private void Print(EmployeeTree tree, int level)
            var hyphens = string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat("-", 2 * level));

            _console.WriteLine($"{hyphens}{tree.Id} {tree.Name}");

            foreach (var employee in tree.DirectReports)
                Print(employee, level + 1);
 private static void CreateOrgChart(IList <Employee> employees, EmployeeTree topOfTree)
     foreach (var employee in employees)
         if (employee.ManagerId == topOfTree.Id)
             topOfTree.AddDirectReport(employee.Id, employee.Name);
             CreateOrgChart(employees, topOfTree.DirectReports.Last());
        public void Print(IList <Employee> employees)
            if (employees.Count(_ => _.ManagerId == null) == 0)
                throw new NoCEOException("This organisation does not have a CEO");
            if (employees.Count(_ => _.ManagerId == null) > 1)
                throw new MultipleCEOsException(
                          "This company has more than 1 CEO.  Contact the software development team if you need to support this scenario.");

            var ceo       = employees.SingleOrDefault(_ => _.ManagerId == null);
            var topOfTree = new EmployeeTree(ceo.Id, ceo.Name);

            CreateOrgChart(employees, topOfTree);
            Print(topOfTree, 0);