/// <summary>
        /// Creates an MSBuild ProjectElement for a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The path to the file.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of the <see cref="ProjectElement"/> class.</returns>
        protected override ProjectElement AddFileToMsBuild(string file)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");

            string itemPath = PackageUtilities.MakeRelativeIfRooted(file, this.BaseURI);

            if (Path.IsPathRooted(itemPath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add item with full path.", "file");

            ProjectElement newItem = this.CreateMsBuildFileItem(itemPath, ProjectFileConstants.Content);

            if (MultiverseInterfaceProjectNode.IsPythonFile(itemPath))
                newItem.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.SubType, MultiverseInterfaceSubType.Code);
            else if (MultiverseInterfaceProjectNode.IsFrameXmlFile(itemPath))
                newItem.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.SubType, MultiverseInterfaceSubType.Frame);
            else if (MultiverseInterfaceProjectNode.IsTableOfContentsFile(itemPath))
                newItem.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.SubType, MultiverseInterfaceSubType.TableOfContents);

Пример #2
/*		/// <summary>
 *              /// Would like to treat files added to the project as "links".  However, the MPF does not support this.
 *              /// Therefore going to craft own implementation.  Unfortunately that means that these functions
 *              /// need to be overridden, which would not necessarily be considered because they are too "low-level", but
 *              /// there seems no other way to do this, i.e. there is not enough granularity or possiblity to override specifics
 *              /// in the base implementation.  To reduce impact when new versions of the SDK become available the methods
 *              /// in the base classes have been copied here with specific changes made.
 *              ///
 *              /// If a new version of the SDK comes which still does not implement links then copy these methods again
 *              /// and make the changes.
 *              ///
 *              /// If links are ever implemented in the SDK then delete the following methods completely and adjust appropriately.
 *              ///
 *              /// Changes: The bits associated with the file system have been removed.
 *              /// </summary>
 *              public override int AddItemWithSpecific(uint itemIdLoc, VSADDITEMOPERATION op, string itemName, uint filesToOpen, string[] files, System.IntPtr dlgOwner, uint editorFlags, ref System.Guid editorType, string physicalView, ref System.Guid logicalView, VSADDRESULT[] result)
 *              {
 *                      if ( files == null || result == null || files.Length == 0 || result.Length == 0 )
 *                              return VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG;
 *                      string[] actualFiles = new string[files.Length];
 *                      // Locate the node to be the container node for the file(s) being added.
 *                      HierarchyNode parentNode = NodeFromItemId(itemIdLoc);
 *                      if ( parentNode == null )
 *                              return VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG;
 *                      while ( !(parentNode is ProjectNode) && !(parentNode is FolderNode) && (!CanFileNodesHaveChilds || !(parentNode is FileNode)) )
 *                      {
 *                              parentNode = parentNode.Parent;
 *                      }
 *                      // Get the directory for the node that is the parent of the item.
 *                      string baseDirectory = GetBaseDirectoryForAddingFiles(parentNode);
 *                      if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseDirectory) )
 *                              return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
 *                      // This contains the path to the file as if it was directly part of the project.
 *                      // These are required to ensure that the general project continues to recognise the files.
 *                      List<string> projectPaths = new List<string>();
 *                      for ( int index = 0; index < files.Length; index++ )
 *                      {
 *                              string projectPath = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, Path.GetFileName(files[index]));
 *                              projectPaths.Add(projectPath);
 *                      }
 *                      // Ask tracker objects if we can add files.
 *                      VSQUERYADDFILEFLAGS[] flags = GetQueryAddFileFlags(files);
 *                      if ( !Tracker.CanAddItems(projectPaths.ToArray(), flags) )
 *                              return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
 *                      // Ensure that the project can be updated.
 *                      if ( !ProjectMgr.QueryEditProjectFile(false) )
 *                              throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(VSConstants.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED);
 *                      // Add the files to the hierarchy.
 *                      int actualFilesAddedIndex = 0;
 *                      for ( int index = 0; index < projectPaths.Count; index++ )
 *                      {
 *                              result[0] = VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Failure;
 *                              string filePath = files[index];
 *                              string projectPath = projectPaths[index];
 *                              HierarchyNode child = FindChild(projectPath);
 *                              if ( child != null )
 *                              {
 *                                      // If the file to be added is an existing file part of the hierarchy then continue.
 *                                      if ( Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.NativeMethods.IsSamePath(filePath, projectPath) )
 *                                      {
 *                                              result[0] = VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Cancel;
 *                                              continue;
 *                                      }
 *                                      else
 *                                      {
 *                                              int canOverWriteExistingItem = CanOverwriteExistingItem(filePath, projectPath);
 *                                              if ( canOverWriteExistingItem == (int) OleConstants.OLECMDERR_E_CANCELED )
 *                                              {
 *                                                      result[0] = VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Cancel;
 *                                                      return canOverWriteExistingItem;
 *                                              }
 *                                      }
 *                              }
 *                              // Add new node.
 *                              AddNewFileNodeToHierarchy(parentNode, filePath);
 *                              UpdateNewFileNode(FindChild(filePath), projectPath);
 *                              result[0] = VSADDRESULT.ADDRESULT_Success;
 *                              actualFiles[actualFilesAddedIndex++] = projectPath;
 *                      }
 *                      // Notify listeners that items were appended.
 *                      if ( actualFilesAddedIndex > 0 )
 *                              parentNode.OnItemsAppended(parentNode);
 *                      // Open the files if required.
 *                      if ( actualFiles.Length <= filesToOpen )
 *                      {
 *                              for ( int index = 0; index < filesToOpen; index++ )
 *                              {
 *                                      string name = actualFiles[index];
 *                                      if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) )
 *                                      {
 *                                              HierarchyNode child = FindChild(name);
 *                                              if ( child != null )
 *                                              {
 *                                                      IVsWindowFrame frame;
 *                                                      if ( editorType == System.Guid.Empty )
 *                                                      {
 *                                                              System.Guid view = System.Guid.Empty;
 *                                                              ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.OpenItem(child.ID, ref view, System.IntPtr.Zero, out frame));
 *                                                      }
 *                                                      else
 *                                                      {
 *                                                              ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.OpenItemWithSpecific(child.ID, editorFlags, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, System.IntPtr.Zero, out frame));
 *                                                      }
 *                                                      // Show the window frame in the UI and make it the active window.
 *                                                      if ( frame != null )
 *                                                              ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(frame.Show());
 *                                              }
 *                                      }
 *                              }
 *                      }
 *                      return VSConstants.S_OK;
 *              }

        protected virtual void UpdateNewFileNode(HierarchyNode node, string projectPath)
            // Update the properties of the build element.

            ProjectElement element = node.ItemNode;

            element.SetMetadata(Constants.Project.Item.SubType, null);
            element.SetMetadata(Constants.Project.Item.Link, FilePath.GetRelativePath(projectPath, BaseURI.AbsoluteUrl));
Пример #3
        protected override void BindReferenceData()
            if (ItemNode == null || ItemNode.Item == null)
                ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(ProjectManager, ProjectRelativeFilePath, DartProjectFileConstants.JarReference);

                // Set the basic information about this reference
                element.SetMetadata(DartProjectFileConstants.IncludeInBuild, true.ToString());
                element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Private, false.ToString());

                ItemNode = element;
 protected override ProjectElement AddFolderToMSBuild(string folder, string itemType)
     if (itemType == ProjectFileConstants.Folder)
         ProjectElement folderElement = new ProjectElement(this, null, true);
         folderElement.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Name, folder);
         folderElement.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.BuildAction, itemType);
         return(base.AddFolderToMSBuild(folder, itemType));
Пример #5

        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to set the Image project element metadata
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">The project element to update</param>
        public static void SetImageMetadata(this ProjectElement element)
            string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(element.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Include));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(element.GetMetadata(SandcastleBuildItemMetadata.ImageId)))
                element.SetMetadata(SandcastleBuildItemMetadata.ImageId, baseName);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(element.GetMetadata(SandcastleBuildItemMetadata.AlternateText)))
                baseName = baseName.Replace("_", " ");
                                    reInsertSpaces.Replace(baseName, " $&").Trim());
Пример #6
        private ProjectElement CreateProjectElement()
            ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(ProjectMgr, m_name, "ConfigReference");

            element.SetMetadata("HintPath", m_hintPath);
Пример #7
        private static void AddNonMemberFileItems(WixProjectNode project, IList <string> fileList)
            if (fileList == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fileList");

            foreach (string fileKey in fileList)
                HierarchyNode parentNode = project;
                string[]      pathItems  = fileKey.Split(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar });

                if (String.Equals(fileKey, project.ProjectFile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                WixFolderNode topFolderNode = null;
                foreach (string fileOrDir in pathItems)
                    string   childNodeId   = Path.Combine(parentNode.VirtualNodeName, fileOrDir);
                    FileInfo fileOrDirInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(project.ProjectFolder, childNodeId));
                    if ((fileOrDirInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden)

                    HierarchyNode childNode = parentNode.FindChild(childNodeId);
                    if (childNode == null)
                        if (topFolderNode == null)
                            topFolderNode = parentNode as WixFolderNode;
                            if (topFolderNode != null && (!topFolderNode.IsNonMemberItem) && topFolderNode.IsExpanded)
                                topFolderNode = null;

                        ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(project, null, true);
                        element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Name, childNodeId);
                        childNode = project.CreateFileNode(element);

                    parentNode = childNode;

                if (topFolderNode != null)
Пример #8
        private static void AddNonMemberFileItems(ProjectNode project, IEnumerable<string> fileList)
            ErrorHelper.ThrowIsNull(fileList, "fileList");
            foreach (string fileKey in fileList)
                HierarchyNode parentNode = project;
                string[] pathItems = fileKey.Split(new[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar });

                if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(fileKey, project.ProjectFile))
                NemerleFolderNode topFolderNode = null;
                foreach (string fileOrDir in pathItems)
                    string childNodeId = Path.Combine(parentNode.VirtualNodeName, fileOrDir);
                    FileInfo fileOrDirInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(project.ProjectFolder, childNodeId));
                    if ((fileOrDirInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden)
                    HierarchyNode childNode = parentNode.FindChild(childNodeId);
                    if (childNode == null)
                        if (topFolderNode == null)
                            topFolderNode = parentNode as NemerleFolderNode;
                            if (topFolderNode != null && (!topFolderNode.IsNonMemberItem) && topFolderNode.IsExpanded)
                                topFolderNode = null;

                        ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(project, null, true);
                        element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Name, childNodeId);
                        childNode = project.CreateFileNode(element);

                    parentNode = childNode;

                if (topFolderNode != null)
Пример #9
        public virtual EnvDTE.Project AddFromTemplate(string fileName, string destination, string projectName)
            bool isVSTemplate = Utilities.IsTemplateFile(fileName);

            NestedProjectNode newNode = null;


            if (isVSTemplate)
                // Get the wizard to run, we will get called again and use the alternate code path
                ProjectElement newElement = new ProjectElement(this.node.ProjectMgr, System.IO.Path.Combine(destination, projectName), ProjectFileConstants.SubProject);
                newElement.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Template, fileName);
                ((ProjectContainerNode)this.node.ProjectMgr).RunVsTemplateWizard(newElement, false);
                if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(projectName))))
                    string targetExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName);
                    projectName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(projectName, targetExtension);

                ProjectContainerNode projectContainer = (ProjectContainerNode)this.node.ProjectMgr;
                newNode = projectContainer.AddNestedProjectFromTemplate(fileName, destination, projectName, null, __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS.CPF_NOTINSLNEXPLR | __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS.CPF_SILENT | __VSCREATEPROJFLAGS.CPF_CLONEFILE);
            if (newNode == null)

            // Now that the sub project was created, get its extensibility object so we can return it
            object newProject = null;

            if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(newNode.NestedHierarchy.GetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ExtObject, out newProject)))
                return(newProject as EnvDTE.Project);
        internal void UpdateFolderBuildAction(JavaFolderNode folderNode, FolderBuildAction buildAction)
            string existingBuildAction = folderNode.ItemNode.ItemName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingBuildAction))
                existingBuildAction = FolderBuildAction.Folder.ToString();

            if (string.Equals(existingBuildAction, buildAction.ToString()))

            if (buildAction == FolderBuildAction.Folder && !folderNode.ItemNode.IsVirtual && folderNode.ItemNode.Item.DirectMetadataCount == 0)
                // remove <Folder /> elements from the project as long as they don't have any direct metadata (xml child elements)
                ProjectElement updatedElement = new ProjectElement(this, null, true);
                updatedElement.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Name, folderNode.ItemNode.Item.EvaluatedInclude);

                ProjectElement oldElement = folderNode.ItemNode;
                folderNode.ItemNode = updatedElement;

            else if (!folderNode.ItemNode.IsVirtual)
                folderNode.ItemNode.ItemName = buildAction.ToString();
                ProjectElement updatedElement = AddFolderToMSBuild(folderNode.VirtualNodeName, buildAction.ToString());
                folderNode.ItemNode = updatedElement;

Пример #11
        int IProjectSourceNode.ExcludeFromProject()
            NemerleProjectNode projectNode = ProjectMgr as NemerleProjectNode;

            if (projectNode == null || projectNode.IsClosed)

            if (IsNonMemberItem)
                return(VSConstants.S_OK);                // do nothing, just ignore it.

            // Check out the project file.
            if (!projectNode.QueryEditProjectFile(false))
                throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(VSConstants.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED);

            // remove children, if any, before removing from the hierarchy
            for (HierarchyNode child = FirstChild; child != null; child = child.NextSibling)
                IProjectSourceNode node = child as IProjectSourceNode;
                if (node == null)

                int result = node.ExcludeFromProject();
                if (result != VSConstants.S_OK)

            if (projectNode.ShowAllFilesEnabled && Directory.Exists(Url))
                string url = Url;
                SetProperty((int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_IsNonMemberItem, true);
                ItemNode = new ProjectElement(ProjectMgr, null, true);                  // now we have to create a new ItemNode to indicate that this is virtual node.
                ItemNode.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Name, Url);
                ReDraw(UIHierarchyElement.Icon); // we have to redraw the icon of the node as it is now not a member of the project and shoul be drawn using a different icon.
            else if (Parent != null)             // the project node has no parentNode
                // this is important to make it non member item. otherwise, the multi-selection scenario would
                // not work if it has any parent child relation.
                SetProperty((int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_IsNonMemberItem, true);

                // remove from the hierarchy


Пример #12
        int IProjectSourceNode.ExcludeFromProject()
            if (ProjectMgr == null || ProjectMgr.IsClosed)

            if (IsNonMemberItem)
                return(VSConstants.S_OK);                // do nothing, just ignore it.
            // Ask Document tracker listeners if we can remove the item.
            {             // just to limit the scope.
                string   documentToRemove = GetMkDocument();
                string[] filesToBeDeleted = new[] { documentToRemove };
                VSQUERYREMOVEFILEFLAGS[] queryRemoveFlags = GetQueryRemoveFileFlags(filesToBeDeleted);
                if (!ProjectMgr.Tracker.CanRemoveItems(filesToBeDeleted, queryRemoveFlags))

                // Close the document if it has a manager.
                DocumentManager manager = GetDocumentManager();
                if (manager != null)
                    if (manager.Close(__FRAMECLOSE.FRAMECLOSE_PromptSave) == VSConstants.E_ABORT)

                if (!ProjectMgr.QueryEditProjectFile(false))
                    throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(VSConstants.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED);

            // close the document window if open.

            NemerleProjectNode projectNode = ProjectMgr as NemerleProjectNode;

            if (projectNode != null && projectNode.ShowAllFilesEnabled && File.Exists(Url))
                string url = Url;                 // need to store before removing the node.
                ProjectMgr.Tracker.OnItemRemoved(url, VSREMOVEFILEFLAGS.VSREMOVEFILEFLAGS_NoFlags);
                SetProperty((int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_IsNonMemberItem, true);         // Set it as non member item
                ItemNode = new ProjectElement(ProjectMgr, null, true);                 // now we have to set a new ItemNode to indicate that this is virtual node.
                ItemNode.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Name, url);

                var proj = ProjectInfo.FindProject(ProjectMgr);
                if (proj != null)

                ReDraw(UIHierarchyElement.Icon);     // We have to redraw the icon of the node as it is now not a member of the project and should be drawn using a different icon.
                ReDraw(UIHierarchyElement.SccState); // update the SCC state icon.
            else if (Parent != null)                 // the project node has no parentNode
                // Remove from the Hierarchy


