Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an ImageData type of the person mask to a color32 array.
        /// This function does not call Texture2D.apply. which should be called to apply the changes to the texture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maskImageData">Contains the mask image data</param>
        /// <param name="maskColor">the color to set the mask to</param>
        /// <param name="pixels">The color array to write the person mask on.
        /// It must fit the image size, or else an error is returned</param>
        /// <returns>ReturnCode indicating status of the run</returns>
        public static ReturnCode ConvertPersonMaskToColorArray(MaskImageData maskImageData, Color32 maskColor, bool flipx, bool flipy, ref Color32[] pixels)
            CommonDefines.ImageData imageData;
            ReturnCode rc = maskImageData.GetData(out imageData);

            if (rc.IsError())
            CommonDefines.ImageFormat iFormat;
            maskImageData.GetImageFormat(out iFormat);

            rc = VerifyImageFormat(iFormat, pixels);
            if (rc.IsError())
            int xStart, xDir, yStart, yDir;

            SetLoopVars(flipx, flipy, iFormat, out xStart, out xDir, out yStart, out yDir);

            for (int y = 0; y != iFormat.m_height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x != iFormat.m_width; ++x)
                    int pos      = (yStart + yDir * y) * iFormat.m_widthStep + xStart + xDir * x;
                    int pixelPos = y * iFormat.m_widthStep + x;
                    pixels[pixelPos] = (imageData.m_dataArr[pos] > 0) ? maskColor : ZERO_COLOR;
Пример #2
 // Update is called once per frame - call Framework's BeckonManager update method
 void Update()
     if (m_isInitilzed)
         if (!m_sequenceEnded)
             ReturnCode rc = BeckonManager.BeckonInstance.UpdateStates(out m_hasNewImage);
             if (rc.IsError())
                 if (rc.SDKReturnCode == Omek.OMKStatus.OMK_ERROR_SEQUENCE_EOF_REACHED || rc.SDKReturnCode == Omek.OMKStatus.OMK_ERROR_ASSERTION_FAILURE)
                     m_sequenceEnded = true;
                     m_hasNewImage   = false;
                     Debug.LogWarning(new ReturnCode(Omek.OMKStatus.OMK_ERROR_SEQUENCE_EOF_REACHED).ToString());
                     if (rc.FrameworkReturnCode == ReturnCode.FrameworkReturnCodes.Sensor_Not_Initialized)
                         m_isInitilzed = false;
Пример #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    // to achieve better performance the task is split to 2: updating the color array and apply the texture
    // each of the 2 task is performed every other frame
    void Update()
        if (m_texture == null)

        if (Time.frameCount % 2 == 0 && !m_firstFrame) // should we apply the texture this frame or update the Color32 Array

        bool hasNewImage = false;

        BeckonManager.BeckonInstance.HasNewImage(m_lastFrame, out m_lastFrame, out hasNewImage);
        if (hasNewImage)
            ReturnCode rc = UnitySensorImageRelated.UnityImageConverters.ConvertImageToColorArray(regularImageData, flipHorizontally, !flipVertically, ref m_pixels);

            if (!rc.IsError())
                m_texture.SetPixels32(m_pixels, 0);
                if (m_firstFrame)
                    m_firstFrame = false;
Пример #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    public void Update()
        if (!BeckonManager.BeckonInstance.IsInit())
        ReturnCode rc = m_transformer.UpdateState();

        if (!rc.IsError())
            Vector3 localPosition = transform.localPosition;
            if (ControlXAxis)
                localPosition.x = m_transformer.CurrentValue.x;
            if (ControlYAxis)
                localPosition.y = m_transformer.CurrentValue.y;
            if (ControlZAxis)
                localPosition.z = m_transformer.CurrentValue.z;
            transform.localPosition = localPosition;
Пример #5
 public bool ReinitSensor()
     if (m_isInitilzed == false)
         ReturnCode rc = BeckonManager.BeckonInstance.DestroySensor();
         if (rc.IsError())
         m_isInitilzed = CreateSensor();
Пример #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Center the world box so the CurrentValue will be at targetPosition
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="targetPosition">the wanted position for CurrentValue, must be inside TargetBox</param>
    /// <param name="smoothChange">should the change in position be smoothed or should it happen abruptly</param>
    /// <returns>Return code that represent the status of the run</returns>
    public bool RecenterOnTargetPosition(UnityEngine.Vector3 targetPosition, bool smoothChange = true)
        ReturnCode rc = m_transformer.RecenterOnTargetPosition(UnityConverter.ToFramework(targetPosition), smoothChange);

        if (!rc.IsError())
            WorldBox.CenterOffset  = UnityConverter.ToUnity(m_transformer.WorldBox.CenterOffset);
            WorldBox.Dimensions    = UnityConverter.ToUnity(m_transformer.WorldBox.Dimensions);
            TargetBox.CenterOffset = UnityConverter.ToUnity(m_transformer.TargetBox.CenterOffset);
            TargetBox.Dimensions   = UnityConverter.ToUnity(m_transformer.TargetBox.Dimensions);
Пример #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Center the world box so the current position will be the center of the new box
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="updateTargetBox">should the TargetBox be updated accordingly so the CurrentValue will stay in place</param>
    /// <param name="smoothChange">should the change in position be smoothed or should it happen abruptly</param>
    /// <returns>Return code that represent the status of the run</returns>
    public bool RecenterOnWorldPosition(bool updateTargetBox, bool smoothChange)
        ReturnCode rc = m_transformer.RecenterOnWorldPosition(updateTargetBox, smoothChange);

        if (!rc.IsError())
            WorldBox.CenterOffset  = UnityConverter.ToUnity(m_transformer.WorldBox.CenterOffset);
            WorldBox.Dimensions    = UnityConverter.ToUnity(m_transformer.WorldBox.Dimensions);
            TargetBox.CenterOffset = UnityConverter.ToUnity(m_transformer.TargetBox.CenterOffset);
            TargetBox.Dimensions   = UnityConverter.ToUnity(m_transformer.TargetBox.Dimensions);
    // Update is called once per frame
    public void Update()
        ReturnCode rc = m_transformer.UpdateState();

        if (!rc.IsError())
            Vector3 localPosition = transform.localPosition;
            if (ControlXAxis)
                localPosition.x = m_transformer.CurrentValue.x;
                CurrentValue.x  = m_transformer.CurrentValue.x;
            if (ControlYAxis)
                localPosition.y = m_transformer.CurrentValue.y;
                CurrentValue.y  = m_transformer.CurrentValue.y;
            transform.localPosition = localPosition;
Пример #9
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (m_texture == null)

        bool hasNewImage = false;

        BeckonManager.BeckonInstance.HasNewImage(m_lastFrame, out m_lastFrame, out hasNewImage);
        if (hasNewImage)
            ReturnCode rc = UnitySensorImageRelated.UnityImageConverters.ConvertImageToColorArray(regularImageData, flipHorizontally, !flipVertically, ref m_pixels);

            if (!rc.IsError())
                m_texture.SetPixels32(m_pixels, 0);
Пример #10
    private bool CreateSensor()
        //Debug.Log("m_currentConf " + m_currentConf.SequencePath);
        ReturnCode rc = BeckonManager.BeckonInstance.CreateSensor(m_currentConf);

        if (rc.IsError())
            Debug.LogError("CreateSensor failed: " + rc);

        if (m_currentConf.UseRunSensor)
            rc = new ReturnCode(BeckonManager.BeckonInstance.Analyzer.runTrackingThread());
            if (rc.IsError())
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an ImageData type of the depth or color image to a color32[] and masks it according to the entered person mask.
        /// This function does not call Texture2D.apply. which should be called to apply the changes to the texture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="regImage">Contains the regular image data and format</param>
        /// <param name="maskImage">Contains the person mask image data and format</param>
        /// <param name="flipx">should the image be flipped horizontally</param>
        /// <param name="flipy">should the image be flipped vertically</param>
        /// <param name="depthColor">what is the base color of a depth image</param>
        /// <param name="pixels">The Color32 Array to write to. mast be in the right size for the wanted operation.
        /// <returns>ReturnCode indicating status of the run</returns>
        public static ReturnCode ConvertImageToMaskedColorArray(RegularImageData regImage, MaskImageData maskImage, bool flipx, bool flipy, Color32 depthColor, ref Color32[] pixels)
            // get the image format and data
            CommonDefines.ImageFormat iFormat;
            regImage.GetImageFormat(out iFormat);
            CommonDefines.ImageData imageData;
            ReturnCode rc = regImage.GetData(out imageData);

            if (rc.IsError())
            // get the mask format and data
            CommonDefines.ImageFormat maskFormat;
            maskImage.GetImageFormat(out maskFormat);
            CommonDefines.ImageData maskedData;
            rc = maskImage.GetData(out maskedData);
            if (rc.IsError())

            rc = VerifyImageFormat(iFormat, pixels);
            if (rc.IsError())

            int imagePos         = 0;
            int pixelPos         = 0;
            int bpp              = iFormat.m_bpc;
            int bppTimeChannels  = iFormat.m_channels * bpp;
            int imagePixelHeight = iFormat.m_height;
            int imagePixelWidth  = iFormat.m_width;
            int formatWidthStep  = iFormat.m_widthStep;

            int maskHeightRatio = iFormat.m_height / maskFormat.m_height;
            int maskWidthRatio  = iFormat.m_width / maskFormat.m_width;
            int maskImageWidth  = maskFormat.m_width;

            // parameters for normalizing
            ushort minVal1 = 0, maxVal1 = 0;
            ushort minVal2 = 0, maxVal2 = 0;
            float  range1 = 0, range2 = 0;
            bool   isGrayscale = (iFormat.m_channels == 1);
            bool   isDepth     = (regImage.GetType() == typeof(DepthImageData));

            minVal1 = (ushort)regImage.MinPixelValue;
            maxVal1 = (ushort)regImage.MaxPixelValue;
            range1  = maxVal1 - minVal1;
            if (isDepth)
                GetPixelRange((DepthImageData)regImage, maskImage, out minVal2, out maxVal2, out range2);
            else // on regualr images we dont want to tint the color
                depthColor = WHITE_COLOR;

            // get the loop vlues - this handle fliping the image horizontally and verticlly
            int xStart, xDir, yStart, yDir;

            SetLoopVars(flipx, flipy, iFormat, out xStart, out xDir, out yStart, out yDir);

            // iterate through the image
            for (int yindex = 0; yindex != imagePixelHeight; ++yindex)
                for (int xindex = 0; xindex != imagePixelWidth; ++xindex)
                    int y = yStart + yDir * yindex;
                    int x = xStart + xDir * xindex;
                    // for each pixel get the coresponding pixel in the player mask
                    int  maskPos = (y / maskHeightRatio) * maskImageWidth + (x / maskWidthRatio);
                    byte maskVal = maskedData.m_dataArr[maskPos];

                    // get the pixel in the image
                    imagePos = y * formatWidthStep + x * bppTimeChannels;
                    pixelPos = yindex * imagePixelWidth + xindex;
                    if (maskVal > 0)
                        // get the image value and normalize if needed
                        if (isGrayscale)
                            // values are ushorts, get them from a byte[]
                            uint val1 = (uint)((imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos + 1] << 8) + imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos]);
                            // normalize according to the whole image
                            int val = (ushort)((val1 - minVal1) / (float)range1 * ushort.MaxValue);

                            float relativeVal = (float)val / ushort.MaxValue;

                            // we get here only in depth, we normalize according to the specific person and clamp values to [0.1,1]
                            if (range2 != 0)
                                relativeVal = (maxVal2 - val) / ((float)range2);
                                relativeVal = (relativeVal < 0.1f) ? 0.1f : relativeVal;
                            else // in normal grayscale image we clamp values to [0,1]
                                relativeVal = (relativeVal <= 0) ? 1f : relativeVal;
                            relativeVal = (relativeVal > 1f) ? 1f : relativeVal;

                            pixels[pixelPos].a = depthColor.a;
                            pixels[pixelPos].r = (byte)(depthColor.r * relativeVal);
                            pixels[pixelPos].g = (byte)(depthColor.g * relativeVal);
                            pixels[pixelPos].b = (byte)(depthColor.b * relativeVal);
                            pixels[pixelPos].a = 255;
                            pixels[pixelPos].r = imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos];
                            pixels[pixelPos].g = (imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos + 1]);
                            pixels[pixelPos].b = (imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos + 2]);
                        pixels[pixelPos] = ZERO_COLOR;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an SensorImageData type of the depth or color image to a color32 array.
        /// This function does not call Texture2D.apply. which should be called to apply the changes to the texture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sensorImageData">Contains the sensor image data</param>
        /// /// <param name="flipx">should the image be flipped horizontally</param>
        /// <param name="flipy">should the image be flipped vertically</param>
        /// <param name="pixels">The Color32 Array to write to. mast be in the right size for the wanted operation.
        /// <returns>ReturnCode indicating status of the run</returns>
        public static ReturnCode ConvertImageToColorArray(RegularImageData sensorImageData, bool flipx, bool flipy, ref Color32[] pixels)
            CommonDefines.ImageFormat iFormat;
            sensorImageData.GetImageFormat(out iFormat);
            CommonDefines.ImageData imageData;
            ReturnCode rc = sensorImageData.GetData(out imageData);

            if (rc.IsError())
            rc = VerifyImageFormat(iFormat, pixels);
            if (rc.IsError())

            int imagePos         = 0;
            int pixelPos         = 0;
            int bpp              = iFormat.m_bpc;
            int bppTimeChannels  = iFormat.m_channels * bpp;
            int imagePixelHeight = iFormat.m_height;
            int imagePixelWidth  = iFormat.m_width;
            int formatWidthStep  = iFormat.m_widthStep;

            // convert from 2-bpp to 1-bpp
            ushort fromVal = 0, toVal = 0;
            float  range       = 0;
            bool   isGrayscale = (iFormat.m_channels == 1);
            bool   isDepth     = (sensorImageData.GetType() == typeof(DepthImageData));

            if (isGrayscale)
                fromVal = (ushort)sensorImageData.MinPixelValue;
                toVal   = (ushort)sensorImageData.MaxPixelValue;
                range   = toVal - fromVal;
            // if we use depth image we want to reverse the grayscale - white for close pixels and black for far ones.
            if (isDepth)
                fromVal = toVal;
                range  *= -1;
            int xStart, xDir, yStart, yDir;

            SetLoopVars(flipx, flipy, iFormat, out xStart, out xDir, out yStart, out yDir);

            for (int yindex = 0; yindex != imagePixelHeight; ++yindex)
                for (int xindex = 0; xindex != imagePixelWidth; ++xindex)
                    int y = yStart + yDir * yindex;
                    int x = xStart + xDir * xindex;

                    imagePos = y * formatWidthStep + x * bppTimeChannels;
                    pixelPos = yindex * imagePixelWidth + xindex;

                    if (isGrayscale)
                        if ((imagePos + 1) <= imageData.m_dataArr.Length)
                            int intVal = (imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos + 1] << 8) + imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos];
                            // if isDepth values of 0 are actually no data, not very close to camera
                            if (intVal <= 0)
                                pixels[pixelPos].r = pixels[pixelPos].g = pixels[pixelPos].b = 0;
                                pixels[pixelPos].a = 255;
                                float val = (intVal - fromVal) / range;
                                val = val < 0f ? 0f : val;
                                val = val > 1f ? 1f : val;

                                pixels[pixelPos].a = 255;
                                pixels[pixelPos].r = pixels[pixelPos].g = pixels[pixelPos].b = (byte)(255 * val);
                        pixels[pixelPos].a = 255;
                        pixels[pixelPos].r = imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos];
                        pixels[pixelPos].g = (imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos + 1]);
                        pixels[pixelPos].b = (imageData.m_dataArr[imagePos + 2]);