/* Firstly...
  * We have an IF function that checks whether "names" contains the content
         of the search box, so if its a letter "a", it checks if its in our list.
  * It then creates a variable "SearchText" that we can later use that simply
         means that instead of writing the whole code we can just refer to it by our new name
  * Another variable! This one defines our Index in our list, it takes
         our previous variable and looks for it in our list and finds what
         the index number of that value is.
  * Now, since its Search on demand we essentially have two Lists (arrays) now
         that we have the name of the value we looking for in string format,
         we also have our index as integer (defined earlier in class). We need to take that data
         and add it to our display List and for that we have our function.
         Adds new Items to our list using the Items Class and also defines
         what data should be put into each column.
  * It then clears the search text box
  * and shows us that the value has been found.
  We then move to ELSE which is simple really...
     * Didn't find data
     * Clears search text box
     * Displays message that its not been found...  */
 private void Search_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (names.Contains(Search_Text.Text))  // Our If statement
         var SearchText = Search_Text.Text;  // First Variable
         var FindIndex = names.IndexOf(SearchText);  // Second Variable
         List_Box.Items.Add(new Items() { Index = FindIndex, Name = SearchText});  // Adding items to display list
         Search_Text.Clear();  // Clear search text box
         MessageBox.Show("Data Found"); // Display message
         MessageBox.Show("Not Found");
Пример #2
        private void SearchForm()//マスタ  入力
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Search_Box.Text.TrimEnd()) || Search_Box.Text.TrimEnd() == Search_Text.TrimEnd())
            ButtonText(panel_right, dtMenu, 3);
            var dr = dtMenu.Select(" ProgramID like '%" + Search_Box.Text.TrimEnd() + "%'");

            if (dr.Count() > 0)
                var dtsend = dr.CopyToDataTable();
                dtsend.DefaultView.Sort = "BusinessID ASC,BusinessSEQ ASC,ProgramID ASC";
                dtsend.Columns.Add("Index", typeof(string));
                int g = 0;
                foreach (DataRow dro in dtsend.Rows)
                    dro["Index"] = g.ToString();
                dtSearch = dtsend;
                ButtonText(panel_right, dtsend, 2);
                dtSearch = null;
                string Cap = "Menus you are searching were not found. " + Environment.NewLine + "Please,Try with another keywords again.";
                MessageBox.Show(Cap, "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Пример #3
 private void SearchTextBox_Focus()
     Search_Text.Text = "";