private static string EnvironmentToBugMarkdown(RhinoTestCase testCase)
                // setup
                var driverParams = JObject.Parse(System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(testCase.Context[ContextEntry.DriverParams]));

                // setup conditions
                var isWebApp      = testCase.Steps.First().Command == ActionType.GoToUrl;
                var isCapabilites = driverParams.ContainsKey("capabilities");
                var isMobApp      = !isWebApp &&
                                    isCapabilites &&
                                    driverParams.SelectToken("") != null;

                // get application
                var onTestCase = testCase.Context.ContainsKey("decomposedTestCase")
                    ? (RhinoTestCase)testCase.Context["decomposedTestCase"]
                    : testCase;

                // get application
                    ? $"{driverParams.SelectToken("")}"
                    : ((ActionRule)onTestCase.Steps.First(i => i.Command == ActionType.GoToUrl).Context[ContextEntry.StepAction]).Argument.Replace(@"""", @"\"""));
            catch (Exception e) when(e != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Set XRay runtime ids on all steps under this RhinoTestCase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase on which to update runtime ids.</param>
        /// <param name="testExecutionKey">Jira test execution key by which to find runtime ids.</param>
        public static void SetRuntimeKeys(this RhinoTestCase testCase, string testExecutionKey)
            // setup
            var ravenClient = new JiraCommandsExecutor(testCase.GetAuthentication());
            var command     = RavenCommandsRepository.GetTestRunExecutionDetails(testExecutionKey, testCase.Key);

            // send
            var response = ravenClient.SendCommand(command).AsJToken();

            // exit conditions
            if ($"{response["id"]}".Equals("-1"))

            // setup
            var jsonToken  = response["steps"];
            var stepsToken = JArray.Parse($"{jsonToken}");
            var stepsCount = testCase.Steps.Count();

            // apply runtime id to test-step context
            for (int i = 0; i < stepsCount; i++)
                testCase.Steps.ElementAt(i).Context["runtimeid"] = stepsToken[i]["id"].ToObject <long>();
                testCase.Steps.ElementAt(i).Context["testStep"]  = JToken.Parse($"{stepsToken[i]}");

            // apply test run key
            int.TryParse($"{response["id"]}", out int idOut);
            testCase.Context["runtimeid"]  = idOut;
            testCase.Context["testRunKey"] = testExecutionKey;
        private static IEnumerable <IDictionary <string, object> > GetSteps(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            var steps = new List <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < testCase.Steps.Count(); i++)
                // setup conditions
                var isAction = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(testCase.Steps.ElementAt(i).Action);
                if (!isAction)

                var onStep = testCase.Steps.ElementAt(i);
                var step   = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    ["id"]     = i + 1,
                    ["index"]  = i + 1,
                    ["fields"] = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        ["Action"]          = onStep.Action.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}"),
                        ["Expected Result"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(onStep.Expected) ? string.Empty : onStep.Expected.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}")
                // add to steps list
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts test management test case interface into a RhinoTestCase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Test case token (from Jira response) to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>RhinoTestCase object.</returns>
        public static RhinoTestCase ToRhinoTestCase(this JToken testCase)
            // initialize test case instance & fetch issues
            var onTestCase = new RhinoTestCase();

            // apply context
            onTestCase.Context ??= new Dictionary <string, object>();
            onTestCase.Context[nameof(testCase)] = $"{testCase}";

            // fields: setup
            var priority = GetPriority(testCase);

            // fields: values
            onTestCase.Priority = string.IsNullOrEmpty(priority) ? onTestCase.Priority : priority;
            onTestCase.Key      = $"{testCase["key"]}";
            onTestCase.Scenario = $"{testCase.SelectToken("fields.summary")}";
            onTestCase.Link     = $"{testCase["self"]}";

            // initialize test steps collection
            var testSteps   = testCase.SelectToken("..steps");
            var parsedSteps = new List <RhinoTestStep>();

            // iterate test steps & normalize action/expected
            foreach (var testStep in testSteps.Children())
                var parsedStep = ParseStep(testStep);

            // apply to connector test steps
            onTestCase.Steps = parsedSteps;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts RhinoTestCase to create test issue request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Test case to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>Create test issue request.</returns>
        public static string ToJiraCreateRequest(this RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // exit conditions
            Validate(testCase, "issuetype-id", "project-key");

            // field: steps > description
            var description = testCase.Context.ContainsKey("description")
                ? testCase.Context["description"]
                : string.Empty;

            // compose json
            var requestBody = new Dictionary <string, object>
                ["summary"]     = testCase.Scenario,
                ["description"] = description,
                ["issuetype"]   = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    ["id"] = $"{testCase.Context["issuetype-id"]}"
                ["project"] = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    ["key"] = $"{testCase.Context["project-key"]}"

            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, object>
                ["fields"] = requestBody
        /// <summary>
        /// Performed just after each test is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">The Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase which was executed.</param>
        /// <remarks>Use this method for PostTestExecute customization.</remarks>
        public override RhinoTestCase OnPostTestExecute(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // exit conditions
            if (Configuration.ConnectorConfiguration.DryRun)

            // build steps
            var customSteps = GetCustomSteps(testCase);

            // save results
            var defect = GetDefect(testCase);
            var result = GetResult(testCase, customSteps);

            // add results
            var results = resultsClient.AddResultForCase(int.Parse(testCase.TestRunKey), int.Parse(testCase.Key), result);

            AddAttachments(results.Id, testCase);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defect))
                AddToCaseRefs(testCase, defect);

            // get
        private TestRailResult GetResult(RhinoTestCase testCase, IEnumerable <CustomStep> customSteps)
            var elapsed = testCase.End - testCase.Start;
            var test    = testsClient.GetTests(int.Parse(testCase.TestRunKey)).FirstOrDefault(i => i.CaseId == int.Parse(testCase.Key));
            var isFaild = testCase.Steps.Any(i => !i.Actual);
            var status  = isFaild ? 5 : 1;

            if (testCase.Inconclusive)
                status = 4;

            // save results
            var defect = GetDefect(testCase);
            var result = new TestRailResult
                AssignedTo        = test.AssignedTo,
                Version           = $"{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd.fff}",
                Elapsed           = $"{elapsed.Hours}h {elapsed.Minutes}m {elapsed.Seconds}s",
                StatusId          = status,
                CustomStepResults = customSteps.ToArray(),
                Comment           = $"iteration {testCase.Iteration}"

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defect))
                result.Defects = defect;

            // get
        /// <summary>
        /// Performed just after each test is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">The Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase which was executed.</param>
        public override RhinoTestCase OnPostTestExecute(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // constants
            const string Updated = "runUpdated";

            // setup
            var outcome     = testCase.Actual ? "PASSED" : "FAILED";
            var alreadyFail = ProviderManager
                              .Any(i => i.Key == testCase.Key && !i.Actual && i.Context.ContainsKey(Updated) && (bool)i.Context[Updated]);

            // failed on this run (mark as fail)
            if (alreadyFail)
                outcome = "FAILED";

            // inconclusive on this run (mark as default)
            if (ProviderManager.TestRun.TestCases.Any(i => i.Key.Equals(testCase.Key) && i.Inconclusive))
                outcome = testCase.GetCapability(AtlassianCapabilities.InconclusiveStatus, "TODO");

            // put
            testCase.Context["outcome"] = outcome;

            // update

            // return with results
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload evidences into an existing test execution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase by and into which to upload evidences.</param>
        public static RhinoTestCase SetEvidences(this RhinoTestCase testCase)
                // setup
                var forUploadOutcomes = new[] { "PASSED", "FAILED" };

                // exit conditions
                if (!forUploadOutcomes.Contains($"{testCase.Context["outcome"]}".ToUpper()))

                // setup
                var testRun = (testCase.Context["testRun"] as JToken).AsJObject();
                var id      = $"{testRun.SelectToken("id")}";
                var key     = $"{testRun.SelectToken("key")}";
                var options = new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4

                // send
                var client = new XpandClient(testCase.GetAuthentication());
                Parallel.ForEach(GetEvidence(testCase), options, evidenceData =>
                    var evidences = evidenceData["evidences"] as List <string>;
                    evidences ??= new List <string>();

                    Parallel.ForEach(evidences, options, evidence
                                     => client.CreateEvidence((id, key), $"{evidenceData["testRun"]}", $"{evidenceData["step"]}", evidence));
        private static void DoSetOutcomeByRun(RhinoTestCase testCase, string outcome)
            // setup
            var executor = new JiraCommandsExecutor(testCase.GetAuthentication());

            // send
            var response = RavenCommandsRepository.GetTestStauses().Send(executor).AsJToken();

            // extract status
            var status = response.FirstOrDefault(i => $"{i.SelectToken("name")}".Equals(outcome, Compare));

            // exit conditions
            if (status == default)

            // exit conditions
            if (!int.TryParse($"{status["id"]}", out int outcomeOut))

            // send
            RavenCommandsRepository.SetTestExecuteResult(testCase.TestRunKey, testCase.Key, outcomeOut).Send(executor);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a comment text for failed test case which includes meta data information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase to get comment for.</param>
        /// <returns>Jira markdown fail comment.</returns>
        public static string GetFailComment(this RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // setup
            var failedSteps = testCase.Steps.Where(i => !i.Actual).Select(i => ((JToken)i.Context["testStep"])["index"]);

            // exit conditions
            if (!failedSteps.Any())

            // setup
            var environment = testCase.MarkdownEnvironment();
            var platform    = testCase.MarkdownPlatform();
            var dataSource  = testCase.MarkdownDataSource();

            // build
            var header =
                "----\r\n" +
                $"*{DateTime.UtcNow} UTC* \r\n" +
                $"*Failed On Iteration:* {testCase.Iteration}\r\n" +
                $"*On Steps:* {string.Join(", ", failedSteps)}\r\n" +
                $"*On Application:* {environment}\r\n";

            var body = (platform + dataSource)
                       .Replace("\\r\\n", "\n")
                       .Replace(@"\""", "\"")
                       .Replace("----\r\n", string.Empty);

            // return
            return(header + body);
 private static void ValidationXray(RhinoTestCase testCase)
     Validate(testCase.Context, "issuetype-id");
     Validate(testCase.Context, "project-key");
     Validate(testCase.Context, "manual-test-steps-custom-field");
     Validate(testCase.Context, "test-sets-custom-field");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new test case under the specified automation provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase by which to create automation provider test case.</param>
        /// <returns>The ID of the newly created entity.</returns>
        public override string CreateTestCase(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // shortcuts
            var onProject = Configuration.ConnectorConfiguration.Project;

            testCase.Context[ContextEntry.Configuration] = Configuration;
            var testType = $"{testCase.GetCapability(AtlassianCapabilities.TestType, "Test")}";

            // setup context
            testCase.Context["issuetype-id"]                   = $"{jiraClient.GetIssueTypeFields(idOrKey: testType, path: "id")}";
            testCase.Context["project-key"]                    = onProject;
            testCase.Context["test-sets-custom-field"]         = jiraClient.GetCustomField(schema: TestSetSchema);
            testCase.Context["manual-test-steps-custom-field"] = jiraClient.GetCustomField(schema: ManualTestStepSchema);
            testCase.Context["test-plan-custom-field"]         = jiraClient.GetCustomField(schema: AssociatedPlanSchema);

            // setup request body
            var requestBody = testCase.ToJiraXrayIssue();
            var issue       = jiraClient.Create(requestBody);

            // comment
            var comment = Utilities.GetActionSignature(action: "created");

            jiraClient.AddComment(idOrKey: $"{issue.SelectToken("key")}", comment);

            // success
            Logger?.InfoFormat($"Create-Test -Project [{onProject}] -Set [{string.Join(",", testCase?.TestSuites)}] = true");

            // results
Пример #14
        private static object GetUpdateBugPayload(RhinoTestCase testCase, JToken onBug, JiraClient jiraClient)
            // setup
            var comment =
                $"{RhinoUtilities.GetActionSignature("updated")} " +
                $"Bug status on execution [{testCase.TestRunKey}] is *{onBug.SelectToken("")}*.";

            // verify if bug is already open
            var template    = testCase.BugMarkdown(jiraClient);
            var description = $"{JToken.Parse(template).SelectToken("fields.description")}";

            // setup
                Update = new
                    Comment = new[]
                            Add = new
                                Body = comment
                Fields = new
                    Description = description
Пример #15
        private IEnumerable <JToken> DoGetBugs(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // shortcuts
            var          bugType    = testCase.GetCapability(AtlassianCapabilities.BugType, "Bug");
            const string typePath   = "";
            const string statusPath = "";

            // get test issue
            var test = client.Get(testCase.Key).AsJObject();

            // get bugs
            var bugsKeys = test
                           .Where(i => $"{i.SelectToken(typePath)}"?.Equals(bugType) == true && $"{i.SelectToken(statusPath)}"?.Equals("Closed") != true)
                           .Select(i => $"{i["key"]}")

            // add to context
            testCase.Context["bugs"] = bugsKeys;

            // get issues
            var bugs = client.Get(bugsKeys);

            testCase.Context["bugsData"] = bugs;

            // get
Пример #16
        private IEnumerable <string> DoCloseBugs(RhinoTestCase testCase, string status, string resolution, IEnumerable <string> labels, IEnumerable <string> bugs)
            // close bugs
            var closedBugs = new List <string>();

            foreach (var bug in bugs)
                var isClosed = testCase.CloseBug(bugIssueKey: bug, status, resolution, labels, client);

                // logs
                if (isClosed)
                logger?.Info($"Close-Bug -Bug [{bug}] -Test [{testCase.Key}] = false");

            // context
            if (!testCase.Context.ContainsKey(ContextEntry.BugClosed) || !(testCase.Context[ContextEntry.BugClosed] is IEnumerable <string>))
                testCase.Context[ContextEntry.BugClosed] = new List <string>();
            var onBugsClosed = (testCase.Context[ContextEntry.BugClosed] as IEnumerable <string>).ToList();

            testCase.Context[ContextEntry.BugClosed] = onBugsClosed;

            // get
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Close all existing bugs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase by which to close automation provider bugs.</param>
        public string OnCloseBug(RhinoTestCase testCase, string status, string resolution)
            // get existing bugs
            var isBugs      = testCase.Context.ContainsKey("bugs") && testCase.Context["bugs"] != default;
            var contextBugs = isBugs ? (IEnumerable <string>)testCase.Context["bugs"] : Array.Empty <string>();
            var bugs        = client
                              .Get(idsOrKeys: contextBugs)
                              .Where(i => testCase.IsBugMatch(bug: i, assertDataSource: false));

            // get conditions (double check for bugs)
            if (!bugs.Any())

            // close bugs: first
            var onBug = $"{bugs.FirstOrDefault()?.SelectToken("key")}";

            testCase.CloseBug(bugIssueKey: onBug, status, resolution, client);

            // close bugs: duplicate (if any)
            foreach (var bug in bugs.Skip(1))
                var labels = new[] { "Duplicate" };
                    resolution: !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolution) ? "Duplicate" : string.Empty,
Пример #18
        private static bool AssertOptions(RhinoTestCase testCase, string onBug)
            // setup
            var driverParams = (IDictionary <string, object>)testCase.Context[ContextEntry.DriverParams];

            // extract test capabilities
            var tstOptions = driverParams.ContainsKey("options")
                ? System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(driverParams["options"]).ToUpper().Sort()
                : string.Empty;

            if (tstOptions.Equals("{}"))
                tstOptions = string.Empty;

            // extract bug capabilities
            var onBugOptions = Regex.Match(input: onBug, pattern: @"(?<=Options\W+\\r\\n\{code:json}).*?(?=\{code})").Value;

            onBugOptions = onBugOptions.Replace("\\r", string.Empty).Replace("\\n", string.Empty).Replace(@"\", string.Empty);
            var bugOptions = string.IsNullOrEmpty(onBugOptions) ? string.Empty : onBugOptions;

            // deserialize
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bugOptions))
                var bugOptionsObjt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <object>(bugOptions);
                bugOptions = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bugOptionsObjt, Formatting.None).ToUpper().Sort();

            // assert
            return(tstOptions.Equals(bugOptions, Compare));
        /// <summary>
        /// Set XRay test execution results of test case by setting steps outcome.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase by which to update XRay results.</param>
        /// <returns>-1 if failed to update, 0 for success.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Must contain runtimeid field in the context.</remarks>
        public static void SetOutcomeBySteps(this RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // get steps
            // add exceptions images - if exists or relevant
            if (testCase.Context.ContainsKey(ContextEntry.OrbitResponse))

            // collect steps
            var steps = new List <object>();

            foreach (var testStep in testCase.Steps)
                steps.Add(testStep.GetUpdateRequest(outcome: $"{testCase.Context["outcome"]}"));

            // setup
            var executor = new JiraCommandsExecutor(testCase.GetAuthentication());
            var command  = RavenCommandsRepository.UpdateTestRun(
                testRun: $"{testCase.Context["runtimeid"]}",
                data: new { Steps = steps });

            // send
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Close all existing bugs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase by which to close automation provider bugs.</param>
        public IEnumerable <string> OnCloseBugs(RhinoTestCase testCase, string status, string resolution, IEnumerable <string> bugs)
            // set existing bugs
            testCase.Context["bugs"] = bugs;

            // close bugs
            return(DoCloseBugs(testCase, status, resolution, Array.Empty <string>(), bugs));
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Close all existing bugs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase by which to close automation provider bugs.</param>
        public IEnumerable <string> OnCloseBugs(RhinoTestCase testCase, string status, string resolution)
            // get existing bugs
            var bugs = DoGetBugs(testCase).Select(i => $"{i.SelectToken("key")}").Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i));

            // close bugs
            return(DoCloseBugs(testCase, status, resolution, Array.Empty <string>(), bugs));
Пример #22
        private static bool AssertCapabilities(RhinoTestCase testCase, string onBug)
            // constants
            const string Capabliites = "capabilities";

                // setup
                var driverParams = (IDictionary <string, object>)testCase.Context[ContextEntry.DriverParams];

                // extract test capabilities
                var tstCapabilities = string.Empty;
                if (driverParams.ContainsKey(Capabliites) && driverParams[Capabliites] != null)
                    var jsonCapabilities = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(driverParams[Capabliites]);
                    var objCapabilities  = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <IDictionary <string, object> >(jsonCapabilities);
                    tstCapabilities = objCapabilities.ToJiraMarkdown();

                // normalize to markdown
                var onTstCapabilities = Regex.Split(string.IsNullOrEmpty(tstCapabilities) ? string.Empty : tstCapabilities, @"\\r\\n");
                tstCapabilities = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, onTstCapabilities);
                tstCapabilities = tstCapabilities.Substring(0, tstCapabilities.LastIndexOf('|') + 1);

                // extract bug capabilities
                var bugCapabilities = Regex.Match(
                    input: onBug,
                    pattern: @"(?<=Capabilities\W+\\r\\n\|\|).*(?=\|.*Local Data Source)|(?<=Capabilities\W+\\r\\n\|\|).*(?=\|)").Value;

                // normalize to markdown
                var onBugCapabilities = Regex.Split(string.IsNullOrEmpty(bugCapabilities) ? string.Empty : "||" + bugCapabilities + "|", @"\\r\\n");
                bugCapabilities = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, onBugCapabilities);
                bugCapabilities = bugCapabilities.Substring(0, bugCapabilities.LastIndexOf('|') + 1);

                // exit conditions
                var isBugCapabilities = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bugCapabilities);
                var isTstCapabilities = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tstCapabilities);
                if (isBugCapabilities ^ isTstCapabilities)
                else if (!isBugCapabilities && !isTstCapabilities)

                // convert to data table and than to dictionary collection
                var compareableBugCapabilites = new DataTable().FromMarkDown(bugCapabilities).ToDictionary().ToJson().ToUpper().Sort();
                var compareableTstCapabilites = new DataTable().FromMarkDown(tstCapabilities).ToDictionary().ToJson().ToUpper().Sort();

                // assert
                return(compareableBugCapabilites.Equals(compareableTstCapabilites, Compare));
            catch (Exception e) when(e != null)
Пример #23
        private string DoCreateBug(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // get bug response
            var response = testCase.CreateBug(client);

            // results
            return(response == default
                ? "-1"
                : $"{Utilities.GetUrl(client.Authentication.Collection)}/browse/{response["key"]}");
        private string GetExecution(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // exit conditions
            if (!testCase.Context.ContainsKey("runtimeid"))

            // get
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a bug based on this RhinoTestCase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase by which to create a bug.</param>
        /// <returns>Bug creation results from Jira.</returns>
        public static JToken CreateBug(this RhinoTestCase testCase, JiraClient jiraClient)
            // setup
            var issueBody = testCase.BugMarkdown(jiraClient);

            // post
            var response = jiraClient.Create(issueBody);

            if (response == default)
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new bug under the specified automation provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase by which to create automation provider bug.</param>
        /// <returns>The ID of the newly created entity.</returns>
        public string OnCreateBug(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // exit conditions
            if (testCase.Actual)

            // create bug
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Performed just before each test is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">The Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase which is being executed.</param>
        public override RhinoTestCase OnPreTestExecute(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // setup
            testCase.Context["outcome"] = "EXECUTING";

            // update

            // return with results
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates test results comment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase by which to update test results.</param>
        public static void UpdateResultComment(this RhinoTestCase testCase, string comment)
            // setup
            var executor = new JiraCommandsExecutor(testCase.GetAuthentication());
            var command  = RavenCommandsRepository.UpdateTestRun(
                testRun: $"{testCase.Context["runtimeid"]}",
                data: new { Comment = comment });

            // send
        private void AddAttachments(int resultId, RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // setup
            var files      = testCase.GetScreenshots();
            var bucketSize = Configuration.GetCapability(ProviderCapability.BucketSize, 4);
            var options    = new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = bucketSize

            // add attachments
            Parallel.ForEach(files, options, file
                             => attachmentsClient.AddAttachmentToResult(resultId, fileToUpload: file));
Пример #30
        // UTILITIES
        private void DoUpdateTestResult(RhinoTestCase testCase, bool inline)
            // constants
            const string Aggregated = "aggregated";

                // setup
                var forUploadOutcomes = new[] { "PASS", "FAIL" };
                var onTestCase        = testCase.AggregateSteps();
                onTestCase.Context.AddRange(testCase.Context, exclude: new[] { Aggregated });

                // exit conditions
                var outcome = "TODO";
                if (onTestCase.Context.ContainsKey("outcome"))
                    outcome = $"{testCase.Context["outcome"]}";

                // update
                if (inline)
                onTestCase = testCase.AggregateSteps();

                // attachments
                if (forUploadOutcomes.Contains(outcome.ToUpper()))

                // fail message
                if (outcome.Equals("FAIL", Compare) || testCase.Steps.Any(i => i.Exception != default))
                    var comment = testCase.GetFailComment();

                // put
                testCase.Context[Aggregated] = onTestCase;
            catch (Exception e) when(e != null)
                logger?.Error($"Update-TestResult -Test [{testCase.Key}] -Inline [{inline}] = false", e);