Vector3 target_up = Vector3.up; //if (character != null) //{ // if (neck_m != null && neck_r != null) // { // target = Vector3.Lerp(character.position, (isRagdoll ? neck_r : neck_m).position, AnimFactor.value.value_f); // } // else // { // target = character.position; // } // target_up = character.up; //} //else if (anchor != null) { target = anchor.position; } else { target = defaultPos; } //target -= velocity * 0.1f; // rotate / zoom float dx = 0, dy = 0; float dw = -mouseW * 8; if (Prev.value.lockCursor || rotButton) { dx = Mathf.Clamp(mouseX * sens * (inverseX ? -1f : 1f), -200, 200) * Time.timeScale; dy = Mathf.Clamp(mouseY * sens * (inverseY ? -1f : 1f), -200, 200) * Time.timeScale; } float mdx = 0, mdy = 0; float jdx = 0, jdy = 0; mdx = dx; mdy = dy; jdx = JoystickX * sens * (inverseX ? -1f : 1f) * Time.timeScale; jdy = JoystickY * sens * (inverseY ? -1f : 1f) * Time.timeScale; dx += jdx; dy += jdy; dx = Mathf.Clamp(dx, -6 * sens, 6 * sens); dy = Mathf.Clamp(dy, -3 * sens, 3 * sens); yawWanted += dx; pitchWanted += dy; distLevel += dw; distLevel = Mathf.Clamp(distLevel, distMin, distMax); if (dw != 0) { recalcDistTime = 3f; lockDistAfterClampTime = 0f; } if (recalcDistTime > 0) { recalcDistTime -= Time.deltaTime; } if (lockDistAfterClampTime > 0) { lockDistAfterClampTime -= dt; } if (clampd) { lockDistAfterClampTime = 2f; controller.executor.SetBool("Geometry Clampd", false); } float maxdist = Mathf.Clamp(ACR * 2f, distMin, distMax); float distcoef = 1; distcoef = Mathf.Clamp(ACR * 0.15f, 0.15f, 1f); distWanted = distLevel * distcoef; if (!Prev.value.lockCursor && rotButton) { noControlTime = 0; } else if (Mathf.Abs(jdx) + Mathf.Abs(jdy) > 0.2f || Mathf.Abs(mdx) + Mathf.Abs(mdy) > 8f) { noControlTime = 0; } else { noControlTime += dt; } controller.executor.SetFloat("No Rotate Time", noControlTime); if (noControlTime > 1.3f) { velUsed = Vector3.Lerp(velUsed, velocity, 0.2f); } else { velUsed = Vector3.Lerp(velUsed,, 0.2f); } if (float.IsNaN(velUsed.x) || float.IsNaN(velUsed.y) || float.IsNaN(velUsed.z)) { velUsed =; } float vel_length = Mathf.Clamp01(velUsed.magnitude * 0.2f); float yaw_length = Mathf.Clamp01(new Vector2(velUsed.x, velUsed.z).magnitude * 0.2f); Debug.DrawLine(target, target + velUsed, Color.cyan); if (vel_length > 0.01f) { Quaternion q = Quaternion.LookRotation(velUsed); Vector3 euler = q.eulerAngles; float fyaw = euler.y; float fpitch = -euler.x - 10; if (Mathf.DeltaAngle(yawWanted, fyaw) > 120f || Mathf.DeltaAngle(yawWanted, fyaw) < -120f) { fyaw = yawWanted; } fyaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(yawWanted, fyaw, yaw_length); fpitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(pitchWanted, fpitch, vel_length); Debug.DrawLine(target, target + Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-fpitch, fyaw, 0)) * Vector3.forward,; if (distcoef < 0.2f) { followSpeed = followSpeed * 4f; } else if (distcoef < 0.3f) { followSpeed = followSpeed * 3f; } else if (distcoef < 0.4f) { followSpeed = followSpeed * 2.5f; } else if (distcoef < 0.5f) { followSpeed = followSpeed * 2f; } else if (distcoef < 0.6f) { followSpeed = followSpeed * 1.5f; } yawWanted = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(yawWanted, fyaw, ref vyaw, 20.0f / followSpeed); pitchWanted = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(pitchWanted, fpitch, ref vpitch, 40.0f / followSpeed); // float ayaw = Mathf.DeltaAngle(yawWanted, fyaw) * followSpeed * yaw_length; // float apitch = Mathf.DeltaAngle(pitchWanted, fpitch) * followSpeed * vel_length; // // ayaw -= (vyaw*vyaw) * Mathf.Sign(vyaw) * 0.2f; // apitch -= (vpitch*vpitch) * Mathf.Sign(vpitch) * 0.2f; // // ayaw = Mathf.Clamp(ayaw, -2000, 2000); // apitch = Mathf.Clamp(apitch, -2000, 2000); // // Debug.DrawLine(target, target + Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-apitch, ayaw, 0)) * Vector3.forward,; // // vyaw = vyaw + ayaw * dt; // vpitch = vpitch + apitch * dt; // // vyaw = Mathf.Clamp(vyaw, -60, 60); // vpitch = Mathf.Clamp(vpitch, -60, 60); // // Debug.DrawLine(target, target + Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-vpitch, vyaw, 0)) * Vector3.forward,; // // yawWanted += vyaw * dt; // pitchWanted += vpitch * dt; } yawWanted = Mathf.Repeat(yawWanted, 360f); pitchWanted = Mathf.Clamp(pitchWanted, pitchMin, pitchMax); distWanted = Mathf.Clamp(distWanted, distMin, maxdist); yaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(yaw, yawWanted, damp); pitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(pitch, pitchWanted, damp); float vdist = controller.executor.GetVar("DistVelocity").value_f; if (lockDistAfterClampTime <= 0) { dist = Mathf.SmoothDamp(dist, distWanted, ref vdist, 0.5f); } else if (dist < distMin) { dist = Mathf.SmoothDamp(dist, distMin, ref vdist, 0.5f); } controller.executor.SetVar("DistVelocity", vdist); Pose pose = Prev.value; pose.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-pitch, yaw, 0); Vector3 forward = pose.rotation * Vector3.forward; Vector3 right = pose.rotation * Vector3.right; Vector3 up = pose.rotation * Vector3.up; Vector3 ofs = Offset.value.value_v.x * right + Offset.value.value_v.y * up + Offset.value.value_v.z * forward; float _dist = dist; if (distMin == distMax) { _dist = distMin; } //pose.position = target - _dist * forward + ofs; pose.position = target - _dist * forward; pose.lockCursor = lockCursor; // Roll if (Mathf.Abs(rollCoef) > 0.001f) { Vector3 horz_forward = forward; Vector3 horz_right = right; horz_forward.y = 0; horz_forward.Normalize(); horz_right.y = 0; float udotf = Vector3.Dot(target_up, horz_forward); Vector3 proj_up = target_up - udotf * horz_forward; float angle = Vector3.Angle(proj_up, Vector3.up); if (angle > 90) { angle = 90; } angle = angle * Mathf.Pow(angle / 90f, 2) * rollCoef; angle *= -Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(proj_up, horz_right)); roll = Mathf.Lerp(roll, angle, 0.15f); } else { roll = Mathf.Lerp(roll, 0, 0.15f); } pose.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-pitch, yaw, roll); controller.executor.SetFloat("Yaw", yaw); controller.executor.SetFloat("Pitch", pitch); controller.executor.SetFloat("Roll", roll); controller.executor.SetFloat("Dist", dist); controller.executor.SetFloat("YawWanted", yawWanted); controller.executor.SetFloat("PitchWanted", pitchWanted); controller.executor.SetFloat("DistWanted", distWanted); controller.executor.SetFloat("DistLevel", distLevel); return(pose); } return(Pose.Default); }
public override Pose Calculate() { Col.Calculate(); Sens.Calculate(); Damp.Calculate(); LockCursor.Calculate(); PitchMax.Calculate(); PitchMin.Calculate(); Offset.Calculate(); OffsetUp.Calculate(); OffsetDown.Calculate(); Prev.Calculate(); if (controller != null && controller.executor != null) { float yaw = GetFloat("Yaw"); float pitch = GetFloat("Pitch"); float yawWanted = GetFloat("YawWanted"); float pitchWanted = GetFloat("PitchWanted"); Vector3 defaultPos = CameraController.GetGlobalVar("Default Anchor").value_v; Transform anchor = CameraController.GetTransform("Anchor"); Transform character = CameraController.GetTransform("Character"); Transform neck_m = CameraController.GetTransform("Bone Neck M"); Transform neck_r = CameraController.GetTransform("Bone Neck R"); bool isRagdoll = GetBool("Is Ragdoll"); float sens = Sens.value.value_f; bool rotButton = InputModule.Axis("Mouse Right Button").value_b; float mouseX = InputModule.Axis("Mouse X").value_f; float mouseY = InputModule.Axis("Mouse Y").value_f; float JoystickX = SystemSettingData.Instance.UseController ? InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice.RightStickX * 25f * Time.deltaTime : 0f; float JoystickY = SystemSettingData.Instance.UseController ? InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice.RightStickY * 12f * Time.deltaTime : 0f; bool inverseX = GetBool("Inverse X"); bool inverseY = GetBool("Inverse Y"); float pitchMax = PitchMax.value.value_f; float pitchMin = PitchMin.value.value_f; float damp = Mathf.Clamp(Damp.value.value_f, 0.005f, 1f); //float dt = Mathf.Clamp(Time.deltaTime, 0.001f, 0.1f); // Calc target Vector3 target =; if (character != null) { if (neck_m != null && neck_r != null) { target = Vector3.Lerp(character.position, (isRagdoll ? neck_r : neck_m).position, 0.4f); } else { target = character.position; } } else if (anchor != null) { target = anchor.position; } else { target = defaultPos; } // rotate / zoom float dx = 0, dy = 0; if (Prev.value.lockCursor || rotButton) { dx = Mathf.Clamp(mouseX * sens * (inverseX ? -1f : 1f), -200, 200) * Time.timeScale; dy = Mathf.Clamp(mouseY * sens * (inverseY ? -1f : 1f), -200, 200) * Time.timeScale; } //float mdx = 0, mdy = 0; float jdx = 0, jdy = 0; //mdx = dx; //mdy = dy; jdx = JoystickX * sens * (inverseX ? -1f : 1f) * Time.timeScale; jdy = JoystickY * sens * (inverseY ? -1f : 1f) * Time.timeScale; dx += jdx; dy += jdy; dx = Mathf.Clamp(dx, -6 * sens, 6 * sens); dy = Mathf.Clamp(dy, -3 * sens, 3 * sens); yawWanted += dx; pitchWanted += dy; yawWanted = Mathf.Repeat(yawWanted, 360f); pitchWanted = Mathf.Clamp(pitchWanted, pitchMin, pitchMax); yaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(yaw, yawWanted, damp); pitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(pitch, pitchWanted, damp); Pose pose = Prev.value; pose.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-pitch, yaw, 0); Vector3 forward = pose.rotation * Vector3.forward; Vector3 right = pose.rotation * Vector3.right; Vector3 up = pose.rotation * Vector3.up; Vector3 lofs =; if (pitch < 0) { lofs = Vector3.Slerp(Offset.value.value_v, OffsetDown.value.value_v, pitch / pitchMin); } else { lofs = Vector3.Slerp(Offset.value.value_v, OffsetUp.value.value_v, pitch / pitchMax); } Vector3 ofs = lofs.x * right + lofs.y * up + lofs.z * forward; float aspect =; float ur = Mathf.Sqrt(1f + aspect * aspect) * Mathf.Tan(pose.fov * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad); LayerMask layermask = controller.executor.GetVar("Obstacle LayerMask").value_i; float NCR = Utils.EvaluateNearclipPlaneRadius(target, 0.05f, pose.nearClip * ur, layermask); pose.nearClip = NCR / ur; RaycastHit rch; if (Physics.SphereCast(new Ray(target, ofs.normalized), NCR - 0.01f, out rch, ofs.magnitude, layermask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { ofs = ofs.normalized * rch.distance; } pose.position = target + ofs; pose.lockCursor = LockCursor.value.value_b; controller.executor.SetFloat("Yaw", yaw); controller.executor.SetFloat("Pitch", pitch); controller.executor.SetFloat("YawWanted", yawWanted); controller.executor.SetFloat("PitchWanted", pitchWanted); return(pose); } return(Pose.Default); }