Пример #1
 protected override void OnFirstRun(Actor self)
     // We can safely assume the claim is successful, since this is only called in the
     // same actor-tick as the targetCell is selected. Therefore no other harvester
     // would have been able to claim.
     claimLayer.TryClaimCell(self, targetCell);
Пример #2
        void IBotTick.BotTick(IBot bot)
            if (world.WorldTick % tickEvery != 0)

            var miners = world.ActorsHavingTrait <Transforms>()
                         .Where(a => a.Owner == player && a.IsIdle && Info.MinerTypes.Contains(a.Info.Name));

            foreach (var miner in miners)
                var closestMine = ClosestHarvestablePos(miner);
                if (!closestMine.HasValue)

                var claimedOk = claimLayer.TryClaimCell(miner, closestMine.Value);
                if (!claimedOk)

                bot.QueueOrder(new Order("Move", miner, Target.FromCell(world, closestMine.Value), true));
                bot.QueueOrder(new Order("DeployTransform", miner, true));
Пример #3
        public override Activity Tick(Actor self)
            if (IsCanceled)

            if (NextInQueue != null)

            var deliver = new DeliverResources(self);

            if (harv.IsFull)
                return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(deliver, NextActivity));

            var closestHarvestablePosition = ClosestHarvestablePos(self);

            // If no harvestable position could be found, either deliver the remaining resources
            // or get out of the way and do not disturb.
            if (!closestHarvestablePosition.HasValue)
                if (!harv.IsEmpty)

                harv.LastSearchFailed = true;

                var unblockCell = harv.LastHarvestedCell ?? (self.Location + harvInfo.UnblockCell);
                var moveTo      = mobile.NearestMoveableCell(unblockCell, 2, 5);
                self.QueueActivity(mobile.MoveTo(moveTo, 1));
                self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, moveTo), Color.Gray, false);

                // TODO: The harvest-deliver-return sequence is a horrible mess of duplicated code and edge-cases
                var notify = self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyHarvesterAction>();
                foreach (var n in notify)
                    n.MovingToResources(self, moveTo, this);

                var randFrames = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100, 175);

                // Avoid creating an activity cycle
                var next = NextInQueue;
                NextInQueue = null;
                return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(next, new Wait(randFrames), this));
                // Attempt to claim the target cell
                if (!claimLayer.TryClaimCell(self, closestHarvestablePosition.Value))
                    return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(new Wait(25), this));

                harv.LastSearchFailed = false;

                // If not given a direct order, assume ordered to the first resource location we find:
                if (!harv.LastOrderLocation.HasValue)
                    harv.LastOrderLocation = closestHarvestablePosition;

                self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, closestHarvestablePosition.Value), Color.Red, false);

                // TODO: The harvest-deliver-return sequence is a horrible mess of duplicated code and edge-cases
                var notify = self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyHarvesterAction>();
                foreach (var n in notify)
                    n.MovingToResources(self, closestHarvestablePosition.Value, this);

                return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(mobile.MoveTo(closestHarvestablePosition.Value, 1), new HarvestResource(self), this));
Пример #4
        public override Activity Tick(Actor self)
            if (IsCanceled)

            if (NextInQueue != null)

            var deliver = new DeliverResources(self);

            if (harv.IsFull)
                return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(deliver, NextActivity));

            var closestHarvestablePosition = ClosestHarvestablePos(self);

            //If no harvestable position could be found,either deliver the remaining resources or get out of the way and do not disturb.
            if (!closestHarvestablePosition.HasValue)
                if (!harv.IsEmpty)

                harv.LastSearchFailed = true;

                var unblockCell = harv.LastHarvestedCell ?? (self.Location + harvInfo.UnblockCell);
                var moveTo      = mobile.NearestMoveableCell(unblockCell, 2, 5);
                self.QueueActivity(mobile.MoveTo(moveTo, 1));
                self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, moveTo), Color.Gray, false);

                var randFrames = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100, 175);

                //Avoid creating an activity cycle
                var next = NextInQueue;
                NextInQueue = null;
                return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(next, new Wait(randFrames), this));
                //Attempt to claim the target cell
                if (!claimLayer.TryClaimCell(self, closestHarvestablePosition.Value))
                    return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(new Wait(25), this));

                harv.LastSearchFailed = false;

                if (!harv.LastOrderLocation.HasValue)
                    harv.LastOrderLocation = closestHarvestablePosition;

                self.SetTargetLine(Target.FromCell(self.World, closestHarvestablePosition.Value), Color.Red, false);

                return(ActivityUtils.SequenceActivities(mobile.MoveTo(closestHarvestablePosition.Value, 1), new HarvestResource(self), this));