Пример #1
        }   // MaxStringLength_Test_Case

        private static void MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Tests ( )
            int intTestNumber = MagicNumbers.ZERO;

            Console.WriteLine (
                SharedUtl4_TestStand.Properties.Resources.IDS_MERGENEWITEMSINTOARRAY_BEGIN ,
                Environment.NewLine );
            string strInitialMasterFile = Path.Combine (
                rs_strDataDirectory ,
                Properties.Settings.Default.MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Master );
            string strOutputFilenmetemplate = Properties.Settings.Default.MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Outputs;

            string strNewItemsListFileSpec = Properties.Settings.Default.MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Cases;
            int intMaxDigitsInCaseNumber = TestCaseMaxDigits ( strNewItemsListFileSpec );
            string strSummaryFileFQFN = Path.Combine (
                rs_strDataDirectory ,
                Properties.Settings.Default.MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Summary );
            string strOutputFileFQFN = null;
            string strInputFileName = null;
            string strReportLabels = MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Tester.ReportLabels.Replace (
				SpecialCharacters.TAB_CHAR ,
                SpecialCharacters.PIPE_CHAR );
            List<string> lstReportDetails = new List<string> ( );
            lstReportDetails.Add ( strReportLabels );

            string strReportDetailTemplate = ReportHelpers.DetailTemplateFromLabels (
                strReportLabels ,
                SpecialCharacters.PIPE_CHAR );
            foreach ( string strNewDataFile in Directory.GetFiles ( rs_strDataDirectory , strNewItemsListFileSpec , SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly ) )
                strInputFileName = SelectInputFle (
                    intTestNumber ,
                    strInitialMasterFile ,
                    strOutputFileFQFN );
                strOutputFileFQFN = MergeOutputFQFN (
                    strOutputFilenmetemplate ,
                    rs_strDataDirectory ,
                    intMaxDigitsInCaseNumber ,
                    ++intTestNumber );

                MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Tester mergetester = new MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Tester (
                    strInputFileName ,
                    strNewDataFile ,
                    strOutputFileFQFN ,
                    lstReportDetails ,
                    strReportDetailTemplate );
                MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Test_Case (
                    mergetester ,
                    ref intTestNumber );
            }   // foreach ( string strNewDataFile in Directory.GetFiles ( rs_strDataDirectory , strNewItemsListFileSpec , SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly ) )

            string [ ] astrSummaryReport = new string [ lstReportDetails.Count ];
            lstReportDetails.CopyTo ( astrSummaryReport );
            File.WriteAllLines (
                strSummaryFileFQFN , 
                astrSummaryReport );
            Console.WriteLine (
                SharedUtl4_TestStand.Properties.Resources.IDS_MERGENEWITEMSINTOARRAY_END ,
                Environment.NewLine );
        }   // MergeNewItemsIntoArray_Tests
Пример #2
        }   // BeginTest method

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a report of the contents of the deserialized response in
        /// <paramref name="timeSeriesDailyResponse"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeSeriesDailyResponse">
        /// The populated TimeSeriesDailyResponse instance returned by the JSON
        /// deserializer.
        /// </param>
        internal static void ConsumeResponse (
            string pstrReportFileName ,
            TimeSeriesDailyResponse timeSeriesDailyResponse )
            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.MSG_RESPONSE_METADATA ,                    // Format control string
                new object [ ]
                    timeSeriesDailyResponse.Meta_Data.Information ,             // Format item 0: Information   = {0}
                    timeSeriesDailyResponse.Meta_Data.Symbol ,                  // Format Item 1: Symbol        = {1}
                    timeSeriesDailyResponse.Meta_Data.LastRefreshed ,           // Format Item 2: LastRefreshed = {2}
                    timeSeriesDailyResponse.Meta_Data.OutputSize ,              // Format Item 3: OutputSize    = {3}
                    timeSeriesDailyResponse.Meta_Data.TimeZone ,                // Format Item 4: TimeZone      = {4}
                    timeSeriesDailyResponse.Time_Series_Daily.Length ,          // Format Item 5: Detail Count  = {5}
                    Environment.NewLine                                         // Format Item 6: Platform-dependent newline
                } );

            string strAbsoluteInputFileName = AssembleAbsoluteFileName ( pstrReportFileName );

            using ( StreamWriter swTimeSeriesDetail = new StreamWriter ( strAbsoluteInputFileName ,
                                                                         FileIOFlags.FILE_OUT_CREATE ,
                                                                         System.Text.Encoding.ASCII ,
                                                                         MagicNumbers.CAPACITY_08KB ) )
                string strLabelRow = Properties.Resources.MSG_RESPONSE_DETAILS_LABELS.ReplaceEscapedTabsInStringFromResX ( );
                swTimeSeriesDetail.WriteLine ( strLabelRow );
                string strDetailRowFormatString = ReportHelpers.DetailTemplateFromLabels ( strLabelRow );

                for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ;
                          intJ < timeSeriesDailyResponse.Time_Series_Daily.Length ;
                          intJ++ )
                    Time_Series_Daily daily = timeSeriesDailyResponse.Time_Series_Daily [ intJ ];
                    swTimeSeriesDetail.WriteLine (
                        strDetailRowFormatString ,
                        new object [ ]
                            ArrayInfo.OrdinalFromIndex ( intJ ) ,               // Format Item 0: Item
                            Beautify ( daily.Activity_Date) ,                   // Format Item 1: Activity_Date
                            Beautify ( daily.Open ) ,                           // Format Item 2: Open
                            Beautify ( daily.High ) ,                           // Format Item 3: High
                            Beautify ( daily.Low ) ,                            // Format Item 4: Low
                            Beautify ( daily.Close ) ,                          // Format Item 5: Close
                            Beautify ( daily.AdjustedClose ) ,                  // Format Item 6: AdjustedClose
                            Beautify ( daily.Volume ) ,                         // Format Item 7: Volume
                            Beautify ( daily.DividendAmount ) ,                 // Format Item 8: DividendAmount
                            Beautify ( daily.SplitCoefficient )                 // Format Item 9: SplitCoefficient
                        } );
                }   // for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intJ < timeSeriesDailyResponse.Time_Series_Daily.Length ; intJ++ )
            }   // using ( StreamWriter swTimeSeriesDetail = new StreamWriter ( strAbsoluteInputFileName , FileIOFlags.FILE_OUT_CREATE , System.Text.Encoding.ASCII , MagicNumbers.CAPACITY_08KB ) )

            Console.WriteLine (
                ShowFileDetails (                                               // Print the returned string.
                    Properties.Resources.FILE_LABEL_CONTENT_REPORT ,            // string pstrLabel
                    strAbsoluteInputFileName ,                                  // string pstrFileName
                    true ,                                                      // bool   pfPrefixWithNewline = false
                    false ) );                                                  // bool   pfSuffixWithNewline = true
        }   // private static void ConsumeResponse
        }   // private static string GetInternalResourceName

        /// <summary>
        /// Call this static method from a console program to list the resources
        /// defined in an assembly alphabetically by name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pasmInWhichEmbedded">
        /// Specify the assembly that contains the resources to be enumerated.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pswReportFile">
        /// Pass in a reference to an open StreamWriter to generate a
        /// tab-delimited report in addition to the console output. File output
        /// is suppressed when this parameter is null.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method creates and consumes a generic List of instances of the
        /// class that hosts it, and uses string padding to vertically align the
        /// list without resorting to composite format items.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void ListResourcesInAssemblyByName(
            Assembly pasmInWhichEmbedded,
            StreamWriter pswReportFile = null)
            const string DEFAULT_STRING_RESOURCE_NAME = @"resources";


            //	----------------------------------------------------------------
            //	Since they own unmanaged resources, ResourceSet are disposable.
            //	Moreover, they must be enumerated (ForEach is unsupported.), and
            //	they can't be sorted in place. Thankfully, it's fairly easy to
            //	make copies of the parts that matter to us, sort them, and show
            //	them.
            //	----------------------------------------------------------------

            int intMaxNameLength     = MagicNumbers.ZERO;
            int intMaxTypeNameLength = MagicNumbers.ZERO;

            List <SortableManagedResourceItem> lstResources = new List <SortableManagedResourceItem> ( );

            //	----------------------------------------------------------------
            //	The list of SortableManagedResourceItem items is complete. Get a
            //	count, initialize an item counter, and sort the list, then use a
            //	standard ForEach loop to display them in order by name. The next
            //	improvement is to apply dynamic formatting to the item numbers
            //	and names.
            //	----------------------------------------------------------------

            string [] astrNamedResources = pasmInWhichEmbedded.GetManifestResourceNames( );

                Properties.Resources.MSG_RESOURCE_LIST_ITEM_COUNT,              // Format control string
                astrNamedResources.Length,                                      // Format Item 0 = Item count
                Environment.NewLine);                                           // Format Item 1 = Extra newline

            int intItemNumber      = ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY;
            int intItemNumberWidth = astrNamedResources.Length.ToString( ).Length;

            foreach (string strName in astrNamedResources)
            {   // Though most assemblies contain but a single resource, named "resources," they may contain an unlimited number of them. I have at least one assembly that contains three.
                    (++intItemNumber).ToString( ).PadRight(intItemNumberWidth),
            }   // foreach ( string strName in astrNamedResources)


            if (astrNamedResources.Length > ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY)
                using (Stream strOfResources = pasmInWhichEmbedded.GetManifestResourceStream(GetInternalResourceName(DEFAULT_STRING_RESOURCE_NAME, pasmInWhichEmbedded)))
                    if (strOfResources != null)
                        using (ResourceReader resReader4Embedded = new ResourceReader(strOfResources))
                            IDictionaryEnumerator resourceEnumerator = resReader4Embedded.GetEnumerator( );

                            while (resourceEnumerator.MoveNext( ))
                                string strName = resourceEnumerator.Key.ToString( );

                                if (strName.Length > intMaxNameLength)
                                {   // Update length if longer than any yet seen.
                                    intMaxNameLength = strName.Length;
                                }   // if ( strName.Length > intMaxNameLength )

                                SortableManagedResourceItem resourceItem = new SortableManagedResourceItem(

                                if (resourceItem.TypeName.Length > intMaxTypeNameLength)
                                    intMaxTypeNameLength = resourceItem.TypeName.Length;
                                }   // if ( item.TypeName.Length > intMaxTypeNameLength )

                            } // while ( resourceEnumerator.MoveNext ( ) )
                        }     // using ( ResourceReader resReader4Embedded = new ResourceReader ( strOfResources ) )
                    }         // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( strOfResources != null )
                    {         // There is nothing to report about string resources, because there aren't any.
                    }         // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( strOfResources != null )
                }             // using ( Stream strOfResources = pasmInWhichEmbedded.GetManifestResourceStream ( GetInternalResourceName ( DEFAULT_STRING_RESOURCE_NAME , pasmInWhichEmbedded ) ) )
            }                 // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( astrNamedResources.Length > ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY )
            {                 // The assembly is completely devoid of embedded resources of any kind, except the obligatory manifest.
            }                 // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( astrNamedResources.Length > ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY )

            int intItemCount = lstResources.Count;

            intItemNumberWidth = intItemCount.ToString( ).Length;
            intItemNumber      = ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY;

            lstResources.Sort( );

            string strReportDetailTemplate = null;

            if (pswReportFile != null)
                string strLabelRow = Properties.Resources.RESOURCE_REPORT_LABELS.ReplaceEscapedTabsInStringFromResX( );
                strReportDetailTemplate = ReportHelpers.DetailTemplateFromLabels(strLabelRow);
            }   // if ( pswReportFile != null )

            foreach (SortableManagedResourceItem resourceItem in lstResources)
            {                                                           // Padding to maximum width eliminates the need for composite format items.
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_RESOURCE_LIST_ITEM_DETAIL, // Format control string
                    new string []
                    resourceItem.TypeName.PadRight(intMaxTypeNameLength),                                       // Format Item 0 = Item type
                    (++intItemNumber).ToString( ).PadLeft(intItemNumberWidth),                                  // Format Item 1 = Item number, left padded
                    resourceItem.Name.PadRight(intMaxNameLength),                                               // Format Item 2 = Name, right padded
                    resourceItem.Value.ToString( ),                                                             // Format Item 3 = Value, as is

                if (pswReportFile != null)
                }  // if ( pswReportFile != null )
            }      // foreach ( SortableManagedResourceItem resourceItem in lstResources )
        }          // ListResourcesInAssemblyByName
Пример #4
        }   // private static int ListEmbeddedResources

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the format control string for the detail row from the label
        /// row, and write the label row into the output file before it boes out
        /// of scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="swAppSettings">
        /// Pass in a reference to the StreamWriter that was created for the TSV
        /// report.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The return value is the string through which to write detail rows.
        /// </returns>
        private static string GenerateDetailFormatStringFromLabelRow ( StreamWriter swAppSettings )
            string strLabelRow = Properties.Resources.LBL_APP_SETTINGS_LIST.ReplaceEscapedTabsInStringFromResX ( );
            swAppSettings.WriteLine ( strLabelRow );
            return ReportHelpers.DetailTemplateFromLabels ( strLabelRow );
        }   // private static string GenerateDetailFormatStringFromLabelRow