Пример #1
    private void InitStateMachine()
        blackboard = new StateBlackboard();
        blackboard.Add <bool>(BlackboardKey.DamageFlag, false);
        blackboard.Add <bool>(BlackboardKey.RepeatDamageFlag, false);
        blackboard.Add <Transform>(BlackboardKey.Transform, transform);
        blackboard.Add <float>(BlackboardKey.RunRange, 3f);

        EnemyIdleState idleState = EnemyIdleState.Create(blackboard, animator, "Idle", 0);
        StateNode      idleNode  = new StateNode(idleState, new Condition(() => { return(true); }));

        SetAnimTriggerAction       idleAction        = new SetAnimTriggerAction(blackboard, animator, "Idle");
        SetAnimTriggerAction       runAction         = new SetAnimTriggerAction(blackboard, animator, "Run");
        TimerAction                timerAction       = new TimerAction(blackboard, 0.5f, 1.5f);
        SetRandomDestinationAction destinationAction = new SetRandomDestinationAction(blackboard, transform.position, 6f);
        MoveToDestinationAction    moveToAction      = new MoveToDestinationAction(blackboard, navAgent);
        SetSkillAction             setSkillAction    = new SetSkillAction(blackboard, skillController);
        LookAtTargetAction         lookAtAction      = new LookAtTargetAction(blackboard, transform);
        SetAnimTriggerAction       attackAction      = new SetAnimTriggerAction(blackboard, animator, BlackboardKey.AnimTrigger, true);
        RangedAttackState          attackState       = new RangedAttackState(blackboard, idleAction, timerAction, destinationAction, runAction, moveToAction, setSkillAction, lookAtAction, attackAction, 300);
        StateNode attackNode = new StateNode(attackState, new Condition(() => target != null));

        DamageState damageState = DamageState.Create(blackboard, animator, "Damage", 500);
        StateNode   damageNode  = new StateNode(damageState, new Condition(() => { return(blackboard.Get <bool>(BlackboardKey.DamageFlag)); }));

        DeathState deathState = DeathState.Create(blackboard, animator, "Death", int.MaxValue);
        StateNode  deathNode  = new StateNode(deathState, new Condition(() => { return(!self.IsAlive); }));

        List <StateNode> nodes = new List <StateNode>();


        stateMachine = new StateMachine(blackboard, nodes, idleState);
Пример #2
    //Start overrides the virtual Start function of the base class.
    void Start()
        //Register this enemy with our instance of GameManager by adding it to a list of Enemy objects.
        //This allows the GameManager to issue movement commands.

        if (currentHealth == 0)
            currentHealth = startingHealth;

        nextRangeTime = rangedAttackCD;
        nextMeleeTime = meleeAttackCD;

        if (!canMove)
            AttackRange = 3f;

        baseSpeed = speed;
        if (isBoss)
            if (chaseSpeed == 0)
                chaseSpeed = speed + 2f;
            if (chaseSpeed == 0)
                chaseSpeed = speed + 1f;

        if (cannotChase)
            speed      = Random.Range(2, 7);
            chaseSpeed = speed;
            baseSpeed  = speed;

        patrolState       = new PatrolState();
        attackState       = new AttackState();
        chaseState        = new ChaseState();
        rangedAttackState = new RangedAttackState();
        animator          = GetComponent <Animator>();
        if (canMove)

        if (animator.GetBool("Moving"))
            animator.SetBool("Moving", true);
        healthbar = transform.FindChild("EnemyCanvas").FindChild("Healthbar").FindChild("Health").GetComponent <Image>();

        //if (isGhost)
        startingLoc = transform.position;

        roomId        = RoomManager.Instance.findRoomId(transform.position.x, transform.position.y);
        currentRoomId = roomId;
 private void Start()
     attackState = new RangedAttackState(this);