Наследование: ICollection, IEnumerable
		public void TestAdd ()
			XmlSchemaCollection col = new XmlSchemaCollection ();
			XmlSchema schema = new XmlSchema ();
			XmlSchemaElement elem = new XmlSchemaElement ();
			elem.Name = "foo";
			schema.Items.Add (elem);
			schema.TargetNamespace = "urn:foo";
			col.Add (schema);
			col.Add (schema);	// No problem !?

			XmlSchema schema2 = new XmlSchema ();
			schema2.Items.Add (elem);
			schema2.TargetNamespace = "urn:foo";
			col.Add (schema2);	// No problem !!

			schema.Compile (null);
			col.Add (schema);
			col.Add (schema);	// Still no problem !!!

			schema2.Compile (null);
			col.Add (schema2);

			schema = GetSchema ("Test/XmlFiles/xsd/3.xsd");
			schema.Compile (null);
			col.Add (schema);

			schema2 = GetSchema ("Test/XmlFiles/xsd/3.xsd");
			schema2.Compile (null);
			col.Add (schema2);
        public bool Execute(XmlSchema schema, string targetNamespace, bool loadExternals, XmlSchemaCollection xsc) {
            this.schema = schema;
            Xmlns = NameTable.Add("xmlns");

            if (loadExternals && xmlResolver != null) {
                schemaLocations = new Hashtable(); //new Dictionary<Uri, Uri>();
                if (schema.BaseUri != null) {
                    schemaLocations.Add(schema.BaseUri, schema.BaseUri);
                LoadExternals(schema, xsc);
            Preprocess(schema, targetNamespace, Compositor.Root);
            if (!HasErrors) {
                schema.IsPreprocessed = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < schema.Includes.Count; ++i) {
                    XmlSchemaExternal include = (XmlSchemaExternal)schema.Includes[i];
                    if (include.Schema != null) {
                        include.Schema.IsPreprocessed = true;
            return !HasErrors;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Valida se um Xml está seguindo de acordo um Schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arquivoXml">Arquivo Xml</param>
        /// <param name="arquivoSchema">Arquivo de Schema</param>
        /// <returns>True se estiver certo, Erro se estiver errado</returns>
        public void ValidaSchema(String arquivoXml, String arquivoSchema)
            //Seleciona o arquivo de schema de acordo com o schema informado
            //arquivoSchema = Bll.Util.ContentFolderSchemaValidacao + "\\" + arquivoSchema;

            //Verifica se o arquivo de XML foi encontrado.
            if (!File.Exists(arquivoXml))
                throw new Exception("Arquivo de XML informado: \"" + arquivoXml + "\" não encontrado.");

            //Verifica se o arquivo de schema foi encontrado.
            if (!File.Exists(arquivoSchema))
                throw new Exception("Arquivo de schema: \"" + arquivoSchema + "\" não encontrado.");

            // Cria um novo XMLValidatingReader
            var reader = new XmlValidatingReader(new XmlTextReader(new StreamReader(arquivoXml)));
            // Cria um schemacollection
            var schemaCollection = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            //Adiciona o XSD e o namespace
            schemaCollection.Add("http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe", arquivoSchema);
            // Adiciona o schema ao ValidatingReader
            //Evento que retorna a mensagem de validacao
            reader.ValidationEventHandler += Reader_ValidationEventHandler;
            //Percorre o XML
            while (reader.Read())
            reader.Close(); //Fecha o arquivo.
            //O Resultado é preenchido no reader_ValidationEventHandler

            if (validarResultado != "")
                throw new Exception(validarResultado);
Пример #4
        private string consultaNFe()
            XmlSchemaCollection myschema = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            string sxdoc = "";
            XNamespace pf = "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe";

                XDocument xdoc = new XDocument(new XElement(pf + "consSitNFe", new XAttribute("versao", sversaoLayoutCons),//sversaoLayoutCons),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "tpAmb", Acesso.TP_AMB.ToString()),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "xServ", "CONSULTAR"),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "chNFe", objPesquisa.sCHAVENFE)));

                string sCaminhoConsulta = Pastas.PROTOCOLOS + "Consulta_" + objPesquisa.sCHAVENFE + ".xml";
                if (File.Exists(sCaminhoConsulta))
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(sCaminhoConsulta);
                //belValidaXml.ValidarXml("http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe", Pastas.SCHEMA_NFE + "\\2.01\\consSitNFe_v2.01.xsd", sCaminhoConsulta);
                sxdoc = xdoc.ToString();

            catch (XmlException x)
                throw new Exception(x.Message.ToString());
            catch (XmlSchemaException x)
                throw new Exception(x.Message.ToString());
            return sxdoc;
		public void TestAddDoesCompilation ()
			XmlSchema schema = new XmlSchema ();
			Assert (!schema.IsCompiled);
			XmlSchemaCollection col = new XmlSchemaCollection ();
			col.Add (schema);
			Assert (schema.IsCompiled);
Пример #6
 public clsSValidator(string sXMLFileName, string sSchemaFileName)
     m_sXMLFileName = sXMLFileName;
     m_sSchemaFileName = sSchemaFileName;
     m_objXmlSchemaCollection = new XmlSchemaCollection ();
     //adding the schema file to the newly created schema collection
     m_objXmlSchemaCollection.Add (null, m_sSchemaFileName);
        public NSTScorePartwise ParseString(string dataString)
            //todo: parse string
            IList<NSTPart> partList = new List<NSTPart>();
            XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader(new FileStream("C:\\NM\\ScoreTranscription\\NETScoreTranscription\\NETScoreTranscriptionLibrary\\OtherDocs\\musicXML.xsd", System.IO.FileMode.Open)); //todo: pass stream in instead of absolute location for unit testing
            XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            schemaCollection.Add(null, textReader);

            NSTScorePartwise score;

            using (XmlValidatingReader reader = new XmlValidatingReader(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(dataString), new XmlReaderSettings() { DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse }))) //todo: make unobsolete
                reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
                reader.ValidationEventHandler += new System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler);

                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(NSTScorePartwise), new XmlRootAttribute("score-partwise"));
                score = (NSTScorePartwise)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.IsEmptyElement)
                        throw new Exception(reader.Value); //todo: test

                    switch (reader.NodeType)
                        case XmlNodeType.Element:
                            switch (reader.Name.ToLower())
                                case "part-list":
                                case "score-partwise":
                                case "part-name":
                                    throw new Exception("pn");
                        case XmlNodeType.Text:

                        case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
                        case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:

                        case XmlNodeType.Comment:

                        case XmlNodeType.EndElement:


            return score;
 public BaseValidator(XmlValidatingReaderImpl reader, XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection, IValidationEventHandling eventHandling)
     this.reader = reader;
     this.schemaCollection = schemaCollection;
     this.eventHandling = eventHandling;
     this.nameTable = reader.NameTable;
     this.positionInfo = System.Xml.PositionInfo.GetPositionInfo(reader);
     this.elementName = new XmlQualifiedName();
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate a new XmlSchemaCompiler class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputDir">The output directory for all compiled files.</param>
        public XmlSchemaCompiler(string outputDir)
            this.mainSchemas = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            this.outputDir = outputDir;

            this.elements = new Hashtable();
            this.attributes = new Hashtable();
            this.schemas = new XmlSchemaCollection();
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate a new XmlSchemaCompiler class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputDir">The output directory for all compiled files.</param>
        /// <param name="versionNumber">The version number to append to Elements.</param>
        public XmlSchemaCompiler(string outputDir, string versionNumber)
            this.outputDir = outputDir;
            this.versionNumber = versionNumber;

            this.elements = new Hashtable();
            this.schemaFiles = new StringCollection();
            this.schemas = new XmlSchemaCollection();
Пример #11
 public BaseValidator(XmlValidatingReaderImpl reader, XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection, IValidationEventHandling eventHandling) {
     Debug.Assert(schemaCollection == null || schemaCollection.NameTable == reader.NameTable);
     this.reader = reader;
     this.schemaCollection = schemaCollection;
     this.eventHandling = eventHandling;
     nameTable = reader.NameTable;
     positionInfo = PositionInfo.GetPositionInfo(reader);
     elementName = new XmlQualifiedName();
Пример #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 4)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid parameter count. Exiting...");

            string xmlFile = args[0];
            string xdsFile = args[1];
            string xdsNamespace = args[2];
            string outputFile = args[3];

                XmlSchemaCollection cache = new XmlSchemaCollection();
                cache.Add(xdsNamespace, xdsFile);

                XmlTextReader r = new XmlTextReader(xmlFile);
                XmlValidatingReader v = new XmlValidatingReader(r);

                v.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;

                v.ValidationEventHandler +=
                    new ValidationEventHandler(MyValidationEventHandler);

                while (v.Read()) { } // look for validation errors
            catch (Exception e)
                encounteredFatalError = true;
                fatalError = e;

            StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(outputFile);

            if (isValid && !encounteredFatalError)
                file.WriteLine("PASSED: Document is valid");
                file.WriteLine("FAILED: Document is invalid");

            // Printing
            foreach (string entry in list)
            if (encounteredFatalError)
                file.WriteLine("Error: a FATAL error has occured " +
                        "while reading the file.\r\n" + fatalError.ToString());
Пример #13
 public BaseValidator(BaseValidator other) {
     reader = other.reader;
     schemaCollection = other.schemaCollection;
     eventHandling = other.eventHandling;
     nameTable = other.nameTable;
     schemaNames = other.schemaNames;
     positionInfo = other.positionInfo;
     xmlResolver = other.xmlResolver;
     baseUri = other.baseUri;
     elementName = other.elementName;
Пример #14
 public BaseValidator(BaseValidator other)
     reader = other.reader;
     _schemaCollection = other._schemaCollection;
     _eventHandling = other._eventHandling;
     _nameTable = other._nameTable;
     _schemaNames = other._schemaNames;
     _positionInfo = other._positionInfo;
     _xmlResolver = other._xmlResolver;
     _baseUri = other._baseUri;
     elementName = other.elementName;
 public BaseValidator(BaseValidator other)
     this.reader = other.reader;
     this.schemaCollection = other.schemaCollection;
     this.eventHandling = other.eventHandling;
     this.nameTable = other.nameTable;
     this.schemaNames = other.schemaNames;
     this.positionInfo = other.positionInfo;
     this.xmlResolver = other.xmlResolver;
     this.baseUri = other.baseUri;
     this.elementName = other.elementName;
Пример #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets an appropriate <see cref="System.Xml.XmlReader"/> implementation
		/// for the supplied <see cref="System.IO.Stream"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="stream">The XML <see cref="System.IO.Stream"/> that is going to be read.</param>
		/// <param name="xmlResolver"><see cref="XmlResolver"/> to be used for resolving external references</param>
		/// <param name="schemas">XML schemas that should be used for validation.</param>
		/// <param name="eventHandler">Validation event handler.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// A validating <see cref="System.Xml.XmlReader"/> implementation.
		/// </returns>
		public static XmlReader CreateValidatingReader(Stream stream, XmlResolver xmlResolver, XmlSchemaCollection schemas, ValidationEventHandler eventHandler)
			XmlValidatingReader reader = new XmlValidatingReader(new XmlTextReader(stream));
			reader.XmlResolver = xmlResolver;
			reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
			if (eventHandler != null)
				reader.ValidationEventHandler += eventHandler;
			return reader;
Пример #17
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            XmlValidatingReader reader = null;
            XmlSchemaCollection myschema = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            ValidationEventHandler eventHandler = new ValidationEventHandler(ShowCompileErrors );

                String xmlFrag = @"<?xml version='1.0' ?>
                                                <xxx:price xmlns:xxx='xxx' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
                    /*"<author xmlns='urn:bookstore-schema' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>" +
                                            "<first-name>Herman</first-name>" +
                                            "<last-name>Melville</last-name>" +
                string xsd = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
            <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' targetNamespace='xxx'>
            <xsd:element name='price' type='xsd:integer' xsd:default='12'/>

                //Create the XmlParserContext.
                XmlParserContext context = new XmlParserContext(null, null, "", XmlSpace.None);
                //Implement the reader.
                reader = new XmlValidatingReader(xmlFrag, XmlNodeType.Element, context);
                //Add the schema.
                myschema.Add("xxx", new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(xsd)));

                //Set the schema type and add the schema to the reader.
                reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
                while (reader.Read()){Response.Write(reader.Value);}
                Response.Write("<br>Completed validating xmlfragment<br>");
            catch (XmlException XmlExp)
                Response.Write(XmlExp.Message + "<br>");

            catch(XmlSchemaException XmlSchExp)
                Response.Write(XmlSchExp.Message + "<br>");
            catch(Exception GenExp)
                Response.Write(GenExp.Message + "<br>");
            XmlDocument doc;
        //[Variation(Desc = "v2 - Contains with not added schema")]
        public void v2()
            XmlSchemaSet sc = new XmlSchemaSet();
#pragma warning disable 0618
            XmlSchemaCollection scl = new XmlSchemaCollection();
#pragma warning restore 0618

            XmlSchema Schema = scl.Add(null, TestData._XsdAuthor);

            Assert.Equal(sc.Contains(Schema), false);

Пример #19
        public void Validate(string strXMLDoc)
                // Declare local objects
                XmlTextReader tr = null;
                XmlSchemaCollection xsc = null;
                XmlValidatingReader vr = null;

                // Text reader object
                tr = new XmlTextReader(Application.StartupPath + @"\BDOCImportSchema.xsd");
                xsc = new XmlSchemaCollection();
                xsc.Add(null, tr);

                // XML validator object

                vr = new XmlValidatingReader(strXMLDoc,
                             XmlNodeType.Document, null);


                // Add validation event handler

                vr.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
                vr.ValidationEventHandler +=
                         new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationHandler);

                // Validate XML data

                while (vr.Read()) ;


                // Raise exception, if XML validation fails
                if (ErrorsCount > 0)
                    throw new Exception(ErrorMessage);

                // XML Validation succeeded
                Console.WriteLine("XML validation succeeded.\r\n");
            catch (Exception error)
                // XML Validation failed
                Console.WriteLine("XML validation failed." + "\r\n" +
                "Error Message: " + error.Message);
                throw new Exception("Error in XSD verification:\r\n" + error.Message);
Пример #20
		#pragma warning restore 618

		static CodeFormatter()
			//Load the schema collection.
			var resource =
				typeof (CodeFormatter)
			Debug.Assert(resource != null);
			#pragma warning disable 618
			_xmlSchemas =
				new XmlSchemaCollection
					XmlSchema.Read(resource, null)
			#pragma warning restore 618
Пример #21
		protected override XmlValidatingReader GetReader() {
			if (LogDispatcher != null)
				LogDispatcher.DispatchLog("XSLTRulesFileDriver loading "+xmlSource, LogEventImpl.INFO);
			XmlReader fileReader = GetXmlInputReader(xmlSource, inputXMLSchema);

	  	MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
	  	GetXSLT().Transform(new XPathDocument(fileReader), null, stream, null);
	  	stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			XmlSchemaCollection schemas = new XmlSchemaCollection();
	    XmlValidatingReader streamReader = (XmlValidatingReader) GetXmlInputReader(stream,
                                                                                   Parameter.GetString("businessrules.xsd", "resource.businessRules.xsd"));
			return streamReader;
 public void Add(XmlSchemaCollection schema)
     if (schema == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("schema");
     if (this != schema)
         IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = schema.collection.GetEnumerator();
         while (enumerator.MoveNext())
             XmlSchemaCollectionNode node = (XmlSchemaCollectionNode) enumerator.Value;
             this.Add(node.NamespaceURI, node);
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the specified xml content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sImportDocument">Xml content to validate</param>
        /// <returns>Error messages if any, else "true"</returns>
        public List<string> ValidateCrmImportDocument(string sImportDocument)
            ValidationEventHandler eventHandler = ShowCompileErrors;
            XmlSchemaCollection myschemacoll = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            XmlValidatingReader vr;

                using (StreamReader schemaReader = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("MsCrmTools.SiteMapEditor.Resources.sitemap.xsd")))
                    //Load the XmlValidatingReader.
                    vr = new XmlValidatingReader(schemaReader.BaseStream, XmlNodeType.Element, null);

                    vr.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;

                    while (vr.Read())

                return messages;
            //This code catches any XML exceptions.
            catch (XmlException XmlExp)
                return messages;
            //This code catches any XML schema exceptions.
            catch (XmlSchemaException XmlSchemaExp)
                return messages;
            //This code catches any standard exceptions.
            catch (Exception GeneralExp)
                return messages;
                vr = null;
                myschemacoll = null;
Пример #24
 public static void ValidateXml(Stream xmlStream, XmlSchema xsdSchema)
     XmlTextReader reader1 = null;
     reader1 = new XmlTextReader(xmlStream);
     XmlSchemaCollection collection1 = new XmlSchemaCollection();
     XmlValidatingReader reader2 = new XmlValidatingReader(reader1);
     reader2.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
     ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
     while (reader2.ReadState != ReadState.EndOfFile)
       catch (XmlSchemaException exception1)
     if (list1.Count != 0)
       throw new XmlValidationException(list1);
       catch (XmlValidationException exception2)
     throw exception2;
       catch (Exception exception3)
     throw new XmlValidationException(exception3.Message, exception3);
     if (reader1 != null)
Пример #25
			public SchemaValidator(string xmlFile, string schemaFile)
				XmlSchemaCollection myXmlSchemaCollection = new XmlSchemaCollection();
				XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(schemaFile);
					myXmlSchemaCollection.Add(XmlSchema.Read(xmlTextReader, null));

				// Validate the XML file with the schema
				XmlTextReader myXmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader (xmlFile);
				myXmlValidatingReader = new XmlValidatingReader(myXmlTextReader);
				myXmlValidatingReader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
Пример #26
        public PcaCompiler()
                Assembly assembly =	Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                // read	schema
                using (Stream s	= assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Xsd.pubca.xsd"))
                    this.xmlSchema = XmlSchema.Read(s, null);

                // read	table definitions
                using (Stream s	= assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Data.tables.xml"))
                    XmlReader tableDefinitionsReader = new XmlTextReader(s);

            #if	DEBUG
                    Assembly wixAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Compiler));
                    using (Stream schemaStream = wixAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Xsd.tables.xsd"))
                        XmlReader schemaReader = new XmlTextReader(schemaStream);
                        XmlSchemaCollection	schemas	= new XmlSchemaCollection();
                        schemas.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/04/tables", schemaReader);

                        XmlValidatingReader	validatingReader = new XmlValidatingReader(tableDefinitionsReader);

                        tableDefinitionsReader = validatingReader;

                    this.tableDefinitionCollection = TableDefinitionCollection.Load(tableDefinitionsReader);
            catch (Exception e)
Пример #27
        private string NfeCabecMsg()
            XmlSchemaCollection myschema = new XmlSchemaCollection();
            XmlValidatingReader reader;

                XNamespace nome = "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe";
                XDocument xdoc = new XDocument(new XElement(nome + "cabecMsg", new XAttribute("versao", _pversao), new XAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe"),
                                              new XElement(nome + "versaoDados", _pversaoaplic)));

                //Danner -  o.s. sem - 04/11/2009
                //  Globais getschema = new Globais();

                // XmlParserContext context = new XmlParserContext(null, null, "", XmlSpace.None);

                // reader = new XmlValidatingReader(xdoc.ToString(), XmlNodeType.Element, context);

                //myschema.Add("http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe", getschema.LeRegWin("PastaSchema") + "\\cabecMsg_v1.02.xsd");

                //reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;

                // reader.Schemas.Add(myschema);

                // while (reader.Read())
                // { }

                return xdoc.ToString();

            catch (XmlException x)
                throw new Exception(x.Message.ToString());

            catch (XmlSchemaException x)
                throw new Exception(x.Message.ToString());
            //Fim - Danner -  o.s. sem - 04/11/2009
        public static BaseValidator CreateInstance(ValidationType valType, XmlValidatingReaderImpl reader, XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection, IValidationEventHandling eventHandling, bool processIdentityConstraints)
            switch (valType)
                case ValidationType.None:
                    return new BaseValidator(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling);

                case ValidationType.Auto:
                    return new AutoValidator(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling);

                case ValidationType.DTD:
                    return new DtdValidator(reader, eventHandling, processIdentityConstraints);

                case ValidationType.XDR:
                    return new XdrValidator(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling);

                case ValidationType.Schema:
                    return new XsdValidator(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling);
            return null;
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// This is where the work is done.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ExecuteTask() {
            XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection = new XmlSchemaCollection();

            foreach (XmlSchemaReference schema in Schemas) {
                try {
                    schemaCollection.Add(schema.Namespace, schema.Source);
                } catch (XmlSchemaException ex) {
                    throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                        "Invalid XSD schema '{0}.", schema.Source), Location, ex);

            foreach (string file in XmlFiles.FileNames) {
                // initialize error counter
                _numErrors = 0;

                // output name of xml file that will be validated
                Log(Level.Info, "Validating '{0}'.", file);

                try {
                    ValidateFile(file, schemaCollection);
                } catch (XmlException ex) {
                    throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                        "Invalid XML file '{0}'.", file), Location, ex);

                if (_numErrors == 0) {
                    Log(Level.Info, "Document is valid.");
                } else {
                    if (!FailOnError) {
                        Log(Level.Info, "{0} validation errors in document.", _numErrors);
                    } else  {
                        throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                            "XML validation failed for document '{0}'.", file), Location);
        public static BaseValidator CreateInstance(ValidationType valType, XmlValidatingReaderImpl reader, XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection, IValidationEventHandling eventHandling, bool processIdentityConstraints)
            switch (valType)
            case ValidationType.None:
                return(new BaseValidator(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling));

            case ValidationType.Auto:
                return(new AutoValidator(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling));

            case ValidationType.DTD:
                return(new DtdValidator(reader, eventHandling, processIdentityConstraints));

            case ValidationType.XDR:
                return(new XdrValidator(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling));

            case ValidationType.Schema:
                return(new XsdValidator(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling));
Пример #31
 public AutoValidator(XmlValidatingReaderImpl reader, XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection, IValidationEventHandling eventHandling) : base(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling)
     schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo();
Пример #32
 private void LoadExternals(XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection, XmlNameTable nameTable, SchemaNames schemaNames, ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler, XmlSchema schema)
     foreach (XmlSchemaExternal include in schema.Includes)
         string fullPath = null;
         if (include.Schema != null)
             // already loaded
             fullPath = include.FullPath;
             if (fullPath != null)
                 this.schemaLocations.Add(fullPath, fullPath);
             LoadExternals(schemaCollection, nameTable, schemaNames, validationEventHandler, include.Schema);
         string schemaLocation = include.SchemaLocation;
         if (schemaCollection != null && include is XmlSchemaImport)
             include.Schema = schemaCollection[((XmlSchemaImport)include).Namespace];
             if (include.Schema != null)
                 include.Schema = include.Schema.Clone();
         if (include is XmlSchemaImport && ((XmlSchemaImport)include).Namespace == XmlReservedNs.NsXml)
             if (!buildinIncluded)
                 buildinIncluded = true;
                 include.Schema  = GetBuildInSchema(nameTable);
         if (schemaLocation == null)
         Stream stream = ResolveSchemaLocation(schema, schemaLocation, out fullPath);
         if (stream != null)
             include.FullPath = fullPath;
             if (this.schemaLocations[fullPath] == null)
                 this.schemaLocations.Add(fullPath, fullPath);
                 XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fullPath, stream, nameTable);
                 try {
                     reader.XmlResolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
                     include.Schema     = new Parser(schemaCollection, nameTable, schemaNames, validationEventHandler).Parse(reader, null, null);
                     while (reader.Read())
                         ;                // wellformness check
                     this.errorCount += include.Schema.ErrorCount;
                     LoadExternals(schemaCollection, nameTable, schemaNames, validationEventHandler, include.Schema);
                 catch (XmlSchemaException e) {
                     if (validationEventHandler != null)
                         validationEventHandler(null, new ValidationEventArgs(
                                                    new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] { schemaLocation, e.Message }), XmlSeverityType.Error
                 catch (Exception) {
                     if (validationEventHandler != null)
                         validationEventHandler(null, new ValidationEventArgs(
                                                    new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_InvalidIncludeLocation, include), XmlSeverityType.Warning
                 finally {
             if (validationEventHandler != null)
                 validationEventHandler(null, new ValidationEventArgs(
                                            new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_InvalidIncludeLocation, include), XmlSeverityType.Warning
Пример #33
 internal XsdValidator(XmlValidatingReaderImpl reader, XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection, IValidationEventHandling eventHandling) : base(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling)
     this.startIDConstraint = -1;
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Gera a Estrutura do XML da NF-e
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sNF"></param>
        /// <param name="cert"></param>
        /// <param name="sEmp"></param>
        /// <param name="sNomeArq"></param>
        /// <param name="iStatusAtualSistema"</param>
        public void geraArquivoNFE(List<string> sNF, X509Certificate2 cert, string sEmp, string sNomeArq)
            objbelGeraXml = new belGerarXML();
            Conn = objbelGeraXml.Conn;
                string sPath = "";
                sPath = (sFormaEmiNFe.Equals("2") ? CarregarDadosXml("PastaContingencia").ToString() + @sNomeArq : CarregarDadosXml("PastaXmlEnvio").ToString() + @sNomeArq);
                Globais glob = new Globais();
                int iCount = 0;

                if (File.Exists(sPath))

                foreach (var i in lTotNota)
                    string sNota = sNF[iCount];
                    string sNFe = "NFe" + GeraChave(sEmp, sNota, Conn);
                    XDocument xdoc = new XDocument();

                    #region XML_Principal
                    XNamespace pf = "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe";
                    XContainer conenv = new XElement(pf + "enviNFe", new XAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe"),
                                                               new XAttribute("versao", "2.00"),
                                                               new XElement(pf + "idLote", sNomeArq.Substring(7, 15)));

                    #region XML_Cabeçalho

                    XContainer concabec = (new XElement(pf + "NFe", new XAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe")));
                    XContainer coninfnfe = (new XElement(pf + "infNFe", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"), new XAttribute("Id", sNFe),
                                                                        new XAttribute("versao", "2.00")));


                    #region Ide
                    XContainer conide;
                        belIde objide = i[0] as belIde;
                        #region XML_ide
                        conide = (new XElement(pf + "ide", new XElement(pf + "cUF", objide.Cuf.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "cNF", objide.Cnf.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "natOp", objide.Natop.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "indPag", objide.Indpag.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "mod", objide.Mod.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "serie", objide.Serie.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "nNF", objide.Nnf.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "dEmi", objide.Demi.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "dSaiEnt", objide.Dsaient.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "hSaiEnt", objide.HSaiEnt.ToString("HH:mm:ss")), // NFe_2.0
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "tpNF", objide.Tpnf.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", objide.Cmunfg.ToString()),
                                                                    (objide.belNFref != null ?
                                                                    (from c in objide.belNFref
                                                                     select new XElement(pf + "NFref",
                                                                                (c.RefNFe != null ? new XElement(pf + "refNFe", c.RefNFe) : null),
                                                                               (c.cUF != null ? (new XElement(pf + "refNF",
                                                                                (c.cUF != null ? new XElement(pf + "cUF", c.cUF) : null),
                                                                                 (c.AAMM != null ? new XElement(pf + "AAMM", c.AAMM) : null),
                                                                                 (c.CNPJ != null ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", c.CNPJ) : null),
                                                                                 (c.mod != null ? new XElement(pf + "mod", c.mod) : null),
                                                                                 (c.serie != null ? new XElement(pf + "serie", c.serie) : null),
                                                                                 (c.nNF != null ? new XElement(pf + "nNF", c.nNF) : null))) : null))) : null),//NFe_2.0_Verificar ID B14 - B20a - B20i - 
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "tpImp", objide.Tpimp.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "tpEmis", objide.Tpemis.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "cDV", objide.Cdv.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "tpAmb", objide.Tpamb.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "finNFe", objide.Finnfe.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "procEmi", objide.Procemi.ToString()),
                                                                    new XElement(pf + "verProc", objide.Verproc.ToString()),

                                                                    ((objide.Tpemis.Equals("2")) || (objide.Tpemis.Equals("3")) ?
                                                                                          new XElement(pf + "dhCont", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")) : null), // NFe_2.0
                                                                    ((objide.Tpemis.Equals("2")) || (objide.Tpemis.Equals("3")) ?
                                                                                          new XElement(pf + "xJust", (iStatusAtualSistema == 2 ? "FALHA DE CONEXÃO COM INTERNET" : "FALHA COM WEB SERVICE DO ESTADO")) : null)));// NFe_2.0
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_ide - " + x.Message);

                    #region Emit

                    XContainer conemit;
                        belEmit objemit = i[1] as belEmit;
                        #region XML_Emit

                        conemit = (new XElement(pf + "emit", (new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objemit.Cnpj.ToString())),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xNome", objemit.Xnome.ToString()),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xFant", objemit.Xfant.ToString()),
                                                          new XElement(pf + "enderEmit",
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "xLgr", objemit.Xlgr.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "nro", objemit.Nro.ToString()),
                                                                  (objemit.Xcpl != null ? new XElement(pf + "xCpl", objemit.Xcpl.ToString()) : null),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "xBairro", objemit.Xbairro.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "cMun", objemit.Cmun.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "xMun", objemit.Xmun.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "UF", objemit.Uf.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "CEP", objemit.Cep.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "cPais", objemit.Cpais.ToString()),
                                                                  new XElement(pf + "xPais", objemit.Xpais.ToString()),
                                                                  (objemit.Fone != null ? new XElement(pf + "fone", objemit.Fone.ToString()) : null)),
                                                  (objemit.Ie != null ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objemit.Ie.ToString()) : null),
                                                  (objemit.Iest != null ? new XElement(pf + "IEST", objemit.Iest.ToString()) : null),
                                                  (objemit.Im != null ? new XElement(pf + "IM", objemit.Im.ToString()) : null),
                                                  (objemit.Cnae != null ? new XElement(pf + "CNAE", objemit.Cnae.ToString()) : null),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "CRT", objemit.CRT.ToString()))); // NFe_2.0

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Emit - " + x.Message);

                    #region Dest
                    XContainer condest;
                        belDest objdest = i[2] as belDest;
                        #region XML_Dest
                        objdest.Ie = (objdest.Ie == null ? "" : objdest.Ie);

                        condest = (new XElement(pf + "dest",
                                                  (objdest.Cnpj == "EXTERIOR" ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ") :
                                                     (objdest.Cnpj != null ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objdest.Cnpj) :
                                                                            new XElement(pf + "CPF", objdest.Cpf))),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "xNome", objdest.Xnome.ToString()),
                                                  new XElement(pf + "enderDest",
                                                      new XElement(pf + "xLgr", objdest.Xlgr.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "nro", (objdest.Nro != null ? objdest.Nro.ToString() : "0")),
                                                      (objdest.Xcpl != null ? new XElement(pf + "xCpl", objdest.Xcpl.ToString()) : null),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "xBairro", objdest.Xbairro.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "cMun", objdest.Cmun.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "xMun", objdest.Xmun.ToString()),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "UF", objdest.Uf.ToString()),
                                                      (objdest.Cep != null ? new XElement(pf + "CEP", objdest.Cep.ToString()) : null),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "cPais", objdest.Cpais.ToString()),
                                                      (objdest.Xpais != null ? new XElement(pf + "xPais", objdest.Xpais.ToString()) : null),
                                                     (objdest.Fone != null ? new XElement(pf + "fone", objdest.Fone.ToString()) : null)),
                                                  ((objdest.Ie != null) ? (objdest.Ie != "EXTERIOR" ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objdest.Ie.ToString()) : new XElement(pf + "IE")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 11/02/2010
                                                  (objdest.Isuf != null ? new XElement(pf + "ISUF", objdest.Isuf.ToString()) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Dest - " + x.Message);


                    #region Det
                    List<XElement> lcondet = new List<XElement>();
                        List<belDet> objdet = new List<belDet>();
                        objdet = i[4] as List<belDet>;
                        #region XML_Detalhes

                        foreach (var det in objdet)
                            XElement condet = (new XElement(pf + "det", new XAttribute("nItem", det.Nitem),
                                               new XElement(pf + "prod",
                                                   (det.belProd.Cprod != null ? new XElement(pf + "cProd", det.belProd.Cprod.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Cean != null ? new XElement(pf + "cEAN", det.belProd.Cean.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Xprod != null ? new XElement(pf + "xProd", det.belProd.Xprod.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Ncm != null ? new XElement(pf + "NCM", det.belProd.Ncm.ToString()) : new XElement(pf + "NCM", det.belProd.Ncm = "00000000")), //Claudinei - o.s. 24200 - 01/03/2010
                                                   (det.belProd.Extipi != null ? new XElement(pf + "EXTIPI", det.belProd.Extipi.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Genero != null ? new XElement(pf + "genero", det.belProd.Genero.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Cfop != null ? new XElement(pf + "CFOP", det.belProd.Cfop.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Ucom != null ? new XElement(pf + "uCom", det.belProd.Ucom.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Qcom != null ? new XElement(pf + "qCom", det.belProd.Qcom.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Vuncom != null ? new XElement(pf + "vUnCom", det.belProd.Vuncom.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Vprod != null ? new XElement(pf + "vProd", det.belProd.Vprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Ceantrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "cEANTrib", det.belProd.Ceantrib.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0')) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Utrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "uTrib", det.belProd.Utrib.ToString()) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Qtrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "qTrib", det.belProd.Qtrib.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   (det.belProd.Vuntrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "vUnTrib", det.belProd.Vuntrib.ToString("#0.0000").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   ((det.belProd.Vfrete != null) && (det.belProd.Vfrete != 0) ? new XElement(pf + "vFrete", det.belProd.Vfrete.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   ((det.belProd.Vseg != null) && (det.belProd.Vseg != 0) ? new XElement(pf + "vSeg", det.belProd.Vseg.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   (((det.belProd.Vdesc != null) && (det.belProd.Vdesc != 0)) ? new XElement(pf + "vDesc", det.belProd.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                   ((det.belProd.VOutro != null) && (det.belProd.VOutro != 0) ? new XElement(pf + "vOutro", det.belProd.VOutro.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //NFe_2.0 
                                                   (det.belProd.IndTot != null) ? new XElement(pf + "indTot", det.belProd.IndTot.ToString()) : null), //NFe_2.0

                                               new XElement(pf + "imposto",


                                                   new XElement(pf + "ICMS",


                                                       (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00 != null ?
                                                       new XElement(pf + "ICMS00",
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms00.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS10",
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 11/03/2010
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Picmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms10.Vicmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS20",
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Predbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Predbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms20.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS30",
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. sem - 12/03/2010
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Picmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Picmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vicmsst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMSST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms30.Vicmsst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS40",
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.Vicms.ToString()) : null), //NFe_2.0
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.motDesICMS != null ? new XElement(pf + "motDesICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms40.motDesICMS.ToString()) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0


                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS41",
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.Vicms.ToString()) : null),//NFe_2.0
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.motDesICMS != null ? new XElement(pf + "motDesICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms41.motDesICMS.ToString()) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0


                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS50",
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                                (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.Vicms.ToString()) : null),//NFe_2.0
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.motDesICMS != null ? new XElement(pf + "motDesICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms50.motDesICMS.ToString()) : null)) : null),//NFe_2.0


                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS51",
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Cst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Modbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Modbc.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Predbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Predbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Picms != null ? new XElement(pf + "pICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Picms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Vicms != null ? new XElement(pf + "vICMS", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms51.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null),


                                                        (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms60 != null ?
                                                        new XElement(pf + "ICMS60",//Danner - o.s. sem - 12/03/2010
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Orig != null ? new XElement(pf + "orig", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Orig.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Cst != null ? new XElement(pf + "CST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms60.Cst.ToString()) : null),
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                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "modBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Modbcst.ToString()) : null),
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Pmvast != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "pMVAST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Pmvast.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. 24076 - 01/02/2010
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Predbcst.ToString() != "0" ? new XElement(pf + "pRedBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Predbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null), //Claudinei - o.s. 24076 - 01/02/2010
                                                            (det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vbcst != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBCST", det.belImposto.belIcms.belIcms90.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
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                                                               new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN102.CSOSN.ToString())) : null),

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                                                               new XElement(pf + "CSOSN", det.belImposto.belIcms.belICMSSN900.CSOSN.ToString())) : null)),
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                                         new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", det.belImposto.belCofins.belCofinsoutr.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null)) : null),


                                 (det.belImposto.belIss != null ?
                                 new XElement(pf + "ISSQN",
                                     (det.belImposto.belIss.Vbc != null ? new XElement(pf + "vBC", det.belImposto.belIss.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                     (det.belImposto.belIss.Valiq != null ? new XElement(pf + "vAliq", det.belImposto.belIss.Valiq.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                     (det.belImposto.belIss.Vissqn != null ? new XElement(pf + "vISSQN", det.belImposto.belIss.Vissqn.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                     (det.belImposto.belIss.Cmunfg != null ? new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", det.belImposto.belIss.Cmunfg.ToString()) : null),
                                     (det.belImposto.belIss.Clistserv != null ? new XElement(pf + "cListServ", det.belImposto.belIss.Clistserv.ToString()) : null),
                                     (det.belImposto.belIss.cSitTrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "cSitTrib", det.belImposto.belIss.cSitTrib.ToString()) : null)) : null)), // NFe_2.0 Tratar item


                                 (det.belInfadprod != null ?
                                 (det.belInfadprod.Infadprid != null ? new XElement(pf + "infAdProd", det.belInfadprod.Infadprid.ToString()) : null) : null))); //Danner - o.s. sem -21/12/2009

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Detalhes - " + x.Message);

                    XContainer contotal;

                        belTotal objtotal = i[5] as belTotal;
                        #region XML_Total

                        contotal = (new XElement(pf + "total",
                                                (objtotal.belIcmstot != null ? new XElement(pf + "ICMSTot",
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vBC", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),//Danner - o.s. 24271 - 15/03/2010
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vICMS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vicms.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vBCST", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vbcst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vST", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vst.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vProd", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vprod.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vFrete", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vfrete.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vSeg", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vseg.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vDesc", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vII", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vii.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vIPI", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vipi.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vPIS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vOutro", objtotal.belIcmstot.Voutro.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                      new XElement(pf + "vNF", objtotal.belIcmstot.Vnf.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null),

                                                (objtotal.belIssqntot != null ? new XElement(pf + "ISSQNtot",
                                                    new XElement(pf + "vServ", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vserv.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                    new XElement(pf + "vBC", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vbc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                    new XElement(pf + "vISS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Viss.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                    (objtotal.belIssqntot.Vpis != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vPIS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                    (objtotal.belIssqntot.Vcofins != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vCOFINS", objtotal.belIssqntot.Vcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null)));
                        //(objtotal.belRetTrib != null ? new XElement(pf + "retTrib",
                        //                                   new XElement(pf + "vRetPIS", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vretpis.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                        //                                   new XElement(pf + "vRetCOFINS", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vretcofins.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                        //                                   new XElement(pf + "vRetCSLL", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vretcsll.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                        //                                   new XElement(pf + "vBCIRRF", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vbcirrf.ToString("#0.00"),
                        //                                   new XElement(pf + "vIRRF", objtotal.belRetTrib.Virrf.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                        //                                   new XElement(pf + "vBCRetPrev", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vbcretprev.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")),
                        //                                   new XElement(pf + "vRetPrev", objtotal.belRetTrib.Vretprev.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", "."))) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Total - " + x.Message);
                    //Fim - Total

                    XContainer contransp;
                    belTransp objtransp;
                        objtransp = i[6] as belTransp;
                        #region XML_Transporte

                        contransp = (new XElement(pf + "transp",
                                                   new XElement(pf + "modFrete", objtransp.Modfrete.ToString()),
                                                   new XElement(pf + "transporta",
                                                       (objtransp.belTransportadora.Cnpj != null ? new XElement(pf + "CNPJ", objtransp.belTransportadora.Cnpj.ToString()) :
                                                                                                   (objtransp.belTransportadora.Cpf != null ? new XElement(pf + "CPF", objtransp.belTransportadora.Cpf.ToString()) : null)),
                                                       (objtransp.belTransportadora.Xnome != null ? new XElement(pf + "xNome", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xnome.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (objtransp.belTransportadora.Ie != null ? new XElement(pf + "IE", objtransp.belTransportadora.Ie.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (objtransp.belTransportadora.Xender != null ? new XElement(pf + "xEnder", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xender.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (objtransp.belTransportadora.Xmun != null ? new XElement(pf + "xMun", objtransp.belTransportadora.Xmun.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (objtransp.belTransportadora.Uf != null ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belTransportadora.Uf.ToString()) : null)),
                (objtransp.belRetTransp != null ? (new XElement(pf + "retTransp",
                                                       new XElement(pf + "vServ", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vserv.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "vBCRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vbvret.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "pICMSRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Picmsret.ToString()),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "vICMSRet", objtransp.belRetTransp.Vicmsret.ToString("#0.00").Replace(',', '.')),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "CFOP", objtransp.belRetTransp.Cfop.ToString()),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "cMunFG", objtransp.belRetTransp.Cmunfg.ToString()))) : null),
                (objtransp.belVeicTransp != null ? (new XElement(pf + "veicTransp",
                                                       (objtransp.belVeicTransp.Placa != null ? new XElement(pf + "placa", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Placa.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (objtransp.belVeicTransp.Uf != null ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Uf.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (objtransp.belVeicTransp.Rntc != null ? new XElement(pf + "RNTC", objtransp.belVeicTransp.Rntc.ToString()) : null))) : null),
                   (objtransp.belReboque != null ? new XElement(pf + "reboque",
                                                       (objtransp.belReboque.Placa != null ? new XElement(pf + "placa", objtransp.belReboque.Placa.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (objtransp.belReboque.Uf != null ? new XElement(pf + "UF", objtransp.belReboque.Uf.ToString()) : null),
                                                       (objtransp.belReboque.Rntc != null ? new XElement(pf + "RNTC", objtransp.belReboque.Rntc.ToString()) : null)) : null),
                       (objtransp.belVol != null ? new XElement(pf + "vol",
                                                       new XElement(pf + "qVol", objtransp.belVol.Qvol.ToString("#")),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "esp", objtransp.belVol.Esp.ToString()),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "marca", objtransp.belVol.Marca.ToString()),
                                                       (objtransp.belVol.Nvol != null ? new XElement(pf + "nVol", objtransp.belVol.Nvol.ToString()) : null),//Danner - o.s. 24385 - 26/04/2010
                                                       new XElement(pf + "pesoL", objtransp.belVol.PesoL.ToString("#0.000").Replace(",", ".")),
                                                       new XElement(pf + "pesoB", objtransp.belVol.PesoB.ToString("#0.000").Replace(",", "."))) : null),
                   (objtransp.belLacres != null ? new XElement(pf + "lacres",
                                                       new XElement(pf + "nLacre", "")) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Regiao XML_Transporte - " + x.Message);
                    //Fim - Frete

                    XContainer concobr;
                    belCobr objcob;
                        objcob = i[7] as belCobr;
                        belGerarXML BuscaConexao = new belGerarXML();
                        #region XML_Cobrança
                        concobr = (new XElement(pf + "cobr",
                                                  new XElement(pf + "fat",
                                                      new XElement(pf + "nFat", objcob.belFat.Nfat.ToString()),
                                                      (objcob.belFat.Vorig != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vOrig", objcob.belFat.Vorig.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                      (objcob.belFat.Vdesc != null && objcob.belFat.Vdesc != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vDesc", objcob.belFat.Vdesc.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null),
                                                      (objcob.belFat.Vliq != 0 ? new XElement(pf + "vLiq", objcob.belFat.Vliq.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)),
                                                      (objcob.belFat.belDup != null ? from dup in objcob.belFat.belDup
                                                                                      select new XElement(pf + "dup", new XElement(pf + "nDup", dup.Ndup.ToString()),
                                                                                             new XElement(pf + "dVenc", dup.Dvenc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
                                                                                             (BuscaConexao.nm_Cliente != "LORENZON" ? new XElement(pf + "vDup", dup.Vdup.ToString("#0.00").Replace(",", ".")) : null)) : null)));

                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML, Region XML_Cobrança - " + x.Message);
                    //Fim - Duplicata

                    XContainer conobs;
                    belInfAdic objobs;
                        objobs = i[8] as belInfAdic;
                        #region XML_Obs
                        conobs = new XElement(pf + "infAdic",
                                                    (objobs.Infcpl != null ?
                                                    new XElement(pf + "infCpl", objobs.Infcpl.ToString()) : null));
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na geração do XML,Regiao XML_Obs - " + x.Message);
                    //Fim - Obs

                    //Uniao dos Containers

                        if (concobr != null)
                            if (objobs.Infcpl != null)
                            if (objobs.Infcpl != null)

                        foreach (XElement x in lcondet)
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro na montagem do XML, União dos Containers - " + x.Message);
                        AssinaNFeXml Assinatura = new AssinaNFeXml();
                        string nfe = Assinatura.ConfigurarArquivo(concabec.ToString(), "infNFe", cert);
                        XElement xnfe = XElement.Parse(nfe);
                        XDocument xdocsalvanfesemlot = new XDocument(xnfe);

                        DirectoryInfo dPastaData = new DirectoryInfo(glob.LeRegConfig("PastaXmlEnvio").ToString() + "\\" + sNFe.Substring(5, 4));
                        if (!dPastaData.Exists) { dPastaData.Create(); }
                        if (sFormaEmiNFe.Equals("2"))
                            xdocsalvanfesemlot.Save(glob.LeRegConfig("PastaContingencia").ToString() + "\\" + sNFe.Replace("NFe", "") + "-nfe.xml");
                            xdocsalvanfesemlot.Save(glob.LeRegConfig("PastaXmlEnvio").ToString() + "\\" + sNFe.Substring(5, 4) + "\\" + sNFe.Replace("NFe", "") + "-nfe.xml"); // OS_25024
                        //StreamWriter swnfe = new StreamWriter(glob.LeRegWin("PastaXmlEnvio").ToString() + "\\" + sNFe.Replace("NFe", "") + "-nfe.xml");
                    catch (Exception x)
                        throw new Exception("Nota de Sequência - " + sNota + "Erro ao assinar a nfe de sequencia " + sNota + x.Message);


                //Concatenando as NFes.
                string sXmlComp = "";
                //Junta todos os XML's em texto 
                foreach (var i in nfes)
                    sXmlComp = sXmlComp + i;
                //Estou inserindo o enviNFe pois se eu transformar o arquivo xml assinado em xml e depois em testo usando um toString,
                //a assinatura se torna invalida. Então depois de assinado do trabalho em forma de testo como xml ateh envia-lo pra fazenda.                        
                sXmlfull = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><enviNFe xmlns=\"http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe\" versao=\"2.00\"><idLote>" +
                            sNomeArq.Substring(7, 15) + "</idLote>" + sXmlComp + "</enviNFe>";

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(sPath);

                #region Valida_Xml

                Globais getschema = new Globais();

                //string sXml = File.OpenText(sPath).ReadToEnd();

                XmlSchemaCollection myschema = new XmlSchemaCollection();

                XmlValidatingReader reader;

                //Danner - o.s. 23732 - 06/11/2009

                    XmlParserContext context = new XmlParserContext(null, null, "", XmlSpace.None);

                    reader = new XmlValidatingReader(sXmlfull, XmlNodeType.Element, context);

                    myschema.Add("http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/nfe", getschema.LeRegConfig("PastaSchema") + "\\enviNFe_v2.00.xsd");

                    reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;


                    while (reader.Read())


                catch (XmlException x)
                    throw new Exception(x.Message);
                catch (XmlSchemaException x)
                    throw new Exception(x.Message);

                //Fim - Danner - o.s. 23732 - 06/11/2009


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            finally { Conn.Close(); }
Пример #35
 internal XdrValidator(XmlValidatingReaderImpl reader, XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection, IValidationEventHandling?eventHandling) : base(reader, schemaCollection, eventHandling)