static void Main2(string[] args) { SpiralLab.Core.Initialize(); #region initialize RTC //var rtc = new RtcVirtual(0); //create Rtc for dummy var rtc = new Rtc5(0); //create Rtc5 controller //var rtc = new Rtc6(0); //create Rtc6 controller //var rtc = new Rtc6Ethernet(0, "", ""); //실험적인 상태 (Scanlab Rtc6 Ethernet 제어기) float fov = 60.0f; // scanner field of view : 60mm float kfactor = (float)Math.Pow(2, 20) / fov; // k factor (bits/mm) = 2^20 / fov var correctionFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "correction", "cor_1to1.ct5"); rtc.Initialize(kfactor, LaserMode.Yag1, correctionFile); // 스캐너 보정 파일 지정 : correction file rtc.CtlFrequency(50 * 1000, 2); // laser frequency : 50KHz, pulse width : 2usec rtc.CtlSpeed(100, 100); // default jump and mark speed : 100mm/s rtc.CtlDelay(10, 100, 200, 200, 0); // scanner and laser delays //이미 table1 에 로드 및 선택 완료 (initialize 의 인자에서 처리됨) //var correctionFile1 = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "correction", "cor_1to1.ct5"); //rtc.CtlLoadCorrectionFile(CorrectionTableIndex.Table1, correctionFile1); var correctionFile2 = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "correction", "cor_1to1.ct5"); rtc.CtlLoadCorrectionFile(CorrectionTableIndex.Table2, correctionFile2); rtc.CtlSelectCorrection(CorrectionTableIndex.Table1, CorrectionTableIndex.Table2); #endregion #region initialize Laser (virtual) var laser = new LaserVirtual(0, "virtual", 20); // virtual laser source with max 20W power (최대 출력 20W 의 가상 레이저 소스 생성) //var laser = new IPGYLP(0, "IPG YLP", 1, 20); //var laser = new JPTTypeE(0, "JPT Type E", 1, 20); //var laser = new SPIG4(0, "SPI G3/4", 1, 20); //var laser = new PhotonicsIndustryDX(0, "PI", 1, 20); //var laser = new AdvancedOptoWaveFotia(0, "Fotia", 1, 20); //var laser = new CoherentAviaLX(0, "Avia LX", 1, 20); laser.Rtc = rtc; laser.Initialize(); laser.CtlPower(2); #endregion ConsoleKeyInfo key; do { Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}"); Console.WriteLine("Testcase for spirallab.sirius. powered by [email protected] ("); Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}"); Console.WriteLine("'D' : draw circle with dual head offset"); Console.WriteLine("'Q' : quit"); Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}"); Console.Write("select your target : "); key = Console.ReadKey(false); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Q) { break; } Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}"); Console.WriteLine("WARNING !!! LASER IS BUSY ..."); var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); switch (key.Key) { case ConsoleKey.D: //개별 헤드에 오프셋 및 회전 처리 var rtcDualHead = rtc as IRtcDualHead; rtcDualHead.CtlHeadOffset(ScannerHead.Primary, new Vector2(5, 0), 0); rtcDualHead.CtlHeadOffset(ScannerHead.Secondary, new Vector2(-5, 0), 0); DrawCircle(laser, rtc); // 원복 rtcDualHead.CtlHeadOffset(ScannerHead.Primary, Vector2.Zero, 0); rtcDualHead.CtlHeadOffset(ScannerHead.Secondary, Vector2.Zero, 0); break; } Console.WriteLine($"Processing time = {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0:F3}s"); } while (true); rtc.Dispose(); }