public ChampionTracker(Obj_AI_Hero champion) { Champion = champion; LastPotion = champion.ServerPosition; StartInvisibleTime = Game.ClockTime; var sprite = new Render.Sprite( Helper.ChangeOpacity( Helper.CropCircleImage( (Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(Champion.ChampionName + "_Square_0") ?? Resources.Katarina_Square_0) as Bitmap), Opacity), new Vector2(0, 0)); sprite.GrayScale(); sprite.Scale = new Vector2(Scale, Scale); sprite.VisibleCondition = sender => TrackerCondition; sprite.PositionUpdate = () => Drawing.WorldToMinimap(LastPotion) + new Vector2(-(sprite.Width / 2), -(sprite.Height / 2)); sprite.Add(0); Text = new Render.Text(0, 0, "", Menu.Item("TextSize").GetValue <Slider>().Value, Color.White) { VisibleCondition = sender => TrackerCondition, PositionUpdate = () => Drawing.WorldToMinimap(LastPotion), TextUpdate = () => Helper.FormatTime(Game.ClockTime - StartInvisibleTime), OutLined = true, Centered = true }; Text.Add(0); }
private static void CorkiOnLoad() { CorkiMenu.Config = new Menu("hikiMarksman:AIO - Corki", "hikiMarksman:AIO - Corki", true).SetFontStyle(System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, SharpDX.Color.Gold); { CorkiSpells.Init(); CorkiMenu.OrbwalkerInit(); CorkiMenu.MenuInit(); } Chat.Print("<font color='#ff3232'>hikiMarksman:AIO - Corki: </font><font color='#00FF00'>loaded! You can rekt everyone with this assembly</font>", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName); Chat.Print(string.Format("<font color='#ff3232'>hikiMarksman:AIO - </font><font color='#00FF00'>Assembly Version: </font><font color='#ff3232'><b>{0}</b></font> ", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version)); Chat.Print("<font color='#ff3232'>If you like this assembly feel free to upvote on Assembly Database</font>"); HikiSprite.Add(0); HikiSprite.OnDraw(); LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.DelayAction.Add(8000, () => HikiSprite.Remove()); Notifications.AddNotification("hikiMarksman:AIO", 4000); Notifications.AddNotification(String.Format("{0} Loaded", ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName), 5000); Notifications.AddNotification("Gift From Hikigaya", 6000); Game.OnUpdate += CorkiOnUpdate; AIHeroClient.OnSpellCast += CorkiOnProcessSpellCast; Orbwalking.AfterAttack += CorkiAfterAttack; Drawing.OnDraw += CorkiOnDraw; }
public CommonForceUltimate(OlafMenu olafMenu, OlafSpells olafSpells, Orbwalking.Orbwalker orbwalker) { player = ObjectManager.Player; this.olafMenu = olafMenu; r = olafSpells.R; olafOrbwalker = orbwalker; mouseImage1 = new Render.Sprite(Resources.mouse1, new Vector2(0, 0)); mouseImage1.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); mouseImage1.Add(); mouseImage2 = new Render.Sprite(Resources.mouse2, new Vector2(0, 0)); mouseImage2.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); mouseImage2.Add(); denyMouseImage = new Render.Sprite(Resources.denymouse, new Vector2(0, 0)); denyMouseImage.Scale = new Vector2(0.50f, 0.50f); denyMouseImage.Add(); denyMouseImage.Visible = false; Text.Add(); Text.Visible = false; Game.OnWndProc += CheckMouseButtons; Game.OnUpdate += ShowAnimation; }
public CardDrawing(CardsFrame cF, Vector2 extrapos) { PosCard = cF.PosDraw + extrapos; ActiveCard = Cards.BlueCard; BlueCard = new Render.Sprite(Resources.BlaueKarte_jpg, PosCard) { Scale = new Vector2(0.90f, 0.90f) }; BlueCard.Add(); RedCard = new Render.Sprite(Resources.RoteKarte_jpg, PosCard) { Scale = new Vector2(0.90f, 0.90f) }; YellowCard = new Render.Sprite(Resources.GoldeneKarte_jpg, PosCard) { Scale = new Vector2(0.90f, 0.90f) }; OffCard = new Render.Sprite(Resources.offKarte, PosCard) { Scale = new Vector2(0.90f, 0.90f) }; }
public void DrawCircle() { _circle = new Render.Circle(WardObject.Position, 100, Color, 5, true); _circle.VisibleCondition += sender => WardDetector.IsActive() && Render.OnScreen(Drawing.WorldToScreen(WardObject.Position)); _circle.Add(0); if (Type != WardType.Trap) { _minimapSprite = new Render.Sprite(Bitmap, MinimapPosition) { Scale = new Vector2(Scale, Scale) }; _minimapSprite.Add(0); } if (Duration == int.MaxValue) { return; } _timerText = new Render.Text(10, 10, "t", 18, new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 255)) { OutLined = true, PositionUpdate = () => Drawing.WorldToScreen(WardObject.Position), Centered = true }; _timerText.VisibleCondition += sender => WardDetector.IsActive() && Render.OnScreen(Drawing.WorldToScreen(WardObject.Position)); _timerText.TextUpdate = () => Utils.FormatTime((EndTime - Environment.TickCount) / 1000f); _timerText.Add(2); }
private void InitCircleImage() { if ("ShowTeamColor").GetValue <bool>() == false) { return; } //----------Circle Image var circleImage = new Render.Sprite( hero.IsAlly ? ImageLoader.circleAllyImg : ImageLoader.circleEnemyImg, new Vector2(0, 0)); circleImage.Scale = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); circleImage.VisibleCondition = sender => visiblecond2(); circleImage.PositionUpdate = delegate { try { circleImage.Scale = imgScale; return(screenPosition); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } return(Vector2.Zero); }; circleImage.Add(HeroTracker.layerCount += 0.1f); }
public RecallInfo(Obj_AI_Hero hero, int index) { _hero = hero; _index = index; _sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.RecallBar, new Vector2(0, 0)) { Scale = new Vector2(Program.Instance().BarScale, Program.Instance().BarScale), VisibleCondition = sender => _active || Environment.TickCount - lastChange < 3000, PositionUpdate = () => new Vector2(Program.Instance().X, Program.Instance().Y - (_index * TextFont.Description.Height)) }; _sprite.Add(0); Render.Text heroText = new Render.Text(0, 0, hero.ChampionName, TextFont.Description.Height, Color.White) { OutLined = true, VisibleCondition = sender => _active || Environment.TickCount - lastChange < 3000, PositionUpdate = delegate { Rectangle rect = TextFont.MeasureText(null, hero.ChampionName, 0); return(new Vector2(_sprite.X - rect.Width - GapTextBar, _sprite.Y - rect.Height / 2 + (_sprite.Height * Program.Instance().BarScale) / 2)); } }; heroText.Add(1); _countdownText = new Render.Text(0, 0, "", TextFont.Description.Height, Color.White) { OutLined = true, VisibleCondition = sender => _active }; _countdownText.Add(1); Game.OnGameUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; Obj_AI_Base.OnTeleport += Obj_AI_Base_OnTeleport; }
public HeroTracker(AIHeroClient hero, Bitmap bmp) { Hero = hero; var image = new Render.Sprite(bmp, new Vector2(0, 0)); image.GrayScale(); image.Scale = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); image.VisibleCondition = sender => !hero.IsHPBarRendered && !hero.IsDead && Misc.isChecked(LastSeenPosition.LastSeenPositionMenu, "drawEnd"); image.PositionUpdate = delegate { var v2 = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(LastLocation); v2.X -= image.Width / 2f; v2.Y -= image.Height / 2f; return(v2); }; image.Add(0); LastSeen = 0; LastLocation = hero.ServerPosition; PredictedLocation = hero.ServerPosition; BeforeRecallLocation = hero.ServerPosition; Pinged = false; Drawing.OnEndScene += LastSeenPosition_OnDraw; Game.OnTick += LastSeenPosition_OnTick; }
public ChampionTracker(Obj_AI_Hero champion) { Champion = champion; LastPotion = champion.ServerPosition; StartInvisibleTime = Game.ClockTime; var sprite = new Render.Sprite( Helper.ChangeOpacity( ResourceImages.GetChampionSquare(champion.SkinName) ?? ResourceImages.GetChampionSquare("Aatrox"), Opacity), new Vector2(0, 0)); sprite.GrayScale(); sprite.Scale = new Vector2(Scale, Scale); sprite.VisibleCondition = sender => TrackerCondition; sprite.PositionUpdate = () => Drawing.WorldToMinimap(LastPotion) + new Vector2(-(sprite.Width / 2), -(sprite.Height / 2)); sprite.Add(0); Text = new Render.Text(0, 0, "", Menu.Item("TextSize").GetValue <Slider>().Value, Color.White) { VisibleCondition = sender => TrackerCondition, PositionUpdate = () => Drawing.WorldToMinimap(LastPotion), TextUpdate = () => Helper.FormatTime(Game.ClockTime - StartInvisibleTime), OutLined = true, Centered = true }; Text.Add(0); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomainOnDomainUnload; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomainOnDomainUnload; }
private static Render.Sprite loadrecordicon() { _posrecord = GetScaledVector(_posrecord); var loadrecord = new Render.Sprite(Resources.record, _posrecord) { Scale = Scale, Color = new ColorBGRA(255f, 255f, 255f, 20f) }; loadrecord.Position = GetPosition(loadrecord.Width - 826); loadrecord.Show(); loadrecord.VisibleCondition += s => recordingbool; loadrecord.Add(0); _posrecord = GetScaledVector(_posrecord); var loadrecord2 = new Render.Sprite(Resources.disabled2, _posrecord) { Scale = Scale, Color = new ColorBGRA(255f, 255f, 255f, 20f) }; loadrecord2.Position = GetPosition(loadrecord2.Width - 826); loadrecord2.Show(); loadrecord2.VisibleCondition += s => !recordingbool; loadrecord2.Add(0); return(loadrecord); }
private void DrawingOnOnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (_config.Item("Matar_Minion").GetValue <bool>()) { var minionList = MinionManager.GetMinions(Player.Position, GetRealAutoAttackRange(null) + 500, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.Enemy, MinionOrderTypes.MaxHealth); foreach (var minion in minionList.Where(minion => minion.IsValidTarget(GetRealAutoAttackRange(null) + 500))) { if (_config.Item("Matar_Minion").GetValue <bool>() && minion.Health <= Player.GetAutoAttackDamage(minion, true)) { var sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.muerte, minion.HPBarPosition); sprite.Scale = new Vector2(0.08f, 0.08f); sprite.PositionUpdate += () => new Vector2(minion.HPBarPosition.X + 140, minion.HPBarPosition.Y + 10); sprite.VisibleCondition += s => _config.Item("Matar_Minion").GetValue <bool>() && minion.Health <= Player.GetAutoAttackDamage(minion, true); sprite.Add(); } } } if (_config.Item("AACircle2").GetValue <Circle>().Active) { foreach (var enemy in HeroManager.Enemies.Where(enemy => enemy.IsValidTarget(1500))) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(enemy.Position, GetRealAutoAttackRange(enemy), _config.Item("AACircle2").GetValue <Circle>().Color); } } if (_config.Item("AACircle").GetValue <Circle>().Active) { Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Player.Position, GetRealAutoAttackRange(null) + 65, _config.Item("AACircle").GetValue <Circle>().Color); } }
public AnnieButtons(Annie annie) { this.annie = annie; ShowEasyButton = (KoreanUtils.GetParamBool(annie.MainMenu, "showeeasybutton")); int posX = KoreanUtils.GetParamInt(annie.MainMenu, "easybuttonpositionx"); posX = (posX == 0) ? 50 : posX; int posY = KoreanUtils.GetParamInt(annie.MainMenu, "easybuttonpositiony"); posY = (posY == 0) ? 50 : posY; Vector2 pos = new Vector2(posX, posY); StunButtonOn = new Render.Sprite(Resources.StunON, pos); StunButtonOn.Scale = new Vector2(0.90f, 0.90f); StunButtonOn.Add(); StunButtonOff = new Render.Sprite(Resources.StunOFF, pos); StunButtonOff.Scale = new Vector2(0.90f, 0.90f); StunButtonOff.Add(); if (ShowEasyButton) { StunButtonOn.Visible = KoreanUtils.GetParamBool(annie.MainMenu, "savestunforcombo"); StunButtonOff.Visible = !StunButtonOn.Visible; } KoreanUtils.GetParam(annie.MainMenu, "savestunforcombo").ValueChanged += SaveStunForComboValueChanged; Game.OnWndProc += ButtonControl; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the sprites. /// </summary> /// <param name="bypass">if set to <c>true</c> it will bypass the Menu enabled check.</param> public static void InitSprites(bool bypass = false) { try { if (!MenuExtensions.GetItemValue <bool>("") && !bypass) { return; } HudSprite = new Render.Sprite(Resources.TFHelperBG, CurrentPosition) { PositionUpdate = () => CurrentPosition, VisibleCondition = delegate { return(ShouldBeVisible); }, }; HudSprite.Crop(0, 0, (int)SpriteWidth, CroppedHeight); ExpandShrinkButton = new Render.Sprite(Resources.Expand, CurrentPosition) { PositionUpdate = () => new Vector2(CurrentPosition.X + SpriteWidth - 20, CurrentPosition.Y + CroppedHeight - 20), Scale = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f), VisibleCondition = delegate { return(ShouldBeVisible); } }; ExpandShrinkButton.Add(1); HudSprite.Add(0); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.AddToLog(new LogItem("Hud_Init", ex, LogSeverity.Error)); } }
/// <summary> /// Method to display a banner and a text /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the assembly</param> /// <param name="version">Version of the assembly</param> /// <param name="displayTime">Time of displaying</param> private static void DrawBanner(String name, int version, int displayTime) { LeagueSharp.Common.Notifications.AddNotification( String.Format("[{0}] {1} - loaded successfully!", name, version), displayTime, true); if (Game.Time <= 6000000) { var banner = new Render.Sprite(Resources.BannerLoading, new Vector2()) { Scale = new Vector2( 1 / (Drawing.Width / 3), 1 / (Drawing.Height / 3)) .Normalized() }; // centered but a little above the screens center var position = new Vector2( (Drawing.Width / 2) - banner.Width / 2, (Drawing.Height / 2) - banner.Height / 2 - 50); banner.Position = position; banner.Add(0); banner.OnDraw(); //LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.DelayAction.Add(displayTime, () => banner.Remove()); } }
private void InitDrawing() { foreach (var h in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>().Where(h => h.IsEnemy)) { var hero = h; var sprite = new Render.Sprite(Resources.Skull, hero.HPBarPosition); sprite.Scale = new Vector2(0.08f, 0.08f); sprite.PositionUpdate += () => new Vector2(hero.HPBarPosition.X + 140, hero.HPBarPosition.Y + 10); sprite.VisibleCondition += s => Render.OnScreen(Drawing.WorldToScreen(hero.Position)) && GetComboResult(hero).IsKillable&& _config.Item("icon").GetValue <bool>(); sprite.Add(); var text = new Render.Text("", hero, new Vector2(20, 50), 18, new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 255)); text.VisibleCondition += s => Render.OnScreen(Drawing.WorldToScreen(hero.Position)) && _config.Item("text").GetValue <bool>(); text.TextUpdate += () => { var result = GetComboResult(hero); return(result.Text); }; text.OutLined = true; text.Add(); } }
private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { Co = new Render.Sprite(LoadImg("intro"), new Vector2(100, 100)); Co.Add(0); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; }
public void LoadOKTW() { (Config["aboutoktw"] as Menu).Add(new MenuBool("logo", "Intro logo OKTW", true)); if (Config["aboutoktw"].GetValue <MenuBool>("logo").Value) { Intro = new Render.Sprite(LoadImg("intro"), new Vector2(Drawing.Width / 2 - 500, Drawing.Height / 2 - 350)); Intro.Add(0); Intro.OnDraw(); } DelayAction.Add(7000, () => Intro.Remove()); var ud = Config["utilitydraws"] as Menu; ud.Add(new MenuBool("disableDraws", "DISABLE UTILITY DRAWS")); var eig = new Menu("enemyinfogrid", "Enemy info grid"); eig.Add(new MenuBool("championInfo", "Game Info", true)); eig.Add(new MenuBool("ShowKDA", "Show flash and R CD", true)); eig.Add(new MenuBool("ShowRecall", "Show recall", true)); eig.Add(new MenuSlider("posX", "posX", 70, 0, 100)); eig.Add(new MenuSlider("posY", "posY", 10, 0, 100)); ud.Add(eig); ud.Add(new MenuBool("GankAlert", "Gank Alert", true)); ud.Add(new MenuBool("HpBar", "Dmg indicators BAR OKTW© style", true)); ud.Add(new MenuBool("ShowClicks", "Show enemy clicks", true)); ud.Add(new MenuBool("SS", "SS notification", true)); ud.Add(new MenuBool("RF", "R and Flash notification", true)); ud.Add(new MenuBool("showWards", "Show hidden objects, wards", true)); ud.Add(new MenuBool("minimap", "Mini-map hack", true)); Tahoma13B = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Tahoma13 = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); TextBold = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Impact", Height = 30, Weight = FontWeight.Normal, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
public static void Initialize() { AdSprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.PopBlanc, AdPosition); AdSprite.Add(); adDisplayed = LeagueSharp.Common.Utils.TickCount; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the sprite reference. To be called when the assembly is loaded. /// </summary> internal static void InitalizeSprite() { sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.ScopeSprite, new Vector2()); { sprite.Scale = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f); sprite.PositionUpdate = () => RTargetPosition; sprite.VisibleCondition = s => DrawCondition; } sprite.Add(); }
public HeroHudImage(string name) { this.HeroSprite = new Render.Sprite(ImageLoader.Load(name), new Vector2(0, 0)) { Scale = new Vector2(0.38f, 0.38f), Visible = true, VisibleCondition = delegate { return(HudDisplay.ShouldBeVisible); }, }; //image.GrayScale(); HeroSprite.Add(1); }
private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { config = new Menu("Custom Overlay", "Custom Overlay", true); config.AddItem(new MenuItem("slider", "Choose Overlay").SetValue(new Slider(1, 1, 42))); sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.hud_1, new Vector2(1, 1)); sprite.Add(0); Game.PrintChat("<font color='#FF00BF'>Custom Overlay Loaded By</font> <font color='#FF0000'>The</font><font color='#FFFF00'>Kush</font><font color='#40FF00'>Style</font>"); Game.OnGameUpdate += OnGameUpdate; }
private static Render.Sprite loadFrame() { var load = new Render.Sprite(Resources.tsframe, new SharpDX.Vector2(0, 0)) { Color = new ColorBGRA(255f, 255f, 255f, 20f) }; load.Position = new Vector2((int)(Drawing.Width * 0.628), (int)(Drawing.Height - 102)); load.Show(); load.Add(0); return(load); }
public StreamHelper() { Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Obj_AI_Hero.OnIssueOrder += Obj_AI_Hero_OnIssueOrder; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; _menu = new Menu("StreamHelper", "StreamHelper", true); Menu MoveTo = new Menu("Moveto Cursor", "Moveto"); MoveTo.AddItem(new MenuItem("MovetoLasthit", "Lasthit")) .SetValue(new KeyBind("X".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)) .SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Bold, SharpDX.Color.Orange); MoveTo.AddItem(new MenuItem("MovetoMixed", "Mixed")) .SetValue(new KeyBind("C".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)) .SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Bold, SharpDX.Color.Orange); MoveTo.AddItem(new MenuItem("MovetoClear", "Clear")) .SetValue(new KeyBind("A".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)) .SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Bold, SharpDX.Color.Orange); MoveTo.AddItem(new MenuItem("MovetoCombo", "Combo")) .SetValue(new KeyBind(32, KeyBindType.Press)) .SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Bold, SharpDX.Color.Orange); MoveTo.AddItem(new MenuItem("MovetoEnable", "Enable")).SetValue(false); MoveTo.AddItem(new MenuItem("MovetoOnlyEnemy", "Only around enemies")).SetValue(true); MoveTo.AddItem(new MenuItem("InfoI", "It won't work wit the common fakeClick")); _menu.AddSubMenu(MoveTo); _menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Debug", "Debug")).SetValue(false); _menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Enabled", "Enabled")).SetValue(true); _menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Speed", "Speed")).SetValue(new Slider(150, 90, 250)); _menu.AddItem(new MenuItem("Linear", "Linear cursor speed")).SetValue(false); _menu.AddToMainMenu(); _cursorAttack = new Render.Sprite( Properties.Resources.Attack, new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2), (Drawing.Height / 2))); _cursorAttack.Add(0); _cursorAttack.Visible = false; _cursorAttack.OnDraw(); _cursorMove = new Render.Sprite( Properties.Resources.Normal, new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2), (Drawing.Height / 2))); _cursorMove.Add(0); _cursorMove.OnDraw(); _moveTo = new Render.Sprite( Properties.Resources.MoveTo, new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2), (Drawing.Height / 2))); _moveTo.Add(0); _moveTo.OnDraw(); _newPosition = Game.CursorPos; _actPosition = Game.CursorPos; }
public void LoadOKTW() { Config.SubMenu("About OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("logo", "Intro logo OKTW").SetValue(true)); if (Config.Item("logo").GetValue <bool>()) { Intro = new Render.Sprite(LoadImg("intro"), new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2) - 500, (Drawing.Height / 2) - 350)); Intro.Add(0); Intro.OnDraw(); } Utility.DelayAction.Add(7000, () => Intro.Remove()); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("disableDraws", "DISABLE UTILITY DRAWS").SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("championInfo", "Game Info").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("ShowKDA", "Show flash and R CD").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("ShowRecall", "Show recall").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("posX", "posX").SetValue(new Slider(20, 100, 0))); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Enemy info grid").AddItem(new MenuItem("posY", "posY").SetValue(new Slider(10, 100, 0))); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("GankAlert", "Gank Alert").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("HpBar", "Dmg indicators BAR OKTW© style").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("ShowClicks", "Show enemy clicks").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("SS", "SS notification").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("RF", "R and Flash notification").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("showWards", "Show hidden objects, wards").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("minimap", "Mini-map hack").SetValue(true)); Tahoma13B = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Tahoma13 = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); TextBold = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Impact", Height = 30, Weight = FontWeight.Normal, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; }
public RecallInfo(AIHeroClient hero, int index) { _hero = hero; _index = index; _sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.RecallBar, new Vector2(0, 0)) { Scale = new Vector2(Program.Instance().BarScale, Program.Instance().BarScale), VisibleCondition = sender => _active || Environment.TickCount - lastChange < 3000, PositionUpdate = () => new Vector2(Program.Instance().X, Program.Instance().Y - (_index * TextFont.Description.Height)) }; _sprite.Add(0); _healthText = new Render.Text(0, 0, "", TextFont.Description.Height, Color.Green) { OutLined = true, VisibleCondition = sender => _active || Environment.TickCount - lastChange < 3000, PositionUpdate = delegate { Rectangle rect = TextFont.MeasureText("(" + (int)hero.HealthPercent + "%)"); return(new Vector2( _sprite.X - rect.Width - GapTextBar, _sprite.Y - rect.Height / 2 + (_sprite.Height * Program.Instance().BarScale) / 2)); }, TextUpdate = () => "(" + (int)hero.HealthPercent + "%)" }; _healthText.Add(1); Render.Text heroText = new Render.Text(0, 0, hero.ChampionName, TextFont.Description.Height, Color.White) { OutLined = true, VisibleCondition = sender => _active || Environment.TickCount - lastChange < 3000, PositionUpdate = delegate { Rectangle rect = TextFont.MeasureText(hero.ChampionName + _healthText.text); return(new Vector2( _sprite.X - rect.Width - GapTextBar - 3, _sprite.Y - rect.Height / 2 + (_sprite.Height * Program.Instance().BarScale) / 2)); } }; heroText.Add(1); _countdownText = new Render.Text(0, 0, "", TextFont.Description.Height, Color.White) { OutLined = true, VisibleCondition = sender => _active }; _countdownText.Add(1); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; EloBuddy.SDK.Events.Teleport.OnTeleport += Obj_AI_Base_OnTeleport; //Drawing.OnPreReset += new DrawingPreReset(OnPreReset); //Drawing.OnPostReset += new DrawingPostReset(OnPostReset); }
public void LoadOKTW() { Sub1 = Config.AddSubMenu("Logo"); Sub1.Add("logoa", new CheckBox("Intro logo OKTW")); if (getCheckBoxItem(Sub1, "logoa")) { Intro = new Render.Sprite(LoadImg("intro"), new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2) - 500, (Drawing.Height / 2) - 350)); Intro.Add(0); Intro.OnDraw(); } LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.DelayAction.Add(7000, () => Intro.Remove()); Sub = Config.AddSubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©"); Sub.Add("disableDraws", new CheckBox("DISABLE UTILITY DRAWS", false)); Sub.AddGroupLabel("Enemy info grid"); Sub.Add("championInfo", new CheckBox("Game Info")); Sub.Add("ShowKDA", new CheckBox("Show flash and R CD")); Sub.Add("ShowRecall", new CheckBox("Show recall")); Sub.Add("posX", new Slider("posX", 20, 0, 100)); Sub.Add("posY", new Slider("posY", 10, 0, 100)); Sub.AddSeparator(); Sub.Add("GankAlert", new CheckBox("Gank Alert")); Sub.Add("HpBar", new CheckBox("Dmg indicators BAR OKTW© style")); Sub.Add("ShowClicks", new CheckBox("Show enemy clicks")); Sub.Add("SS", new CheckBox("SS notification")); Sub.Add("showWards", new CheckBox("Show hidden objects, wards")); Sub.Add("minimap", new CheckBox("Mini-map hack")); Tahoma13B = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Tahoma13 = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); TextBold = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Impact", Height = 30, Weight = FontWeight.Normal, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Q = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.R); Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; }
public Overlay() { if (Drawing.Width != 1920 || Drawing.Height != 1080 || Utility.Map.GetMap()._MapType != Utility.Map.MapType.SummonersRift) { return; } Program.Menu.AddSubMenu(new Menu("HUD", "HUD")); Program.Menu.SubMenu("HUD").AddItem(new MenuItem("showHud", "Show HUD").SetValue(true)); Hud = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.Overlay2, new Vector2(1, 1)); Hud.Add(); Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
public static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args) { GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate; //Properties.Resources.RecallBar.Save("test123.png"); float x = (Drawing.Direct3DDevice.Viewport.Width - Properties.Resources.RecallBar.Width) / 2f; float y = Drawing.Direct3DDevice.Viewport.Height * 3f / 4f; _sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.RecallBar, new Vector2(x, y)); _sprite.Crop(0, 0, 20, Properties.Resources.RecallBar.Height); _sprite.Add(0); Game.OnGameProcessPacket += Game_OnGameProcessPacket; Game.PrintChat("Test 2"); }
private static void OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { UpdateImage((Bitmap)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(string.Format("hud_{0}", config.Item("slider").GetValue <Slider>().Value))); CustomEvents.Game.OnGameLoad += eventArgs => { config = new Menu("Custom Overlay", "Custom Overlay", true); config.AddItem(new MenuItem("slider", "Choose Overlay").SetValue(new Slider(1, 1, 42))); sprite = new Render.Sprite(Properties.Resources.hud_1, new Vector2(1, 1)); sprite.Add(0); Game.PrintChat("<font color='#FF00BF'>Custom Overlay Loaded By</font> <font color='#FF0000'>The</font><font color='#FFFF00'>Kush</font><font color='#40FF00'>Style</font>"); }; }
private static void Drawsprite(Bitmap bitmap, Vector2 position, Vector2 position2) { _posbutton = GetScaledVector(_posbutton, _scalesprites); var loadnewsprite = new Render.Sprite(bitmap, position) { Scale = _scalesprites, Color = new ColorBGRA(255f, 255f, 255f, 0.7f), Position = position2, VisibleCondition = sender => !disabletext }; loadnewsprite.Show(); loadnewsprite.Add(0); }
public void LoadOKTW() { Config.SubMenu("About OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("logo", "Intro logo OKTW").SetValue(true)); if (Config.Item("logo").GetValue<bool>()) { Intro = new Render.Sprite(LoadImg("intro"), new Vector2((Drawing.Width / 2) - 500, (Drawing.Height / 2) - 350)); Intro.Add(0); Intro.OnDraw(); } Utility.DelayAction.Add(7000, () => Intro.Remove()); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("disableDraws", "Disable Utility draws").SetValue(false)); //Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("disableChampion", "Disable AIO champion (utility mode only) need F5").SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Draw AAcirlce OKTW© style").AddItem(new MenuItem("OrbDraw", "Draw AAcirlce OKTW© style").SetValue(false)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Draw AAcirlce OKTW© style").AddItem(new MenuItem("orb", "Orbwalker target OKTW© style").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Draw AAcirlce OKTW© style").AddItem(new MenuItem("1", "pls disable Orbwalking > Drawing > AAcirlce")); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("Draw AAcirlce OKTW© style").AddItem(new MenuItem("2", "My HP: 0-30 red, 30-60 orange,60-100 green")); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("ChampionInfo").AddItem(new MenuItem("championInfo", "Game Info").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("ChampionInfo").AddItem(new MenuItem("ShowKDA", "Show flash and R info").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("ChampionInfo").AddItem(new MenuItem("GankAlert", "Gank Alert").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("ChampionInfo").AddItem(new MenuItem("posX", "posX").SetValue(new Slider(20, 100, 0))); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").SubMenu("ChampionInfo").AddItem(new MenuItem("posY", "posY").SetValue(new Slider(10, 100, 0))); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("HpBar", "Dmg indicators BAR OKTW© style").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("ShowClicks", "Show enemy clicks").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("SS", "SS notification").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("showWards", "Show hidden objects, wards").SetValue(true)); Config.SubMenu("Utility, Draws OKTW©").AddItem(new MenuItem("minimap", "Mini-map hack").SetValue(true)); if (Program.AIOmode != 2) { Config.SubMenu(Player.ChampionName).SubMenu("Farm").SubMenu("SPELLS FARM TOGGLE").AddItem(new MenuItem("spellFarm", "OKTW spells farm").SetValue(true)).Show(); Config.SubMenu(Player.ChampionName).SubMenu("Farm").SubMenu("SPELLS FARM TOGGLE").AddItem(new MenuItem("spellFarmMode", "SPELLS FARM TOGGLE MODE").SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Scroll down", "Scroll press", "Key toggle", "Disable" }, 1))); Config.SubMenu(Player.ChampionName).SubMenu("Farm").SubMenu("SPELLS FARM TOGGLE").AddItem(new MenuItem("spellFarmKeyToggle", "Key toggle").SetValue(new KeyBind("N".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Toggle))); Config.SubMenu(Player.ChampionName).SubMenu("Farm").SubMenu("SPELLS FARM TOGGLE").AddItem(new MenuItem("showNot", "Show notification").SetValue(true)); Config.Item("spellFarm").Permashow(true); } Tahoma13B = new Font( Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, Weight = FontWeight.Bold, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); Tahoma13 = new Font( Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription { FaceName = "Tahoma", Height = 14, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType }); TextBold = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice, new FontDescription {FaceName = "Impact", Height = 30, Weight = FontWeight.Normal, OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default, Quality = FontQuality.ClearType}); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; Game.OnWndProc += Game_OnWndProc; }