private int GetMetricCountFromBlob(string blobName) { string content = ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, blobName, ContainerName); JArray jArray = JArray.Parse(content); return(jArray.Count); }
private void CreateUserAgentReport(DirectoryInfo info) { string standardError = string.Empty; string standardOutput = string.Empty; List <IISUserAgentDetails> userAgentDetails = new List <IISUserAgentDetails>(); var content = ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.IISUserAgent.json", ContainerName); List <IISUserAgentDetails> userAgents = new List <IISUserAgentDetails>(); userAgents = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <List <IISUserAgentDetails> >(content); foreach (IISUserAgentDetails agent in userAgents) { string query = string.Format(@"select count(*) from {0}\*{1}*.log WHERE cs(User-Agent) LIKE '{2}'", info.FullName, ReportDate, agent.UserAgent); int requestCount = InvokeLogParserProcessForUserAgent(@"-i:IISW3C -o:CSV " + @"""" + query + @"""" + " -stats:OFF"); int avgTime = 0; if (requestCount > 0) { query = string.Format(@"select avg(time-taken) from {0}\*{1}*.log WHERE cs(User-Agent) LIKE '{2}'", info.FullName, ReportDate, agent.UserAgent); avgTime = InvokeLogParserProcessForUserAgent(@"-i:IISW3C -o:CSV " + @"""" + query + @"""" + " -stats:OFF"); } userAgentDetails.Add(new IISUserAgentDetails(agent.UserAgentName, agent.UserAgent, avgTime, requestCount)); } string blobName = "IISUserAgentDetails" + ReportDate + ".json"; int count = 0; foreach (IISUserAgentDetails detail in userAgentDetails) { var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(detail); ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, blobName, new Tuple <string, string>(count.ToString(), json), userAgentDetails.Count, ContainerName); count++; } }
private void CreateRestoreReportForVSTask() { string[] VsQuery = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <string[]>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "VsVersion.json", ContainerName)); using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString.ConnectionString)) { using (var dbExecutor = new SqlExecutor(sqlConnection)) { sqlConnection.Open(); DateTime date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-LastNDays); List <VsRequest> requests = new List <VsRequest>(); foreach (string each in VsQuery) { try { var request = dbExecutor.Query <Int32>(string.Format(sqlQueryForVSRestore, date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), each)).SingleOrDefault(); requests.Add(new VsRequest("VS" + each, request.ToString())); } catch { requests.Add(new VsRequest("VS" + each, "0")); } } var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(requests); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "VsRestoreTrend" + LastNDays.ToString() + "Day.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(json)); } } }
private List <WorkInstanceDetail> GetWorkJobDetail() { List <WorkInstanceDetail> jobDetail = new List <WorkInstanceDetail>(); var content = ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "WorkJobDetail.json", ContainerName); if (content != null) { jobDetail = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <List <WorkInstanceDetail> >(content); } return(jobDetail); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { //Get the logs for the previous day. string DeploymentID = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <string>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "DeploymentId_" + ServiceName + ".json", ContainerName)); string blobName = DeploymentID + "/NuGetGallery/NuGetGallery_IN_{IID}/Web/W3SVC1273337584/u_ex{Date}{Hour}.log"; blobName = blobName.Replace("{Date}", ReportDate); DirectoryInfo info = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory); //Downlog the logs for the last day. while (RetryCount-- > 0) { try { if (!Directory.Exists(info.FullName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(info.FullName); } int instanceCount = GetCurrentInstanceCountInGallery(); //get current instance count. for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) //Download the log for each hour { string temp = blobName; temp = temp.Replace("{IID}", i.ToString()); temp = temp.Replace("{Hour}", j.ToString("00")); string logName = temp.Substring(temp.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); logName = logName.Substring(0, logName.Length - 4); string localFile = Path.Combine(info.FullName, logName + i.ToString() + "_" + j.ToString() + ".log"); ReportHelpers.DownloadBlobToLocalFile(IISStorageAccount, temp, localFile, "wad-iis-requestlogs"); } } break; // break if the operation succeeds without doing any retry. } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception thrown while trying to create report : {0}", e.Message)); } } //Create a json file CreateIPDetailsReport(info); CreateResponseTimeReport(info); CreateUserAgentReport(info); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); AlertThresholds thresholdValues = js.Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); int error = thresholdValues.DatabaseSizePercentErrorThreshold; int warning = thresholdValues.DatabaseSizePercentWarningThreshold; List <DatabaseSize> dbSizeDetails = new List <DatabaseSize>(); // dbSizeDetails.Add(GetDataSize(PrimaryConnectionString.ConnectionString,threshold)); dbSizeDetails.Add(GetDataSize(LegacyConnectionString.ConnectionString, error, warning)); dbSizeDetails.Add(GetDataSize(WarehouseConnectionString.ConnectionString, error, warning)); var json = js.Serialize(dbSizeDetails); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "DBSize.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(json)); }
private List <WorkInstanceDetail> GetWorkJobDetail(string date) { List <WorkInstanceDetail> jobDetail = new List <WorkInstanceDetail>(); try { var content = ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "WorkJobDetail" + date + ".json", ContainerName); if (content != null) { jobDetail = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <List <WorkInstanceDetail> >(content); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return(jobDetail); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { string DeployId = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <string>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "DeploymentId_" + ServiceName + ".json", ContainerName)); CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(PerfCounterTableStorageAccount); CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient(); CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("WAD" + DeployId + "PT5MRTable"); int count = 0; double sum = 0; TableQuery <dataEntity> rangeQuery = new TableQuery <dataEntity>().Where(TableQuery.CombineFilters( TableQuery.GenerateFilterConditionForDate("Timestamp", QueryComparisons.GreaterThan, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-frequencyInMin)), TableOperators.And, TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("CounterName", QueryComparisons.Equal, PerfCounterName))); foreach (dataEntity entity in table.ExecuteQuery(rangeQuery)) { count++; sum += entity.Total / entity.Count; } ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, ServiceName + PerfCounterName + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + ".json", new Tuple <string, string>(String.Format("{0:HH:mm}", DateTime.Now), (sum / count).ToString("F")), 24 * 60 / frequencyInMin, ContainerName); }
/// <summary> /// Creates report for count and avg time taken for individual scenarios. /// </summary> /// <param name="info"></param> private void CreateUriStemDetailedReport(DirectoryInfo info) { List <IISRequestDetails> requestDetails = new List <IISRequestDetails>(); var content = ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configration.IISRequestStems.json", ContainerName); List <IISRequestDetails> UriStems = new List <IISRequestDetails>(); UriStems = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <List <IISRequestDetails> >(content); foreach (IISRequestDetails stem in UriStems) { int requestCount = GetDataForUriStem(stem.UriStem, "count (*)", info.FullName); int avgTime = 0; if (requestCount > 0) { avgTime = GetDataForUriStem(stem.UriStem, "avg (time-taken)", info.FullName); } requestDetails.Add(new IISRequestDetails(stem.ScenarioName, stem.UriStem, avgTime, requestCount)); } var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(requestDetails); string blobName = "IISRequestDetails" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1)) + ".json"; ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, blobName, new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH:00}", DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1)), json), 50, ContainerName); }
private void CreateReportForDataBaseEvents() { var masterConnectionString = Util.GetMasterConnectionString(ConnectionString.ConnectionString); var currentDbName = Util.GetDbName(ConnectionString.ConnectionString); using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(masterConnectionString)) { using (var dbExecutor = new SqlExecutor(sqlConnection)) { sqlConnection.Open(); var usageSeconds = dbExecutor.Query <DatabaseEvent>(string.Format("select start_time, end_time,event_type,event_count,description from sys.event_log where start_time>='{0}' and start_time<='{1}' and database_name = '{2}' and severity = 2", DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-LastNHours).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), currentDbName)); var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(usageSeconds); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "DBDetailed" + LastNHours.ToString() + "Hour.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(json)); var throttlingEventCount = dbExecutor.Query <Int32>(string.Format("select count(*) from sys.event_log where start_time>='{0}' and start_time<='{1}' and database_name = '{2}' and (event_type Like 'throttling%' or event_type Like 'deadlock')", DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), currentDbName)).SingleOrDefault(); var additional_data = dbExecutor.Query <string>(string.Format("select additional_data from sys.event_log where start_time>='{0}' and start_time<='{1}' and database_name = '{2}' and (event_type Like 'throttling%' or event_type Like 'deadlock')", DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), currentDbName)); AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string data in additional_data) { if (data != null) { sb.Append(data + "\n"); } } if (throttlingEventCount > thresholdValues.DatabaseThrottlingEventErrorThreshold && LastNHours == 1) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Error: SQL Azure DB alert activated for throttling/deadlock event", Details = string.Format("Number of events exceeded threshold for DB throttling/deadlock events. Error Threshold count : {0}, events noticed in last hour : {1}, all additional data is {2}", thresholdValues.DatabaseThrottlingEventErrorThreshold, throttlingEventCount, sb.ToString()), AlertName = "Error: SQL Azure DB throttling/deadlock event", Component = "SQL Azure Database", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (throttlingEventCount > thresholdValues.DatabaseThrottlingEventWarningThreshold && LastNHours == 1) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Warning: SQL Azure DB alert activated for throttling/deadlock event", Details = string.Format("Number of events exceeded threshold for DB throttling/deadlock events. Warning Threshold count : {0}, events noticed in last hour : {1}, all additional data is {2}", thresholdValues.DatabaseThrottlingEventWarningThreshold, throttlingEventCount, sb.ToString()), AlertName = "Warning: SQL Azure DB throttling/deadlock event", Component = "SQL Azure Database", Level = "Warning" }.ExecuteCommand(); } } } }
private string CheckoutForPackageStatics() { string outputMessage; List <DbEntry> prodDB; List <DbEntry> warehouseDB; using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString.ConnectionString)) { using (var dbExecutor = new SqlExecutor(sqlConnection)) { sqlConnection.Open(); var content = dbExecutor.Query <DbEntry>(string.Format(prodSQL, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))); prodDB = content.ToList <DbEntry>(); } } using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(WarehouseDb.ConnectionString)) { using (var dbExecutor = new SqlExecutor(sqlConnection)) { sqlConnection.Open(); var content = dbExecutor.Query <DbEntry>(string.Format(wareSQL, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))); warehouseDB = content.ToList <DbEntry>(); } } bool correct = true; string[] Operation = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <string[]>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "OperationType.json", ContainerName)); Dictionary <string, int> proddict = GenerateDict(prodDB, Operation); Dictionary <string, int> warehousedict = GenerateDict(warehouseDB, Operation); if (Math.Abs(warehousedict.Count - proddict.Count) > 10) { bool prod = true; correct = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (warehousedict.Count > proddict.Count) { prod = false; } if (prod) { sb.Append("prod key is more than warehouse, the following is in prod but not in warehouse. detail: "); foreach (string key in proddict.Keys) { if (!warehousedict.ContainsKey(key)) { sb.Append(key + Environment.NewLine); } } } else { sb.Append("warehouse key is more than prod, the following is in warehouse but not in prod. detail: "); foreach (string key in warehousedict.Keys) { if (!proddict.ContainsKey(key)) { sb.Append(key + Environment.NewLine); } } } outputMessage = string.Format("Package statistic total pacakage number is not correct on {0},more detail is {1}", DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), sb.ToString()); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string key in proddict.Keys) { if (!warehousedict[key].Equals(proddict[key])) { correct = false; sb.Append(key + " "); } } outputMessage = string.Format("Package statistic is not correct on {0}, following package stat is not right, which are {1}", DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), sb.ToString()); } if (!correct) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Error: Work service job background check alert activated for Package Statistics job", Details = outputMessage, AlertName = "Error: Alert for Package Statistics", Component = "Package Statistics Job", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } return(outputMessage); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); GetCurrentValueAndAlert(SqlQueryForConnectionCount, "DBConnections", thresholdValues.DatabaseConnectionsErrorThreshold, thresholdValues.DatabaseConnectionsWarningThreshold); GetCurrentValueAndAlert(SqlQueryForRequestCount, "DBRequests", thresholdValues.DatabaseRequestsErrorThreshold, thresholdValues.DatabaseRequestsWarningThreshold); GetCurrentValueAndAlert(SqlQueryForBlockedRequestCount, "DBSuspendedRequests", thresholdValues.DatabaseBlockedRequestsErrorThreshold, thresholdValues.DatabaseBlockedRequestsWarningThreshold); CreateReportForDBCPUUsage(); CreateReportForRequestDetails(); }
private void CreateReportForIndexFragmentation() { using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString.ConnectionString)) { using (var dbExecutor = new SqlExecutor(sqlConnection)) { sqlConnection.Open(); AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); var fragmentationDetails = dbExecutor.Query <DatabaseIndex>(string.Format(sqlQueryForIndexFragmentation, thresholdValues.DatabaseIndexFragmentationPercentErrorThreshold)); var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(fragmentationDetails); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "DBIndexFragmentation.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(json)); } } }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential(SearchAdminUserName, SearchAdminKey); WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(SearchEndPoint); AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); request.Credentials = nc; request.PreAuthenticate = true; request.Method = "GET"; WebResponse respose = request.GetResponse(); using (var reader = new StreamReader(respose.GetResponseStream())) { JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var objects = js.Deserialize <dynamic>(reader.ReadToEnd()); var process_info = objects["process"]; double cpusecond = (double)process_info["cpuSeconds"]; long memory = (long)process_info["virtualMemorySize"]; int cpuUsage = 0; int memUsage = 0; if (cpuUsage > thresholdValues.SearchCpuPercentErrorThreshold) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Error: Search Service Alert activated for cpu usage", Details = string.Format("Search service process cpu usage is above Error threshold: {0}% , it's {1}% ", thresholdValues.SearchCpuPercentErrorThreshold, cpuUsage.ToString()), AlertName = "Error: Alert for Serach CPU Usage", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (cpuUsage > thresholdValues.SearchCpuPercentWarningThreshold) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Warning: Search Service Alert activated for cpu usage", Details = string.Format("Search service process cpu usage is above Warning threshold: {0}% , it's {1}% ", thresholdValues.SearchCpuPercentWarningThreshold, cpuUsage.ToString()), AlertName = "Warning: Alert for Serach CPU Usage", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Warning" }.ExecuteCommand(); } if (memUsage > thresholdValues.SearchMemErrorThresholdInGb * (1 << 30)) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Error: Search Service Alert activated for memory usage", Details = string.Format("Search service process memory usage is above Error threshold: {0}% GB, it's {1}% Byte ", thresholdValues.SearchMemErrorThresholdInGb, memUsage.ToString()), AlertName = "Error: Alert for Serach Memory Usage", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (memUsage > thresholdValues.SearchMemWarningThresholdInGb * (1 << 30)) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Warning: Search Service Alert activated for memory usage", Details = string.Format("Search service process memory usage is above Warning threshold {0}% GB, it's {1}% Byte ", thresholdValues.SearchMemWarningThresholdInGb, memUsage.ToString()), AlertName = "Warning: Alert for Serach Memory Usage", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Warning" }.ExecuteCommand(); } ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, "SearchCpuUsage" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + "HourlyReport.json", new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH-mm}", DateTime.Now), cpusecond.ToString()), 24, ContainerName); ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, "SearchMemUsage" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + "HourlyReport.json", new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH-mm}", DateTime.Now), memory.ToString()), 24, ContainerName); } }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); CheckLagBetweenCatalogAndLucene(); DoIntegrityCheckBetweenCatalogAndLucene(); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { AlertThresholds thresholds = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); List <ElmahError> listOfErrors = new List <ElmahError>(); RefreshElmahError RefreshExecute = new RefreshElmahError(StorageAccount, ContainerName, LastNHours, ElmahAccountCredentials); listOfErrors = RefreshExecute.ExecuteRefresh(); foreach (ElmahError error in listOfErrors) { if (error.Severity == 0) { if (error.Occurecnes > thresholds.ElmahCriticalErrorPerHourAlertErrorThreshold && LastNHours == 1) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Error: Elmah Error Alert activated for {0}", error.Error), Details = String.Format("Number of {0} exceeded Error threshold limit during the last hour.Threshold error count per hour : {1}, Events recorded in the last hour: {2}", error.Error, thresholds.ElmahCriticalErrorPerHourAlertErrorThreshold, error.Occurecnes.ToString()), AlertName = string.Format("Error: Elmah Error Alert for {0}", error.Error), Component = "Web Server", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (error.Occurecnes > thresholds.ElmahCriticalErrorPerHourAlertWarningThreshold && LastNHours == 1) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Warning: Elmah Error Alert activated for {0}", error.Error), Details = String.Format("Number of {0} exceeded Warning threshold limit during the last hour.Threshold error count per hour : {1}, Events recorded in the last hour: {2}", error.Error, thresholds.ElmahCriticalErrorPerHourAlertWarningThreshold, error.Occurecnes.ToString()), AlertName = string.Format("Warning: Elmah Error Alert for {0}", error.Error), Component = "Web Server", Level = "Warning" }.ExecuteCommand(); } } } var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(listOfErrors); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "ElmahErrorsDetailed" + LastNHours.ToString() + "hours.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(json)); }
private void GetMicroServiceReportForCheck(string checkAlias, int CheckId) { DateTime startingTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-LastNhour); List <Tuple <string, string> > summaryValues = new List <Tuple <string, string> >(); string serviceStatus = "up"; int overallTime = 60 * 60 * LastNhour; // in sec int downtimeSum = 0; // in secs long fromTime = UnixTimeStampUtility.GetUnixTimestampSeconds(startingTime.ToUniversalTime()); long toTime = UnixTimeStampUtility.GetUnixTimestampSeconds(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()); NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential(UserName, Password); WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(string.Format("{0}?from={1}&to={2}", CheckId, fromTime, toTime)); request.Credentials = nc; request.Headers.Add(AppKey); request.PreAuthenticate = true; request.Method = "GET"; WebResponse respose = request.GetResponse(); List <Tuple <int, DateTime> > downRecord = new List <Tuple <int, DateTime> >(); AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); using (var reader = new StreamReader(respose.GetResponseStream())) { JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var summaryObject = js.Deserialize <dynamic>(reader.ReadToEnd()); foreach (var summary in summaryObject["summary"]) { foreach (var states in summary.Value) { if (states["status"] == "down") { DateTime start = UnixTimeStampUtility.DateTimeFromUnixTimestampSeconds(states["timefrom"]).ToLocalTime(); DateTime end = UnixTimeStampUtility.DateTimeFromUnixTimestampSeconds(states["timeto"]).ToLocalTime(); int downtime = (int)end.Subtract(start).TotalSeconds; if (downtime > thresholdValues.PingdomServiceDistruptionErrorThresholdInSeconds) { serviceStatus = "down"; downRecord.Add(new Tuple <int, DateTime>(downtime, DateTime.Now)); } } } } } if (serviceStatus.Equals("down")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Tuple <int, DateTime> each in downRecord) { sb.Append(string.Format("at {0}, there is {1} second down.", each.Item2.ToString(), each.Item1)); downtimeSum = downtimeSum + each.Item1; // in secs } new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Error: Alert for {0} pingdom service Down", checkAlias), Details = string.Format("Pingdom service {0} down time exceeded threshold: {1} second, in last {2} hours, there are {3} down happened, detail is {4}", checkAlias, thresholdValues.PingdomServiceDistruptionErrorThresholdInSeconds, LastNhour, downRecord.Count, sb.ToString()), AlertName = string.Format("Error: Pingdom Micro Service: {0}", checkAlias), Component = "Pingdom Service", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } int serviceUpTime = overallTime - downtimeSum; // in secs ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, checkAlias + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + "outageReport.json", new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH-mm}", DateTime.Now), serviceUpTime.ToString()), 24, ContainerName); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); int diff = GetTotalPackageCountFromDatabase() - GetTotalPackageCountFromLucene(); if (diff > thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertErrorThreshold || diff < -200) //Increasing the value for negative lag due to bug TBD : Make the threshold configurable. { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Error: Search Service Alert activated for Lucene index lag", Details = string.Format("Delta between the packages between in database and lucene index is {0}. Error Threshold lag : {1} packages", diff.ToString(), thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertErrorThreshold), AlertName = "Error: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (diff > thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertWarningThreshold) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Warning: Search Service Alert activated for Lucene index lag", Details = string.Format("Delta between the packages between in database and lucene index is {0}. Warning Threshold lag : {1} packages", diff.ToString(), thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertWarningThreshold), AlertName = "Warning: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Warning" }.ExecuteCommand(); } ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, "IndexingDiffCount" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + "HourlyReport.json", new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH-mm}", DateTime.Now), diff.ToString()), 24, ContainerName); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { sqlQueryForDbAge = string.Format("select create_date from sys.databases where name = '{0}'", DbName); thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); List <Tuple <string, string> > jobOutputs = new List <Tuple <string, string> >(); jobOutputs.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("SyncPackagesToFailoverDC", CheckLagBetweenDBAndBlob())); jobOutputs.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("ImportCompletionStatus", CheckForInCompleteDBImport())); JArray reportObject = ReportHelpers.GetJson(jobOutputs); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "RunBackgroundCheckForFailoverDCReport.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(reportObject)); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { //Get the logs for the previous Hour as the current one is being used by Azure. string DeploymentID = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <string>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "DeploymentId_" + ServiceName + ".json", ContainerName)); string latestLogName = "u_ex" + string.Format("{0:yyMMddHH}", DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1)) + ".log"; DirectoryInfo info = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, latestLogName)); //Downlog the logs for the last hour. while (RetryCount-- > 0) { try { if (!Directory.Exists(info.FullName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(info.FullName); } int instanceCount = GetCurrentInstanceCountInGallery(); //get current instance count. for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) { ReportHelpers.DownloadBlobToLocalFile(IISStorageAccount, DeploymentID + "/NuGetGallery/NuGetGallery_IN_" + i.ToString() + "/Web/W3SVC1273337584/" + latestLogName, Path.Combine(info.FullName, "IN" + i.ToString() + ".log"), "wad-iis-requestlogs"); } break; // break if the operation succeeds without doing any retry. } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception thrown while trying to create report : {0}", e.Message)); } } //Create reports. CreateOverviewReport(info); CreateUriStemDetailedReport(info); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { var thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>( ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); var totalPackageCountInDatabase = GetTotalPackageCountFromDatabase(); var luceneDetails = GetTotalPackageCountFromLucene(); var difference = totalPackageCountInDatabase - luceneDetails.Item1 - 2; if (difference > thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertErrorThreshold) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Consolidated Lucene index for {0} lagging behind database by {1} packages", SearchEndPoint, difference), Details = string.Format("Delta between the packages between in database and Lucene index is {0}. Allowed Threshold lag : {1} packages", difference, thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertErrorThreshold), AlertName = "Error: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error", DisableIncidentCreation = DisableIncidentCreation, DisableNotification = DisableNotification }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (difference > thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertWarningThreshold) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Warning: Search Service Alert activated for Consolidated Lucene index lag", Details = string.Format("Delta between the packages between in database and Lucene index is {0}. Warning Threshold lag : {1} packages", difference, thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertWarningThreshold), AlertName = "Warning: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Warning", DisableIncidentCreation = DisableIncidentCreation, DisableNotification = DisableNotification }.ExecuteCommand(); } ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, "ConsolidatedIndexingDiffCount" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + "HourlyReport.json", new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH-mm}", DateTime.Now), difference.ToString()), 24 * 12, ContainerName); var lastActivityTime = GetLastCreatedOrEditedActivityTimeFromDatabase(); var luceneCommitTimeStamp = luceneDetails.Item2; var indexLagInMinutes = lastActivityTime.Subtract(luceneCommitTimeStamp).TotalMinutes; if (indexLagInMinutes > AllowedLagInMinutesSev1) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Error: Consolidated Lucene index for {0} out of date by {1} minutes", SearchEndPoint, Math.Round(indexLagInMinutes, 2)), Details = string.Format("Search Index for endpoint {3} last updated {0} minutes back. Last activity (create/edit) in DB is at {1}, but Lucene is updated @ {2}", Math.Round(indexLagInMinutes, 2), lastActivityTime, luceneCommitTimeStamp, SearchEndPoint), AlertName = "Error: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error", EscPolicy = "Sev1", DisableIncidentCreation = DisableIncidentCreation, DisableNotification = DisableNotification }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (indexLagInMinutes > AllowedLagInMinutesSev2) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Warning: Consolidated Lucene index for {0} out of date by {1} minutes", SearchEndPoint, Math.Round(indexLagInMinutes, 2)), Details = string.Format("Search Index for endpoint {3} last updated {0} minutes back. Last activity (create/edit) in DB is at {1}, but Lucene is updated @ {2}", Math.Round(indexLagInMinutes, 2), lastActivityTime, luceneCommitTimeStamp, SearchEndPoint), AlertName = "Warning: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error", DisableIncidentCreation = DisableIncidentCreation, DisableNotification = DisableNotification }.ExecuteCommand(); } ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, "ConsolidatedIndexingLagCount" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + "HourlyReport.json", new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH-mm}", DateTime.Now), indexLagInMinutes.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), 24 * 12, ContainerName); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { int lastNhour = 24; List <WorkInstanceDetail> jobDetail = new List <WorkInstanceDetail>(); List <WorkJobInstanceDetails> instanceDetails = getWorkjobInstance(); foreach (WorkJobInstanceDetails job in instanceDetails) { int invocationCount = 0; double totalRunTime = 0; int faultCount = 0; int faultRate = 0; int runtime = 0; Dictionary <string, List <string> > ErrorList = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); string AdminKey = WorkServiceAdminKey; if (job.url.Contains("api-work-1")) { AdminKey = WorkServiceFailoverAdminKey; } NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential(WorkServiceUserName, AdminKey); //get all invocations in last 24 hours or last 10 invocations int no = (lastNhour * 60) / job.FrequencyInMinutes; if (no < 10) { no = 10; } WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(string.Format("{0}/instances/{1}?limit={2}", job.url, job.JobInstanceName, no)); request.Credentials = nc; request.PreAuthenticate = true; request.Method = "GET"; WebResponse respose = request.GetResponse(); using (var reader = new StreamReader(respose.GetResponseStream())) { JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); js.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue; var objects = js.Deserialize <List <WorkJobInvocation> >(reader.ReadToEnd()); WorkJobInvocation lastJob; bool alert = false; string lastCompleted = string.Empty; if (objects.Any((item => item.status.Equals("Executed") && item.result.Equals("Completed")))) { lastJob = objects.Where(item => item.status.Equals("Executed") && item.result.Equals("Completed")).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); } else { lastJob = objects.FirstOrDefault(); } if (lastJob != null) { lastCompleted = string.Format("{0} mins ago", Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastJob.completedAt).TotalMinutes)); } else { lastCompleted = "N/A"; } foreach (WorkJobInvocation each in objects) { if (each.result.Equals("Incomplete", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (each.completedAt >= DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1)) { alert = true; // check there is any failure happened in last one hour } invocationCount++; totalRunTime += each.completedAt.Subtract(each.queuedAt).TotalSeconds; if (each.result.Equals("Faulted")) { faultCount++; string message = getResultMessage(each.resultMessage); if (ErrorList.ContainsKey(message)) { if (ErrorList[message].Count < 5) { ErrorList[message].Add(each.logUrl); } } else { List <string> LogUrl = new List <string>(); LogUrl.Add(each.logUrl); ErrorList.Add(message, LogUrl); } } } if (invocationCount != 0) { faultRate = (faultCount * 100 / invocationCount); runtime = ((int)(totalRunTime / invocationCount)); } jobDetail.Add(new WorkInstanceDetail(job.JobInstanceName, job.FrequencyInMinutes + "mins", lastCompleted, runtime.ToString() + "s", invocationCount.ToString(), faultCount.ToString(), faultRate, ErrorList)); AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); string[] Igonored = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <string[]>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.WorkerJobToBeIgnored.json", ContainerName)); if (Igonored.Contains(job.JobInstanceName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (faultRate > thresholdValues.WorkJobErrorThreshold && alert) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Error: Alert for Nuget Work Service : {0} failure", job.JobInstanceName), Details = string.Format("Rate of failure exceeded Error threshold for {0}. Threshold count : {1}%, failure in last 24 hour : {2}", job.JobInstanceName, thresholdValues.WorkJobErrorThreshold, faultCount), AlertName = string.Format("Error: Nuget Work Service {0}", job.JobInstanceName), Component = "Nuget Work Service", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (faultRate > thresholdValues.WorkJobWarningThreshold && alert) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Warning: Alert for Nuget Work Service: {0} failure", job.JobInstanceName), Details = string.Format("Rate of failure exceeded Warning threshold for {0}. Threshold count : {1}%, failure in last 24 hour : {2}", job.JobInstanceName, thresholdValues.WorkJobWarningThreshold, faultCount), AlertName = string.Format("Warning: Nuget Work Service {0}", job.JobInstanceName), Component = "Nuget Work Service", Level = "Warning" }.ExecuteCommand(); } } //check to make sure that the jobs that are not queued as part of scheduler are being invoked properly if (invocationCount < ((lastNhour * 60 / job.FrequencyInMinutes) / 2)) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Error: Alert for Nuget Work Service : {0} failure", job.JobInstanceName), Details = string.Format("In last 24 hours, invocation of {0} is only {1}, it's less than half of scheduled jobs", job.JobInstanceName, invocationCount), AlertName = string.Format("Error: Nuget Work Service {0}", job.JobInstanceName), Component = "Nuget Work Service", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } } List <WorkServiceAdmin> allkey = new List <WorkServiceAdmin>(); allkey.Add(new WorkServiceAdmin(WorkServiceUserName, WorkServiceAdminKey)); allkey.Add(new WorkServiceAdmin(WorkServiceUserName, WorkServiceFailoverAdminKey)); var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(jobDetail); var key = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(allkey); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "WorkJobDetail.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(json)); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "WorkServiceAdminKey.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(key)); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); List <Tuple <string, string> > jobOutputs = new List <Tuple <string, string> >(); jobOutputs.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("PackageStatics", CheckoutForPackageStatics())); //jobOutputs.Add(new Tuple<string, string>("PurgePackageStatistics", CheckForPurgePackagStatisticsJob())); jobOutputs.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("HandleQueuedPackageEdits", CheckForHandleQueuedPackageEditJob())); // jobOutputs.Add(new Tuple<string, string>("BackupPackages", CheckForBackupPackagesJob())); commenting out this check temporarily as ListBlobs on ng-backups container is giving error. JArray reportObject = ReportHelpers.GetJson(jobOutputs); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, "RunBackGroundChecksForWorkerJobsReport.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(reportObject)); }
private void CreateReportForOperationTask() { DateTime date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-LastNDays); string[] agentVersion = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <string[]>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "agentVersion.json", ContainerName)); string[] Operation = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <string[]>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "OperationType.json", ContainerName)); using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString.ConnectionString)) { using (var dbExecutor = new SqlExecutor(sqlConnection)) { sqlConnection.Open(); foreach (string opt in Operation) { List <agentRequest> result = new List <agentRequest>(); foreach (string version in agentVersion) { string major = version[0].ToString(); string minor = version[2].ToString(); try { var requests = dbExecutor.Query <Int32>(string.Format(sqlQueryForOperation, major, minor, opt, date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))).SingleOrDefault(); result.Add(new agentRequest(version, requests)); } catch { result.Add(new agentRequest(version, 0)); } } var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); ReportHelpers.CreateBlob(StorageAccount, opt + LastNDays.ToString() + "Day.json", ContainerName, "application/json", ReportHelpers.ToStream(json)); } } } }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); //Check last activity in DB and last activity in catalog doesn't vary more than allowed threshold. CheckLagBetweenDBAndCatalog(); //Check all newly uploaded packages in DB are present in catalog. DoIntegrityCheckBetweenDBAndCatalog(); }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); int diff = GetTotalPackageCountFromDatabase() - GetTotalPackageCountFromLucene(); if (diff > thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertErrorThreshold || diff < -200) //Increasing the value for negative lag due to bug TBD : Make the threshold configurable. { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Lucene index for {0} lagging behind database by {1} packages", SearchEndPoint, diff), Details = string.Format("Delta between the packages between in database and lucene index is {0}. Allowed Threshold lag : {1} packages", diff.ToString(), thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertErrorThreshold), AlertName = "Error: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (diff > thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertWarningThreshold) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = "Warning: Search Service Alert activated for Lucene index lag", Details = string.Format("Delta between the packages between in database and lucene index is {0}. Warning Threshold lag : {1} packages", diff.ToString(), thresholdValues.LuceneIndexLagAlertWarningThreshold), AlertName = "Warning: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Warning" }.ExecuteCommand(); } ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, "IndexingDiffCount" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + "HourlyReport.json", new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH-mm}", DateTime.Now), diff.ToString()), 24 * 12, ContainerName); DateTime lastActivityTime = GetLastCreatedOrEditedActivityTimeFromDB(); DateTime luceneCommitTimeStamp = GetCommitTimeStampFromLucene(); double lag = lastActivityTime.Subtract(luceneCommitTimeStamp).TotalMinutes; if (lag > AllowedLagInMinutesSev1) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Error: Lucene index for {0} out of date by {1} minutes", SearchEndPoint, Math.Round(lag, 2)), Details = string.Format("Search Index for endpoint {3} last updated {0} minutes back. Last activity (create/edit) in DB is at {1}, but lucene is update @ {2}", Math.Round(lag, 2), lastActivityTime, luceneCommitTimeStamp, SearchEndPoint), AlertName = "Error: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error", EscPolicy = "Sev1" }.ExecuteCommand(); } else if (lag > AllowedLagInMinutesSev2) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Warning: Lucene index for {0} out of date by {1} minutes", SearchEndPoint, Math.Round(lag, 2)), Details = string.Format("Search Index for endpoint {3} last updated {0} minutes back. Last activity (create/edit) in DB is at {1}, but lucene is update @ {2}", Math.Round(lag, 2), lastActivityTime, luceneCommitTimeStamp, SearchEndPoint), AlertName = "Warning: Alert for LuceneIndexLag", Component = "SearchService", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, "IndexingLagCount" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + "HourlyReport.json", new Tuple <string, string>(string.Format("{0:HH-mm}", DateTime.Now), lag.ToString()), 24 * 12, ContainerName); }
private void SendAlerts(long Upload, long Download, long Search, int Catalog, double ResolverBlobs) { AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); if (Upload > thresholdValues.UploadPackageThreshold) { CreateAlert(Upload.ToString(), thresholdValues.UploadPackageThreshold.ToString(), "Upload", "Upload API"); } if (Download > thresholdValues.DownloadPackageThreshold) { CreateAlert(Download.ToString(), thresholdValues.DownloadPackageThreshold.ToString(), "Download", "Download API"); } if (Search > thresholdValues.SearchPackageThreshold) { CreateAlert(Search.ToString(), thresholdValues.SearchPackageThreshold.ToString(), "Search", "Search API"); } if (Catalog > thresholdValues.CatalogLagThreshold) { CreateAlert(Catalog.ToString(), thresholdValues.CatalogLagThreshold.ToString(), "Catalog Lag", "Database to Catalog"); } if (ResolverBlobs > thresholdValues.ResolverLagThreshold) { CreateAlert(ResolverBlobs.ToString(), thresholdValues.ResolverLagThreshold.ToString(), "Resolver Lag", "Catalog to Resolver Blobs"); } }
public override void ExecuteCommand() { CloudStorageAccount LogStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(LogStorageUri); CloudBlobClient blobClient = LogStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(LogStorageContainerName); var blobs = container.ListBlobs(null, false, BlobListingDetails.None); var dirs = blobs.Where(b => b as CloudBlobDirectory != null).ToList(); foreach (CloudBlobDirectory task in dirs) { ErrorCount = 0; Successed = 0; int len = task.Prefix.Length; int adjust = "yyyy/MM/dd/hh/mm/ss/xxxxxxx/NUGET-PROD-JOBS/".Length; string date = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd/}", DateTime.UtcNow); errorFile = new StringBuilder(); runs = new List <string>(); if (!task.Prefix.ToString().Contains("Ng")) { int days = 1; while (true) { var allblobs = container.ListBlobs(prefix: task.Prefix + date, useFlatBlobListing: true, blobListingDetails: BlobListingDetails.None).OrderByDescending(e => (e as CloudBlockBlob).Name).Where(e => (e as CloudBlockBlob).Name.Substring(len + adjust).Equals("ended.txt")).Take(20); int count = 0; date = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd/}", DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-days)); foreach (var blob in allblobs) { count++; bool result = EndfileCheck((blob as CloudBlockBlob).Name.ToString(), container, task.Prefix.Replace(@"\", "")); } if (count != 0 || days > 5) { break; } days++; } } else { CollectJobRun(task); int runToday = 0; foreach (string run in runs) { bool result = EndfileCheck(run + @"ended.txt", container, task.Prefix.Replace(@"\", "")); if (run.Contains(date)) { runToday++; } } if (runToday >= 5) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Warning: Alert for VM jobs : {0} ", task.Prefix.Replace(@"\", "")), Details = string.Format("{0} task have more than 5 runs today, we should check it.", task.Prefix.Replace(@"\", "")), AlertName = string.Format("Error: Vm jobs {0}", task.Prefix.Replace(@"\", "")), Component = "Vm jobs", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } } AlertThresholds thresholdValues = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <AlertThresholds>(ReportHelpers.Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.AlertThresholds.json", ContainerName)); if (Successed != 0 && ErrorCount * 100 / (Successed + ErrorCount) > thresholdValues.WorkJobErrorThreshold) { new SendAlertMailTask { AlertSubject = string.Format("Error: Alert for VM jobs : {0} failure", task.Prefix.Replace(@"\", "")), Details = string.Format("{0} Rate of failure exceeded Error threshold {1}%. in last 20 runs, following run are failed: {2}", task.Prefix.Replace(@"\", ""), thresholdValues.WorkJobErrorThreshold, ErrorCount, errorFile.ToString()), AlertName = string.Format("Error: Vm jobs {0}", task.Prefix.Replace(@"\", "")), Component = "Vm jobs", Level = "Error" }.ExecuteCommand(); } } }