Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取搜索排序sql
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void GetAppletSearchOrder(SearchProductQuery query, Sql order)
            switch (query.OrderKey)
            case 2:
                order.Append(" ORDER BY ps.SaleCount ");

            case 3:
                order.Append(" ORDER BY ps.SalePrice ");

            case 4:
                order.Append(" ORDER BY ps.Comments ");

            case 5:
                order.Append(" ORDER BY ps.OnSaleTime ");

                order.Append(" ORDER BY ps.Id ");
            if (!query.OrderType)
                order.Append(" DESC ");
                order.Append(" ASC ");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 非主键排序时强制使用索引
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetForceIndex(SearchProductQuery query)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Keyword))

            string index = string.Empty;

            switch (query.OrderKey)
            case 2:
                index = " FORCE INDEX(IX_SaleCount) ";

            case 3:
                index = " FORCE INDEX(IX_SalePrice)  ";

            case 4:
                index = " FORCE INDEX(IX_Comments) ";

            case 5:
                index = " FORCE INDEX(IX_OnSaleTime) ";

Пример #3
        public ActionResult Index(ProductSearchCriteria criteria)
            var sqlQuery = new SqlSearchProductQuery(criteria);

            var watch  = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var result = sqlQuery.Execute();

            var sqlElapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            var redisQuery = new SearchProductQuery(criteria);

            watch  = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            result = redisQuery.Execute();
            var redisElapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            var viewModel = new SearchResultViewModel <ProductModel>();

            viewModel.Data           = result;
            viewModel.SqlQueryTime   = sqlElapsedMs;
            viewModel.RedisQueryTime = redisElapsedMs;
            ViewBag.Heading          = "Compare View";
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 商品搜索
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SearchProductResult SearchProduct(SearchProductQuery query)
            //string selComments = "s.Comments";
            //以前评论条数是搜索表里的 统计的所有评论条数
            string selComments = "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Mall_productcomment pc WHERE pc.productid=s.productid AND pc.Ishidden=0) as Comments";//搜索这里评论数获取排除隐藏的条数

            SearchProductResult result = new SearchProductResult();
            string countsql            = "select count(1) from Mall_searchproduct s  ";
            string sql = "select (p.SaleCounts+ IFNULL(p.VirtualSaleCounts,0)) as  SaleCount, s.ProductId,s.ProductName,s.SalePrice,s.ImagePath,s.ShopId,s.ShopName,s.ThirdCateId,p.DisplaySequence,p.ShopDisplaySequence,p.ProductType,IFNULL(p.VirtualSaleCounts,0) as  VirtualSaleCounts,p.MinSalePrice," + selComments + "   from Mall_searchproduct s ";

            var where = new Sql();
            GetSearchWhere(query, where);
            var order = new Sql();

            GetSearchOrder(query, order);
            string index = GetForceIndex(query);
            string page  = GetSearchPage(query);

            index       += string.Format(" left join Mall_Product p on p.Id=s.ProductId  ");//FORCE INDEX要放在join之前
            countsql    += string.Format(" left join Mall_Product p on p.Id=s.ProductId  ");
            result.Data  = DbFactory.Default.Query <ProductView>(string.Concat(sql, index, where.SQL, order.SQL, page), where.Arguments).ToList();
            result.Total = DbFactory.Default.ExecuteScalar <int>(string.Concat(countsql, where.SQL), where.Arguments);

Пример #5
        public JsonResult GetSearchFilter(string keyword, long cid = 0, long b_id = 0, string a_id = "")
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && cid <= 0 && b_id <= 0 && a_id == "")
                keyword = Application.SiteSettingApplication.SiteSettings.Keyword;

            string cacheKey = CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_SEARCHFILTER(keyword, cid, b_id, a_id);
            //if (Core.Cache.Exists(cacheKey))
            //    return Core.Cache.Get(cacheKey) as JsonResult;

            SearchProductQuery query = new SearchProductQuery()
                Keyword              = keyword,
                AttrValIds           = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(),
                BrandId              = b_id,
                FilterVirtualProduct = true

            if (cid != 0)
                var catelist = _iCategoryService.GetCategories();
                var cate     = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                if (cate.Depth == 1)
                    query.FirstCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                    query.SecondCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                    query.ThirdCateId = cid;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword) && keyword.Length == 1)
                query.IsLikeSearch = true;
            var result = _iSearchProductService.SearchProductFilter(query);

            foreach (BrandView brand in result.Brand)
                brand.Logo = Mall.Core.MallIO.GetImagePath(brand.Logo);

            JsonResult json = Json <dynamic>(success: true, data: new { Attr = result.Attribute, Brand = result.Brand, Category = result.Category }); //json = Json(new { success = true, Attr = result.Attribute, Brand = result.Brand, Category = result.Category });

            json = Json <dynamic>(success: true, data: new { Attr = result.Attribute, Brand = result.Brand, Category = result.Category });
            Core.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, json, 300);
Пример #6
        public ActionResult Search(ProductSearchCriteria criteria)
            var watch  = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var query  = new SearchProductQuery(criteria);
            var result = query.Execute();

            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            var viewModel = new SearchResultViewModel <ProductModel>();

            viewModel.Data      = result;
            viewModel.QueryTime = elapsedMs;
            return(PartialView("~/Views/Products/_Search.cshtml", viewModel));
Пример #7
        public ActionResult Index(ProductSearchCriteria criteria)
            var watch  = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var query  = new SearchProductQuery(criteria);
            var result = query.Execute();

            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            var viewModel = new SearchResultViewModel <ProductModel>();

            viewModel.Data      = result;
            viewModel.QueryTime = elapsedMs;
            ViewBag.Heading     = "Query with Redis and Elastic Search";
            ViewBag.IsSql       = false;
Пример #8
        public JsonResult GetSearchFilter(string keyword, long cid, long b_id, string a_id)
            string cacheKey = CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_SEARCHFILTER(keyword, cid, b_id, a_id);

            if (Core.Cache.Exists(cacheKey))
                return(Core.Cache.Get(cacheKey) as JsonResult);

            SearchProductQuery query = new SearchProductQuery()
                Keyword    = keyword,
                AttrValIds = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(),
                BrandId    = b_id,

            if (cid != 0)
                var catelist = _iCategoryService.GetCategories();
                var cate     = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                if (cate.Depth == 1)
                    query.FirstCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                    query.SecondCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                    query.ThirdCateId = cid;

            var result = _iSearchProductService.SearchProductFilter(query);

            foreach (BrandView brand in result.Brand)
                brand.Logo = Himall.Core.HimallIO.GetImagePath(brand.Logo);

            JsonResult json = Json(new { success = true, Attr = result.Attribute, Brand = result.Brand, Category = result.Category }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            Core.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, json, 300);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取搜索排序sql
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void GetSearchOrder(SearchProductQuery query, Sql order)
            switch (query.OrderKey)
            case 2:
                order.Append(" ORDER BY SaleCount ");

            case 3:
                order.Append(" ORDER BY s.SalePrice ");

            case 4:
                //order.Append(" ORDER BY s.Comments ");
                order.Append(" ORDER BY Comments ");    //Comments现是子查询字段不是搜索产品表字段,则不需s.别名

            case 5:
                order.Append(" ORDER BY s.OnSaleTime ");

                if (query.ShopId > 0 || query.VShopId > 0)
                    order.Append(" ORDER BY p.ShopDisplaySequence desc , SaleCount desc , s.OnSaleTime desc ");
                    order.Append(" ORDER BY p.DisplaySequence desc , SaleCount  desc ,s.OnSaleTime desc ");
            if (query.OrderKey > 1)//如果是默认,则按上面执行
                if (!query.OrderType)
                    order.Append(" DESC ");
                    order.Append(" ASC ");
Пример #10
        public object GetSearchFilter(string keyword = "", long cid = 0, long b_id = 0, string a_id = "")
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword) && cid <= 0 && b_id <= 0 && a_id == "")
                keyword = Application.SiteSettingApplication.SiteSettings.Keyword;

            SearchProductQuery query = new SearchProductQuery()
                Keyword              = keyword,
                AttrValIds           = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(),
                BrandId              = b_id,
                FilterVirtualProduct = true

            if (cid != 0)
                var catelist = ServiceProvider.Instance <ICategoryService> .Create.GetCategories();

                var cate = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                if (cate.Depth == 1)
                    query.FirstCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                    query.SecondCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                    query.ThirdCateId = cid;

            var result = ServiceProvider.Instance <ISearchProductService> .Create.SearchProductFilter(query);

            foreach (BrandView brand in result.Brand)
                brand.Logo = Himall.Core.HimallIO.GetImagePath(brand.Logo);

            return(new { success = true, Attrs = result.Attribute, Brand = result.Brand, Category = result.Category });
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 诊疗项目搜索
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SearchProductResult SearchAppletProduct(SearchProductQuery query)
            SearchProductResult result = new SearchProductResult();
            DynamicParameters   parms  = new DynamicParameters();
            string countsql            = "select count(1) from himall_searchproducts ps ";
            string sql = "select ps.ProductId,ps.ProductName,ps.SalePrice,ps.ImagePath,ps.ShopId,ps.ShopName,ps.SaleCount,ps.ThirdCateId,ps.Comments,pt.HasSKU,pt.MinSalePrice,(select id from Himall_SKUs where ProductId=ps.ProductId order by id desc limit 1) as SkuId,IFNULL((select Sum(Quantity) from Himall_ShoppingCarts cs where cs.ProductId=ps.ProductId),0) as cartquantity  from himall_searchproducts ps left join Himall_Products pt on ps.ProductId=pt.Id ";

            string where = GetAppletSearchWhere(query, parms);
            string order = GetAppletSearchOrder(query);
            string index = GetForceIndex(query);
            string page  = GetSearchPage(query);

            using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Connection.ConnectionString))
                result.Data  = conn.Query <ProductView>(string.Concat(sql, index, where, order, page), parms).ToList();
                result.Total = int.Parse(conn.ExecuteScalar(string.Concat(countsql, where), parms).ToString());

Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 诊疗项目搜索
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SearchProductResult SearchProduct(SearchProductQuery query)
            SearchProductResult result = new SearchProductResult();
            DynamicParameters   parms  = new DynamicParameters();
            string countsql            = "select count(1) from himall_searchproducts ";
            string sql = "select ProductId,ProductName,SalePrice,ImagePath,ShopId,ShopName,SaleCount,ThirdCateId,Comments from himall_searchproducts ";

            string where = GetSearchWhere(query, parms);
            string order = GetSearchOrder(query);
            string index = GetForceIndex(query);
            string page  = GetSearchPage(query);

            using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Connection.ConnectionString))
                result.Data  = conn.Query <ProductView>(string.Concat(sql, index, where, order, page), parms).ToList();
                result.Total = int.Parse(conn.ExecuteScalar(string.Concat(countsql, where), parms).ToString());

Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取搜索排序sql
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetAppletSearchOrder(SearchProductQuery query)
            string order = string.Empty;

            switch (query.OrderKey)
            case 2:
                order = " ORDER BY ps.SaleCount ";

            case 3:
                order = " ORDER BY ps.SalePrice ";

            case 4:
                order = " ORDER BY ps.Comments ";

            case 5:
                order = " ORDER BY ps.OnSaleTime ";

                order = " ORDER BY ps.Id ";
            if (!query.OrderType)
                order += " DESC ";
                order += " ASC ";

Пример #14
        private SearchProductResult DoSearch(
            string keywords = "", /* 搜索关键字 */
            long cid        = 0,  /* 分类ID */
            long b_id       = 0,  /* 品牌ID */
            string a_id     = "", /* 属性ID, 表现形式:attrId_attrValueId */
            int orderKey    = 1,  /* 排序项(1:默认,2:销量,3:价格,4:评论数,5:上架时间) */
            int orderType   = 1,  /* 排序方式(1:升序,2:降序) */
            int pageNo      = 1,  /*页码*/
            int pageSize    = 10, /*每页显示数据量*/
            long vshopId    = 0   //店铺ID
            #region 初始化查询Model
            SearchProductQuery model = new SearchProductQuery();
            model.ShopId  = 0;
            model.BrandId = b_id;
            if (cid != 0)
                var catelist = _iCategoryService.GetCategories();
                var cate     = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                if (cate != null)
                    if (cate.Depth == 1)
                        model.FirstCateId = cid;
                    else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                        model.SecondCateId = cid;
                    else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                        model.ThirdCateId = cid;

            orderType        = orderKey == 3 ? orderType : 2;
            model.AttrValIds = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
            model.Keyword    = keywords;
            model.OrderKey   = orderKey;
            model.OrderType  = orderType == 1;
            model.PageNumber = pageNo;
            model.PageSize   = pageSize;
            model.VShopId    = vshopId;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Keyword) && model.Keyword.Length == 1)
                model.IsLikeSearch = true;
            SearchProductResult result = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(model);
            int  total          = result.Total;
            var  siteSetingInfo = SiteSettingApplication.SiteSettings;
            bool isShow         = siteSetingInfo != null && siteSetingInfo.ProductSaleCountOnOff == 1;
            if (result.Total < pageSize)
                model.IsLikeSearch = true;
                SearchProductResult result2 = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(model);
                var idList1 = result.Data.Select(a => a.ProductId).ToList();
                var nresult = result2.Data.Where(a => !idList1.Contains(a.ProductId)).ToList();
                if (nresult.Count > 0)
                    result.Total += nresult.Count;
                Func <IEnumerable <ProductView>, IOrderedEnumerable <ProductView> > orderby     = null;
                Func <IEnumerable <ProductView>, IOrderedEnumerable <ProductView> > orderByDesc = null;
                switch (model.OrderKey)
                case 2:
                    //order.Append(" ORDER BY SaleCount ");
                    orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.SaleCount + Core.Helper.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(p.VirtualSaleCounts));
                    orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.SaleCount + Core.Helper.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(p.VirtualSaleCounts));

                case 3:
                    //order.Append(" ORDER BY SalePrice ");
                    orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.SalePrice);
                    orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.SalePrice);

                case 4:
                    //order.Append(" ORDER BY Comments ");
                    orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.Comments);
                    orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.Comments);

                    //order.Append(" ORDER BY Id ");
                    //orderby = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.ProductId);
                    //orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.ProductId);
                    if (isShow)
                        orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.DisplaySequence).ThenByDescending(p => p.SaleCount + Core.Helper.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(p.VirtualSaleCounts)).ThenByDescending(p => p.ProductId);
                        orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.DisplaySequence).ThenByDescending(p => p.ProductId);
                if (model.OrderKey > 1)
                    if (model.OrderType)
                        result.Data = orderby(result.Data).ToList();
                        result.Data = orderByDesc(result.Data).ToList();
                    result.Data = orderByDesc(result.Data).ToList();
            total = result.Total;
            foreach (var item in result.Data)
                var _pro = _iProductService.GetProduct(item.ProductId);
                var skus = _iProductService.GetSKUs(item.ProductId);
                if (_pro == null || skus == null)
                if (_pro.SaleStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.OnSale && _pro.AuditStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited)
                    item.ShowStatus = 0;
                    if (skus.Sum(d => d.Stock) < 1)
                        item.ShowStatus = 2;
                    if (_pro.AuditStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited && _pro.SaleStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.InStock)
                        item.ShowStatus = 3;
                        item.ShowStatus = 1;
            if (Core.MallIO.GetMallIO().GetType().FullName.Equals("Mall.Strategy.OSS"))
                ViewBag.IsOss = true;
                ViewBag.IsOss = false;

            ViewBag.keywords         = model.Keyword;
            ViewBag.Total            = total;
            ViewBag.cid              = cid;
            ViewBag.b_id             = b_id;
            ViewBag.a_id             = a_id;
            ViewBag.orderKey         = orderKey;
            ViewBag.orderType        = orderType;
            ViewBag.isSaleCountOnOff = isShow;
Пример #15
        // GET: Web/Search/SearchAd
        /// <summary>
        ///  商品搜索页面
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keywords">搜索关键字</param>
        /// <param name="cid">分类ID</param>
        /// <param name="b_id">品牌ID</param>
        /// <param name="a_id">属性ID, 表现形式:attrId_attrValueId</param>
        /// <param name="orderKey">序项(1:默认,2:销量,3:价格,4:评论数,5:上架时间)</param>
        /// <param name="orderType">排序方式(1:升序,2:降序)</param>
        /// <param name="pageNo">页码</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">每页显示数据量</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult SearchAd(
            string keywords = "", /* 搜索关键字 */
            long cid        = 0,  /* 分类ID */
            long b_id       = 0,  /* 品牌ID */
            string a_id     = "", /* 属性值ID, 表现形式:valueid,valueid */
            int orderKey    = 1,  /* 排序项(1:默认,2:销量,3:价格,4:评论数,5:上架时间) */
            int orderType   = 1,  /* 排序方式(1:升序,2:降序) */
            int pageNo      = 1,  /*页码*/
            int pageSize    = 60  /*每页显示数据量*/
                var  siteSetingInfo = SiteSettingApplication.SiteSettings;
                bool isShow         = siteSetingInfo.ProductSaleCountOnOff == 1;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords) && cid <= 0 && b_id <= 0 && a_id == "")
                    keywords = siteSetingInfo.Keyword;

                #region 初始化查询Model
                SearchProductQuery model = new SearchProductQuery();
                model.ShopId  = 0;
                model.BrandId = b_id;
                if (cid != 0)
                    var catelist = _iCategoryService.GetCategories();
                    var cate     = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                    if (cate != null)
                        if (cate.Depth == 1)
                            model.FirstCateId = cid;
                        else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                            model.SecondCateId = cid;
                        else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                            model.ThirdCateId = cid;
                        ViewBag.pageTitle = cate.Name;
                model.AttrValIds = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                model.Keyword    = keywords;
                model.OrderKey   = orderKey;
                model.OrderType  = orderType == 1;
                model.PageNumber = pageNo;
                model.PageSize   = pageSize;
                SearchProductResult result = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(model);
                int total = result.Total;

                if (result.Total < pageSize)
                    model.IsLikeSearch = true;
                    SearchProductResult result2 = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(model);
                    var idList1 = result.Data.Select(a => a.ProductId).ToList();
                    var nresult = result2.Data.Where(a => !idList1.Contains(a.ProductId)).ToList();
                    if (nresult.Count > 0)
                        result.Total += nresult.Count;
                    Func <IEnumerable <ProductView>, IOrderedEnumerable <ProductView> > orderby     = null;
                    Func <IEnumerable <ProductView>, IOrderedEnumerable <ProductView> > orderByDesc = null;
                    switch (model.OrderKey)
                    case 2:
                        //order.Append(" ORDER BY SaleCount ");
                        orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.SaleCount + TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(p.VirtualSaleCounts));
                        orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.SaleCount + TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(p.VirtualSaleCounts));

                    case 3:
                        //order.Append(" ORDER BY SalePrice ");
                        orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.SalePrice);
                        orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.SalePrice);

                    case 4:
                        //order.Append(" ORDER BY Comments ");
                        orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.Comments);
                        orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.Comments);

                        //order.Append(" ORDER BY Id ");
                        //orderby = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.ProductId);
                        if (isShow)
                        {    //底层已经将虚拟销量累加到销量中
                            orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.DisplaySequence).ThenByDescending(p => p.SaleCount).ThenByDescending(p => p.ProductId);
                            orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.DisplaySequence).ThenByDescending(p => p.ProductId);
                    if (model.OrderKey > 1)
                        if (model.OrderType)
                            result.Data = orderby(result.Data).ToList();
                            result.Data = orderByDesc(result.Data).ToList();
                        result.Data = orderByDesc(result.Data).ToList();
                if (result.Total == 0)
                    ViewBag.BrowsedHistory = BrowseHistrory.GetBrowsingProducts(13, CurrentUser == null ? 0 : CurrentUser.Id);
                    var    category     = _iCategoryService.GetCategory(model.ThirdCateId);
                    string categoryName = category == null ? string.Empty : category.Name;
                    var    brand        = _iBrandService.GetBrand(b_id) ?? new Entities.BrandInfo();
                    string bname        = brand == null ? "" : brand.Name;
                    ViewBag.categoryName = categoryName;
                    ViewBag.bName        = bname;
                total = result.Total;

                foreach (var item in result.Data)
                    var _pro = _iProductService.GetProduct(item.ProductId);
                    var skus = ProductManagerApplication.GetSKUs(item.ProductId);
                    if (_pro == null || skus == null)
                    if (_pro.SaleStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.OnSale && _pro.AuditStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited)
                        item.ShowStatus = 0;
                        if (skus.Sum(d => d.Stock) < 1)
                            item.ShowStatus = 2;
                        if (_pro.AuditStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited && _pro.SaleStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.InStock)
                            item.ShowStatus = 3;
                            item.ShowStatus = 1;

                if (Core.HimallIO.GetHimallIO().GetType().FullName.Equals("Himall.Strategy.OSS"))
                    ViewBag.IsOss = true;
                    ViewBag.IsOss = false;

                ViewBag.keywords  = model.Keyword;
                ViewBag.cid       = cid;
                ViewBag.b_id      = b_id;
                ViewBag.a_id      = a_id;
                ViewBag.orderKey  = orderKey;
                ViewBag.orderType = orderType;

                #region 分页控制
                PagingInfo info = new PagingInfo
                    CurrentPage  = model.PageNumber,
                    ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
                    TotalItems   = total
                ViewBag.pageInfo = info;
                ViewBag.isSaleCountOnOff = isShow;

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Пример #16
        public object GetSearchProducts(
            string keywords = "", /* 搜索关键字 */
            long cid        = 0,  /* 分类ID */
            long b_id       = 0,  /* 品牌ID */
            string a_id     = "", /* 属性ID, 表现形式:attrId_attrValueId */
            int orderKey    = 1,  /* 排序项(1:默认,2:销量,3:价格,4:评论数,5:上架时间) */
            int orderType   = 1,  /* 排序方式(1:升序,2:降序) */
            int pageNo      = 1,  /*页码*/
            int pageSize    = 10, /*每页显示数据量*/
            long vshopId    = 0,
            long sid        = 0   /*商家ID*/
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords) && vshopId == 0 && cid <= 0 && b_id <= 0 && a_id == "")
                keywords = Application.SiteSettingApplication.GetSiteSettings().Keyword;
            #region 初始化查询Model
            SearchProductQuery model = new SearchProductQuery();
            model.VShopId = vshopId;
            model.ShopId  = sid;
            model.BrandId = b_id;
            if (vshopId == 0 && cid != 0)
                var catelist = ServiceProvider.Instance <ICategoryService> .Create.GetCategories();

                var cate = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                if (cate.Depth == 1)
                    model.FirstCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                    model.SecondCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                    model.ThirdCateId = cid;
            else if (vshopId != 0 && cid != 0)
                model.ShopCategoryId = cid;
            model.AttrValIds = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
            model.Keyword    = keywords;
            model.OrderKey   = orderKey;
            model.OrderType  = orderType == 1;
            model.PageNumber = pageNo;
            model.PageSize   = pageSize;
            SearchProductResult result = ServiceProvider.Instance <ISearchProductService> .Create.SearchProduct(model);

            int total = result.Total;
            if (result.Total < pageSize)
                model.IsLikeSearch = true;
                SearchProductResult result2 = ServiceProvider.Instance <ISearchProductService> .Create.SearchProduct(model);

                var idList1 = result.Data.Select(a => a.ProductId).ToList();
                var nresult = result2.Data.Where(a => !idList1.Contains(a.ProductId)).ToList();
                if (nresult.Count > 0)
                    result.Total += nresult.Count;
            total = result.Total;

            #region 价格更新
            decimal discount   = 1M;
            long    SelfShopId = 0;
            if (CurrentUser != null)
                discount = CurrentUser.MemberDiscount;
                var shopInfo = ShopApplication.GetSelfShop();
                SelfShopId = shopInfo.Id;

            var limit = LimitTimeApplication.GetLimitProducts();
            var fight = FightGroupApplication.GetFightGroupPrice();

            foreach (var item in result.Data)
                item.ImagePath = Core.HimallIO.GetRomoteProductSizeImage(Core.HimallIO.GetImagePath(item.ImagePath), 1, (int)Himall.CommonModel.ImageSize.Size_350);
                if (item.ShopId == SelfShopId)
                    item.SalePrice = item.SalePrice * discount;
                var isLimit = limit.Where(r => r.ProductId == item.ProductId).FirstOrDefault();
                var isFight = fight.Where(r => r.ProductId == item.ProductId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (isLimit != null)
                    item.SalePrice = isLimit.MinPrice;
                if (isFight != null)
                    item.SalePrice = isFight.ActivePrice;

                Success = "true",
                Product = result.Data,
                keywords = model.Keyword,
                Total = total,
                cid = cid,
                b_id = b_id,
                a_id = a_id,
                orderKey = orderKey,
                orderType = orderType
Пример #17
        public object GetSearchProducts(
            string keywords = "", /* 搜索关键字 */
            long cid        = 0,  /* 分类ID */
            long b_id       = 0,  /* 品牌ID */
            string a_id     = "", /* 属性ID, 表现形式:attrId_attrValueId */
            int orderKey    = 1,  /* 排序项(1:默认,2:销量,3:价格,4:评论数,5:上架时间) */
            int orderType   = 1,  /* 排序方式(1:升序,2:降序) */
            int pageNo      = 1,  /*页码*/
            int pageSize    = 10, /*每页显示数据量*/
            long vshopId    = 0,
            long sid        = 0   /*商家ID*/
            var  siteSetingInfo = SiteSettingApplication.SiteSettings;
            bool isShow         = siteSetingInfo.ProductSaleCountOnOff == 1;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords) && vshopId == 0 && cid <= 0 && b_id <= 0 && a_id == "")
                keywords = siteSetingInfo.Keyword;
            #region 初始化查询Model
            SearchProductQuery model = new SearchProductQuery();
            model.VShopId = vshopId;
            model.ShopId  = sid;
            model.BrandId = b_id;
            if (vshopId == 0 && cid != 0)
                var catelist = ServiceProvider.Instance <ICategoryService> .Create.GetCategories();

                var cate = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                if (cate != null)
                    if (cate.Depth == 1)
                        model.FirstCateId = cid;
                    else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                        model.SecondCateId = cid;
                    else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                        model.ThirdCateId = cid;
            else if (vshopId != 0 && cid != 0)
                model.ShopCategoryId = cid;
            model.AttrValIds = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
            model.Keyword    = keywords;
            model.OrderKey   = orderKey;
            model.OrderType  = orderType == 1;
            model.PageNumber = pageNo;
            model.PageSize   = pageSize;
            SearchProductResult result = ServiceProvider.Instance <ISearchProductService> .Create.SearchProduct(model);

            int total = result.Total;
            if (result.Total < pageSize)
                model.IsLikeSearch = true;
                SearchProductResult result2 = ServiceProvider.Instance <ISearchProductService> .Create.SearchProduct(model);

                var idList1 = result.Data.Select(a => a.ProductId).ToList();
                var nresult = result2.Data.Where(a => !idList1.Contains(a.ProductId)).ToList();
                if (nresult.Count > 0)
                    result.Total += nresult.Count;
                Func <IEnumerable <ProductView>, IOrderedEnumerable <ProductView> > orderby     = null;
                Func <IEnumerable <ProductView>, IOrderedEnumerable <ProductView> > orderByDesc = null;
                switch (model.OrderKey)
                case 2:
                    //order.Append(" ORDER BY SaleCount ");
                    orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.SaleCount + Himall.Core.Helper.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(p.VirtualSaleCounts));
                    orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.SaleCount + Himall.Core.Helper.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(p.VirtualSaleCounts));

                case 3:
                    //order.Append(" ORDER BY SalePrice ");
                    orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.SalePrice);
                    orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.SalePrice);

                case 4:
                    //order.Append(" ORDER BY Comments ");
                    orderby     = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.Comments);
                    orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.Comments);

                    //order.Append(" ORDER BY Id ");
                    //orderby = e => e.OrderBy(p => p.ProductId);
                    //orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.ProductId);
                    if (isShow)
                        orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.DisplaySequence).ThenByDescending(p => p.SaleCount + Himall.Core.Helper.TypeHelper.ObjectToInt(p.VirtualSaleCounts)).ThenByDescending(p => p.ProductId);
                        orderByDesc = e => e.OrderByDescending(p => p.DisplaySequence).ThenByDescending(p => p.ProductId);
                if (model.OrderKey > 1)
                    if (model.OrderType)
                        result.Data = orderby(result.Data).ToList();
                        result.Data = orderByDesc(result.Data).ToList();
                    result.Data = orderByDesc(result.Data).ToList();
            total = result.Total;

            foreach (var item in result.Data)
                var pro = ServiceProvider.Instance <IProductService> .Create.GetProduct(item.ProductId);

                var skus = ProductManagerApplication.GetSKUs(pro.Id);
                if (pro == null || skus == null)
                if (pro.SaleStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.OnSale && pro.AuditStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited)
                    item.ShowStatus = 0;
                    if (skus.Sum(d => d.Stock) < 1)
                        item.ShowStatus = 2;
                    if (pro.AuditStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited && pro.SaleStatus == Entities.ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.InStock)
                        item.ShowStatus = 3;
                        item.ShowStatus = 1;
            #region 价格更新
            //decimal discount = 1M;
            //long SelfShopId = 0;
            //if (CurrentUser != null)
            //    discount = CurrentUser.MemberDiscount;
            //    var shopInfo = ShopApplication.GetSelfShop();
            //    SelfShopId = shopInfo.Id;

            //var limit = LimitTimeApplication.GetLimitProducts();
            var fight = FightGroupApplication.GetFightGroupPrice();

            foreach (var item in result.Data)
                item.ImagePath = Core.HimallIO.GetRomoteProductSizeImage(Core.HimallIO.GetImagePath(item.ImagePath), 1, (int)Himall.CommonModel.ImageSize.Size_350);
                //if (item.ShopId == SelfShopId)
                //    item.SalePrice = item.SalePrice * discount;
                //var isLimit = limit.Where(r => r.ProductId == item.ProductId).FirstOrDefault();
                var isFight = fight.Where(r => r.ProductId == item.ProductId).FirstOrDefault();
                //if (isLimit != null)
                //    item.SalePrice = isLimit.MinPrice;
                if (isFight != null)
                    //item.SalePrice = isFight.ActivePrice;
                    item.FightGroupId = isFight.ActiveId;

                success = true,
                Product = result.Data,
                total = total,
                keywords = model.Keyword,
                cid = cid,
                b_id = b_id,
                a_id = a_id,
                orderKey = orderKey,
                orderType = orderType,
                isSaleCountOnOff = isShow
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取搜索过滤sql
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="parms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void GetAppletSearchWhere(SearchProductQuery query, Sql where)
            where.Append("WHERE CanSearch=1 ");
            #region 过滤条件
            if (query.ShopId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.ShopId=@0 ", query.ShopId);

            if (query.VShopId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND ps.ShopId IN (SELECT ShopId FROM Mall_vshop where Id=@0) ", query.VShopId);

            if ((query.VShopId != 0 || query.ShopId != 0) && query.ShopCategoryId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND ps.ProductId IN (select ProductId from Mall_productshopcategory where ShopCategoryId in (select id from Mall_ShopCategory where ShopId = @1 and(id = @0 or ParentCategoryId = @0))) ", query.ShopCategoryId, query.ShopId);

            if (query.BrandId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.BrandId=@0 ", query.BrandId);

            if (query.FirstCateId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.FirstCateId=@0 ", query.FirstCateId);

            else if (query.SecondCateId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.SecondCateId=@0 ", query.SecondCateId);

            else if (query.ThirdCateId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.ThirdCateId=@0 ", query.ThirdCateId);

            if (query.StartPrice > 0)
                where.Append(" AND ps.SalePrice>=@0 ", query.StartPrice);

            if (query.EndPrice > 0 && query.EndPrice >= query.StartPrice)
                where.Append(" AND ps.SalePrice <= @EndPrice ");

            if (query.AttrValIds.Count > 0)
                where.Append(" AND ps.ProductId IN (SELECT DISTINCT ProductId FROM Mall_ProductAttribute WHERE ValueId IN (@0)) ", query.AttrValIds);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Keyword))
                if (!query.IsLikeSearch)
                    where.Append("AND MATCH(ps.ProductName) AGAINST(@0 IN BOOLEAN MODE) ", string.Concat(UrnHtml(query.Keyword), "*").Replace(" ", "*"));
                    where.Append("AND ps.ProductName like @0 ", "%" + query.Keyword + "%");
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取搜索商品分页sql
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="query"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private string GetSearchPage(SearchProductQuery query)
     return(string.Format(" LIMIT {0},{1} ", (query.PageNumber - 1) * query.PageSize, query.PageSize));
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取搜索过滤sql
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="parms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetAppletSearchWhere(SearchProductQuery query, DynamicParameters parms)
            StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
            where.Append("WHERE CanSearch=1 ");
            #region 过滤条件
            if (query.ShopId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.ShopId=@ShopId ");
                parms.Add("@ShopId", query.ShopId);

            if (query.VShopId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND ps.ShopId IN (SELECT ShopId FROM himall_vshop where Id=@VShopId) ");
                parms.Add("@VShopId", query.VShopId);

            if ((query.VShopId != 0 || query.ShopId != 0) && query.ShopCategoryId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND ps.ProductId IN (select ProductId from himall_productshopcategories where ShopCategoryId in(select id from Himall_ShopCategories where ShopId = @ShopId and(id = @ShopCategoryId or ParentCategoryId = @ShopCategoryId)))");
                parms.Add("@ShopCategoryId", query.ShopCategoryId);

            if (query.BrandId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.BrandId=@BrandId ");
                parms.Add("@BrandId", query.BrandId);

            if (query.FirstCateId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.FirstCateId=@FirstCateId ");
                parms.Add("@FirstCateId", query.FirstCateId);
            else if (query.SecondCateId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.SecondCateId=@SecondCateId ");
                parms.Add("@SecondCateId", query.SecondCateId);
            else if (query.ThirdCateId != 0)
                where.Append("AND ps.ThirdCateId=@ThirdCateId ");
                parms.Add("@ThirdCateId", query.ThirdCateId);

            if (query.StartPrice > 0)
                where.Append(" AND ps.SalePrice>=@StartPrice ");
                parms.Add("@StartPrice", query.StartPrice);

            if (query.EndPrice > 0 && query.EndPrice >= query.StartPrice)
                where.Append(" AND ps.SalePrice <= @EndPrice ");
                parms.Add("@EndPrice", query.EndPrice);

            if (query.AttrValIds.Count > 0)
                where.Append(" AND ps.ProductId IN (SELECT DISTINCT ProductId FROM Himall_ProductAttributes WHERE ValueId IN @ValueIds) ");
                parms.Add("@ValueIds", query.AttrValIds.ToArray());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Keyword))
                if (!query.IsLikeSearch)
                    where.Append("AND MATCH(ps.ProductName) AGAINST(@ProductName IN BOOLEAN MODE) ");
                    parms.Add("@ProductName", string.Concat(query.Keyword, "*").Replace(" ", "*"));
                    where.Append("AND ps.ProductName like @ProductName ");
                    parms.Add("@ProductName", "%" + query.Keyword + "%");


Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取搜索过滤sql
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="parms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void GetSearchWhere(SearchProductQuery query, Sql where)
            where.Append(" WHERE s.CanSearch=1 ");
            #region 过滤条件

            if (query.FilterVirtualProduct.HasValue && query.FilterVirtualProduct.Value)
                where.Append(" AND p.ProductType=0 ");

            if (query.ShopId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND s.ShopId=@0 ", query.ShopId);
                //parms.Add("@ShopId", query.ShopId);

            if (query.VShopId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND s.ShopId IN (SELECT ShopId FROM Mall_vshop where Id=@0) ", query.VShopId);
                //parms.Add("@VShopId", query.VShopId);

            if ((query.VShopId != 0 || query.ShopId != 0) && query.ShopCategoryId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND s.ProductId IN (select ProductId from Mall_productshopcategory where ShopCategoryId in(select id from Mall_ShopCategory where ShopId = @0 and(id = @1 or ParentCategoryId = @1))) ", query.ShopId, query.ShopCategoryId);
                //parms.Add("@ShopCategoryId", query.ShopCategoryId);

            if (query.BrandId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND s.BrandId=@0 ", query.BrandId);
                //parms.Add("@BrandId", query.BrandId);

            if (query.FirstCateId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND s.FirstCateId=@0 ", query.FirstCateId);
                //parms.Add("@FirstCateId", query.FirstCateId);
            else if (query.SecondCateId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND s.SecondCateId=@0 ", query.SecondCateId);
                //parms.Add("@SecondCateId", query.SecondCateId);
            else if (query.ThirdCateId != 0)
                where.Append(" AND s.ThirdCateId=@0 ", query.ThirdCateId);
                //parms.Add("@ThirdCateId", query.ThirdCateId);

            if (query.StartPrice >= 0)
                where.Append(" AND s.SalePrice>=@0 ", query.StartPrice);
                //parms.Add("@StartPrice", query.StartPrice);

            if (query.EndPrice > 0 && query.EndPrice >= query.StartPrice)
                where.Append(" AND s.SalePrice <= @0 ", query.EndPrice);
                //parms.Add("@EndPrice", query.EndPrice);

            if (query.AttrValIds.Count > 0)
                where.Append("  AND s.ProductId IN (SELECT DISTINCT ProductId FROM Mall_ProductAttribute ");
                foreach (var item in query.AttrValIds)
                    where.Append(" INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ProductId FROM Mall_ProductAttribute WHERE  (ValueId = " + item + " ) ) t" + query.AttrValIds.IndexOf(item) + " USING (ProductId) ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Keyword))
                if (!query.IsLikeSearch)
                    where.Append(" AND MATCH(s.ProductName) AGAINST(@0 IN BOOLEAN MODE) ", string.Concat(UrnHtml(query.Keyword.TrimEnd(' ')), "*").Replace(" ", "*"));
                    //parms.Add("@ProductName", string.Concat(query.Keyword, "*").Replace(" ", "*"));
                    where.Append(" AND s.ProductName like @0 ", "%" + query.Keyword + "%");
                    //parms.Add("@ProductName", "%" + query.Keyword + "%");
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// 商品属性、分类、品牌搜索
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SearchProductFilterResult SearchProductFilter(SearchProductQuery query)
                var result = new SearchProductFilterResult();
                var where = new Sql();
                GetSearchWhere(query, where);
                //var @params = temp.ParameterNames.Select(name => new MySqlParameter("@" + name, temp.Get<object>(name))).ToArray();

                var listAttr    = Cache.Get <List <AttributeInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST);
                var listAttrVal = Cache.Get <List <AttributeValueInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST);

                if (listAttr == null)
                    listAttr = DbFactory.Default.Get <AttributeInfo>().ToList();
                    Cache.Insert(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST, listAttr);

                if (listAttrVal == null)
                    listAttrVal = DbFactory.Default.Get <AttributeValueInfo>().ToList();
                    Cache.Insert(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST, listAttrVal);

                string attrSql      = "select AttrValues from Mall_searchproduct s  left join Mall_Product p on p.Id=s.ProductId  " + where.SQL;
                var    sttrValueIds = DbFactory.Default.Query <string>(attrSql, where.Arguments).ToList();
                var valueIds = sttrValueIds.Where(i => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i)).SelectMany(item => item.Split(',')).ToList();
                listAttrVal = listAttrVal.Where(r => valueIds.Contains(r.Id.ToString())).ToList();
                listAttr    = listAttr.Where(r => listAttrVal.Select(z => z.AttributeId).Contains(r.Id)).ToList();

                result.Attribute = listAttr.Select(r => new AttributeView()
                    AttrId     = r.Id,
                    Name       = r.Name,
                    AttrValues = listAttrVal.Where(z => z.AttributeId == r.Id).Select(s =>
                                                                                      new AttributeValue()
                        Id   = s.Id,
                        Name = s.Value

                var brandSql = "select DISTINCT s.BrandId Id,BrandName Name,BrandLogo Logo from Mall_searchproduct s  left join Mall_Product p on p.Id=s.ProductId  " + where.SQL + " and s.BrandId is not null AND s.BrandId<>0";
                result.Brand = DbFactory.Default.Query <BrandView>(brandSql, where.Arguments).ToList();

                var allCategorys = EngineContext.Current.Resolve <ICategoryService>().GetCategories();

                var categorySql = "select FirstCateId,MAX(FirstCateName) FirstCateName,SecondCateId,MAX(SecondCateName) SecondCateName,ThirdCateId,MAX(ThirdCateName) ThirdCateName from Mall_searchproduct s  left join Mall_Product p on p.Id=s.ProductId  " + where.SQL + " group by  FirstCateId , SecondCateId , ThirdCateId ";
                var data        = DbFactory.Default.Query <CategorySeachModel>(categorySql, where.Arguments).ToList();
                result.Category = data.GroupBy(item => item.FirstCateId).Select(first => new CategoryView//根据一级分类分组
                    Id          = first.Key,
                    Name        = first.Select(item => item.FirstCateName).FirstOrDefault(),
                    IsShow      = allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == first.Key) != null ? allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == first.Key).IsShow : false,
                    SubCategory = first.GroupBy(item => item.SecondCateId).Select(second => new CategoryView//根据二级分类分组
                        Id          = second.Key,
                        Name        = second.Select(item => item.SecondCateName).FirstOrDefault(),
                        IsShow      = allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == second.Key) != null ? allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == second.Key).IsShow : false,
                        SubCategory = second.GroupBy(item => item.ThirdCateId).Select(three => new CategoryView//根据三级分类分组
                            Id     = three.Key,
                            Name   = three.Select(item => item.ThirdCateName).FirstOrDefault(),
                            IsShow = allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == three.Key) != null ? allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == three.Key).IsShow : false
                result.Category = result.Category.Where(a => a.IsShow.HasValue && a.IsShow.Value).ToList();
                result.Category.ForEach(r =>
                    r.SubCategory = r.SubCategory.Where(a => a.IsShow.HasValue && a.IsShow.Value).ToList();
                    r.SubCategory.ForEach(p =>
                        p.SubCategory = p.SubCategory.Where(b => b.IsShow.HasValue && b.IsShow.Value).ToList();

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("搜索不出来了:", ex);
                return(new SearchProductFilterResult());
Пример #23
 public async Task <IActionResult> Get([FromQuery] SearchProductQuery searchProductQuery)
     return(Ok(await Mediator.Send(searchProductQuery)));
Пример #24
        // GET: Web/Search/SearchAd
        /// <summary>
        ///  商品搜索页面
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keywords">搜索关键字</param>
        /// <param name="cid">分类ID</param>
        /// <param name="b_id">品牌ID</param>
        /// <param name="a_id">属性ID, 表现形式:attrId_attrValueId</param>
        /// <param name="orderKey">序项(1:默认,2:销量,3:价格,4:评论数,5:上架时间)</param>
        /// <param name="orderType">排序方式(1:升序,2:降序)</param>
        /// <param name="pageNo">页码</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">每页显示数据量</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult SearchAd(
            string keywords = "", /* 搜索关键字 */
            long cid        = 0,  /* 分类ID */
            long b_id       = 0,  /* 品牌ID */
            string a_id     = "", /* 属性值ID, 表现形式:valueid,valueid */
            int orderKey    = 1,  /* 排序项(1:默认,2:销量,3:价格,4:评论数,5:上架时间) */
            int orderType   = 1,  /* 排序方式(1:升序,2:降序) */
            int pageNo      = 1,  /*页码*/
            int pageSize    = 60  /*每页显示数据量*/
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords) && cid <= 0 && b_id <= 0 && a_id == "")
                    keywords = Application.SiteSettingApplication.GetSiteSettings().Keyword;

                #region 初始化查询Model
                SearchProductQuery model = new SearchProductQuery();
                model.ShopId  = 0;
                model.BrandId = b_id;
                if (cid != 0)
                    var catelist = _iCategoryService.GetCategories();
                    var cate     = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                    if (cate.Depth == 1)
                        model.FirstCateId = cid;
                    else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                        model.SecondCateId = cid;
                    else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                        model.ThirdCateId = cid;
                model.AttrValIds = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                model.Keyword    = keywords;
                model.OrderKey   = orderKey;
                model.OrderType  = orderType == 1;
                model.PageNumber = pageNo;
                model.PageSize   = pageSize;
                SearchProductResult result = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(model);
                int total = result.Total;

                if (result.Total < pageSize)
                    model.IsLikeSearch = true;
                    SearchProductResult result2 = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(model);
                    var idList1 = result.Data.Select(a => a.ProductId).ToList();
                    var nresult = result2.Data.Where(a => !idList1.Contains(a.ProductId)).ToList();
                    if (nresult.Count > 0)
                        result.Total += nresult.Count;
                if (result.Total == 0)
                    ViewBag.BrowsedHistory = BrowseHistrory.GetBrowsingProducts(13, CurrentUser == null ? 0 : CurrentUser.Id);
                    var    category     = _iCategoryService.GetCategory(model.ThirdCateId);
                    string categoryName = category == null ? string.Empty : category.Name;
                    var    brand        = _iBrandService.GetBrand(b_id) ?? new BrandInfo();
                    string bname        = brand == null ? "" : brand.Name;
                    ViewBag.categoryName = categoryName;
                    ViewBag.bName        = bname;
                total = result.Total;

                if (Core.HimallIO.GetHimallIO().GetType().FullName.Equals("Himall.Strategy.OSS"))
                    ViewBag.IsOss = true;
                    ViewBag.IsOss = false;

                ViewBag.keywords  = model.Keyword;
                ViewBag.cid       = cid;
                ViewBag.b_id      = b_id;
                ViewBag.a_id      = a_id;
                ViewBag.orderKey  = orderKey;
                ViewBag.orderType = orderType;

                #region 分页控制
                PagingInfo info = new PagingInfo
                    CurrentPage  = model.PageNumber,
                    ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
                    TotalItems   = total
                ViewBag.pageInfo = info;

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// 诊疗项目属性、分类、品牌搜索
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SearchProductFilterResult SearchProductFilter(SearchProductQuery query)
                SearchProductFilterResult result = new SearchProductFilterResult();
                DynamicParameters         parms  = new DynamicParameters();
                string sql = "select DISTINCT Id,FirstCateId,FirstCateName,SecondCateId,SecondCateName,ThirdCateId,ThirdCateName,BrandId,BrandName,BrandLogo,AttrValues from himall_searchproducts  ps ";
                string where = GetSearchWhere(query, parms);
                string                    order        = GetSearchOrder(query);
                string                    index        = GetForceIndex(query);
                string                    page         = string.Empty;
                string                    AttrValueIds = string.Empty;
                bool                      hasAttrCache = false;
                List <dynamic>            data         = null;
                List <AttributeInfo>      listAttr     = new List <AttributeInfo>();
                List <AttributeValueInfo> listAttrVal  = new List <AttributeValueInfo>();
                if (Cache.Exists(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST) && Cache.Exists(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST))
                    hasAttrCache = true;
                    listAttr     = Cache.Get <List <AttributeInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST);
                    listAttrVal  = Cache.Get <List <AttributeValueInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST);

                using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Connection.ConnectionString))
                    data = conn.Query(string.Concat(sql, index, where, order, page), parms).ToList();
                    foreach (dynamic o in data)
                        AttrValueIds += o.AttrValues;

                    if (!hasAttrCache)
                        sql         = "SELECT * FROM HiMall_Attributes";
                        listAttr    = conn.Query <AttributeInfo>(sql).ToList();
                        sql         = "SELECT * FROM himall_attributevalues";
                        listAttrVal = conn.Query <AttributeValueInfo>(sql).ToList();
                if (!hasAttrCache)
                    Cache.Insert <List <AttributeInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST, listAttr);
                    Cache.Insert <List <AttributeValueInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST, listAttrVal);

                List <string> ValueIds = AttrValueIds.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                listAttrVal = listAttrVal.Where(r => ValueIds.Contains(r.Id.ToString())).ToList();
                listAttr    = listAttr.Where(r => listAttrVal.Select(z => z.AttributeId).Contains(r.Id)).ToList();

                result.Attribute = listAttr.Select(r => new AttributeView()
                    AttrId     = r.Id,
                    Name       = r.Name,
                    AttrValues = listAttrVal.Where(z => z.AttributeId == r.Id).Select(s =>
                                                                                      new AttributeValue()
                        Id   = s.Id,
                        Name = s.Value

                result.Brand = data.Where((x, i) => data.FindIndex(z => z.BrandId == x.BrandId && z.BrandId > 0) == i)
                               .Select(p => new BrandView()
                    Id = p.BrandId, Name = p.BrandName, Logo = p.BrandLogo

                result.Category = data.Where((x, i) => data.FindIndex(z => z.FirstCateId == x.FirstCateId) == i) //去重
                                  .Select(f => new CategoryView()
                    Id          = f.FirstCateId,
                    Name        = f.FirstCateName,
                    SubCategory = data.Where((x, i) => data.FindIndex(z => z.SecondCateId == x.SecondCateId) == i) //二级去重
                                  .Where(r => r.FirstCateId == f.FirstCateId)                                      //查找指定一级分类的下级
                                  .Select(s => new CategoryView()
                        Id          = s.SecondCateId,
                        Name        = s.SecondCateName,
                        SubCategory = data.Where((x, i) => data.FindIndex(z => z.ThirdCateId == x.ThirdCateId) == i)            //三级去重
                                      .Where(r => r.SecondCateId == s.SecondCateId)                                             //查找指定二级分类的下级
                                      .Select(t => new CategoryView()
                            Id   = t.ThirdCateId,
                            Name = t.ThirdCateName
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("搜索不出来了:", ex);
                return(new SearchProductFilterResult());
Пример #26
        public ActionResult SearchAd(string sid, long cid = 0, string keywords = "", int pageNo = 1, decimal startPrice = 0, decimal endPrice = decimal.MaxValue)
            int      pageSize = 40;
            long     shopId   = 0;
            ShopInfo shopObj  = null;

            endPrice   = endPrice <= 0 || endPrice < startPrice ? decimal.MaxValue : endPrice;
            startPrice = startPrice < 0 ? 0 : startPrice;

            //shopId 不是数字
            if (!long.TryParse(sid, out shopId))
                return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
                //404 页面

            shopObj = _iShopService.GetShop(shopId);
            if (null == shopObj)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error404", "Error", new { area = "Web" }));
                //404 页面
            #region 初始化Model

            ShopHomeModel model = new ShopHomeModel
                HotAttentionProducts = new List <HotProductInfo>(),
                HotSaleProducts      = new List <HotProductInfo>(),
                Floors       = new List <ShopHomeFloor>(),
                Navignations = new List <BannerInfo>(),
                Shop         = new ShopInfoModel(),
                ShopCategory = new List <CategoryJsonModel>(),
                Slides       = new List <SlideAdInfo>(),
                Logo         = ""


            #region 导航和3个推荐商品

            model.Navignations = _iNavigationService.GetSellerNavigations(shopObj.Id).ToList();

            model.ImageAds = _iSlideAdsService.GetImageAds(shopObj.Id).OrderBy(item => item.Id).ToList();

            model.Slides = _iSlideAdsService.GetSlidAds(shopObj.Id, SlideAdInfo.SlideAdType.ShopHome).ToList();


            #region 店铺分类

            var categories = _iShopCategoryService.GetShopCategory(shopObj.Id).ToArray();
            foreach (var main in categories.Where(s => s.ParentCategoryId == 0))
                var topC = new CategoryJsonModel()
                    Name        = main.Name,
                    Id          = main.Id.ToString(),
                    SubCategory = new List <SecondLevelCategory>()
                foreach (var secondItem in categories.Where(s => s.ParentCategoryId == main.Id))
                    var secondC = new SecondLevelCategory()
                        Name = secondItem.Name,
                        Id   = secondItem.Id.ToString(),



            #region 店铺信息

            var mark = ShopServiceMark.GetShopComprehensiveMark(shopObj.Id);
            model.Shop.Name              = shopObj.ShopName;
            model.Shop.CompanyName       = shopObj.CompanyName;
            model.Shop.Id                = shopObj.Id;
            model.Shop.PackMark          = mark.PackMark;
            model.Shop.ServiceMark       = mark.ServiceMark;
            model.Shop.ComprehensiveMark = mark.ComprehensiveMark;
            model.Shop.Phone             = shopObj.CompanyPhone;
            model.Shop.Address           = _iRegionService.GetFullName(shopObj.CompanyRegionId);
            model.Logo = shopObj.Logo;

            SearchProductQuery query = new SearchProductQuery()
                ShopId         = long.Parse(sid),
                ShopCategoryId = cid,
                Keyword        = keywords,
                StartPrice     = startPrice,
                EndPrice       = endPrice,
                PageNumber     = pageNo,
                PageSize       = pageSize

            SearchProductResult result = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(query);

            model.Products = result.Data;


            #region 热门销售

            var sale = _iProductService.GetHotSaleProduct(shopObj.Id, 5);
            if (sale != null)
                foreach (var item in sale)
                    model.HotSaleProducts.Add(new HotProductInfo
                        ImgPath   = item.ImagePath,
                        Name      = item.ProductName,
                        Price     = item.MinSalePrice,
                        Id        = item.Id,
                        SaleCount = (int)item.SaleCounts


            #region 热门关注

            var hot = _iProductService.GetHotConcernedProduct(shopObj.Id, 5).ToList();
            if (hot != null)
                foreach (var item in hot)
                    model.HotAttentionProducts.Add(new HotProductInfo
                        ImgPath   = item.ImagePath,
                        Name      = item.ProductName,
                        Price     = item.MinSalePrice,
                        Id        = item.Id,
                        SaleCount = (int)item.ConcernedCount

            #region 获取店铺的评价统计
            var shopStatisticOrderComments = _iShopService.GetShopStatisticOrderComments(shopId);

            var productAndDescription = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.ProductAndDescription).FirstOrDefault();
            var sellerServiceAttitude = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.SellerServiceAttitude).FirstOrDefault();
            var sellerDeliverySpeed   = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey ==

            var productAndDescriptionPeer = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.ProductAndDescriptionPeer).FirstOrDefault();
            var sellerServiceAttitudePeer = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.SellerServiceAttitudePeer).FirstOrDefault();
            var sellerDeliverySpeedPeer   = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey ==

            var productAndDescriptionMax = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.ProductAndDescriptionMax).FirstOrDefault();
            var productAndDescriptionMin = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.ProductAndDescriptionMin).FirstOrDefault();

            var sellerServiceAttitudeMax = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.SellerServiceAttitudeMax).FirstOrDefault();
            var sellerServiceAttitudeMin = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.SellerServiceAttitudeMin).FirstOrDefault();

            var sellerDeliverySpeedMax = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.SellerDeliverySpeedMax).FirstOrDefault();
            var sellerDeliverySpeedMin = shopStatisticOrderComments.Where(c => c.CommentKey == StatisticOrderCommentsInfo.EnumCommentKey.SellerDeliverySpeedMin).FirstOrDefault();

            decimal defaultValue = 5;
            if (productAndDescription != null && productAndDescriptionPeer != null)
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescription     = productAndDescription.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionPeer = productAndDescriptionPeer.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMin  = productAndDescriptionMin.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMax  = productAndDescriptionMax.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescription     = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionPeer = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMin  = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.ProductAndDescriptionMax  = defaultValue;
            if (sellerServiceAttitude != null && sellerServiceAttitudePeer != null)
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitude     = sellerServiceAttitude.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudePeer = sellerServiceAttitudePeer.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMax  = sellerServiceAttitudeMax.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMin  = sellerServiceAttitudeMin.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitude     = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudePeer = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMax  = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.SellerServiceAttitudeMin  = defaultValue;
            if (sellerDeliverySpeedPeer != null && sellerDeliverySpeed != null)
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeed     = sellerDeliverySpeed.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedPeer = sellerDeliverySpeedPeer.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedMax  = sellerDeliverySpeedMax.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.sellerDeliverySpeedMin  = sellerDeliverySpeedMin.CommentValue;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeed     = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedPeer = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.SellerDeliverySpeedMax  = defaultValue;
                ViewBag.sellerDeliverySpeedMin  = defaultValue;

            #region 分页控制
            PagingInfo info = new PagingInfo
                CurrentPage  = pageNo,
                ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
                TotalItems   = result.Total
            ViewBag.pageInfo = info;
            var categoryName = string.Empty;
            if (keywords == string.Empty)
                if (cid != 0)
                    var category = _iShopCategoryService.GetCategory(cid) ?? new ShopCategoryInfo()
                    categoryName = category.Name;
            ViewBag.CategoryName   = categoryName;
            ViewBag.Keyword        = keywords;
            ViewBag.cid            = cid;
            ViewBag.BrowsedHistory = BrowseHistrory.GetBrowsingProducts(13, CurrentUser == null ? 0 : CurrentUser.Id);

            ViewBag.isShopPage     = true;
            ViewBag.CurShopId      = shopId;
            TempData["isShopPage"] = true;
            TempData["CurShopId"]  = shopId;
Пример #27
        private SearchProductResult DoSearch(
            string keywords = "", /* 搜索关键字 */
            long cid        = 0,  /* 分类ID */
            long b_id       = 0,  /* 品牌ID */
            string a_id     = "", /* 属性ID, 表现形式:attrId_attrValueId */
            int orderKey    = 1,  /* 排序项(1:默认,2:销量,3:价格,4:评论数,5:上架时间) */
            int orderType   = 1,  /* 排序方式(1:升序,2:降序) */
            int pageNo      = 1,  /*页码*/
            int pageSize    = 10, /*每页显示数据量*/
            long vshopId    = 0   //店铺ID
            #region 初始化查询Model
            SearchProductQuery model = new SearchProductQuery();
            model.ShopId  = 0;
            model.BrandId = b_id;
            if (cid != 0)
                var catelist = _iCategoryService.GetCategories();
                var cate     = catelist.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == cid);
                if (cate.Depth == 1)
                    model.FirstCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 2)
                    model.SecondCateId = cid;
                else if (cate.Depth == 3)
                    model.ThirdCateId = cid;
            model.AttrValIds = a_id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
            model.Keyword    = keywords;
            model.OrderKey   = orderKey;
            model.OrderType  = orderType == 1;
            model.PageNumber = pageNo;
            model.PageSize   = pageSize;
            model.VShopId    = vshopId;
            SearchProductResult result = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(model);
            int total = result.Total;

            if (result.Total < pageSize)
                model.IsLikeSearch = true;
                SearchProductResult result2 = _iSearchProductService.SearchProduct(model);
                var idList1 = result.Data.Select(a => a.ProductId).ToList();
                var nresult = result2.Data.Where(a => !idList1.Contains(a.ProductId)).ToList();
                if (nresult.Count > 0)
                    result.Total += nresult.Count;
            total = result.Total;
            if (Core.HimallIO.GetHimallIO().GetType().FullName.Equals("Himall.Strategy.OSS"))
                ViewBag.IsOss = true;
                ViewBag.IsOss = false;

            ViewBag.keywords  = model.Keyword;
            ViewBag.Total     = total;
            ViewBag.cid       = cid;
            ViewBag.b_id      = b_id;
            ViewBag.a_id      = a_id;
            ViewBag.orderKey  = orderKey;
            ViewBag.orderType = orderType;
