public Quat GetRotation() { //Convert Rotation to radians MyVector3 RotationInRadians = new MyVector3(); //Creates Rotation in radians RotationInRadians.x = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.x); //Converts Rotation x to Radians RotationInRadians.y = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.y); //Converts Rotation y to Radians RotationInRadians.z = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.z); //Converts Rotation z to Radians //Convert Rotation to Quat Quat RET = Quat.EulerToQuat(RotationInRadians); //Return rotation return(RET); //Create RET }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Camera AlphaCam; AlphaCam = GetComponent <Camera>(); myTransformation Focus = SFocus; MyVector3 Camera = new MyVector3(Focus.Rotation.x, Focus.Rotation.y, Focus.Rotation.z); MyVector3 CameraInRad = new MyVector3(); CameraInRad.x = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Camera.x); CameraInRad.y = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Camera.y); CameraInRad.z = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Camera.z); Quat Temp = Quat.EulerToQuat(CameraInRad); AlphaCam.transform.position = new Vector3(Focus.Translation.x, Focus.Translation.y, Focus.Translation.z); AlphaCam.transform.rotation = new Quaternion( -Temp.x, -Temp.y, Temp.z, Temp.w); }
void Update() { Vector3[] TransformedVertices = new Vector3[ModelSpaceVertices.Length]; //Creates Transformed Vertices And sets array length to stop memory leak issues //Scale MAtrix created by setting scale diagonaly down a matrix Matrix4B4 scaleMatrix = new Matrix4B4( new MyVector3(Scale.x, 0, 0), new MyVector3(0, Scale.y, 0), new MyVector3(0, 0, Scale.z), ); //Translation Matrix, created by using an identity matrix for first 3 rows then set last row to be translation Matrix4B4 translationMatrix = new Matrix4B4( new MyVector3(1, 0, 0), new MyVector3(0, 1, 0), new MyVector3(0, 0, 1), new MyVector3(Translation.x, Translation.y, Translation.z) ); //Rotatio MyVector3 RotationInRadians = new MyVector3(); //Creates Rotation in radians //Convert Rotation to Radians RotationInRadians.x = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.x); //Converts Rotation x to Radians RotationInRadians.y = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.y); //Converts Rotation y to Radians RotationInRadians.z = VectorMaths.Deg2Rad(Rotation.z); //Converts Rotation z to Radians QuatRotation = Quat.EulerToQuat(RotationInRadians); //Convert Euler Rotation To Quat Rotation RotationMatrix = Matrix4B4.QuatToMatrix(QuatRotation); //Convert Quat rotation to matrix Matrix4B4 M = translationMatrix * RotationMatrix * scaleMatrix; //Transformation matrix set my multiplying matrcies in TRS ordeer //Loop through Model points and transform them from local to world for (int i = 0; i < TransformedVertices.Length; i++) { TransformedVertices[i] = M * ModelSpaceVertices[i]; //Transform vertices by multiplying matrix by Model spacee verticies } //Goes through all model space vertices to create model bounds for (int i = 0; i < ModelSpaceVertices.Length; i++) { //If Model space vertice is less then model min extent then set model min extent to be model space verticies repeats for x y and z if (ModelSpaceVertices[i].x < ModelMinExtent.x) { ModelMinExtent.x = ModelSpaceVertices[i].x; //Set Model Min Extent x to model space vertices x } if (ModelSpaceVertices[i].y < ModelMinExtent.y) { ModelMinExtent.y = ModelSpaceVertices[i].y; //Set Model Min Extent y to model space vertices y } if (ModelSpaceVertices[i].z < ModelMinExtent.z) { ModelMinExtent.z = ModelSpaceVertices[i].z; //Set Model Min Extent z to model space vertices z } //If Model space vertice is more then model max extent then set model max extent to be model space verticies repeats for x y and z if (ModelSpaceVertices[i].x > ModelMaxExtent.x) { ModelMaxExtent.x = ModelSpaceVertices[i].x; //Set Model Max Extent x to model space vertices x } if (ModelSpaceVertices[i].y > ModelMaxExtent.y) { ModelMaxExtent.y = ModelSpaceVertices[i].y; //Set Model Max Extent y to model space vertices y } if (ModelSpaceVertices[i].z > ModelMaxExtent.z) { ModelMaxExtent.z = ModelSpaceVertices[i].z; //Set Model Max Extent z to model space vertices z } } //Unity Mesh Filter MeshFilter MF = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); //Gets mesh filter MF.mesh.vertices = TransformedVertices; //Sets vertices to be the transformed vertices MF.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); //Calls Recalculate Normal MF.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); //Calls Recalculate bounds }